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+TLT -selling near term OTM covered calls for steady income - good strategy?

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On what timeframe does the bond market price interest rate changes in?

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Is TLT20+ etf a good investment?

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Long TLT Leap Calls with PMCC (recovery trade attempt)

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1M yields glitched up 20% to 6.1%

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Why would a long term investor buy stocks rather than long term bonds, currently?

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Potential 6 Month Trade on TLT Targeting >14% Annualized Return

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what's the point of tlt if it's just as volatile as stocks

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TLT covered call(buy-write) will yield around 14%. Is this a good place to park money I won't need for 3 years?

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I made a free theta gang options group. Trying to build a community of non degenerates

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Just made a 10K loan to gamble in bonds

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Oil Tanker Stock Investors vs TLT Bag Holders

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TLT Leaps

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Trading the GDP print (/ZB and $TLT)

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Risky Risk Rates

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Powell will Powell the Economy + Bond ETFs for 🏳️‍🌈 🐻

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Powell will Powell the Economy + Why I'm buying TLT as a 🏳️‍🌈 🐻

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how to maximize Exposure to interest rate movements with bonds ?

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Rates are not high and the market is not crashing especially when Apple is still near ATH and not $120.

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TLT Bros

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Why does the govz etf pays a dividend?

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Generational buying opportunity on TLT

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Is it stupid to put money in TLT?

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Great opportunity in longterm bonds? TLT

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How Do Bond ETFs Work, and What Happens to the Principal at Maturity

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Why is the yield and SEC 30 day yield of TLT so different? Which one tells you the annualized rate of the next dividend?

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Find most correlated stock to TLT (treasury bond)

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Should I sell TLT?

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10Y Bonds at 4.8% Are Attractive,Especially Now

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What if WSB could ignite the spark that sends $TLT parabolic?

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Expected moves this week: SPY, QQQ, TLT, USO and earnings from Citi, JP Morgan, Wells and more.

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Puts on TLT

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With the sky high Bond Yields would it be a good idea to buy US Treasury Bond ETFs right now?

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$70k Puts QQQ: The World Will Burn Edition

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Is it finally, finally, finally time for TLT / long dated treasuries?

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Beta Weighting Accurate?

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Are TLT Leaps so cheap they are worth it?

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30 year US treasury yield is much better than TLT which has avg maturity of 25 years

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Considering Long Duration Bonds as an Opportunity

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Is TLT Hitting its Bottom? My Play for the Upcoming Rebound.

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TLT and Treasury Yields opportunity

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"I like to Gamble"

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Irrefutable signal to go all in TLT

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Putted 20k in bonds and down -20%

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I guess im taking it @ 93$

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Underlying for hedging interest rate risk

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$TLT is Not Happy

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Boomers Getting Flushed With Their "Balanced" Portfolios

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Yield farming 14% per year

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owning TLT and hedging it with GOLD

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Why is TLT still falling despite disinflation, looming recession fears and China deflation (exporting it to RoW).

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Bond ETF yield calculation

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Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning August 14th, 2023

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Increasing order of risk. IEI < HYG < JNK < TLT 😂

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TMF debit call spread Jan 2025

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Alternatives to brokerage money market?

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investing in TLT for mid term

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Wheel strategy on TLT

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Is now the time to DCA into TLT?

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Just sold all my VOO and QQQ to put 90% in TLT and 10% in Bitcoin. Am I dumb?

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Just bought 10K of bonds

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Cheap CPI gamble


TLT/TMF, BRZU are interesting. DPST and DRN might be too high at the moment. BLDR is still a solid pick.

TLT, UPS, small caps have an argument, they were a better deal a few months ago. Nike is a maybe, kind of a similar maybe to Intel, both of them require business momentum to improve. Starbucks, McDonald's, cyclical slowdown, not a ton of money but good money in these. UPS is really the interesting company though. Big dividend massive once a decade correction. TLT is another one, if the economy slows more than expected and the Fed has to cut more than expected this is one of the best hedges you can have on your portfolio because it's going to radically outperform while you're losing money on your equities. If we have a soft landing and things go well you should make some money on TLT but if things go south you're going to make really good money on TLT right at the time all the other stocks are on sale making a very convenient sell point


take out another 35k loan, buy TLT, VGLT and double your money in 6-18 months. pay off your loans or start doing option again.


Surprised TLT is up. Should be coming down given the economic data


Hoping for that. Got tons of calls on QQQ and puts on TLT as a hedge


# TLT KINGS WE ARE STRONG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)👑


depends on circumstances, but all these are fine 100% SPY 100% dividend etc 100% low volatility equity etc 60%/40% stocks/bonds.. or get a bit more creative. some high, medium and low risk.. I realize TLT is not really that low risk.. but if you put 10% in low risk assets, it doesn't really help much.


I just went heavy on 100c next spring on TLT. Easy 30 baggers

Mentions:#TLT my TLT gains protecting me except half the knives are still hitting me


TLT holders enjoying the bond recovery ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


Rotation into TLT, IWM


I just bought 3k worth of TLT, feels like a no brainer tbh


TLT and maybe TMF should be good for the next 12 months if you're tired of tech.


TLT is a buy tuesday morning. 


I go and read r/stocks. The advice is often very similar. Buy coal stocks. "Dividends can be trusted". I see a lot of people here yesterday saying TLT is a phenomenal investment which is 30Y bonds?


Buy TLT on red days


When I woke up I thought my TLT calls were safe, now not so sure :(


MM preparing for a recession and fed rate cuts. so they are selling tech for yield on bonds when bonds go down TLT goes up


Somebody HAS to explain me why TLT is big green


TLT on a tear. Does not bode well.


I don't trust the GDP TLT is still pumping ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)


Thinking of selling all my VT stocks and buy TLT and XLU. Reason is the upcoming lowering of interest rates that should help TLT and XLU to overperform. On top, equity markets are due for a correction since they seem overvalued. Macro environment starts to look quite bit more pessimistic and corporate profits start to be under pressure. Would you mind list any reasons why my move may be wrong?


TLT pre running?


Holy TLT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Now $TLT is a BTD opportunity, not Tech. Not that anyone here will listen.


Why has TLT been so ass lately I thought were going into a rate cut cycle ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


>But what if you buy [TLT] with 500% leverage? It's stupid af but at least it takes some balls. Buying 4% 30Y bonds is giving up. You surrendered real returns and decided you can barely beat inflation, maybe less with tax. TLT is the market equivalent of $ROPE.


It's stupid af but at least takes balls. TLT is the market equivalent of $ROPE. You gave up.


The TLT dropped ruined me. GG


TLT..what the defug


Lmao TLT is shit. It's priced for rates at 2.5%. Only a regard buys it.


Lmao, same. Bought 10k worth of TLT calls, now down 20%


wtf I just bought some TLT an hour ago


My dumbass just bought a TLT and TMF call ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


TLT dumping 


TLT falling off a cliff… that can’t be good


TLT drilling lower now too. RIP


TBIL pays out 5.5% - i'm really holding cash here to profit on this long predicted crash... and because everything was expensive. i had sold a massive amount of my tech holdings in January, the majority of which have not since recovered (i work for a tech company) TLT pays out 4.0%. this has the ability to increase in price by 50% or more when rates go down. inflation is at 3.0% (officially) so i'm just getting by... but if you read my other posts (not the shitposts like this) you'll see i have huge amounts of money and preservation > growth. i really want to get back to something like 70% equities, 30% or less bonds. but right now it's the opposite.


TLT continues to fuck me


!banbet TLT $93.25 1d


Cash Gang but Doesn’t Have Cash !banbet TLT $93.25 1d


!banbet TLT $93 1d


I am bullish on TLT going into next year just to be clear I’m looking at buying leaps.


Rate cut odds keep increasing yet TLT red and yields up. Doesnt make sense lol


Well TLT is only based on the 20 year. the short end of the curve is what’s falling pretty aggressively today


Should be flight to bonds. Calls TLT


Shouldnt TLT be pumping wtf


Anyone else a bit confused that Yields up and TLT down?


If you're building a dividend portfolio there is an excellent argument for UPS, TLT, potentially STT, I wish it wouldn't have ran up so much. Maybe watch that one and get it in the '70s if there's a pullback. Global shipping is not slowing down, there are near-term issues but look at the discount you're getting the stock at and where you're at on the monthly chart. I don't think I would go balls deep but slowly cost averaging in. Sure, especially with what you just said about a dividend portfolio. Same thing with TLT. We straight up tested the highs or lows depending on how you look at it of the financial crisis. Basically TLT tested all time lows on the monthly, you're building this pattern of higher highs and higher lows very slowly, it's actually at a great accumulation point right now. If I was looking to build a dividend portfolio of those two would be on the list only I would lean harder on TLT, less risk. UPS, acquire slowly, maybe some funds pick it up and it pops back to 140, if that happens within 30 or 60 days probably dump the shares, take your profit, that's one of the reasons I like picking up these high quality companies when they have massive sell-offs. It seems like about 50% of the time there's a quick rebound and you can get a good fast trade out of it, if not you still have your fundamental and long-term views and a strategy for going into it


Oh, sorry, should have read past the title! Didn’t realize it was TLT until later (and I don’t delete my ridiculous.) Yes, that is risky as all get out. I’d not do it. (Though have been buying a bit of TLT for hedge/rate cut expectations - not enough, though - looks like I’ve got some cooked calls and will not be able to afford TSLA LEAPS!)


I am long TLT and TMF for a while (loaded esp during the Nov 2023 low). A lot of shares. I expect some pop, but will try to exit sooner rather than later. The debt situation will get worse, and that worries me. It is going to take 3-6 months after the president switch though. So still 9+ months away. Some economy slow down would be nice.


Down 16% in the last three weeks. This shit really is a casino right now, so I'm just going to fuck off and focus on self-improvement until this maximally regarded election cycle is over. DCAinh into SPY. Keeping my TLT 140 leaps though, because I'm not a complete little bitch.


Keep in mind that all expected rate cuts are already priced into TLT. If interest rates go back to zero, sure TLT is great. But I doubt they will any time soon


Some concerns with TLT: - Yield curve is deeply inverted, so you're making less than you make short term, at least for a while. This is contradictory to what is common, where longer duration has a premium. - The $35 Trillion national debt, upcoming debt ceiling drama in January 2025, and massive deficit can potentially lead to rising yield on ultra long term bonds. So even if the federal funds rate does fall into the 3-4% range due to cuts, its possible that 20-30 year treasuries could start yielding over 5%.


Or 2025 will have record issuance of T-bills by treasury in order to pay for the ponzi. I think $TLT will moon temporarily ... But I wouldn't hold it through 2025


I understand it fully but I’m not mentioning it because my thesis is directed toward the long dated bond market in general. I just chose TMF as my tool for this trade. Other may chose TLT or buying directly. I should have mentioned that when I state that I believe there to be little downside loss on this bet I’m talking about the overall long dated bond market not TMF.


2400 shares of TLT, patiently waiting for the move.


Agreed. Maybe in another 1-2 years of high interest rates and tech leading the way. Really not so broad of a rally but similar rate cut cycle to 1995-2000 is what I see. As a 30 y/o…I’m dca into TLTW at discount long term treasury prices. 19% dividends. Covered call fund on TLT.


Political risk = TLT down, good jobs data = TLT down, good inflation data = TLT up. That and almost all the gaps get filled (aka it’s going down)


TLT is the easiest to trade lol


TLT worst trade ever


# TLT KINGS HOLD STRONG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


if TLT has been bleeding the past few days, then why is the Russell 2000 up so much today?


Yeah, I have a huge position in TLT with covered calls, to net me like 14% total return in a year


TLT the worst trade ever


Rates are 100% forecasted rn to be cut in November. Are you still in your play? I am about to lump sum into TLT.


rotated 248 shares out of TMF into FEPI and AIPI today after some of the bond news today. Sold at like a $700 dollar loss. Felt AIPI/FEPI were at a good price to average down before a potential run up. Based off after hours, dont regret the decision. I like your thesis on TLT but after holding TMF for almost 2 months, I am missing out on gains/dividends somewhere else and there might be still room to rotate back into long term treasury 20+.

I wouldn't bet on $TLT calls. Trump presidency will add tax cuts and may increase fiscal deficit. Short-term is where it's at.


I'm balls deep into $TLT (Actually Euro version of $TLT, $IS04) And now I'm setting up the options trading account to buy $TLT CALLS for April '25 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)


wait, why is TLT down?


I like TLT today. Boring, but pretty sure bet.


TLT ripping


Need the 10 year to drop below 3% ASAP for my TLT CALLS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


NEED TLT TO GAP UP 5% TOMORROW ON NEWS OF RATE CUTS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


NEED THE 10 YEAR TO DROP 1% OVERNIGHT SO MY TLT CALLS CAN PRINT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)

Not if the US goes into some recession and the fed has to cut rates out of desperation, in that case only TLT will go up.


I actually think that it is exactly where it needs to be considering the federal funds rate... it dipped to 83 when there were fears that the rates would keep climbing, then it jumped up to 100 when they thought they were going to cut in March…. they have done literally nothing but stay steady for two years. I think this is the fair price at the current fed fund rate; TLT seems to move around 15 bucks for every 1% fed funds movement. If rates climb upwards, I’m going to get hosed if rates actually go down it could be a lot of fun.


TLT already had 10% jump this year and now wavering. But yes, no one believes we are growing at 4.5% rate. So, you want to buy those high rates now.


Gold and TLT and a tiny highly leveraged hedge of spxu calls strike 50 a couple years out


Right now I’d split it 60/40 between VOO and TLT. If the fed cuts rate later this year into next year then TLT price will go up and still pay you dividends while waiting.


Youre saying I’m not entirely regarded for gobbling up some TLT?


Why not shorter duration? TLT is over a decade


Already got TLT in the watchlist.


Even if your theory comes to fruition, you won't make shit from TLT


If you look at the unemployment charts you can literally see the re-acceleration of unemployment and massive liquidity risk in the markets. All these buyers entering contracts for 3 quarter of a million dollar houses at 7% losing their jobs all at once, banks with massive interest rate risk not having capital to cover withdrawals due to poor bond laddering strategy, and the clear trajectory toward a scenario where defaults spread like wildfire with a rapid acceleration of unemployment. This shit is a powder keg and while it may take 2-3 years to materialize it's coming unless the fed rapidly cuts rates soon. Hence why I'm long TLT ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


So funds like TLT and EDV would get fucked.


SPY puts and TLT calls rest of the year


If you aren’t buying TLT you are catching falling knifes 


TLT keeps hurting me


TLT is the answer. It moves inverse to rates. When the rate cutting begins, it will go up.


Game plan for the rest of 2024: buy TLT calls, and sell covered calls on boring boomer stocks


Fuck it. Buying TLT calls for January. If shit hits the fan this will moon


> My question is if I’m limited to only selling 1 cash secured put or covered call at a time? No. For risk-management reasons you shouldn't yolo your entire net worth and take out a second mortgage on your house to write NVDA puts, but apart from that, there's no upper limit. If you want to go with 5 contracts, you can go with 5 contracts. It might make sense to diversify, though. Rather than concentrating all your money on 69 NVDA short puts, you might go for some TLT, GLD, and EMXC as well.

That TLT can be a real motherfucker.


Leveraged to the tits in TMF and TLT


TLT beat down enough for me…yolo’ing into it for fomc play, will dump if it taps 100 bucks per share. Might paperhand before that idk. 🤷‍♂️


They’re 🤡 you’ll be financially free before you know it if starting as a teen. Maybe ask your parents about having a joint individual brokerage account you might be able to get your name on one of those…not sure. But here’s a couple of my learned principles after finding the market in my 20’s. Now 30… Dollar cost average into spy/qqq and few individual companies you intend to NEVER SELL until you’re ready to stick that money into fixed income because it’s appreciated so much. First principle is to never invest cash you need to live. Do that, and won’t sweat any market correction while principle always eventually comes back and gains more. Because you didn’t need that cash to live, you weren’t forced to sell for a loss.. Human nature, especially Americans, is to innovate and grow. More people constantly being born = constant need for economic growth. Why stock market corrections or crashes always come back Bonds are not far off all time lows, risk is still room to go down if rate cuts get pushed back . But the fund TLT holds 20+ year US treasuries paying 4% in dividends a year and value will grow during low interest rates. Good time to start dollar cost averaging in to have a percentage of your portfolio allocated to bonds. Reinvest the dividends. Learn the fundamentals of stock/bond market in correlation to U.S. interest rate and U.S. inflation rate. is a good app and the economic calendar helps track all of the microeconomics that have been fueling the market we are in, and likely always will. Good luck bud!


I understand. I can trade less often but still enjoy a good return that my account allows me. I sold some margin secured puts that are 10% otm and expiring today and will probably be fine but I find myself worried about worst case scenario so probably never going to do it again. Is it advisable to use wheel strategy on your entire portfolio? If you are already fully invested in stocks/ETFs, I don't see additional risk that can be introduced. Do you mind sharing a few stocks/ETFs that you like at the moment? What do you think of TLT/TMF?


Magards are all but guaranteed a win at this point. I think there’s definitely a tarrifs/inflation play with TLT to be had.
