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Reddit Posts


RDDT Gonna get cooked when the typical AI, Generative AI buzzword won’t work


can RDDT fucking go green


[]( for more ideas and daily alerts :) HINT: Use code RDDT for a free month!


I like how Reddit AI Ads are showing me solutions for "pelvic and tailbone pain" ---- very helpful RDDT 4K


Even if RDDT isn't around I think the world will be worse, lol.


Puts on RDDT


Elon so fucking pissed people talking shit about him and TSLA Elon selling TSLA shares and taking out a loan to buy RDDT to perma ban TSLA shit talkers 


RDDT trash site


That's how I feel about my RDDT. I want to use some of that money after the Aug 6, earnings call, but my instincts are saying forget about it for a decade.


I own some shares of RDDT, but often have worries it can just tank to 0 because I feel like the hype is all about it potentially getting monetized. Are there any other upsides??


GOOGL, META, AMZN, RDDT, maybe a couple others

My RDDT position is green, we are so back ^((port still down 7k on the day))


Bought some RDDT like a good regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


RDDT double downnnn


BSX, AZTR, RDDT... but TSLA dragging down entire ai market and nasdaq with it... don't let tsla drag down entire ai market! tesla *not* lead in ai! just biggest self-advertising / loudest mouth!!

$WMT, $RDDT, $IBM. $25 - $100 cost range. Better if there is dividends.


[]( for more ideas and daily alerts :) HINT: Use code RDDT for a free month!


Elon is going to sell TSLA shares to buy RDDT and perma ban anyone talking shit about Elon and TSLA 


RDDT hasn’t dropped, 🚀 to the MOON!!!


RDDT must be using CRWD shit


Why is every comment here posted multiple times.. puts on RDDT?


RDDT servers are ass. jesus this is every day


Monday: made a few with RDDT then switched off to MIRA during extended-hours hoping for some of the spike (synthetic ketamine, huh?), lost a few this morning; switched to even-shares clutch of: EMR, MKSI, CNI, GATX (on news), smaller-share of TUSK (on gain)

Might get RDDT shares so I can go around scolding other users. Shut up! You're hurting RDDT with your shit comments and posts! Stop hurting the shareholders!


Only solid play is RDDT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Puts on RDDT. Front page going to be all politics for the next 4 months.


[]( for more ideas and daily alerts :) HINT: Use code RDDT for a free month!


Can confirm these same two guys said the exact same thing about RDDT.


CAVA, ARM, RDDT 3 recent IPOs that did the opposite of what you're suggesting. maybe you're the teenage regard expert?

We said the same thing for RDDT and ARM. Both of them keep ripping btw.


Who's looking at RDDT right now and being like "yeah that's great value" ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


!banbet RDDT 73 4d


Cramer says to buy PINS and RDDT “hand over fist “ for their advertising revenue. Do with that as you will……


I can’t believe this sub is so bitter at $RDDT they won’t even mention todays deal haha


I feel like RDDT has been so undervalued considering its potential


Calls on RDDT


What did they ban you for? Puts on $RDDT


Tried to sell Verizon this morning at 40 something And move to SCHW or RDDT. At least I made a bunch off the SERV pseudo IPO


[]( for more ideas and daily alerts :) HINT: Use code RDDT for a free month!


RDDT guy a NBA and NFL deal today too. NFL, NBA, GOOGL, OpenAi deal. All within like 4 months of going public. How is this not a buy lmao?


All I know is that RDDT is more addictive than cigarettes and I say this as an ex-smoker.


RDDT saving my Port $$$


RDDT low key making those media deals $$$


RDDT calls


Very bullish, I think. Some other commenters on my RDDT posts mentioned how big Reddit discussion is for the NFL. Apparently it brings a lot of users. This partnership bringing more sports fans and keeping them engaged will be interesting to see. The NFL apparently saw business with Reddit as a good thing, and I think that in itself is a good thing :)


Reddit struck deals with sports leagues including the NFL, NBA and MLB to get videos and other content for its social media site Reddit will reportedly use the content to draw advertisers and then share the revenue it generates with the sports leagues - The Information Calls on RDDT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


If RDDT wants to moon, just announce they are doing a deal with Chipotle, trade in your karma for a free burrito.


I'm buying RDDT because Dems clearly pumped loads of money into advertising!


Time to dump RDDT and buy DJT? The woke echo chamber will die out slowly?


Reddit shits the bed every time major news breaks. It is the least reliable social platform during high traffic. RDDT calls it is...


WSB's tread already lagging. Puts on RDDT!


RDDT is never dropping under 60 again


RDDT puts or calls? If they beat again, this wont see $70 again for like a year. If they don't it'll drop like a rock. Definitely money to be made, but might be too volatile.


Kinda torn on RDDT tbh. I wanted to buy it regardless of the FUD at the beginning. Had the option to with my karma. Chose not to because I've seen IPOs open high and die out over a year. Watched the stock run up and feel FOMO. I'm not going to buy it at these levels, but if it dropped to sub 40 I would strongly consider. I know how it will go though, the ipo will taper off just like I've witnessed, my fomo will kick in at 40, and the fall off will continue to 20. Or am I just regarded?


RDDT behaves more like a meme than a true company that is tethered to the market; in other words, it’s like a box of chocolates.


True confession: I bought RDDT puts a few days ago because everything was tanking. Why has it not tanked?


Finally, my 3 day RDDT ban for being too bullish is over. Had a pretty great day on Thursday, and I've still never bought a put. Had KO and MO calls, and I somehow managed to sell the tippy top of those barely moving boomer stocks. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)My options port is even tinier than my dick, leave me alone. I'm a poor and it's all I'm willing to lose.


Puts on RDDT. I'm getting tons of ads for Ozempic, but am skinny as fuck!


Off topic but whatever, the downvote arrow is on the left. I am only saying this here because r / TheoryOfReddit is hard to post on. I have been on reddit under various usernames for about 10 years. 90% of my karma came from r / music. For the past year, I have noticed that the top song posts are always reposts and an inordinate number of them are songs that I posted for the first time (I always checked to make sure it was never posted before). I know there is a widespread problem with repost bots but I can't help but think that they target songs that haven't yet been reposted. Either that or they have a secret conspiracy against me in particular, and Reddit is facilitating it. TL;DR Repost bots suck but reddit algorithms are dangerous and subversive. Calls on RDDT.


You want back in the Den? I removed you when I thought you quit RDDT.


bought PARA and RDDT today in the IRA


Front page of Reddit reads more and more like propaganda every day. So many bots in comments. So much potential for RDDT but I just can’t see anything other than puts making sense. Nearing a top imo. Chart gonna look like ABNB or DASH soon. Legs run out on the ipo 

Tacked on a RDDT 72.5 August just for funzies as well


If there is manipulation it’s to make stocks go up. Stocks are an exit plan to get money out. Ie private equity buys early and dumps a company onto the equity market to cash out. Sometimes we’re lucky to get googles and Microsoft’s ect but mostly equity market is for trash for example RDDT while private equity investors take jacuzzi baths with one hundred dollar bills. The sooner people realize that the better.


Why RDDT mooning? Cause they don’t use CRWD lol?


One day RDDT is gonna pass 70 and never go under again


RDDT saving my port ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


RDDT Calls??


sold my 1/3 BLNK ev charging position cause motherf\_\_\_er trump shat on evs again in his stupid speech, switched it into my now 2/3 RDDT position though nasdaq hit / msft down with outage "everyone loves reddit", am keeping my chinese sewage 1/3 position CDTG "everyone shits"


RDDT Calls for August or Puts on BABA until 4:30?


Sell and put those tsla profits in RDDT the freshest btc to date!


The world goes down but RDDT still powers on...


Why is RDDT pumping


What are your moves tomorrow, not comment what's happening live at the RNC! DJT long RDDT long


Motherfucking RDDT!!!!!


All I know is that I’ve made more money this year off of RDDT shares and options than I have any other stock and that includes my lucrative NVDA calls. This stock is a buy and hold for me.


What do you think is the downside valuation case for RDDT and what would take it there? I'm talking $6.5B IPO or less. I don't think it gets there, it's just that if it can't go down very much from here, you can make a pretty large bet. I'm confident in RDDT and I'm wondering how much I should increase the bet size.


When RDDT needs to start making money instead of losing it....and don't say they are a new company cuz they are not.


At least half the people on plebbit are regarded, like legit redarded, why doesn't $RDDT go to 0?


Because I want some time to give RDDT a chance to rise before my money evaporates


Puts on RDDT


Thanks for your response. What's a viable market cap you see RDDT ultimately at? I think $20B minimum.


today me buys RDDT dip, BLNK gain, CDTG dip


Nextdoor $KIND > Reddit $RDDT


To be honest, for RDDT to succeed, they need to have revenue growth of 40-50% over many periods. Their PS ratio right now is through the roof expensive. I think they have great potential but it is quite speculative still.


I love reddit, but you also have to review their financial performance. Even NVDA, if you review their past financial performance, they have always outperformed in the last 10+ years. Past performance is not always indicative of the future, but it does tell a lot unless there are major changes. What are those major catalysts that you think will change RDDT's performance? Some examples in the past could be, if they launch a new product line with a different business model / characteristics. You can see this in the case of TSLA when they launched model 3, this is a big turning point for them. Do we have this kind of effect at RDDT?

Much appreciated. I'm already at my desired position. I have a bit over 2100 shares, with about 40% of that in a roth. I decided a while back not to trade options on RDDT. The IV and premiums are just so high that it's almost not worth the risk imo. I really don't think it's falling under $60 at this point. We're only 3 weeks out from earnings and the last 4 price targets were $84, $75, $75, $67. All trending upward. Right now is the best time time to get in imo.


You're welcome to try. It didn't work very well for the naysayers at IPO. Redditors as a whole are extremely bearing on RDDT. If you want to take the more profitable path of inverse reddit, then buy calls lol


So, puts RDDT? 


[looking at their annual income statement]( I’m seeing operating expenses much higher than than total revenue. I’m seeing negative income, negative EPS, negative ebitda… what are you seeing?


[]( for more ideas and daily alerts :) HINT: Use code RDDT for a free month!


Bagholding some RDDT $63 calls with July 19th exp with cost at $6. All my options trade at expiration, and I don't have the capital to buy it all. I could use a good day tomorrow. Got a couple of TSM calls at 183 with July 26th exp.


Sooner buy RDDT than DJT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Reason I couldn’t invest in RDDT is the echo chamber effect of young clueless liberals. Pathetic…..


Friday 0dte calls on DJT, Tesla, NVDA, SPY, QQQ, and RDDT, what yall think? 

I believe that with AI, huge market cap tech companies will continue to expand. That means NVDA, MSFT, AAPL, and GOOG. I avoid META and TSLA personally. Speculative bets are also on RDDT and COST.

the irony of reddit users shorting RDDT is palpable


I sold some RDDT at 68 and looking for 58 to swing back in.


thinking about buying the $RDDT dip, maybe some 65c 8/16, looks spicy
