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Fed tax prep is coming. Finally

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Advise on selling some of my holdings - GOOGL, META, INTU, CRM

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IRS Will Pilot Free Direct File Program For 2024 Tax Season For Taxpayers In Some States

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If you're holding (INTU) Intuit, how concerned are you that TurboTax always seems to be in the crosshairs?

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What stocks should we care about that report earnings this week?

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Loss Porn: Dangers of Antidepressants and a gambling addiction

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$INTU (Intuit - TurboTax) is in trouble

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$INTU going to the moon on news that FTX uses Quickbooks

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Favorite Stock 4 the Week Ahead

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Intuit (INTU) Dividend Stock - Time To Get In Tu It❓

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How to Become a Millionaire - Earnings Week of 5/23

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PUTs on the market for next week

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Check out TurboTax comments on Facebook then check out INTU 🌈🐻

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Da gains, what a bull run!

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TurboTax IntuShit Short Play

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Overpriced less popular stocks propping up S&P 500

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$INTU 10 Bagger

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Pick your 5 growth stocks for 2022

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Did I miss something? BILL was up 30% This Friday is up 1,000% from 20s to near 300 in 18 months? Any opinions? 27 Billion dollar company?

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The Most Optimistic Stocks covered in the news over a mid week period (8/22-8/25)

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INTU earnings play; +$8,000.

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Here's Your Daily Market Brief For August 23rd

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Buying Square stock is like buying JP Morgan in 1871: analyst

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A lot of new investors in 2021, how to capitalize besides INTU

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

An earnings gamble with low IV and high historical movement: $HRB is going to kill it


Did you sell? Because I just looked and INTU is over 20% annualized total return since 1994.


INTU is a monster 680 EOD


INTU is so free


INTU 670 easy


Lol at INTU's post earnings collapse followed by the recovery


What you outline summarizes a lot of how I feel about the stock. I bought into INTU right before it shot up months ago, then bought some more when it dipped recently. Unfortunately it's recovered a good amount since then. IMO the loss of a million free subscribers is a nothing burger given that they're... you know, paying nothing since they're free.

r/stocksSee Comment

This tends to be the consensus among most actual people. I actually think the most expensive part of the market is the second tier tech companies. ADBE, ADSK, INTU....I worry more about their valuation than MSFT.

Honestly at some point this needs to be priced in for INTU. Everyone has known about this for a while and as best I can tell they've guided accordingly. Intuit's growth is largely on the back of Quickbooks with larger and more reliable income streams. The free government thing will certainly work for people with relatively straightforward tax situations, but there's always the risk that it loses its funding and the plug gets pulled because we as citizens rarely get nice things these days. Their biggest dumdum move was shutting down Mint instead of just finding a way to monetize it with something better than a bunch of leadgen credit card ads. They basically just handed a big fat check to Rocket, Monarch, etc. They also paid a stupid amount of money for Mailchimp and I'd expect them to write that investment down if they haven't already (although it probably makes way more money than Credit Karma). Disclosure - I own INTU, though I'm *very* disappointed in it.


*INTU gonna get punted from the DOW 30 and replaced by NVDA after the split.*

Looks like some folks were way ahead of you. INTU has dropped from $670 to $560s within the last 2 weeks. HRB fell from $54 to a low near $48 before rebounding.


Kinda priced in but not fully imo. INTU down $100 from last week and probably will go down a lot more in tax season when people realize you can do it for free on a government website


HRB (HR Block) INTU (Intuit, owners of TurboTax)




I am eyeing the INTU dip If it's perpetuated by concerns that free tax software will be available, I don't buy that argument. There are many free options available now. I doubt the IRS version will drastically sway those that already use an accountant or pay a few bucks for a paid service. It's also only one of their revenue streams.


I had a $235 that I sold for a small gain and got a INTU put instead. Fuck me. Could have been a 30 bagger

r/stocksSee Comment

I don’t know why INTU went down today after earnings? They beat revenue, increased their guidance. What gives ?


*INTU calls in shambles. Glad I missed that one.*


Played INTU earnings, one lonely 625 put, paid $1.57, looks like I should get a decent return


I would argue the small businesses targets of INTU are doing markedly WORSE than the Russell 2k.


I shorted. Russell 2k are public firms, not the small business targets of INTU. Will look to buy INTU long on further weakness. Great company.


Makes sense. Positive outlook I guess. I just hope INTU for some reason jumps.


Intuit is one of the worst companies in the world, constantly lobbying congress not to simplify the tax code and always fucking you whether you're a small business owner or a tax filer with hidden charges and constant upsells. Die INTU, Die!


Another one of these. They beat with earnings call. Why is their stock falling? It’s the second time this happened with WDAY. ( didn’t put my money there thankfully but put some money on INTU which does the same anyway)


Guys can someone explain to this here regard noob, why INTU is falling if snapshot show EPS beat and raised guidance? Yes, stock market is complicated and all that, but I’d like to actually know which possible factor I just missed. Also: Happy with my DECK and ROST bets

My people! INTU puts!


Have a strong feeling my INTU puts will print bigly tomorrow


quick flip on the INTU short. love the company though, will be investing in this at some point. CNBC saying they gave great guidance actually, which I believe.


Bro, INTU tanked :)


10 minute rabbit hole on INTU leaves me incredibly impressed with the business. they were all over AI last year, and the toolset looks like it would be helpful for small biz, particularly the integration of mailing campaigns. []( but they boofed mint, perhaps to transition customers to Credit Karma which I think has more paid features than Mint (totally free...). damn I'm pretty torn on this short/long call into AH.


anyone playing INTU earnings after hours? strongly considering a short, but the "AI AI AI" spam on the conference call is likely, and the integration of that tech there actually does make some sense, particularly for helping regarded would be accountants keep their books in order. I'm torn. Also kinda expect a bounceback green market tomorrow, so it would be an AH buy to cover regardless. what are your thoughts fellow 'gards?

r/stocksSee Comment

I think INTU is a great idea. Other high quality Growth I think you can safely DCA into for years and sleep well at night: AVGO,  ADSK, VEEV, NOW, FTNT, AMAT. OR if you are prepared for a little more risk with even greater upside potential: DT is an emerging leader in a rapidly growing sector.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

PP INTU AZZ with a little ANL is the play for Monday, folks. You’re welcome.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

PP INTU AZZ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

r/stocksSee Comment

INTU - bought 150 shares at $74.28 in December of 2013. Been cranking out 23%/year compounded returns ever since. Paid ~$11K and worth ~$98K now. Averaging ~$8,500/year.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

MA, INTU, COST, VICI, TXRH, CP, SPGI, UNG. Right now most of them are honestly overpriced cause of everything being all time high but they all have very strong history with growing their dividends. Good luck bro ima be lookin for your 500 bagger post🙏🏽🙏🏽

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Everyone miffed on PATH. Hell the 25% last Q was because these earnings were predicted. Next Q rev below expectations and trading around 9x rev and only recently profitable. INTU trades at 12x rev and prints effing money. PATH is flat because that's what it's worth. They need to buyback a massive amount of shares before we sniff $30.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Turbo tax charging 209 just for submitting a 1099b from the broker ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) POS They didn’t even do anything besides gather the forms… puts on INTU ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

r/investingSee Comment

It’s balanced across tech (APPL, MSFT, GOOG, AMZN, INTU), energy (CVX), consumer (TJX, Costco, Pepsi, Disney, Nike) banks (JPM, CFR), etc. (medTech, biz services, real assets)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The IRS don't judge but your accountant will. That's why I use Intuit, calls on INTU

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Puts on INTU, they cracked support today. Betting on follow through to the negative for a few more days.

r/stocksSee Comment

IRS could have released a free version of Turbo Tax in the last 20 years. It's not the lack of engineers that prevented them from doing so. It's political contribution from companies like INTU.

r/stocksSee Comment

This is such a leap of logic to land on shorting Intuit because TurboTax is doomed. Al will replace software engineering -> software engineers will hit the market for cheap -> the IRS reverses decades of behavior and decides to create a free federal program to rival TurboTax-> the IRS hires these bargain software engineers, making the program finally feasible -> the new IRS free platform is a success and at no point can INTU’s massive lobbying operation derail it -> no more TurboTax, INTU short position to the moon. I wouldn’t put my hard earned money up for that thesis but you do you. I will be shorting Berkshire because imagine Warren buffet turns into a giraffe, the stock would collapse overnight.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Not spending $100 more on a mar 1 nvidia call instead of a 2/23 and using that said $100 to buy INTU $535 p

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Loaded INTU $535 and $605p for tomorrow

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

and nobody said INTU puts ;(

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Please let my INTU puts make me money

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU ER….revenue good but guidance weak, stock dropping 3-4%

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

LUNR shares CVNA 44P and 40P SQ 66C WBD 9P and 11C LYV 100C NU 11C and 12C RKT 11.5C SMCI 900P INTU 630C ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Loaded to tits on INTU $535 and $605 puts. Never heard of the company. Never used it. Don’t like the name. Pls drop

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Buying calls on which? INTU or SQ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone playing INTU and/or SQ earnings?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone playing INTU and/or SQ?

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define technology stocks, but with anything i like companies that have two things going for them, they do something real and there is a sticky cost for the customer to switch....or the end user has little say in top two would be MSFT and APPL......alternatively i'd also toss in Roper technologies, ADBE, AVGO, CSCO, INTU, TXN.

r/stocksSee Comment

I legitimately think this is retail investors greatest edge, paired with a basic understanding of reading financials you can do great. Over the years my best returns have come from this. NVDA, SHOP, INTU, CROX, AMZN, NFLX, AAPL, META

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

That's precisely what I think; also, the same about COST, INTU, SMCI, NVIDIA, etc; regardless of what these companies are delivering, it seems illogical to me that just two months ago, each share was about half what they are right now. And the whole market is relying on those too much. I have a bad feeling about all this, but hey, YOLO.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

It’s a B tier company competing against bigger competitors like INTU and ADP. You can do better in the payroll space. Your money would be treated better in those… or in $SPY.

r/stocksSee Comment

Off the top of my head I go to INTU - taxes GOOG - YouTube and Search META - social media Things people will use regardless of economy

r/stocksSee Comment

I actually read about the Shareholder Vote Exchange concept yesterday on Matt Levine’s bloomberg column “Money Stuff” and made an account. Here is my experience and some observations. - making the account was very fast. I was only asked for my name and email address, and it was instantly approved. I was not asked to provide my brokerage information or SSN - I found emails for the meetings of Visa, Intuit, and some other stocks I own. - finding the emails were a pain. Btwn my partner and myself, we have accounts at M1, Vanguard, Schwab, and Robinnhood and Fidelity. - M1 emails came from - VG emails came from - could not find any emails from Robinhood - Fidelity emails came from - We get so many emails from these brokerages that these voting notifications are so easily missed - In every email from these brokerages, I copied the “control number” and pasted on the website. It took 20-30secs before a dialogue came back saying if it was verified. My $V and $INTU were verified but some others were either expired or restricted - I then listed those votes for sale in the auctions - I’m not super clear what happens next. My expectation is after the meeting, I will get paid whatever my vote sales for. - It’s unclear how this is taxed, although technically if I don’t make $600 then it’s not reportable. I guess if I make $600 extra from my portfolio from votes that’s a good problem to have - the website looks modern but it looks like it was designed 5 years ago. It doesn’t have the look of a crypto website - but it’s not well organized. I found myself backtracking and visiting the same pages multiple times. I guess maybe that’s expected because I’ve never tried something like this in the past Overall, the idea makes a lot of sense. For me personally, every time I get a email asking me to vote or something in the mail, it’s just noise. Like I mentioned earlier, we get so many prospectuses and random notifications from our brokerages that the emails asking me to vote are just garbage. I barely know who the CEO of these companies are. Who am I to vote yes or no for a director? And my vote is not going to make a difference. & on this point, I think that’s what makes trading shareholder proxy votes so interesting. In a political election, one person one vote (ok, yes, the electoral college system makes it so that people in swing states have much more voting power). But in a corporate election, a large shareholder inherently has more voting power. Why not let small shareholders make some money and leave it in the hands of those who care about a shareholder proposal or the such to decide? Maybe passive ETFs can enhance returns by doing the same. Though it’s surprising nobody has tried this in the past? Conceptually, trading shareholder votes feels like something Wall Street should have tried already? I question why this is getting started now and not 10 or 20 years ago. Overall, I am intrigued. I will keep following this story. I would also be curious to read more about them but I could not find much about them online.

r/stocksSee Comment

INTU bought in December of 2013. Been cranking out 25%/year compounded returns for a decade. Then AAPL ADBE NVDA

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU puts or CRWD puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU or CRWD puts tomorrow?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

sorry I meant INTU

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU puts tomorrow morning?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU puts?

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Use Intuit Turbo Tax, if you do my INTU stock will go up, which means i'll pay more taxes, which means INTU goes up even more, and it will be a never-ending positive feedback loop. Not really, but Turbo Tax does make it easy.

r/stocksSee Comment

Your list is very good. I love INTU but at the price your return is marginal. I would buy TMF at these prices as the up side into 2024-2025….is a great r/r

r/stocksSee Comment

Alex already moving forward on some more executive changes at paypal: [,1]( "Michelle Gill is joining PayPal as EVP, General Manager of a newly formed Small Business and Financial Services Group" He seems to be moving pretty fast to try and re-sculpt the C-suite to his liking which includes the focus on SMB which was his strong point at INTU, what is to be seen is can he produce results.

r/stocksSee Comment

Why does INTU’s chart look the way it does over the last few years?

r/stocksSee Comment

INTU, HRB New IRS Direct file program does not bode well for tax prep firms long term.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

They know what you grossed. It is on you to reduce your liability by reporting your expenses and deductions. That 500 + billion in unreported income is from 1099s that were sent to the IRS by companies that utilize “Independent contractors aka gig workers” and once the IRS gets a hold of all the ride share and delivery drivers and force them to file that $500 billion will be reduced to $500 million. Short Uber and Lyft and go long on HRB and INTU

r/StockMarketSee Comment

INTU 12/3/2013 150 shares $74.28/share. Currently $538.08 which is 22.41% annualized return. Wish they would split these 5:1.

r/stocksSee Comment

I think AI will be adopted in this space of tax preparation for simple to medium. For complex, an accountant will still be needed. So I don't think that INTU is a good long term play.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU to the moon

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

i only trade QQQ, TQQQ, SPY, INTU AND TSLA. Sometimes AMD. AMD is where i lost all money 2022. i draw support and resistance lines, not the best so i confirm with a youtuber called thestockchannels. He has great TA Also OpenBB can give you support and resistance if you configure it right.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Buy $INTU calls

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

So NOW that INTU beat all the ANALysts are raising their price targets. Too late. My calls expire EOD. I'm fukt.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

*INTU beat and not mooning. Fuck.*

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$INTU upvote to buy calls downvote to buy puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Calls on INTU

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

INTU earnings tomorrow

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Hey choose one (I think puts) DLTR ULTA INTU Play similar to DKS : ASO HIBB ...venmo me if you win big :)

r/stocksSee Comment

INTU up over 25% this year, seems oversold.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lots of PayPal bears our here. It’s like saying INTU or Turbo tax is dead because IRS provides tax preparation tools MA, PAYPAL VISA, FISERV, Apple Pay …. Financial technology JPM, BAC, USB, PNC…. BANKS SPGI, MOODYs, Fitch …. CREDIT RATING AGENCIES Just to name a few…. You see all these companies compete with each other, but how come not of them is dead ? I mean JPM offers credit cards, and Amex also offers credit cards . How come none of these companies are dead ? Remember when Facebook was dead because of TIKTOK ?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol … will tech 20 years for FEDNOW to catch up to PayPal . Who wants the FEDS to snooping in on their finances ? The IRS offers taxes services , but INTU or turbo tax is then go to for tax preparations. Think about it

r/StockMarketSee Comment

INTU, MA, PEP, RTX, SPGI are what I bought

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

Looks good, but I need to sell something to get in. Which one do I trim for a better play? INTU, ASO, MSFT, NVDA?

r/stocksSee Comment

INTU does

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Puts on SQ, PYPL, SHOP, and INTU

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30k total, 26m. Any feedback on my portfolio? I have been investing 50% of my income since June 2023. In additional I own about 3 ETH. Am I missing anything important? Roth IRA QQQ - 19% VOOG - 18% FNDF - 17% AMNZ - 9% Brokerage UNP - 8% SPGI - 6% MSFT - 6% CP - 6% VICI - 6% INTU - 4% MA - 3%

r/stocksSee Comment

Please give me feedback 30k total, 26m. Any feedback on my portfolio? I have been investing 50% of my income since June 2023. In additional I own about 3 ETH. Am I missing anything important? Roth IRA QQQ - 19% VOOG - 18% FNDF - 17% AMNZ - 9% Brokerage UNP - 8% SPGI - 6% MSFT - 6% CP - 6% VICI - 6% INTU - 4% MA - 3%

r/stocksSee Comment

Why can’t I post in rate my portfolio? 30k total, 26m. Any feedback on my portfolio? I have been investing 50% of my income since June 2023. In additional I own about 3 ETH. Am I missing anything important? Roth IRA QQQ - 19% VOOG - 18% FNDF - 17% AMNZ - 9% Brokerage UNP - 8% SPGI - 6% MSFT - 6% CP - 6% VICI - 6% INTU - 4% MA - 3%

r/stocksSee Comment

30k total, 26m. Any feedback on my portfolio? I have been investing 50% of my income since June 2023. In additional I own about 3 ETH. Am I missing anything important? Roth IRA QQQ - 19% VOOG - 18% FNDF - 17% AMNZ - 9% Brokerage UNP - 8% SPGI - 6% MSFT - 6% CP - 6% VICI - 6% INTU - 4% MA - 3%

r/stocksSee Comment

30k total, 26m. Any feedback on my portfolio? I have been investing 50% of my income since June 2023. In additional I own about 3 ETH. Am I missing anything important? Roth IRA QQQ - 19% VOOG - 18% FNDF - 17% AMNZ - 9% Brokerage UNP - 8% SPGI - 6% MSFT - 6% CP - 6% VICI - 6% INTU - 4% MA - 3%

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

look at charts for CRM, INTU, NOW

r/stocksSee Comment

I dont think INTU is a growth stock dude
