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Who should replace Tesla as the newest member of the “Mag 7?”

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Thoughts on Broadcom and Exxon?

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Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) on X “spread between $TSLA and $AVGO market cap. Peaked at ~$1 trillion. Now only $1778B separates.”

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Has anyone seriously looked at Global Foundries [$GFS]

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80% on the year for 2023, wonder if Buffet needs a new #2.

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80% on the year for 2023, wonder if buffet needs a new #2.

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🧙Unlocking 100x Returns: The Power Big Psych Levels and Options on High Dollar Stocks

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E-Trade stock conversion issue after recent acquisition

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My experience investing.

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Thoughts on AVGO?

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More gains YTD. 140K to go.

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Help me understand the AVGO / VMWare deal

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NYFANG Index buy and hold strategy

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Am I a genius or a regard? $VMW arbitrage attempt

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wish me luck AVGO puts

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wish me luck AVGO puts

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VMware Arbitrage

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AVGO earnings: non-GAAP EPS $10.54 (beat by $0.11), revenue $8.88 billion (beat by $20 million)

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Vmware merger with Broadcom

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Why you should never invest in INTC (Intel)

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$AVGO Stock Forecast: Road to the Top

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Rebalancing Dilemma: Should I Adjust My Portfolio Now?

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Is Nvidia Overvalued? AVGO Boasts 62% Higher Net Income than NVDA, Yet with a 65% Lower Market Cap?

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Is Nvidia Overvalued? AVGO Boasts 62% Higher Net Income than NVDA, Yet with a 65% Lower Market Cap?

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Is Nvidia Overvalued? AVGO Boasts 62% Higher Net Income than NVDA, Yet with a 65% Lower Market Cap?

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Is Nvidia Overvalued? AVGO Boasts 62% Higher Net Income than NVDA, Yet with a 65% Lower Market Cap?

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Thoughts on Broadcom (AVGO) stock

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Analysts are a silly bunch. They revise their price targets because they don't want to get laughed at, leading people to lose money.

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Volume tickers in play

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AVGO - why the share price drop?

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Some Earnings Today After Market Close $DELL $AVGO $MDB $LULU

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Some Earnings Today After Market Close $DELL $AVGO $MDB $LULU

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How to play Broadcom AVGO

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AVGO 30% change of profit with iron condor next week (10% up or down calcualted)

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Volume tickers in play

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AVGO earnings options

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$AVGO may go to $1020 on June 2nd, 2023

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Your thoughts on the near future of Tech AI hype stocks?

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These are the resistance we are paying attention to on $AVGO (Broadcom) if we continue to the upside! --- News: $AAPL $AVGO - APPLE ANNOUNCES MULTIBILLION-DOLLAR DEAL WITH BROADCOM FOR COMPONENTS MADE IN THE USA

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Nobody Noticed AVRO 4 Pre-buy?

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🚀 YTD returns of 12.46% with Portfolio Visualizer, WSB! Let's Goooo! 🌙

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I asked AUTOGPT for the best 10 Stocks in 2023 and this is what i got

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Asking ChatGPT: 10 Fastest Growing and Dividend Paying Companies. ChatGPT provided a list of pretty good companies including AVGO, HD, NEE. What do you think?

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Opinion on Broadcom (AVGO)

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Help me manage my PCS

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Daily U.S. Stock Market News Ticker (Monday, March 6)

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Hot Stocks: AAPL rises on analyst comment; AVGO, EGLE move on earnings; BMBL drops

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Broadcom rises as Wall Street praises results, generative AI exposure (AVGO)

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Dow Jones Rises After Key Economic Data; AI Stock Soars 23% On 'Dramatic Change' In Sentiment

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Today's pre-market analysis

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ETFs to Watch: Retail and tech in focus with earnings from TGT, LOW, CRM, and AVGO

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Why COMS is gonna make you coms

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Why COMS is gonna make you coms

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Broadcom $AVGO to Make $AAPL Wifi Chips?

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Is $AVGO still a good buy?

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Is $AVGO still a good buy?

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$AVGO is a good buy!

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Next Monday AVGO will pay juicy quarterly dividend (after 12% raise). Current market sentiment and div gap will push stock down. It will be a good time to buy this company at an attractive price

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(12/9) Friday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

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Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) Earnings

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Why is VMW stuck?

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Bought puts yesterday and sold em in the morning into calls $$$ earnings win on AVGO and LULU as well.

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AVGO Q3 earnings call

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Earnings for the Week of August 29, 2022

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SCHD question

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Qualcomm Is Plotting a Return to Server Market With New Chip

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Qualcomm Is Plotting a Return to Server Market With New Chip

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How did you originally pick your longest held and/or best positions? What did you learn from those picks?

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Since you degenerates can’t read I’ll save you from clicking and scrolling: SJM, CB, MET, LYFT, AMT, TGT, LLY, AVGO, JNJ and PANW

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Snowflake, a long-term aggressive bet on the future of the data cloud

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Snowflake, a long-term aggressive bet on the future of the data cloud

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Snowflake, a long-term aggressive bet on the future of the data cloud

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Broadcom (AVGO) to acquire VMWare (VMW) for $61b USD

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Let’s hope $VMW get bought by $AVGO by the end of the week. I’m down to gamble on that 💰💰💰

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Stocks with rising net income the last few quarters?

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Broadcom (AVGO) acquiring Vmware (VMW)?

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Most "good" stocks beat VTI over 5 or more years.

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I put together a list of the top 10 publicly traded semiconductor companies in the US. Which company's stock are you bullish on?

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I put together a list of the top 8 publicly traded semiconductor companies in the U.S. with lots of details. Which company's stock do you like?

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The top 5 most poorly timed stock purchases by US Congressmen so far in 2022

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How Deep OTM options work?

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How Deep OTM options work?

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DCA or add new stocks?

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AAPL and AVGO correlation, along with increasing Fed Rates

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Any tips on how to improve my portfolio?

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AVGO (Broadcom) Stock Thoughts, Opinions, Forecast

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Thoughts on MU stock?

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$AVGO 24K YOLO (UPDATE). Happy Friday!

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$AVGO 24K YOLO - Earnings are free money

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I really like the Broadcom stock (AVGO) Semi conductors

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SOXX's 2 Largest Holdings - INTC and AVGO

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Recent stock transactions by US congressmen alongside trade returns

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Apple Slashes iPhone Targets Due to Chip Shortage, Report Says

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What happened to AVGO


PE ratio is lower too. I think only concern is AVGO's heavy debt from acquisitions.


AVGO isnt trash. They're the second top tier to NVDA


Nancy holds NVDA shares, but holds AVGO calls. This should tell you something. I have a feeling NVDA will still be bearish for the rest of this year


Agreed on AVGO. I came over to Broadcom in the VMware acquisition. Hock runs a tight ship and I think we’ll see consistent growth and performance from both hardware and software sales. They’re arguably much more diversified in their offerings than other “semi” companies.


All you pray for a dip and then get too scared to buy. Grow a pair of balls god dammit. All in on $AMZN $NVDA $AVGO $GOOG see you fucks on the other side ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

I’m long NVDA. Cramer said three weeks ago to own it, don’t trade it, speaking of APPL and NVDA. That’s not why I’m long though. It’s Jensen Huang, the Blackwell chipset that would save enough electricity to effectively make the chipset free on energy savings vs an in house chip made by the mega cap tech customers, and the next generation after Blackwell that will be exponentially faster and energy efficient. Also, for anyone who cares, AVGO and Hock Tan’s stewardship are a good second to NVDA in the nuts and bolts of AI. They are on sale right now. No one knows how much lower they might go, if they even go lower, but this might be an opportunity to start legging in.


I'll emphatically finish the rest when my AVGO calls print!


AVGO is shit. I regret buying it. It's like NVDA but half the demand from buyers. So if there's even the tiniest bad news about AI, you can guess what would happen.


mmm do i buy AVGO or NVDA dip?? decisions


So Pelosi bought at least $1,000,000 NVDA calls back in Q3 of 2023, another 10,000 shares at the end last month, and then at least another $1,000,000 worth of AVGO calls. Based on her last disclosure, she’s still holding. Chick’s got balls of steel


I'm seeing a lot of very large trades opening puts exiring tomorrow on several stocks (AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, META, AVGO) at strike prices far above where they're trading now. These have to be sell to open that they'll buy back tomorrow, right?

AVGO let’s go ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Semis as a whole. SMH is up 300% the past 5 years with lots of darlings like NVDA and AVGO being priced for perfection. Not saying it cant keep going up ofcourse but these are not crazy cheap prices like some people are saying.

Thanks for the input. As a writer by profession, I often tend to overemphasize my thoughts as I did in my post. I have faith in my stocks and they are good ones. (NVDA, NVDL, AVGO, CMG, just to name a few. However, this week I overextended myself and used too much margin. That is what caused some of this. Again, thanks for the feedback.

Pelosi bought AVGO 200C expiring in June25, good chance to buy that dip, if you trust in Pelosi


i locked in (1) 538p and its up 74%... clown market, fuck UPS for yeeting my shares and fuck me for buying AVGO+ SMCI 2 days ago..

What if AVGO went up 25% I think that would be cool I think


Ugly day, but great opportunity to buy, if you’re willing to hold. MSFT, META, LLY, AVGO, NVDA. Take a look at their 52-week highs. Do you really believe those stocks will NEVER reach that number again? Of course they will, and go beyond. Look at the 5-year and 10-year history on any of them. The gain from where they closed today to that 52-week high that they will eventually surpass, is huge. That level of return is not available anywhere else. But, you will have to hold for a while.

Couldn’t resist buying a block of AVGO at 153.50 CB


AVGO $156c Oct 18th. Currently down $300 but I'm holding through earnings.


AI isn't as profitable as experts has said.. me locking in AVGO yesterday: UH oH


Watching AVGO closely. Anticipating it’ll drop some more though.


Sold some weeks ago my positions in AVGO and NVDA for some good profit, and now I'm going on vacations. I'll buy again in in September (don't know what).


AMZN and AVGO are about to be the next rally’s big cap darlings


Well, yes. US large cap stocks are very overvalued as a group, and it just so happens they make up the largest weights in the S&P 500: AAPL, MSFT, NVDA, TSLA, AVGO, LLY. Not a bargain in sight. Much better off buying an equal-weighted ETF like RSP or avoiding US large cap in favor of small-cap value / international stocks.

Me too, my biggest holding is AVGO.


Bought 250 AVGO @ 174. 🤪I’ll hold thanks


I sold my CMG calls to fund my AVGO weeklies 2 minutes before close ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


MU 153 --> 109 AVGO 183 --> 152 sheesh.


* Biggest red day for the Nazzy in almost 2 years * Narrowest breadth in a long time * SPY and equal-weight index correlation at 36% (a historic low) * Non-tech stocks and boomer tech stocks trading at insane P/E and P/S multiples (AVGO was once a boomer stock, WING P/E > NVDA P/E) * Mid-size and small banks coming in with disastrous ERs But I wouldn't expect a line chart furu to understand

Gone in buying Amazon and AVGO. The real Amazon Prime Day 😂


I need a couple of growth names by which I can double my account in next couple of years.. AMD? NvDA, AVGO,..FSLR, ENPH, QCOM. Suggest one or two

Wellll F my life. AVGO getting crushed. I guess I’m in for the next 24 months 🤣


Fuck I thought Pelosi had inside info on AVGO and NVDA. Why is it dumping fuckkkkkk


AVGO call for earnings. Pray for me.


*get email: your AVGO call buy has been executed* oh fuck... that means the stock yeeeted *AVGO down 4.5%* GUHH


Yes, I have recently refined my risk management strategy. I have written out the plan after keeping it nebulous in my mind this week. It’s like the concept of “don’t lose money” really clicked this week. Sounds ridiculous, but these have been heady days and I was a bit too accepting of losses up until now. Will still largely manually manage options contracts, but am employing stop losses now. I’ve not had a trade come back yet, after a certain point. Sounds idiotic as I explain it, but I now think it best to cut and reallocate. Also, I’ve let gains turn to losses too many times, so I take gains after more reasonable targets. I’ll still have losses but won’t watch anything bleed to .01 again. (I seriously see the value of getting back whatever is left before that point in a way I didn’t before, even if it’s just $100 or even $10, hahaha. Great, I agree that CELH shares are worth holding. I also like the product and growth trajectory (obviously past, but going forward, too.) It’s definitely got some expectation baked into the valuation, but I think longterm it will play out. I did also add to the position with shares and will likely use whatever capital I get out for the same. And likely write CCs far OTM on them (I don’t prefer to wheel intentionally.) I am actively adding shares with profits on longterm holds, both ballast and growth, as of this morning: DHR, RVTY, AVGO and TSLA and looking at energy stocks. I have two wild and speculative positions (YOLOs, kind of,) in MSTR and ASTS. I will trade options on MSTR after the split (too stressful with recent share price,) though won’t add more shares. I am trading ASTS these days (in anticipation of upcoming catalysts) and putting those profits towards more shares (also hold 2026 LEAPS and a few warrants.) I’m building another large speculative position in AUR - shares, LEAPS and warrants. I’m looking for energy stocks right now and to build big pharma positions as well. And selling off the little biotechs I was gambling on to do so. And buying more CELH, of course. I truly think this drop is over exaggerated. What are you trading and investing in this week?

If you guys ever look at semis and you see NVDA is down but AVGO or MU is pumping... its a very bad sign


My AVGO calls went from +50% to -20% in one hour ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Weren't you the one who fucked that guy's AVGO calls?


So SPOT mooned after earnings, when was the last time we saw big green after earnings? AVGO? Will probably shift to more ATM monthly puts for my next earning plays.


AVGO to the polls


Had 2% lower margins so wallstreet tanked AVGO


TSLA to recover - Hedge Funds TSLA friends - GOOG better than expected - TXN did well - all chip stocks going forward will do exceptional - last quarter TXN did not do so well. Favs: SMCI, AVGO, AMD, DELL

Google would probably be up mildly without the capex comments in all honesty, regardless, it looks like it's finally going to not move much on earnings (not sure it did much last summer either). The interesting thing is that it's triggering something similar to what META did back in the spring for some reason (although I do wonder if whether Elon not being able to shut up is part of the problem with NVDA, he made some comments that can be viewed negatively), in that the AI semis are selling when that's the incorrect take. Now, if you're team "the Nasdaq and the AI story are in trouble here", you don't want to see NVDA and AVGO just get bought back up tomorrow like what happened on that day that META was destroyed. Oh, and Google is priced just fine unless you think that tech is going to see a deep, deep reckoning for the next couple years, as if not, its forward P/E is right at its average for a market that's been led by tech over the longer haul outside inflation hysteria year.


Thanks for sharing your list. Wondering what you think of AVGO? I just purchased about 30 Shares. I have about 300 Shares of NVDA and NVDL. I make a killing selling covered calls on the latter.

I have shares of AMD too, although far far less. I'd probably be buying more of that if Paul Pelosi hadn't bought those AVGO calls.


Wtf happened to AVGO?


So we're feeling AVGO on news they're talking to Open AI?


AVGO is a better choice due to it's lower PE and growth in datacenter networking plus AI Chips demand from cloud providers. Nvidia has to bake many new AI datacenters if Cloud providers continue to find alternatives.


…or buy SMH? AVGO has that nice dividend, but NVDA has a lot of goodies in the pipeline. Both have a lot of upside.

AVGO is slowly climbing buy in now! remember Pelosi bought calls on that shit


My AVGO calls are absolutely cooking. +78% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


My AVGO calls are looking very nice. Going to need AMZN to pick it up a little bit


Dividends do not give you an edge in the long term in total return, but may be useful for the cash flow. That’s why people in retirement could benefit more from it. That said, you can take a look at VIG, which balances dividends and growth. Too holdings include AAPL, MSFT, AVGO, XOM, V, JPM, UNH. But honestly with rates going down soon probably not the perfect timing. I’d bet on growth.

Calls on AVGO, AMZN and PLTR for this Friday

Stop buying NVDA and start buying AVGO AMD MRVL ALAB

You gonna keep losing on NVDA options instead of going for AVGO which has more upside 


AMZN and AVGO are up bigly as well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


This is the AVGO we all know and love


Stop betting on NVDA 150 Start betting on AVGO 200


I’d go with TSM or AVGO. Have 335/1400 of them as well. I expect more long term growth from them due to less than 1T market cap. Can’t go wrong with any of them tbh


AVGO lets go $170 plz ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Thank you for the very reasonable advice. I'm not hoping or betting on an AI collapse, I just think money will rotate out of AI for a little bit and will probably come back in the long term. I do hold a lot of nvidia and a little AVGO which I'm not selling or even wheeling.


Today , AMAT , AVGO , AMD and NVDA are all hot. AMAT the strongest tomorrow NVDA will do the heavy lifting

TSM and AVGO grinding and grinding and grinding ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) show your dildos bitsches ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


sorry guys i bought AVGO. That's why it's not rising anymore


Paul Pelosi's AVGO calls cost like 80k+ each, are you able to copy them? :)


Well, the smartest thing you can do is find a CFP who might be willing to do a free intro analysis of what you're holding, talk about the growth -vs- income balance, and you'll have a better idea of a *plan*. Don't mean this in a rude way, but that's why they call it financial planning and it works when you need to sleep better at night, or are, as you say, "tired of picking stocks." The other thing that comes to mind is that most CFPs will probably tell you––the "sport" of it all aside––it's best not to check the market daily. Even at 75, closer to the end than the beginning of our run on planet Earth, you're better off peering at it monthly, if not quarterly. Most advisors don't book appointments with their clients more often than on a quarterly basis if that. That being said, and depending on your cost basis, you have some excellent long-term holds there! NVDA, MSF, BRK, AVGO, AAPL, and CMG have obviously all been standouts. However, if the volatility is what's bugging you, transitioning some of this stuff into more balanced, conservative, income-producing ETFs might be better at your age. But you'll want to work with a CPA to figure out the best way to do this and pay the least amount of tax.

what is a good fair value for AVGO? $100 ? $120?


Great conversation here everyone. My experience for the past 4 months has generally revolved around selling .25-.4 Delta puts 30-60 DTE on red days for MSTR, SMCI, NVDA, ARM, AMD, NFLX, BABA, COIN, AVGO and others (I'd love suggestions on other volatile names with large premiums). I'm learning a ton and also learning about the personality of some of these violentstocks. Sometimes I will also add the long put at the same time, or wait until I'm really needing it from a buying power perspective. This is a WIP. My general target for spreads is 3:1 Risk to Reward or worse case 6:1. Also a WIP. My next test will be trying for smaller premiums with a put debit ratio spread (1 short put, 2 long puts). to take the edge off a stock that really drops. My one question for all is closing CSPs, is there any rule of thumb here on the DELTA? I recall 21 DTE is most optimal, but couldnt recall what I had read on best practice for closing at a certain delta. At any given time I have positions up and down, but feel there is an optimal zone I'm missing and that \~ 21 days and .20 delta is probably OK as a general rule.. The strategy I'm going to try and incorporate is on big green days, start buying low puts 45-60 days out in anticipation of pull backs where I can then sell the short put. Maybe it is just better to do both legs of the spread at once. I have been more nervous selling calls uncovered, but also, have been succesful in creating really wide ranges on stocks like SMCI, ie. sell a put spread at $800 strike, and then once it rockets to $900, sell a $1000C for the same date, so that there is a strike zone that is $200 wide, ie. $800-$1000, then the premiums can add another $50-$75 net on each side for a wider range of ways to earn theta. This is also a WIP but appreciate any inputs. I changed my strategy up after getting totally crushed trying to buy and sell calls, vs. selling premium.

I sold NVDA last Monday to reduce risk but bought it back after 10% drop. Sold some AVGO because I had too much. Mostly I sell due to target value I plan




Yeah that was sort of my thinking. I have some stocks like AAPl, AVGO, TSM and LRCX and they have a lot more growth potential and have done well lately but I also like some other less volatile stocks like CSCO, TXN and QCOM that are a bit more mature and pay dividends.

Dude, the way to short nvda in the current market is to buy some AVGO, AMD and maybe, just maybe GFS and INTC. The way to short nvda is not to buy puts. You are being extremely narrow minded looking at just stock prices and how market manipulators are manipulating markets. Zoom out a little, look at the bigger picture. EVERY INDUSTRY is going to need chips.

The China Taiwan conflict has been looming over the semiconductor industry since forever, so to sharply discount the entire sector because of a new threatening talk is not realistic and fair. ASML is not the bellwether for the entire semi industry. It also comes down to management competency, competitive advantages and products in pipeline. I think you’re right wrt to AMD, people have been favoring that one too much while there are definitely threats out there for example Intel said they are close to gaining on AMD. But there won’t a be a sector wide selloff, however the winners and losers will now become apparent. In the H2 of 2024 we will see which company really has an competitive edge / moat and which one have just been lifting on the Ai semi trend wave. I would recommend to choose your position carefully and not blatantly sell off everything. Companies in my scope: ARM, AMD, Nvidia, Intel, AVGO, ASML, TSM, SMCI, Meta, Microsoft, AAPL. Probably there are more but I expect some to show sharp corrections while others will thrive further

I've been saying AVGO and NVDA are like twins. One goes up, so does the other and vice versa


-1800 on AVGO call a month ago. -900 Spy 0dte $553 July 19 c. Everything else is theta decay


Same shit happened earlier this year in April when all the semis dropped and slowly recovered. TSM went from the 145-150 to 125-135 ranges and then climbed to new ATH. I expect this to repeat with 165-170 crab walking around to the 180’s until August and then back up to 200+ when NVDA and AVGO report. I bought 300 shares at 136 and have been buying more this week

AVGO is the same but a bit more violent


I’m just gonna throw this out there… “Hammer time” Pelosi recently dropped $5 million on leap calls for AVGO.


Poor man's covered call, I use YouTube everyday so it's def a company Peter Lynch would want me to invest in lol. I'm going to go all in on SMH, margin and all, and hold. TSM is undervalued right now, AVGO, and NVDA's not done with Blackwell's sold out + huge R&D news supposedly coming soon. Getting the semi ETF to hold long term is better option than Google imo. I like ETF's like SMH, XLK, QQQ and QLD mixed for 1.5 returns, In this case, rather hold shares instead of a LEAP. Google's premiums kinda tame as well. I have LEAPs on Robinhood, HIMS and Palantir. HIMS is a shit company will leave if next earning's are weak but their weight loss meds safer than what NVO and LLY were touting.

im still trying to understand what role AVGO plays in AI. networking? nvidia is working on their own custom networking hardware. I would assume QCOM is a good alternative to nvidia due to edge AI computing, but market doesn't think so


I prefer Broadcom (AVGO) over AMD as an AI play. Taiwan invasion threat is overblown. I think TSM is a good investment opportunity.


Made some money on AVGO in the morning than lost it all buying SERV at the top ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Come on AVGO, go below 157


Bought some more AVGO in both my taxable and IRA ccounts


AVGO 155 eod


How are people not buying AVGO after Nancy’s big bet? She’s like undefeated


You can literally open up the daily chart on stocks like NVDA, TSM and AVGO, check every overnight vs intra-day movements and see exactly what I mean bro

AVGO, yes or no? [\_/status/1814027424319098888](


AVGO: SELLING 50% (2.1B) SPLIT SHARES (4.2B) likely to continue for next 30 days (<130M sold since split). I know...WE ALL KNOW! "It's AI!"... Save your breath. Argument Tiresome. TREES DON'T GROW TO THE SKY. AVGO PRICE /SALES=17 (Split HYPE Frothy) GAPS GET FILLED (6/12 150H; 6/25 $156L) Target $143 reflects a pull-back to 5/15 break-out high (see chart)

Hold and buy the dip. Nvidia is a 3 trillion dollar company! Apple too. Their futures are stellar. Rocket lab is doing ok thru this. I also like Tempus Ai and Asteria labs… AVGO too. This will pass and Ai tech stocks will prosper soon enough. Remain calm.


AVGO literally cant go tits up![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


AVGO is in talks to make Ai chips for OpenAI. Is that old news?


Damn this just confirmed AVGO is ripping tomorrow to 175+ lmao gonna try to get in those morning calls FAST


AVGO rippy mode tomorrow. 170+ would be beautiful


Do you guys think Nancy dumped her AVGO calls already?


BUY BUY BUY! I bought more AVGO, CRWD and LLY