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HOLO takeoff. Maybe it'll reach .70 before they slaughter it.

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HOLO Reversal?

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MicroCloud Hologram Inc ticker HOLO, great entry point. Everyday good Ai news

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A quick synopsis on an interesting healthcare company - Surgalign (SRGA)

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A deep dive into Surgalign's (SRGA) healthcare technology


HOLO back on the table


HOLO received the greenlight go 100x


Okay, I'm finally on the $HOLO train for 100 shares, hope it makes me enough to go out for a nice dinner.


How's HOLO Yolo guy doing?


as I said yesterday, HOLO moves in a way that makes absolutely no sense to me. It has these big 📈 or 📉 days without any news to drive it lol


What makes you think they won't dilute given the higher prices seen in the past few weeks. That's what happened with HOLO, MLGO and now CTNT. Doesn't really make sense to buy something being up 300% already.

Holding $HOLO $PHUN through the recession. I picked them up nice and low. But the whole stockmarket has been in the red lately... We must be patient.


God I want $HOLO to 100X so bad


Idk I bought $HOLO because every 6 months it’s done a 10,000% short squeeze


MicroCloud Hologram (HOLO) 😂🤣


just got me some HOLO riding this shit out with yall


If you looked up my previous post you would see my positions I had in ffie and that I never had any in Holo. And I do think holo will pop but if you don’t think so then don’t get in stay out and behind that keyboard where your safe. Gtfo lol I bet this is your highlight of the day saying you had a disagreement with someone you know nothing about that you have never meet 😂 bro get a life a real life. And HOLO to the moon. 😂


HOLO is boring. It explodes/Short Squeezes every August/September and Jan/Feb to > $100. Where is the fun in that?


Dammn sounds so good. Unfortunately i’m 18 so i need to wait until 21 but damn i missed some big option plays . Being in $HOLO for example with a 4000% with only +-10$ in is free lotto


Hoping for a HOLO pop


MLGO is it for a quick play by EOW… maybe next week at most HOLO is being played - they know the bag holder % is YUGE . Gonna take months to get back to a buck. Soooooo diluted


HOLO anyday now.


HOLO is big


ALLR and HOLO rockets getting boarded, get your seat now or never


HOLO is dead isn’t it?


$HOLO is the bagholder-maker-3000


I’m watching HOLO & MAXN, what’s going on with MULN?

I Like $HOLO its getting ready. But I think $MULN it about to pop for real. It is bouncing off the ATR4 building pressure

I’m looking at HOLO it ticked up today out of nowhere and it could go 🚀 crazy here shortly good luck on your pick hope you make it big 🙏


HOLO expectations between $30-$45. If over $80 I’ll loose my fkn mind


It’s a gamble lol HOLO also doesn’t trust you ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6895)


$HOLO is the play.


that's wise, don't put too much money into HOLO. I sometime swing trade dividend stocks that I like, I can't lose, if it doesn't go up too much or down a little then doesn't matter because I am happy to add to my position. I do often with MPW and Cogent Communications. HOLO is not really a company its a glorified lottery ticket.


![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6887) at the time, it’s pulling back all the way down bro. I was getting heat for like 2 cents immediately. It’s getting back up now though and I’m keeping this overnight but I still don’t trust $HOLO


WDYM? HOLO is at .60 at the time im writng this. I stupidly bought back in at .65+ fractions of a cent but not a lot because I don't trust HOLO. It's movement is very weird & there was no news that ive seen that caused it to jump today?


Damn $HOLO is squeezing AH


What’s going on with $HOLO


Alright, I misclicked on my phone screen resulting long on 1300 shares of $HOLO at 54 cents. A shitty terrible fat finger but it’s what it’s. Not a lot so imma bag hold it for a while.


What are we *realistically* expected HOLO to reach? Like, $30?


![gif](giphy|GSbRkSrg1nz9K|downsized) HOLO for one more day


$HOLO is crazy


![gif](giphy|2w5fMcorvrUzw14LDZ|downsized) HOLO


HOLO popping off. MLGO too.


Why is HOLO rising so fast?


anyone holding HOLO? 💀


Focus on swing trade dont try to predict the market pick a stock that you like do a research and put some money, lock in your profits and take 25% of your profits to you the other continue to invest it may seems slow but it is worthy you will always have money to invest and you dont blown way your account dont go HOLO invest only 40% of your portfolio so you can have liquidity in your account


Wth HOLO 🙄


Going in AGBA, TMC, TGL and HOLO for a bounce



I hate that I sold it $2.10 2w ago, I held it for 3 months. Already then everyone knew they had Uber and Nvidia as backers but the stock didn’t move until now. So pity. Now I am holding out on MAXN and HOLO. Seems like I sold obvious too early


Like HOLO and MGLO are doing atm


Or it could be like MLGO or HOLO where they run premarket and dump to make new lows. Don't get caught in a volume trap.


Chief says $3...when? Well, you will be informed about exact day even we are listening about it every day that today is the day. HOLO was also predicted here with exact date so everyone could get in at $1.8...don't dare to do any dd about maxn! 


From the perspective of the post that was a lie intentional or not. The information you originally provided was not true. You can clear that up but by simply saying “I messed up” and I’ve see you’ve done that so no harm. It happens and I understand. I’m not casting anything onto you and I don’t care about your history in the slightest. That said posting “$HOLO $PHUN” without context isn’t all that helpful and makes you look a little fishy as those are huge hype stock. Especially coming in here as often as I’ve seen you and that’s all I’ve seen you post. I’m even a HOLO supporter.


Not true? You know what I was saying - I meant $PHUN - I mispoke because $HOLO has no relation on the election cycles.


There is no movement anymore, it's dilution. Hence why volume is up and price doesn't flinch. Also noticed there always the same amount of shares available to borrow every single day if not hour. It's dead like HOLO


That’s just not true lol. I won’t say one way or another on the election portion of things. But HOLO did not go up 50% after Monday open… not saying there isn’t money to be made buying and selling the consistent dips but not a good reason to lie and spread rumors.


HOLO, EOW anniversary from its historic spike


I wasn't wrong about it though. If you'd bought in before market open you would've made +50% on $HOLO on Monday. And election season is only getting started.


You must really like HOLO and PHUN. I see you in here every time I pop by and you’re saying the same thing.


Just miss $HOLO in your list


3,000 I don’t buy for anything higher 0.21 and will sell at what I think the highest value of the day and repeat. I do that for 2 stocks, HOLO and MAXN. I I do have a 10,000 share that I’m holding in each, just in case they do have a short squeeze.


$HOLO. This will be the golden age of $PHUN this quarter and the next.


Grab some HOLO while you're at it and join me 😆


Volume trap, similar to HOLO and MLGO


I’m holding ICU, GME, HOLO, and HUMA

What exactly is happening with $HOLO. Had we known about 2 runs, but since then, flat


Is HOLO coming back?


The most embarrassing thing in my portfolio is HOLO shares with an average cost of $5.89


HEAR ME OUT GUYS…. HOLO. ![gif](giphy|l0IykOsxLECVejOzm)


Anyone ready to lose more money with HOLO?


Tempus Ai and HOLO


Plan to lose all my money in HOLO cause it only goes down


Yes, MAXN is the golden play. A legit company that institutions started investing into like crazy over the past two weeks. They are restructuring. Been a capny for 39 years. Holds all kinds of patents. Sells 1 billion worth of solar panels each year globally. This is not a scam company like HOLO. I suggest you DD. This only has one way to go. Up


Welcome to the world of chinese scam stocks. I won't go into detail on how these work but there are many charts similar to what you see in September in HOLO. Good luck out there!


We are not in HOLO but its on our radar. Expecting 35%iah upside potential on this with a target between .76 and .82. Timeframe: This week


i don't think a 4.5 BILLION dollar company is a penny stock HOLO most def a penny stock. shit one at that but i like when it pumps


SPWR is a better play imo. And was here long before the MAXN spam. Take a look at my posts. People here just lose interest too quickly and move on to the next thing. It’s MAXN this week, was HOLO one week, before that was FFIE, and on and on, etc. The fact is that in the last week, SPWR increased by +30% with short interest declining by -12%. when there’s spam tickers, there’s usually more money to be made elsewhere. It’s funny too bc SPWR investors have stayed in and were even commenting that it seems like the more ignored it is, the higher it goes. 😆 So I guess keep ignoring it!

I'm thinking never nah jk I might put a small amount on HOLO in the future.


AEMD guy, HOLO guy, soon to be MAXN guy.... ALL GONE. Just me left holding SPWR, up 30% this week alone with short interest dropping, but I get like two upvotes bc no one cares. ![img](emote|t5_2qaj0q|6888)

Where's HOLO YOLO guy? Disappeared completely? Meanwhile I'm still here with my SPWR play, while everyone's moved on to MAXN.

its over for HOLO holders


$HOLO anyone? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


Hey! You take that back about HOLO! It's still real to me damit!!😡


THIS IS GOING TO BE EPIC!!!!!!! FFIE had less short interest and trading lower and.had less volume than MAXN has now when it squeezed!! DID I MENTION THAT MAXN IS A BILLION DOLLAR VOMPANY AND HAS BEEN AROUND FOR 39 YEARS AND HAS 3900 EMPLOYEES???!! Sorry for the caps!!! Also, did I mention that one year ago it was trading at its true valuation of $28!!!! I kid you not I really think this is going to blast past $10!!! It may go to $20 or $30 etc... Look what HOLO did and that company is fake and does not even have a public phone number!!! This may go to $50!! I have 150 .50 options contracts expiring 7-26, 9-20 and 12-20!! I have 30 $1 contracts!! This I think is going to be huge!! This company has over $1 BILLION in sales each year!! They are building 2 plants in the USA right now!!!

HOLO is a tricky one because careful


$HOLO I’m still kinda drawn to it even if it’s a proper shitty stock. Gotta need to snipe a psychological number for entry.


My MENSA brain translates this as “Buy HOLO”


hold on HOLO it might go down before it goes up


How many tomorrows $HOLO still needs?




Good luck. I wanted to come into this thread to trash your dreams and tell you how stupid you are for risking your money like this. But to be honest, this play isn't THAT bad. Not good enough for me to rush in and buy it (I don't think it will run personally), but not so terrible that I feel like putting out an iron clad guarantee that it'll fail like I did with AEMD and HOLO. It's basically a coin flip.


Nope it’s gonna go down even further, might reach 0.50 mark and lower, MAXN have a better chance of a short squeeze after their lawsuit, if they prevail than HOLO. And even still I’m hoping MAXN go down even further before I purchase for a mere 300$


Yes except HOLO and GDHG. Seems to me that people that push these are baggers


I think HOLO will have a another run but it will fly back down.


Hmm let's do some critical thinking here. Shorts, presumably people with advanced knowledge of how the markets work and access to privileged data are shorting the stock to 189% of the float. Clearly they must be setting themselves up for a big screwjob by retail day traders, right? Wrong. It's that bloody high because shorts are 100%, no, 1000% sure they will make money on HOLO. This isn't GME, betting on a dying company to collapse then getting caught by a bunch of zoomer traders stuck at home with COVID and access to free government money. The "shorts" on HOLO aren't real shorts. They are in the massively dilutive financing and will cover with shares they get from it. Shorting is merely the mechanism by which they take arbitrage profits on the backs of clueless suckers (like those who post pump posts here about HOLO at ever-lower prices). They are willing to pay a high CTB for a few weeks because that's just the cost of doing business for arbitrage profits.


After everything I witnessed with HOLO how it is a fake fraudulent company that passed NASDAQ scrutiny without even a phone number, I believe it. The stock market is run by crooks. If you think it is a legit no one stinks run ring, you are ignorant and naive.
