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McDonald's $MCD New Menu for 2024

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Calls on $MCD ?

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Suggestion on high paying dividends Stocks

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Thoughts on MCD

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$30,000 risk in McDonalds

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It's a sign from VisualMod. Call or Puts on MCD?

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Keep BTC, or swap to MCD?

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McDonald's Q3 Earnings Report: A Solid Performance Amid Macro Headwinds

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Puts on MCD…

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List of publicly traded companies supporting illegal Israeli occupation?

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Update on McDonald's collapse

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$MCD in 1990, 3 things for 3dollars

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McDonald (MCD) DCF Analysis

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Forbes - Walmart Says Ozempic Could Be Impacting Food Sales: ‘Slight Pullback In Overall Basket’

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Giving MCD the big DD

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McDonalds Finally worth looking at

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MCD has outperformed the market forever.

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Help needed with MCD valuation

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Shorting MCD

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$MCD 300c 8/11… Am I Screwed?

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Am I Good Or Not…?

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Summary of earnings Jul 27 morning

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Chipotle $CMG and McDonald $MCD Will Show Consumers’ Appetite for Spending:

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Shareholders have started a Campaign to end child labor at McDonald's ($MCD)

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$MCD Grimace Birthday Meal DD / Position

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$MCD 2M YOLO: DD/Earnings Play (Grimace Meal)

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How fkd am I

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How fkd am I

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Time to go ALL into McDonalds CALLS (MCD) for Grimace. Happy Birthday Grimace

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Is McDonalds Stock (MCD) Going to the moon? The Grimace Shake is going viral so revenue prob gonna be up. Happy Birthday Grimace. Grimace <3

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The best stocks to buy with $10,000 right now

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$MCD McDonald's insiders selling the top

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$MCD McDonald's insiders selling the top

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recession confirmed, calls on $MCD

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Where should I put 800USD

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1K to 10K Challenge (update 1)

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Review my stock choices and let's learn to build a portfolio together!

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McDonald's sees double-digit comparable sales growth across all regions (NYSE:MCD)

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Market Recap - 4/25/23 - Economy is flashing red while companies beating estimations left and right

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MCD Q1 Earnings?

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How are you playing earnings this week ? And how I’m going undefeated on earnings this week

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MCD puts on McDonald’s because ice cream machine wasn’t working today

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MCD calls open interest high next week even after hitting all time high. we follow the smart money ?

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The Week Ahead & More: Technical Analysis + Trade Journal

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Tesla, McDonald’s And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Monday - Science Applications Intl (NYSE:SAIC), McDonald's (NYSE:MCD)

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Tesla, McDonald’s And 3 Stocks To Watch Heading Into Monday - Science Applications Intl (NYSE:SAIC), McDonald's (NYSE:MCD)

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Mcdonald's to announce layoffs this week.

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MCD RICO case - Money laundering 18 U.S. Code §1957 - Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity

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A market-cap weighted index of the five top-rated Dow stocks yielding at least 2% as of Feb. 14, 2022 is beating the market by 20 percentage points.

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McDonald's ($MCD) faces backlash from franchisees over rapper Cardi B meal

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Calls on $MCD

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2023-02-09 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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Regard-denburg Research Report

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(1/31) Tuesday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

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Time to long MCD

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What MCD up to?

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MCD Mcdonald's

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Just to share a short of topic to show that investors community often wrong!

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Investing long term in MCD

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Who killed Capitalism?

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Why is it Wendy’s and not some other drive thru?

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Recession cancelled or short Consumer Discretionary?

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Recession cancelled or short Consumer Discretionary?

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MCD is trying to choose a direction?

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Watchlist for 12/09/2022

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Potential YOLO trades that offer high alpha.

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What is $MCD 's ALL-TIME High today tell us about inflation? maybe we don't want to know...

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I see your recession-proof stock and raise you $MCD

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McDonalds reached its all-time high value

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2022-10-17 Better Tasting Crayons (Mathematically derived options plays)

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Bullish on MCD

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All red today - but the Hyper Efficient Market has the new cheap workers for MCD and Dominos Pizza already priced in.

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Chipotle (CMG) is fuk. 10 bagger on Oct 28 Puts

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unionization is good

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Which stocks would you pick?

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Favorite Stock 4 the Week Ahead

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Rite Aid ($400M market cap) generates more annual revenue than McDonalds ($189B market cap)

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Someone please tell me that BBBY isn`t over yet

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Found a way to make the money printer go brrrrrrr (100% fool-proof)

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Advice For a Young Investor

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Cramer can have Wendy’s, calls on MCD

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Earnings Reports and News for 7/26:

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Earnings Beats by KO and MCD; KO raises full year outlook

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Thoughts on $MCD earnings tomorrow morning? Do we see another $WMT?

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$CMG headed down

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Here is a Market Recap for today Monday, July 25, 2022

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This ad has been brought to you by the shareholders of CMG and MCD

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Bullish on $MCD

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Dividend Aristocrats Portfolio

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Individual Quality Stocks vs. Indexfunds

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Want $5,000 in yearly passive income? Motley Fool has it laid out EASY for you to obtain! 🤡🤡🤡

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Want $5,000 in passive income? Easy, the invest $240,000 into $MCD 🤡🤡🤡 lol F*CK Motley Fool

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„Safe“ Long term Stocks

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Calls on mcdonals (MCD)


Trump wins MCD will go through the roof. He will be ordering it from the oval office at least twice a week.


Ruh-Roh. Probably wouldn’t go all in. I’ll see how my MCD puts turn out Monday. I definitely wanna get some HWM calls which release Tuesday morning pre market.


Hope you enjoy :) Since I've posted that, they've sold part of their stake in Insomnia Cookies for $170M, most of which will hopefully go towards their debt position. Earnings coming up on the 8th of August, but MCD earnings on Monday will be interesting to follow, too.


People with no faith in MCD deserve a life in Wendy’s


Who's got MCD calls for er? You win


I own MCD but eying this maybe at 40?


Anyone playing MCD next week? What's the thought?


Anyone messing with MCD for Monday?


Here’s my play for Monday $250 puts for MCD $464 QQQ calls (will buy near close today)


If I wanted to get in, I would buy some here. CMG, DPZ and MCD are solid in my opinion.


Why do so many of you all think $MCD is going to drop Monday?


MCD and SBUX puts, easy money after DPZ and CMG

Why would MCD miss earnings lol


MCD should crush right?


MCD 235P 08/02 for the win.


I wish I didn’t do as well as I did this week. I feel like Live Nation puts, MCD puts and Boeing Puts make the most sense, but I’ve gotten so good at giving truck stop BJs since I’ve been trading so I cannot trust my feelings


regards goog leaps on any dip tsla puts on any rip its literally MCD secret sauce


MCD plz save my port ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


!banbet MCD 258 1D


You assume MCD is fairly valued. I think it deserves to take a beating


I hate the homeless people that come up to me at MCD asking for money. I’m already down bad enough that I’m eating MCD why you gotta make it worse. If I had money to give I wouldn’t be at the arches


Hmm not a bad PE for MCD, will have to look into it right now


MCD puts as well?


Can MCD go up?


my puts on DIS and MCD were the right choice


Long TXRH because I don't know any other company on this list left other than Sketchers. -People are no longer paying for overpriced shitty fast food + coffee, see: CMG, MCD, SBUX. -If you're going to pay $15 for a Big Mac meal or a Burrito bowl or whatever the fuck else, might as well go get a well portioned Steak dinner for a bit more. -People are poor as fuck, who has all the money? The Boomers. They ain't taking their grandkids and paying for those shitty meals at fast-food restaurants. -Where would the boomer grandparent take their grandchildren for dinner and are happily willing to pay? TXRH, they never skimp out on the portions. -Their free buns are goated, the only thing that comes close is Red Lobster's biscuits. Long TXRH 8/16 175C.

I bought puts on DIS and MCD


MCD up $9 from 246


I think this is a healthy pull back, I am still in a lot of tech like META CRM AMZN, is anyone looking at more cyclical value play? I also recently bought MCD given the continuation of 5 dollar meal and inflation.


CMG's bull case is long-term and shaky at best. The US market is saturated with fast food options and consumer tastes for fast food there is trending downward due to price competition with other eating options, as reflected in bearish share prices over the past year across the industry. As someone based in Europe, however, I have seen SBUX and MCD expand here with great success the past decade, but there are other chains here offering exactly what CMG offers (build a burrito) that CMG could probably crush if they tried, but they don't for whatever reason. I have been watching CMG and I think the price is still too high -- if it returns to the 30 to 40 range it will peak my interest, but I see no reason to invest in any fast food company with a forward p/e over 20 for the moment (especially given CMG has no dividend).


MCD has one more bottom to find and then it will V hard (unless doomsday happens). Still Nvda 120c september


775 shares. I keep buying them up when the price drops into the low $10s. Not sure when the MCD roll-out will start to pay off specifically. Saw an interesting comment today where some guy considered whether MCD would consider an acquisition. I could totally see that with their CosMc's plan.


Put up MCD monthly stock chart, put on 50 period moving average on monthly chart, now see how many times has this stock has been this low and how long does it last in this territory when it’s low.


Continue to hold MCD calls


$MCD call baby👌


I’m beginning my weight loss journey today. Puts on MCD as they lose one of their largest customers


MCD needs to bring back all day breakfast 


got my kid a mccrispy meal for $13 and the sandwich was unedible. nasty translucent mushy and appeared raw. puts on MCD.


Currently running diagonal calendar spreads on MCD, COST, and think on doing put credit spreads QQQ, but may hold off due to tech uncertainty, may just long that as well.


SBUX, MCD, NIKE, DPZ all got hit hard. So consumer is definitely feeling the pinch, but if CMG comes out and trades sideways or tanks, I’ll prob buy puts on TXRH as well. Might do the same for CAVA coming up soon

If Lizzo losing weight puts on MCD


I just used DPZ as an example because it was recent. I understand your reasoning to research deeper into more similar companies and I think that reasoning would hold more merit if I was just trying to short the entire sector or play something more long-term. I think in terms of pricing, risk/reward, expected move, options bid/ask and the expiry date, TXRH puts simply present the best options play available this week that leans into this thesis of a weakening consumer. NKE, Helen of Troy and DPZ all got crushed way more than the expected IV move and puts printed. MCD and KO (which lean more consumer defensive) generally dont move much so I don't expect a strong return there. CMG already fell maybe 15% and presents less downside reward. TXRH is sitting at its ATH and as long as it falls 3% to next month, the puts will break even. A small upside 3% move also won't ruin you. I believe then that unless TXRH has a very strong and loyal customer base who will eat there no matter what, I'm more inclined to believe that TXRH will guide lower due to the weakening consumer that is less willing to spend on "auxiliary items".

MCD is interesting I want to say puts for their earnings but the Golden Arches always prevail


Texas Roadhouse isn’t a fast food restaurant, though. It’s a dining establishment. Also look at Darden Restaurant Group or Yum Yum to see how other places have done this year. Look at last quarter earnings and take a peak at their guidance for the year. Or even MCD if you’re saying DPZ is the same as TXRH.


Averaging down on MCD calls here


Don't be fooled. MCD isn't packed because it's busy. It's packed because they're slow and can't fill orders quickly. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) anyway


Better be MCD’s


!banbet MCD 280 21d


MCD being gey like the rest of em


Got 7/19 puts on MCD, 7/19 calls on TRV,


Puts on MCD


GLP-1 drugs are really doing a number on fastfood here. Apparently 1 in 8 adults are on some form of it in the US. I thought DPZ would outperform the others like WEN or MCD but seems all fast food got hit this year.

First they come for your MCD and Wendy's, then they come for the Target and Walmart. Then they come for your Teslas and Ford.


SPOT was upgraded recently to 395 on the strength of their customer retention and ability to raise price -- didn't raise prices for 10 years, then did so twice in the last year w/o issue. They are also growing in their ad platform, which will a boon to them, as their business can pretty well segment and target customer groups.  It's expensive, but assuming the market overall doesn't blow up, should surpass the 325 all time high by end of year. It's a volatile stock though.  CMG is an expensive stock, with slowing growth and facing a GLP-1 issue among its female customer segment, at min. Their customers tend to be middle or upper class whites, so they will be affected by rise of the weight loss drugs.  All good stocks have been hit on pricing power issues / revenue hit lately, see MCD, PEP, & DPZ just this morning.  Also has skyrocketed the last few years. RSI is now quite oversold, so it'll probably bounce up over the next two days, maybe from open this morning. Over the next few months, probably reaches lows in the high 40s. There you go, fellow Euro. 🤝

You are correct, it is not clear cut and I overly simplify the numbers. My biggest assumption is that they can indeed grow to about 400 units without any major slowdowns moving forward. Right now, this seems to be inevitable as new units outperform when they breach new markets. So it will be a while before saturation comes into play such as the problem in LA. Regarding the example, I was simply giving an example of what their business is like if you were to, say, pluck one unit out and ran it yourself. Kuras "unit level operating profit" is reported in their quarterlies and hovers around 20% of gross. Thats where the $800k came from. Problem, of course, is the unit doesnt live in a bubble. There is corporate entity with overhead governing the unit and right now they are using every penny and then some (financing) on growth. Thus their net is non existent and PE is gibberish, as is usually the case with companies in growth phase. 20% unit operating profit is not unusual. It sits between dine in and fast food. Fast food usually has better margins. But dine in is usually worse due to high labor charges (aka servers). Kura sits in between something like Darden with 13% operating margins and MCD with their crazy 40% margins (though that one is bit tongue in cheek because they have franchises so it looks better than it really is). Kura has workers who check on customers but they dont have "servers." They are more like combo bussers who can also handle the check if need be. They are much leaner than a full fledged dine in but not as lean as fast food and thus they sit in between. What im thinking is that, in theory, as the Kura business grows to say 300 or 400 units, eventually growth slows, spending comes down to earth and margins should normalize to some level close to unit level margins. Most mature companies usually have <5% corporate costs. Of course Kura is no where near that right now so its hard to pin point where they will land but I think 15% net is not out of the question. Probably on the low side and this would be compounding yoy if they keep up their growth goals. Im not sure how other investors do their thing but I think most brick and mortar investors dont really look at "growth" as a major factor when buying brick and mortar. At least not growth in the classical stock sense. Also I dont think Warren is all too interested in growth companies. He was always seem as a value guy right? So he wants established and selling at a discount. He is, of course, not the same Warren that bought Berkshire originally. That dude took risks.


PE is 60 MCD is 20 Wingstop is like 140 Does any of that make sense?


TSLA, right before it popped off. Then IWM right before it popped off. MCD too. Right now I’m still in IWM and INTC. Most of my calls are 7 to 60 day expirations. INTC is a sleeper though. I have 500 day expirations on it with what was 70% of my balance ($17k), now it’s like 40% of my balance.

Added some QCOM today then sold covered calls. Wrote some NVDA puts. Wouldn’t mind picking up more around this price. Sold my AMZN calls after a nice 100% gain. Wish I’d sold yesterday of course. Tomorrow I’m watching TSM as I have a large position in it. No hedge. Will buy more on a selloff. Added to MCD and TLT positions.

Man when he used to cater MCD to the White House LMAO wtf. Hai guise welcome to your once in a lifetime chance to visit the white house and meet the POTUS, have some cold chicky nuggies, cold big macs, and soggy cold fries.


VRNA and MCD calls


The most impressive AI applications do need a metric ton of energy and server space to run though- to the point that it may not justify the costs. And not just in money terms but in other ways- for instance battery life for any device that uses AI for tasks will be severely limited because of the power draw so you'd have less mobility. Or you'd need to do it all in cloud which could slow things down and raise costs for the business. In terms of automation and efficiency, the age old adage about computers says: The issue with PCs is that they do *exactly* as they're told not necessarily what the operator *intends*. AI is the same and that tempers a lot fo my expectations for how well truly automating things like drive throughs will go. Notably, MCD's discontinued their use of AI for drive throughs about a month ago- soon after Goldman came out and said the rally in AI names is overdone and the tickers started to run out of gas.


If Chick gives discounts for shining minorities shoes MCD is toast, all those Christians will line up right away!. I hate ChicFilCrap.


Appears that maybe MCD has bottomed today. Just broke over the 200 day moving average, which has been down since March 13 with a 15% drop.. Several indicators are now look above average.


Never thought I’d be saying this but MCD calls will print


My Wendy's MCD calls are looking nice


MCD is lovin it!!!


MCD is the only winner rn


$MCD calls


Just holding VRNA and MCD calls


MCD, PFE, JNJ, PYPL, TLT They won't get lower probably.

counter points: $WING 2014 revenue = $0.07B $WING 2023 revenue = $0.46B $WING 2014 net income =$0.01B $WING 2023 net income = $0.07B **$WING Revenue CAGR = 73%** **$WING Net income CAGR = 78%** $MCD 2014 revenue = $27.44B $MCD 2023 revenue = $25.49B $MCD 2014 net income =$4.76B $MCD 2023 net income = $8.47B **$MCD Revenue CAGR = -10%** **$MCD Net income CAGR = 20%** Total $WING stores in the US = 1989 Total $MCD stores in the US = 13,529 $WING beats $MCD hand over fist in terms of revenue CAGR, net income CAGR and expansion opportunity. If anything, $MCD is severely overvalued.

it's a growth stock not a value stock so of course will look overvalued compared with MCD. yeah it's price is based on high forecasted earnings growth, but stocks like this and chipotle, CAVA etc. have also had the recent historical growth rates that have attracted investors to rapidly drive up the price of the stocks. You have to consider whether or not the growth will continue in your thesis.


Wouldn’t MCD’s real estate make Wingstop more overpriced?


MSFT because... computers good. More coming. Data center good. More needed. BTI because... a stable 9% dividend is a good thing. Also, people have enjoyed chemical happiness in one form or another for thousands of years and aren't about to stop now. TSM because... somebody has to produce all those chips and 1) even if American companies start producing them they can't do it as cheaply, and 2) China doesn't want to start a war by rolling into Taiwan. CEG because... we need more and more and more power, and nuclear really is the cleanest, cheapest, most reliable energy. Eventually everyone will forget about Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Planes crash all the time but people still fly. MCD because... cheap, quick food will always be a thing people want, and they seem to have the system (from production to marketing) down better than everyone else.

Meghan Trainor is bullish on LULU, MCD, CMG, WEN, DRI, KO, and PEP

Got me some MCD and LULU as a pair trade. If people get fatter MCD wins, if they get in shape LULU wins.


Restaurant companies are all highly leveraged with negative tangible equity. Look at YUM, MCD, WEN. The idea is the business is low risk so they should lever up. But I think that idea originated during zero interest rates and now they should reduce leverage because as they roll over debt the interest expense will increase and make the strategy inefficient. So I don't think it's a good thing unless we go back to zero interest rates but it is very typical of the industry.


I was looking at this and cheaper value focused fast food like DPZ (Domino's) is still doing very well. I think MCD and WEB lost focus on their value proposition and customers aren't eating there anymore.


Here is my understanding --- and it could be wrong, so please feel free to reply. I think MCD makes money from **rent, royalties, and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants**. And there are not that many company operated restaurants. So it not clear to me whether a $5 meal deals matters that much to $MCD....other that it just helps the franchisees stay in business so they can keep paying rent, franchise fees, etc.


Legal weed = munchies = MCD 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Im not worried about hoka and ON. They need to exercise flawlessly to several dozens markets and segments while facing FCF constraints and labour shortage. NKE guided down to external effects. NKE plays in consumer segments where the above mentioned don’t play and therefore will experience the consumer sentiment later/differently. When sentiment picks up, NKE will deliver. Source: look at PEP, MCD, SBUX, V (opposite trend), Monster, EL etc

Calls on MCD, I just know mango man is going to celebrate surviving by having a buffet of burgers and well done steak with ketchup.


That might make sense if these lower qualities places were keeping their prices low, but they've been greedily gouging their customers. MCD and similar stocks are struggling because quality local restaurants barely cost more per meal.


Growth is in emerging companies like CAVA MCD’s is a dividend stock for grandma’s


LEAPs or longer-dated monthlies (say 6-9 month expiry). Mostly because unclear how long they'll be stuck in the doldrums. MCD, also SBUX, probably some others.


The sector I’ve found to be a little picky. MCD I’ve had good returns on but it’s retreated back to my entry price. QSR I’ve seen good returns on, slightly down from its peak. Dutch Bros is catching back up slowly to its IPO price, has had solid growth while Starbucks has seen decline in share value. Overall there’s a growth return to the industry, companies like Sysco could benefit in the near future too. But as another commenter said, labour costs, food costs, logistics cost have all been rising Y/Y. I like the industry though and I’m positive on all positions.


I am literally suffering from heart palpitation because of drinking an ice coffee from MCD. Fuck, you don't see me anymore, it's because of it. This is my goodbye, WSB. This place was a bright spot in this horrible place called earth filled with horrible people. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


I was going to second this. Although the high dividend. I would prefer VNQ. Or even KO MCD HD. There are others but AGNC would be low on my list of dividend stocks.

Played Tesla, MCD, nvda, aapl this week and lost $1k. Thanks to yesterday’s rout.


Here's a random lesson I learned the hard way... it's okay to hold cash while you look for really good opportunities. I made a lot of investments when I first started in companies that I was excited about, that ended up being reasonably good investments... but as a result I missed better opportunities, or took medium term losses when I KNEW that the stock would be in a downtrend for some time, but was just excited to get in the market. For example... Balls deep in McDonald's and Dutch Bros, but only a small position in NVDA... because all my money was in McDonald's. I made 8 bags off of NVDA, I decided they were THE ai company and ai was the next big thing about 3 weeks before Wall Street did. ...I still think my MCD and BROS investments are solid... but 8 bags is a lot of gain that I missed because my portfolio wasn't balanced correctly, and because I didn't want to sit on cash.

Still MCD march 250c and moved into NVDA sep 128c Ready 2 lose ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Made 1500 on MCD, was up 2k but that's ok. Thinking it may sell off and will buy back in.


Idk why i keep subjecting myself to MCD options. The greeks are so unfavorable but i think i have an "edge". In reality it keeps edging me and my ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


junk food just doesnt sell anymore..period look at $MCD ...up 0.13% in a fucking month and down 14.22 YTD look at $KO ...up 0.35% in a month I mean there might be profit but it's so minuscule is not worth the risk... Stock barely moves


NVDA 128c aug17 NVDA 200c jan17 25 MCD 250c mar21 25 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) GN 😴


My portfolio was so red, I don't even care my MCD calls were up 2k lol


Got MCD 250c march 21 '25 calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)to go with my NVDA 200c jan 17 '25 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)am i cooked?
