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Intel Corporation

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-7.14% Today

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The AI innovation storm has swept through CES 2024, The annual CES has become a Tech-Stage

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The AI innovation storm has swept through CES 2024, The annual CES has become a Tech-Stage

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Earnings & economic calendar

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First week of my trading life and I am YOLOing SOFI calls. Guys I think I really belong here.

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DD Hunters find INTC

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GOOGL April 19'24 $170 Calls - Up 100%... Thoughts?

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Closed my INTC puts, rolled into 600 NFLX $600 calls expiring next week

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Strangely the US wants to Intel to succeed but their price does not look that way

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51k yolo on PCE tomorrow - Personal Consumption Expenditures? Nah, Puts Conquering Everything!

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YOLO-ed 500 $47 puts on INTC, expiring tomorrow

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$INTC Earnings Thread

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INTC and VISA Earnings

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These are the stocks on my watchlist (1/25)

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Why I'm getting Tesla Puts, A Deep Dive into Earnings (A Must Read)

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A Deep Dive into Tesla's Earnings (A Must Read)

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My recent AMD vs INTC insight + 69% in 2 days

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What are you WHEELing?

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Everything you need to know about AMD in 8 bullet points, before the ER.

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Can someone help contextualize ARM versus AMD, NVDA, INTC, or other semiconductor companies

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Everything you need to know about AMD in 8 bullet points.

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AMD is Disrupting Nvidia.

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My attempt at DD for INTC in 2024

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Pick your 5 growth stocks for 2024

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INTC - train won’t stop

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To all the $INTC haters and future AMD bagholders

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$INTC Israels : 3.2Billion for a Western Worlds TSM. And that ASML NM Machine. 5nm, 3nm, 2nm coming. No More Taiwan TSM China Fear.

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INTC - hop on regards, going to $100

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Advice for diversifying portfolio

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$INTC CEO super salty and calls $NVDA AI dominance as "extraordinarily lucky"

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33K Bet

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AMD is Disrupting Nvidia.

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AMD is disrupting Nvidia

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AMD is disrupting Nvidia

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Intel Corporation: INTC’s Latest Strides and Challenges

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Puts on $INTC. Intel Meteor Lake Analysis - Core Ultra 7 155H only convinces with GPU performance

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$INTC Jan $42.50 calls?

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Is Intel having it's "jump the shark" moment?

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What to look for when comparing two similar stocks you'd like to invest in

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Is INTC (Intel) undervalued?

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Intell stocks

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Please don't flame me. What is your take on $CRSR - Corsair Gaming?

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Intel my fav lil bich

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Undervalued NASDAQ Stocks To Buy Now - $SVRE $AMZN $INTC $EVGO $CSCO

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I need funds and am going to sell a stock in my portfolio: HELP!

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analyze chart - sold INTC at yesterdays +7% intraday

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Novice Options question: Exercise early or not

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ENPH PUTS! I’m the same dude who flipped INTC puts yesterday!

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VOO + AAPL + MSFT + Googl + AMZN + INTC for the next 5 years?

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Intel in Lead to Get Billions for Secure Defense-Chip Facilities

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Intel Stock is it really worth it

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Baidu reveals its first quantum field big model

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Baidu reveals its first quantum field big model

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INTC has Chip fabs in Israel

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Bear Feast 2023

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Intel is the new GE

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WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI) developed its AI computing technology

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Intel to The MOON!!! Discussion

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Weekly Candle Watch: $INTC

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INTC should be the shit that comes out of the ass

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Should I exit Intel as soon as it reaches my break even price?

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Follow up on the INTC breakout post.

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Intel (INTC) breaking out

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Put call ratio and price action

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INTC looking positive

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AI computing power requirements of GPT-4: WIMI accelerates the integration of AI and big mod

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Genuine Thoughts on Intel (INTC)

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INTC: Employee SPP hits August 22nd (when everyone auto-sells)

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Intc swing Idea

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First portfolio draft

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WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI) subverts innovative human-computer interaction technology

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The Discovery of the Century - How to make money off it

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Big Earnings week pt 2

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Intel $INTC earnings beat expectations which is good news for Apple $AAPL, Qualcomm $QCOM, and AMD $AMD

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Intel - not overvalued amid this euphoric market

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Intel surges as Q2 results show PC rebound underway, strong guidance

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Intel surges as Q2 results show PC rebound underway, strong guidance

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INTC 7/28 Strangle

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Long time lurker, first time betting. Waiting for INTC earning call tomorrow

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IT'S THE BIG ONE - What to do for META's earnings tonight!

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Why you should never invest in INTC (Intel)

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What are some stocks that worth selling covered calls?

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Managing expectations

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$T, $VZ, $F, $ABT, $PARA, $INTC, $C, $UPS cut bait on loss or DCA to get even?

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TSM earnings 'money glitch' update

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INTC was a poor choice🤦‍♂️

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INTC looking like a BUY

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Starting to Regret Individual Stocks

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INTC $50k yolo 🚀

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Dow Jones today: Markets sputter to start a shortened week.


You sure? Didn't you read the via oxidation issue? What makes you think the voltage bug is not a byproduct of that? The via issue is more fundamental. A simple code will not change that...INTC is a gone case. .![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


IWM? This is WSB my youngins. I bought UWM in 2020 before the rip. Bought a few TNAs that got BTFO in 2021. Doubled down on both since 2022/23. Still adding in 24. The mistake most folks on WSB make is that they believe stocks always go up or mean revert: Did PYPL ever go back up to 2021 levels? How many of those 9999 SPACS did? Would TWTR be +$80 today if Elon didn't buy it? INTC was >$70 in 1999 and has never reached back to that price. How many folks really believe GME will go back to $500? But market indexes do eventually revert and do constantly go up (even giga-bubbles like Japan that took 40 years eventually hit new highs. China's SSE peaked in 2007 and only gone down since. Have fun baggies.) The Russell has been in a long underperformance against the SPY and will eventually balance out even if it could be years. Main thing it has going for it is that the SPY/QQQ have already gone beyond their 2021 ATHs meanwhile R2K is still below it. Safer bet to bet R2K in the long run since it is more likely it hits new ATHs than it is to hit new ATLs.

>Chip Stocks Are Bottoming, Including $NVDA. >Looks at my INTC Man... FU.


INTC looks priced in for gain


Well I am not bearish on AMD. You know Asians are more pragmatic…leadership like Lisa most likely works on the next innovation without creating a buzz. That’s how they beat INTC. Intel is like GM, they require huge government subsidies to survive. When the chip act ends and the corporate socialism ends, INTEL is over


When I started seeing paid ads for AMD and INTC last week on every website, I knew something was up.


Comment downvoted as INTC went from $37 to $31, which is a 20% down movement, just shows this sub is full of bad traders.


I'd rather go for the low hanging fruit, INTC puts next week.


FFS, INTC's 1m chart looks like a microcap stock ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Ok 5 year horizon. What are some potential ten baggers over the next 5 years, in your opinion? I'll go first.  SYM, INTC, MSTR

Do I buy 100 8/2  INTC 45C. I think I should 


Buy INTC puts.....thats free money....![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


INTC calls for earnings is the single stupidest thing I could do, so I'm going to do it


VFC, BABA, PYPL, INTC, CPS, GOOS and my speculative pick ASTS. Looking to add some DIS soon. I started investing 3 months ago and have 15% returns so far. Rotated from tech (sp500 IT sector) to these individual smaller caps before the mag7 crashed. Avoided huge losses and gained small profits meanwhile

You should have known the top was on when shit ass INTC popped 10+% in a day. That's your sell sign


Going to buy my INTC earnings plays tomorrow, then on to NVDA earnings play.


Am I regarded for considering full porting INTC calls


from what i see, they're less in competition with NVDA and more so with INTC. i wouldn't say they "didn't do anything." - their Ryzen processors are incredibly popular and have only gotten better since they came out. AMD had a solid run up throughout COVID then had a correction during the worries about inflation in '22 and has climbed back up since then.

MU trading at 107 - good lord. I hope too many people didn't fall for the nonsense that a very competitive, low profit margin, highly commoditized business would suddenly deserve to trade at NVDA PE levels. See also: DELL, INTC, AMD, QCOM, NXP, etc.

That's kinda unfair, INTC had some banger products in the early 2010s, they were untouchable 


>This issue only affects consumer CPUs. Server CPUs, where Intel makes there money Tell me you have never read an INTC 10-Q without telling me


Hello INTC


I feel bad for you but INTC is a trash company with a barely tradable stock, simple as that


Bagholding INTC calls since the pump after 🥭 comments about taiwan. Down 85% and since they are dated past earnings, going to hold and hope for a hail marry. They are the only open position in my port thats not deep in the profit 😭


anyone know why the semi stocks are taking a beating this past week? NVDA, AMD, INTC all getting killed this past week.

From the brief look I had at various media reports over the last few months, there seem to be up to 3 separate issues (an OP likely mentions them, couldn't be bothered to read that wall of text): * excessive voltage - initially blamed on mobo producers but the issue is murky at best, the theory is that this is what the microcode fix will address ? * communication ring design flaw - jury is still out although I've seen it mentioned couple of times and if it's a timing sensitive one it would make sense that high end models are more likely to experience this * oxidization - manufacturing process flaw that, according to intel, was fixed in 2023 - problem is they didn't bother to let anyone know This will be tricky to navigate but is recoverable. Their bottom line will suffer no matter what they do. The problem I see with puts is that INTC didn't pump at all on AI, and they will be supported by US administration, no matter who wins the election. On top of that AMD just delayed Ryzen 9000 launch due to "insufficient quality", catching this a week before the release doesn't instill confidence in their quality assurance process, and Intel isn't above smearing competition. They will spin it as positive (see, others also have problems, our market share isn't shrinking anytime soon) and the stock will hover around current price for months.


INTC really does suck shit.


Someone should check on the INTC “remember me” dude


Some counterpoints: 1) Problem is only with 13/14 gen CPUs, and a fix plus agreeing to accept RMAs will see this blow over quickly. 2) INTC is already down a lot and is trading at low forward P/E and P/S ratios, I see limited downside from here 3) Lots of positive catalysts going in 2024/2025, new GPUs, new Foundry nodes, etc. 4) Intel Foundry is critical to US manufacturing, they won't let it fail just like they won't let Boeing fail.


INTC puts gonna print so hard next week.


Very knowledgeable, technical overclockers like [buildzoid]( are doubting 13th/14th gen degradation issues can be fixed via microcode, and it's potentially a design flaw with the L3 cache ring. The real question is - if INTC is continued to be seen as a value play for semi exposure, it could pump regardless of Intel incompetence. If NVDA continues to pump, INTC puts will not print


INTC for me.. and I own disney.


So you get how everyone can eat right now. It’s a shame what’s happened to INTC, they could have continued to dominate the market if they kept it together.


I grew up career-wise in Intel fabs. ;-) Funny that INTC buys x86 chips manufactured by TSMC now. Grove must be rolling over in his grave


This why i bought more shares tbh, rather have some bad Qs because of capex than end up with a dud like INTC or BA


YOLO portfolio into INTC calls


Should have taken my INTC call gains when the orange man made it pop for one day.


no worse than TSMC, AMD, TSLA, NVDA..Meta fares better than all I've mentioned plus INTC dropping hard

Homeboy said INTC at $33 was the cheapest we’d ever see it again. Homeboy was wrong. I didn’t bite but I know at least one of you did 🤣


2 weeks are up today .. It pains me I was right about INTC. Now you know why everyone hates the ticker . I hope you either sold or you have lots of patience because it will be a while before it goes up again


Hey r/MarsInvest did I miss the INTC rocket to the moon or today the *actual* last day to board Remember meeeeeee


INTC anyone…?


what would you rather hold for 3 years? BABA or INTC![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


That was exactly my play with INTC thinking that we need a US company in that critical sector - but it keeps tanking lol


!banbet INTC 37 15d


INTC calls expiring next week, fuck 0DTEs at least go a week out


Awaiting earth shattering INTC news for literally no reason ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Microprocessors are down. INTC AMD ARM and PLTR is hot!!!

Someone really trying to pump INTC?


Will you shut the fuck about INTC already, damn


Five more minutes. This is the final call to buy your INTC calls before it gets volatile. Please take profits on the way up. Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


10 minutes…that’s it. That’s all the time you have to buy your INTC calls for a discount. I’ll share one more message in five minutes. After that, I’ll trust that what’s done is done and who is here is here. Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Why 19 mins? What’s today with INTC?


$33 is the absolute best price possible for INTC anymore, 19 minutes left for calls


I can assure you all I won’t be saying INTC any where near as often tomorrow (July 24 2024) and on, you’ll see enough people talking about it. You can NOT say I didn’t share with you. Last 27 minutes to get in on INTC calls


The best I can do to prove to you what about to happen with INTC: NVDA is about to travel from 123 to 121 to close the day. Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Fuck no, INTC always shits de bed


This is your last entry for INTC. You’re welcome or not. Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


The last. 37 minutes…for INTC calls…. Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


INTC Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) IV is about to get hawt (July 24 2024)


THIS IS THE LAST HOUR FOR INTC CALLS PLEASE DON’T MISS THIS ONE! Remember me 👽![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

INTC making a late day run....can it spike overnight and at open tomorrow?


!banbet INTC 45 October 1


How many times should I say it? IT IS THE LAST HOUR FOR CALLS ON INTC


THIS IS THE LAST HOUR TO BUY YOUR CALLS BEFORE IT GETS SPICY INTC INTC INTC INTC I tried warning you ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) Feels like June 28th all over when I was talking about TSLA

INTC's mom said she isn't mad, just disappointed.


Today is the last day for INTC, I’m sorry to NVDA holders, you’re going to be sideways for a bit


Another day of INTC being a heaping pile of shit that it is why am I not surprised


Hereeee we go! Watch the chart INTC ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Last call for INTC, we’re about to go to 33.50 and not come back for a very, very long time.


Semi stocks are down, that means INTC is going to fly right...inverse trade lol


Here’s a hint: Disney & FOX, TMUS & Sprint, Broadcom & VMware, Amazon & MGM, Salesforce & slack, AMD & Xilinx, NVDA & ARM, Microsoft & Activision “X” & INTC

Today is the last day to get in on INTC


I warned you all about TSLA. I hope you’ll listen to me when I tell you INTC will close August ‘24 at $45+, presidential candidates will use “The Race of AI” to their campaigns advantage, the beginning of the month brings tension with Asian countries and investors begin cycling money into stocks who have little to no dependence on countries outside of the USA. This trend continues until February of ‘25 when the world comes together for a common enemy. Make your money to support the family and your loved ones in times to come.


Call INTC and MSFT


> The broadest and likely “safest” are going to be TSM and QQQ. Personally I’m in a position where I’m deep in TSM and TQQQ, hedged with INTC. /r/wallstreetbets

lmfao INTC regards getting cucked AGAIN ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Thanks INTC for your shitty ass 14th gen cpu that lags with multiple reddit tabs open


Had people laughing at my INTC and NKE monthly calls. Guess who’s laughing now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Silent? Didn't Intel say they have no idea what's causing the issue a month ago then went radio silence since? Now even newly shipped [laptop chips are crashing]( Gelsinger nnouncing TSMC is making their 15th gen chips makes all the sense in the world now if they were really selling defective chips from their shit fabs to recoup money. Now with companies starting to [accuse Intel of knowingly selling defective chips]( coupled with negative cash flow, we're probably just a few more months away from INTC declaring Chapter 11 reorganization to avoid actual bankruptcy, then restructure with government aid like what Ford did. The beauty of it is retail INTC bagholders are probably the only ones that's going to get fucked


I like it, my kids have a lot of INTC


Arguably if you're pro-US chip production then INTC is the trade. Yeah there's a LOT of headwinds for the overseas chip manufacturers, I really don't see another catalyst except for GAI at this point since the projections for production are already sky high.


Thoughts on INTC? In the near term ?


![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)definitely not INTC's fault!


Holy sh’t, wtf INTC, can’t you get anything right goddammit, at this rate, buying at $300 for TSLA will be considered low vs $30 now for INTC


Replace with INTC?


Tf is INTC doing. Pick a direction


INTC is inverse market today


Some businesses have such a head start and large moat that it takes a special kind of stupid to ruin them. Here’s looking at you INTC + DIS


Someone actually decent and constructive countered my thought that INTC > NVDA. Does anyone actually think Nvidia won't meet competition? It's in plain sight, it's Intel. Long suffering (and deserved) but, they're emerging...with while to the alternative. Name one other?


INTC long term play


Nah, I'm 40+ and remember the dot com bubble burst. Intel was one of those hulking dipshit companies that made you resent it. Life and the market sent them to the room on punishment. But now they've emerged humbled, and with greater backing than NVDA. I'm no brand tool with interest in either...yet. But I think INTC is cheaper smarter play to own in stock or far option for pennies. NVDA will have a competition, it's Intel


INTC is fucked right now.


INTC > nvda


Sysadmin sub is saying it was a mistake. That said, I wouldn't want to touch INTC at this point either. One of the suggested reasons for the failure was the widespread instability and degridation issues that 13th and 14th gen Intel chips are experiencing. Allegedly, the update could peg the cpu at 90%+ for duration, which could have been long enough for a faulty i5/i7/i9 to BDOS.


INTC is worth more than NVDA EOD End Of Decade


I, my hand to whatev you deem sacred, have NO vested interest in Intel. Not 1 share, not 1 option. I'm just bored to tears with NVDA. Hold on my person. As of this sec. NVDA has no competition. But it's in plain sight, INTC. They're the only semi on planet that can run. The rest power calculators.
