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There is a LOT of space between a "gross fuckup" and "gross negligence" gross negligence would have not been running an validation or CI/CD at all. Making a mistake in CI/CD is pretty common, this one was just colossal.


I’m sure their MSA is pretty tight for this kind of stuff. Not sure how much they’ll pay out in settlements. But they will definitely be giving existing customers a LOT of free service. And probably a lot of churn


VTI is a LOT more diversified.


There are a total of like 40 people here. Until there is (A LOT) of fresh money, nothing is going to change.


I need a LOT of gap up though


I bounce around South America A LOT for work and can confirm Latam is the worst of all the terrible airlines down there.


very very slightly though. It dropped A LOT for just a 0.01 miss on earnings. Nearly 10% drop in the past week because its earnings was 1.82 instead of 1.83 despite a 5.5% increase in revenue this quarter. Idk, I feel like 200 is a great buying opportunity to me. I've been keeping my eye on this stock for the past couple months now and I was originally hoping to get in around 200 but it shot up to 220 pretty quickly and I thought I missed the train. I haven't bought anything yet but my attention is definitely on it.


I'm telling you all, I keep seeing signs of a major recession about to happen. I've lived through 1973-75's energy crisis/Vietnam war recession, 1982-1984's interest rate spikes, the 1990 recession when there was a "minor" pullback again caused by energy price shocks, and 2007-2009 during the housing mortgage credit squeeze. The Banks and mortgage industries are hinting of some serious losses, with lots of credit card debt and the default rates are going up. ANd now Warren Buffet is dropping some of his bank stocks? BOA is a major player in mortgages and remortgage markets. And just like in 1998-2007 there are a LOT of people who got caught flat-footed when their adjustable rate mortgages went up. Twice now since 2020. And many either can't, or didn't realize they should have refi'd ARMs as soon as the interest rates started ticking up. BTW- 6-8% interest rates are normal. The 3% rates we enjoyed for far too long were the anomaly, held down for too long by policies that were meant to score favorable political numbers for whichever administration was in office. The public money supply growth through savings and interest was kept low in order to offset a nearly 2 decade US/Afghanistan war, the government and banking industry used low interest rates to accomplish this. ECON 401, folks.


Boston Dynamics isn't actually that far ahead of them as their technology is totally tied up with very high cost manufacturing methods. They have a significant head start on the function of the actual tech, which is the highest visibility aspect, but Tesla ALSO has a significant head start in terms of mass scale manufacturing, and DFM with cheaper components and materials. I am not saying BD isn't more advanced, I just think its a much tighter race between the two than it seems. I ALSO think cost viable humanoid robotic labor replacement is one of these "always ten years out". Like the cure for baldness, truly available self flying cars, and jet packs. At its core there are major cost benefit problems. Robots are COMPLICATED. Never mind if you can actually build a robot capable of replacing human labor, a LOT of labor and components goes into making it, and a TON of cost goes into supporting it.


I think this mirrors a LOT of peoples experience. They made a lot of changes just before Covid and it screwed everything up. They also introduced automated banning which screwed up a lot of things. Weirdly I know a lot of women that got banned because they would reject a guy, and the guy would then make up a false report. Im sure it also happens to a lot of men as well.


Wait and see what happens when it breaks 251.51 which is the multiyear low. There is going to be a LOT of liquidity there. If it goes below 251.51 then reverses back above it on high volume, thats a huge buy signal. Ill be watching it for sure for a trade entry.


I believe the future of AI monetization at GOOG is infact unknown. As stated they're spending a LOT on AI infrastructure. In the future they can use their own super computers for ML or rent the servers out for other customers to use for their own ML. I think this is why he was hesitant to comment, simply because it's unknown. Goog is spending a lot now because in the future they'll have more data and compute power than anyone. Ai is more than chatbots n


Check out the options for both. If the 457b is through a government agency, the fees are probably reasonable, and if traditional is what you want, go that way first imo. A LOT of 403b/457b options are high fee. 403bwise has more info. I personally opted to stop contributing to a Voya 457b in favor of NEA Invest myself 403b through Security Benefit for the lower fees.


> I wouldn't necessarily say that TSLA has a lot of growth potential domestically, there are a ton of competitors coming out with decent EV cars and Musk has politically turned away a LOT of his customer base. I personally share your view there. But your comment about a protected market is still valid, and I can definitely put myself in the shoes of some investors pointing to that to justify a premium on the stock.


Yep, the entire American auto industry is protected from China- TSLA just has it better because it gets EV credits too. I wouldn't necessarily say that TSLA has a lot of growth potential domestically, there are a ton of competitors coming out with decent EV cars and Musk has politically turned away a LOT of his customer base.


Happened to me recently when I thought COST was gonna soar above $900. Instead it went down A LOT. I would’ve made bank if I placed puts instead of calls. In hindsight if I would’ve hedged with two puts I probably would’ve been fine. Now I know that.


Okay man. I’ve argued A LOT that homes are not investment grade assets. Argued until my typing fingers bled and showed data. But I simply don’t believe this at all. It is true; investments beat non-investments (real estate). Bug you’re assuming ppl are converting 100% of their net worth to the most efficient asset classes. Which means no one is buying fine art, yachts, sports cars, coins, taking vacations in places that are too wealthy for me to even know the names of, etc And there is a lot of data to show that isn’t true. If you made the title WHY the rich should rent…blah blah. You might have a case. But come on. Don’t make stuff up. This forum is better than that


>Long story short, this is probably more a situation where Capital One makes A LOT of credit card loans which are known to have high default rates in periods of customer stress. Capital One is fairly open about not wanting to open accounts for people whose credit is *too good*. I have a lot of cards. Not because I have a lot of debt, because I get a lot of rewards (and opened plenty of accounts mostly for the bonus). Cap1 is the only bank in like a decade to decline me for any reason besides too many recent inquiries or recently opened accounts... their only reason listed on the denial was that I had too many accounts. A 603 score, several late payments, and 3 years off a bankruptcy? Come on in! A 780 score, and like 20 accounts all with perfect payment history? No thanks.


HERE YA GO LADIES AND REGARDS... I don't promote Weeklies... But 30 Days out... NVDA will be A LOT HIGHER... BLACKWELL SHIPMENTS CHINA REVENUE NEW CHINA BLACKWELL GPU REVEAL RUBIN GPU DETAILS PROFIT MARGINS NVDA HUMANOID ROBOT NVIDIA BACKED AI STARTUPS DOUBLING IN VALUE JUST TO NAME A FEW... LOOKING FOR $160+ END OF NEXT MONTH NVDA $1K ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I don't promote Weeklies... But 30 Days out... NVDA will be A LOT HIGHER... BLACKWELL SHIPMENTS CHINA REVENUE NEW CHINA BLACKWELL GPU REVEAL RUBIN GPU DETAILS PROFIT MARGINS NVDA HUMANOID ROBOT NVIDIA BACKED AI STARTUPS DOUBLING IN VALUE JUST TO NAME A FEW... LOOKING FOR $160+ END OF NEXT MONTH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


As someone who has worked on an allowance model before, I can tell you that it’s not some exercise a bank can do and just put out any number. Not only do most public auditors identify it as a critical audit matter but often times, the regulators review it closely too. I’d say the banks reserve metric is probably one of the more trustworthy metrics you can look at. Long story short, this is probably more a situation where Capital One makes A LOT of credit card loans which are known to have high default rates in periods of customer stress.


yep i complained a LOT. I told my boss next time i will only show up at 9am in saturday. Fuck them if they can not accept me coming 1h late.


I wouldn’t have more than 5-10% of your total investments in one stock. You need other investments but tech. You may hit a grand slam AND hit for the cycle. But you’re risking a LOT to go for that. This market reminds me of the pre dot com bust.


NUZE -insider buys. Big after hours jump. I'm expecting strong support around 1.47, lots of upside. Is it a short squeeze? Maybe not, but could run up a LOT [](


At the end of the day, this is not a popularity contest. Rather they're looking for things they haven't heard before about factual impacts that need to be taken into account. If the comments had been 99.9% for, and there was one against comment, but it was like "I've got documented scientific evidence you haven't seen before from a peer reviewed journal that indicates that pot causes brain tumors" that 1 comment would get a LOT more attention. (This is purely hypothetical, not saying pot is bad or good).


I think your take is the correct one. The moment the news broke about CrowdStrike's fuckup and the global impact it was having, the smartest play would've been, first thing Friday, buy puts at a few pretty high strike prices, being willing to pay a fat premium just to get in on those positions ASAP before their stock price tanked. No matter how optimistic you are about CrowdStrike's future, an idiot could've predicted that causing the worst internet outage in history would cause a substantial decline in their stock price. I missed the boat on this Friday because I just wasn't ready to capitalize on the opportunity as the news broke, and I was too slow to move Monday morning, so I just missed out on the good positions given the cash I had to spend on this. Definitely a learning experience for me, but next time a golden opportunity like this strikes, I'll be ready to move a LOT faster.


There are A LOT of technical analysts saying we are for sure seeing a strong downside on NVDA and other semis. They kinda make sense too. I hope it’s not the case as I’m long call for multiple reasons, but may have to quick sell and wait for confirmation and buy puts.


Well they didn't necessarily loan it directly, that would be buying on margin. But selling naked options means you can lose a LOT more than you were paid, and there's basically no real approval process beyond "okay you can sell options". So he sells naked call options for $50. Whoever bought that call can "execute" it and buy the stock for $50. If the stock spikes up to $100 and they execute it, all of the sudden the person who sold the call HAS to sell the stock for $50. Since it's a naked call, that means the seller doesn't actually own the stock. So they're forced to buy a $100 stock and sell it for $50. Considering people often have contracts for 1000 shares, (or WAY more) that's $50,000 lost. Robinhood temporarily covers it (because they have to, you can't stop someone from executing) and now you're out that much money. It goes the other way too, with puts. You can lose multiple times more money than you have, easily.


The extent of the issue is actually a token of the extent of their marketshare And it seems that they have A LOT of proxy customers Comprehensive package Early pioneers This Service is by no means past its embryonic stage


Arguably if you're pro-US chip production then INTC is the trade. Yeah there's a LOT of headwinds for the overseas chip manufacturers, I really don't see another catalyst except for GAI at this point since the projections for production are already sky high.


When people say the stock market is easy, they have yet to lose significant money and realize the stock market is one of the most dangerous environments in the world. One day, everything is fine. The next day, a company you thought was brilliant and leading ends up losing you A LOT of money...Great stuff...


There's A LOT of selling momentum still.


I have bet on, and against tesla a LOT. I wish you the best of luck with your new career behind the Wendy's.


Thousands. It will never get recorded that way, but think about it. How many people had their air travel flat out canceled? How much did each one of them lose? What about others depending on their arrival for something? A LOT of people had extreme service disruptions from this.


500k is A LOT OF MONEY


Nobody understands American politics. Trump has a proven track record of talking a big game.................and then falling on his face (time after time after time after time). I, too, was wondering why Intel suddenly dropped. It appears the overall chip sector (not just one here or there) took a hit when Trump and Biden started running their mouths last week wrt Taiwan and foreign companies using American tech. Both statements were dumb - pure and simple. There's a move afoot here in the states wrt politicians being a LOT more nationalistic regarding businesses doing actual business in other countries. It seem like only yesterday every politician under the sun was singing the praises of American companies going abroad. And like any venture, it works until it doesn't. Chip manufacturing will increase in every corner of the globe for the foreseeable future as AI and quantum computing come of age. However, both are coming of age in an era where American politicians are so incompetent in their understanding of it that their political mistakes will definitely hurt the USA. Hopefully, Canada's leaders don't have the same age related disease.


Our lazy IT Devs were told for months that we were missing A LOT of bitlocker keys. Guess what we needed for the manual fix


Alright well 8/16 still has time, theta isn't eating you alive as its only around .14 so 14 bucks a day ain't shit on these cons, although they will bump up a small amount come Monday. I have traded AMZN cons before though and they are stubborn, but you may get a bounce to come test that 189 spot, which would make for an almost perfect head and shoulder pattern if it rejects it. You're in a bad spot but I don't think its the end of the world. the selloff last week was rough but I don't think we are totally in a free fall and support will come, a LOT of people have been waiting for the dips to get into positions similar to yours, so I think Monday and Tuesday could see some tech recovery. Those are just my thoughts though, so they aren't worth too much when it comes to the stock market.


A LOT less WSB BER bots... Must be that Crowd strike fiasco. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


and? I never said video cards are a big portion of their revenue. I was only countering the statement that people do not buy nvidia chips. a LOT of people buy nvidia chips. the fact that its 15-20% of revenue is irrelevant. 15-20% of nvidias revenue is still a LOT of chips. saying people "dont buy nvidia chips" is absurd.


No, it’s not. It’s a LOT. And Edward Jones is widely known as a giant rip off. It’s almost like ANY other firm would be a better choice.


I'm a surgical robotics developer, read what I wrote a few times. You will catch on. DaVinci has had a huge most because their applications were the ONLY game in town for a long time and many institutions went with them and their application set because they needed ROBOTIC SURGERY not necessarily intra abdominal surgery. They are already losing major ground on New installations because the answers to "my hospital needs to start touting we have robotic surgery" has a LOT more answers now than just intuitive. They will likely remain dominant in intrabdominal until CMR starts gaining ground in the US and j&j can push the monarch out, but even moon surgical, startup though they are, offers entry into the market with significantly lower investment. The FOUNDER of CMR is launching a teleop robotic surgical platform that will significantly eat into what they do, and the CMO from when intuitive launched is currently stumping new image guided robots in other applications. I get that all you can see is the procedure you are trained on, but surgery is much bigger than that, and a company like intuitive structured to dominate the surgical robotics market AS A WHOLE will significantly suffer when the market expands much beyond what they can directly address. Their bronchoscopic navigation system flopped, and they invested a ton into the fiber optic shape sensing system that has paid off exactly zero for them so far. Please try to read the entire comment before spouting off because my original comment included three upcoming direct competitors on intra abdominal, that aren't quite there yet but will be VERY soon.


you know you're reading a complete newbie when they start a post out with NFA. you have A LOT to learn about options. you have A LOT to learn about risk. following what one dude said in a book isn't going to make you rich for one, plenty of studies have been done about trading options. buying isn't the only strategy, in fact, if you're just buying options you're doing it wrong when they offer so much more go to tasty trade... and watch their 100% free content and actually learn something


When I first started trading I used TWMN.. its a lot to take in but I learned a LOT he's the real deal.. I trade Futures now but are interested in his SPX 0FTE strategy... trading is hard to master but it helps when you have a community and Michael does give you that... I'm not currently with them but I enjoyed the time I was and learned quite a lot! Hope this helps


Idk maybe it's because i have more money in the market than I ever have, but when things correct it's a shocking freefall. My smh, tsm, Microsoft, vgt, schg, vug, qqqm, and Amazon shit the bed all week. I like all of them still so take your pick. There will be A LOT of buying next week. I think safe buys are the ETFs (maybe not smh yet), and Microsoft/Amazon. I mean if your horizon is 5+ years everything is a good choice right?


I’m wondering what kind of performance guarantees they have. A LOT of customers are going to be looking for compensation.


Sounds like an incredibly naive take lol. Sure the statistics are there but if you know how to run a small business and manage costs and profit, it's a LOT better odds than you think. My parents didn't even have an education, still made it big in the restaurant industry in the BUFFET subcategory and has far larger profit margins than average. I'm 25 and own 2 small businesses already, a restaurant and Airbnb business. Both of them are debt-free already and turning profit. I think where most people fail in their small businesses is poor management and undercapitalization. If you have plenty of money, you can have plenty of room to make mistakes, survive, and turn profit.


Impeccable timing, but there are definitely some misleading statements, for example, MOST of the critiques are opinions not facts, and they could apply to a LOT of different software deployed to computers - for example, ALL anti-malware solutions run as root on a computer, it’s a requirement so that all files (including system files) can be analyzed. OP insinuates it is a CrowdStrike problem… There’s more but it would take a few to rip this shitty post apart.


I own an MSP, this affects you almost zero, unless you use crowdstrike. And it’s not fixed, there is a “fix” but it’s manual, for the most part, and then throw in bitlocker and other security. A LOT is still down, and will remain down for a bit, especially for remote users and IT working from home in different states.. not a reboot.


I don't get the feeling that Powell "loves Trump". But once Trump decides to put him in the crosshairs and go full blast there will be a LOT of pressure to delay cuts until after the election. Whether he does or not depends on how much he likes the job and doesn't want to get fired ASAP by Trump, and how much he's worried about the safety of himself and his family as Trump raises the ire of so many cultists.


We've acted poorly on Fed meetings a "LOT" less than what you're probably thinking here, in all honesty, probably since that December 2022 CPI-FOMC sequence. There was January this year, which the S&P made disappear in two days, you can maybe argue for June FOMC a little bit but it's a very tough sell (it probably would've been if CPI didn't cause a gap up, but still), and there was one day in the middle of that slow long drawdown last year. I really can't think of anything else. If you want to talk inflation days, we did have one major negative reaction in February of this year, but other than that, that's about it.


First- Haven't you heard the bad news? The market is freaking out today due to a worldwide computer and network outage. And you're looking to make a profit today on that? Secondly. You need to be in WallStreetBets on Reddit if you're looking to do risky trades or options. Lastly- Yes, you're gambling. You're trying to time the market just right so you can jump in , grab a profit, and jump out. For that type of trading it's all about timing . You're no where near ready for that yet. In this forum, for our type of investing it's about "time IN the market" and not "Timing the market". Stocks aren't about picking the absolute best moment to jump in and out, it's about investing in a good company and sticking with it for months or years and not trading in and out of it. It's like being on the ocean. Your type of trading is like surfing. You paddle like hell hoping to catch a wave and ride it for a while before it crashes ashore. Ours is like being in a ship in a bay, and as the tide comes in and goes out, the ship rises and drops with the water's level. We aren't paddling like crazy hoping to score big with style points. WE are waiting for it to rise enough to get off on the upper level of a dock, instead of having to get off on the lower level and walk up a flight of stairs. We are patient and waiting for the tide to make the changes, not getting off the boat early and having to make up the difference with other forms of money. The fact that you barely understand what you're doing and you're engaging in the ABSOLUTE hardest way to make money- Day trading, leads me to believe that you need to get out of the positions you're in and do A LOT more research. Either that, or you'll soon be broke. I've seen it before COUNTLESS times by people who think stocks are about quick scores. Some might be, but that's Olympic caliber stuff, and you're barely walking, you've got a lot of things to master before you can run, and even more before you have the skills to run and plant the pole to vault over the bar. Do it in careful steps. Learn the sport, before you play the game. Master the basics before jumping in. Otherwise you'll lose your shirt, and your house. and your car.


This actually puts a huge target on Microsoft. A LOT of trust has been broken, and a lot of the companies might start migrating stuff to Linux or having Linux as a backup. Now I know the bug could've easily affected Linux. But Linux is much easier to test and prevent this kind of shit.


Not vaporize, but damage them greatly in the short and long term. They just became profitable last year, and they don't have a lot of money to spend on compensations and lawsuits. Plus they'll lose revenue since potential customers will reconsider buying their services, and some existing customers (who lost A LOT of money due to this) will want to break contract and leave. This is quite a big fuck-up by them and a huge damage to their reputation.


CRWD has got to come out of this a LOT worse than MSFT. Shorted CRWD at $300 earlier this morning and bought MSFT with the proceeds.

Don't listen to Cathy Wood. Do your own homework. She's been wrong A LOT.


I lost a LOT of money today and it’s all in just commons, I can’t even imagine what happened to option holders


Some whale bought A LOT of the Jan 17 $5 HBI calls 2 days ago. HBI picking up the pace now


Not direct to your question, but I was a senior in accounting school alongside other business majors. Our major had a 100% job placement rate at my school and my graduating class ended up having students with job offers rescinded or being told they could work for 50% of their salary for the first year. Many finance majors lost their job offers because the company disappeared. I had a few clients out of school who were under investigation due to their involvement in various mortgage schemes and despite initial job shock in the accounting field there was a LOT of consulting work to do for the next several years cleaning up the books of these organizations.


This one’s gonna piss off a LOT of people ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)



# JENSEN SAID A LOT OF BLACKWELL REVENUE COMING THIS YEAR. UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE DECADE. NVDA $1K ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

Just to reiterate what others have said - if you’re playing options that don’t expire for almost a year and anxious after a week: stop trading options. For long calls/puts you need to have your *own* knowledge/conviction that a stock will go up or down in the long run. Otherwise you’ll want to panic sell with every bad bit of news, every rumor, every dip (of which there will be A LOT of), etc.


Can some one start Lucid cult and pump that? I'm down A LOT....


Or go full port to early this morning like me and be down a LOT of money


Good purchase. Stay away from meme stocks like you see on the reddit Wall St Bets sub. The real value of stock isn't in the quick options trades, that's too much like a casino, but to purchase quality companies with long term holding in mind. I purchased Apple in 2004. Never sold. Just kept adding more and more as cash was available. 1-5 shares at a time. Same with CAT, MSFT, and a few smaller regional stocks. Follow the Russel 1000 stocks. They've taken the lead lately on gains. Dont' be afraid to buy index funds that reflect the stocks in that index. A few others to watch- Southern Company (SO). Cheap electricity production states often have the best profits for companies. SO isn't exciting, but it's consistent. Caterpillar (CAT) a bit pricy now, but it's weathered A LOT of storms and has the depth to carry it through tough markets.


Man, focus on the area where Google gets the biggest chunk of its revenues - ads ... Pichai is out to make up for loss of ad revenues ... It is going to be a cascading effect ... not only Bing AI or ChatGPT but even Meta putting their own bot in Whatsapp is going to change the search habits of people resulting in fewer searches on Googles search bar ultimately eating ad revenues ... Gemini is NOT able to create any impact in this market Google was always on top in terms of AI research, given the fact that ChatGPT is actually based on one of Googles earlier research papers ... Problem is ... they SAT ON IT for yearsss and now everyone else capitalized on it and they are JUST NOWHERE CLOSE .... OpenAI and Claude are soo faar ahead of Gemini that they r not even on the same field Moreover, Pichai has been kicking out people left right n centre to amp up Googles profits for the time being but hasnt reduced his own compensation ... You think I am the only one asking for his removal? Googles anti competitive practices have multiplied since Pichai took over and there is a LOT of internal resistance against him especially after the Bard debacle!! It is def interesting to hear your contradicting view ... Agree to disagree 🙂


I was with my 'guy' for nearly 40 years. Knew his family, stayed with them a few times...super nice guy. Stuck with him through 3 brokerage buyouts. Back then, you HAD to go through a online trades. As online trades became more available, I tried to change my account to allow me to do my own trades. The fees were exorbitant and, as I became more knowledgeable, I figured I could do it myself...which I have. I tried for 2 months to get the transfer and it was a cluster. I finally got fed up and just transferred. I did talk to him and he fully understood...said 'you gotta take care of you'. Looking back, I paid a LOT of fees and there were some pretty good buys and some pretty bad ones. I've done exceptionally well for myself since and don't regret it. TLDR: I called him...


Obviously you never get any benefits without giving up something else in return. So compared to what OP did which is to just buy out of the money calls, if TSLA stock went up A LOT, his gains would have been much better relative to the amount of capital he risked. The most he can lose with those calls is just the money he paid for them, but the max loss for the example position above would be $25.5k if TSLA went to 0, because of the short put. He would also need to have an account big enough to even satisfy the margin requirements to sell that put.


Airplanes can be full and still have an over capacity issue. Modern revenue management dictates that an airline will lower prices to almost nothing to fill a seat rather than have it go empty. What Delta and the other airlines are seeing is a precipitous drop in yields due to overcapacity. Compare today to the revenge travel days when people were spending a massive amount of money (or more likely saved up miles, doesn't matter to the airline) and the same seats were going for top dollar. Currently the major airlines are eating the low cost carrier's lunch with basic economy fares. They had the advantage of having the same Spirit Airlines customer in the same jet as the high end business class ones. However if demand drops, even a small amount, those basic economy fares take up a much larger portion of the seats and those high end first class seats go to free upgrades. That's how you can still have a full jet and lose a LOT of money.


Lmao you wish this was it buddy. Things will get a LOT worse


Seems like a lot and I mean A LOT of the short squeeze subredditors have swamped this lounge hard...The tickers mentioned in here are suddenly the same tickers from over there.


NVDA DONT GIVE ME HOPE IVE BEEN LET DOWN A LOT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Finally in the green with MARA myself, but a LOT less green than you

r/stocksSee Comment

I have an interesting story about the Dot com bubble. I rode the market down 40% DOW from 13500 down to 8k. Luckily, I didn't have a ton of money then (maybe 200k). I had about 150k in a managed brokerage account and 50k in my 401k (maybe less in 401k). I got so frustrated that in my brokerage account, I pulled all money to cash. Manager told me that 6800 was going to be the low. I went back to the market but the Dow was over 13k. I rode the market down and didn't ride it back up. The 50k-70k I actually lost is probably $500k in today's dollars after compounding and the compounding loss. I didn't touch or look at the 401k. Today - Managed Brokerage Account = 300k 401k - a LOT more than 300k. Bottom line - Time in the market beats timing the market.


Permabulls, I present the following fun fact. QQQ was at a post GFC low of 25.56 on November 20, 2008. Today it hit a new all time high of 500.86. This represents around a 21% annual rate of return the last 15.5 years. This is absolute insanity. This index is up nearly 20 times in that period. Even the dot com bubble wasn't this ridiculous. If QQQ generated a very solid 10% a year from 2008, it would be sitting at 114 right now. Representing a 77% drop from current levels. This should be terrifying. The downside is absolutely enormous. And by the way, it will probably drop below the "fair value" in the event of a crash, as extremes play both directions. And before you try all your "but inflation blah blah blah" arguments, nearly every fundmental indicator/ratio that accounts for inflation is sitting at all time highs for broad market indices. The crash will be absolutely biblical. Nasdaq will lose at least 70%, S&P 60%. Could be a LOT worse


> Saying every people should end with the exact same outcome is pretty radical and has proven very problematic in the past. I find it amazing that the same ethos that is supposedly very pro-diversity expects lockstep-identical outcomes from all these wildly different people living wildly different lives and making wildly different decisions. I am convinced Gestalt thinking has to be competent before nuanced thinking can achieve the same. And a LOT of people have trouble even just getting their big-picture view internally consistent.


It’s in my best interest that there are a LOT of people doing the exact same thing you are. 🤭


Yeah and I almost forgot another key sticking point. IIRC they have about 1.2 Billion in corporate coming due before Q2 next year. I could be off a few hundred mil or by a few months I'm just going off memory and I don't care enough to look it up. Point is it's a LOT of debt for a company that isn't even profitable to begin with. The stock is a lot more likely to go to 0 than to hit $40 or $50 any time soon lol.


We're headed that way anyway. China moving against Taiwan would kick it off. Trump is too soft on Russia. If he's elected, Russia will benefit which will embolden China to blockade and/or invade Taiwan. If Trump loses, Chances of China moving against Taiwan are a LOT lower but still not zero. China making any aggressive move on Taiwan would crater the global economy for years.


Yeah adjusted for inflation, $1 billion in 2012 would be worth $1.34 billion today. I think Google's most expensive purchase was Motorola back in 2012, for $12.5 billion. It would be $16.8 billion today. This would still be a LOT higher!


1. Depends on your risk appetite. Investing 100% will generally yield larger returns, but if you're close to retirement, a cash position may make sense. If you do hold a cash position, dump it into something like SWVXX -- that's a money fund which stays at $1.00 per share, and pays out interest as dividends. That way at least you're making 5% right now (Ideally, you already did this with the money you've had sitting there) 2. Whatever you want. You could divide it into 4 piles and invest it, or you could look at the current balance of your funds and throw the money at the ones that are now less than 25% of your portfolio because they underperformed the others. The latter would be called rebalancing. Some people do it monthly, quarterly, yearly, never. 3. Oh, very yes, you can lose money. That's why you get outsized returns -- you're shouldering risk. If it were 2000 or 2008, you'd have lost a LOT of money and wouldn't even break even for several years. The general trend has been upwards though, so that money from 2000 or 2008 would be doing great today, even though it'd have taken a beating early on. But it's entirely possible that you dump it all in today, then markets immediately drop and it's worth less than it was yesterday. And that can go on a long time.... Like the dot com bubble burst in March 2000 and didn't bottom out until late 2002 -- just losing money almost every month for a couple years. If you had the absolute worst timing and bought in march 2000 at the peak of the dot com bubble, you'd take a beating from the dot com bubble, then get back to even around 2007, just in time for the housing crisis in 2008, and not recover from that until 2012. Though if you were investing yearly like your plan, you'd have done better -- the money from march 2000 would have taken 12 years to recover, but you'd have also been buying in 2001, 2002, 2008, 2009 when stocks were lower price, and THAT money would have been making good returns much earlier because you bought stocks for cheap. That concept is called DCA (dollar cost averaging) -- periodic investment can help reduce the average cost per share, because when the price per share is low, you naturally buy more shares. 4. The saying is "time in the market beats timing the market". So in theory, over the long term, dumping it all into the account and investing in January is best. But it's much less important than just investing in general, so if monthly investments are easier on your cash flow, that's fine too.

r/stocksSee Comment

Owning all 3 is like owning the entire global e-commerce + everything else these companies do lol People don't like China and I get it but A LOT of China is a strong buy right now


First off, I’m assuming your 5.5% “total” return is annualized. If it’s legit only a 5.5% total that’s like a 1.5% annualized return, so yes, fire them and file a complaint with their firm. Knowing if a wealth manager is underperforming is actually quite easy. You just need a relevant benchmark. Don’t listen to goons who scream “just dump it in VOO” since it’s probably not a suitable allocation for you anyway, and it’s probably irrelevant to your actual portfolio if you diversify beyond just US. For example, if your allocation is “growth” you likely still have 25%-30% bonds as part of your long-term allocation. Balance being global equities, probably something close to 30% US, 20% Canada, 20% International. You’d need a relevant benchmark like 30% FTSE Bond Universe, 30% S&P500, 20% S&P/TSX, 20% MSCI EAFE. your wealth manager can and should make tactical allocation decisions based on market conditions, but this would be in relevant terms around your appropriate long-term mix. Lastly, a “wealth manager” should do a LOT more than simply manage your investments. If they’re not, fire them. This should include financial planning, tax planning, retirement planning, estate planning, etc. Asset allocation AND asset location across your various accounts depending on their tax treatment and objectives. If you require a wealth manager it likely means your assets are sufficiently large to require and benefit from the extra planning that adds a ton of value way beyond simply managing some small investments and “VOO and chill” like a lot of smaller retail investors. A properly diversified portfolio should greatly reduce volatility and can improve your experience so you don’t panic in a year like 2022 (like many regular investors did). A good manager should hopefully run a portfolio that can provide similar upside participation to the broader market, and lower downside participation in a downmarket, helping reduce volatility and provide superior long-term returns.


I think the implication is that a LOT of arguments can be made that Tesla is overvalued. Not as many arguments can be made for META or Google


i mean there are probably limited situations where you're earning $6000 premium from writing a CC. Either you have a lot of shares of a high IV stock or you're writing close to ITM strikes with A LOT of time to expiration. You really don't want to do the latter unless you think the share price is going to drop hard, fast and eventually rebound. And I doubt there are many plays out there where you can collect $200 premium from a $6000 collateral at safe strikes/time, which means the exact opposite of being protected by severe downside.


I live in a HCOL area where we’d have to put down A-LOT to have an acceptable mortgage. Probably around $250k.


Read about real investing, as in long term buy and hold strategies. Options trading isn't a primary wealth builder, its a good way to augment a good wealth foundation with some splashes of cash to chase possible quick flip profits. But read A LOT about strategies first, them start with a brokerage that has financial planners. In 5 years pull a bit out and then start to do your own trades. You cant ask Reddit and get serious answers. Research. Learn how. Then apply what you've learned. Right now you don't know enough to know if the advice is good or not. And there are a lot of people on the internet who get their thrills by sending newbies on a wild goose chase or losing track.


It didn't land the candle, but it ran 13% in 4 minutes when premarket opened. It hit .30 It cleared a LOT of sell orders this morning.

r/stocksSee Comment

I'm in IONQ which is probably the most popular pure quantum startup. However there are a LOT of players in quantum computing. I mean it goes from Intel, IBM, Google to Goldman Sachs, Amazon and the research institutions such Hokins JPL, national labs. And there are several different techniques being tried, and no one knows which will work the best - it is working with fundamental physics. Because of this I have started DCA into QUTM ETF, instead of trying to pick out a winner.

r/stocksSee Comment

"Same as gambling"?? that's nonsense. Of course not. For someone without the qualifications, lazy to study properly and cheap to avoid paying a proper training...and dumb enough to jump head first, of course it can look like gambling. You need mentoring, as usual. I have good friends in the area and have been involved with this over 10 years, starting with Forex when Cryptotrading wasn't even a thing. There is a LOT of advantages with AI that many people is not using these days. They're too busy daydreaming with their IG idols. Get the real deal and transform in your own idol. Send me a chat and I will contact you with them if you want. They tend to select their customers with care.Send me a chat msg and I will contact you with them if you want.


This is getting a little too off topic. I'll just close by mentioning that a LOT of people were scared of the vaccine and refusing it. I'd be interested to see what percentage of the post vaccine deaths were made up with that group.


Exactly. But thats not what the person i replied to wrote in the original post. OP literally wrote “what does the price have to do with the company being a steal or not”. Well clearly as you have shown to understand in your reply, you fucking agree with me. You don’t pay a million for something that has 100 dollars in profit. PRICE / VALUATION HAS A LOT TO SAY IF ITS A STEAL OR NOT.


> There was A LOT of money to be made since then Yes, but it was all based on hype, as usual.


That’s what I was wondering! Wouldn’t she be like “yo my son looks a LOT like that dude I wanted to fuck in high school” 💀 




Tesla nearly doubled since April. There was A LOT of money to be made since then


He got lucky with Paypal. Maybe a bit of planning and luck. He had a vision with Tesla. A vision that a LOT of people wanted to share for many decades. He was going to put the money into it to make that dream come true. And, he generally did. Tesla is the biggest contributor to electric cars and self-driving cars. They improved battery performance, and more. He hired a LOT of great engineers to make these dreams come true. He then wanted to fill the dream for space. A bigger dream. He put in a LOT of money and a LOT of great engineers to make SpaceX work. It is easy to admire someone who make a lot of dreams come true. He is like a homerun hitter in baseball. Swinging for the fences with every swing. Sometimes a home run, but a lot of misses. Survivor's bias makes people remember the successes far more than the failures.


THE END IS HERE I HOPE YOU ALL OF CANNED FOOD AND A LOT OF WATER ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Boy was it ever. I bought a LOT of good stuff on sale in late 2022, and it has paid off handsomely so far.
