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If Trump starts relegating tax income proportionally (which he'd never do because there would be a GOP revolt) I hope we start to see these taker states start realizing their dependence on the fed


Not that one GOP guy. The wheelchair gay guy who narc'ed about the cocaine parties


That is very vague and seems like some kind of deflection. Trump and the current GOP are beyond unprecedented, you don't need to be in a cult to see that, you just need to base your beliefs on evidence


I don't use false equivalence to defend criminal behavior just because it’s coming from the side I support. I don't make excuses for any wrongdoing. I don't conveniently ignore the real harm like the blatant attacks on our democracy and the very real consequences of supporting a coup. The fact is, the GOP is actively enabling corruption and chaos, and instead of holding them accountable, you’re deflecting. That’s a weak defense. If you care about the integrity of our government and accountability, you should be calling out those who are actually undermining our country, no matter which side of the aisle they sit on. I refuse to make excuses for a party that's out to destroy the very democracy I cherish. Can you say any of that?


Markets hate unpredictability and the President has made the US entirely unpredictable. The GOP seems content to allow Trump and Elon to crash the markets so 🤷‍♂️. what are you gonna do? hope he takes a nap and goes golfing i guess. so we should be back this spring/summer


> How much did he donate to Trump and the GOP. wrong party. he was a big donor to biden and congressional democrats


How much did he donate to Trump and the GOP. If he did there’s a realistic chance


Trump and GOP congressmen are allowing it. It's not one man, it's one man and an entire political party.


He's the single biggest enabler of what the modern GOP has become. Refused to put country over party at every juncture. Is he an effective politician? Sure. Are his politics good for anyone but him and his backers? No. He's like a villain in a Dickens novel. Cartoonishly callous, unempathetic and duplicitous.


Contacting Congress is important, but let’s be real—just calling won’t be enough if the Democratic leadership doesn’t stop playing by rules the GOP abandoned years ago. We’re dealing with a full-scale takeover of the U.S. government by a billionaire tech grifter and a convicted conman, and the only response from half of Congress is to “build bridges” with a party that is actively enabling this authoritarian power grab. Yes, pressure your representatives. But also demand that Democrats stop acting like this is normal. The GOP is either complicit or too scared to act, and hoping for a few “sane Republicans” to stop this is like expecting Musk to suddenly start respecting workers’ rights. It’s delusional. This isn’t a legislative fight anymore—it’s an existential crisis. The Treasury is being looted, USAID has been erased, government services are getting shut down, and the country is being gutted in real time. If elected officials won’t act like this is a national emergency, then public outcry needs to be so loud that they have no choice. So yeah, call your reps, flood their inboxes, but also demand that they start fighting like this is the collapse of democracy—because it is.


Because the GOP elected Trump and told him he could do literally anything.


I sold when the market was high. Trump is too much of a wildcard. It's time to pull out until the GOP pulls out. They're bad for business.


The GOP has said no to CBDC, so I assume it's privately created ones like USDC.


You can already see the spending data you’re looking for - it’s public record and it’s easy to find and navigate. And if you’re looking for concrete, non-partisan work that would immediately eliminate waste or inefficiency, GAO exists and does good work that, for some reason, Musk and the GOP is choosing to ignore right now.  The only agency you’ll have trouble with is the Pentagon, since they can’t pass an audit, and the DoD given its size. Worth pointing out, Shitler and the GOP aren’t looking to defund THOSE agencies, though.  Almost like it isn’t about waste and efficiency at all. If it were, they would’ve started with GAO’s work (instead of piss poorly attempting to do the job of an agency that already fucking exists) and they’d have went straight to the Pentagon before going anywhere else. 


While I dont mind the idea of a sovereign wealth fund, there is no way this isnt mishandled by Trump and his cronies to use taxpayer funds to "invest" in other buddies companies. This is like giving no bid contracts to big time GOP donors for the border wall project. If you put in the proper controls, bi partisan investment committee, and then government members couldnt trade individual stocks, only sectors or market wide funds, I could see it as a success. However the track record of Trumps administrations would lead me to beleive they will pilfer billions from the tax payer and "invest" in donor companies. Maybe sometimes they will succeed but its an easy to to subsidize any business of cronies.


I don't think this second trump administration is like other governments GOP is always saying we're broke as a county. How are we gonna fill a "sovereign wealth fund"? With debt?


I hate donald Trump for a huge list of reasons, but none of them include the value of his fucking property portfolio, lol. You have to be a meth head to think nobody blamed Biden for the crypto dump two years ago. It's literally the platform Trump and the GOP ran on: Biden was bad for the economy, we need to replace Gensler, yellen, Powell, et al. But Twitter nazis have a short memory and that is to the extreme advantage to their orange emperor. I'm personally not angry because of the dip, because I sold my entire altcoin portfolio the day Trump announced his rug pull. You can see the evidence in my comment history.


I don’t think it was the Bitcoin maxi’s, this falls on the lack of education in red states as well the spread of propaganda from foreign actors. To add the finishing touch we had an opportunity for more election security and the GOP killed it so we can get to where we are now.


nope GOP and the gang wanted this product


Yeah, I snickered at the quote in the OP article about how no president would take this kind of political risk. Trump has so much political downside protection, he is always at his most exposed and it is enough to control the GOP.


Lol what? Who do you think I'm with when you say "you guys"? I have no party affiliation, and nothing but animosity for both the GOP and DNC. Get out of your team sports mentality, you've been divided and conquered.


Bankman-Fried “Public records of Bankman-Fried’s money show it primarily went to support Democratic committees and candidates. He donated $6 million to the House Majority PAC, the main outside group supporting House Democrats. He also gave $250,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and $66,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. The bulk of his political donations — $27 million — bankrolled the “Protect Our Future PAC,” a group advocating for pandemic preparedness. The “Protect Our Future PAC” spent $24.2 million on independent expenditures (mailers, ads) to support 19 Democratic House candidates including Rep. Lucy McBath of Georgia and recently elected Reps. Maxwell Frost, of Florida, and Jasmine Crockett, of Texas. Carrick Flynn, who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in the Oregon Democratic primary, saw $10 million in outside spending from the “Protect Our Future PAC.” Under federal campaign finance law, candidates are supposed to have no say or knowledge of outside groups spending on independent expenditures to support or oppose them. Republican donations Bankman-Fried said in an interview in late November that his donations to Republicans were roughly equal to those he made to Democrats, but that “all my Republican donations were dark.” He also said he made all of these donations during the primary contests. “Reporters freak the f*** out if you donate to a Republican, because they’re all super liberal. And I didn’t want to have that fight, so I just made all the Republican ones dark,” he said in the interview, adding he thought he may have been the “second or third biggest” GOP donor this cycle. “ On the XRP front you are actually incorrect : retail sales are the ones ruled ‘not a security’. … it’s the institutional sales that continued litigation / fines is about. Kind of weird you flipped that around backwards


Who is falling for non stop GOP related rugpulls ?


Uhhh perhaps you forgot that the US had a national surplus when Clinton left office. So I don't necessarily blame just tRump but the entire GOP


Both of your points are likely to play out. The GOP will establish a pro crypto policy, however with the fallout from their economic plan, the added incentive for them will be that it won't benefit retail, but rather it will be institutions and the mega wealthy that benefit. The big 1-2 punch.


Well, giving Trump the funds directly, what is that for? Is that a bribe? Is that legal? Even if you are working on the assumption he's not particularly concerned with whether an action is legal or not if it benefits him, that approach is problematic. This way, it's more like going golfing and forcing the Secret Service to pay for rooms and food in his club at inflated rates - or inviting multiple GOP members along to fill up even more rooms for the same end goal: "How much money can I grift this week?". The difference is this new method is not limited by the cost of a hotel room - he could literally sell a billion dollar tranche of tokens.


> I never thought the president of America would scam us There is no one in this world that naive right? Wait, no, half of America. Reagan's dismantling of the education system was an incredible boon to the GOP and all the shit coins.


What else is new in the GOP?




Misconception. He funded both Democrats and Republicans. SBF was the public face for Dems, Ryan for the GOP (Ryan’s in jail for this as well.)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Imagine Elon Musk put 2-3% of his Net Worth into #Bitcoin with a smash buy on Election Day. Instant approval rating boost to Trump, Musk, and GOP as Bitcoin would soar majorly with a $12B smash buy. I hope Elon sees this and sends it 😎


It's tough to find that many yes men tho. Quite a big portions of the GOP is NOT his yes men.


Powell lowers interest rates which always pumps the market. Trump and GOP create volatility by trying to shut down the government. Every Trump supporter in here “it’s Powell’s fault!” Lmao


No. Read a book. He cut rates cause their was a pandemic and economic crisis. Stimulus was bilaterally supported by Dems and GOP. Before that, Powell mostly kept rates at the low level they’d been for 8 years since the financial crisis. He raised them slightly over Trumps term before the pandemic.


Yup, everybody knows that. The reason the market is so bullish is that the legislation roadblock might be gone with Trump in the Whitehouse and his grip on the GOP. I don't think either the GOP congress members or the Senate will die on a hill to prevent it from happening. Trump is of course a pathological liar, but is very predictable because is incredibly self-serving and crypto going up is in his own self-interest. But let's see there are still many steps.


For real. They are really teaching their kids hard sciences; where we let the GOP blow up our shit for 40 years in the goals of instituting a religious purge.


Trump and Elon are running a pump.and dump scheme. In the event Trump *doesn't* go full fascist, he's going to break every. Single. Crypto-bro who has invested in his scheme. This is Trump's MO. He has run multiple financial schemes to enrich himself. He's about to screw over trailer-park Republicans by cutting social security and welfare. He's gonna screw over the "good" Latin-American population. He's screwed over contractors, lawyers, MyPillow guy. He's left Giuliani behind. I'm looking forward to the big Crypto-crash he causes, and it's gonna be glorious. Elon is probably also going to be a victim, and if he goes bankrupt as a result, or has to sell off his shares in SpaceX, Tesla, and Xitter to pay for it, it's gonna be a good, fucking day. Trump Crypto-bros are going to take that personally and the GOP will have a very bad time. Or maybe it happens when Trump dies because he's such a cult of personality.


The vote that McCain voted down was not "repeal and replace" it was "repeal and trust the GOP to create something later" at a time when there was 0 GOP consensus on what the replacement would.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Tell us what you really think but take the GOP cock out of your mouth first

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

GOP Translation: We will use presidential power and influence to enrich ourselves and manipulate the crypto market in any way possible.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"Fair regulation"? Seriously? GOP is anti regulation in everything. They'll only add regulations to crypto if they can pocket some campaign donations or otherwise personally profit. Be prepared for new shitcoins galore, and probably a new trump shitcoin he requires you buy before voting.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There's more than enough evidence to say that there's a blackmail ring that's prevalent in DC, and that's why any politician that goes in there, regardless of which side of the aisle, ends up supporting the same policies that none of the American people actually want. Think about it; right now, we're getting the _worst_ of both worlds b/w free-market capitalism and centralized economic planning! You have to ask yourself who benefits from those decisions, and then come to the realization that they're the ones who actually control Washington. They're the "fourth" branch of government; the one which was never elected or appointed fairly as per the Constitution. That's who your enemy should be regardless of your political affiliation. Trump said it was rigged, but he never said the Democrats rigged it. What he was saying is that the deep state, as defined above, benefits from Biden being in office b/c he's a senile old man who just needs to be served a bowl of ice cream so he's in a good mood before they ask him to sign off on blowing up half the Middle East. The Democrats, especially the populist ones, aren't my enemies as a conservative! They're like the horse that my enemy is riding; worst comes to worst, I have to kill the horse too, and I won't hesitate if it comes to that, but I'd much rather just knock the man off of it and then set it free after that b/c it's not a threat to my mission anymore. Those same people think I'm the horse that the GOP establishment is riding, but I'm not the one who gets beaten for disagreeing with my master on the right path forward. I consider myself a fellow soldier, albeit the lowest foot-soldier, in Trump's war (instead of as a horse), b/c I have the right to choose whether or not I'm there; I choose to stand by my country, which is what the populist Left thinks it's doing too, but unlike them, I'm not being coerced through virtue signaling, purity tests, and cancel culture into making that choice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Caroline Crenshaw, a US SEC commissioner known for her strict stance on cryptocurrency, faces scrutiny ahead of her re-nomination vote by the Senate Banking Committee. Critics argue her opposition to Bitcoin ETFs and alignment with progressive policies could stifle crypto innovation. Her re-nomination is contentious, with GOP allies of Trump signaling potential reforms for a more crypto-friendly regulatory environment if her nomination is blocked. The outcome of the vote could significantly impact the future of crypto regulation in the US. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don't worry, GOP will take care of that in the next 4.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Trump administration has no reason to try to clean up the crypto space considering his crypto bro donors and the GOP's general disdain for regulation. If anything, these things are going to be more prevalent.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Coke-addled Don Jr following in Dubya’s footsteps. Just GOP things.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Either they're morons or ill intentioned, either way we failed by putting them in charge. Call me cynical, but least damaging case here is some GOP members end up this cycle's SBF IMO.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Smugly arrogant, GOP classic.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bernie throughout his long career has been able to make deals with and work with people who he is not ideologically aligned with Both GOP and Democrats He wants to help the working class, you can disagree with him on everything but it can’t be denied that’s his aim

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly. However, the American voter has been convinced that GOP leaders are better on the economy. AND everyone loves a good sugar high— until that crashes!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Agreed. I have a suspicion that a lot of Dem Politicians are actually “pro-crypto” but can’t say it because they’ll be blasted for supporting Trump policy. Similar to someone in GOP having some views that would be considered “communist” to people on the right. Sad that people can’t just understand that we’re all different in our own way…

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Right now the GOP seems to be all in on Crypto, and since they control all three houses, it is very possible. Now will it happen? That remains to be seen!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Even if your right unless your also Maga. Would you not want a non Maga GOP president. Someone who does pay their workers. Someone not going for the seat to stay out of jail. Someone who won't let Putin walk all over them and does not look up to dictators. Someone who won't tax nearly all goods you would be able to buy. Someone not this old, cause having an old slow president with Biden clearly did not have any problems.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Maybe he won’t want to continue but will set up GOP for a long time. It’s probably the best thing for GOP since sliced bread

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I don’t think there will be an election in 2028. There will be a GOP primary for show. But not an election.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So I consider myself reasonably well-educated on economic issues, and I've been involved in Bitcoin since late 2010 with the Wikileaks donations. I participated heavily in the Iowa causes in both of Ron Paul's campaigns because I wanted to see an end to the Federal Reserve. I also mined Bitcoin continually over a decade ago (and off and on with various mining enterprises since then, most notably in 2017). I've also read the article on hyperbitcoinization and generally agree with it, at least in concept. In practice, I don't think the Lightning network has seen the kinds of adoption rates needed for it to work. I don't know if I understand right now why there is this sudden push for adding to a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve (BSR). I mean, I get the idea, and I agree it could be done with existing coin that is in the hands of agencies. It's the adding more Bitcoin to it part that I don't get. With the likelihood of the GOP controlling two branches and a Department of Government Efficiency, doesn't this mean they plan to cut costs and thus reduce federal spending? If so, these are changes that will strengthen the dollar, not weaken it, and eventually bringing debt under control should reduce the need for Bitcoin as a store of value asset among the populace. If the dollar strengthens and federal spending is under control, everyone will win domestically without having to add more to a BSR. While I'd be happy to see the price increase, I don't think that Bitcoin should rise in value at the expense of the public as a whole, and I'm worried that adding more to a BSR sends the wrong signals, especially to DC, that it's just business as usual and it's okay to keep monetary inflation and federal spending going hog wild. Alternatively, what would be particularly troublesome would be if both spending is drastically cut and we are putting the nation's wealth into a strategic Bitcoin reserve rather than just paying the debt off, as this could lead to a significantly contractionary monetary policy. These effects on the dollar would be negative domestically, and much of the nation's unbanked and uneducated would be hurt the most by this as they don't have reliable ways to invest in Bitcoin. Milton Friedman once chastised the Federal Reserve for contributing even more towards the Great Depression as they increased interest rates drastically, forced bank holidays, and generally took the wrong steps towards solving the actual problems that arose after the roaring twenties. It took them 70 years, but Ben Bernanke finally apologized to Milton Friedman on behalf of the Federal Reserve for this bad policy back in 2002. I'm a little worried this is a case of history repeating itself. It might even get as bad as Executive Order 6102 was, where the Roosevelt administration effectively banned private ownership of gold in a misguided attempt to cull commodities speculation in response to the failing bank closures. We don't want this same thing happening with Bitcoin, where only national reserves can hold crypto, right? Then why aren't we advocating for a sound fiscal policy? Cut costs or only add to a BSR during years when you run a significant deficit. If you're planning on cutting costs, wait a while before actually increasing Bitcoin holdings, don't one-two punch the economy in the gut by also adding to a BSR. Anyway, the TL;DR of this is that a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve is fine as long as we're only adding what is already in agency hands to it and we're cutting federal spending. If we both cut federal spending AND add to a BSR, I don't see that heading anywhere but to a depression. If every US state starts adding to a BSR, that could be particularly troublesome, especially if it becomes a race. This would be more than just hyperbitcoinization, it would be depression for the vast majority of the Western world.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Personally, I think the market rally was already coming, but short-sighted GOP exuberance kicked it off early. But what isn't priced in are the harsh politically-driven economic realities on the horizon

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I’m not questioning the fact that over 50% of the countries population of eligible didn’t vote for one candidate. I just think the interpretation and conclusion drawn from the irrelevant nitpicked statistic in my opinion has no merit in a reasonable conversation. Everyone over 18 has a right to vote. If they didn’t exercise their right they have muted their voice. It’s not reasonable to discredit a mandate victory for the GOP because of non voters who silenced themselves.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That and the fact he and the GOP have literally promised what I said. This ‘Democrat brain rot’ shit needs to stop lmao especially when I am citing trump’s own actions

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Even the title proves my point. Nothing he said suggests: >...there are exceedingly few scenarios where the GOP allows another election What he did say they "wont have to vote again" because things will be 'fixed'. There are so many ways of interpreting this, but none of them are even remotely the equivalent to Republicans 'never allowing another election'. Even if Trump wanted it, for which there is zero evidence, it wouldn't happen. This is nothing more than an alarmist fantasy, and anyone that repeats it is a moron.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>there are exceedingly few scenarios where the GOP allows another election Unparalleled brain-rot. And people still wonder why the Democrats lost when this type of nonsense is constantly repeated.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

… Until the next four years after that. Lol there are exceedingly few scenarios where the GOP allows another election

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m not sure that you understand how important the election catalyst really was. Gary is going to be out, a whole bunch of lawsuits stop, very friendly regulation and legislation will get drafted under an all GOP president, senate, house

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

PROOF Trump Elon GOP are🖕🏼lying PROJECT 2025 47 fascism will be SHOVED on All Americans. Cut SS, FEMA, raise retirement age, Cut Veterans & disability benefits, Cut Medi-Cal Medicare, No IVF, Total National No exceptions Abortion Ban

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The crypto community is incredibly stupid- or else the gritfs and rug pulls would have stopped. Here is a clue - the various "conservative" parties around the world- be they putin/Xi dictatorships or US oligarchs - only support crypto where they think it will benefit them. The clue is in the name. Conservatives hope to maintain the current power structures. The GOPs main game is to convince the comman man to vote against their own self-interest. Therefore if the GOP is all in for crypto then that means their backers are confidemt that they can control crypto. That the oligarchs will remain on top. The GOP would not support otherwise.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s even stronger now that the Trump party is masquerading as the GOP. Trump doesn’t understand technology and is pandering to crypto bros. Trump is not Christian. He was a non churchgoing possibly atheist democrat. He is a cult leader driven by self serving greed.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you put tariffs on something that impacts everything like chips then the impact is high. If you put a tariff on whiskey the impact is low/ not noticeable. That's the big problem with Trump he wants to impact chips while the GOP is trying to axe the chip act also.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If Putin wins they'll be facing war anyway once he invades a NATO country. I remember when The GOP stood up to Russia. I picked just two of Trump's crazy episodes because they were recent ones. There are many many more.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FTX was not a bank. Also: [Not Just Democrats: FTX Exec Gave Tens of Millions to GOP Causes](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The derangement is strong. It's crystal clear the GOP is more pro bitcoin than the DMC. What's more the running mate of Trump is Elon. He recently allocated best part of a billion of company assets into BTC.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

But wait a minute. Strictly looking at the issue of illegal immigration, historically, democrat administrations have removed more illegal immigrants than republican administrations. If I’m not mistaken, Obama holds the record, and trump doesn’t come close, even after changing the rules in order to make it easier to send people back during Covid. Biden is on track to match trump in terms of deportations. Budget wise, we continue to spend money on border patrol and detention, 3 billion ish, but only $500 million for the court systems which process the people ICE takes in. Congress GOP more recently rejected Biden’s attempt to consolidate DHS services, and they want to take more money away from the court systems that process illegal immigrants. Simply, the resources are not aligned with the demands right now, and it’s causing backlogs and delays in processing and leading to even more issues.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Congress controls spending, and that's been the GOP for the last decade. Nice deflection tho'.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pretty sure he turned conservative because he knew the story about him sexually harrassing his employees was about to come out, and the GOP has proven they love embracing sex pests like Trump and Roy Moore

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I see the GOP putting more effort into trying to toss out eligible voters and contest results before the election even happens as opposed to trying to win. That suggests they are expecting to lose the election on votes and win through legal processes.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

TIL that the US is a socialist country. Why? Well, the debt was not accumulated today, in the last year or hr last administration. It's been accumulated over decades of GOP and DEM administrations. So if >The government being forced to live within its means would mean a serious curtailment of their cronyism and an end to their socialist agenda. this means all US governments since WW2 or more had a socialist agenda. America is a socialist country. Thank you for teaching me. And I thought we were a capitalist country!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just a reminder that the last federal budget that was passed was signed by Donald Trump in Dec 2020, after he knew he lost the election. The GOP house has been stonewalling ever since. Elon has pledged full support for the same guy who set these spending levels.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SBF said himself that he gave equally to the GOP. He just hid it cause he didnt want reporters finding out. So….

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You know, aside from crypto- even if it were true: All the other stuff though? Trump and the GOP are terrible for the country. Just, please don't be a single-issue voter, and for the love of god if you must be: DON'T LET THAT SINGLE ISSUE BE CRYPTO.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>republicans are so far out of power that the only candidates they can find to run are wack jobs like this not saying you're wrong, but even when the GOP has a strong chance to win somewhere they still run whack jobs and ruin their chances

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He didn’t say Cares act. The tax cuts for the wealthy shoved through by the GOP had a huge effect too. Every nation that locked down and printed money to keep everything afloat had inflation. The US led the world in turning it around and getting it under control.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Probably using this to funnel money to GOP campaigns.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nope. At the start of each term session: Obama had 51 Dem vs 47 GOP Senators. Trump had 52 GOP vs 45 Dem Senators. Senate requires a 60 supermajority to proceed to a vote, but only 51 simple majority to pass it thereafter. Obama managed to get up to 60 eventually despite Kennedy dying (and being replaced by a Republican) and with the help of some independents, but only for a mere 4 month window. And he used that time to make the most significant improvement to American health care in decades. Millions got coverage. Still not actual UHC like every other peer nation already has, but a decent move anyway. And prior to that window opening, Obama got his stimulus package passed anyway. Doing deals, I guess? Trump couldn't get a deal done even starting from a better position. Often he couldn't get Republicans to agree with other Republicans, never-mind courting independents (or Dems). Not even to repeal / replace Obamacare, never-mind seriously building the wall. Both promises made and broken due to his poor leadership skills and egocentric approach.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why would any anyone trust the GOP????

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Love to hear it! The more GOP, the better for us ALL!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Fuck no. That dementia riddled, orange, dictator wanna-be, Putin lap dog, Epstein friend fuck wad has to go. Bitcoin will be fine under Kamala. It won't give a shit who is President. The most institutional adoption we ever had was under a Dem admin, not a GOP one. Democracy surviving is the priority this time around.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You’re continuing to overlook the problem of: 1. The pool of bettors is self-selecting. In my almost decade of being around crypto advocates the majority of them lean libertarian and share ideology more closely aligned with the GOP than Democrats. 2. Polymarket specifically has Trump supporters in positions where they could inject their own money into these relatively low liquidity markets and move the numbers however they want. The fact that this is even a possibility leads me to think I can’t trust it. I agree with you bettors want to win. I’m just saying the pool of bettors is Trump heavy because crypto advocates are libertarian/GOP heavy. Also winning means different things to different people. You’re assuming everybody placing the bets wants to win money. Peter Thiel surreptitiously placing bets to move the market and help Trump look stronger to the public would be inline with his general monetary support through super PACs etc. He doesn’t need to “win” more money. He “wins” if he influences public opinion to believe Trump is in a better position than polls indicate and also if it gets people like you and me more divided than we already are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Easty. Vote in a GOP prez

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You had to find some excuse for why Clinton balanced the budget, and GOP blew it back up. Outsourcing wouldn’t balance the budget, leaving aside it is more of a Republican thing. When history disagrees with bro economics, history has to go…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Trump killed an immigration bill that conservatives crafted and was approved by the border enforcement union. Why? Because he wanted to use the issue to campaign to rubes like you. Remember the immigrant convoy “imminent threat” in 2018? National Guardsmen spent Christmas at the border at taxpayers expense doing nothing because it was a nothing burger. Political theater works well for the GOP and Putin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And Trump got voted out of the race in 2020, but here he is, at the top of the GOP ticket in 2024. What’s your point? 

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This article looks like it was written by a 5th grader, one of the gems being: "One out of every two Democratic voters say the same thing, as do half of all GOP voters". That said, the point is that there's a substantial population with pro-crypto sentiment that aren't hard-decided on one candidate vs the other.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DonOLD is determined that no downstream GOP candidate will get any campaign funding, because there simply won't be any $ left in the pockets of his worshippers. He is making the poor people, even poorer. And, they deserve it tbh.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Vice President Kamala Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election, could potentially reshape crypto regulation. With President Biden not seeking re-election, Harris's campaign is gaining momentum, reminiscent of Obama's 2008 campaign. However, the crypto industry remains wary, aligning with the GOP due to concerns over a hostile regulatory environment. Harris's approach to crypto regulation could offer a fresh start, impacting the industry's future. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can’t afford it due to dumbass GOP policies whoops

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If the GOP wanted my vote they wouldn't have nominated Trump.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The one Trump asked GOP to shoot down democratic policy to improve boarder security leading to Biden to have to do executive orders because the gop sat on their hands?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ah the gun crying republican. You've been crying about guns and those democrats coming to take them for... how long now? You still have your precious guns, right? And democrats have been in power for many years while you've been told to cry about them by the NRA. Clinton, Obama, Biden... Still have your precious guns. If you haven't figured it out, you aren't losing your guns. What they want is reasonable restrictions on guns like background checks, taking guns from people who are a danger to society (maybe you... is this why you're worried?)... keeping guns our of places they don't belong. It's really not complicated. Just turn off Newsmax and get your news from a more truthful source. The gun issue is manufactured by the NRA and the GOP to keep you voting for them and nothing else. If you don't believe me, do some reading on the NRA and the Black Panther's history and get back to me. You'll be shocked at history. "The Mulford Act was passed really directly in response to the Black Panther Party bearing arms and self-defense legally." The bill limiting the right to openly carry loaded guns was supported by the National Rifle Association and signed into law by then Gov. Ronald Regan in 1967" Yep, you read that right. Wasn't he some sort of president before... that Ronnie guy? What party did he represent? Hmm..... Read up on history before and after that point for more enlightenment on this road the NRA, your "news" sites, and your party have blindfolded you and led you down.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The GOP didn't nominate Trump. Voters nominated Trump. That's way more than kamala can say.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If the GOP wanted my vote they wouldn't have nominated Trump. So in the end whatever Kamala does isn't that important to me.
