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You don't have the faintest idea as to what he's saying. He is SELLING the cash secured put. He gains the theta. If, for some ungodly reason, GOOG falls further - sayyyy, ITM - he gets assigned at the strike price the put sold for LESS the cost of the put, thereby making entry price cheaper. It's one leg of a wheel strategy and a way to make better entries for yourself, or consistent gains without hold risk. You understand far less than you think you do about all of this. Long-dated IMO options are best left for leveraged exposure WITHOUT exercising while leaving you extremely nimble with further derivatives. Stop.


No, I mean let's say you want to add GOOG to your portfolio today. You want 200 shares. You could pay 168.80 a share, *or* you could sell 2 165 strike puts for next week. If GOOG drops below 165, you bought the 200 shares for a price of 165 minus the price you sold the puts. Or you pocket the premium and do it again next week.


You holding shares of GOOG, Microsoft, Apple or Amazon?


It very well could have been. But it's gonna take NVDA, GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN to be on board to make that happen

LULU, WBD, GOOG, DIS and DNUT if you feeling really spicy

largest to small: Voo, SCHD, APPL, MSFT, GOOG, VTI, QQQ, COST, RTX, PLTR, NVDA, and few other small holding.

Hit every one except GOOG calls, bravo


Any reason for being bearish for those three stocks? I thought GOOG earnings were good and they have so much cash that could acquire something big in the future. AMD, as long as they get more marketshare I think they will be fine. MSFT, no idea.

Imagine selling GOOG, ASML, MSFT and holding GRND. Puh.

Sold my shares and went all in on GOOG ITM calls September 110c. I need high leverage


It was all already priced in. You guys playing in the fast casual restaurant space are about to learn that these are... just restaurants. They aren't the next $GOOG or $META. They don't have a moat. Restaurants come and go. $CMG, $SG, $CAVA, $WING, etc.. these have made people a lot of money but now they're going to take back what they've given.

I dipped a bit into GOOG and AMAZON just to see it fall since then.


GOOG=Dog Face Pony Soldier


Switch my GOOG position to COIN because 🌽


$GOOG $GOOG GAH GAH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


i'm confused too but bought the dip on GOOG. I'll sell before Sundar opens his mouth on the next earnings call though


Long term GOOG is a buy. Who knows what will happen short term


I'd argue GRND and NVDA have far more short-term downside potential than MSFT and GOOG.

I don’t think AMD is going anywhere for awhile. Not too bullish on GOOG and MSFT for the rest of the year either.

Am I taking crazy pills for loading GOOG calls? I mean is anyone really going to stop "Googling" everything and start "Search GPTing"? I feel like ChatGPT could basically already be used as a "search engine", no? What's this supposed Search GPT really going to change? If you wanted to go to AI to get answers for questions, you already could.


Generational entry? GOOG is up 30% from a year ago


TSLA n GOOG. The only red all across the board ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


$GOOG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) BTFD




should i get back in on GOOG now that its dipped and we are done with the earnings fuckshow for a while ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


GOOG sell off is huge


Come on GOOG!...


AAPL, GOOG, TSLA all down but QQQs are still pumping. Interesting.

Looks like everyone on Wall Street has short term memory loss. We've already forgot about Mango man's words or kinda meh GOOG earnings. It's time to pump this bitch for AAPL and MSFT earnings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think someone was trading GOOG earning this week knowing about OpenAI's announcement beforehand


Why tf did I just buy a GOOG 165 call😭


Jesus GOOG... you'd think someone made a law that we can't "Google" questions anymore and now you have to "SearchGPT" stuff. This seems like a huge overreaction...


And the judges give GOOG three 10's for that beautiful cliff dive to clinch the Olympic gold medal!!! Wooooooo!!!!


I'm going to hold my GOOG 170P contracts till close


My GOOG puts are printing!!!


Considering selling my entire portfolio to buy GOOG and MSFT . GOOG much cheaper though


Hilarious what happens to GOOG, fundamentals seem to mean shit and the forward PE is cheap af. Shares loaded.


Stocks that are overbought are not always safe bets. Not saying that GOOG or NVDA are not safe.


Interesting - I would have guessed that META has the highest correlation as both generate most of their revenue von online ads. TTD has also a very string correlation with GOOG.


As I understand it GOOG fell because of high capex looking forward due to AI investments. I am much more cool with that, than if they didn’t invest a lot in AI, so I think they are foing the right thing here. Or am I missing something?


NKE seems like a decent gamble for a couple years. RTX is at an ATH but has been killing it. CRWD isn't going anywhere , BA another gamble but maybe if they go back down to 170s. GOOG just got a nice haircut. F same thing, GM another one that should bounce back given time. There's a good amount. personally if you don't see anything maybe hold a couple weeks and see what happens with Earnings.

It happens. What you have to understand is semis are dangerous. Even with AI craze, they can still fall 50% in a recession, which happens every 4 years or so. GOOG said as much their infrastructure spending was high, that is chips! If their revenue slows they will immediately stop future plans to buy chips. Not to scare you. Just don't assume they can't go down and diversify. Have a price where you will buy more or sell. But make the plan ahead of time. I knew someone who bought bank of america at 5. You can sat they were lucky, but this guy literally watched it fall 90%, had the patience not to get in early and get smoked, and wasn't afraid in the end. Nearly impossible to do.


Pre market questionable, I don’t see GOOG holding today


GOOG pe 24, fwd pe 21 is NOT priced for incredible growth. If anything it's pricing in a slowdown 


Nah I'm actually super confident about this play lol. AMZN is the cheapest it's been in many years with no signs of slowing down. 18x EV/EBITDA and the 10 year median is 30x, 11x '25 EBITDA, and 3.2 P/S ratio which is the cheapest of the MAG7 It's also only a matter of time before they announce a dividend/buyback with the cash they're sitting on and continuing to print ($80b cash + ∼$60b '24 FCF). They're the only $1T+ company left without a dividend. They're also projected to have double the FCF of Nvidia and NVDA is still worth 50% more There's also a case to make about Bezos refusing to sell a single share below $200. He was aggressively quick selling $6B worth in 7 days earlier in February. Now he’s taking his sweet time with the 25M share sale plan being patient waiting for the $200 mark? I guess this indirectly tells us he believes Q2 earnings print will give AMZN no reason to dip below $200. He’d be jumping ship before retail could if that was the case AMZN's recent dip wasn't due to any fundamental reason other than it just trailing other mega caps (GOOG falling on higher capex, semis dying down, SPY taking a hit due to the recent political environment, etc) I definitely see AMZN ripping to $210+ by September on a good Q2 print. The only bear case I can think of is that they significantly increase capex and suffer the same fate of GOOG. Loving the asymmetry here

This is just a pullback. But when real sell starts post US election, it will get scary. Big boys dumping all their cash on big mega cap AAPL MSFT NVDA GOOG. These havent buzzed much. Interesting AAPL holding way above 200.

The opposite is also true. The media hype up $TSLA and $GOOG earnings so much that it was clear big money was using the pump as an exit strategy on some unfortunate souls buying the peak of their rally. Long 0DTE $AAPL calls for the bounce tomorrow.

GOOG is at big risk ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


GOOG is the punching bag, lol


Playing individual stocks is very very hard. Could you put money in GOOG and be fine in 10 years? Absolutely, it seems like a pretty good bet. But, you're taking on a lot of company-specific risk. Google, for example, still draws most of their profit from search. AI is a substantial risk to search because an AI could find things for you using it's own model weights combined with some RAG. It's had a correction, it's down over 10%. If you feel super bullish on it that's a good time to add. But, then again, the market is so strong that 10% correction onlt resets os back to May...of this year... It's not that unusual for stocks to test recent lows. Are you ready to buy here and see it go to 120? If you are a conviction buyer then yes, you just keep adding as it dips.


All you pray for a dip and then get too scared to buy. Grow a pair of balls god dammit. All in on $AMZN $NVDA $AVGO $GOOG see you fucks on the other side ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

GOOG dumped today because OpenAi released SearchGPT


I think their last reported earnings had just over 50% of their revenue coming from the search engine's advertising. Advertising was something around 75% of their reported revenue. I right now think GOOG(L) is heavily-reliant on ads, doing a good job managing that reliance, and a lot of the discounted price is because you would be speculating on whether or not the spend on their non-ad streams will result in better revenue, margins, lower operating expenses, etc.


Techs power is their moat. Incompetent leadership can erode that, allowing competitors to catch up (See Intel). Hard to say with GOOG


ChatGPT threatening it more directly today with its search engine product. We shall see how it plays out and if chatGPT has the funds and patience from MSFT to try and eat market share from GOOG. I’m betting, no.


My 2025 GOOG calls will come back.  My Nov 2024 AAPL calls will come back.  I have to stay strong dammit. 


GOOG currently PE is only 24…slightly higher than forward PE of 20. McDonald’s current PE is think Google only worths as much as McDonald’s?


I believe if MSFT reports good or bad it’s going to affect GOOG


I mean TSLA earning was horrible, but like it was expected lol. GOOG did well in line, with growth in cloud, still tanked. I guess the upside is that this downturn looks much like the April one, which hopefully means a rebound is in order next week


When fear starts to enter the market, few are rationally thinking about forward P/E ratios. Is it overblown? Maybe. Is it over? Who knows. The rotation out of tech into small caps and other sectors continues. Typically, this is not a sustainable situation. Thus, either tech will end its correction soon and rebound to catch up, or Russell 2000 and other beneficiaries of this rotation will start to sell off as well. Note, GOOG dropped because of SearchGPT news from OpenAI. Too early to say whether or not this will have a serious impact, but there is certainly potential to disrupt their primary source of income.


r u as sure of this as you were of GOOG? FUCK


Looks like you got your wish with GOOG


Yup was only saved from the GOOG/TSLA dump cause I bought NFLX calls and it decided to pump early before dumping allowing me to get out in one piece.

GOOG and Microsoft pulled back 15% approximately


I think it's because Tesla is still, basically, a start up. And I say that because I have to wonder: is there any company in any industry currently building for the future as much as Tesla? If there is, please let me know. I don't think so. Best of all, I think Tesla is trying to build a future that we all want: cleaner and smarter. Peeps decried AMZN's and GOOG's outrageous PEs in their early days.


!banbet GOOG 175 9d


Holy shit GOOG is getting slaughtered this week


alright. GOOG doesn't deserve this.


!banbet $GOOG AUG 9 $175 CALL


Can’t believe GOOG still gettin dumped


GOOG is just teasing my foreskin


GOOG 180 eow


OpenAI demoed SORA but never released but ADBE goes down. OpenAI demoed gpt-4o but never released. OpenAI announces SearchGPT with no release date but GOOG stock went down. How long will they get away with fake promises?


GOOG in shambles


GOOGL is a verb. GOOG luck getting that out of your vocabulary ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882). No one in developing countries use ChatGPT to search for anything.


Rotation out of GOOG & MSFT into NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

It literally says SearchGPT FOR GOOGLE (or Microsoft Edge), it's a Plug In, how tf is that gonna kill GOOG


Guess the 6 million in GOOG puts was inside info


Thanks for the reentry for GOOG 175c 1/25 🤣🤣👌


APPL about to shit like GOOG


Wow they murdered GOOG


I want the NVDA chart to look like the GOOG chart


GOOG is overpriced trash. Puts printing![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


chatgpt got GOOG in shambles


GOOG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


GOOG got the f’n memo


GOOG can’t turn green and TSLA casually up 4% ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Sold my TEAM, bought some more GOOG and CRWD, honestly somewhat disappointed I didn't buy mongo at the low. I don't believe in that product but it was still probably an easy buy at that price.


Cmon GOOG do sum![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


GOOG and META about to go green ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Unreal bounce on GOOG just after I sold my calls Literally every time


MSFT and META just casually dropping because GOOG beat expectations
