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Rising Costs of Cyber Attacks Sparks Momentum in Cybersecurity M&A Activity

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Palo Alto Networks (PANW) will CRASH spectacularly, absolutely INSANE valuation

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PANW is overvalued with its PE ratio of over 200

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24 Y/O : This is my portfolio. Opinions please.

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Puts on $PANW and $MGM

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Puts on $PANW and $MGM

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I asked ChatGPT how to profit off of a power grid failure.

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Volume tickers in play

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$PANW what a beast, and no one talking about it here

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Index changes announced

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Umm help? PANW option expired OTM - I was still assigned???

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$PANW Naked Calls Play | Short Sale | Post Earnings

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Short Sell, 340 Shares of $PANW (Palo Alto Networks) @ 197.56 | Opened AH

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PANW: 219 target price

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1-19-23 Volume and Float moving plays

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First time being in US STOCKS, could you review my portfolio. And my devistating invesment story will be attached.

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Palo Alto Networks (PANW) has only had 1 positive day in the entire month of December.

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CRWD Earnings... what to Expect?

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Whale trade - Put - was made on CRWD????? Let's get after it

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CNBC Pro One simple investing move can set you up for huge returns and a minimal tax bill

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$ATDS has Ransomware that REALLY works – Could be buyout target for the cash-rich big boys

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Big cash rich cybersecurity companies are looking for bulletproof solutions like this that really work

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Let it ride longer on these puts?

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PANW gainsss

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Palo Alto Networks Soars on Strong Earnings and 3-for-1 Stock Split

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Expected moves this week. Tesla, Zoom, Salesforce, Nvidia and more.

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Earnings PANW play.

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PANW calls/puts 😩 Yea I know I'm f**kd... anyone have an idea of how much of a loss I'll be waking up to? This is a smaller trade for me so not really stressing but still annoying af for shit to go opposite

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PANW: Will it go up after reporting?

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Should I do Friday account check before & after ?🤑💰 $BBWI / $KSS / $PANW / $AMAT

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$PANW is going to plummet

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Are people disregarding the growth of companies during the pandemic?

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Palo Alto Networks Stock Analysis made by Chartered Financial Analyst

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Cybersecurity - The Best Long Term Play Of The 21st Century

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PANW is up 12% in one day. If you don't have cyber-security stocks - why not?

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Cybersecurity is a top investment theme this year - I analyzed the market so you don't have to

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Cybersecurity is a top investment theme for this year - I analyzed the market so you don't have to

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For February 23rd

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PANW Strangle

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Let’s chat cybersecurity

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From down 95% to up 99%, don't give up retards. It's only a loss when you give up, not when you sell at a loss. Bought AAPL Puts with my last 250$ when it hit 3 trillion valuation followed by Qualcomm and PNC Puts since they were both near all time highs. Made a killing on PANW puts after that.

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Nasdaq has announced the results of the annual reconstitution. ABNB, FTNT, PANW, LCID, ZS, and DDOG will be added to the index.

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Hit me $BB 🍇 one more time! (Papa Chen about to close BlackBerry's billion dollar patent sale and launch Amazon IVY connected car)

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The week ahead (Semis and CyberSecurity)

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The week ahead [NVDA/AMAT/SNPS]; [PANW/CRWD/ZS]

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$PANW next tech behemoth

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PANW addition to NASDAQ Oct 25

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Strong bull case for PANW

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Cybersecurity - state of the market

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For September 15th

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For September 10th

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Any recommendations for Cybersecurity stocks that aren't overvalued as sh!t?

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Who else is concerned about cybersecurity stocks when the taper starts?

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Who else is concerned about cybersecurity stocks when the taper starts?

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Crowdstrike earnings for quarter 2


Are you only interested in cybersecurity stocks? Or are you interested in making money? I would invest in PANW over CRWD.


CRM isn’t in the same business. CRWD is a cyber security IT company. S. PANW. FTNT ZS Stock are what you are looking for.

CMG calls… CELH calls…. PANW calls… DPZ calls…. I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE

Why does yahoo finance say PANW skyrocketed 150 bucks


PANW and google look interesting. PANW for a swing play and GOOG for another scalp, I already scalped GOOG today.


All of them. PANW I think is the most immediate one. CVX is a long play and a good hedge (do shares). Google is also a longer play


I'm thinking of buying some sympathy calls in CRWD competitors. ZS is my favorite but PANW, FTNT, and DDOG might see some inflow.

Far far out calls. $PANW a better play at the moment.


Nah, S1 even says in their website FAQ they live in kernel space. >[]( SentinelOne agent is a software program, deployed to each endpoint, including desktop, laptop, server or virtual environment, and runs autonomously on each device, without reliance on an internet connection. **The agent sits at the kernel level and monitors all processes in real time.** As for the details around how updates are staged, interact, etc and mitigates vs what CS does, I'm deliberately not commenting on because PANW also has mitigations but I don't want to be publicly kicking CS as a competitor.


Just applied to $PLTR and $PANW Wish me luck kings 💅


S1, PANW (me), etc all do. I would argue it’s a concern if they don’t.


Is that so? I was under the impression that that’s PANW and the volumes (Boeing and CRWD) are different by magnitudes tbh. AND Boeings civil Planes suck, their government work is top notch. CRWD screwd the whole government including 3letter agencies. That’s not good tbh.


Cybersecurity stocks FTNT ZS PANW


Time for PANW


I only have PANW calls. I’ll sell at open and stay out for this week.


Meh, the market is dominated by a few big players that actually work and are publicly traded. These include PANW, CRWD, Cisco (they’re shit), and Microsoft. They all play in different areas and typically they are leaders for their specific products. A security team usually starts off by adopting one of everything and then slowly consolidates. So if wiz can become the #1 publicly traded cloud security provider, they’ve got a lot of runway ahead of them and they’ll be better off without Google and its red tape


Makes sense, they probably get more at IPO. To be honest not many tickers to choose from. MSFT, GOOGL, CRWD, S, PANW, CSCO, AMZN. Also Lina Khan would probably be all over it.

just get PANW calls


Would be pretty cool if PANW went up half as much as CRWD is going down


RYAY once a value play, but not sure I’m dip buying. CRWD, is a costly play now the shorts are beating it down. Nice call on VZ. Sentinel looks to be unwinding. Maybe dip buying PANW ( in the CRWD space.)?


Too many lawsuits heading their way. Broken trust will keep future clients away and current ones from re-upping. Just buy PANW like everyone else, but wait for the breakout above 350. CRWD will probably hit 200 before anything even remotely gets resolved.




I'm regretting not full porting into PANW calls![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Does anyone remember why PANW dropped 30% on Q2 earnings? They don’t seem that bad


is SentinelOne really the main competitor? Their market cap in comparison is tiny. PANW is obviously significantly bigger, but if S does more of what CRWD does then it could be a screaming buy here. I don't know enough of them to know


PANW calls are


Bought PANW 330C weeklies


S and PANW are also good long term too. Might get some S.


Bought some PANW, should take some market share.


I own PANW and BUG


lawsuits are the least of their worries. All of their largest customers getting called up by S and PANW are at the top of them. They have a lot of debt on the books and it was only recently they found their cashflow in the black with a pre dip +500 PE to boot. If they lose 5-10% of those clients they will be back to borrowing money to keep the lights on again


Heard PANW was the go to


SentinelOne (Ticker symbol: S) Palo Alto Networks (Ticker symbol: PANW) Good luck man hope you make a lot of money :)


Stocks that suck right now: $CRWD $VZ $SMCI Stocks that shouldn’t suck but are sucking: $EA $PANW

Who is brave enough to buy the CRWD dip like PANW


Buy PANW and ZS


Why is $PANW not going up ?


Doesn't really matter if CrowdStrike survives this whole ordeal. The issue is still ongoing, and between planes stuck in the air and hospitals having to cancel critical surgeries, I don't think it would be an exaguration to say they put thousands or tens of thoysands of lives at risk. We're not done hearing how many were affected, and are still affected, nor the dollar amount on damages. But I expect that in the coming weeks and months, we're going to hear about failures that will hammer the stock lower. There's a good chance they not only pissed off the FAA, but Congress as well. At the very least, I would expect a number of their customers to leave while others renegotiate their contracts for a lower amount. You can't expect to fuck up systems world wide because of a rookie mistake and expect people to be ok with an apology. Sincerely - a PANW bagholder


Well, you can. Moreover, it is damn well preferable for you to use multiple systems instead of one, but the issue is that it increases costs. PANW, CRWD, ZS, STNT, OKTA, etc all ride on the "platformization" wave, that assumes you'd give up on having 3-5 cybersec systems and use one to save on costs.

What about PANW?


I’m going to watch $PANW receive some of $CRWD contracts. I have a secret 🤫


Who owns PANW?


So who's gonna scrape up any business they may lose? PANW and BB are the first that come to mind, but BB lol. Feels like im missing some


Oh wow, PANW has 10/10 on everything. Not suspicious at all.


Listen... MFST is going to get a boost from this for customers wanting to adopt Defender completely, eliminating 3rd party cybersec software. I would say PANW would get a boost to, but Pelosi dumped it some time ago, and I don't argue with insider trading.


HA, Watch Pelosi to see what happens and then follow that bet She was deep in PANW calls does she help her position along or enter a new CRWD position.


Time for PANW calls?!


>I can only see 3 competitors that could realistically take over from them. Which ones, if I may ask? PANW, FTNT ?


Nancy will make sure it goes to PANW


Maybe. PANW as someone else said is the better complete package.




PANW has endpoint AV (they call it XDR)


PANW is not the same type of “security”


The best part is that CRWD was already wildly overvalued before this event. It has so much room to fall. Along with puts, I would be picking up other players in the sector, PANW, BB, FTNT, S etc..

This is what I been trying to tell people, Crowdstrike is literally the best at what they do in the field, thats why all the big companies are with them and not PANW or Sentinel or whoever. If anything, theyll just be demanded to clean their shit up and have extra precautions in place for future. People are overreacting thinking this is some boeing level f up.


You’re right, the after-earnings drop PANW faced last Q’s for slightly lowering its outlook indicates how sensitive this industry is for lowering sales targets


I bought some puts for post earnings. I think the true pain won't reflect until their forward guidance (for the short term) comes in as total crap. Stay away from shorter plays, because it's easy for it to be manipulated. But when the guidance/sales come in as shit, there's nowhere to hide. Imagine being a salesperson trying to pitch a company on Crowdstrike. Also, you know PANW has its salespeople going full throttle right now trying to get contracts. Pelosi is not an easy taskmaster


I bought some puts for post earnings. I think the true pain won't reflect until their forward guidance (for the short term) comes in as total crap. Stay away from shorter plays, because it's easy for it to be manipulated. But when the guidance/sales come in as shit, there's nowhere to hide. Imagine being a salesperson trying to pitch a company on Crowdstrike. Also, you know PANW has its salespeople going full throttle right now trying to get contracts. Pelosi is not an easy taskmaster


I bought some puts for post earnings. I think the true pain won't reflect until their forward guidance (for the short term) comes in as total crap. Stay away from shorter plays, because it's easy for it to be manipulated. But when the guidance/sales come in as shit, there's nowhere to hide. Imagine being a salesperson trying to pitch a company on Crowdstrike. Also, you know PANW has its salespeople going full throttle right now trying to get contracts. Pelosi is not an easy taskmaster


I bought some puts for post earnings. I think the true pain won't reflect until their forward guidance (for the short term) comes in as total crap. Imagine being a salesperson trying to pitch a company on Crowdstrike. Also, you know PANW has its salespeople going full throttle right now trying to get contracts. Pelosi is not an easy taskmaster


I bought some puts for post earnings. I think the true pain won't reflect until their forward guidance (for the short term) comes in as total crap. Imagine being a salesperson trying to pitch a company on Crowdstrike. Also, you know PANW has its salespeople going full throttle right now trying to get contracts. Pelosi is not an easy taskmaster


Calls on $PANW


I've run RFPs in this space. They are the biggest because they are the best. Period. PANW is close, Zscaler too, but CRWD wins most of the time. And diversification within a company is a disaster. Too few resources to manage multiple vendors for most cyber teams.


The reality is that their product is leagues ahead of the competition, save maybe PANW. And right now they are the ONLY cyber security company with significant profit and growth margin. All this talk about it tanking is pure speculation from a retail traders perspective. The reality is, we don't know what kind of customer churn they will see here, and it way be way less than people initially think. And yeah, they have insurance for stuff just like this. Think of everything that has happened to Boeing this year. It's down, but only down by like 13%. Now, I did sell my shares, but only bc I need a clearer picture of the fallout. And lots of people will probably do the same. But in five years, there still a really good chance that this stock is the top in it's sector.


I like PANW, especially with the CRWD fiasco, but didn't she do the same with Disney a bit back? Her record isn't perfect.


Nobody is close to CRWD as an EDR product. S is kinda getting there, and PANW has serious growth potential. I'm not counting Microsoft here because Sentinel is such a tiny part of their business that it's not going to move their stock.

Around this time of year contracts are signed, and many major players may not go with crowdstrike because of this screw up. I think all tech is taking a dip for a few months, but PANW might not be a bad play when everything clears up. NFA.


PANW moon city. Nancy Pelosi dropped $1,000,000 on calls in the stock. Last company she did this for was NVDA last year. Her track record is unmatched. PANW will be one of the biggest steals all year.


You’re completely wrong about your comparison to PANW. They just bought IBMs software division and have bolted on so many 3rd party acquisitions. CrowdStrike makes MANY competing products to PANW.


I work in cybersec and PANW is no where close to CRWD as an EDR product.

I have been bag holding PANW since following Pelosi’s trade. Today was very welcome.


PANW for the win for sure. IT was down on last earnings and reasonable.


Cybersecurity isnt going away, and it'll be interesting to see how this all shakes out. I don't think its certain that "Crowdstrike is done". Look at the breadth of companies using their product. Now if those companies switch over to PANW, ZS, Fortinet or what have you will remain to be seen. But this is an industry that rivals AI and GLP-1s in the potential revenues it will bring in.


Puts on CRWD Calls on ZS, PANW


Rip to the guy who bought my PANW at 340 at 3am this morning


Do you not research something before saying it like its true? []( This is Nancy Pelosi's reported trading. And yes she has millions already in PANW and NVDA.


Fomo got me to put a toe in. Pulled out today only slightly singed. My PANW gains are soothing the burn


poots for post earnings - short term guidance might not be stronk. you know PANW has deployed all sales people (at the orders of Pelosi)


if only Nancy bought CRWD instead of PANW this wouldnt happen


So companies gonna move away from CRWD now, where are they going? PANW? S?


You know whose the biggest buyer of PANW? Nancy Pelosi. Boom! Mind blown.


In the comments. OP and others are posting about PANW and Sentinel One. But go ahead and make a post about Cylance, I would love to read the comments.


Soo PANW and SentinelOne buying opportunities?


Are they too big to fail? It’s not like changing over to PANW will be easy either




Nancy P calls for PANW are looking fortuitous


Microsoft is calling PANW Palo Alto as we speak!


PANW appears to be the way to go, for cyber, after this CRWD disaster


PANW Palo Alto seems like a better investment. Disaster for CrowdStrike CRWD


I’m putting all my cyber security $ bets into Palo Alto PANW


Nancy’s got PANW. Guess someone gets way better info


PANW bagholder? dafuq


Too late to hop on PANW at open?


PANW, Sentinelone, Fortinet, CyberArk, are all getting some tailwind from this.
