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r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

Koksal Baba is created by Koksal Baba fans. There is no team wallet and its totally community driven. Our goal is to immortalize Koksal Baba and make him remarkable in crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Sh*t hit the fan, what to do now

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Long - If you had to pick 3 to prioritize over the rest, and invest your hard earned time and money, which would you choose, and why? ADA, AMP, ALGO, DOT, LRC, MANA, MATIC, SOL or XLM? No apex, no meme.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

While everyone talks about BTC, ETH is slowly crawling into the worlds top 10 market caps surpassing VISA and BABA

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

BananaBaby! 🍌| $BABA 🍌| Just Launched! 8% Hourly Banana Rewards!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

🐵 BabyBanana 🍌 New token! | Based team | Low mc | Huge potential!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

NFTs from BABA. Bullish?

r/BitcoinSee Post

bought yesterday at 40k. panic sold at 37k. when short $riot at 31.

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

BABA Coin - father of altcoins or crypto father. Audited! LP locked


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I don't get this. Those coins belong to their customers. It's like if I bought a bunch of BABA shares and my broker went under - instead of returning me my BABA shares, which I **OWN**, they're selling them and buying AAPL. Why/How is this fair?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BABA is seriously undervalued and can unlock value with new structure and less Chinese government involvement.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on $BABA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These types of posts: "hey, cool projects on discount: (and then a bunch of random abbreviations OP bought) BABA, PIPI, HJDJ, IOH , NVHR, BW(HDU, CUM" . Prepare for a dip of ya life

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I am ready to get out of my BABA position at a 50% loss and buy some physical silver instead.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How’s that BABA trade working out for you, Charlie ?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on ALI and BABA. 10000x returns gauranteed

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One can't go BABA without ALI. He's the one that finds the hidden treasure.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on BABA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Munger also buying and supporting communist Chinese government controlled BABA. Pass on this living fossil’s recent philosophies.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Or… What stocks does Charlie Munger own? In Charlie Munger's portfolio as of 31 Dec 2022, the 4 holdings are (BAC) BANK OF AMERICA CORP (43.67%), (WFC) WELLS FARGO & CO (37.68%), (BABA) ALIBABA GROUP HOLDING-SP ADR (15.15%) and (USB) US BANCORP (3.50%).

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Did anyone there ask him why he bought/buys so much Chinese government controlled BABA? Or does he get a pass on tough questions because he’s 999 years old?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Charlie Munger, who is down 70% on his BABA investment, is giving advice?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not very free market of him. Between this and his terrible BABA investment he should just go ahead and move to China and see how he enjoys it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

50% down on BABA…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Never ask a woman her weight, a man his salary, or Charlie Munger what his cost basis is for $BABA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He’s still mad about having to sell 50% of his BABA stock for 20% loss. He just doesn’t want to admit he’s one of us. 😂

r/BitcoinSee Comment

*buys BABA for his long-term portfolio*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just biting the bullet and jumping in. End of 2020 I Sold my BABA stock and bought some ETH. HODL till 2030 babayyyyy!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fuck, right in dem feels man. I know I should sell my BABA position, why did u have to rub that in so hard

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That makes buying gold and silver as an investment a scam too right? Gold ETF's that track the price of gold are also just scams and ponzi schemes too obviously. Buying any Chinese ticker on the US stock market is also "scamming someone else" right? Because stocks like BABA, BIDU don't give you actual ownership into the company... You Buttcoiners are just too smart

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

To add to point two...the market doesn't care about bad news, it cares about unexpected bad (or good) news. If the market cumulatively expects an (1 = world is over, 100 = best thing possible for the company) outcome of 20 on the 1-100 scale, and the outcome is actually 30, a rally will happen because the 20 is priced in while the 30 isn't. It's the reason why BABA being fined a couple billion $ by the CCP caused the stock to rally - market was thinking the CCP had significantly worse interventions and was going to severely dampen the business, while all it did was slap them with a fine that - for them - wasn't much.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This guy is also experiencing 50+% losses on BABA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*”Mummified man yells at sky— tells others to buy BABA”*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is the same man that doubled down on BABA as it tanked 75%. Maybe we shouldn’t listen to a 98 year old man on emerging technologies

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ha! Love these articles. Best not to mention darling **ETFS** like [ARKG]( which are down 70% from their highs, or darlings like [Netflix]( and [Zoom]( which were wholeheartedly massacred from their highs. Or stocks like the "very safe" [Alibaba]( which got melted down from its highs, or [Darlings like Shopify]( or [Snapchat]( Anyone who meets the following criteria should lose their money though: > Jacob Willette, a 40-year-old man in Mesa, Ariz. who works as a DoorDash delivery driver, stored his entire life savings in an account with Celsius that promised high returns. At its peak, the stored value was $120,000, Mr. Willette said. If you *willingly* put your life savings into something that promises high returns and don't even ask a question about whether or not that's a good idea, guess what - You're probably going to get burned. It's high risk high reward for a reason. You just ate the risk.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The bull is running in China . DQ LI BABA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think it is necessary to add a BABA or so

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Every month I take 15% of my paycheck to buy crypto/stocks. I'll keep buying. Stock markets are bleeding today and so is crypto. I'm DCAing NVDA, PLAB and BABA (stocks) and DOT, SOL and AVAX (Crypto). I don't understand how a network like DOT can be so undervalued with so many parachains getting onboard. I've contributed with the last crowdloans of EQ, UNQ and I'm already looking for the next one. SOL and AVAX are essential infrastructure for the future of crypto. It makes no sense for these projects to be so undervalued. We can get financial freedom tomorrow if we take the opportunity today.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Everyone says they are Diamond hands at 20% losses but when it becomes 50% losses, 60% losses and when there is almost no reason left to sell unless you expect it to go to 0, people sell. The fear of losing everything is a very strong feeling to fight. I felt that with BABA shares. Luckily I literally was prepared to lose 100% before i even purchased and "forced" myself to not care less. But when I look at the stock price currently I still feel like a failure and I keep thinking "i could have avoided the loss if i sold earlier". Everytime the price goes up a bit, i'm tempted to sell at "less loss". And I have actually invested in BlackBerry (and still hold the stock), back when it seemed like Iphone was never going to penetrate the Business User. Those who were not here for 2008, don't realise that people have sworn off investing FOREVER due to that crash. We are no where near that yet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

took all the money and bought into BABA lol

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Its crazy, I was telling people to not buy LUNA during the fall because the point of LUNA is to provide exit liquidity for UST and as UST depeg there will be more people exiting UST. People just kept buying.... Obviously they though they could pick the bottom and they all got burnt. Anybody who bought the dip and lost its their own fault. ​ as for me I rode LUNA from the top to the bottom... so that's my own fault. ​ This is no different to me buying BABA and NFLX and ridding it from the top to the bottom. I'm losing everywhere... I also bought the dip on BABA, and lost even more. ​ Moral of story. * Anybody who bought what they thought was the dip and lost on LUNA can't blame anybody but themselves. * Anybody who rode LUNA down from the top to the bottom can't blame anybody by themselves ​ This is just one big casino, whether its on the stock market, crypto market or in a physical casino.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hell, GME, AMC, HOOD, WISH, BABA also happened in the stock market, yet people still take it serious. Memes are now part of culture.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There were 2 camps in Hangzhou, China. BABA shillers and BTC shillers.. Guess which one took him to the massage parlors

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Extra extra.. Munger likes useless BABA a shares over BTC…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Munger bought BABA for a huge loss. He is total noob.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Also don't forget Charlie de dinosaur bought BABA a few months ago and he's down bad bad. Like 40% down or more. Don't listen to them...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How is that $BABA trade working out for him?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It’s easy to talk when you live in a country with banking system and economic freedom. He don’t have to like bitcoin, but I don’t understand why he hates bitcoin so much. Always talking about bitcoin, nobody cares anymore. I don’t like BABA stock and I don’t say anything about it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I got into crypto late. Ive sold my house and bought everything at 60k. Unfortunately, i dont have any fiat left. Im DCAing what I make into non crypto stocks at the moment with most of my stocks in TENCENT and BABA. Im relocating my office to my home for the 2022/23 crash.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Shout out Charlie Munger for buying high and selling low on BABA lmao

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Taking advice from a billionaire usually leads to bad times. Looks at all the people who bought BABA when munger did or bought Verizon when Buffett did. DCA should really be your core strategy though and through.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ummm.. ask a guy who bought Alibaba stock on the cheap and held on as China hauled Jack Ma off to parts unknown because BABA shares were sitting so pretty. Why the Fu*K didn’t I sell then and where is that poor bastard now? My theory is that Jack Ma is wearing an ankle cuff and is somewhere stacking boxes at an Amazon fullfillment center.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’d rather just bury my Bitcoin in my backyard right next to my BABA shares.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No they aren't most Asian stocks are down look at NIO, BABA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

19 BAN has been sent to your [address](! Feeless, and blazing fast. Check out r/banano and the [Banano Discord Server]( There are more than a dozen faucets, check them out for more free Banano.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

19 BAN has been sent to your [address](! Feeless, and blazing fast. Check out r/banano and the [Banano Discord Server]( There are more than a dozen faucets, check them out for more free Banano.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What’s weird about it? Shit definitely hasn’t hit the fan because when it does, Apple, Microsoft and will also take a massive tumble along with “safer” stocks which are still close to their ATH such as PG, KO, PEP etc. I personally know small caps are significantly down, I got destroyed in Corsair and some penny stocks. Not to mention I hold BABA, Paypal too lmao. But still, I say we haven’t seen proper turmoil yet. There is a chance we could go significantly down (I really hope we dont!) and then both the broad market indexes and crypto will get further hurt.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Just have her search Charlie Munger and Gold. At least part of the reason he and Buffett hate Bitcoin, is because of its similarities to Gold, which they consider to be among the dumbest investments you can make. If you're going to base your decisions on old Charlie Munger, than the real option you should present to your wife is BTC, or all in on BABA, which would she be more comfortable with?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Because 10% my portfolio is on BABA stock and 30% for Munger.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Says the boomer who loves to double down on investing in BABA. Just drink your Coke old man!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Munger’s BABA bags are heavy

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Same guy that bought BABA at $230….

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Doesn't matter. He doubled down on Alibaba STOCK recently. I hold both BABA and BTC. Take only best part and leave the rest.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My quality of sleep definetely improved after I sold my china holdings. I'm looking for some china FUD to drop the share price and try to find a swing. I bet we get something before BABA or JD earnings. the P/E of KWEB is below all time lows. But, IWM and XBI are both at levels of undervalued not seen in decades. It's not like China is the only play out there.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Maybe you're right. I still own NEO and QFIN so I wouldn't be opposed to a China pump, I just don't see it happening in the near term. I'd love an excuse to invest in BABA and JD but I just can't trust it. There's too many good opportunities in the U.S. to bother.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BABA looking like a nice buy right now 😂😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bearish on BABA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tried to put my money in ETH, but decided to buy AMD and QQQ, considering BABA and VTI a posteriori.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

go wallow in your BABA shares, you old crony.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wow....looks like BABA VANGA was holding this account

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I own AAPL, BABA, AMC ,and GME I am + in everything really but its just the game that big sharks play that makes me sick and livid. I dunno how to explain.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Don’t do it. Seriously this is right up there with the guy that went broke recently buying 400k in BABA call options because he thought it was a “safe bet”.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think those BABA puts were a worse decision

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If the CCP wants something to succeed it will. If they want something to fail it will. BABA is a text book example.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

[Sent!]( If you haven't read it already, I recommend [the basics of Nano (short read)]( If you're interested in a longer read I'd recommend [Nano's role in the long-term future of crypto]( r/nanocurrency is where most of us Nano enthusiasts hang out, so feel free to join there and ask any questions, or you can DM/reply to me personally. If you want to grab some more free Nano to test the speed and ease of use, check out the faucets below. There are also ways to [earn Nano]( listed on the Nano Hub.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Wonder how that BABA investment is working out?lol

r/BitcoinSee Comment

everyone with BABA stock cares so much about Charlie, everyone with bitcoin cares about btc supportes Michael Saylor, Nayib Bukele and even about Salinas Pliego (who is a piece of shit), everyone cares about whoever support their bias lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I did this with BABA

r/BitcoinSee Comment

These two are the biggest bag holders of BABA stock which has been going down every week. Eat China shit fuckers !!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not sure, but I'm getting super close to buying some BABA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Charlie Munger predicted Bitcoin would be at “zero” by now, and recently bought a bunch of $BABA stock as a “value” play. These old crazy fools prove that so many wealthy individuals are wealthy due to luck and circumstances, not intelligence. Warren Buffet was born to a wealthy Senator who gave him money to purchase farmland and other investments at the age of 14. At the age of 91, who wouldn’t be insanely wealthy if they had been investing and allowing returns to compound for nearly 80 years? Sure, Buffet had an obsession with money that made him more giddy over buying more stock in coca-cola than seeing his own first child be born, so that personality trait added fuel to the fire, but the fire wasn’t exceptional intelligence and hard work. Without the fortunate circumstances he was born into, he may have been able to comfortably retire “early” (55 - 60) in an upper middle-class lifestyle, but wouldn’t have had an iota of a chance at becoming a billionaire.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These are the idiots that sold WFC at the bottom, bought VZ at the top, are hoarding mountains of cash despite inflation, doubled down on BABA…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

True. BABA is hard to watch. Been eyeing an entry point but just when I think it can’t go any lower; it just keeps going.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, top holdings are Bank of America and Wells Fargo, of course he wishes it didn’t exist. Buy the dip on BABA Charleeeee, maybe it’ll recover before you kick the can.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My take is Charlie is an old fart and just yolo'd into BABA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It’s pretty poor. What’s working: VOO, JETS ETFs What’s not: MGA, BABA, GDX I think I’m going to stay away from single stocks, I’m clearly not good at picking them

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I just can't buy into TSLA when I see that P/E ratio. But if you believe in the future of something, just DCA. I bought a lot of BABA last month, and this week I bought FB. Here's hoping I truly did buy into these companies at big discounts.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

💎🙌 on my BABA stock

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think there is some sort of personalization as I only get stock marks and TSLA, FB and BABA. This is from a computer that has never visited business insider

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Might be a good idea to inverse this guy actually. 6 months ago he was [longing BABA]( and saying Bitcoin is going to 10k.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You talking BTC or BABA?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The concept of a Nash equilibrium doesn’t technically apply here. Still, bullish af on Bitcoin. The levels it has held throughout these China bans is actually insane. Look at what happened to BABA with some relatively mild regulatory action that is nothing close to an all-out ban, which would immediately send any Chinese to -75% best case, greater than -99% and then $0.00/share in time, worst case.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Great times to be invested in BTC and BABA. So many ways to get fucked by chinese.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If it’s VTI like ETF I buy more . If it’s individual stock Like BABA I will sell It right away. Holding long term is a pure waste of opportunity cost for individual stocks

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Any individual stocks? I have BABA GME IGLN RR. Not sure how to diversify really

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Similar to BABA and the Jack Ma saga...CCP won't let the largest internet commerce in China fail. Still not buying Chinese stocks though. Bought the ETH dip.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

When is the last time Amazon is asked to give $100 billion back to the country? Well we cant even have them pay any tax. Well BABA was asked to give back $100 billion back. Google it, its out there! And what does this kind of things do to shareholders if $100 billion goes away? That’s why BABA is bleeding like hell. If BABA is a USA company then it should be at $400 today. And then you ask the same question, does China want BABA to go down? Yes it does!!!!! Xi wants BABA to get delisted. He wants DIDI to get delisted. He wants your asses who bought and lost money on BABA. Because a bunch are held by foreigners and the rest Chinese billionaires. He wants his companies to go back home and listed on the HK exchange. He wants billionaires dismantled. So if you still think Xi doesn’t want Evergrande to fail, you are wrong. He will use all the companies to accomplish State goals which are not capitalistic and harmful to shareholders. Your best bet is for Evengrande to go bankrupt and be done with it. And looking at the financials I have no doubt it will fail unless they get help. But the help they need is even too much to be afforded by the government. If they start helping Evergrande then theres many more that would ask the same. Oh here’s a big secret, Evergrande isn’t the only developer on the brink of bankruptcy, theres a dozen more waiting in line. Think for a moment. Evergrande has at least 1.8 million customers who bought houses but they have all waited between 2-4 years and still not seen their new house allegedly building in progress. Now that all constructions stopped because they default on interest. Its gonna spiral down because they have no way to borrow more. They will announce bankruptcy within days most probably. They are losing $5bn a week.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most people here have no idea about China govt and how they played a role in Evergrande’s situation right now. Bail out isn’t going to happen. You guys went with your idea that China don’t want to fail or this company is too big. You guys are all wrong because I have been watching this for months. Most of you haven’t even seen the chart of Evergrande to make a comment. Well consider this. China came up with 3 red line rule to curb companies from borrowing too much. That stopped this company’s ability to leverage. Secondly there had been few other big companies that failed and all govt did was to ensure an orderly sale of asset. Thirdly its Xi’s war against monopoly and billionaires. If you think China did not want this to happen then look at the last few months of how things unfolded. Started with BABA, then DIDI. Then the entire education sector. Then games and Tencent. Then the gambling sector. Please look at WYNN and Sands. Then financial sector Ants Group and dismantling BABA’s Alipay. Then the property sector to stop house speculation bubble. As I said you guys go with your US capitalistic mindset. Did you know BABA is asked to give billions back to the nation to share wealth for all? Didn’t you hear Xi just made all the private education company to become non-profit? Do you jnow what’s next? They want to have property developers help with housing problems of the nation. They may be asked to give up the lands they bought. Xi also wanted no more monopoly. So Evergande being the top property developer doesn’t help the cause. They want more smaller developers than one big one. Go search these stories. They are real but you guys can’t put it all together. Blackrock or Ballie Glifford or Morgan lost billions but they want you to buy low. Really? The drop is not done. Theres more reform coming. Its not done.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh shit, sorry to hear. I have some BABA stocks as well, but I would not be so concerned with this company! Give it time and if China does not impose draconian conditios, everything should be alright in the long term!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, and they will fall some more after the holiday ends. I just think that the direct exposure is less than anticipated on the west. They knew this, BABA, Didi are -50% y2y. There was plenty of smoke fot a while, about time we've seen the fire. Plus i think CCP will pull a rabit out of a hat, too much of a PR hit to let it burn to the ground.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's not like that when you are in it, unfortunately. The psychological pressure is immense. Everyone is saying its all over, crypto is dead, there's no hope anywhere. You are looking at it right now with the current valuation. If it tanks, you get a very different perspective. It's easy to think you will just buy when it's cheap, but it doesn't feel cheap. It is a bit like taking profits at the top. Very hard to do, both to time, and sell. In winter it's hard to buy because the price is dropping and everyone says its dead. Crypto winter is a bit like buying BABA right now. We might look back and say it was obviously cheap, but with the world panicking about China it takes huge balls to buy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look. Institutions are not investing in Chinese tech firms this year or next for political reasons. Check the stock market (BABA, JD, etc) they are all half price or less. This is not the bull run for VET.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

China should have sold shares and issued more to milk international investors before they decided to attack their own companys. The chinese economy would do better if BABA and Tencent were trading at 300$ right now. More international money to infuse into your own economy. Now instead they can only get half of what they could have gotten by just waiting with their regulations until after they had already sold.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pooh bear likes to regulate, like a LOT. Ask BIDU, BABA, DIDI, etc. Not investing in anything Chinese.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Bullish on Alibaba $BABA Go BABA! *Hol up*

r/BitcoinSee Comment

A year ago I started trading options and lost all of my money when BABA dipped 25% in a week and I had all my money in OTM calls. It was a decent sum of money. I started researching options obsessively. I found a good trade that I liked and held those options for a month. A lot of nights I would stay up till the early hours of the morning to see pre market moves and look for any opportunities. I kept trading my options until I got back to -25% which is not as bad because at the bottom I was down -80%. The obsessive researching led me to crypto eventually. I put all my remaining money in eth and kept working and buying more. That loss from options ended up being one of the best scenarios because I would have never gotten into crypto without that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They’ll definitely let a crappy software company that had to convert to a holding company like Yahoo with BABA and a Slavic nation become the new true powerhouses.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Vechain is a coin I can never allow myself to remove from my portfolio but one I can’t trust enough to go all in on. The potential is unbelievably high and it could become one of the most important cryptos in the market. However, based on price and sub-IPO manipulation of stocks (like BABA) by China I have to be hesitant. Not to mention there’s nothing stopping a coin like ETH2.0, ADA or even SOL from developing supply chain utility.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Love VET, but would go ALGO because I don’t trust China after they are murdering $BABA in front of everyone…