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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

The X Finance - $Thex | Next Generation of DeFi on BSC - Strong Community | Lending platform - Secure Dapp | Stealth Launch today 18:00 UTC | Visit our community and be part of project - Layer2 project of the week.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

DeFi Skeptic | Bettering DeFi | Growing & Sustainable Rewards | Audited & KYC’d | 60k Mcap | Holding 2x Since Launch | Convert Tokens to NFTs!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

DeFi Skeptic | Bettering DeFi | Growing & Sustainable Rewards | Audited & KYC’d | 60k Mcap | Holding 2x Since Launch | Convert Tokens to NFTs!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Make DeFi Better | $MDB | Over 100% Stable APY | Phoenix Games Live! Play to Earn! | NFTs With Lifetime Rewards | Earn a Passive Income Starting Now!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Make DeFi Better | $MDB | Over 100% Stable APY | Phoenix Games Live! Play to Earn! | NFTs With Lifetime Rewards | Earn a Passive Income Starting Now!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Make Defi Better | Join the Phoenix Games - 10% Guaranteed Return in 1 Month (& More!) | MDB | MDB+ | Perpetual Growth | Over 100% APY (Stable-backed) | Exclusive NFTs | 100x Gem | Liquidity Backed Over 500%

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

MDB & MDB+ | Appreciating Stable-Backed Token over 400% APY | Cannot Decrease in Value! | MDB Liquidity Backed Over 500% | Join The Revolution to Make Defi Better

r/BitcoinSee Post

Interest rate for borrowing Bitcoin is very low at 2.84% on Sovryn. In what way do you think we could take advantage of this?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

XUSD - the stablecoin where the price only ever increases

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

XUSD, The Worlds First Appreciating Stablecoin

r/CryptoCurrenciesSee Post

XUSD, The Worlds First Appreciating Stablecoin

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Thought on XSurge? The world's first APPRECIATING STABLECOIN that only goes up… too good to be true?

r/CryptoMarketsSee Post

Thought on XSurge? The world's first APPRECIATING STABLECOIN that only goes up… too good to be true?


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You have just been fined your entire allotment of XUSD for using the bigoted slur 'cis.' Signed, Elon Musk Defender of freedom of speech.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment

MDB is THE DeFi project getting me through this bear market and the only one I'm still involved with. Built on solid foundations, addressing the usual pitfalls of failed projects with solutions that actually work. MDB is also the name of their main token (stakeable), then you have a BUSD backed stable coin called MDB+ (based on XUSD). Infinity is their hyper-deflationary ”degen token” where they inject crazy amounts of money during their Infinity games. Phoenix+ is another BUSD backed token that can’t go down in value, currently at a 7-day APY of 222%. The team is through their so called Gravity project successfully integrating holders from failed DeFi projects, one after another. I'm genuinely excited about its future and I encourage everybody to have a close look at their whitepaper!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

MDB is THE DeFi project getting me through this bear market and the only one I'm still involved with. Built on solid foundations, addressing the usual pitfalls of failed projects with solutions that actually work. MDB is also the name of their main token (stakeable), then you have a BUSD backed stable coin called MDB+ (based on XUSD). Infinity is their hyper-deflationary ”degen token” where they inject crazy amounts of money during their Infinity games. Phoenix+ is another BUSD backed token that can’t go down in value, currently at a 7-day APY of 222%. The team is through their so called Gravity project successfully integrating holders from failed DeFi projects, one after another. I'm genuinely excited about its future and I encourage everybody to have a close look at their whitepaper!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

MDB is THE DeFi project getting me through this bear market and the only one I'm still involved with. Built on solid foundations, addressing the usual pitfalls of failed projects with solutions that actually work. MDB is also the name of their main token (stakeable), then you have a BUSD backed stable coin called MDB+ (based on XUSD). Infinity is their hyper-deflationary ”degen token” where they inject crazy amounts of money during their Infinity games. Phoenix+ is another BUSD backed token that can’t go down in value, currently at a 7-day APY of 222%. The team is through their so called Gravity project successfully integrating holders from failed DeFi projects, one after another. I'm genuinely excited about its future and I encourage everybody to have a close look at their whitepaper!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

MDB, it's THE DeFi project getting me through this bear market and the only one I'm still involved with. Built on solid foundations, addressing the usual pitfalls of failed projects with solutions that actually work. MDB is also the name of their main token (stakeable), then you have a BUSD backed stable coin called MDB+ (based on XUSD). Infinity is their hyper-deflationary ”degen token” where they inject crazy amounts of money during their Infinity games. Phoenix+ is another BUSD backed token that can’t go down in value, currently at a 7-day APY of 222%. The team is through their so called Gravity project successfully integrating holders from failed DeFi projects, one after another. I'm genuinely excited about its future and I encourage everybody to have a close look at their whitepaper!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You are borrowing against the value of your bitcoin. So basically you are using bitcoin as collateral to mint the statblecoin ZUSD. Currently you can 1) Hold ZUSD, 2) Put ZUSD in the stability pool to earn potential RBTC liquidiations 3) Covert to XUSD where you can LP on Sovryn, Trade, Lend. 4) Covert to XUSD and bridge out to USDT, USDC, BUSD or DAI. Also, third party off-ramp services may accept ZUSD in the future or a prepaid debit card.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look up XUSD

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m using the Sovryn dapp to borrow against my bitcoin at 0%, then dropping the borrowed dollars into a XUSD lending pool to earn 3.8%APY plus liquid $SOV tokens. It’s not much but I still hold the keys to my Bitcoin whilst I’m earning a yield. If BTC price goes up, I’ll borrow against my line of credit, if BTC goes down, I’ll pay down the 0% loan with the lending balance I have. Not much but works for me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Now do XUSD 😉

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>DOC [Has a market cap of $2,306,570]( and [is only used on one exchange.]( >RDOC Can't even find a market cap. Looks like it doesn't exist? >XUSD Dead coin that's not on any markets. >ptoken Not a stablecoin. It's wrapped bitcoin shitcoinery used on Uniswap and PancakeSwap. >wbtc Not a stablecoin. It's wrapped bitcoin shitcoinery.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

DOC, RDOC, XUSD, bpr, ptoken, wbtc are all stablecoins collateralized by bitcoin so exposed to the price volatility of those tokens. This is 1 minute of searching. Put more directly: how much is bitcoin systemically related to this stuff? I'm sure most of it is garbage...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My Sovryn RBTC/XUSD is doing quite well. Currently at 30% apy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yup. UST- Terra, KUSD-Karura, XUSD- Haven protocol , SILK- Shade protocol.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There is absolutely no guarantee that any stable coin will hold its $1 peg, and it's more than likely they won't always. USDT has dropped as low as .40 before. There is enough evidence to fill a warehouse on Tethers blatent fraud, manipulations, and lack of any backing. USDC is more open about it, and never lied about being backed 1 to 1, but is still a very sketchy company I'm my mind. I personally do not beleive USDT will always be worth $1 and I am extremely skeptical that usdc will. I am really hoping the algorithmic stable coin experiments like UST and XUSD are successful, and show to hold their peg, but these are very new, and still experimental. We won't know for years how qell they hold up through all types of markets. I also am skeptical about these lending platforms that offer insane returns for simply depositing stable coins. I understand that the flash loans and such is for arbitrage, but the centralized lending platforms claim to make their money loaning stable coins and crypto to institutions and businesses. But why would anyone ever borrow stable coins from them for 10% when they could get dollars worth the exact same value, but less risky, for .02% or so? Even if they somehow are making these loans, is it sustainable through the darkest of bear markets? I'm not so sure. I do myself hold some stable coins, USDC, UST and XUSD, but I don't keep a huge portion of my money there. The returns you can get(for now at least) are high enough that it's worth it to hold them, but they inherently carry all of the same exact risk of the USD, plus the extra risk of being new, un- backed, and for usdt and usdc, admitted fraud and manipulation from the centralized companies controlling them. Please talk to a financial advisor. It's not the worst time to hold cash right now imo. It may seem that way because of inflation, but if the markets crash, money flows out of assets, especially risk on assets like crypto, and into dollars. Talk to an advisor about metals, crypto, and cash. Putting all, or a substantial amount of your money in stable coins sounds risky to me please, please please don't do it lightly. Really think it through before you decide. If you do go for it, make sure you triple check your security, and do it right. A lot of of people lose their mobey in defi. That's my two cents at least. Good luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I know most peoples portfolios are a sea of red atm. One coin that isn’t - XUSD. It’s context price only ever goes up. Since it’s launch in November it has seen increases EVERY DAY. Even with every other coin being down past few days, still it rises. 💰 xUSD Information 💰 Launched 74 days, 4 hours ago. % Price increases since: - Midnight: +0.012% - Last 24 Hours: +0.034% - Last 30 Days: +5.487% - Since Launch: +15.313% Avg. Daily Increase: +0.21%

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[Babelfish XUSD]( on RSK's Bitcoin-secured [Sovryn Lend]( Middling yield (5.3% as of this writing), but audited to the hilt, and inherently resilient against systemic failure on the part of any of its constituent stablecoins.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Have you try to use the proton blockchain if you do let me know and I'll send you proton so you can swap it for xeth Xbtc or XUSD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I try my best to use btc pairs. I use USDC for my futures account on primeXBT because using btc to trade gets confusing. If you short with ntc you will get more btc but the price is dropping and your liquidation can come quicker. The algorithmic stable coins like UST or Havens stable coin, I think it's called XUSD ornsomething are promising but I am still skeptical until I see them used more. I would definitely choose choose USDC over USDT any day especially for.lkng term holding for interest. USDT is almost guaranteed to implode someday. Circles business model with USDC could possibly viable long term. I don't think it aligns with the ethos of crypto because it's vacked by debt, but lots of things are backed by debt and are successfully for years. Intry tonuse DEXs as much as possible like Polarity and AtomicDEX and I am hoping algorithmic stable coins become a staple on every exchange. They will be if we use them enough. I'm still worried they won't always hold their $1 peg, but at least it's not being used by fraudsters to manipulate the markets of what we're trying to build here.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XUSD by XSurge is by far the best around for an appreciating store of value. As a decentralized alternative in lending service, it couldn’t be beat by anything on the market today.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

XUSD on Haven2.0

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That’s actually an amazing idea. If they could have a MakerDAO system. Buying drugs with XUSD would be awesome.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Babelfish[Babelfish]( XUSD: a so-called 'meta-stablecoin' which tokenises USDC, BUSD and USDT (although capable of supporting many more), and uses Bitcoin to maintain its dollar-peg.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Can you describe current and possible future loops of transactions on protonchain and other assets to make them active and liquid? As an example Polkadot ecosystem has crowndloan instead of voting, that Incentives people to research and loan their money, and then come back later to claim it back. Generating a loop of transactions. In context of Proton that could be fiat onramp => buying XBTC, use it as collated and get XUSD => Withdraw earning to buy more XBTC => repeat

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Sovryn's SOV token, if staked, provides up to 30% APY as well as both priority airdrops and a share of all fees accruing to the protocol, in addition to standard voting rights. Considering that one can presently earn ~100% APY in vesting tokens by simply lending USDT, USDC or BUSD (via the XUSD stablecoin pool), the long-term passive income potential of holding SOV merits consideration even among those who've little to no interest in active governance. Mind you, while functional, the platform is also still very much in its infancy; if you're liable to clog-up the Discord with petulant, insufferable whining because you can't handle the the kind of whipsaw price-action inherent to early-adoption, then perhaps farming Moons is more your level.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don’t see XUSD on CoinGecko

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Haven Protocol XHV - Private Money 1 USD = XUSD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

holding one year. the short term transformation for cashing out should not matter. If it's already sellable against EUR, you're safe. So basically: shitcoin -> XUSD-Token/ BNB/ BTC -> EUR

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Thats before XUSD came out lol it's a new team
