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23 YO aimless investor. Looking for advice/feedback to improving it. 7/25/2024 - VTI (76.9%) - AMZN (7.2%) - GOOGL (7.0%) - MSFT (6.6%) - AAPL (2.3%)

NVDA operates in a cyclical industry that has historically had a lot of boom and bust periods. Just look at where NVDA's EPS went YoY in the last decade, they've had multiple years of it shooting up or down 30%+. So given it's cyclicality, and sky high valuation, yes you're definitely taking a big risk buying NVDA now in ways that you aren't if you by GOOGL.


max-pain for GOOGL tomorrow is 177.50 and since max-pain is right 100% of the time that means my calls are safe ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Definitely GOOGL or AMZN


GOOGL had always traded in the lower 20s. Tesla is an over priced POS. No sensational story here. Except, OP and I buying calls.


Calls that have and are expiring worthless NVDA, GOOGL, AAPL, SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

Oh this is called IV crush. The lesson I’ve learned in over 2 years of options trading is never EVER hold contracts over earnings unless it’s a runner after u made plenty of profit off of that trade. Be ready to lose it all.. OR it could’ve been a little bit better if u had a contract a few weeks further away from this Fridays. I’ve had about three hard lessons on why not to hold over earnings. The first one GOOGL, I had made plenty of money on this trade and then I got a little cocky and didn’t get rid of contracts w a $1300 total profit. I learned that I should’ve got rid of all but maybe 1 of them. Even just taken $1k risk off before the close and risked the $300 contract, I’d most likely have avoided a huge drawdown and I went on a long losing streak after all that what the fomo was I thinking(greedy) mental breakdown so I started to revenge trade with higher risk trades to eventually blow up my account for the first time. It is a very strict rule that I have for a reason. I have a few times where it’s gone in my favor but more so it has gone against me. Good luck!


Yeah, I went through all my stocks and picked out the ones with low P/E ratios. It was between more of TSM, AMZN, or GOOGL. But I didn’t know if there was a more obvious one with a lower market cap and bigger room to grow.

Do you think it will overtake GOOGL? And why?


GOOGL is a good buy at the price it is at right now.


I don’t think generative AI is going to replace GOOGL at all, it is many times more expensive to do a search on any Gen AI application, has huge hallucination problems, huge credibility problems and almost no monetizability. ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity are all pet projects that do not make any profit currently, and it is foolish to expect them to any time soon.


What change is happening with GOOGL’s market share of search advertising/search engine usage? Didn’t you just link me a sight that showed GOOGL’s search staying at +90% flat for an eternity it seemed?


I see no change already happening or gradually taking steps to taking GOOGL’s market share. I can envision that someone like OpenAI may come out one day with a search engine that is magical compared to GOOGL. I think history moves in leaps and bounds and is unpredictable in general. It will not take small steps, it will jump out of nowhere.


Big Dawg, I am down about $35,000 in my GOOGL contracts. They are LEAPS though. I think we have time to recover.


True. Agreed. These Bozos on Wall Street do not have any vision at ALL. They only see Gen. AI products and see money everywhere. They do not see the ground shaking potential of the things that GOOGL DeepMind and the like produce.


I am just agnostic towards the idea of people being confident that SearchGPT and Bing will replace GOOGL. Nobody has made that argument in this thread. Google will obviously be king, but their dominant space in search is certainly being challenged and they have been proven to be vulnerable to competition on that end. We shall see how this continues to develop, but I am glad more companies are becoming more competitive.


How does GOOGL make these chips?


How does GOOGL make computer chips, don’t they need very specialized equipment that is sterile and controlled for?


I am not against the idea of GOOGL losing market share. I am just agnostic towards the idea of people being confident that SearchGPT and Bing will replace GOOGL. I just think the reason GOOGL may fall is extremely hard to determine and unforeseeable until it actually happens. Until then GOOGL will stay dominant as the search advertising king, until they are not.


Bro. The GOOGL market share of searches shows an almost completely flat line at the top of graph making up around 90% every year? Isn’t that what you just showed me?


I wonder what they consider “AI spending”. AI is a very serendipitous term that gained a huge gain in popularity only recently. Are they just spending on data centers? Because that’s what it seems GOOGL is spending on


Anyone knows why GOOGL is dropping so hard?


People will call it copium but today had bullish signs. Even though the morning V failed, it showed interest in buying. Some Ber were probably covering. Follow thru of relentless selling is much worse. Now is the time to rotate cash or money in things that held up into beaten down monsters like META, GOOGL. * *Always disciplined* * *Always humble* * *Always hungry* * *BTFD*


Really? How much? Last time I checked, Bing rev only gained 2% YTD in their Q1 while GOOGL search rev gained 14% YTD in Q1?


Probably a lot in data centers. They are already spending billions on data centers in places I would not expect them to have Ohio, Indiana, CBOE, other countries. I wonder what they will do with them? It may not be popular, but I want GOOGL to partner with the government more. Maybe they can use the data centers as those crazy NSA data centers or for some weird In-Q-Tel CIA projects. MSFT is very actively involved in the military industrial complex but GOOGL has taken a stance against the MIC.

The earnings expectations for GOOGL this time looked super out of this world compared to the rest of the predictions on Yahoo Finance, IDK why they keep such high expectations?


Why is GOOGL utter gunk these days? As far as I know, it would be absolutely unexpected for a new search engine that is as widely known and distributed as GOOGL is to replace GOOGL search.


I guaran-fucking-tee you that OpenAI does not have anything magical in the works that GOOGL hasn’t developed already. They are a hype train of non-sense, while GOOGL is the ultimate failure to deliver/monetize company. They give away shit like the transformers model that ChatGPT is based on, for free. Not very good at producing monetized products besides their main revenue source. AlphaFold could have been a huge product for GOOGL but they open sourced it. I really don’t like the management at GOOGL though, I feel they have become too comfortable and need to be shook up. I would like Eric Schmidt or Larry Page as CEO still.


Were they all once as dominate as GOOGL is now? We are in a winner takes all world, and GOOGL has been dominating for a while.


I bought GOOGL I think in 2014 but I don't agree with a lot of the decisions the company has done like giving away Niantic for free then giving them money. They also don't even own all of Waymo as it was funded by external parties.


LOL, GOOGL beat earnings and has phenomenal growth potential. I don’t know WTF the stock market is doing, but I am a long term investor. I wish I was not hammered so hard by GOOGL stock plummeting though.


What future could you see where GOOGL is not the dominate search engine in the world and does not come back?


Why is NVDIA still considered expensive with their earnings reports and all of GOOGL’s spending on AI? Do people not want NVDA chips anymore?


Has any search engine really displaced GOOGL? Bing already has been in existence for a long time and nobody uses it.


All I need is GOOGL to go 3.7% tomorrow and ill be happy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Can GOOGL DeepMind finally start operating as a business


GOOGL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Lowest GOOGL has been in months


Wanted to buy GOOGL puts at end but was too late ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


i have $GOOGL puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275) had them for earnings too. Had puts on a lot of things ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)up 100% this week


GOOGL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Nice. I would stay away from CRWD though. Are those shares or what are buying for GOOGL and the others?


GOOGL search is so much easier and better


Watch their gonna release an article saying 1M people already signed up and then GOOGL is going to drop another -2%, even though 1M people is a drop in the bucket compared to Google’s daily users lmao


Big overreaction in GOOGL from my opinion


LMAO. OpenAI and MSFT will go bankrupt before taking away any market share from GOOGL search. A new startup like perplexity may not though…


ChatGPT just announced they are making an AI search engine to challenge GOOGL


Just yolo'd GOOGL. It can't possibly go any lower on positive earnings. Right?...???????


SearchGPT! $GOOGL falling to $20 tomorrow!


How can one tell if it’s the algo’s like with $ALL and not the algo’s as with the $GOOGL move? I would think you could probably see the market makers on lvl 2, but the algo’s move so fast that by the time any of us got there we wouldn’t even be able to catch that and even then they could just be using an ECN


I'm gonna need you regards to sell your GOOGL calls so the V can commence 


Just a generalized search app, that gets you all your information. I get it. But how will it get past the hallucinations and market presence that GOOGL has?


you can see exact point where I thought GOOGL stabilized and bought in


Too soon to say it's not a threat? Nah. Perplexity is awesome but it doesn't take money away from GOOGL. If anything probably sends more lucrative search their way.


GOOGL gonna take cuckgpt behind the Wendy’s dumpster ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


GOOGL bounced off the low of today. Investors rightly concluded SearchGPT is not a threat.


GOOGL is a verb. GOOG luck getting that out of your vocabulary ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882). No one in developing countries use ChatGPT to search for anything.


People who bought $GOOGL calls on that dip now getting eaten away by IV and Theta


Billions of people know what GOOGL is. GOOGL is a verb. CUCKGPT is a gey Sam Altman prototype


That $GOOGL sell off wasn't really algos so it's not gonna jump back up that fast


GOOGL got fucked. Who's next? Please let it be TSLA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


GOOGL overreaction to chat gpt news. Great reentry point ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


What happens to GOOGL ?! Let me guess, a lot of you bought calls, didn't you.


How is SearchGPT different from Perplexity, which I love but don't see as a competitor to GOOGL.


So far my best performers today are SSD (construction supplier) +4.3%, SATS (communications) +3.8%, and HAL (drilling supplier) +3.8% My worst performer is, no surprise, Ford at -17.3%. Other than that CAG and GOOGL are each down ~1.5%

GOOGL looking tasty to buy some calls here


GOOGL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


GOOGL is a very bad companies to play on earnings. Even if you bought on the right direction, the IV crush of it would kill you too. GOOGL has stupidly large IV crush after earnings.


What will make GOOGL go up?


lol. Good point. But they really missed out on making AlphaFold into a subscription service or a product in general. I think it could have net GOOGL so much profit.


TSLA you have no business bouncing while GOOGL is flat  this market is so regarded


!banbet GOOGL 176 1d


$ GOOGL skyrocketing ​​​​​​![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


$ GOOGL skyrocketing ​​​​​​![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


$ GOOGL skyrocketing ​​​​​​


$ GOOGL skyrocketing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


GOOGL ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


That is a quick recovery by GOOGL?


I dumped my GOOGL @ 185; thought i was a genius. Took all thise profits and can't stop DCAing NVDA. @122, 117, 110, 113.. fkn sickness. I do have a lot of NVDA though..


AAPL stuck at $218 GOOGL stuck at $172


Bought GOOGL $200C - 11/14 Exp @ $2.91 costs yesterday morning. Going to sit on these fuckers for the next run up


They will. Continue to cry that a Forward PE 23, cash printing monster like GOOGL with **40%** YoY is still "overvalued" and "irrational".


AAPL and GOOGL trying to get back up there too. They’re almost at their V


GOOGL literally tanked when the CEO was answering


That one person during GOOGL’s call: how are you gonna make money from AI? Whole market: wait yeah…📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉


Bought that flush on AMZN, GOOGL, NVDA. Caught the lows on both accounts. Maybe we still go a bit lower but those are great levels. Got some SOXL too.

now, if only GOOGL could go green... that'd be great.


You're a fucking idiot. GOOGL is Forward PE of 23 and reported **40%** YoY profit growth.


Why GOOGL whhhhyyyy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)
