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If political parties/politicians picked a coin to represent them, who would be what?

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If political parties/politicians picked a coin to represent them, who would be what?


r/BitcoinSee Comment

reddit is generally far left eco marxist youngsters who idealize socialism and think Elizabeth Warren and AOC are heroes

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One of the politicians who is actually like a normal person in the US is AOC and she gets shit on for having had a regular job as a bartender in the past, yet those same people praise the guy who grew up a billionaire and say he understands them.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Plenty of rich business people are lefties. Plenty of limousine liberals. Have you heard of California and New York? Many live there. Manhattan is full of rich businessmen and they vote 80+% left. He supported Hillary. He has been an ESG nut. Hes used his investors assets to bully companies into DEI efforts. You may not like it, but those are things lefties do. He's not an AOC lefty, but he's a lefty. Going back to congress "investigating" him, it's a political hit job. Plain and simple. It has nothing to do with crypto. And nothing will come of it. I'm defending the lefty for crying out loud.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

yeah AOC and Pelosi rock

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Exactly. Go Bernie. Or, hopefully, AOC runs eventually.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anyone here interested in the UFO hearings. AOC finally had some decent questions regarding the matter.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Reminds me of AOC when she said she doesn't hold any crypto so she can be unbiased!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

As a registered Democrat for over 20 years, I think the left and the progressives are the greatest threat to personal wealth and property ownership right now. As the economy collapses they will fight for wealth redistribution in the name of equity (not equality) and social justice. Climate change, reparations, debt forgiveness... I see no end to the way they will attack those that "don't pay their fair share" or print money to make up the difference. The youth that make up their army are all in debt, so their votes are secured better than a treasury note. And none of them have any idea that the same corporations and banks lobby their candidates just as hard as any other member of congress. I thought being a liberal meant we were smarter than this, but apparently anyone can be manipulated by the media, regardless of their good intentions. Bernie, Warren, Harris, Biden, AOC, Talib, Waters, etc. are not champions of ownership rights, and to be quite honest, I think they are borderline racists and most certainly hypocritical classists. They want money (fiat) and power and will use the siren song of "free stuff" and "equality" to achieve it. I guess I should probably change my political party. The left doesn't want some bourgeoisie bitcoin owner like me as a member.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

... Bernie and AOC leaning means socialist leaning. Socialism depends on trusting the govt to provide for you and to not fuck up. It is a system that makes it literally impossible to get ahead because your income is independent of your ability. It is a system that hinges on nonsensical money debasement because social programs are ludicrously expensive. Leftism is completely contradictory to everything Bitcoin stands for. That's why no true leftist will ever understand Bitcoin. If you're a Bitcoin believer then you're more libertarian leaning than any other political stance.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

If you like Bernie and AOC, you should read Stephanie Kelton (their leading economic advisor) and other MMT writers, and you will understand why "the left don't understand" BTC. Its not that they dont understand BTC, they just have a different stance on how the economy and money really work which makes BTC look rather silly and useless.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I am very left leaning, Bernie/AOC loving, progressive, woke, etc. But hot damn why can't others like me understand Bitcoin? Anyhow, I feel like even if Biden says he'll ban Bitcoin, I'd still vote for him over literally ANY Republican candidate I've seen so far. Complete trash, the lot of them. So I guess I'm in the 14%.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Must be right if you are sure. But you aren’t the sharpest tool in the bottom drawer are you? The only place I would send them is the dustbin of history where all the scammers belong. Bla bla bla AOC. Bla bla bla BLM. Hope the rage feels good cos it ain’t paying the bills for you.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I’m sure if you had the ability, you’d send them to a Gulag. Let me guess, you probably supported BLM? And the rioting and looting of all the shops, because ‘eat the rich’ or some other kind of AOC BS. The only good commie is a dead one. Never forget. They are cancer.
