Reddit Posts
It's a sign from VisualMod. Call or Puts on MCD?
McDonald's Q3 Earnings Report: A Solid Performance Amid Macro Headwinds
List of publicly traded companies supporting illegal Israeli occupation?
$MCD in 1990, 3 things for 3dollars
Forbes - Walmart Says Ozempic Could Be Impacting Food Sales: ‘Slight Pullback In Overall Basket’
Chipotle $CMG and McDonald $MCD Will Show Consumers’ Appetite for Spending:
Shareholders have started a Campaign to end child labor at McDonald's ($MCD)
Time to go ALL into McDonalds CALLS (MCD) for Grimace. Happy Birthday Grimace
Is McDonalds Stock (MCD) Going to the moon? The Grimace Shake is going viral so revenue prob gonna be up. Happy Birthday Grimace. Grimace <3
The best stocks to buy with $10,000 right now
Review my stock choices and let's learn to build a portfolio together!
McDonald's sees double-digit comparable sales growth across all regions (NYSE:MCD)
Market Recap - 4/25/23 - Economy is flashing red while companies beating estimations left and right
How are you playing earnings this week ? And how I’m going undefeated on earnings this week
MCD puts on McDonald’s because ice cream machine wasn’t working today
MCD calls open interest high next week even after hitting all time high. we follow the smart money ?
The Week Ahead & More: Technical Analysis + Trade Journal
Tesla, McDonald’s And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Monday - Science Applications Intl (NYSE:SAIC), McDonald's (NYSE:MCD)
Tesla, McDonald’s And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Monday - Science Applications Intl (NYSE:SAIC), McDonald's (NYSE:MCD)
Mcdonald's to announce layoffs this week.
MCD RICO case - Money laundering 18 U.S. Code §1957 - Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity
A market-cap weighted index of the five top-rated Dow stocks yielding at least 2% as of Feb. 14, 2022 is beating the market by 20 percentage points.
McDonald's ($MCD) faces backlash from franchisees over rapper Cardi B meal
2023-02-09 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)
Just to share a short of topic to show that investors community often wrong!
Why is it Wendy’s and not some other drive thru?
Recession cancelled or short Consumer Discretionary?
Potential YOLO trades that offer high alpha.
What is $MCD 's ALL-TIME High today tell us about inflation? maybe we don't want to know...
I see your recession-proof stock and raise you $MCD
McDonalds reached its all-time high value
2022-10-17 Better Tasting Crayons (Mathematically derived options plays)
All red today - but the Hyper Efficient Market has the new cheap workers for MCD and Dominos Pizza already priced in.
Chipotle (CMG) is fuk. 10 bagger on Oct 28 Puts
Rite Aid ($400M market cap) generates more annual revenue than McDonalds ($189B market cap)
Someone please tell me that BBBY isn`t over yet
Found a way to make the money printer go brrrrrrr (100% fool-proof)
Cramer can have Wendy’s, calls on MCD
Earnings Beats by KO and MCD; KO raises full year outlook
Thoughts on $MCD earnings tomorrow morning? Do we see another $WMT?
Here is a Market Recap for today Monday, July 25, 2022
This ad has been brought to you by the shareholders of CMG and MCD
Want $5,000 in yearly passive income? Motley Fool has it laid out EASY for you to obtain! 🤡🤡🤡
Want $5,000 in passive income? Easy, the invest $240,000 into $MCD 🤡🤡🤡 lol F*CK Motley Fool
MCD is a great stock. Good dividend. I wouldn't bet against them tbh
Why short MCD? - Low VIX currently, low prices !! Never seen before 😆 - Recession hedge, as people may want to tighten their wallets, spend less on discretionary stuff - Health foods trend; and MCD is basically synonymous with junk food, indulgence
MCD bogo hashbrowns 🥱 good morning
Boeing has shown that the company is run by penny pinchers from MCD who will willingly sacrifice safety and reliability to make a buck, whereas the company was originally run by engineers who had safety and reliability as priorities. they screwed up once and they’ll do it again. It’s just a matter of time.
Sssoooo MARA, CLSK & MCD were shitty buys last month. Pieces of shit haven’t moved at all.
Early 90's were actually far worse for ordinary folk. My dad had to take on a really low paid job making refrigerators. I was at uni and had to be really careful with money. Early 80's were brutal too... we lived in a tiny freezing cold rented flat. 2001 was an epic crash (I worked in tech and was out of work for most of 2002). But there was minimal impact on main street. The bear market was pretty brutal for those with stock portfolios though. Even quality stocks like MCD went nowhere for a few years. Fortunately I was working during 2008-9. It would have been much worse but for all the money printing + China stimulus. I nearly lost a sizeable chunk of my pension because I was messing around with ETC's backed by AIG. The collateral turned out to be worthless, but I did get a fair bit of money back. Ironically had I known what I was doing I'd have made a fortune because I was shorting stuff. Odd fact: I visited Tokyo's stock exchange in October 2008. I was there during one of the monster 10%+ down days. It was all computers though, and nobody running around in a panic.
How the fuk can MCD be so fuking flat for 2 months straight! Yea they had E.Coli, yea someone died, but its been 2 months, get over it you piece of shit stock!
Nothing more fulfilling than paying for some poor kids’ school trip and giving them MCD and chocolates
My heart is cheering. I genuinely hope those parasites go down. But my brain is skeptical. People thought Super Size Me was very damning against MCD but it did nothing.
Heading to MCD, no one would dare rat me out there.
Great tip thx, buying 10,000 call options on MCD. We gonna be rich bruh!
More like a major shift than a crash. There are some companies who’s growing but still flattening in terms of stock price while some are extremely overvalued that even fast forward 20Y will still fail to justify the stock price. Means the index will be facing a consolidation except undervalued stocks with growth. In such market with high efficiency, it’s still absurd to see even some staples stock will be given a high premium price including COSTCO, KO, WMT, MCD and etc.
Trust your gut? Then invest in MCD and CMG, you fat fuck
He wasn’t in tech, just “old fart” companies like XOM, Banks, MCD, and investments like that. He said he didn’t understand what tech did as a business so he didn’t touch it. I don’t know what’s equity/bond ratio was at the time.
I think that we should advocate for legislative changes mandating a Lunch Break for Americans too. Stopping our day for $MCD is a fundamental right. I shouldn't have to go bankrupt from $DASH fees AND clench my butthole for 6 hours straight swinging 0DTEs. Stand with me regards
McCkkn was $1 I just paid $3.69 & $2.99 for coffee Wt Fook? We r all cooked Puts MCD
Old Reddit is still the absolute best. The new UX is fucking slow as the orange Cheeto at MCD.
I hate buying companies doing worse vs spy. Now there is 0 reason to buy adbe over spy. Buying adbe is like buying MCD now.
And back to MCD in four years to complete the cycle of stupidity.
Not paying the MCD snitch his reward money will just condition the entire country not to rat on their fellow citizens if big govt isn't gonna give them their slush money.
All of you condemning the MCD worker for ratting out max rizz UNH assassin. Yeah all of you would've snitched for that easy $60k.
IBRX fuked me good today after they announce dilution, no movement on MCD in the last 2 months, CLSK and LUNR keep shitting on me … just to name a few
that garbage never moves. Might as well buy MCD
Buying MCD here. Food not shares.
UBER must have given that guy a ride to MCD?
Just remember MCD snitches get stitches
So is that good or bad for MCD leaps?
2 weeks and my gambling aka my life savings account made a whole $80 profit being a gey ber Feeling special tonight, going to get something from the $2 menu instead of the $1 menu at MCD ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)
In a recession the only jobs that are safe: Uber, UPS, Wendy’s, MCD, hookers, and diary queen
He got busted at MCD for murder
Word on the street MCD is full of rats🐀🐀🐀
Joking about MCD with happened yesterday.
So Luigi sat at MCD with a mask on thinking he didn’t look suspicious ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
A PLANE JUST HIT MCD STOCK. LUIGI... NEVER FORGET. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
Calls on MCD. Guy who called in the suspect was reported to be a boomer. Guy is elderly and still willing to go above and beyond for McDs
If CEO slayer was at wendys they would have offered him a handy not snitched on him. Puts on MCD
MCD 310 and 315 calls this week
MacDonald staff report CEO killer 🔫MCD poots
Short MCD, they have a rat problem in PA.
Had to travel on Greyhound and eat at MCD.
Short MCD Short term, they have a rodent problem in PA.
Fuck it, MCD puts it is. Cheap OTMs too, I'm feeling crazy.
MCD HAS RESORTED TO HIRING SUSPECT EMPLOYEES... THE NEW SLAVE LABOR. MCD $0 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
FUKK MCD. # 2 ON THE SHORT LIST ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
Short on MCD this boycotts going to hit hard
I think he got caught on purpose. Theres no way he did everything almost perfect then gets recognized at MCD.
Yea I missed the memo on Luigi today but who is he and how does that affect my MCD calls?
Yeah people will forget about this in a few days and go to McDonalds. Can you please buy an irresponsible amount of MCD weekly puts for us though?
Reddit: boycott MCD, solidarity with Luigi! Me: sounds good, shit is too expensive anyway. My phone notifications: McRib IS BACK! Me: huh...this is awkward
MCD BOYCOTT. AS IF THE FOOD POISONING WASN'T ENUFF... NOW THIS SHIT. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
Imagine being a snitch who works at MCD. At least Wendy's doesn't hire bitch ass snitches
Puts on MCD bc of that one witness who snitched on UHC suspect
Sucks he didn’t get caught eating at Wendy’s. Calls on MCD.
i know a certain someone who went from working at MCD to being a garbage truck driver to winning the erection. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787) maybe he was the snitch all along. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)
How are my MCD $350 calls looking?
Homie had all the evidence on him sitting in MCD. He wanted to get caught beo
Bruh wtf some burger flipper snitched on him. Puts on MCD, calls on Wendy's
Anyone else think this UHC assassination is an elaborate advertising campaign by SBUX and MCD? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
Calls on $MCD, even most wanted can't pass on a big Mac
MCD employee bought 10k $600 1/17 UNH calls with his reward money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)
Bro had UHC puts and it didn’t pay out So he ate at MCD
Whichever MCD employee snitched on Luigi Marscapone or w/e his name is clearly doesn't understand how bad their health coverage is
Why would you eat at a McDonald's after assassinating a guy? Wouldn't eating ass in a dark room be more prudent so no MCD employee can rat you out? Just spitballing here...
The guy can't resist going to McDonald's, even with his life on the line — I guess MCD calls
run NVDA run, dont run into a MCD tho
Free MCD happy meals for life
MCD puts for hiring snitches ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)
Luigi Mangione was eating at the McDonald’s when an employee recognized him MCD calls
MCD p00ts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
MCD puts because my local McDonalds is the shittiest place on the planet and I’ve personally sworn them off. THATS how you do due diligence