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SoFi Technologies Inc.

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-75.00% Today

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UPDATE: SOFI: I will see you in Valhalla...or behind the Wendy's dumpster.

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No one posted SOFI gain porn yet? I’ll go first

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Lost $ on a strangle even though it went my way (SOFI)

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SOFI Rent Money Update: Gay Bears Are Fuk, Die You Cynical Bastards

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SoFi Technologies Inc (SOFI) Reports Q3 2023 Earnings: Record Revenue and Member Growth

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

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$SOFI - Who is ready for Moon Monday?

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SOFI: I will see you in Valhalla…or behind the Wendy’s dumpster.

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First week of my trading life and I am YOLOing SOFI calls. Guys I think I really belong here.

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Looking to open a 2nd HYSA.

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SOFI Q4 2023 Earnings - THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW for 1-29-24

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SOFI earnings play

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What’s up with $SOFI OI?

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$30k SOFI Earnings YOLO!

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13% float on SOFI and they are likely to show profitability in Q4

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SOFI earnings 29th January , DD from an Italian married to a Kiwi (New Zealand person , a woman in my case , not the fruit)

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What are you WHEELing?

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First time DD SOFI

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Youtuber posts about buying $SOFI everyday as $SOFI goes down

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Portfolios are like Fantasy Football rosters. Some tickers (players) are blowing up, scoring hella touchdowns, other players shitting da bed

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Selling short dated ITM CSP's

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Bailed on gut didn’t go full regard

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Checking on other SOFI holders. Hopefully you're doing OK

r/RobinHoodSee Post

Next Move if you are me??

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Best HYSA to choose? Also general advice?

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Consensus on PYPL in 2024

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REITs vs SP500 vs dividend delusion

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SoFi - What differentiates them from traditional banks and other competitors?

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Put-Play on $SOFI

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SOFI short squeeze coming in early 2024?

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Well Priced Growth Stocks Recommendations?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

NKLA cause I’m a complete regard

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Economically Sensitive & Bullish $SOFI Still Showing Strength. Should I ...

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$ARM and All my Dividend Stocks Holding Up My Portfolio Today Against the Mag 7

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My Dividend Portfolio as a hedge months ago is RIPPING. Should I add more?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Pleasant surprise from my SOFI Calls

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Should I Run Out of the Mag 7 Now? Tech Doesn't Seem Likely To Participate In Growth Until Earnings and forward looking JPoW cuts?

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Wheeling with 48k. SOFI?

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Any insight?

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$SOFI - Holding strong into Q4 earnings Jan 30th!! 1st GAAP Profitable Quarter coming!

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What is your thoughts on SOFI?

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Going hard in SOFI

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Cathie Woods buys 252,421 shares of $SOFI for ARKF

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Went heavy on $SOFI today. See y'all at $10+ soon 📈

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Anyone else hold and buying SOFI?

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Barclays started SoFi Technologies (SOFI) at Equal-Weight and today is the Fireside Chat with SoFi CFO.

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SOFI CEO buys shares

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ExxonMobil passed Tesla as the most shorted stock last month. Here are the 10 names investors are betting against the most.

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SOFI Chief Marketing Officer Unloading Shares

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Large Insider Selling at SOFI

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currently seeking advice

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A year ago you guys made fun of me for breaking even finally

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A year ago you all made fun of me for breaking even finally

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i need help with what i should do here

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what are you guys getting in/ already in as of now

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Shorting this week’s rally. Today I bought PLTR, SOFI, and TSLA puts all expiring tomorrow

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Morgan Stanley Upgrades SoFi from Underweight to Equal-Weight.

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SQ Stock: What may drive Block's price any lower?

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Bears and banks

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Roll down and out SOFI $20 1/‘24 calls?

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Best stocks to invest in now?

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Opened up a Roth IRA account.

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Just Bought $PSQ. Good idea?

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Anyone else on team AFRM and SOFI?

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Smaller Companies With Long Term Potential?

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Should I dump few losers I have left in the account : JMIA, SOFI, BB, UWMC

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BREAKING! $SoFi is offering shares of the two hottest IPOs of 2023, $ARM and $CART!

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Block stock hit with UBS downgrade

r/optionsSee Post

Student loan plays?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Dont give up, used a SOFI personal loan and 2 balance transfer checks to fund my DayTrading Addiction. I'll show you how.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

SOFI stock

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To sell or not to sell?

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Is there any point in selling if holding on to your profitable stocks?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is SOFI the next big play?

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SOFI says I can have $4,207.41

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How high can SoFi Stock go ?!!

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SOFI technologies Inc.

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Time to build a crap stock portfolio?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Heard of these things called “Calls”

r/optionsSee Post

My Earning Results So Far

r/StockMarketSee Post

Hold or realize a part of profits and reinvest after earnings call

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I already took 4 loans out to finance my options plays. Here’s my journey

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Gain Porn

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SOFI Earnings

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What should I add? Thinking about adding a dividend stock.

r/investingSee Post

Which Broker should I invest with?

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From the guy that brought you the SOFI, COIN and RIVN $50,000 YOLO - next up PTON YOLO

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This weeks gains.

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SOFI Fake news

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SOFI is ready for the pop off!

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ARKF response in the week after the Fed interest rate pause

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Morning Briefing 🌞 June 21st 2023


Can SOFI please stay above $7.5 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


Really hope SOFI makes my calls print next week


SOFI 7.5C next week for earnings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


I’ve been investing in them since ipo. I’ve read every earnings call they’ve ever had. You aren’t telling me anything I don’t know. Galileo will do nothing imo. Name something they do better than robinhood. They don’t even have a crypto platform anymore. If you’re interested in this space I would own hood. Which I do have a little. Better UI. The only thing SOFI has is all these money management facilities for kids that know nothing. It’s honestly just clutter to me. They don’t even have level one options. Been saying they are “coming soon” for a solid year now. Admittedly transitioning from the growth phase. I can’t. It’s a pit imo. I hope they do well though. Fan of noto. I think they are solid just not the upside they used to have. In my opinion of course. Best of luck. 🍻


Bought asts. It is quite impressive. I could buy double the shares right now. SOFI will never grow like a growth stock. They will grow like a bank. I think they are a safe bet to maybe beat the market but there are better options out there for what I’m trying to accomplish. Best of luck.


SOFI and AAL about to go parabolic 


Never. SOFI is a terrible stock lol.


$SOFI at open? I have 130k to burn, will it dip today? When’s best to buy?


What’s this mean for SOFI


SOFI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Will we see SOFI above $7.70 tomorrow??


SOFI earning thoughts?


What will we see SOFI at today


$SOFI is above $7, you know what to do


Thanks. I'm going to start out small on SOFI since it dropped a little and see how the strategy works for me


why is everyone saying SOFI?


SOFI calls -> AMD puts -> CVNA puts and META calls -> full port SNAP puts. Please inverse me.

SOFI call because free checking account Puts on everything else because 🫧




If SOFI can drop 67c tomorrow from bad PCE that’d be sweet


Ask SOFI. They just started. Beat earnings. Go down. Bad news. Go down. Sold all my positions and won’t go back but they are calling it a “transition period”


SOFI earnings pump back on the market?


Wow….even $SOFI is green. Risk is back on the table


Come on SOFI let’s get to 7.50 today at least


SOFI earnings next week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Now the question is, will SOFI actually hold these gains or go red like usual?


I know the market is fuhkd when SOFI is my best performer for the day.


Need SOFI to stop eating shit and pump ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Would you abandon a 8/16 7c SOFI play? Down 30%. Earnings on 7/30. Was hoping to catch a run to earnings, but it’s just not happening with the whole market in shambles.


Capital One targeted poor people, much like SOFI is doing.


So SOFI decides to pump on a day like today? What??


portfolio 6.4k 21 years old S-curve stocks: * Hims & Hers Health Inc - 4% * Lantheus Holdings - 5.3% * Sea Ltd - 6.2%. * SentinelOne - 8% * QuantumScape - 6.5% * Chewy - 9% * SOFI - 4% * Alibaba - 1.7% * Xometry - 7% * LifeMD - 3% * Enphase - 5% * Stoneco - 4% * InMode - 3.7% * Nio - 3.5% * VanEck Crypto & Blockchain Innovators ETF - 3.5% * SolarEdge - 1.2% Penny stocks: * STEM - 4.5% * Solid Power - 4% * RealReal - 0.7% * Rocket Labs USA - 2.5% * Planet Labs - 1.4% * NetSol Technologies - 0.8% * SunPower Corp - 2%


How do you feel about SOFI calls going into earnings?


Still trying to figure out if this is bullish or bearish for SOFI


SOFI go back to 6.20 so i can load the boat again. Thx ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


When you applied for SOFI loan was your intention to invest it and not renovate?


I'd rather buy DIS than SOFI/CELH/PYPL that loves to be pumped here.

SOFI disappointing again


Hope SOFI doesn’t pull the pump then give up all its gains like it has been


Credit Karma and SOFI relay


Buying CRWD PUTs? SOFI and SNOW … not bad. I would buy small CALLs with some time. I don’t know sentinelone

Buy more SOFI calls for earnings


How is SOFI ended green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SOFI killing me the last few days. Have until 8/16 and they are 7c but this is annoying.




SPY and EEM calls. Might add some Tesla LEAPS and CRWD idk yet. Still hoping my SOFI options print.

SOFI ATM or at the $5 strike


Motley Fool is garbage. Remember their comments in regard to NIO, SOFI years ago?


SOFI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


> LMND I like Scott but he does have his schtick. Lemonade is negative EPS so would not touch it unless growth was crazy. Of course this is coming after am left bag holding SOFI.


Timed the bottom for HOOD perfect by closing my put and buying a call. Timed the bottom for SOFI perfect too by selling all my shares...0.01 below daily low....


SOFI saw the market reaction and was like LOL fuck you we still going green. Respect.


Cmonnnb SOFI baybeee just give me 10 more cents


!banbet SOFI 2% 1d


SOFI took a serious dump today and landed approximately ATM for you at Close. Surprised you are still seeing profit. I’m short a couple of calls at 7.5 tomorrow, not terribly worried either way; it’s long hold shares that have earned their keep and it’s time to wind that 2 year old position down a little. Good luck to us. 🍀


The current price for SOFI is $7.53 so .03 of that amount is intrinsic value, the rest of the .11, or .08, is extrinsic time value which will decay away by the end of tomorrow. Unless the stock is at $7.51 or higher when it expires at 4pm tomorrow then the option will be OTM and valueless for a full loss. Any amount above $7.51 will be what profit there is when all the time value is gone.


Ugh should have sold the SOFI calls in the morning then bought back in tomorrow


No bc that makes so much sense SOFI go head and dump


I need SOFI to lose another .50 by eod tomorrow and if I could make a bet on that not happening till Monday I might actually win something for once


Sold SOFI shares for some gains around 7.95, bought SPWR shares, bought PATH calls and ACMR calls

Can someone land their 1 billion dollars into SOFI so the stock can go uppies? Ty


SOFI might hit differently this earnings quarter cuz everyone is still like “iT’lL dUmP aFtEr EaRnInGs” and we all know the inverse strategy.


Why can’t SOFI dump to hell like everything else!


SOFI don’t let me down


Sorry guys I paper handed INTC when my calls hit 100% up expiring tomorrow....I did buy SOFI and CCL calls at open though for a little bit further out, looks like they still running.

Holy shit, my stupid SOFI calls are in the money. Never thought I'd see the day when SOFI was the bright spot on my port. What a world...


Fucking SOFI is running and I’m stuck holding amzn calls


SOFI going to make up for all my other stupidity recently


Go SOFI go


loading myself to the tits on these SOFI 8/2 8$ calls


Happy SOFI $8 Day!


$SOFI gamma incoming if it closes above $8 on Friday.


SOFI is a bizarre company to try to value (I do own shares). The last 4 years: Student loan refinancing company. Now we're a bank too. Also bought some tech platforms. Moratorium on student loans? Guess we're a personal loan company now. Interest rates being held up? MoAr TeCh (guiding for half of revenue from tech by the end of the year) Next year with interest rates coming down? Who knows, probably increased loan origination? I can't even begin to guess what percentage of their revenue will come from the banking side of things 4 years from now. Nothing from 20%-80% would surprise me. Doesn't help that they can't talk much about who's thinking of using the tech platform in the months/years ahead.


SOL (crypto) and SOFI. Also my boss likes EBS, his cousin used to work there and was down big-time. Now it's skyrocketing but has a lot of room.


Anyone else in SOFI right now? Feel like they always run up to earnings then dump after.


SOFI Mooning


My rollover Roth IRA is 99% QQQ but I won’t be touching that for 30+ years. I lost all the weekly gains in my SOFI account today, but I’ve been short selling EBS all month to make matters worse 🫠


I can’t take an article that lists SOFI as one of the best positioned growth stocks seriously. And I say that as someone who is long SOFI lol


Let’s get a 10% day from SOFI tomorrow


For SOFI I bought a call for August 9 with a strike price of nine dollars. That got me solid gains, but I ended up selling to lock in those gains. I took in a strike price of $11 for the same date. I also did a long-term one for January 17, 2025. For SPY I bought some for January 2025. I also got a $700 call for September 20 but may be I’m starting to see that it’s not the best decision but at the same time, I’m staying hopeful because SPY has always been known for its high swings


Ok but SOFI lets hit $8 tomorrow, maybe 850 mmkaaaaay![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


I prefer SOFI because it is relatively cheap now


INTC and SOFI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Buying dips and options on the cheap. These red days will not deter me. My fave stock is SOFI and the major ETFs (IWM SPY etc.


That a boy SOFI. Do the damn thang.


I dove head first into SOFI and doing fine. Can't believe my luck is holding.


SOFI green


I am glad I yolo'd SOFI from TSM 3 days ago


NKE and SOFI doing some heavy lifting for me today considering how shit the markets look overall. 


Completely agree. That's the thing, look at some of those SPAC names from like 2021. WRBY is down like 70% from IPO BIRD (allbirds) is down 98% from IPO SOFI is probably one of the most successful ones and it's only down like 25%. I think one of the few SPACS that worked out was HIMS.

Boy oh Boy, $SOFI looking tasty in this sea of red.


lmfao my SQQQ calls are even down 20% now. what the actual fuck is this. NVDA wiped my portfolio, my SOFI calls are down, and inversing myself with SQQQ also didn't work. I swear in the name of Allah this entire market is rigged as fuck

Ooof SOFI, that’s painful


CRSR SOFI CZR are my shat piles

Actually sold my SOFI calls at the top ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Bought some 8/16 SOFI 7c


interest rate cuts or even the hint of them has cause a bit of a run in SOFI. It should explode when the FED actually cut rates , or Trump gets elected and turns the economy around. Which I think both will occur.
