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It won't for all of the reasons I'm explainigin if you just keep reading the thread. There is nothing about this that would really affect anyone, including the 100m+ community it is targeting. But, the GOP are banking on the fact that people don't understand how taxes work in order to create a doom and gloom scenario out of this total nothing burger.


GOP (which today is solely Trump) is only “pro-crypto” because he’s trying to make money off of it. As soon as that’s over, he’ll go back to being against it like he was his first term. Just remember whose administration appointed Clayton


One party wants to protect consumers. One party is selling super hero NFTs of their candidate. Lmao. Nobody takes the GOP seriously when it comes to crypto because they don’t take it seriously.


Michael Salor thinks he will get tax breaks peddling this . <br> <BR> no one in the bureaucracies wants anything but trackable assets - and no matter what drivel comes out of the GOP , they are just scamming you . <BR> <BR> every single country in the world wants to know about your assets .


I'm pro crypto and i'm never voting GOP.


Not a chance. The GOP has morphed into nazis. Non-idiot Republicans 10 years ago are moderate democrats now.


Russia is America's #1 enemy because the Russian government -- at it's highest levels -- has been *actively* trying to undermine the United States through the threat of physical violence/annihilation/nuclear war, and espionage/subterfuge for 90% of the years since 1947. The Cold War only "ended" because the infomation age meant battle was more efficient and effective on the Internet. On the Internet you can turn a people against itself and collapse a nation from within. They have been executing this playbook -- playbooks we have, written by ex KGB agents -- for the last 70 years. Here's an [an article]( And a [video]( Other nations compete with the US and try to keep an advantage, but Russia is the only major power actively trying to bring us down. And, to an extent, it has worked. We are now at the stage -- a stage written about in their playbook 70 years ago -- where a large percentage of our populous views their fellow Americans as the enemy. Smaller nations may hate us too, but they're too small to be the major threat that Russia is. Why support Ukraine? Why use the word genocide? Because genocide is *literally* what they're trying to do. Putin wants Ukrainians *gone,* forever. He has a dream to reuinte the "motherland" to the same map it had during the USSR. He took Crimea, thought he could do the same with Ukraine, but underestimated both the Ukranian's resolve and the extent to which NATO members would aid to make sure he didn't succeed this time. Putin has already forbade Ukranian children within Russia from being raised by other Ukranians. He wants their culture to die. He's expressed this on many occasions. The only reason he has "support" from the Russian population is because 1) they endanger their lives and the lives of their families if they dissent, and 2) Russian state media (which is like if every channel in the Untied States was Fox News) tells Russian citizens the Ukranians are Nazis. This is not a joke, it's the narrative. Billions of dollars is *NOTHING* to stop Putin here. He is an exKGB agent who used his knowlege of subterfuge to install himself as dictator for life. If he takes Ukraine, he'll do Poland next, and then after that whatever region he has the military strength to take. This is nipping the problem in the bud. If America has a live-war with Russia, it will cost a *trillion dollars a day.* There is no comparison in cost. Like I said before, I'm completely with you on always investigating those in power. That is *not* what the Republican formed-and-led Biden impeachment committee was doing. They were trying to conjur dirt to use as ammunition this election cycle. They found some "fishy transactions," and nothing more. We have agencies, journalists, and organizations to investigate the presidents, this is *not* congress' job. They are supposed to be working to make Americans' lives better, and in the rare instance they have to form an impeachment inquiry, it's because someone *found evidence of a crime.* You do not form one to spend your whole time in office combing through receipts and then claiming a $20,000 car loan *might* be something. Hell, the entire excuse they used *to even form* the committee was word-of-mouth from a person who turned out to be working for the Russians. The GOP is at least 50% compromised right now, and until they get their shit straight we're all going to have a bad time.


Russia is America's #1 enemy because the Russian government -- at it's highest levels -- has been *actively* trying to undermine the United States through the threat of physical violence/annihilation/nuclear war, and espionage/subterfuge for 90% of the years since 1947. The Cold War only "ended" because the infomation age meant battle was more efficient and effective on the Internet. On the Internet you can turn a people against itself and collapse a nation from within. They have been executing this playbook -- playbooks we have, written by ex KGB agents -- for the last 70 years. Here's an [an article]( And a [video]( Other nations compete with the US and try to keep an advantage, but Russia is the only major power actively trying to bring us down. And, to an extent, it has worked. We are now at the stage -- a stage written about in their playbook 70 years ago -- where a large percentage of our populous views their fellow Americans as the enemy. Smaller nations may hate us too, but they're too small to be the major threat that Russia is. Why support Ukraine? Why use the word genocide? Because genocide is *literally* what they're trying to do. Putin wants Ukrainians *gone,* forever. He has a dream to reuinte the "motherland" to the same map it had during the USSR. He took Crimea, thought he could do the same with Ukraine, but underestimated both the Ukranian's resolve and the extent to which NATO members would aid to make sure he didn't succeed this time. Putin has already forbade Ukranian children within Russia from being raised by other Ukranians. He wants their culture to die. He's expressed this on many occasions. The only reason he has "support" from the Russian population is because 1) they endanger their lives and the lives of their families if they dissent, and 2) Russian state media (which is like if every channel in the Untied States was Fox News) tells Russian citizens the Ukranians are Nazis. This is not a joke, it's the narrative. Billions of dollars is *NOTHING* to stop Putin here. He is an exKGB agent who used his knowlege of subterfuge to install himself as dictator for life. If he takes Ukraine, he'll do Poland next, and then after that whatever region he has the military strength to take. This is nipping the problem in the bud. If America has a live-war with Russia, it will cost a *trillion dollars a day.* There is no comparison in cost. Like I said before, I'm completely with you on always investigating those in power. That is *not* what the Republican formed-and-led Biden impeachment committee was doing. They were trying to conjur dirt to use as ammunition this election cycle. They found some "fishy transactions," and nothing more. We have agencies, journalists, and organizations to investigate the presidents, this is *not* congress' job. They are supposed to be working to make Americans' lives better, and in the rare instance they have to form an impeachment inquiry, it's because someone *found evidence of a crime.* You do not form one to spend your whole time in office combing through receipts and then claiming a $20,000 car loan *might* be something. Hell, the entire excuse they used *to even form* the committee was word-of-mouth from a person who turned out to be working for the Russians. The GOP is at least 50% compromised right now, and until they get their shit straight we're all going to have a bad time.


Did you not read anything that I said? The GOP cancelled several primaries. Primaries aren't "elections." They can literally decide to run a guy off the street if they want, it's always been this way.


You're right, but the misunderstanding is even more stupid. The Democrats could've nominated Garfield. Primaries don't *need* to determine a candidate; it's entirely up to the party's electors to decide. The GOP cancelled primaries in like 5 states in 2020. The purpose is to gauge a candidate. So sick of the dumb, uniformed "HaRrIs WaSn'T eVeN vOtEd FoR" Yes. Yes she was, but the electors, which is all that matters.


You realize primaries are basically elective. The GOP cancelled primaries in five states for the 2020 election. Each party decides who they nominate, they could put up Garfield if they wanted. Now the people don't have to vote for the nominee, but the point of them is to gauge a candidate and determine who they will put on the ballet. It would be a bad idea to select Garfield, (although I can get behind his Lasagna policies) but if he is likely to lose it's a bad move. Each party is like a political country club with electors, they set their own rules/processes on how a candidate is nominated.


Do you have proof the democrats tried to do it and were blocked by a GOP filibuster? No, you don’t. Because you just made it up. I’ll wait. “Voting with the country in mind and not to grant myself goodies” = I lick corporate boots. You’re absolutely pathetic lol. Stay selfish cunt. Hopefully our country can sustain your disgusting self serving nature.


Well, if the entire GOP had not lost its way, I would give them more consideration. I just dont buy into the FUD that the GOP of the 10's and 20's is selling.


It's amazing how the GOP voters shill for Billionaires. The Unrealized Gains proposal is for people with more than 100 million.


As if a POTUS, whether left, right, GOP, Dem, white, black, pink or whatever, had a say about anything or makes any actual decisions about meaningful things, ever.


Duder. This is getting us nowhere. You’re a Trumper. I’m not. But okay. So Trump may not mention project 2025 on his website. But he’s literally listed on the actual project 2025 312 times. He’s friends with the founder of project 2025. Vance wrote the forward for dudes book. Clearly he’s involved with it but is trying to distance himself from it cuz he knows it’s a losing strategy. He was even tight with Epstein for crying out loud. Trump did allow the Supreme Court to leave abortion to the states, but as I mentioned, some states blocked them, so women do have less rights because of him. Pronouns. Again, who gives a shit how people want to be referenced as. Like what do you can if I’m he/him or they. Doesn’t hurt you at all. Same am with being gay or whatever. Let people be happy. Corporations, you’re the one linking to a chart showing how stuff is more expensive. Well, profits are also up. That’s my point. It isn’t all the administrations fault. Corporate greed is in fact real. NRA, Home Depot. GOP also have their supporters. Borders, we at a time where we have fewer illegal crossing than anytime in the last 30 years. And we would have had less if Trump didn’t open his fat mouth and sabotage the bipartisan deal. Which he did. Illegals do make it into the country, at a lower rate but they don’t get free social security and they can’t vote. So they actually contribute to the pot and don’t get anything out. Trump was born rich which is my point. He didn’t earn shit. He’s a well known grifter that wouldn’t be in that position if he wasn’t born rich because he’s stupid. Listen to him speak. His convictions. A group of normal jurors heard all the evidence and he was found guilty. I don’t know why you can’t accept that. He inflated the size of his residence by 20 thousand sq ft. Trump did rape Mrs Carroll. Direct quote from the judge “Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll”. Kamala jailing black people for weed. You do realize that her job was to enforce the rules/laws. She didn’t make the laws. Weed was illegal at the time. Stupid that it ever was. But again, she enforced the laws. Her and Biden are trying to decriminalize weed at the national level now. Kamala cheating. I don’t know. But if you don’t care about Trump cheating with Stormi Daniel’s, then why would you care if Kamala cheated. Financials. I do well enough to make the top 10% in the national average. I don’t have a problem paying taxes. I think everyone should pay a percentage. Period. Then if you want to donate to a cause, great. But all these loopholes are allowing the extreme wealthy people from paying their fair share. News… I watch cnn or mnsbc mostly. Didn’t Fox have to pay $800 million for lying about the election where they actually settled cuz if they were to go to trial, they would have had to pay over a billion. I believe they said they aren’t news, they are entertainment. But again. This is getting us nowhere. You do you and vote for Trump. I’ll vote for Kamala and that will be that. I do wish the best for you. And I do hope you have a great life.


Bro. I’m not going to get you links. You’re going to vote for Trump and I’m going to vote for Kamala so it doesn’t matter. If you want to watch his press conference from a few days ago. And you can actually get through his crazy rambling speech, you’ll hear it. It was a few days ago. But something tells me that you won’t care. You’re a trumper. So best of luck to you. And I mean that in a nice way. I think he’s a cancer. He’s taking away your right. Forcing religion on you. So I’m voting blue and hope we can get back to normalcy with the GOP. I think two parties is important.


Seriously. He lost all 91 of his cases where he contested the results. All of them. Literally every single one. Nothing happened that would have changed the results. He lost and he still says he didn’t. After nearly 4 years, he still lies about it. He’s still dividing our country because people believe him. Even though he lies like a child. He’s going to lose by larger margins this time because we’re sick of his shit. Sick of the hate. He’s marching to the same beat ever since 2016. We’ve all moved on from his tired ass. GOP is taking away people rights and the people have had enough. Boomers are dying and more younger people are entering the voting age and aren’t down this idiot Trump.


Kind of like Elon donating $45 million a month to Trump. Or the NRA donating to the GOP. They all have their own interest in mind. But the gap between the poor snd wealthy is widening more and more. Trickle down isn’t making its way down.


I’m voting blue because the GOP is out of touch. Forcing religion and taking away rights. The fact that they continue to back Trump, who’s genuinely stupid is just icing on the cake. He has no respect for anyone or anything. He caters to the wealthy. He lies like a child. He’s a convicted felon. A convicted sexual predator. He’s a failed business man. He flip flops on any issue because he has no integrity. And he’s just not smart. He had his time as POTUS and added $8 trillion to the debt just in 4 years. Think about that. We have like $35 trillion in debt over the entire life of our democracy. And this dude added $8 trillion of it in 4 years. And for what, to give tax breaks for the wealthy. He mismanaged Covid and hundreds of thousands of people died. He has fewer jobs created when he left office than when he got into office. He supports less regulation for corporations just so that they can get wealthier. He doesn’t give a shit about the environment because he’s old as shit and won’t be around much longer. His polices, which he can’t even articulate would add more costs for the lower and middle class. He loves dictators. He’s divisive and should be above the pettiness. He’s facing more criminal. I recently read that he’s had like 3500 law suites filed against him. 5 or 6 bankruptcies. I also saw that he has like 100 companies that don’t make any money. He’s notorious for not paying hard working people for work they do. Like average people and deserve to get paid. His family got richer while he was in office. Oh yeah, he’s racist and is on tape using the n-word. Raped someone. I mean dude. In all seriousness, he’s just not a good guy. He’s only running to stay out of jail. The question is, why would anyone actually support him? Legit. I don’t understand it.


They’re just following already established money laundering policies, most of which were established under Reagan and other GOP administrations. Go be stupid somewhere else.


These Orangies are completely out of touch with reality. No sane independent is going to vote for Trump. And that's what either party needs to win -- the moderates. He is the best at getting *his* base to get out and vote, no question. A master showman and emotional manipulator, who plays the average Fox News viewer like a fiddle. But as his base gets more and more extreme, their absolute numbers shrink. You can't just take away the reproductive rights of half the country, align with religious extremists, [try to defraud democracy](, [break laws]( with the reckless abandon of a mafia boss, base your campaign around racist/sexist ad hominem attacks -- while offering no *actual* policy critiques of your opponent, or explanations of your own -- and expect to win. Look at the GOP platform from last's self-contradictory and doesn't explain *how* they plan to do shit. It reads like a grade school class president campaign. And no matter how hard he tries to distance himself from Project 2025, nobody's buying his innocence...[lies dribble out of his mouth like breathing]( The GOP hasn't been a political party since 2016; they're a cult of personality now...which can never survive beyond the viability of their chosen leader as a candidate. [Harris has closed the polling gap]( and extended her lead to 3% within a few weeks of getting the tap. She *just* announced Walz, a highly popular Midwest governor, as her running mate **ten days ago**. Trump was going to struggle to beat Biden, and now **he's** the stumbling, bumbling, old fool. He is going to get **destroyed** in the debate against someone who can actually speak competently and can fact-check him in real time. His popularity will deteriorate even more rapidly from there. The gap is going to continue to grow and while I think Trump's stranglehold on, for example, the Bible belt states won't overturn, it's clear that the major battleground states (MI, WI, PA, GA, AZ) are going to either strengthen or flip for Harris by November. I'm sure all the MAGAts are gonna come out of the woodwork and downvote this without offering coherent, well-researched, and sourced counterpoints, but it doesn't really matter what they think. They are delusional and too well-insulated in their bubble. I live in rural WI and I can tell you (anecdotally) that things are *very* different here now than even before Biden's shitty debate performance. Once Trump gets womped harder than 2020, his grip on the GOP will lessen and *actual* conservatives similar to Liz Cheney and Mott Romney will make a big push for power. It will probably take an extra election cycle for the Trumpies to get voted out, but in 2032 hopefully we will see a return to normalcy and be able to put this dark chapter behind us.


That all happened. To blame Biden is asinine. Fuel dropped to minus numbers during covid. Corporate greed is to blame for inflation. These are worldwide issues. Rent doubled in Canada too. Is Biden to blame? We see wages rising. We see prices normalizing. We see Biden doing stellar work, keeping the economy going and jobs plentiful. If you think the GOP is going to help with prices, you are truly delusional. Their mandate is to feed the rich and let corporations control things. Duh


Not even struggling GOP candidates using embellished political attack strategy are n’t saying Dems are proposing this. And what a bombshell that would be. Frankly it would be foolish for democrats to support this. I haven’t seen, anywhere, that there’s any real support for taxing unrealized investment gains with the possible exception of multi-billionaires who have otherwise evaded meaningful contribution through evasion. But, not in policy.


While the GOP nominee scams us with NFTs


GOP is just a bunch of grifters… and their fans line up to give them their money.


> I said I last time I checked two major cities which were sf and Austin because I was comparing the crime rate in those two. And I said that comparing two cities is meaningless. >My agenda isn’t either of the two I’m more for anarchy and capitalism To some degree I agree with you. But let's get real, anarchy will never happen and will likely turn into a rule of the strongest which might be cruel. We do have capitalism. Neither GOP nor Dems will change that. But according to statistics, the capitalist regulations of the Dems are more benefitial for the people than the GOP politics.


No definitely not true. Check numers, statistics, and facts. GOP run states have most welfare receivers, are poorer, more crime, people are unhappier, thr economy is weaker, and so on. Even Trump said this in interviews from the past. Note, if you check income for example, look at media not average, becasue the inequality of wealth is also higher in GOP states.


> I don’t want any government in crypto won't happen >The dem have demonstrated that it thinks their citizens are too dumb to mess with money. when you look at most people and how they deal with their money, they are damn right. you belong to a financial elite (knowledge wise, not sure about your networth :) >There’s a a lot of regulation in the market and banking that limits the poorer class of people from financial freedoms of the rich like we can’t day trade without 75,000 liquid in an account. Not exactly true. And do you really think Trump's policies are made for the low/middle class? Because when he was president, exactly the opposite happened. And exactly the same can be seen when you look at Dems vs GOP run states.


> GOP isn't even a political party anymore as much as they're just scammers. when you have a set of people who will look at a statement like this and, in all their smooth-brained glory, raise: *both parties do this* and we gotta talk about that statement. this is quite honestly the most 14 year old take on anything in politics, and it is always presented by someone who is under the delusion that *they* know the truth, and that everyone else is.. what do they call it? sheep? lmao. little do they know, they are on the early stepping stones of understanding politics. like they are at level 1 in the game, and somehow have deluded themselves into thinking they.. beat the game? sure you can find an example of scammy shit from any side of the fence, BUT to what degree? how much more COMMON is it on one side then the other? yes, these answers DO in fact matter! and if im going to be completely honest, if you DID want to actually do digging and look into.. well what side is worse you would... pretty quickly understand that one side here is measurably worse. so like why doesnt this hit home with people on that side of the fence? well, not only are humans fascinating/interesting, they really excel at just demonstrating what it looks like to have 2 brain cells. In fact, the last time I was in this .. uh, weird sub, it turns out I was commenting on... holy shit martin shkreli & the djt token saga. where I proceeded to highlight that these people just ... love getting fleeced. Note the reply being "a little grift aint that bad because bothsides". Brah.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

BTC is not failing. The corporate interest in it large and growing. Also the GOP is behind it. You all have nothing to worry about. Just buy it when you can calm the fuck down.


I have kids and don’t remember them getting 80 vaccines and they are fully vaccinated. But yeah man, he’s not a doctor and I’ll trust the medical community over this guy. His family doesn’t even support him. That says a lot. The thing is, I think whomever is the next president will have to get on board with crypto. It’s not going away. So the question becomes who’s going to make sensible legislation that allows the industry to grow while keeping the bad actors to a minimum. So I’m voting for Kamala. Plus I hate that the GOP is trying to take away our rights. RFK is 70. Trump is 78. Enough with these old fools and are disconnected.


If you have a family then you should be terrified of what the GOP is doing to your children's future, because they aren't going to do anything for crypto. I have four children and 145 eth, and it's an easy choice to vote for Kamala.


Trump is literally the best candidate the GOP can put forward? Seriously? A convicted felon and sex offender, that demands total loyalty and claims he always does the best deals? Trump needs to stay away from Bitcoin with his taint.


Here we go. Bringing up Biden. But since you did, he’s arguably been the most successful president of modern times. Created over 16 million jobs Stock market at all time highs Chips act Inflation reduction act PACT act for veterans American rescue plan Bipartisan infrastructure law Collected well over $1 billion from the wealthy for u paid taxes And so so much more. Sure he stutters and is old as dirt, but he’s not the nominee anymore. Trump is and dude can’t tell the truth ever! Like ever. I’m baffled at how people can hear him speak and with his lies and bullshit say that he should run our country. How many times does he need to say racist stuff or do horrible things for people to realize that he’s simply a bad person. He doesn’t have our best interest in mind. Like ever. GOP just blocked a bill that would give the middle class tax breaks because it didn’t do enough for the wealthy. I mean his tariffs plan will cost consumers more! He’s pro corporate greed. Wants less regulations. I mean, companies are already making record profits. At our expense. Do they really need to make more? He’s against women’s right and wants to force religion on people. Even though he’s clearly not religious. Project 2025 even wants to get rid of no fault divorce. Like seriously, why would the government care who we marry or why we divorce? He doesn’t care cuz the rules don’t apply to him and he’s old as dirt as well and won’t be around much longer. He even wants to get rid of social security and Medicare. Privatize insurance. No thanks man. I’m voting blue and hope you do too. Liz Chaney said it well, we can survive policies that we don’t agree on. We may not survive another Trump presidency. Be well friend.


The possibility of a GOP Administration paying off our national debt using Bitcoin.


The coin in question was a suggestion to get past the obstruction of the GOP held congress and Senate, which was shot down hard. As to Trump, he doesn't care how finance / economics works, only that he can get something out of it for himself.


Similar to online gambling a while back. Several GOP congressmen like Bill Frist, I believe, lost their jobs, and they might even have flipped the house, I can't remember, because of a sneaky last minute bill that basically ended online poker. A whole lot of Republicans became 1 issue Democrats for an election.


The only party who has literally taken freedoms is the GOP. They literally took reproductive health rights away and want to ban a bunch of books and freedom of expression. What rights are the Dems taking away?


Problem is Xi asked Putin for one simple favor. He needed donbas Ukraine because that is where the worlds supply of microprocessor grade neon AND enough grain for Xi to be able to get all his kids back together for dinner comes from. So now Putin has to send somebody in and take over donbas and he decides on a team of “little green men” led by Girkin. Honesty its just some bullies, because 90% of people will just hand over their lunch money rather than be beaten repeatedly. Most people just don’t want to get punched. Putin had his man Michael Flynn inside US government as head of DIA. All Mike had to do was withhold a little intel from Obama in 2014 and Putin could have Ukraine. And that’s exactly what he did. Only Ukraine fought back. And they stood up to kleptocracy and kremlin corruption for 10 years. Of course some people would rather just let the bully take what he wants and live in imaginary peace, but the ones who have been to Europe and the west and seen how nice life is when you don’t have to deal with being robbed by a thug every day aren’t going back. The freedom is just too addictive. Xi’s timeline just keeps cooking off. He has already committed to “made in China 2025” (which he had to cancel) and time stops for no man. Not even an aspiring emperor. Xi rearranges the rules so that he can run for his unprecedented third term. Xi had spent a ridiculous amount of money bribing the IOC on his 2022 Olympics and after nearly 2 years of having Chinese locked down for Covid to the point of welding some into their homes, he made an exception for the games. Something about them was that important. So either Xi knows something about Covid that the rest of us don’t, or Covid was intentionally released at the time it would do the most damage to the US economy. Probably both. Trumps children wasted no time capitalizing on it. The exchange of PPE from the US to China was effectively a blank check for Jared. Ivanka even trademarked coffins. Kushners buddy and hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin then did Jared’s exact same PPE airlift play in reverse doubling the profits and passing the cost on the the U.S. taxpayer to the tune of $8.4T. The national debt ballooning more by trump than any other single president was intentional. ($8.4T) The russian and CCP planned to use BRICS to destroy the USD. Trump just softened it up in advance. Leveraging the bureaucracy of the United States government against itself, the NIH and CDC grants that were originally extended in efforts of international solidarity against contagious disease outbreaks were reframed as conspiracy theories that the US was funding the Wuhan institute in some triple agent Q-anon conspiracy. Can’t say for certain yet if Covid was released intentionally or as a result of incompetence, but when viewed through the economic lens it was masterfully timed for maximum destruction of the vulnerable self sabotaging US federal reserve. (35:00 Timestamp) Trumps fixer Roger Stone idolized the eternal shitbird Richard Millhouse Nixon (stone literally has Nixon’s face tattooed on his back). Nixon put us there by handing the US economy on an oil soaked platter to Saudi Arabia in the form of the petrodollar in ~74. That took us off the gold standard and ensured 50 years of sending American kids to the Middle East to die for Saudis defense and corporate oil interests. There is another layer here of Russian/Israeli oligarchs pulling levers from their side using the same basic techniques that in hindsight explain most of the US involvement in the middle east for the past century. But it all revolves around using the U.S. military and U.S. taxpayer as both the enforcer and unwitting funder. Russia invaded Ukraine the second time in February of 2022 out of necessity for the failed 2014 invasion There is a fundamental doctrine in Russian military doctrine that you NEVER invade Russia in the winter. The Rasputita mud is brutal and unrelenting. It swallowed Germany and Napoleon before that. Yet, despite having a weather report, Putin waited until minutes after the closing ceremonies of Xi’s Olympics to invade. Ukraine was supposed to be Xi’s keystone that allowed him to take Taiwan and fulfill his grand ambitions- To be emperor, control the internet, and destroy the US economy The thing is when you do a statistical breakdown of exactly WHO is causing the majority share of the chaos and drama in the world, it always comes back to the same 3% with high psychopathic personality traits and low self awareness that also happen to have migrated to positions of political power. And they all seem to launder their money at the same trump branded laundromat and bank at the same deutschebank. There is big business in stealing from the 97% of the world that isn’t psychopaths. It just requires that every one of the 3% in charge keep each others secrets. This is Kompromat. And it has infected the GOP.


tldr; During a weekend bitcoin conference, Donald Trump pledged to make the US the "crypto capital of the planet" if elected in November, causing Bitcoin to hit its highest level since mid-June. Trump's remarks represent a shift from his previous negative stance on crypto during his presidency. He also announced raising $25 million in crypto donations over the last two months and received support from prominent crypto investors like the Winklevoss twins. Trump's comments align with the GOP's growing support for cryptocurrency, as reflected in their 2024 platform. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


> No new wars, isis defeated if you let evil win, not sure how this can be called achievement, isis and the taliban both still exist. He even handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban and got nothing. >boarder crossings in the negatives no, totally not true, less under Trump but not much, and last and this year the GOP blocked everything by the Biden admin to reduce immigartion because they want to ahrm Biden and not save America. >stonks only going up, Not sure if you lie on purpose or if you really don't know what's going on. S&P 500 stock index has risen 40% under Biden, during Trump’s presidential term, the S&P was up just 13%. Even Trump is on record saying that Democrats were always better for the economy. That's why he even donated To Hillary in the past. >record low unemployment levels also worse than under Biden.


Dems want to dump before the GOP can make a bitcoin reserve.


I'll say what I said in a [related post]( >TBH, I don't have a problem with this. We knew that sovereign states were going to get in the game *eventually* anyway, and at least this way it serves an actual purpose. We'd rather have this than what China is doing, which is probably effectively the same thing *while also banning it for the average citizen*. >Nobody's ever really liked the Republicans, as the Democrats have been successful in painting them as heartless moneygrubbers for a long time now. Not only that, but it's also Trump on the ticket this time around, and people have problems with him for a whole range of reasons. >With that said, I think Trump/GOP is still our best bet; at least they're actually listening to us and trying to get involved in our community, which is a fuck ton more than Kamala, Joe, Gary, and Liz Warren ever did. I truly and legitimately don't see why Trump gets as much hate as he does. I think it's just general mistrust of rich people after SBF, as well as "Anyone but Trump" syndrome (or "Trump-derangement Syndrome" as they call it) at this point.


TBH, I don't have a problem with this. We knew that sovereign states were going to get in the game *eventually* anyway, and at least this way it serves an actual purpose. We'd rather have this than what China is doing, which is probably effectively the same thing *while also banning it for the average citizen*. Nobody's ever really liked the Republicans, as the Democrats have been successful in painting them as heartless moneygrubbers for a long time now. Not only that, but it's also Trump on the ticket this time around, and people have problems with him for a whole range of reasons. With that said, I think Trump/GOP is still our best bet; at least they're actually listening to us and trying to get involved in our community, which is a fuck ton more than Kamala, Joe, Gary, and Liz Warren ever did.


^straight out of the GOP playbook. Rule whatever: if large swaths of people online offer dissenting opinions than your own, claim aNoThEr conspiracy theory that Reddit is overrun with DNC bots lol


> Once again it is illegal and has been for decades for non-citizens to vote so that does nothing to help dems. That has not changed no matter how much yall try to push that lie. Thats why the GOP dtopped the bill. It INCLUDES A PATH TO CITIZENSHIP FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS.


Yeah. That's what the GOP is saying. They equally give zero fucks about principle. Once they're in power you mind they restrict the fuck out of your rights though.


What speculation? What facts of yours did I deny? I simply provided the reasons for GOP opposition to the bill. The facts stand for themselves, tbey simply counter the democrat narrative that the bill was blocked to make biden look bad about his existing policies.


One of the controversial provisions Democrats attempted to include in the border security bill was a temporary expulsion authority for the President. This would allow the President to turn away immigrants when border crossings surge. On paper this sounds great, except this provision essentially is codifying thousands of illegal crossings a day. The bill also included a provision for a pathway to citizenship for "undocumented immigrants" aka illegal alians, further proving the GOP critisism that the democratic party is trying to sway the political climate of the country by allowing a massive flood of illegal crossings into the country, gaining their votes in the process. It's an illegal subversion of the existing law abiding citizens. Democrats also tried to include provisions that would give the President sole authority to override certain security provisions after three years, and that would give the far-left DC Circuit the authority to decide all constitutional challenges to the bill. This was criticized as a "shell game" and "beyond parody." Folks, stay educated. Try to look deeper than the headlines you read.


GOP doesn’t want to fix anything and it has been shown time and time again the last 4 years. If they really wanted to fix it, they would have already. Like I previously said, a republican negotiated the bill so whatever policies where in their were agreed upon by republicans. They voted it down cause they just can’t give a dem prez a win, it’s as simple as that.


It does when you think about it. GOP wants to fix the border not make it more difficult to fix by voting in half measures with deliberate concessions that most americans disapprove of.


Yes, it is true that the GOP (Republican Party) in the Senate blocked a bipartisan border security bill in February 2024. This was widely reported in various news sources. The main reasons cited for the GOP opposition: 1. Many Republicans felt the bill did not go far enough in addressing border security and immigration issues, especially given the high levels of illegal border crossings. They wanted stronger measures like a lower threshold to trigger a border shutdown. 2. Former President Trump publicly opposed the bill, saying it was a "highly sophisticated trap" that would help President Biden politically by allowing him to claim progress on the border in the last few months of his presidency. 4. There was also opposition from some Democrats, who felt the bill went too far in restricting asylum and expanding immigration enforcement. So in summary, the GOP blocked the bill primarily because they felt it was not strong enough on border security. There was also some Democratic opposition to the bill's provisions. Please for the love of god research and make informed decisions folks.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The cats out of the bag.  The FBI will not be selling.  GOP doesnt want it sold and DEMs are scrambling to catch up their policies.  Its a matter of time before the US sets up a formal reserve.  Other nations are listening too and know they getter start stacking before the rest of the world.


To your last sentence…for the same reason the GOP didn’t solidify 2A rights when they had control…if they solve these issues, they won’t have a platform to rally voters. BTW, I’m very pro-2A, I just just won’t trust Trump based on his track record of absurd promises and lies, just like I won’t trust Kamala to fix various social issues.


And if Trump wins, Putin knows Ukraine is toast. How do you not see this?? The entire Republican party is pro-Putin now just because the Democratic Party supports the only democratic country in this war (Ukraine), just as we have done dor decades. The GOP has been the most anti-Russia party on earth until your boy goes to Stockholm and sucks Putin’s cock in front of the entire world. You know why Putin wants Trump to win? Because Trump WILL end the war in five minutes by pulling all support from Ukraine, and we will all watch them fall to a despot. Who is next after Ukraine? Look out Poland. NATO can’t help you now, the US will pull out of that under Trump too. Come on man, stop lying to yourself!


Super fascinating to see the loaded language being bandied about by a bunch of witless tools to try to sow dissent. Kamala has the full backing of the Dem base, the only people gnashing their teeth are GOP stooges who are running scared since Biden stepped down and she became the logical, and widely accepted choice.


All these pro-crypto speakers are GOP, and they have been pro-crypto for some time. Hopefully, the Democrats take note and drop their "anti-crypto" BS. **Both parties should be pro-crypto.**


I think you’re asking too much of voters in a duopoly. The real answer is open primaries and rank choice voting - as they’ve done for state elections in Alaska & Maine - for example. That would give RFK Jr a better shot. Otherwise, both parties have gotten really bad at this polarized game — just look at recent presidential candidates. I can understand the default of wanting the incumbent to run again (flawed otherwise) but on the other side, all the GOP could come up with was Trump ? He didn’t perform bad enough and embarrass you enough last time ? You’re ok with Jan 6 ? The answer to those questions has been made clear by the GOP. Rank choice voting would help this issue. No more “to the victor goes the spoils”

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I saw one that had democrats had higher percentage of bitcoin ownership than GOP. I know a handful of people that own bitcoin and only one is a conservative.


So the Bernie Sanders supporter that shot up the GOP baseball game wasn't part of the left? There are people on both sides that will "attempt to go through with it". While the majority on both sides condemn violence, there is a small minority on both sides that definitely advocate for it even if they don't participate in it themselves.Then there's the even smaller amount that actually try to go through with it on both sides.


Let me clarify something that you're latching onto, only one political party advocates for and brushes off political violence and it's the GOP. You are completely downplaying Jan 6th. Trump incited that mob and didn't call the national guard. After the damage was done and he realized he wasn't getting the outcome he wanted, he posted that limp dick prerecorded message. Trump now says the people arrested at Jan 6th were wrongly detained and that they are political prisoners being castigated by the "Biden DOJ". All of those GOP politicians who condemned Trump and Jan 6th back then have already forgotten, and act like it wasn't a big deal. They're ready to line up with Trump again and downplay the next time he attempts to do the same. He already is saying he won't accept the results again. Again, both sides are not the same.


Mmmm BLM protests definitely weren't violent in any way. Same with anti-Israel protests, but only the right is violent right? The left definitely didn't blame Trump getting elected in 2016 on Russian interference and protested his election at all either right? What about the Bernie Sanders supporter trying to shoot up a GOP baseball game? Ah, that must be me imagining things because only one side will engage in political violence right? Both sides are equally guilty of this. I can go on about the right too, but the left is equally incapable of admitting their own faults and just deflect to the other side as well. If you truly think that, then you yourself are in a cult as well mate.


That 3 day operation is on day 833. It's taken a year and a half to get from Bakhmut to Chasiv Yar. For the supposed 2nd largest army in the world that promised this would take at most 2 weeks, this is abject failure. Trump's polls are falling. Didnt get a bump from the assassination attempt, didnt get a bump from the GOP convention and women in swing states are switching to Kamala. There is no enthusiasm in the GOP for Trump. His numbers are falling. It's ok though, you're clearly in love with the propaganda and not the reality. Which is probably why you cant back up anything you say.


Corporate media? I think they cause much of the problems in the world. I dislike the GOP, Dems and RFK. The problem with American politics is how people overlook major flaws because some politicians says some good things. This dude said all Palestinians should be wiped out: [](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It is an irrelevant political talking point that is only brought up during a Democrat's presidency. You heard about it during Obama, nothing during Trump, hear about it again during Biden. Reagan, the GOP god, raised it the 3rd most W. Bush the 4th most. Trump with 1 term is the 8th most on the exact same pace as Obama through 1 term. But Obama "bad"; Trump "good." And as for the "amount per citizen" of ~ $100K, it sounds like a lot, but yet doesn't. If, for some reason, it became due, for argument, July 24, 2025, or China/Russia (pick your boogeyman), you personally could raise most of that in a year. It would suck but most could do it: sell the boogeyman the extra car, cash the 401K, remortgage property, whatever. And obviously, there isn't really a "boogeyman", the US owes the US the lion's share of the debt. China 15%, all foreign portions is ~34%, so the amount you need in this fiction is between $15K and $34K. A boogeyman's gun to your head, most people will be able to find a way to get that money.


you are right but say he dies right now at his old age (not entirely unlikely), would the GOP run a new primary just a couple of months before the election or just run with JD Vance?


He lost in 2020. Midterms and special elections held since are showing big swings in favour of Dems against GOP candidates. He's coming into the election with the baggage of Roe v Wade, multiple felony convictions, more pending court cases, Jan6 and more. He's just spent the last four years attacking Biden over his age and family, neither of which are relevant anymore. To top it all off, he can't get on a microphone for more than 2 minutes without dribbling about fictional psychiatrists or forgetting people he's spoken about in the past. He then went and picked a VP who's main qualification for the role is being so devoid of morals that he'd sell out his own country for power. Even an assassination attempt didn't increase his popularity or stay in the news cycle for more than 48 hours. Dudes at his ceiling, he's not going to get any more popular than he already is. In the space of a weekend, Harris has shed the baggage of the age and family attacks that plagued Biden . She's smashed fundraising and volunteer records and has enough endorsements to secure the Dem nomination. She's still yet to pick a VP too. So long as she's smart about a VP selection she's going to be the firm favourite to win the presidency.


Lol what?? Too old and too stupid? Have you ever looked at party metrics? Republicans hold the title of old and stupid lol look it up! Or just look at a map of which state a red and which ones are blue. The most under educated states are alway vote red, middle America loves the GOP and they are by far the worst educated populous in the US. Based on you wildly inaccurate statements I very much doubt your understanding of the crypto space, you're most likely a crypto bro throwing money at random coins without understanding the underlying tech. Smh


>However, history shows us that he's been all over the place and has completely flipped his position on not just this, but other key policy decisions. Do you have an example of something that would've beneficial for the US, for Trump, and for the GOP where this happened? Something that would be apples to apples to this? It's easy just to say this as a vague baseless claim, but context would tell us if it's actually relevant or not. Just trying to figure out if people are just arbitrarily deciding when to believe Trump or if there is any logic, so far I haven't found any reasoning beyond "Trump lies a lot so I don't have to choose whether I believe him or not based on any evidence or logic." >With no real plan for it, he could come up with great policy in the here and now, but which might be bad in the long term because he only thinks short term and only thinks about this weeks news cycle. Nothing in the platform would suggest that. It just kind of seems like everyone in this subreddit that is against Trump, can't articulate why he would suddenly turn anti-crypto except for the fact that he lies alot. But most often he lies to benefit himself and sometimes the US, **so we would he lie to his detriment here**?


I'm just wondering who you think donates to the GOP?


I see this logic all over the subreddit and it makes zero sense to me. Stay with me here, answer each of these questions individually, and then tell me if what you just said makes any sense. Do you think being favorable to crypto is beneficial for the GOP/Trump? Do you think the US benefits from more favorable crypto regulation? (even something as simple as codifying the right to self-custody) Do you think Trump benefits from making the US more friendly towards crypto? I would think most people would answer yes to all 3 questions. Assuming you do as well, why would Trump not follow through on something that should be a win-win-win situation? If you didn't answer yes to any of the 3 questions, then I'd like to know your reasoning is on that specific question. To me it seems like... sure, you can go pro-crypto just for the votes and then not be pro-crypto once elected, but ... why? Why not... just be pro-crypto?


tldr; The article discusses how Bitcoin, with its growing user base and recognition, is becoming a significant force in politics, particularly in the context of the 2024 U.S. elections. Former President Donald Trump, once a critic of Bitcoin, has shifted his stance, now embracing it as part of his America-first agenda and branding himself as the "crypto president." The GOP has also adopted a pro-Bitcoin stance. The piece argues that Bitcoin serves as "resistance money," offering protection against financial censorship and authoritarian control, making it a tool for those outside the halls of power. It suggests that Democrats could benefit from adopting a pro-Bitcoin stance to appeal to swing voters concerned about crypto and to counter Trump's efforts to capture the crypto vote. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Not a chance. She might be the only candidate worse than Biden. Polls show her losing by double digits. The GOP is giddy.


Yes I got into crypto during Trump presidency and sure didn’t feel like he was doing anything beneficial for crypto. And people can say “but he has $11 million in MAGA meme coins” or something but that’s such a tiny fraction of his worth I doubt it’s on his radar. ….but one of the proposals is devaluing the dollar, and that’s something I think he may be serious about, and Bitcoin is the life raft for that scenario, so I do still feel slightly more comfortable about my crypto with GOP in charge. All while not being comfortable that GOP may be back in charge soon…


>Does anyone else think that Trump is essentially gaslighting us when he talks about Bitcoin? just the entire sub. >The reality what he's currently proposing are things that the Biden administration and courts have already been doing against the banks. Even ignoring FIT21 being vetoed, that's just not true at all. You need to catch up on the GOP platform regarding crypto, or maybe I need to catch up on the Dem's platform, but I don't remember them saying the same things as I've seen the GOP saying.


Fuck that and fuck the GOP trash they support. Can't wait for Gemini to get BTFO'd like other exchanges and all it's users come on here crying and coping


Biden/Harris's DOJ is trying to reschedule marijuana to pave the way for legalization and is being blocked at every turn by the GOP controlled house: []( I assume now that you know that you'll change your mind right? Cause you're not just a russian bot bringing up Tulsi for no reason?


Oh it’s not a slam dunk you are correct. But the GOP’s message of we got this and if the left wins it’s because they cheated. Hah. They’re just pruning their base for when they lose the votes. A gop presidential candidate has not won the popular vote in 24 years. Trump and MAGA keep getting more extreme and delusional. Where are the votes going to come from? They don’t have already half the country. And suburban women hate trump. And how many boomers will die in the next few months? Just saying. This is GOPs last hurrah. If they lose this and they know it. It’s over. The party will be all but destroyed and have to finally rebuild, which should have been done years ago.


Unseating Warren would mean putting another GOP stooge in the Senate to support the facist takeover of the US Federal Government. Fuck that.


I'm going to comfortably say there is no chance in hell of the GOP ever taking WA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

And yet your party is completely fractured, with like half your party begging Joe to step down from the race. While the GOP just had one of its most unifying events ever this past weekend.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> Former President Donald Trump once sang the same tune about bitcoin as many other world leaders. Like Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Turkey's Recep Erdogan, the Biden White House, and the Communist Party of China, Trump was against it. "Seems like a scam," he said. "I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar." > Unsurprising, really. Powerful people usually don't care for disruptive technologies that compete with the systems they control. > But the tone is shifting, driven by bitcoin's steep growth in users, an increased recognition of its merits, and the crypto industry's arrival as a fundraising and lobbying juggernaut. Fairshake, the new crypto PAC, has raised $177 million, putting it fourth amongst all PACs and less than $1 million behind Make America Great Again Inc. > Trump's message on bitcoin has also shifted. He now ties bitcoin to his America-first agenda: "We want all the remaining bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!!" He now calls himself the "crypto president," promises to protect bitcoin from "Elizabeth Warren and her goons," and vows to dismantle the hostile regulatory environment orchestrated by the Biden White House. The recently published GOP party platform featured an explicitly pro-bitcoin plank. And, later this month, Trump will headline the world's biggest bitcoin conference. > Crypto adoption is following the path of the internet. It's a rapidly growing industry, well-heeled, and has faced unfair regulatory headwinds and legal persecution. The crypto vote was ripe for the picking by anyone, blue or red or—orange. Trump simply seized the opportunity. That's politics. > Bitcoin is a force of its own, however. In fact, it's a Trojan horse. While some tout bitcoin to line their pockets and others to fill the ballot box, bitcoin exists for neither. In essence, bitcoin is resistance money. It serves those outside the halls of power—especially those vulnerable to financial censorship. Our political and financial elites likely have no need of bitcoin—not unless they themselves someday face political persecution. Censorship-resistant money isn't for the censors—it's for everyone else. > Trump's most strident critics paint a dark picture of a second term—an emboldened president, immune to criminal prosecution, vengeful, plotting against his political enemies, and cracking down on free speech and other civil liberties. Yet, at the same time, they cheer or even conspire for bitcoin's demise. Instead, Democrats should pivot toward bitcoin as insurance in case their fears materialize. Better yet, a pro-bitcoin posture could help prevent Trump's victory in the first place. > Consider first bitcoin as an insurance policy against authoritarianism. We've seen authoritarian crackdowns in other countries, so we can learn from them. Modern authoritarians routinely bend banking systems toward their own ends. They hobble their opposition by strangling financial flows and seizing assets. Russia's Vladimir Putin is typical. Russia famously de-banked the late opposition leader Alexei Navalny and his Anti-Corruption Foundation. Russian activists, journalists, and business leaders have also been financially excommunicated. > In the event of a repressive Trump regime, you will wish you had money that resists censorship—money that an authoritarian cannot control. You will wish you had bitcoin, in other words. Bitcoin, the asset, lives on its own network and operates without the cooperation or permission of financial intermediaries—the very pressure points that enable financial censorship in traditional finance. > Many worldwide have used bitcoin to route around authoritarians. Nearly two dozen human rights advocates from 20 countries attested as much in a 2022 letter to congressional leaders. Famously, Navalny adopted bitcoin in 2016 to route around his censorable Russian bank accounts and funding channels. His organization, the Anti-Corruption Foundation, still uses bitcoin. They did so to pay for his funeral earlier this year, according to CFO Anna Chekhovich. > Censorship-resistant money alone cannot protect civil liberties; encrypted messaging and censorship-resistant publishing protocols are necessary tools too. So is a populace prepared to deploy them in a spirit of resistance, and to defend them in court when necessary. Those who predict a dystopian second Trump term should embrace all these tools and learn how to use them effectively. > Trump hopes to vacuum up the crypto vote. Democrats would be wise to do the same. Recent polls suggested that some swing voters in battleground states care about crypto. Democrats hoping to block a Trump victory in November could court their favor by easing up on recent regulatory crackdowns, treating bitcoin miners fairly and like any other purchasers of energy, and focusing enforcement efforts on actual criminals such as Sam Bankman-Fried, rather than harassing software developers who build privacy tools for bitcoin. As an olive branch, Democrats could also support the bitcoin network as a peaceful mechanism for exporting American values worldwide. > A pivot along these lines needn't be an empty and cynical grab for votes. For it would reflect the stated values of anyone who claims to care about people on the margins. Bitcoin does not discriminate on the basis of creed, color, gender, or ideology. It offers the same services to the powerful and the powerless alike. For a party that touts financial inclusion and equality, bitcoin is a natural fit. > The Democrats could neutralize Trump's recent efforts to capture the crypto vote. With thin margins in battleground states, a few hundred votes could make a difference. > Bitcoin is a tool—and an increasingly important topic in American politics. Donald Trump is willing to use it to his advantage. Are his opponents?


You've fallen hook line and sinker for the grift my friend. Trump and the GOP generally are no real friends of crypto. They will say damn near anything to get your vote.
