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-33.33% Today

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And what can they “promise” exactly? I thought it was the vast majority was owned In a few very large wallets so limited opportunity to manipulate and pump significantly… obv there will be ppl buying based on the hype but that only goes so far. It’s just gonna be just like DJT price action


I sold some DJT spreads that expired worthless for +250, and loaded up on google on margin I'm just staying long through the election rate cuts there will be a time for long calls again once this shit picks up


Bought 10 contracts of 4.5 $wulf in prep for DJT


Short DJT! You heard it from me…


Well, my DJT bet was terrible. But I’m back.


DJT has been moving in tandem with the semis entire week… makes you wonder what the heck MMs are pricing in


DJT $2 trillion market cap 🚀🚀🚀 Let’s go!!!


You should probably be taking a shit every day regardless if DJT talks about defense spending, but I am not a doctor.


DJT will go to zero. Believe me!


I’m buying 500 DJT Stock tomorrow 👍


It’s time for DJT to go back under $30.


Was the run up a little bit too damn fast and high? Maybe. But even if this is a mini Dotcom bubble sellout now, big money derisking, rotation into other sectors, DJT shittalking Taiwan. Just buy it at -15 to -30% and keep 10years. AI will stay, NVDA has both hardware and software to offer and has plenty of runway once everyone finds out how to make a proper use of AI with longterm rev&profit plus. Internet took like 10-15years after 2000 to get rolling fast; make it the same to half for AI and this shit will see it's contribution to our progression as humankind.


Damn son DJT decided to pay me today


DJT down 25% in not even 2 weeks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Breaking News: Elon scrapping Robotaxis and will focus on Making DJT Great Again 


Mango fans seem a lil' bit agitated today, or is it full moon? Puts on $DJT


Puts on TSLA and DJT with a post election expiry.


Minutes before this He also said that he never claimed he would help DJT with $45M/month & that was “WSJ Propaganda”. Either Fully losing it or imitating DJT as much as possible


Tesla is still priced as a tech company and not a car company. And tech companies need to tell the story of growth and high margins. And that's what the part time CEO of Tesla is trying to sell here. "FSD and Robotaxis just with software and cheap cameras around the corner. And when this happen we will even license this to other car companies, so we will have margins like a software company" But he needs to proof, that their technology is superior compared to rest with Lidar. And if he doesn't deliver that proof and also gets their technology approved by the regulators, then the Tesla stock is in trouble. Maybe he is "investing" in DJT to get that approval.


Even if DJT gets elected, Elon blaming woke virus on TSLA being a piece of shit stock


If Elon truly loved DJT, he would've funded DJT legal defense fund and pumped DJT like a bitch


Whew good thing I didn't have money to buy DJT calls after Biden dropped out


Started my morning off buying some DJT, thinking this dumb shit will go up on a red day. It did not go up. I sold my SLNA yesterday for .245, it went up 150% today .0653. I love investing.


Also, DJT to 10 bucks a share in the next few months once he starts doing dumb shit after he becomes president.


Last I heard Trump owns DJT


I heard in the US there are some dudes which like to get plowed and they're called plowd boyz or something? Anyone confirms? Puts on $DJT?


TSLA taking DJT stock down with it DJT taking TSLA stock down with it Maybe both should shut the fuck up


Elon more worried about getting likes from DJT than TSLA stock orice


I’m adding more puts on DJT he is not winning this


DJT V'ish


DJT about to raise capital to fend-off the scary black milf, I can feel it


If he dies, we should pump DJT to $4 Trillion for the LOLZ


If Trump loses the election or dies from old age, I think DJT will be worthless. Long short opportunity? 🤔 💭 💸


down more here... DJT puts and GME playtime killed me.


Could DJT be an election stock play? Just asking. Not based on any fundamentals, but what is these days? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Well at least DJT is down too


DJT $2 trillion market cap 🚀🚀🚀 Let’s go!!!


Elon has been selling TSLA shares and loading up on TSLA puts He's going to use those gains to buy shares of DJT


DJT almost back to pre-assassination levels. It will take off once people listen to Kamala talk. "What can be, unburdened by what has been"


Elon spent more time talking shit and pumping $DJT than actually focusing on TSLA


DJT is done for


*EHEM* DJT has entered the room


only problem is i have 7200 in DJT bags and dont want to offload until i recoup via selling theta to trumpers.


DJT puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) the closest we can come to shorting America's braincells... That's the play. It's pretty much a sure thing, and we all know it. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


Someone got DJT calls :/


Any sign of a DJT bounce? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


DJT is a piece of shit stock DJT and TSLA should merge and trade under POS  PIECE OF SHIT 


Fuck DJT as well


I would imagine DJT would get a nice bump as soon as Trump is declared president if he does end up winning.


Instead of giving money to the America PAC, why doesn’t Elon just buy DJT? Is he stupid?


Many of the other comments are relevant though. They’re slipping everywhere: margin, units moved, market share. Revenue was the e bright spot and that was mostly regulatory credit that’s likely to go away if DJT wins again.


Watching my puts falling towards ITM with TSLA and DJT. Good times


Elon was expecting DJT supporters to purchase TSLA vehicles 


If you think the price of TSLA is disconnected from reality, get a load of DJT. TSLA has at least had positive cash flow. The fact it’s got a tech growth valuation while steering into a commodity market filled with solvent incumbents and well-funded competitors should matter to people who are trying to evaluate firms on fundamentals but what’s evident is that many people aren’t in class, they’re in church, and interest in facts and reason is low for these market participants. Look at the $50B gift vote. They’re untethered to reason. Compare to the celebrity CEO of BRK.A/BRK.B and the difference could not be more stark,


Calls on DJT?


i'm probably closing half my positions this week, if i can last til friday after PCE and then halt options plays, instead will buy stocks sparingly in the runup to the election. if DJT wins I'll build a cash reserves hoping to capitalize on rising uncertainty and markets digesting the future outcome. then i will buy in and hope for a repeat of the trump bump and santa rally like we had in december 2016 with most likely an ATH for the S&P. and yes I know what you are thinking, I will probably lose more.


Tesla stock (and also spaceX stock) functionally sell access to Elon Musk which is valuable to certain people or organizations. Aka, the DJT go to market strategy.


Srprised you didn't mention DJT. Personally I don't see it as a long term play but definitely worth watching for any crazy rises. Foreign policy wise Israel would get significantly more support while at the same time US would distance themselves from NATO/Western Europe. Not sure how to play this but worth considering.


Tsla merges with DJT to create the ultimate meme stock


I don’t think DJT will recover from this


As we get closer to the election and each time a new poll comes out showing Kamala pulling away, DJT will plummet harder and harder towards ZERO.


Markets not too thrilled on DJT's chances all of a sudden


Full port in DJT and TSLA. I will never back down ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


CRWD has friends very high up in the federal government. With that said, DJT winning the presidency might pose a risk to these types of companies.


I lucked out that my first options play (ugh, TSM) was a 100% loss. If it had been a win I probably would have lost way more than 1000$ USD. And I felt stupid for losing it in a TFSA. I have thankfully made it up but am sticking to stocks mostly. I did do an options play when the DJT stock ticker changed but that wasn't a huge gamble so the gains were modest. My biggest risk now is that I'm so heavy into semiconductor stocks and tech. But I'm forcing myself to be more boring and putting half in XEQT (zzzzzzzzz)


When we gonna short DJT


Long crypto / DJT?

Mentions:#DJT $DJT investors right now


Call on Intel. Anything to do with Blackberry (except shorting). Shorting NVDA, AAPL, or SPY. Calls on NKE or CRWD. Calls on TSM (thanks 🍊). Buying any derivative of DJT. Shares and calls of SPCE (big loser). Any long pot stock play. Any long biotech play (even if you win at first, they go down over time). I have enjoyed (pissed my pants and sweated crippling losses all night) every play listed. Suck it mofos, my DJT puts bought me the champagne tonight.


DJT $2 trillion market cap 🚀🚀🚀 Let’s go!!!


*sigh…* more $SERV more $DJT 🇺🇸


DJT dead in the water


The individual winning doesn’t mean his company will win. Trump is a boomer and a real estate one at that. Tech is nice for getting lots of money cheap but long term hold and investment? Even twitter with its extensive user base, globally recognized brand, and advertiser friendly policies was not a very profitable business. I expect he’ll sell a portion and it’ll dilute like every other meme stock. Unlike the others though, this one is outright offensive to a wide swathe of American society and for those who are supportive they won’t tolerate the necessary changes for getting advertisers onboard. Also once trump is done he is done. Too old to be sexy. Without Trump what is $DJT? But like I said- hindsight will be everything on this one.


Tilray, DJT, Tesla.


DJT is the new SQQQ


The tell that the market is excited for Harris is: Spy is up, DJT is down...really quite simple.


A little obvious, but I’d assume DJT would pump (or dump) when the election results became clear. Though you’d have to get out before people realized it was still worthless


DJT down is the key here


I have my port parked entirely in AMD and DJT for safe returns I’m not like you regards


DJT will double - easily. It will halve if he loses.


Did you say the same thing when cult members bought DJT?!


![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)DJT, Crypto, Tesla, …, SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259) Solar, Non-Tesla EV?


We live in a world where DJT stock is worth more per share than Intel 😂🤣


What stocks will gain apart from DJT when Trump wins in Nov? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


My regarded theory on Tesla booming today is with this endorsement of trump, all the DJT investors are getting out of that, going into Tesla for a more broad investment while I feel like earnings are gonna get all the Tesla holders to bounce considering its price right now. This is 100% regarded degenerate thought process from someone who has a major history of buying high and selling low or timing the market wrong. Do with that what you will


DJT stock falling on news of Biden dropping out should tell you all you need to know...


It's so funny watching r/politics celebrate Joe leaving and Kamala running not realizing it's 10x worse for them. $DJT to $100 by election day. Long dated calls


Where is all the DJT calls fanboys now?


Anyone else shorting DJT


DJT is down roughly 1% about 50 minutes after market open. Definitely not a "short squeeze"


DJT $2 trillion market cap 🚀🚀🚀 Let’s go!!!


DJT doing the reverse sieg heil lol


-9% on my DJT, wtf Trumpers you scared Democrats will win now???


Why DJT down?


Man, I wish I saw those SERV posts from last month….. Will DJT rocket this week with Biden pulling out of the election?


DJT is so fucking boned if Mango loses. Might be a good hedge against semis…


DJT ? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
