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Expect More Bank Failures as BTFP Expires

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Finance Stocks

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Sell individual stocks to invest in VOO?

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Economic Events and Notable Earnings for the week starting 01-08

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2024 Put Options for Financial Stocks

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Earning calls of lots of major financial institutions on Jan 12. JPM, BAC, WFC, HDB, BLK, …

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$WFC Rage Yolo [Update]

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WFC JAN 1924 47.5 Call

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Why isn't WFC at fifty or higher?

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Why isn't WFC at fifty or higher?

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10/12/2023 - Put credit spreads to sell with highest return sorted by %OTM (DTE<21)

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Morningstar article: 10 Most Undervalued Wide-Moat Stocks to Buy

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OTM strike options

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Which Bank Is Fukt?

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JPMorgan Chase Analysis and Financial Statements

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What is going on to WFC?

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Wells Fargo Class Action

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$BAC dd (comparable company analysis)

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Wells Fargo Earnings Discussion

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Wells Fargo (WFC) to pay $1 billion compensation to shareholders, after concealing compliance issues from investors

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The Q2 earnings season for banks is not looking good:

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JPM, C, WFC & BLK Earnings Moves

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Wells Fargo ($WFC) Commits to a $1 Billion Shareholder Payout Amid Previously Undisclosed Compliance Controversies

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Volume tickers in play

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3 cheap Fintech Stocks to buy before the comeback.

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What are the best stocks that have less market cap than the 184B that NVDA jumped in one day?

r/investingSee Post

Wells Fargo (WFC) to pay $1 billion compensation to shareholders, after concealing compliance issues from investors

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wells Fargo $WFC is no longer part of the DTCC. Not even Lehmen was kicked from DTCC before collapse.

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Wells Fargo (WFC) to pay $1 billion compensation to shareholders, after concealing compliance issues from investors

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👀🚨🚨 WFC

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Puts on WFC

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LEAPs on banking/financial services stocks

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LEAPs on banking/financial services stocks

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Will the Cash App be the savior for Block struggling quarter?

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Fintech leader Fiserv ($FISV) surges after earnings as the Federal Reserve enters real-time payments with FedNow.

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Q1 Adjusting economic adjustment post COVID

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JPMorgan Chase: Become an 'enabler' of banking consolidation

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Alright nerds, let’s get back to the objective of this sub. “Short squeeze” not small sneeze 🤧. What causes a squeeze, a high short interest and a lot of buying pressure to cause shorts to cover!

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2023-04-17 Wrinkle Brain Plays - In the style of Barney Stinson

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Today's SPY pre-market analysis:

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Your play for UHN Earnings Tomorrow

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Is WFC having problems?? No longer offering HELOC loans.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Short on WFC should I hold

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if you hold RKT, UWMC, LDI or WFC, BAC, JPM… food for thought on mortgage debt-to-income

r/StockMarketSee Post

Mitch McConnell must love $WFC

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Bank Stocks? Buy - Sell -hold which ones?

r/investingSee Post

As Interest Rates Rose, Banks Did a Balance-Sheet Switcheroo (Available For Sale -> Held To Maturity)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

WFC $40?

r/StockMarketSee Post

FRC Analysis post $30Bn

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Now's the time for big bank stocks

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I needed some time to process everything and I'm ready. Some banks may shut down and stock market may crash by fall.

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First Republic Bank Leads Regional Banks in Pre-Market Plummet - Traders Brace for Volatility Amidst Closures of Other Banks

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West Fraser Timber company DD

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West Fraser Timber DD

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Wells Fargo & Bank of America Derivatives Activity

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I’m down $39k, how should I rebalance?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fired tech workers finding jobs in non-tech sectors, by the thousands.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

U.S. banks to face harsher adverse scenario in Fed's 2023 stress tests (NYSE:WFC)

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2023-01-19 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

MSM claims RC has bought into companies with 0 proof. Puts on $BABA, $WFC, $NFLX, $C.

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Bank of America, Wells Fargo downgraded by Piper Sandler after Q4 earnings (NYSE:WFC)

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1-17-23 Volume and Float moving plays

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Big banks set aside $4 billion for a recession. Investors are more optimistic

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Bank stock earnings. Begin on Friday.

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‘There is a slowdown happening’ – Wells Fargo, BofA CEOs point to cooling consumer amid Fed hikes

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fargo Suisse?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Jim Cramer expects energy stocks to rally if Republicans have a strong showing in the midterms. Do you agree?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I belong here

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$WFC Wedging nicely with steadily increasing volume

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Hi guys WFC/USDT

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Hey guys sis

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2022-10-18 Better Tasting Crayons (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Short $UPST to bankruptcy: me a $300k salary FAANG employee with STEM degree at top 10 school, $100k savings, no debt looking to get $30k loan to trade stocks -- only got approved $22.5k loan at 27.5% APR and $2.5k origination cost -- worst product ever!!! (to compare WFC offered me $30k at 14% APR)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

WFC puts loss, should I hold until earnings? expecting bad news

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thoughts on JPM , C and WFC

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

no DD, buy puts on wells Fargo for Friday earnings call

r/optionsSee Post

Expected moves this week: Dominos, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, SPY, QQQ and more

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

It's Earnings Session! My options plays and why

r/StockMarketSee Post

According to Wells Fargo's (WFC) Michael Schumacher, he would seriously consider a 150 basis point hike, and says “Why not just rip off the Band-Aid. Let’s get there in one day." Do you think the Fed should hike the rate that high?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

According to Wells Fargo's (WFC) Michael Schumacher, he would seriously consider a 150 basis point hike, and says “Why not just rip off the Band-Aid. Let’s get there in one day." Do you think the Fed should hike the rate that high?

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

UPDATE if you care, $683k LOSS PORN if you don’t

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r/StockMarketSee Post

Last month buys but why $WFC? Mitch McConnel Trades

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

🌈🐻 loss porn. Everything went wrong today. First, WFC up 7% with crap earnings. What?! Then obvious BS bullish PPT reversal in the morning. I thought energy would pop cause DXY dropped so heavy (BTU - nope). Then I thought when DXY climbing, energy puts…nope. Then a bunch of FOMO faceplants.

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

$700 in one hour with $WFC call. Straight to the bank 💰

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$700 in less than a hour on $WFC calls. Straight to the bank 💰

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

WFC misses earning and goes up 6%, can’t really even say I’m disappointed in this loss, just amazed

r/StockMarketSee Post

Unemployment is headed up--and a Recession will be declared by the Fourth Quarter

r/StockMarketSee Post

Question on what is a single stock you think will go up 20% or more by end of year?

r/stocksSee Post

Question on what is a single stock you think will go up 20% or more by end of year?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Earnings Weeks Trades: Puts on WFC, FAST, DAL, calls on ANGO

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$WFC is down almost 10% since Jimmy said this

r/optionsSee Post

testing my luck with WFC

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r/stocksSee Post

As of 12:30 Eastern Time, bank stocks rose collectively, and JMP, BAC, and C rose more than 7%? why?

r/stocksSee Post

Bargain Price PE Ratios

r/investingSee Post

PE Ratios at Bargain Prices

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Financial advice: short $DHI, and $WFC. [ice cold veins in my heart, even when there's less than 3 seconds left and I'm shooting 3 must-make free throws. Queue Rodman turning his back 🥋

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Dividend Lineup: $XOM $528, $INTC $82, $WFC $75, $SBUX $50. Great men of the past have always loved DIVIDENDS. “Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It’s to see my dividends coming in.” ~JD. Rockefeller~ 1839 - 1937. Are you receiving any dividend next month?


Sold all my puts and moved them over to longer dated financial sector puts. WFC, for example, is still at almost ATH


Sold MU puts for 75% gain. Still holding SONY calls and WFC puts. Not looking as pretty but it’s okay! +17% week YTD back at all time highs. Have a good weekend people!


Probably yes, but isn’t prob of profit usually lower? Maybe it’s a better choice for low volatile stocks such as JPM or WFC as you mention. Would you mind elaborating a bit more on your calendars? When do you trade them (e.g. close to earnings, with low or rather mid IV stocks…)?


I found Calendars to pay me more than Double diagonal. Did that with JPM, WFC, Have one open with TSLA and going to open one with EnPH


Same on WFC; fingers fucking crossed I can get above 5x for that bad boy. 07/26 $61 calls


The WFC play was golden. bought yesterday and today. ; ) Thanks


Short $WFC Wells Fargo 🚨


WFC $56 Call, ezzzy money 💰


$C Great earnings, down because WFC sucks, willl go to $68


Based off the WFC and C sell off on Friday, does anyone think its a good play to buy BAC puts Monday before they report ER on Tuesday? Seems like a strategy no?


im thinking puts on banks this week, WFC and C reported "weak" earnings last week and they dipped 5%. Maybe a trend?


JPM C WFC puts all printing


You think WFC drills more at open?


Someone here bought WFC calls yesterday 


WFC leak or was it already released?


no but until JPM has bad ER a bank like WFC which has been dragging its feet for years fixing itself isn't enough to dump the market as there's nothing broken.


WFC dies in road accident ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


*JPM good earnings = still fukt.* *WFC misses =bigly fukt.*


cmon WFC drop to $50


!banbet WFC 55 7d


my 1DTE WFC puts already up 25%. i was gonna sell then realize mama ain't raise no biatch. we hold


alot of comments about buying puts on WFC, JPM, and C. Now I'm worried about my puts


WFC 62c 07/19 were only 0.65 this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


JPM and WFC 1DTE puts are cheap af. if you're a true bear you'd smash that bid


22yo \~20k 20% IAUM (Gold ETF) 20% ITOT (Large Blend ETF) 18% VBR (Small Cap ETF) 18% VGLT (Long term treasuries) 18% VGSH (Short term treasuries) 5% WFC 1% JPM Any input appreciated

JPM C and WFC one of them should deliver nicely on the earnings but can’t tell which one


!banbet WFC 58 5d


!banbet WFC 62 3d


!banbet WFC 62 3d


Big bank ER weeks upon us... JPM 215C, SCHW 80C, BAC 41C, WFC 60C... Only really need one of them to blow it out of the water to make some money 🤷🏾‍♂️

I’m bullish on Delta, JPM, WFC, bearish on Pepsi and Helen of Troy.


yeah this is why I don't invest in small banks, they are dangerous as fuck. I only invest in the too big to fail banks likes JPM, BAC or WFC.


Thoughts on WFC?


Lots of inflation-related events. Probably the theme of the week. Earnings-wise, I think $JPM is significant? And to a lesser extent $WFC as a bellwether for the financial sector.


Just in case I decided to buy a lottery ticket this morning. 59 put's on WFC for 2 cents a pop; expiring tomorrow. I thought it was worth 100$ .... it's just a casino right? Besides it's July 4th tomorrow and I'm humping the the American Dream!


Doesn’t even say if they ordered the same ingredients in the bowl? This sounds like terrible data collected by even worse employees. Buy puts on WFC if this is who they employ.


If you're gonna gamble... GAMBLE! WFC $59p 7/5 2 cents each!


Buying 7/12 WFC calls. Hoping for more share buyback news or anything else that’ll push it up.


Almost time for WFC puts


Let's say they get the price down to 57.5 or 55 this week. If I were them I'd do it, in an optimal world I'd kill it to 40 long term.. but I doubt that's going to happen. Buy a bunch of stock between now and EOY. WFC has a 2.44% dividend so the stock needs to go up 7.56% from July 5th to the October pay date. Anything above that and I pay the bond holders without losing a dime. Anything above that I make money. So ya depending, but it's a long term 6 month call I think. With rates coming down I think it's a good bet.


Such a weird play. Here's hoping they push the price down on WFC this week so my puts can do some good.


Really, WFC. Who would have thunk


Step 2: buy WFC


is WFC, like working from car?


congrats! why WFC tho?


WFC, when they remove the asset cap they'll moon

r/stocksSee Comment

I had that same thesis pre-COVID, before eventually selling out at a slight loss after a few years. I don't think any politician in their right mind is going to want to ever sign off on lifting the asset cap on WFC while they're still the #1 most villainous bank in America in the public's eye.

r/stocksSee Comment

I have WFC too. Part of my analysis is they will eventually have their asset cap removed in a couple of years which should provide a boost. I'm going to reevaluate my position then.

r/stocksSee Comment

BAC, NVS, JNJ, WFC are my least favorite. Sleepy, embattled or notably worse than competition

# Some large sell imbalances this morning: # [$WMT]( -277K # [$BAC]( -199K # [$WFC]( -109K # [$BMY]( -131K # [$CVS]( -100K # [$PFE]( -98K

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Doubtful. AMEX is crushing credit cards alongside Capital One (with Discover and Citi being notable). it's a tough business to break into and the regulatory issues are pretty plain to see - but we will see a \*lot\* of new credit card companies/offers cropping up because interest rates are high and companies are eager to bilk people for 30% APRs lol. SoFi's credit card is user friendly, but it lacks some of the most basic services of credit cards - like the ability to ask for a higher credit limit. BoA's true bread and butter is how many businesses use them - SoFi stays well away from business accounts right now. I'm less familiar with WFC because they're internally so messed up I'm just not interested in trying to learn anything about them lol.

r/stocksSee Comment

They were good buys....last March during the liquidity scare. I made about 60% on WFC Now they're just less overvalued

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

No, I'm a contrarian/value investor. FAANG doesn't fit that criteria. I like companies that are founder led, and where the founder(s) and insiders hold a lot of shares. I definitely try and time my entries, I actually watched ASTS for a couple of years before making my entry. Patience is key in public markets. Never waste a good crisis, as they say. During Covid, I was loading up on Royal Dutch Shell in the $20s, for example, and WFC I bought stupid close to the Covid low ($21) Always have something else to buy so that you don't feel FOMO, and keep your money earning 5% at minimum while you wait. When I say "have something else to buy" for example, I don't mean buy that instant, but had ASTS not hit my desired price and started ripping instead, I wouldn't feel fomo, rather just bump it lower on my priority list and focus elsewhere. Also, always keep cash on hand, I was actually early to the ASTS show, I started buying at $2.90, when it dropped to $2 I doubled my position and kept throwing what I could to average down. Believing in what you're investing in helps you maintain your conviction and keeps you from panic selling if the price temporarily moves against you.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Interesting. Unsure if you've had a chance to take a look at Perplexity yet, but just to give you an idea of what the free version can do, here's my prompt and it's answer based on this topic: Prompt: # What US publicly listed companies deal in sub prime lending, and what categories of lending do they specialize in? Please list the stock tickers for the companies mentioned in your answer. Several publicly listed US companies are involved in subprime lending, which refers to extending loans to borrowers with poor credit scores or limited financial resources. Here are some notable companies and the categories of lending they specialize in, along with their stock tickers: 1. Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) - Subprime mortgages and auto loans\[1\]\[4\] 2. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) - Subprime mortgages\[4\] 3. Capital One Financial Corp. (COF) - Subprime credit cards and auto loans\[4\] 4. Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. (SC) - Subprime auto loans\[2\] 5. Credit Acceptance Corp. (CACC) - Subprime auto loans\[2\] 6. Regional Acceptance Corp. (REAC) - Subprime auto loans\[2\] 7. Consumer Portfolio Services Inc. (CPSS) - Subprime auto loans\[2\] 8. Westlake Financial Services (WLKAF) - Subprime auto loans\[2\] It's worth noting that after the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008, many major lenders scaled back their subprime lending activities or exited the market entirely due to increased regulations and risk concerns. However, some companies have continued or re-entered the subprime lending space, particularly in the auto loan sector.\[1\]\[2\]\[4\] Citations: \[1\] []( \[2\] []( \[3\] []( \[4\] []( \[5\] [](

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WFC calls

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WFC calls

r/optionsSee Comment

Thanks! My actual approach is double diagonals, so either direction is profitable. For stocks in which I have a directional Bias (e.g. I’m short term bullish on WFC, whIch has also a very low IV) I’ll conduct bull put diagonal spreads with the the short leg at ~40DTE and the long leg placed right after the next earnings, and capitalize on the IV growth.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

BAC and WFC calls

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WFC calls

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WFC calls

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Cancel all of these, they're going to fill at open at the ask from Friday, 2 days of theta decay means that price will likely be lower unless WFC moves enough either direction in premarket. Just buy them at the open and save a few bucks.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Puts on BAC UBS MS WFC Financial Advisors Calls on NTRS Navy Seal Financial Advisors 

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

NTRS Financial Advisors are an elite team of Navy Seal Financial Advisors  BAC MS UBS WFC are the lower tier Financial Advisors 

r/optionsSee Comment

u/JamesAQuintero - take a look at the option chain for May 7 - 10 days out for QQQ, look also for BA chain 13 days out, JPM for 13 days out, WFC for 13 days out, etc, etc...there are whole bunch of stocks with options ITM and near the money that can be bought for $500, you just got to spend some time to research and don't expect things to be delivered in a silver plate. A good investor will find ways to grow their investment regardless if they are starting out with $500 or $100K.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WFC Financial Advisors are pussies NTRS Financial Advisors are the Navy Seal Financial Advisors 

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Banks literally will not die (WFC)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

BB AMC and WFC all good hits

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yall are sleeping on WFC and AMC. My calls for both of those are going dummy good this week

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Why is no one talking about WFC I got calls a few weeks ago and it’s bolstering rn

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WFC dumped pretty hard in the aftermarket when Iran shot down israel's toys. Take this as a hint.

r/stocksSee Comment

I only have 8 individual dividend stocks (all quarterly scheduled), and I don't go more than 21 days without a dividend payment from someone (wasn't my intention, just how it worked out). Payment dates are all over the place. It's not hard at all to spread out payments with just a moderate effort. For reference, my holdings and their payment dates in the first quarter: 1/1 TSLX, 1/11 MO, 1/15 CAH, 2/1 VZ, 2/15 ABBV, 3/1 WFC, 3/1 ENB, 3/11 XOM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

BAC WFC MS UBS FAs are all fucking weak 

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Listen. They are the Navy Seals of Financial Advisors period. They are the elite. That's why clients go to them and not BAC WFC MS UBS Financial Advisors. 

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

My WFC calls going crazy rn

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WFC didn’t drop overnight

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Wtf is going on with bank stocks AH. WFC is not recovering after a $4 overnight drop. I mean, it's great for my puts, but wtf.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I bought 2 WFC puts for 0.03 each. They are now projected to be 0.5 in the morning. If this iran news turns out to be real, I will have turned $6 into $100.

r/investingSee Comment

Don't task me. I (for reasons) was mostly in cash in 2020. I bought cruise lines and oil field services....and BRK.B I have since done the same with both defense (LMT) and financials (several) and that's paid well too. I am holding additional stuff that will gain when rates loosen. I have additional stuff that will gain when the dumb Ukraine war ends. Right now my "cash" is earning 5% and I have been sinking it into things like last years banking crash (WFC) and last years RTX crash. I even have a little "dry powder" now, should I need it I have no idea what the market will do tomorrow but long term stuff is obvious. Its simply when not if

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Damn, WFC calls were the play today

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

BAC WFC MS UBS are fucking weak compared to NTRS

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Hey you guys are it any coincidence that BAC and WFC are at 11.84x and 12.04x while C and GS are at 17.70 and 17.74? I quite like the look of bank stocks after GS this morning.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$JPM and $WFC, hope you held your calls![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Teehee I bought puts on JPM and WFC about a week ago, let’s tank this dirty filthy thing please.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

"wtf are you even talking about" - which part? The "celebrity chef casualty rate" was a veiled (but not very veiled) reference to Israel bombing the WFC convoy April 1. The "pick a new enemy" was a reference to Israel bombing the Iranian embassy in Syria, coincidentally right after that also on April 1. Sorry for being vague if it led to confusion. Hopefully that helps.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

As a rookie market participant/ Canadian I don’t see how the spy or general market can do anything but tank 15 percent, I started buying puts 2 weeks ago, WFC and JPM, I’m probably going to be wrong but I don’t see how any of the banks can continue on this path, nobody has any money but the elite and their noose is getting tighter. When life becomes too expensive people will just start taking stuff. Sales down and stores close, people lose jobs and banks no longer have the loans, the paycheques or money to be lent out. I am an eternal optimist, bull and forward thinking person, but everything I see is pointing down like a morning boner in a toilet bowl.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

C and WFC had good earnings, they literally fell because JPM did If GS falls Monday it's gonna be a repeat of today; no matter how earnings end up, everything goes down because big company does

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I hate WFC never touching it again. Them and Delta just gave it all to me pre market and then took it all away before market open. The burn 🔥

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WFC next on the chopping block. -10% by end of next week

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Can you point to me where WFC hurt you?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

> news **could** come out The word *could* is doing some heavy lifting in my comment. Tue and Thur are the days the Fed posts news releases. The odds are nearly 0% that they will release anything about $WFC, but that would be basically the only catalyst that would rocket this thing above $60 for sure.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I had three ideas for today's moves SPY puts JPM puts WFC puts guess which one I picked

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Holy shit I am a clown. Instead of sticking to my plan and buying SPY puts I tried to short WFC GOT MY ASS BLOWN OUT AGAIN

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WFC beats earnings by 20% and is down this morning wtf

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JPM thots are better looking and more open to unprotected sex than C WFC and BAC thots

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WFC down to 50

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Citi, WFC, banks beat 520 EOD.. pre market is a nothing burger

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

JPM beat, WFC beat, BLK beat, STT beat, C?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

So WFC smashes earnings and its down premarket?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Pre-Market: * JPM * WFC * C * BLK
