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Itau Unibanco Banco Holding SA

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2023-02-09 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$NU Bank is massively overvalued at $40 Billion and is set to drop by over 90%'s why

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Have an attention on: ON Semiconductor Corporation (NASDAQ:ON), Itau Unibanco Holding S.A. (NYSE:ITUB) - Stocks Equity

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Are ITUB options still a money maker or what?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I'm a moron, please help me understand the ITUB option chain

r/stocksSee Post

Why is Warren Buffet bullish on ITUB?

r/StockMarketSee Post

6 figure call interest on ITUB 🌝🌝

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Respond with AMC WISH TSLA GME ITUB to screw up hedge funds metrics. They will see many mentions of stock names.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why ITUB still has potential and why you shouldn’t sell

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Get in the ITUB and the tendies will come

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Loading up on ITUB. Who’s with me??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Get in the ITUB and the tendies will come

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB looking bullish AF

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Mods are deleting any mention of this ticker (posts that don't violate any sub rules)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB - Honest and Unbiased DD

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ITUB - Honest and Unbiased DD

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Thoughts from an ITUB early adopter

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Well, that was a stressful few months. Thanks ITUB, Rudyard Kipling.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

For all you newly minted CLeaN ♻️ Energy addicts out there - ITUB, via 6K filing, is going green too and could help your accounts 🚀 green in the process

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB - why a chad CEO's vision will keep this water HOT.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Daily option statistics for AMC, GME, CLNE, WISH, BB, CLOV, WKHS, DKNG, ITUB, and others.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB DD - Buying the Breakout

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB YOLO - TubTards for lyyyfe

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

$ITUB - Looking beyond the pump and dump

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB YOLO…Options still cheap!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB 16/July 8 C YOLO

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fuck it ITUB yolo 🚀🚀🚀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB DD - Come get you some tubs of crispy Brazilian Mafia 🚀 tendies

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB - VOLUME PICKING UP. NEW APPLE BATHTUB. Get in early for once? Down the drain or real potential? No idea

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB - VOLUME PICKING UP. Get in early for once? Down the drain or real potential? no idea

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB DD - ITUB to the moon, or toaster in the tub. Extremely unusual amount of call options.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB DD - ITUB to the moon, or toaster in the tub. Extremely unusual amount of call options.

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ITUB the Waking Giant

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ITUB the sleeping giant

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

$ITUB DD - ITUB to the moon, or toaster in the tub. Extremely unusual amount of call options.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$ITUB - The TUB is going to be scorching hot 🚀🧨🔥🛁

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Rubadubdub ITUB (2.0)


r/stocksSee Comment

30yo, Brazilian. I've put 2.5x my job monthly payment into it (while keeping some money safe ofc). I did lose some on Nvda because I was dumb and bought when it was mid fall, also sold half of it for like 8% less than it's worth today. I'm learning and focusing on the long run. I'd really appreciate some feedback. I tried focusing on stuff I know and diversifying (although half is tech). Should I go for more on Apple or banks and sell Tesla? That's what I'm thinking 16.5% Nvidia; 12.6% Amazon; 11.1% Petrobras (PETRA4); 10% Google Alphabet ; 7.4% Intel; 6% iShares S&P 500 (BIVW39); 5.8% AMD; 5% Mercadolibre (MELI34); 5% Cocacola (COKE34); 5% Tesla; 5% Apple; 5% Itaú Bank (ITUB4);

r/optionsSee Comment

UBS, BDORY, ITUB, not in this order

r/investingSee Comment

Emerging markets are going to be big growth for the foreseeable future. ITUB is a major Brazilian bank with a dividend, it's still a good price for entry right now.

r/investingSee Comment

shoutout to ITUB

r/StockMarketSee Comment

Check out brazilian stocks they are cheap paying dividends and profitable: BBD, ITUB, PBR. Also like american stock TG its really cheap, pays dividends, and Almunimum market is improving now (insiders are buying)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB, NTCO setting up

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I basically own this thread now, why are you not in on $ITUB $BDORY $BBD? Solid banks trading at a low in the third largest economy of the Americas. But of course this isn’t for the full regards, but for long term “investment”

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Best banks to buy right now $ITUB $BBD $BDORY

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Who’s interested in $ITUB long term?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Who’s long on ITUB

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What are your expectations for the year for Brazilian companies SID (mining), PBR (oil and gas), ITUB, BDORY and BBD (banks) as well as companies headquartered outside of Brazil, but which mainly operate there NPK.TO (potash, fertilizer), LTH and LIO (lithium mining)?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Processing payment isn't the same as being a bank. Apple would need to cover the accounts of the SVB clients not only buy the company, for this they would spend $220 bi. Apple don't have that kind of money, most of the money Apple has is tied outside the US for tax purposes. The entire assets of Apple is a little bit over $350 bi, and their equity is a little bit over $50 bi. J.P Morgan Chase has $3666 Bi of assets under management and over $250 bi in equity. People forget how big banks are. The largest bank in Brazil ITUB have almost as much equity than apple.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone else watching ITUB?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

# Tickers of Interest - TL;DR **Gamma Max Cross** * [LYFT]( 03/17 15P for $0.80 or less * [SOXS]( 03/17 20P for $2.20 or less * [ABR]( 03/17 12.5P for $0.10 or less * [ITUB]( 03/17 5P for $0.20 or less * [LYB]( 03/17 95P for $1.80 or less **Delta Neutral Cross** * [MU]( 03/17 62.5C for $1.80 or less * [JD]( 03/17 57.5C for $2.65 or less * [M]( 03/17 23C for $1.00 or less * [HD]( 03/17 325C for $10.05 or less * [MCD]( 03/17 265C for $4.15 or less # Trading Thesis - Why These Crayons Taste Better Technical analysis and indicator based trading tend to use past price performance in order to predict important price levels today. This analysis is based on the current option open interest. With that option open interest, it calculates portfolio-level greeks--notably Delta and Gamma. More importantly, once the portfolio level greeks are established, I can now simulate the change in greeks at different price points. From there, I can find the price levels where portfolio-level gamma is the highest, and the portfolio-level delta is close to 0. For some tickers, the underlying price reacts strongly off of delta neutral, gamma max, and sometimes both. It's the reaction off of these price levels in the past that is being used to drive trading signals. The plays and target entry prices given are calculated using a binomial option pricing model that reflect the expected size and duration of the reaction from gamma max or delta neutral. A lot of these plays are profitable by underlying moves in stock. The best plays benefit from the directional move as well as the increase in IV. # Notes - Something to give you a new wrinkle * If the price has moved past the entry price, exercise caution. Something changed between the time these plays were generated and market open. * Look to sell half your position on a double, and freeroll the rest to exit at your discretion. * I tend to risk up to 1% of my total capital on any trades I take. If my conviction is lower, I'll only allocate 0.5% or even 0.25% of my capital to the trade, and dollar cost average in. * The trades were calculated before market open, and so are based on information up to yesterday. Keep that in mind when deciding to enter well after the fact. New price movement may invalidate the original thesis. # FAQ - Because others have already asked. * These plays are mostly puts. Are you a gay bear? * No. It so happens that the companies have had some recent run-up which implies they are overextended. These trades are primarily some form of mean-reversion either toward or away from an important price level. * Are you entering all these plays? * No. There have been a dearth of plays in the WSB morning talks, and so I opened up my bag of tools slightly wider to point out more plays with a probable edge to help lead apes to more gain porn. Go through this curated list of plays, pick the ones you like based on whatever additional analysis you use, and get that gain porn. * You mentioned a new play on the same ticker in the past. What does that mean? * The new play should replace the old play. The old play is likely now invalid and if you haven't entered in, don't chase the price. Remember that a new day's worth of data has been produced and the newer play reflects that data, the older play does not. * Where are the crayons? I only see words. * Click the links above. * Have you back-tested this? * Yes. Results show a moderate Sharpe Ratio (1.7), with an expected win rate of 63% of trades (7% margin of error) * What is the historical performance? * The realized Sharpe Ratio is 1.88 with a 66% win rate. Based on the trade performance so far, there is a 95% chance the expected win rate will be between 60% and 78%. (Stats as of 2023-01-31)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone watching OIL? if we close below 78$ looks good for puts, otherwise we close above 78$ end of day will be looking for reversal calls. USDJPY watching for longs. CPB, UAL, CCI, MNTI, PGY, ITUB, DINO and TELL watch for momentum plays!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

* Brazil is much more stable than the DRC. Although Bolsonaro supporters like to pretend otherwise, their faction has no real power and definitely doesn't have the numbers for a military coup. * Lula will do lots of big government investments: infra, education, health, ... so there is a huge macro-economic potential * Brazil does not suffer from the Ukraine war fallout. Commodities (VALE and SID) and base products like steel have become more expensive worldwide so the big steel companies like SID and GGB are making more money already. And because Brazil has no energy crisis, the cost base is much lower. * has better relations with China so China is shifting its buying of soja to Brazil instead of the USA. * ABEV is the largest beer producer in the world and has a track record of good investing. They need to reform though but it is a solid company * VALE: I am not a fan because of the disaster they caused a few years ago but in the commodity boom, they will be a winner. * PEBR: simply an example of a massive company with an in-demand product. Not much to say about that * ITUB (I suppose ITAU): a bank, banks are more regulated in Brazil than in the USA so there is no risk of a bankruptcy.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol at some delusional Brazilians in national team jerseys literally kneeling down in front of military units, begging them for a terrorist "coup", good thing most generals already told bolso, the thief, and wanna-be "coupster" to fuck off, and he's probably going to jail in a year max. So there's new hope for PBR (which had 30% gains in a matter of days two weeks ago, now erased), BBD, ITUB, BDORY and PETRORIO How fucking delusional is that?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone buying PBR, BBD, ITUB or BDORY?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Latinpoor here. ITUB, PBR, BBD, VALE, AAPL, INTC, MSFT and AMD.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

Speaking of banks, Brazilian banks are still falling but seeing action. ITUB comes to mind.

r/StockMarketSee Comment

Itaú Unibanco #ITUB4 no lugar de Porto Seguro #PSSA3 . Gostam de Itaú?

r/stocksSee Comment

My YTD winners: ITUB: +53% (Brazilian bank, who'da thunk?) XOM: +36% BAYRY: +34% MO: +12% NTDOY: +8.5% (would be better if it wasn't for stupid Zelda delay)

r/stocksSee Comment

Holy cow, that is cool. "Threw my last $20 into $ITUB weekly calls as a last resort".

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


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r/stocksSee Comment

I'm green today on 4 out of my 5 long-term holds: NTDOY ITUB BAYRY MO XOM (down today, but up 50% since I initiated late last year) If you are in US stocks you should be in value, otherwise look at the unloved international space where the big money is flowing into.

r/pennystocksSee Comment

ITUB had been a steady play since before the recent 3,61$ dip. Now it has gained momentum and will recover at a faster pace.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I remember seeing some ITUB DDs months ago and it flopped. can someone tell me why the volume has blown the fuck up since then?

r/investingSee Comment

Nothing wrong with sitting in cash if you can't find anything that meets your criteria. However, I think looking at Europe and Japan you could find some value. Nintendo, Bayer and Golden Ocean Group all look good here to me. I also really like the highest quality Brazil stocks like Bank Itau (ITUB), a global bank that has suffered through a nightmare macro situation and uncertainty around upcoming election there but is an extremely well-run bank with solid earnings that will eventually benefit from a more stable economic outlook.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Remember when ITUB was pumped back in the summer? 😂

r/optionsSee Comment

If they execute (I’m short), will it take both the XP and ITUB? Or just the ITUB at a price 20% lower than the original strike price?

r/stocksSee Comment

Managing more than 10 stocks can be overwhelming. I learned that the hard way. It's much easier managing 5 or 6. I had 5 and then one of them popped out an extra one from a merger. So, now I have 6. My biggest stock is ET and my smallest is XP (the one I got from a merger). Going from smallest to biggest I have XP, RBLX, APLE, ITUB, CGC, and ET. I also used to borrow money to invest and learned the hard way to never do that again. If I borrow I never borrow more than 1% of the total value of my portfolio. You never know when a market will crash, but when it does you do not want to be over leveraged for many reasons. The biggest reason is that if you are over leveraged then you can't buy on the dip.

r/optionsSee Comment

Very Livermoreish at the end I like that. Honestly after last winter with meme pumps I swear some of the most attractive DD I’ve ever seen comes out of nowhere pumping some obscure, retarded shit like ITUB…and every time I rose on all the buying from social media then boom like clockwork whoever wanted that DD out there unloaded their bag at a profit. Same story, only using social media instead of putting out tips at the bucket shops. “There is nothing new in Wall Street. There can’t be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.” — Jesse Lauriston Livermor

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TL;DR Omarova is out, banking and financial sectors about to rip because of the Dark Pool. Aight retards, listen up. Your next plays through the coming days are going to be in XLF and the financial sectors. Why? That C U Next Tuesday, Omarova just withdrew her nomination for banking regulator. Why is this important? Because she scares the shit out of everyone from Wall street to Crypto. So, withdrawing her nomination is a pretty gat damn bullish signal for the banks to go all hog wild and pump up their stonks. Not only that! But, after the close (and this was not a MoC order mind you) I spotted a Dark Pool trade of 22.3mil block trade traded on XLF at 39.27. Over the last month, BAC has had the heaviest Dark Pool activity with a 9.5mil print at $43.60 on 12/3/21 (if the average daily volume on BAC is 41.6mil, that's 23% of that daily volume in one trade) followed by IBN and ITUB. Personally I wouldn't mess with those tickers. Even though IBN does have the heaviest Dark Pool activity out of all the banks, it doesn't move enough for options to print. BAC is the 3rd heaviest weighted stonk in the XLF portfolio, trailing only BRK/B and JPM. But since JPM and BRK/B don't really have any real Dark Pool activity behind them, it's safer to say that BAC is your best best to ride to tendy town. Now, BAC does have some crayon drawing it needs to break through, but if it can get above $46, then its got a real shot at testing new highs at $48.69. Get through that and you're into blue sky territory. But, BKR/B can move a lot more than BAC. And this is WSB, we want to YOLO our entire life savings on shit $100 OTM expiring right fucking now. BKR/B (Buffets company) doesn't have any crayon technical indicators on the daily chart to get through, and if the XLF and banking sectors really start to rip, BRK/B should rip in sympathy as well even without any Dark Pool activity. Not financial advice, just my own observations. Or, you could ignore everything I wrote and go yolo everything on TSLA and AAPL. That'll probably work out too. Or not.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

In the evening I like to go over the biggest equity trades from the day just for fun and because I like looking at numbers and am probably autistic. Today, somebody bought over 25 million dollars worth of ITUB in a single trade? Now, what the fuck is ITUB? Huh, it's a bank in South America. Who buys 25 million dollars worth of stock in a South American bank. You know there's some shady shit going on there.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Whats with the vol on ITUB?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Post gme I’m pretty sure we were for someone there were a TON of obviously posted pump and dump schemes here and some were super convincing (ITUB).

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

Never forget ITUB

r/stocksSee Comment

I've been with TD for almost twenty years now, had no idea that you could buy fractional shares anywhere. (Which is why, I realize now, I only ever focused on sub $5 stocks... crap like ITUB..) Even when I (stupidly) got onto RH, I never bought anything with fractional shares. But now at Fidelity, it's been great to add some here, some there. But GOOG is so powerful. It's silly to ignore. It's been great to add to giants like ASML, MSFT, IVV, RY a little at a time. I know it's not for everyone, but it seems to be working. I don't think I want to create those crazy 100 stock 1 dollar positions you can do at M1... but I feel like this is working!!!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

PSFE gonna make a comeback? Also looking at SEEL and ITUB to go up as well so will probably get into both

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB tomorrow

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB Is down. Might be worth a little punt, with the target price.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Down about $1500 for the day lol. But that’s basically because I hit the bullet and sold my ITUB long calls that got diluted to a new ticker for pennies on the dollar

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I would have made thousands these past couple days if it weren’t for my ITUB long calls getting decimated by a stock split earlier this month :(

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Bailed out of my near worthless $ITUB long calls. God that 20% or so dilution fucked the hell out of me :( lost many thousands

r/optionsSee Comment

ITUB spun off ownership of XP as of Oct 4, and all existing options were adjusted by a percentage to account for the value of XP shares at the day. If you were an ITUB shareholder, you received XP shares, but if you only hold options you're now stuck with adjusted options that have extremely low volumes because all new options were issued at the regular strike prices.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Me neither. Despite my NET and SPY gains, amount others, ITUB I had thousands in still made me their bitch. Like -9k today :(

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Does anyone know what happened to ITUB and what does it mean for long call options purchased prior to whenever it happened the other day? Shits fucked

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Dang. So my $ITUB options really fucked me. Stock split or something must have happened

r/optionsSee Comment

Can someone explain why my ITUB1 are moribund? THANK YOU I did very well with BRZU options through the Covid. I some of that into ITUB (Itau Unibanco) Recently they spun off their investment in XP, a digital bank. My ITUB options became ITUB1 which now include 2 Shares of XP, and now they have no value. ITUB options (without those 2 shares of XP) of the same date have value. I have 15 months, so I'm not flipping out too hard and yes, markets can be irrational. But this one makes no sense to me. THANK YOU. Side by side comparison:

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Ugh mommy what happened to my ITUB calls


Do you remember ITUB? 😂 Look at it now

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

You guys remember the ITUB play? Lol

r/stocksSee Comment

Thanks for the recomendation bro! I only can buy Sony, the others arent available... I can buy some brasilian stocks like BBD, VALE, ITUB, but, it is an emergent market, i have a lot of Chinese stocks... And about my Chinese stock, yes it is too much may be... But i want to add more stocks in the future, and i will have more money, and i wont buy more Chinse, only US or others market, so, i will average my porfolio. Have a nice day!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB officially has a higher stock price than TMC

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$ITUB $6 long calls = acquired and confident

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol if you were sleeping @ $ITUB damn near down to $5.00 to load tf up in cheap calls for $6. Bought bunch of dates calls when it was $5.06/share for reference, day low was $5.05. Currently sitting at $5.15 was recently enough at $6 and check full history charts. Muchhhh room for growth

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB trying to punch through $6. The valley is done. Cheap calls abound.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Cum on $ITUB you know you want to crack $6 today I got lots of moolah in Long calls for both $6 strike and $7.50. Do it for daddy and big fat Brazilian booties

r/pennystocksSee Comment

$ATOS , $CRDF and $ITUB for today

r/stocksSee Comment

Any of Latin American banks: CIB, ITUB, GGAL, BCH and BAP. They have risks: 2022 uncertainty with elections. But they are nice plays for a devaluation of dollar in the mid-term and for some postponed covid recovery.

r/stocksSee Comment

Another option is ITUB (Itau bank that has presence outside of Brazil)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB. The month of June was glorious when even this shit stock got some love.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment


r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m heavily into ITUB

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Oh yeah, RIP whoever bought those .4 ITUB calls at open.

r/optionsSee Comment

Long cruise liners specifically NCLH and CCL alongside CUK Long certain airliners (several are too close/at pre-covid levels), namely AAL and JBLU consider UAL Lastly, Shell. If you look at the maximum length charts you will see still how much room there is to grow. RDS-A and RDS-B and CNK movie theaters. If you wish to not worry about domestic politics and issues snd go foreign, same long time charts apply to ITUB

looked up ITUB today. Good thing we all sold lol

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Almost every dumb ass WSB pump but you forgot ITUB and WISH

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Tomorrow $ATOS $ITUB & $WISH y’all best for Monday

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$ATOS, $ITUB CRTD and $WISH y’all a great day

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Again, ITUB is moving. It is a stock with barely any movement. So if it moves I am in. The OI is nuts, but the float is huge too. Betting this will break $7 by 8/20.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TLRY is Back Already? I am in on WISH , ATOS , CRTD and ITUB

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

$ATOS , CRTD $ITUB and $WISH y’all nice day

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB is moving. I put money in. I think it is a shit stock... but it is moving. It doesn't move often.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Thank you to the $ITUB gods for making my longgg $6 calls out the ass get in the money ALREADY! bought them for dirt cheap for 2022 expiry. Next up; my $7 2023’s. Would be sweet to hit that 2 years before! Hahaha THIS IS IS **BRAZIL!!!** /VinDiesel

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

As a member of the discord group, its not a rumor, and it wasn't a P&D. There was an earnings play made and a lot of us are still holding LEAPs and shares. There's a handful of solid DDs that came out during the last meme circus that got swept into the P&D rotations by the shitcoin crowd, but aren't stocks that deserve to be there. ITUB, CLNE, WOOF, and WISH all have value investment plays going for them over the next 6-7 months, and are not based purely on gamma scalps. Hell, you can't even pretend to gamma scalp ITUB if you wanted to due its size, but it got caught up in the wave none the less.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The fact that she saw my account made me pretty uneasy. I was waiting for an ITUB comment... 😅

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

jan 20 2023 $7 ITUB calls are $0.46/contract rn Just picked up a couple dozen

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Remember that day ITUB appeared out of nowhere for like 3 hours It’s like we’re morons but some morons in Brazil somehow were even dumber

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Going ham on $0.40 calls Jan 21 2022 $ITUB - $6 strike currently at $5.60 Rn

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB is a dumb investment IMO

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Loading up on $ITUB $6 JAN 2022 and $7 JAN2023!!!! Each contract is fucking cheaper than TITTIES RN. GUM BALL DISPENDER COSTS MORE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

😂😂😂 I still have a $7c. for ITUB expiring Friday 😂😂😂

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

At least you didn't get wrapped up in ITUB

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB rebound actually sustaining compared to january

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone riding this ITUB pop?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What the hell is going on with ITUB?

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Comment

Imagine not just buying SPY calls everyday because that is literally the only way to make money trading. Honestly you cut your risk down immediately this way by just assuming market risk instead of market risk + individual company risk (poor management, poor sales, bad pr, etc…). Buying more SOFI and ITUB at open while jerking to furry porn.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

If you think ITUB is going to reach those share prices by January 2022, then yes. Or else you're going to be le fucked.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB going to end the day really strong. Broke the $5.60 resistance.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ITUB pop eminent? 8/20 $7c here.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Anyone else shitting in the ITUB for the waddling in feces? 8/120 $7c here.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Who else is holding worthless ITUB calls? 🙋‍♂️😂


What's ITUB?


If I play this maybe I can recover my losses from ITUB, BGS, and KBH


\- be me \- see ITUB being pumped both here and homeland \- Brazil company, start daydreaming about huge soft Brazilian asses \- 'tism triggered \- 5+ billion shares float...ignored (thick brazil chicks) \- below both SMA20 & 50...ignored (small waist fat asses) \- weekly shows obvious downtrend...ignored (I bet they love anal sex too) \- up 15% first day, feeling like a handicapped genius \- 1 week later they've lost 80% value on Sept expiration... \- I suffer because I fail...I fail because I am retarded.
