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Are really going to a next bull run or is it just a bull trap?

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LSD - Lido Tokens

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

As Lido Breaches 33% of All ETH Staked, the Drama Perfectly Highlights the Dichotomy that Crypto Needs to Face: Business vs Decentralization Ethos

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Seeking LSD users for New Product Testing

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Lido, Coinbase, and Rocket Pool Corner 89% of Ethereum's Booming $20 Billion Liquid Staking Market – Defi Bitcoin News

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Liquid Staking Derivatives: An in-depth guide to understanding the wave that has taken DeFi by storm in 2023. Liquid staking derivatives currently hold over 50% of the TVL in all of DeFi. Here’s why.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

ZeroLiquid reveals airdrop coming | Still time to become eligible

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Top nine: the favourite drugs of the Bitcoiners using Silk Road

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Crypto news

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117 Days Post Shanghai - Ethereum Staking Withdrawal/Deposit Dynamics

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L7dex / Stake your NFT and Earn up to 1.5% a day

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

I built a Chrome extension to always get the best swap rate

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I built a Chrome extension to always get the best swap rate

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Unveiling the Potential of LSD-fi: Liquid Staking and Yield Generation Explored

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

I picked out some undervalued projects from the trending narratives.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Fighting inflation with Defi: 10-15% Cashback on all card spending

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSDs) and Subnets on Avalanche

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Ezio Finance | Beta Launch Live | USDE | Structured Products | LSDFi | Arbitrum

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

EzioFinance | Beta Launch Live | USDE | Structured Products | LSDFi | Arbitrum

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

EzioFinance | Beta Launch Live | $USDE | Structured Products | LSDFi | Arbitrum | Airdrop Potential

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

This sub truly blows my mind….

r/BitcoinSee Post

LSDFi = LSD + DeFi, the DeFi product based on LSD, the purpose of LSDFi is to improve the capital efficiency of LSD. The direction of development of LSDFi:

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

What do you think is the next big narrative?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Shanghai Upgrade – How It Could Affect Ethereum and LSD Tokens

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

[SATIRE] Steve Jobs, the CIA, Facebook and the real truth behind Bitcoin

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Steve Jobs, the CIA, Facebook and the real truth behind Bitcoin

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BTC, Jobs and the CIA: The real truth

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The real truth behind BTC, Jobs and Apple

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What small/mid caps are you eyeing for the next alt season?

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

USH at 4m TVL with big upside potential once discovered

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

$STEAK Shiba Steak is the first Liquid Staking Derivative (LSD) platform on the upcoming Shibarium Ecosystem. Stake with Steak and earn passive income.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

0xAcid, LSD asset return optimization protocol, raises 4,000 ETH on Arbitrum

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Has anyone started investing in LSDs (liquid stake derivatives) ?


Well done, lol I have spent 0.9 BTC for 5 LSD blotters 🤣🤣. cherry on top, considering I live in a third-world country, this amount is huge for me. No regrets though, I got what I needed then.


I had been flirting with the idea and while high on LSD I realized I needed to do it already






I was buying them for £30 per coin to buy LSD…. If I knew what I knew now, hindsight eh


Drugs≠week. Drugs=LSD, MDMA, Coke, etc. Do you know how to synthesize LSD or MDMA?


Bro, you were so close. You look like you partake. I bought my first BTC for 4.5€ each in 2012. All it took back then was to like really good weed or to be curious about LSD. It looks like the only difference between you and me was that I didn't like alcohol.


Troll? Dude I used to drive my ass up to DC from fucking florida almost once a month to put my money into a ATM and spit out an address. Hop onto tor and buy sheets of LSD. They ran the DNs websites to get the bitcoin back while selling seized drugs. Mt gox was even done by them. Stfu with this troll stuff. Your shit coin that was coded by a 16 year old in a basement off python isn’t going to moon brother.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I mined mine completely sober and reading all holy books side by side. It's halal brother. I was high on LSD but I spoke with God and it's alright, he'll let it go.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Drugs. Should have kept the BTC. The drugs were good, but it's now the most expensive LSD I have ever bought.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

What’s with the name Acid Alchemy. Were/are you into LSD?


LSD, NBOMe, mushrooms, cannabis, cocaine, and amphetamines.


Mostly LSD for me.


That's the funniest thing. You *know* it has nothing actually to do with crypto specifically because cash is used for the same thing. The only difference is the government can't arbitrarily inflate crypto and force their pyramid scheme onto everyone with crypto. That makes it an enemy. Just like LSD and mushrooms are an enemy. They only threaten the exploitation of the common people.


I've had a really bad trip on LSD - took 4 tabs in a sea of people, as a lightweight who'd never tried it.. I don't think I'd do that again if you *paid* me 500 grand. 🤣


In a not distant future one could make a reciprocal historic view and see this as a crazy time when real LSD was freely available for a only a couple bucks. Almost like that now with real heroin in the US.


I used to pay $5 a hit in the late 90s. LSD is not an expensive drug.


Lmfao circa 2011. Bought 4 sheets of LSD off DNS. Believe it was almost 42 bitcoin. And we did this almost every other weekend got a couple of months.


Bro I have some LSD for you

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here I am again asking for this sub to check out Shibarium. Fully decentralized, each token will have a DAO presence (Shib, Bone, and Leash). K9 Finance's product Bone Crusher and Shibarium validator is coming in Q3 for LSD. Their DAO has been great so far! Another voting session this weekend. Bone is renounced and used as the gas token, delegation token, and DAO. Bridge Shib, Bone, Leash, and more to Shibarium for micro penny transaction fees. 5 second exchanges. Anyone can build there. Make your projects cross-chain or start a new project. Check out for a lot of token and project protocols.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The number 1 LSD dealer from Silk Road days. Good to see him alive.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LSD leads to weird dreams.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LSD day instead even better

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Well then, I am selling the house and going all in. Wait..,.LSD is telling me to sell my crypto. Now I am confused.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Posted this story on another thread also My friend I played football with(he was conference player of the year in 05, quarterback)from high school showed up at my door in the summer of 2013 with a suit on and a briefcase in his hand. I asked him what was going on. Last I heard, he had got arrested for a lot of cocaine and was kicked out of law school in Charleston. He told me, "I'm on a whole nother level now," and proceeded to open the briefcase, pull out a laptop, and show me the Silk Road website. He had a balance of 587 Bitcoins. Bitcoin was trading at $187, I remember. I'll never forget seeing that. He was a vendor on there selling something called 25CI(a knockoff of LSD, 1/10th of the price, but just as strong). He showed me how he was in the top 1% of vendors with over 900 confirmed transactions and 1 bad transaction. I asked. "What was the 1 bad transaction?" He said."Some dumb chick in Russia sent me the wrong address, and her 10 sheets went somewhere else." Unfortunately, he ended up overdosing just 3 months later off of xanax and opanas he received in the mail from Silk Road. His mom found him dead on the couch.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My friend I played football with(he was conference player of the year in 05, quarterback)from high school showed up at my door in the summer of 2013 with a suit on and a briefcase in his hand. I asked him what was going on. Last I heard, he had got arrested for a lot of cocaine and was kicked out of law school in Charleston. He told me, "I'm on a whole nother level now," and proceeded to open the briefcase, pull out a laptop, and show me the Silk Road website. He had a balance of 587 Bitcoins. Bitcoin was trading at $187, I remember. I'll never forget seeing that. He was a vendor on there selling something called 25CI(a knockoff of LSD, 1/10th of the price, but just as strong). He showed me how he was in the top 1% of vendors with over 900 confirmed transactions and 1 bad transaction. I asked. "What was the 1 bad transaction?" He said."Some dumb chick in Russia sent me the wrong address, and her 10 sheets went somewhere else." Unfortunately, he ended up overdosing just 3 months later off of xanax and opanas he received in the mail from Silk Road. His mom found him dead on the couch.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If the halving happens on the 19th, we should all [take acid]( to celebrate

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

2012 entry here, on the path to becoming a billionaire AMA. First BTC was around $20-30 range; for the silk road, psychedelics are the reason I found BTC. Thanks LSD & 25-i! Not only some of the best experiences of my life, but also got me rich! Bought ETH IPO. I've got 1000x on ETH and 150-300x on most of my BTC bought; initially 40k but then traded and multiplied my stack nearly 10x. I used to margin trade on BTC-E with free 3x leverage, those were good times. I made some really lucky trades but my biggest luck was not having my BTC locked up in trades when they exited the market, could have lost it all. Sucks the market was used for bad actors but that's the price you pay for freedom and open access; both the bad and the good get to use it! For those who don't know there was a major US driven operation to shut it down, apparently hackers were using the exchange to launder ill gotten proceeds. I have about 20% of my BTC left and have not spent a single ETH. Did add about 1500 ETH to my stack staking the past few years. I liquidated most of my stack at the top of 2021 (70M) and started accomplishing my dreams. Bought my dream house, started diversifying my investments (one of which looks like another 1000x!). Now I'm working on many amazing businesses that will have positive impacts on humanity. I'm very philanthropic and want to spend 90% of the wealth I generate back into humanity through charity work. Focusing on research/science/technology initiatives that will make the world a better place hopefully reversing some of the damage we humans create. With my wealth I have the ability to continue holding which even where I think that BTC/ETH are going this bull run I will still have low 9 figures in crypto. One cool thing I have is nearly a "complete" casascius set of BTC. I don't have the 1000 coin unfortunately (or the 500 BTC bar of which there are only 2 made) but I have one of each denomination and even a few variants. I did grab one of the empty 2FA "1000" coins from Charlie Lee that Mike Caldwell custom made for him so that I could visually complete my set. It costed 14 BTC which at our current ATH makes it a 1M purchase. I do have some little regrets there but I'm hoping one day I can find a crypto billionaire who will buy my set and give me a huge premium to pay back some of that lost BTC. The face value of the entire set in BTC is 4M at current ATH, I think it's not unreasonable for a 25% premium for something that is now unobtainable! If I had a dime for every time someone tried to tell me that there's no way I could "be a millionaire" from crypto lol. Funniest part is it happens most of the time on *this sub* when I call into question people's advice/statements. When I try to explain that I've not only made a ton of $$$ but given great advice through the years that have gotten many people in my life rich I'm shamed for being a liar. And what good is it to "prove" it? The incentives are negatively aligned there. I become a target for karma? No thanks. Fortunately I have a background in Network Security so I'm great with my OpSec; a little too good, almost lost my stack 10 years ago with a overly complex password! What's really sad is how much hate there is on Reddit for successful people. I would have been a multimillionaire without crypto, I was already on that path. But with crypto it gave me the seed capital to become a billionaire with my other pro-social & environmentally positive projects; I expect within 6 years I will hit that 1B goal. I will use that money to fund grants for research, giving hard working academics a path to success to create a positive feedback loop for all the wealth I've earned. I didn't make money bleeding others dry, or stepping on people's faces to lift myself up. I didn't invest into oil or play zero sum games to fuck others laughing to the bank. Yes crypto has impacted climate change and I don't feel great about BTCs energy generation. I'm happier with ETH and the switch to PoS these days. I wish BTC would do the same though I do understand the negative trade-offs there. But I bought my BTC back when cryptos energy generation was a tiny slice compared to today! It wasn't even discussed in the media until after 2017. I was around to mock Roger Ver on Reddit live, what a little bitch boy he is. I stood by the core devs during the hard fork wars and called out Brian Armstrong for being a corporate lackey (he was a big block guy). I told Jihan Wu that his mom was unfuckable. Had great conversations with Charlie Lee about LTC and Satoshi. I've had great discussions with early Bitcoin developers. I tried mining ETH and made some good proceeds, then sold the equipment for a profit. I've ran many full nodes and contributed back. Al around I'm very happy with the way I chose to spend my time in this ecosystem!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I bought LSD with litecoin. Transaction happened very quickly.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Take some LSD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

They were in their 40s back in 2013. And yes, I still know ppl whom do MDMA, LSD, shrooms, still smoke marijuana, still drink liquor, in their 50s.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> It has no intrinsic value Um, sir, its value was proven when you could buy a strip of LSD off the web

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That was my first time with btc also. Hello LSD.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Not sure how much the LSD was back then, maybe $10? Anyway, just think of it like, we all had $10 back then and* *didn't* buy bitcoin. It's the same, we're just as stupid. Only difference is that I didn't know how to buy BTC. You just used it for its purpose at the time.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I just got off the phone with the Bitcoin's CEO, CFO, MSG, and LSD. They say despite all these weak hands they are still planning on raising the price.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Here's some trivia for you. The British Pound Sterling (GBP) when it was introduced was literally 1lbs (the weight) of sterling silver = £1. This is why in "old pre-decimal" currency pounds were denominated as "L" (LSD - Pounds, Shillings, Pence) - the "D" was a throw back to Roman currency. That same 1lbs of sterling silver is now over £300. That's a debasement of 99.7% of the British Pound. Yes, I know this isn't entirely accurate as everything changed with decimalisation, and also silver lost it's role as a monetary metal, but it's kind of interesting to think about.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Try LSD / Mushrooms / DMT, together with the foundation and understanding of Bitcoin, and many other relevant topics such as social economics, politics, evolution, science, spirituality and beyond... And then your mind will explode in a way that so many new connections of understandings and bitcoin convictions are born within your synapses. Infinity is crazy... Bitcoin is crazy

r/BitcoinSee Comment

spent mine on alpha bay😭 LSD boiz

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes but you had a lot of fun. I spent 80-100 BTC in 2012 on LSD ($240-$300) It would be $5.8-7.2 million in 2024 😂 Bitcoin breaks everyone's mind and it's easy to regret past decisions. Forget your past errors, forgive yourself, and have hope for an insanely abundant future you can't see yet. It's coming at you fast. You are not prepared.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m thinking maybe LINK can be copper? Sounds good to me. How much did you eat? I can’t eat more than a 15mg gummy lol. I can handle 600ug of LSD but as soon as I get close to 3mg of an edible it’s too much lol.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

First time i learned about Bitcoin was around time 2009-2010? I was on high school and making money with World of Warcraft. As I was broke and wanted to expand my “business” by botting, i found a bot called Honorbuddy where you could pay with Bitcoin, that you could actually mine on your laptop. I tried mining but it took too long to mine 20 btc on my Asus N10J netbook. 3 years fast forward (around 2012-2013) me and my friend got into the bitcoin thanks to Silk road and possibility of buying drugs like LSD and MDMA. We bought around 10 trips and 10 pills for like 1 or 2 bitcoin (at the time worth around 200-400 usd?). Since then I jumped back in at the mania in 2021 and I am DCAing till now every week.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You are able to hold LSD token in a cold wallet if that's what you're getting at. Something like rocket pool eth can be held offline. The token just sit in the cold wallet and generate staking rewards.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Spent hundreds of coins on LSD on Silk Road when I was 17…

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I spent many whole bitcoins on LSD one summer years ago

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LSD is what led me to bitcoin in the first place. We can never forget the reason we are here

r/BitcoinSee Comment

In 2024 you would be dead or a dealer if you buy LSD and weed for $2.7m. Be thankful :)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Paid 40 btc for LSD and Weed in 2013. Lol

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I paid 1.6 million for some LSD. Best trip ever. Most bizarre.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I paid 0.2 BTC in shipping for three tabs of LSD and abandoned another 0.2 BTC in my account balance on the original Silk Road. You're welcome US government.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I spent roughly 100k on magic mushrooms and LSD. 🥳

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Exactly, I always find it funny that a large portion of bitcoin holders were long haired pot heads in high school/college who just wanted to buy some weed or LSD.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

In 2020 I bought a flat with internet money I bought 7 years before for peanuts, cause my LSD dealer got arrested and I found out you could get LSD on this Tor thingy if you bought this "bitcoin" stuff lmao

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I ran the weed game at my school and most of my town, ateast for my age cohort back in HS. I had a group of friends from surrounding towns and together we had some excellent connects and some really good shit for the time. We just kept upping our weight and cornering the market at our selective schools until we became the supply, graduated from Oz to quaps to Ps weekly. Late my senior year we made our first orders on silk road. Despite being the best connected that we knew about, the shit we got sent to our door absolutely blew anything we had been selling out of the water. I still remember figuring out Tor and how to buy BTC and the elation of getting on the site for the first time. But that high paled in comparison to actually getting our first order. True Northern Lights from BC. Colas the size of your hand. The way it smoked, the high, the taste. It's taken me over a decade of collecting seeds from around the world, growing, phenohunting and cross breeding my own strains to even touch some of that stuff. Within a month we had basically put anyone else our age out of biz. It was just that different. Strawberry cough from Cali, NYC diesel that stunk through 3 bags, amnesia haze from Amsterdam that felt like an acid trip. God it was unreal. I shudder to think how much all that BTC would have been worth these days. But I didn't understand it back then, no one did. All we knew is the weed was so good we were pre selling allocations to it at one point. A great joy beyond what money could buy to be able to supply and introduce people to truly excellent medicine. An even greater joy to be a part of BTC history looking back. Also, while I didn't sell anything else out of principle, the molly from Amsterdam and the LSD we got was some of the cleanest shit I've ever tried to date. What a time to be alive and dabbling with fringe technology. Fun times, looking back it was all incredibly stupid, and im surprised we made it out unscathed with the weight we were pushing. We shut everything down and hopped out of the game before anything caught up. I now work full time in crypto and have since '17. To the public I always claim I found BTC then but it was Silk Road where so many of the industry professionals stories started. Looking back I have few regrets, hell, I'd probably do it all over again.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LSD and shrooms in depression are a bad advice from my experience. Except low microdose maybe.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

I still have bitcoin from 2012 because Holland wasn’t gonna ship LSD and DMT to the US. When the price went from 150-850 i knew it was best forgotten about. Almost sold when it was at 12k. Forgot about it for several more years. I bet holland will ship them thangs now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; In the last 12 hours in the crypto world, Vitalik Buterin discussed AI's potential in Ethereum's code verification and bug detection. Altlayer announced its Season 1 Airdrop Claim, Asymmetry is launching with a mechanism to use 30% of LSD vault ETH for Convex, Frax Finance hinted at a significant airdrop for $FXS holders, Heroes of Mavia's daily active users surpassed 300,000, Pixels will be listed on Binance, Tensorplex Labs increased its $stTAO cap, and Xai Games teased an upcoming staking launch. Additionally, Worldcoin's app users exceeded 1 million. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You realize that stETH is an erc20 right? Any LSD form of ETH that OP would have had from staking his eth would be an erc20 that could be signed away with a gasless signature approving it for some phisher. OP definitely got phished on some fake site or email this way. Recommend pocket universe extension on chrome to have these types of signatures explained in layman terms before you click sign.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

How much LSD have you ingested in your life? Its awesome!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I spent 80 on LSD in 2012 and in 2023 I spent 69 (lol) on hookers, cocaine, private jets, jewelry, hotels, rent, ubers, restaurants, clothes, entertainment, travel Buy and hold for the long term. It will break your brain.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I had ingested LSD at the time of posting this, and have undergone transformation throughout the process. I dont sense judgment, dont worry. Sending love, leo\_the\_lion. You are a lion in heart I can tell, otherwise yuo wouldn't have gravitated towards this name. great soul. remember to DCA into love, in addition to bitcoin if you so choose to.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

First of all, know that in DeFi each smart contract required for some given strat comes with risk. Minting an LSD? There's a chance that smart contract could be exploited. Bridging that LSD to another chain? There's a chance that smart contract could be exploited. Using that LSD as collateral for a loan? There's a chance that smart contract could be exploited. Depositing that loaned crypto into am AMM? There's a chance that smart contract could be exploited. All it takes is just one of these to fail and you've lost it all. Back to your question, there's a difference between redeeming an LSD from the smart contract you've minted it from (which should be 1:1 plus the accrued staking yield) and what the trading price for that LSD is going for on the open market.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Oh, any recommendations for a tumbler? I’m familiar with the idea, don’t know details. Ps. So you just buy LSD, which gets lost after certain amount of time?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah. I know. I still wish I could find some though. 😭 I'm pretty sure the cops could care less about LSD these days.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes I’m sure it is but I’m buying 1P-LSD which is in a legal gray area as long as I don’t intend on consuming it is perfectly legal to own in 47 states. Also after my coins leave an exchange I do tumbler so I can my privacy.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Seems like everyone commenting on r/Bitcoin today is on shrooms or LSD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>Are you .... on the internet after taking too many drugs ? The answer you are seeking is in OP's comment history. r/LSD r/schrooms To name a few

r/BitcoinSee Comment

“Hello fellow dude do you know where I can score some LSD?” - NOT a cop

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Comment

Chad spotted! Just keep buying as much as you can now because current prices are just a tenth of middle term price targets. I kinda see myself buying more ETH now though; probably because of the ease of liquid staking on SpoolFi, Pendle, RocketPool and all other LSD protocols. When will BTC have something similar?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m not sure why you’re bringing up Penn and Teller and second-hand smoke to me lol I never said anything about either. Regardless, cigarette smoking is the world’s leading cause of preventable death as well as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. I’m guessing you missed the fact that tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 toxic chemicals, 98 of which are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and 69 of which are known to be carcinogenic and the health problems that tobacco smoke causes. Smokers suffer horrible debilitating health problems before they die. Organic tobacco isn’t a solution either lol. The combustion of tobacco is what releases the toxic chemicals. It doesn’t make alcohol less harmful and I don’t think either should be illegal. People should be able to choose. Alcohol is a terrible drug and much more addictive than marijuana, LSD, mushrooms, and most other drugs. It is one of the few drugs that the withdrawal alone can kill you, not just the drug. I don’t drink or smoke. I used to do both but I’ve known enough alcoholics and smokers who died horrible deaths and suffered for years prior to dying that it was enough for me to quit both.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So you trade between cex exchanges occasionally and use the darknet to buy your blow/kitty/LSD or whatever. The coins you choose show who you are they don't predict the future of actual real world usage of crypto chains. If my use predicted the use of future chains iota would be going nuts and BTC would have replaced how I pay my local anarchist coffee shop.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Many of those same people were eating LSD like candy in the 60s and 70s…maybe thats part of it — lack of psychedelics in our diet, but maybe that’s only one small piece.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So in the end, after all your bullshit, if we’re now on the same page (I’m not confident) your reasoning for cardano being superior is the ability to avoid using a liquid staking protocol? You do understand you’re referring to 2 trades as if it’s a big deal. This is cardanos game changer tech? So once they get everything else that doesn’t work, working as intended, cardano will allow me to avoid using a LSD. I guess I don’t give two shits and don’t see using a lsd as a problem. 🤷‍♂️ lol… do you hear yourself?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yet Vanguard has had no problem with all sorts of pot stocks, LSD stocks and SPAC stocks, all of which are risky as hell, and all of which I have lost a lot of money in. Meanwhile, Bitcoin has appreciated fantastically for long-term holders. Time to exit Vanguard.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He is completely wrong about the drugs, even on LSD no junkie gonna buy 20 dollars worth of drugs and pay a 30 dollar fee. On the darkwebs, monero is the only currency used.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

We buying lots of Lego and LSD fr fr 💸💸💸

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I went back to his interview on Joe Rogan when he smoked dope. Since then, cocaine, ketamine, LSD, Ozempic and who knows wtf else. This is years upon years of drug abuse. I don't think he's in any condition to concoct any sort of plan. Gensler himself has lost his stability, and you can see this just from looking at his face vs 2 years ago. Musk never had much to begin with. I think the X thing took a lot out of him and he wasn't behind this. It was US govt gangsters.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Becuase it doesn't result in Lido(s) which even Ethereum developers have agreed are the biggest threat to the security and future of Ethereum. Sure, Lido are a threat that I've been highlighting for over a year and a half... And I'm one of the very many people discussing possible solutions to the issue... They have been bouncing around 31-32% for over a year, but with various vampire attacks being set up and the imminent introduction of distributed validators by Diva and others we should hopefully get that to drop a bit this year without needing anything done on the protocol layer. > Ultimately in slashing based systems there is always a tendency for stake to centralize around large super centralized industrial stake operators (who due to their resources and quality assurance are able to provide the best rate against slashing, ie they don't ever have network issues or crash or anything of that sort). Not sure where you've got this idea from? Lido operators got slashed at least twice last year (in April and October). In comparison, I know quite a lot of people in the Ethereum community who are staking from home and none of us have ever been slashed. In fact I can't even recall hearing about a single occasion when a solo staker has been slashed (though I guess it has probably happened at least once at some point). I think the main drivers of the dominance of Lido and other centralized services are that you receive an LSD which is useful (i.e. stETH) that you don't get when solo staking, and just the fact that Lido were first to market and invested a lot in advertising and integrations (e.g. if you click 'stake' in Ledger it's default is to use Lido). I really don't think it has anything to do with slashing risks or really anything at the protocol level.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These days you can just buy 1p-LSD online, and once you consume it, it turns into pure LSD-25 in your body. I love the analogue drug market.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I spent 17 bitcoin on some Molly and LSD. Makes the trip even that much more wild.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can easily negate the inflation by 1 simple trick, stake it in validators or exchange sol to various LSD tokens.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You mean a LSD trip? Or micro dosing? Actually a horror trip from weed started my depression in 2012, so I am pretty scared of drugs/trips.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I found mushrooms to *not* help with depression. The abyss returns, actually. But then I found LSD *did* help with depression. Life’s colours returned. I’m talking about the weeks afterward. (Also decades ago)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Honestly, don’t forget about psilocybin and LSD. They have helped lots of people (in controlled environments).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What's CIAN Leveraged ETH Staking? CIAN protocol is a yield-focused platform for liquid staking derivatives ("LSD"), offering users the opportunity to earn by joining algorithmic strategy vaults or by building their own DeFi strategies using CIAN's advanced automation tools. The stETH/ETH leveraged staking strategy allows users to safely leverage stETH's staking rewards. This strategy focuses on staking derivatives and protection/ optimization tooling. By nature, this strategy enables users to leverage their assets as collateral to borrow ETH from lending platforms, and then stake that ETH in Lido to earn ETH staking interest. By utilizing tools like Flashloan, leverage is added to the ETH investment. In the scenario where a positive APY difference exists between the borrowing rate and the ETH staking rate, this strategy will generate additional earnings compared to conventional ETH staking. It's important to understand that when using a leveraged strategy, it's highly advised to hold the position for a longer duration. By doing so, it allows enough time for the high APY to cover between the borrowing rate and the ETH staking rate, this strategy will generate additional earnings compared to conventional ETH staking. It's important to understand that when using a leveraged strategy, it's highly advised to hold the position for a longer duration. By doing so, it allows enough time for the high APY to cover the entry & exit costs. Please note that there will be an additional 0.05% exit fee incurred at the time of redemption. understand and acknowledge the risk

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

My list of potential crypto projects for 2024 includes different categories. I doubt NFT and GameFI spaces can attract attention again. It depends on developers and designers, I guess. I believe the potential lies in LSD (LDO and RPL), DePIN (AIOZ and ADE), Oracles ( DIA and LINK), and AI ( OCEAN and FET) spaces. I named some of the projects that developed very well. Let's see how it plays out.

Good post and a good opportunity to explore some L1 projects. I think INJ is a solid pick, but generally speaking, there are other altcoins within other categories worth exploring. LSD ( LDO and RPL), Oracles ( LINK and DIA), and DePIN ( HNT and DIA) are some of the categories to explore.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I heard about because I wanted to get some LSD off Silk Road in 2011-12. But as a student immigrant didn't want to screw something up and get deported or something and shame my family back home. Went through the whole thing, accessing silk road on tor, how to buy bitcoin etc., but never pulled the trigger, because could always have used curiosity or research as plausible deniability. Biggest regret of my life. Stacking since 2016 though, although like a squirrel on a student stipend when bigger stacks were possible. Bigger purchases now with relatively higher salary but smaller stacks obviously. Lost a whole coin in Celsius, second biggest regret of my life. Still a whole coiner though, so there's that.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I bought LSD on the darknet with bitcoin in 2011 ... I made sure to use burner everything and left the wallet with like 0.1 btc left never to care about it again. I wish I had still access to it


I would include several altcoins from different areas: LSD ( LDO and RPL), AI which has big potential to be a leading narrative during a bull market ( FET and OCEAN), and DePIN which keeps growing ( HNT and ADE). Bright future ahead.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The only thing I buy with Bitcoin is LSD


These are all promising areas. I would include LSD narrative, Stader and Bifrost are solid issuers. When it comes to Oracles, Band is a solid project, but my pick is Dia. Dia oracle services have been integrated literally everywhere. I am waiting for its X episode with Aleph Zero next week. I got a good bag of RIO. When it comes to DePIN, I bought HNT. Currently waiting for ADE to get launched. Weaver Labs has made great partnerships, with Samsung, Nokia, etc. Big brands. It seems quite promising IMO.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’ve used Bitcoin to buy some LSD, some cheap video games, to send money to Cuba for my gfs family, to make extra money, as a hobby, I also used to accept it via my online store. There are many many uses for Bitcoin.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I needed a way to buy LSD back in 2012 to fund my band tour expenses swear to god, that was when I found it the first time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Dank sharding on the way, lot of dev on LSD, account abstraction to name a few. With TIA finally launched we could see a new growing architecture to cut the fees with eth L1 as the settlement layer, tia for data availability and rollups for execution. So yeah it’s still innovating

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I bought LSD for 7 btc 😢

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LSD and real yield protocols (GMX/somm) I’m guessing is still the narrative.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

LSD, it's a helluva drug
