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SqueezeFinder Update - Jan 29th 2024

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Squeezefinder Update - Jan 25th 2024

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SqueezeFinder Update - Jan 24th 2024

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How to know, when or if something will squeeze and how long it will take from what I’ve learned the last few years studying them.

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SqueezeFinder Update - Jan 22nd 2024

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Looks like the auto bubble's finally popping! KMX and CVNA keep struggling until sales prices strengthen

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

It's been quite the six figure (several) ride down over the past year. No one tells you it gets faster as you get closer to zero. Inherited

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Been quite the 6 figure (several) ride down this year. No one tells you it goes faster as you get closer to zero

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$FSK is primed to break into a sizeable squeeze based on supply and demand of shares alone... most relevant data is included below

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Looks like we might be getting ready for takeoff over at BYND

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Is CVNA overvalued?

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CVNA is overvalued

r/pennystocksSee Post

3 Meme Stocks that Have Nowhere to Go But Down in 2024

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2024 Shorting Ideas - Companies that has exposure to used car market

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

“The used-vehicle market for this year is expected to finish just below last year’s performance” $CVNA

r/StockMarketSee Post

+551.15% on 2 shares or CVNA… I should have bought more back in January

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

CVNA - Carvana 38% short interest!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

This Week is CVNA Week

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CVNA Diamond Hands

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Highest short interest stocks today $FSR $BYND $UPST $CVNA

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Highest short interest stocks today $FSR $BYND $UPST $CVNA

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$CVNA has a chance for short squeeze?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

WBUY and MLGO: Exhibits #1,001 and #1,002 on why you stay away from shitty Asian small cap IPOs

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SqueezeFinder Update - Dec 4th 2023

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SqueezeFinder Update - Nov 30th 2023

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SqueezeFinder Update - Nov 27th 2023

r/investingSee Post

I made a post on here about CVNA before it shot up

r/StockMarketSee Post

Carvana(CVNA) business model question.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

CarMax is the Carvana nobody knows about. CVNA is destined for bankruptcy.

r/optionsSee Post

$CVNA ☝️

r/investingSee Post

1.5 year follow-up on buying the dip on pandemic stocks

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

CVNA earnings call. Thoughts anyone? Possible squeeze?

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Everything you need to know about ROKU earnings here

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ABNB Earnings Alert: Everything you need to know 🚀🔥

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CVNA part 2. holding through earnings

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CVNA this is all my money

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

RAD is the next incoming MOASS

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C3.AI, CVNA and UPST best stocks to short?

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$CVNA Carvana YOLO

r/optionsSee Post

$CVNA - Best Strategy for Near Term Vol and Long Term Bankruptcy

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Experts bullish on a shitty company like $CVNA.. then ill do the opposite

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The 'Short' Truth of Kerrisdale Capital

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Kerrisdale Capitol continued fraud

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Kerrisdale Capitol Fraud

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CVNA really?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Serious inquiry, any solid exact moves this week

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$NVAX short squeeze setup similar to $CVNA

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Carvana ($CVNA) On Main Short Squeeze Radar

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CVNA improved 3rd quarter outlook. Really?

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CVNA over $40 or under $4 in the next 10 days?

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August 7 - Long term CVNA holdings

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Infinite Money Hack for 0dtes

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Carvana ( CVNA)

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Do you like money, of course you do, you're poor.

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Quality CVNA DD

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CVNA + SPY gains 34.5k > 109k

r/optionsSee Post

Puts on CVNA

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CVNA debt restructuring squeeze

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Up $55K in one trade, pay for college or back into options?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is anyone playing/buying company x post

r/pennystocksSee Post

The Week Before: How News Impacted Stock Prices

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

July 31 - Long term CVNA holdings

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Well hopefully CVNA goes bankrupt or ima be even more fucked.

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My YOLO story continues

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CVNA: yea or nay?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What does it Mean? $KRE

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$SIRI 42K Loss | Switched to $AMC FDs For $35K Options Play @ 6.00 and 9.00 Strike

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

July 24 - Long term CVNA holdings

r/StockMarketSee Post


r/stocksSee Post

I was down 55% on my portfolio headed into January 2023 and have now broke even thanks to the advice of r/stocks

r/StockMarketSee Post

CVNA Prediction

r/StockMarketSee Post

CVNA Put Options

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$CVNA curving to go even higher! $80+

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$CVNA 0DTE ~$15K FD Yolo | 42.00 PUT Play | 400 Contracts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Someone bought 0DTE $85 CVNA Calls for $0.20 / contract

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

CVNA Prediction

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Am I RIP or will it Rip?

r/stocksSee Post

Congratulations to anyone who bought near the bottom of Carvana $CVNA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Who has $CVNA bankruptcy by fall?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Carvana spins lower after S&P warns debt deal could be tantamount to default

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7/21 $272.5 TSLA CALLS

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$CVNA -> $100+ Price Soon or Shadow Realm

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Spending my last 50 bucks on $CVNA puts. Wish me luck

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$CVNA is rough and it gets everywhere

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$CVNA is rough and gets everywhere

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

CVNA recent debt exchange. Discussion of details.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

CVNA shorters today 🤣

r/stocksSee Post

Another ‘sold too early’ rant

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$CVNA 6X Gains | 54K ---> 396K | $342K Profit | 6 Bagger

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Made over $5k on $CVNA this week. Took some of those winnings an Yolo it to some $RKT calls.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhoods Robbing us again.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$CVNA $20K Loss on Naked Calls

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Everyone talking about CVNA but what about ATT? 8% jump today what gives?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bad call guys next call (Shorted NVDA and Pepsi <- prior)

r/StockMarketSee Post

Another reason to ignore these trash articles, CVNA just hit $59.30 a share in premarket, currently at $55.87 in open market

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

CVNA bears today

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80 CVNA $59 calls, 7/21. Average price of $0.09, sold for $2.40 right at open.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

December buys CVNA $182k to $2,500,000


100% this. $CVNA will surpass $NVDA in market cap by 2026!


boy CVNA really likes to do CVNA things like that


You can't tell me these random +10% CVNA days are not manipulated. Trash company just squeezing shorts.


Picked up some CVNA 100p for 8/9. No way it holds these ytd gains after earnings


CVNA: with great regard comes great strength


Yea except CVNA cooks the books?


CVNA puts are ez money. TSLA, F did terrible and CVNA will be no different. 


Anyone playing options on CVNA is absolutely insane. Premiums are out of the ass and IV will kill you regardless of the direction. You’re really risking thousands for maybe like 50% profit even if it blows up?


They always cooking the books at CVNA


I want whoever did the books on CVNA to get a revenue surprise of +131% and a profit to do my taxes


ooor you could buy some CVNA puts a month out. Who knows lol 🫢


Serious answer is CVNA cause that stock is manipulated af


CVNA puts sounds good to me.


SOFI calls -> AMD puts -> CVNA puts and META calls -> full port SNAP puts. Please inverse me.

CVNA to the Earth's core!


CVNA IV is crazy high Cheaper to buy zero day than weekly


How is CVNA outperforming market guys?


Cool. CVNA is recovering wtf.


Buying a shit load of lotto CVNA puts like a regard. Hopefully they shit the bed next week


I like to think of it as a slightly worse CVNA![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Biggest positions today: - short CVNA - long CELH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


I WOULDNT BE SURPRISED IF CVNA DOES AN OFFERING AT EARNINGS - Debt - Garcia needs more liquidity for his ATM


short CVNA long CELH long LULU

CVNA seems dumpy


Lulu call start of week sold on a 2% pop, LLY call on the lows yesterday and sold the rise today, NFLX calls several times playing the uptrends as it bounces around, and a CVNA put because sometimes bulls gotta get their $

Two very strong stocks in the last 3 trading days: TSLA and CVNA. I know. I Agree. But. Just saying.


The entire market is stupid why you picking on CVNA


Someone look at CVNA and tell me how stupid that shit is


JPMorgan really pumping CVNA


Tried to short CVNA, got my ass handed to me today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


CVNA is such a fucking joke


I find it wild that people still are buying CVNA while watching the Garcia cartel literally unload millions of dollars worth of shares every single day.


I'm buying Carvana (CVNA) 🚘 bro ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Plan.. wait for $CVNA pump, and then short the balls off any pump it gives


Im short TSLA , also short CVNA California numbers dont look good for deliveries , CA is probably his biggest fan club too.


A few days ago I sold FUBO at a loss to buy a CVNA put, when it was 129. Fucking FUBO proceeds to gain 20% and CVNA jumps to $146. Shittiest timing award. Two losses in one.


if CVNA can stay red today, id go short on it! Thats my play of the day. Take it or leave it, i dont care, its you life.


Starting my short on CVNA


The end of all this has to come, at the latest, when CVNA is no longer entitled to make PIK of interest on the bonds, but has to start paying cash interest (as it has no free cash flow to do so, and no hopes of ever generating any, as its accounting profits are all fugazi, like you said). When does CVNA have to start paying cash interest, Q1 2026?


I look 3 to 5 years back, yes. On CVNA, it failed in volume when it hit 147 and has been fading since. I feel this point in the chart this will spike again to maybe 140 and then fade back to the 120 area. Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks CVNA! I've been chasing you around for a while and you finally gave it up today.


I despise CVNA, I really do. The one time I thought "Can't beat em? Join em. How bad can it be to just hold till earnings?". I buy and the following day Trump and Biden wombo combo me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)this dogshit stock has nothing to do with chips, does nothing but climb and it just so happens to fall 8% on a random Wednesday ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Nice pullback. Watching IWM, BA, INTC, JBHT, CMG, TSLA, NKE, CVNA (after ER), VOO, SBUX

wheres the CVNA ANF short dude


Hopefully this CVNA bubble completely pops. Give me -20% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


When is this overvalued CVNA shit going to finally trend to the downside?


I could really use this CVNA dip to turn into a plunge...


All I know is CVNA will be up 4.76% by noon.


If CVNA can make some asinine pop back to 147 that’d be great


What will CVNA end the week at?


Yes. They went from being unsecured creditors to secured creditors. The biggest asset on the balance sheet was their real estate holdings. At the time, CVNA was swimming close to bankruptcy and none of the current issue of bonds were secured by anything, so CVNA told holders “hey you can swap those old bonds for these new ones, and become a secured creditor so that when we inevitably file bankruptcy you’ll get something when we’re forced to sell off holdings.”


How are my TSLA and CVNA calls looking?


CVNA only goes up


Remembering calling CVNA at 2 dollars a junk stock.  Called it the same thing today but damn I wish I had picked some up last year 


1.5 years ago CVNA was 4 dollars.


CVNA at 145. Fuuuccck.


I’m here. I don’t think they’ve done anything fraudulent, but they’re definitely playing accounting games. The $700M net profit they realized was solely the company taking advantage of a one-time restructuring gift. Same with last quarter and the ROOT warrants. It’s all fugazi, but it does allow the Garcias to profit off algorithm trading. How long can it go on? Less than 12 more months. Bond holders were able to get RE (as of a year ago CVNA had ~$4B in real estate holdings) for dirt cheap. I know some view this as a real estate play. I saw the bonds as a way to sell the real estate for a runway to exit for the Garcias.


They don’t cook the books like CVNA


CVNA is not even near ATH? Huh?


Ngl when you see all this trash blasting with indices overbought it’s a little sketch, CVNA, GME, UPST, and way more dogshit grinding higher for no reason

It gets even better. Bloomberg reported today a surge in vehicle repos (+23%) in the past 6 months, and Cox Automotive (owner of Autotrader and Kelly's Blue Book) is saying used car sales are fell in June by 5% vs May, and theres fewer lease returns due now due to COVID (3 years ago) by 12% for Q3 and 17% expected for Q4 and will continue until at least 2026. Okay, less supply meaning there will just be less used to sell and a lot of people cant really afford anything anyway, unless interest rates come way down, which they wont. Yet CVNA is hitting ATH??? Even a full regard can see somethings wrong here, and you never go full regard! BEARISH. Source: []( []( (not crack-pipe fundamentals)


CVNA is the Boeing of the auto market.


CVNA send me to me the Buddha 🙏🏼 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


July 31st will be interesting to say the least. Fed interest rate meeting, META and CVNA earnings.


Man CVNA is nuts


CVNA you beautiful bastard. Buying the dip just keeps working I am concerned I’ve been trained to expect it though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Keep drilling CVNA, keep drilling


CVNA is most definitely like Pelaton. A company you absolutely know is a dumpster fire and will be worthless within the next 10 years, if not far far less. However, the irrationality of the market dictates that they could be a $100 billion company for absolutely no reason before then. Just because.. why not? These obvious shorts work this way. They go up and up and up, until one day they collapse 20%, borrowing shares because nearly impossible overnight, premiums on puts becomes so outrageous that it would have to go to $0 / share in two months to profit, and you are SOL then. Given that there is absolutely no borrowing cost at my broker to short right now I fully expect CVNA to continue storming higher. Then, say, $200 down to $180 after market close one random day in November. Then borrowing cost will be 120% with 18 shares available.


Thoughts on CVNA calls??? I know the company is probably committing fraud but it’s still going up so might as well ride he wave?


If the mid class consumer is suffering like we've seen early in earnings season, then yes that impacts CVNA especially. Agree.


This stock hasn’t gone up because it is reaching its real value. It’s gone up precisely because it is illogical and bigger money can move it up than others can move it down. It is wild to think this was in single digits not that much more than a year ago. The challenge is the entire market isn’t making sense and pushing along like NBD. I’ve tried to play CVNA puts and every time if inversed i would have netted 100%. The days I don’t play that shit opens 3% up and drops 5% in an hour wtf. So I basically need to think logically and invest the opposite. CVNA has a long history of overpaying for vehicles and requiring little to no inspection. They sell it to some putz because they are too lazy to go to a real dealership and that person gets hammed with a nice 7-9 year loan at 20%. The company servicing the loans deals with all of the BS of people who don’t pay because they make money hand over fist to give someone who can’t afford lunch next week a $30k vehicle that will be worth $15k in 2 years. Their business is predatory IMO and yet all these dumbasses who love their Uber eats are willing to buy a friggin car and have jt delivered to them. Lazy, lucrative, and shady


CVNA just got upgraded to price target 150 by analyst. As shady as it is, if you guys want to short better limit order above 150 because you will get squeezed probably at 160


Unfamiliar with who they use for their extended service plan and their financing. But when I worked for a 3rd party affiliate with vroom their was a 2% mark up on every Loan and they had healthy margins on the extended service plan. That being said , I’ve always wondered how the financials could ever be sustainable (with vroom it wasn’t). The logistical cost of pick ups and deliveries always seemed to be a nightmare. The practices of acquiring cars was shady. Unsure if that has been re-examined after many states through red flags out there. And to touch on your point about used cars, lot time matters. Back in 2020 they were flipping that capital quickly because consumers didn’t have much options, the last 2-3 years I’m sure that “lot time” has greatly increased. CVNA is quite large in XRT, I’ve always speculated that has caused a lot of this price movement.


I agree - the 01/2026 ATM leap at 145 costs $50 right now, but if the thesis is that CVNA goes back to say $20 then this put should return about 100%.


Don't compare quality like SHOP with CVNA.


Indeed, CVNA's evaluation and price action at this stage is totally senseless and unreasonable.


Wait, CVNA and CFNM are different things? Have I been doing it wrong??


I had just bought into the Bed Bath and Beyond meme shit a few months prior, made some cash on that. I definitely was interested in buying CVNA w some of that Bed Beth n Beyond money.


This pisses me off, cuz I remember seeing this when it was like $4 in late 2022, and I debated buying. But everyone here said that CVNA was just weeks away from bankruptcy, so it would just be like lighting my money on fire. FML.


NVDA was above CVNA prices few days ago. it will never catch CVNA price forever


CVNA YTD more than NVDA![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


I would take CVNA > NVDA all day. This is a 30 stock last year


CVNA keeps pumping and the ceo's dad sold almost everything in 2 months lol


Why NVDA when u got CVNA nonstop pumping


Imagine not swing trading CVNA calls


CVNA been good today


When CVNA took their “poison pill” I bought it at $4 and sold at $20 making quite a bit of profit. Now it’s at $136 and I’m kicking myself to death 💀


Put it all CVNA puts if runs past $145 😆. Well I bought $140 puts at $140 soooo I hope it tanks. Has a good chance this week to tank


Yup. Also I hit big on CVNA calls today so the loss was offset and more 🍻


CVNA ber being ghey ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Another fkin day that CVNA rocket![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) tf? Why? Why? Why?


CVNA should announce soon they’re switching from reselling physical cars to reselling digital ones. Stock would jump by 200%


CVNA is going to the easier poot when this scam of a company crashes when they report.


Who’s is buying $CVNA ceo daddy’s shares? Has anyone ever even been to a location? Dumpster fire company getting propped up. But what do I know


so happy i bought CVNA instead of NVDA a year ago


Holy shit, CVNA. NVDA, meme stocks, they're all small time compared to those guys. Money printing machine for the Garcias. Watch out richest man list, here they come.


CVNA at it again....
