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Where my $DWAC homies at? HODL? Wen moon? Lambo soon or?

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There Are Zero Plug Power Shares Available to Short

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Alternatives to Cash when sitting in, well, Cash

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HODL Bitcoin ETF the first to be liquidated

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Bitcoin miner plays for a Bitcoin rebound: $MARA, $MIGI, $CLSK, $IREN

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GBTC selloff is done??????


TQQQ YOLO HODL diamond hands to the moon


This is when you learn the grand technique of HODL. Panic selling to later buying higher is guaranteed to blow your money away.


HODL. August 30th is a long time away. Anything could happen. It’s green or zero. Too much skin in the game now to quit.


HODL investors. This was bound to happen, you cannot keep earning and not loose money! Check the return since the beginning of this year.


HODL that. You’ll be up. I remember my first time. Stop being a Beitch


Bro just HODL no matter what it's going to run hard even it it drops another 30% from now we're not in it to make money we're in it to moon 🚀🚀🤪🧀🧀🌕


Purchased shares at $160, so I’m HODL for the foreseeable future. Might be doo-doo in the interim, but I’m thinking their robotics business unit has a great opportunity to scale.




You are savage like me, I AM STILL HODL TOO! DIAMOND HANDS. Lambo or Wendy’s ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


HODL through process for proposed rule to become final rule- HODL for uplisting - sell some shares 5x -10x . Buy a used Nissan or Toyota….


Any stock that has subreddits screaming "HODL" and "TO THE MOON" I've shorted and gained more often than not 😂


Hey friends I’m back off a fresh 7 day ban- and still abiding- nice price action yesterday and still HODL to thousands of long shares


Just gonna repeat myself - You are fine. HODL. But those July 26th ones are not bueno.


Buy the dip and HODL.


knowledgeable traders say the IWM is a short squeeze. Who has the balls to HODL all the shit companies?


But I’m going to HODL! At worst this drops 30% but I’m planning to hold for 6 years so that $3k is insignificant in the long run


!banbet HODL 80 14w


3T market cap in 438 years. HODL!


Well yeah their rallying cry was "HODL". It's just based on hype. You know how you can tell. If you criticize any legitimate company (not a meme stock) on any investing sub, you will get some seasoned debate, but most people don't really care. If I think company XYZ has a great future and you disagree, I don't need to convince you. What you think doesn't matter because the company will show results if I'm correct. If you convince people to sell it, it'll be cheaper, and I'll just buy more. I'll be right, and you'll be wrong, and public perception is irrelevant. Now for Bitcoin, people troll every social media forum and aggressively attack anyone who is critical of it because they know the only value comes from hype. If you hurt the hype, you hurt the value. There is no "I was right" if everyone sells it.


And if stocks only go up, then your money will not be available for spending because you will HODL. Thus inflation will stop as frivolous spending declines.


Soooo HODL. Got it.


HODL it's just chop


Nah I’m HODL on this bish


It'll be at 530 by earnings day imo. HODL


I see you are Canadian, VFV is great that’s what I’m buying long term for myself but also consider XEQT. Some people consider it a cult following because of the subreddit but in general it’s an excellent index fund that adds in a big variety of diversification. I don’t trust HODL myself as I’m not a fan of crypto but it could turn out nicely for you with some risk involved though. I like SMH for the long term too it’ll be interesting to see what happens with Nvidia in the next decade


I didn’t read pay HODL You’re a grown man, act like it


HODL is indeed a hedge. I will also look into gaining more exposure to the NASDAQ Cheers


Don’t be a lame. Buy and HODL! Buy dips and HODL til $10


But nvidia is AI leader and it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna change any time soon, I’d just HODL for a few more years then sell at double the price


I thinking the stock continues to go up and to the left like it has over the last 10 some odd years lolll. Retail investors have been waiting for AVGO to become somewhat affordable and next week is finally their chance to get in. Probably gonna go sideways in the very short term, but long term AVGO has an impeccable track record. They recently acquired VMW & made significant changes to the SW line. Long story short, all their solutions are sold as subscriptions now. No more perpetual licensing. It’s basically a money-printing machine aka predictable revenue stream that they haven’t optimized yet. They also do crazy semi numbers too. Look at a ten year chart and see for yourself. Buy shares and HODL or find a different ticker, but bet against AVGO at your own risk.


Buy and HODL my fellow ape


hahaha HODL!!!


Apply the HODL technique on blue chip stocks and buy the dip.


Ok I like this, so it means, do nothing and HODL


Usually begin to ignore any stock that starts getting spammed with very similar post every hour. Definitely ignore it when diamond hands, rockets, and HODL start being used.


Volume in conjunction with trend lines. Tech is so wild these days that I don't have much confidence in resistance and supports. Also, seems like most of these reactionary selloffs recover in a few days, so lower volume and consolidation on day 3-5 of the dip seems to be a solid time to open a long position. Just find a price that seems right and HODL until much green.


Still HODL for some upward movement on ASTS at $6C exp. July 19th. RDDT did ok for me Thursday, put in 2 more $63C exp. July 19th. Riding volatility on NNE. I really like what they're building- imagine having a solid material cell nuclear reactor in your backyard making electricity for your snocone machine.

The 31st could really make it or break it for ARM, for now I’m just HODL


It let's you bide the time while you HODL your bags


HODL dafuk paper hands


HODL Tesla. I heard their shareholders love getting pegged by Elon


She makes great bets if she just HODL'd instead of constantly trading back and forth buying high and selling low she's be up big time.


She really said HODL lmao


I guess my write offs meme stock are also in rare deep value area, so just HODL 😂


HODL, right???


Yeah. The market is split between people who HODL SPY and people who think it's too high at the moment, and not many people are changing their minds.


500 shares at .81 … HODL, the short predictions have this gem at a target of .0016 by 2025… fractions of a penny while the company reports no issues and only $850k total debt.


Let’s talk about compound “interest” for one second… …and as a result what happens to an absolute number if annual growth of 8% happens for 9 years in a row. (Hint: It approx doubles) Here you go. #HODL.


Nope, I HODL


Good time to just HODL the stock till the dust settles. But CMG should be good longer term.


If you want to actually gain wealth, buy the VOO index fund. Setup your brokerage account to automatically buy a small portion of that fund every pay period. Fidelity allows you to buy fractional shares. Also don't forget to re-invest your dividends. If you want to lose your money, buy meme stocks at peak evaluations and prices... then HODL and lastly post your losses on Wall Street bets.


HODL 💎🙌🏻


PRETTY DECENT CANDLESTICKS ON NVIDIA I THINK ITLL HODL BOIS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Don't be a moron, only reason you sell your GOOGL is to buy $VOO. Otherwise, HODL.

Short disney with 100 bucks and HODL until is bought by apple !


HODL the line!


Most of the guys saying HODL are looking to sell for a profit. That should be your game plan too.


In this market? It’s the speculation. Retail investors are morons who will cause a crash when they inevitably pull out based on speculation the same way they’ve invested. If Nvidia does see a major correction for instance, many retail investors will pull out to preserve their capital rather than HODL. Hedgies will then reduce their positions as well but will also short the stock to capitalize and hedge against their holdings. Only hedgies will win in the long term here. And corporate kleptocrats in government. Intrinsic value isn’t driving stock price for most of the big market movers. Perceptions of value is. And that’s not a good thing when everyone and their mom thinks they can beat the market due to its historical performance these past few years.


BITX and YBIT are my jam - BITX hurts like a mofo rn, but I want that long term capital gains tax anyhow so we HODL - YBIT paying my mortgage rn

Patience and HODL


Just HODL forever. Obviously.


You mean HODL on?


I like to HODL


This has become a "value" investment at this point. That's the way I'm looking at things at this point. A lot of the crowd won't jump in until MSOS $10+. We are willing to take more risk to get in early and HODL. I expect a melt up arriving from mid July onwards as the comment period ends and then we get more news tidbits on re-scheduling progress


HODL my dear regard.


You forgot one street. HODL Street.


Before answering the question. I can tell you exactly what ima do. Load tos sort by lowest to highest find 1 under .25 and go down and HODL brb.


If I was gonna put a price on Riley. It’s 1:1 usd : eth HODL never let go. You can sell a billion USDs


We are fucking holding rddt for all you mother fuckers who doubted rddt you are so fucking stupid we are making bank off this stock as retail investors, cathie wood and roaring kitty set us up for this squeeze dont fuck it up. HODL diamond hands 🙌 💎


Buy buy buy!!! Then proceed to HODL!


Let's gamble internally, I got 1 GME stock I am selling for $1000 but you have to sign a contract to HODL for all eternity


Hello, it’s Casanova. Most of you newbies are probably YOLO’ing OTM calls / puts and having the audacity to think that diamond hands = HODL. Check my profile. Check my tenureship. I cashed the Ape HODL movement when the buy button was pulled. Don’t be stupid and pay attention to the ATM options, the intrinsic value (the amount you would have to move on the date of expiration in order to even make back the cost)… I’m tired of seeing you peanut monkeys lose to bitter 🦧


Shit, for a second I thought you was gonna blame the AMC HODL'ers for the implosion!


Dear OP just sharing my thoughts Your trying to identify a high level investment strategy over the next 25years ( your age 30 to 65 ). That's too long a time horizon to be planning other than notionally IMHO. Anything can happen in 25years to you or your financial plans. Better to plan in the short to medium & review regularly if not react regularly to events unfolding >> I compare Approaches : IPM Vs TSPM Standard **investment portfolio management** IPM wants you to use asset allocation models (splitting your contributions over standard investments types : safety, income, growth & speculative investments). IPM tries to spread your money so risk reward is managed thru good times & bad (limited minimum risk & limited maximum rewards). I call this middle of the road investing...trying to balance risk reward but no real clear direction ie "limited" in any direction you follow.. Suggest try planning **time series based portfolio management** TSPM. TSPM is identify investment strategies by [time series analysis ]( TSA. >> TSA identifies trend, seasonality, cycle & noise. Have 4 plans (T, S, C & N) based on TSA plan T identifies trends to capitalise from. The exact time window depends on the trend your targeting for traded asset eg a trend over 3mths Vs 6mrhs Vs 1year etc plan S identified event patterns to capitalise off eg an event happens 3 times a month or 3 times a year in the market. in stock market earnings reports, in Forex FOMC announcements 6 times a year. plan C identifies regular patterns to capitalise off eg every day, every week, every month, every year (every decade even) happens in the market. Market open, daily weekly monthly cycles typically in Technical Analysis but also from Fundamental analysis. plan N identifies noise (distractions in the market) which contribute to loss. the plan finds way to minimise noise so you aren't distracted from plans T,S &C & don't lose money. I'm not trying to promote any risk management per plan (other than maybe play with money you can afford to lose in that plan). I am trying to split your investment focus to targets events (=reward management). I'm a trader primarily day swing but hoping to include investing HODL (plan T) aswell as S, C & N.


Yes, we do have a mandatory pension system in the Netherlands. I didn't write it in the image but mentioned it in the post. I was trying to be extra conservative so I didn't add it in the calculation. Individual stocks are very risky, so I want to experiment with them for 1-2 years. If it doesn't pan out, I can just HODL the already bought stocks and stop buying more. I like the idea of just sticking to a single ETF like the S&P 500 but I want to take a bit more risk in the Accumulation phase to increase the chance of higher returns. That's why I added Growth ETFs. Maybe you know a better way of doing this?


After messing the the prompts I was able to pump this one out First told it to mention his massive pet cock, then have to take out the words pet and rooster from the original pasta 🚀🚀🚀 $TSLA TO THE MOON! 🚀🚀🚀 If you're not invested in $TSLA, you're missing out on the greatest opportunity of our generation! 🌟 With Elon Musk at the helm, there's no stopping this rocket ship. 🚀 Tesla is revolutionizing the automotive industry, leading the charge in sustainable energy, and disrupting markets left and right. 🌍 And let's not forget about Elon’s massive cock, symbolizing dominance and strength! 🦾 This is just the beginning. 🔥 Tesla’s innovations in battery technology, autonomous driving, and renewable energy solutions are setting the stage for a future where $TSLA is at the top. 📈 Do your future self a favor and HODL. 🚀🚀🚀 Tesla #TSLA #ElonMusk #ToTheMoon #Investing #Future


Rolling MSOS calls this week before 7/19 expiry and maybe buying a few long shares in cresco. Abiding and HODL here per usual.


does anybody here think the tech bubble is gonna pop anytime soon ? i wanna grab more TQQQ at $75 and just HODL


HODL VOO, sit back, get some pop corn, and enjoy this regard show.


I will not lose. HODL


Do alphabet instead. The analyst is named HODL (and a director). What could go wrong?


I sold 1MM dogecoin in December 2020 for 5k$, right before it jumped up to 0.75$ 2 months later. I would have had 750,000$. My worst sell to date, HODL. Lesson learned.


MM trying to shake you out of those calls HODL


I can HODL longer than your handlers can stay solvent


So basically just HODL until money print




I’m pretty convinced it’s all an op by foreigners to scalp profits while Americans nod along to encouragement to Ai Bots telling them to “HODL” with their 2.30 average price.


HODL borther


\+500%: HODL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) \+1000%: Keep HODLing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882) \+700%: Diamond hands ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) \-50%: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630) \-90%: Sell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


