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B. Riley Financial Inc

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Friendly reminder$RILY post are getting deleted while it’s up 22% today

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$RILY is starting to heat up

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403 -> 1,884 gain

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403 -> 1,884 gain

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RILY: Shorts are crowded, someone’s gonna get pounded

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$RILY probed by SEC

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The Curious Case of B. Riley Financial $RILY

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$RILY: A Ticking Time Bomb for Shorts - The Perfect Storm Brewing

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Posted by another Reddit user; RILY Very Illiquid and Shorted but bullish news of Insider Buying

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B $RILY financial, crowded short.

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Posted by another Reddit user; RILY Very Illiquid and Shorted but bullish news of Insider Buying

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RILY: Shorts are crowded, someone’s gonna get pounded

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$RILY ???🔥🔥🔥 what do you think? Open short interest 52,54% Insider own 46,75%

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Why is no one talking about $RILY

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Somebody has $6M short potion on $RILY

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Middle Market Investment Bank Stocks

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Core Scientific to borrow up to $70M from B. Riley to extend runway (NASDAQ:RILY)

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Thoughts On $RILY, $OPY, and $COWN?

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Update: Applied Blockchain (APLD)…Updated EBITDA 2021 estimate with ETH at $3500 is $55,160,000. Current Market cap is $16,384,786. New appointed BOD member Chuck Hastings, CEO of Riley Wealth Mgmnt (Nasdaq: RILY). More major news imminent! PPS up @100% since first DD. Significant upside remains!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RILY - can a stonk make a guy happier than this?


good morning. RILY is at it again! short interest is reaching the same levels it had back in March. The bad news are minor but exploited by shorts in an incredibly noisy campaign. The good news are obvious but not publicised enough, company is in quiet period due to earnings coming soon (aug 7th). do your DD. not financial advice. possible short squeeze explosion approaching. ciao


Great analysis on $RILY! The robust growth across multiple businesses definitely shows their potential. For anyone looking to test their predictive skills on earnings reports, I've had fun with Stonks: after earnings prediction game. Might be a cool way to make some extra cash!


If you guys want a real squeeze it’s super super simple. RILY. Low volume high SI easy to push the price and the stock is likable. But I’m a crayon eater ignore my nonsensical ramblings. Keep buying junk. Not financial advise.


Microsoft $MSFT Amazon $AMZN Hims and Hers Health $HIMS Verastem $VSTM Riley Financial $RILY IShares US Tech ETF $IYW Invesco Water Resources ETF $PHO Fidelity Select Semiconductors $FSELX

RILY. Short Squeeze potential based on: <12.82% stock price increase from prior close <Short Interest 9.06 Million <Short Interest Ratio 10.61 Days to Cover < RSI 51


Right? The mods on the RILY sub have done a ton of work. I don’t need to repeat their efforts, I’m just trying to point more reasonable people who actually do research, to see the information already shared. Current update is that RILY has been on an upward tear since I posted, there are zero shares left to borrow and they’re about to see a failure to deliver from naked shorting. I thought this was what r/shortsqueeze was all about, instead I think found 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻.


Nobody truly knows. What I do know SI interest is high and going higher, I believe higher then last squeeze as this go around there’s been alot of naked shorting. Longest down trend without a substantial move higher, daily manipulation by shorts and abuse of current blackout period. Any material news from RILY could start the move. GAG update will be big, sylvan 185 million application, updates on buybacks. Many catalysts.


RILY can squeeze easy on low volume. With news catalyst it can skyrocket fast. NFA.


RILY is fantastic. Bought a week or so ago and not complaining.


RILY has strong fundamentals and is likely to rebound to the low $30s. It’s only a matter of time but I probably wouldn’t trade options. You could easily be waiting until October or some strong news catalyst


At these levels $RILY is a good buy. Remember $RILY is volatile and it can go up 100% and it can still go down from here , shorts can facilitate a further push down. I think the $Rily sub has alot of information and that can help you. For me , I like the hefty dividend and I know I can’t time the bottom, I’m fine with being in the stock on its journey to my price target. All I can tell you is shorts are overextended. Sell off from $40-$15 was due to shorts and not any material news or events.prior to that ,stock went from $20-$40 when news was released in April debunking shorts narratives that were driving the share price lower


Ive been holding long on RILY because of all the shorts and fake bear, real bull sentiment being thrown. I invested too early and I fear that unless the squeeze is major im gonna be lucky to break even(down 50%) those shorters pushed this stock down hard hopefully they didnt do well enough to cover easy.


That’s why I like RILY u don’t see that with RILY


All knowing short. You know what I sell and buy? Get the facts straight when your harassing, I haven’t posted for months, got tired of reading the daily misinformation and lies posted by shorts like you. When I did post prior to the 100% move in end of April I was stating the truth and my opinion, If people weren’t scared away by short bashers like you they would have been very happy. There many that buy and hold $RILY for the hefty dividend that they have been paying for over ten years. Get your shit straight and come up with something more creative next time.


The sub already addressed this 3 days ago on the sub and again today. Bloomberg has periodically worked with the shorts. Both Bloomberg and the shorts can’t get their stories straight. All this time shorts and Bloomberg claim what a bad deal FRG was and it’s going to bk $RILY causing the most recent sell off from $40. Now shorts and Bloomberg are talking about how FRG is worth so much more and $RILY stole it. The Bloomberg relationship with the shorts has been exposed numerous times and the desperation of the shorts is comical.

Mentions:#RILY we go again. Your obviously short or misinformed. I can give many examples of stocks that squeezed numerous times with each squeeze going higher. Jan-April, $RILY had 4 squeeze plays the last one in April being almost 100%. $RILY has been making the rounds way before March/April and has had huge moves in 2023 as well. Since Short attacks have started,every time a short attack is exposed and debunked it rallied. The past two months , another example of a major short attack and once again debunked. Get your fact straight and stop posting misinformation,or go to a short sub, this is a shortsqueeze sub.


Bro lol. RILY has not just begun lmao it's been making the rounds since March/April. And the catalyst that people were looking forward to - the release of the delayed SEC filing - has already long since came and went. And you're here saying the ride has just began. Either wilfully misleading or just late to the party. Regardless guys full of shit


Ibrx, holo are penny stocks - you brought them up $RILY is not fintech and fundamentals matter, obviously everyone has an opinion and you should invest in what your comfortable with and do your own DD. I’m just sharing my opinions and thoughts.


How you include Sofi and Rily with penny stocks is comical. Nobody pumped RILY, if anything, information was provided to counter the misinformation shorts were posting everywhere, sadly there wasn’t much info posted these past two months as shorts manipulated share price lower. Both Sofi and Rily will benefit from rate cuts. I don’t follow the penny stocks you mentioned


Give some actually dd . I’ve seen so much DD from people who support RILY . I’ve never once seen it from people who short it .


Give some actually dd . I’ve seen so much DD from people who support RILY . I’ve never once seen it from people who short it .


I appreciate that shorts do their due diligence, but we do too. The admins on the RILY feed have followed up on every one of the points the shorts make.


PLCE movement seems to be tied to RILY and likely part of a basket. Moving up with no catalyst means no a short squeeze yet.




You should look at $RILY and $ARRY


Hi shortie! Ha! I'm super glad I bought RILY. At various price points. And getting paid handsomely for it in dividends etc. And I'm sure I'll get share price appreciation, regardless of what's posted on Reddit. Marc Cohodes posts multiple times a day about RILY, as do his cronies FriendlyBear, Bill Abbate Jr., Miss Robbie, and a whole cast of characters. Some of which may be aliases he uses to self-amplify. Today, Marc said he's focusing 100% of his energy on RILY. And he does...sometimes dozens of posts a day, along with his cronies. Plus they're active on other social media platforms. Every allegation they've made has been debunked (as you can see above, if you know how to read). Most of their posts are allegations, insinuations, character assassinations, and doxxing. It's pretty nasty. I think facts + logic are a great antidote to vampiric scum. And there's plenty of vampiric scum on the short side of this trade. Sees like you're in the vampire camp. Good riddance, soon.


Do you regret buying RILY and being forced to have to spam post about the company every day on reddit in hope that people here will unload your bags? 


Bought today too, at 2.40. I missed out on ZAPP but don't regret it because IMO that was more luck of the draw than this. And at +38% today, I'd say it's begun. I also bought RILY at 15.97. A slightly longer play with more potential IMO. I'm new here and new to all of this, so my plays are small as I learn the ropes.


Hey, I also got in on RILY! It might be a small pop, but a win is a win. You start losing big when you get greedy.


I get it your frustrated today.RILY is up 9%. Your boss cohodes will try to push down in the next hour so cross your fingers. Keep reading short tactics, distort, distract and differ. Good luck !


>And $RILY makes these big moves due to the short manipulation. Lol always someone else's fault. >If your looking at past performance look at the bigger picture Lol you're right, take a look at the 6 months chart going back to 2007 😂 it's like a big reverse teacup that says "here is my spout, short me hehe!" ☕ 😂 😂 😂


I like the trade from $15 to $40 in March/April. And $RILY makes these big moves due to the short manipulation. It can be $14 today and $40 in august. If your looking at past performance look at the bigger picture


$RILY- pet brands , tech brands, bitcoin brands, energy, multiple consumer brands


And cohodes lost in byon he was pushing it to his followers in the 30s. Talked shot about RK. You can then argue $RILY should be bought for all its brands


Your short Bs is desperate. I’m guessing you shorted not too long ago and your nervous.Focus on your short. I’ll focus on the facts. The only the thing you know is how to bash $RILY. Since your big on posting positions, post your short position.


Post. Your. Position. Or. Stfu. Seriously. I actually know your username now and have associated it to $RILY posts. You must be a significant bag holder.


Funny how you harass anyone and everyone with a positive post about $RILY. Instead of wasting time shit talking focus on your short position. Your on a short squeeze sub doing damage control for a stock that has been manipulated down 60% in two months. That tells me you cohode shorts remember how fast things changed and stock went 150% in a week. Cohodes survived but all his followers covered at a loss. You should maybe create a cohodes sub and have fun there


Shorts sell off Rily and longs buy RILY. When buyers come back in to the name and there’s more buying then the shorts selling stock goes up. Stock goes up shorts cover = mor buying. That’s how squeeze works. Opposite of what’s been going on for the past 2 months


>The shorts have sold off $RILY If the shorts sold off, then how is it going to squeeze?


>You are going to thank me $RILY Lol I do thank you, and all of the other accounts from that very same sub, for letting me know to stay far away from this shit stock. Here hold 💩 this, and redeem if after one week.


Says the person who keeps posting attacks. No substance or facts. How do you know I’m a dude? Haven’t posted for months. My post history shows I invested in $RILY and was buying when shorts were attacking it in feb-April and then it went up almost 300% as news was released that supported my posts and exposed shorts. Change your tactics.


Again insults with more bs. The army are you shorts . Why continue wasting time with insults you made your comment but yet you keep coming back insulting my opinion on RILY and yet you have not stated one fact just talking me and the company down. That’s textbook short tactic. Stop wasting our time regardless your short or not as your post speak for themselves.


Right. I haven’t been active for months and got tired of all the lies and misinformation posted by shorts like you. And your posts are useless move on as it’s clear your short. For future reference pumpers go in and out and are short term investors. If your an expert on my profile you would see I’m a long term holder. I stay updated on $RILY and share the facts vs your empty short attacks.


>$RILY - are shorts covering? Sure looks like it. >$RILY shorts getting nervous? Lol unless they're trying to figure out how to spend all of that money from shorting at $30+ then I'm not sure what they would be nervous about?


I provided facts and you completely ignored it. Its market cap may be close to the same value as cash on hand, but total assets and debt are about the same which puts it at a high risk of insolvency for an investment firm thus why the low share price. Operating income and net income are negative so they are losing money operating their core business. I follow RILY because bagholders like yourself continue to shill it on this sub, thus I did research before looking at going long or short. I hold no positions. By the looks of your post history, you are down big time which is why you continue to heavily shill the stock to try and coordinate a pump so you can get out. If anyone has bias it’s you. See you later friend I really have no wish to continue this conversation. Good luck.


Nice , I ask you to provide information to support your attack to dump this stock im not pumping anything I’m sharing my opinions and facts. Which you have none. Companies invest into their business and that can short term impact financials. It’s not only about financials it’s about the assets and value a company has.My opinion is that $RILY is extremely undervalued based on the fact it’s market cap is close to its cash on hand. It’s market cap is 25% of current cash and cash equivalents and just one of its investments (Great American)that’s on the books for $35 million could be sold for 350 million which is almost equivalent to its current market cap. We can also talk about other investments such corz which $RIlY is making a hefty return on their loan and investments and there are so many other companies to discuss but I’m not wasting more of my time. Your motives are obvious , why are you wasting time on such a small company that nobody knows of unless your long or short and obviously your not long.


You have no clue what your talking about. You seem to know nothing about their business you compare a company with 400 million market to cap to major banks with financial arms that have market cap in the 100+billion range. Not to mention RILY is not a bank. You don’t seem to know much about the company or what it’s value is. I’m curious why are you wasting your time about a company you have only negative things to say and is so small it shouldn’t even be on your radar? I think we all know why.


So if we go with your statement about their peers and sector then you should look at the out performance in that sector. But I disagree with your assessment as those companies have different business models, they do have a few overlapping segments but as a whole $RILY is very different. Besides having a different business structure it also has a low float that jpm, citi, etc. don’t have and as such is easily manipulated by opportunist shorts which is why stock is at current levels has nothing to do with facts or financials


RILY has a good history of violent bullish reversals as shorts scramble to be the first ones to cover before the other shorts do. By the time you see it climb it’ll be too late.


Buying a $20 RILY leap for their January options is literally money in the bank. I don’t see it possible going much lower. Only problem is shorts gotta short. Every time they let off the gas (which they have with RILY this year) it climbs to the 30s range. I don’t know if RILY will see the MC they are actually supposed to be at this year- but I know it will bounce around 20-mid 30s range multiple time before years end. The issue with this stock is truly because you have cucks playing the game- and I’m talking on your side. They keep loaning out their shares and it’s making it easier for shorts to manipulate. It’s pretty simple truthfully. Don’t loan your shares no matter how good the quick money is- and put option pressure on. RILY IS a $60 stock, but going against big players shorting it you have to pull a GME stop get together. Options are the play until they start putting out legitimate quarterly reports. For some reason I can’t post pic on these comments but I made like 47k on options on this play (just to show proof). Honestly I would fucking love to go all in on deep in the money LEAPs, but I fully invested in KENDU INU with the crypto bullrun ready to zoom later this year and I don’t have fucking shorts manipulating shit. Good luck Chad


You hope to,so you can cover your short position. Don’t buy it back at all. These comments only further support how many shorts are out here constantly pushing $RILY down. Would be nice if at least a short knew something about the business and wasn’t just repeating the fraud and lies from cohodes&co. Let’s see what happens when Great American update is released


RILY without a doubt


I hope more people can be long RILY so I can keep buying cheaper puts.


I hope you are right. I got RILY bags.


It squeezed 4-5 different times from January to April. April being the one that broke 30 and rallied to 40. All the others failed at 27-29. Short interest officially is 52% and based on the price action of the past two months it’s obvious naked shorts is being utilized. All short narratives have been debunked and now for the past weeks they are using same narrative just plugged in a different company name to scare longs from buying. If you look last year same stories they just plugged in another company RILY had invested in. Shorts do all this damage during blackout periods. I believe squeeze can happen once there is some news other then short fabrications. Stock trades at book value and if you take the sum of the parts it’s worth 4x more then todays price


Undervalued: - PSNY: Going through some growing pains, but outlook is 200-300% in the next 2 years. Right now market cap is about 0.7x of yearly sales. - RILY: Heavily shorted and pays 11% dividend yield. Intrinsic value puts it somewhere around $30 per share.


Btc is an alternate viable currency like the dollar, obviously it’s pretty different but that’s the use. ETH is similair at the surface level but has more advanced things such as the thing where it gets sent automatically once certain conditions are met (contracts of sort?). Crypto is a thing but not the small coins which are scams and rug pulls When I invest in a company it’s simple. I identify why the stock price is where it’s at and what can raise it. RILY was said to be a fraud, I looked through the documents related to that and saw it wasn’t the case. Shortly they released documents disproving that and the stock soared. I do like crypto specifically ETH and I would invest in it (and I have) if I had cash for it.


If you want another gme, buy RILY and wait a few months.

r/stocksSee Comment

RILY is a great value play that also pays dividends. I am leaning towards a possible slight movement upwards Q2 and a big jump Q3. There is a subreddit for it where there are a number of DDs that can be found including one I wrote that goes over their holdings and the future potential. On that same note BW which is 30% owned by them is still pretty beat up but showing slow upward movement and should show nice gains over time as they recover.


What about $RILY ? I need bags i need to get rid off


that’s very true. RILY rose 50% because of their 10-K being dropped, i know that for a fact. think it had to do with them being clear and transparent and found innocent of any wrong doing. it is pretty random though, and you’re right, can always be good news and nothing happens. short squeezes are weird.


bc a company can squeeze of good news which requires DD. i mean yes most stocks kind of just squeeze out of nowhere bc they’re pump and dumps (FFIE) but it’s a little bit easier if there’s catalysts. RILY jumped 50% once upon a time which idk if you’d call it a squeeze or not but it was because of good news


I used RILY as an example that clearly has a legitimate short interest based on Cohodes' cult, not some financial engineering bullshit like on AEMD and most of these other penny stocks.


There it is RILY huh?


See, this is the type of thinking that will help you be a successful trader in the long run. All valid questions to ask. My assumption is that the shorts own the warrants and are doing financial engineering for arbitrage profits. Not taking a true short position like the shorts in RILY, for instance.


I like your mindset about URGN and IBRX. But if you're going to be a consistent winner, you're going to have to get off this idea that a high CTB and zero shares available to short is a GOOD thing. Maybe on mid to large cap stocks (GME, CVNA, RILY etc.). But on penny stocks, microcaps and SPACs, it's a clear sign the stock will tank. Shorters are that desperate to short because they KNOW something that you don't. Not THINK, but KNOW, with 100% certainty. Because they are the ones with the access to these garbage financing deals, taking the arbitrage through financial engineering, and the high CTB is just the cost of doing business.

I'll answer your question with a question of my own. How big is GME's market cap? CVNA? RILY? SMCI? IBRX? All of these had short squeezes and/or are popular with the short squeeze crowd. You have it the opposite. Smaller market cap companies are WORSE to squeeze. Because they usually end up being garbage dilution machines and fuck over retail suckers who buy their crap stock. See: BURU for a recent example.

r/stocksSee Comment

Did you get out in time? Today my RILY puts PRINTED. Get out. The company is imploding.

r/stocksSee Comment

Yeah, it’s RILY. I am directionally short the company and I expect it to keep hemorrhaging.

r/stocksSee Comment

I assume you are referring to RILY or RUN? Sold DKNG this morning.


$RILY issues .50c per share dividend tomorrow. Could see a little pop here before close.


$RILY is an actual stock you are guaranteed to make 100% return.

r/stocksSee Comment

It seems RILY pumpers never stop


Hoping for $RILY


Hopefully RILY and SPWR


You need to have some checks and balances before yeeting your money into these things. I don't want to beat the RILY drum, but if you want a stock that will actually pay you to hodl and then get some good capital gains, Rily is the way to go. We're on a dip right now, so perfect time to buy. And its not a trashy worthless pump and dump pennystock either. If you are gonna buy these dumpster fires, remember to buy low and sell high, not the other way round.

r/stocksSee Comment

For me it’s RILY. Too much low volume fuckery with it and doesn’t really stick to fundamentals. Should be worth double but at this point I’m just buying it as a long term hold dividend stock


I’m a long term holder on RILY, made big money on it once and looks to be setting up the same scenario again but the fundamentals aren’t great currently so leadership is going to need to do something to drive interest. When the share buyback or Great American sale comes then you’ll definitely want to be in on it but it’s a safe fade right now. I’m not exiting, just waiting patiently. SPWR things are stacking up for a squeeze but I do have worry around earnings, so maybe ride the train up and get out before they report. Solar is an industry that is hit hard by high interest rates and that’s why it’s trading where it is now. It has the best setup of any solar company but would still need forward guidance to look good to spark a catalyst.


Damn Rily has 54% would think shorts would be backing off. There’s no volume on RILY though looks to me like a revisit of the lowes is at play. I like Rily u get dividends u can lend ur shares make money m. Company is not that bad. Watching for atl to add in. Sorry guys am not in the camp of the moon. But at lower levels don’t mind getting paid


RILY thesis is still the same and unchanged. Shorts unloaded and are spreading FUD. If retail had the balls to buy a stock that is considered undervalued by MANY (including insiders), it would rocket.


My $27.50 $RILY PUTS are looking better each day


The RILY ship sailed


Bro tried to sneak RILY into the conversation


Im gonna say RILY because these bags are getting heavy hahaha, help a brother out please 🙏


$RILY should be on the list


Everyone seems to be focused on penny stocks while missing $RILY which has share buybacks and other near term catalysts


The real key is having some kind of catalyst. Short % isn’t enough on its own but if the stock suddenly has something of value happen then that’s the combo that gets us places. Recent examples from this sub: RILY when the late 10-k was filed and IBRX when it got FDA approval for its cancer drug. Even if a stock has a low short % the rapid gains from a catalyst could force those shorts to close out but honestly what we’re doing here is looking for heavily undervalued stocks (which we found because their short % brought it to our attention) and hoping something that drives value in them happens.

r/optionsSee Comment

I'm pretty sure there is a way to cash in on GME, I just don't have enough knowledge to mess with that stock. I'm not necessarily looking for undervalued (love RILY and their numbers are leaving undervaluing territory) but I do look for stocks that if nothing else makes sense to me. GME at its current valuation just doesn't make sense to me. Heck that right there means little; people have profited from markets that made absolutely no sense to me.

r/optionsSee Comment

Yeah, I'm not that desperate. With a current P/E ratio of 1,049, that suggest it may be just a tad overvalued. By all rights that should be a 50 cents stock. It looks like a musical chairs stock. Some people are probably doing extremely well with it, but eventually the music will stop. I do love RILY. The company was a target of shorters, who latched onto an investigation for improprieties and swore up and down that the company was a dumpster fire. Well they were cleared of wrongdoing and their latest 10-K was pretty fantastic, dispelling the short seller claims. It has been on an upward trajectory ever since and better than that (for options trading purposes) the IV was churned something fierce.


$RILY is so ripe and ready for a squeeze it's crazy. People just are not looking at it. Small amount of volume would push this thing so hard. Even have JeffAmazon in on the play, he loves the potential here. Shorts have banged the price down and we are holding resistance at 30ish now, and it needs volume so we can get it moving! If you have time please look into it!


Short interest here is 3.31% what squeeze?! RILY has over 50% short interest and just paid a $.5 dividend


$RILY 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

Marks the 100th day in a row I’ve seen a RILY hype post from this guy… how heavy are your bags?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

I take it you’ve seen enough RILY posts lol

r/ShortsqueezeSee Comment

Interesting I’ve heard RILY a number of times!!! I’m going to check it out!


I’ll tell you the better play is $RILY.
