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r/BitcoinSee Post

DRS meme stock float VS drying up BTC exchanges.

r/BitcoinSee Post

Gee Ehm Eee ape here. What do you guys think of the DRS movement?

r/BitcoinSee Post

GME ape here. What do you guys think of the DRS movement?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

The premise of blockchain, owning your assets, and parallel to the stock market

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Always remember : Not your keys not your coins..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Just another friendly reminder: Take custody of your coins .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Take self custody of your coins please .

r/BitcoinSee Post

Meme investors are Bitcoiners at heart

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Everybody calm down

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

anyone here want to get revenge on citadel?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

A run out of all exchanges is the best answer to these attacks on crypto. Proposal for a change; the full blown Coin Run Day.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Banks, media and world governments have primed the general population for a crypto pump and dump

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

DAO purchasing Gamestop


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not true at all. Go look it up. Unless you directly register your own shares in your own name through the transfer agent of that particular company(DRS) you do not own any of your stock. You are the "beneficiary owner" but you are not the actual person who owns the stock. Your brokages or banks do. Go look it up. You don't own any of your socks especially in a 401k account or a pension account or any other account that's technically not yours. But even if you buy through a brokerage like Fidelity or any other you are considered the beneficiary owner and those stocks are in what's called your "street name". No one owns ANY stock of themselves UNLESS you DIRECTLY REGISTER them in YOUR NAME. Look it up.


Did no one learn from Gamestop? Synthetics? Naked shorts? Failure to delivers (FTDs), Swaps (also makes traders sorta anonymous), market maker shenanigans? "legal" fraud? That what you get with stocks. Its another way to short the livin SH\*T outta stuff. Its a sorta way to control the price. And thats exactly what they want. It might moon for a bit but...yeah... it could all be a huge mistake. But the good thing is that there is only so many BTC. The stock fraud will work with an infinite coin like Eth or doge. Just like how the apes are DRS'ing gamestop. But then the DTCC is blatently commiting fraud now by hiding DRS'd shares. Cant do that the BTC. They sure can with a coin thats infinite. And thats what they'll probably do. So BTC = freedom from the corrupt eventually. THats my take on it. idk tho. im just a pleb. ![img](emote|t5_2g4vgd|3164)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Poofing them out of your account isn't the only way to steal the value of your investment. Awful binary of you to imply such. I'm sure you've heard of naked short selling? If not here's just one example of where someone was caught. Are you going to try and day because the shares aren't removed from my account, its not theft to dilute the supply, and therefore value, of my stock without my or my companies consent? Yeah thats why the whole DRS thing. But DRS is kinda hard, cold storage of crypto keys easy. Just maybe not for you 😎

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can put your assets under your name, Direct registration system (DRS) when the 💩 hits the fan, you do own your assets

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

FTX, Binance, name the exchange. DRS your Wall Street shares as well for the same reasons.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Yo man. The Bee doesn't waste time telling the fly how good honey is. Let the man eat what he wants. Till then just DRS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm new to this and read some stuff about crypto but tell me if I got this right. When I DRS my gamestop shares I get full and true ownership of those shares. Is this the same as if I buy crypto on an exchange and put it on my ledger? Because I also read that ledger somehow has access to the device?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Pretty sure you can self custody stocks and it’s called DRS, or Direct Registration System.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Did you DRS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm still there. DRS!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DRS, hodl, and never forget the fake Robinhood selling button

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Why though? 1. A bunch of new evidence came out over the past two years that vindicated Robinhood. It's like how everyone said that "dingo ate my baby" lady was a murderer until they realized a dingo really did eat her baby. Most people still don't realize she was innocent and still make fun of her to this day. 2. None of the brokerages/exchanges are particularly trustworthy, but the whole point of crypto is that it's a trustless system. Then all that matters is which one is cheapest and easiest. 3. The solutions people propose here are insanely inconvenient for noobs. The only reason I bought any crypto in the first place is because Robinhood made it cheap and easy. If Robinhood is an evil scam and I need to go through a ton of effort to buy on some foreign exchange and transfer to a hardware wallet, I'm just not going to do it. The same goes for DRS'ing shares of meme stocks. There's a few tens of millions people around the world who are willing to go through this effort, but if crypto is going to grow into hundreds of millions or billions of users, it has to be easy, cheap, and fast. Robinhood does that best.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can actually own stocks in your name, its called DRS (direct registration system). Anyways crypto is better though haha

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can do this. It’s called DRS. Directly Registering your Shares.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'd like to see /r/Formula1 get one. Pits? Laps? DRS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yea GME is still a thing. The company is actually pivoting into trying to be one of the players in web3/nft gaming (they've been partnering with companies like Immutable X and Telos to bring as much gaming volume as possible to their NFT marketplace and are launching a web3 game launcher as well). They've basically been closing as many unprofitable retail stores as possible to try and wait out the years until more games release and it takes off. So far it appears to be working in terms of the waiting out part. They've managed to slowly inch towards profitability on the store front (even already managed a profitable Q4) They've actually seen some institutional investors hop in at around this price as well as a good amount of insider buying. (The insiders are buying at a rate that would be in the top 10% of and S&P 500 company, and hedge funds like point 72, the steve cohen fund whom famously made fun of the gamestop traders, have established positions as well in the last year.) Thats the business side anyway. The part that is cultish/memey/turns people away from actually using their fucking brains on both sides is the DRS/MOASS movements on the subs. (MOASS = Mother of All Short Squeezes) Basically when the 2021 thing happened, a bunch of digging into financial rules/regulations led to a mass movement of DRSing (Directly Registering Shares in your name, not in the name of your broker) because of the sheer amount of fuckery that happened during that time period which led to a massive mistrust of brokers (See the robinhood controversy). Long story short is they feel they got fucked over, and that shorts didn't learn their lesson and actually properly cover in part due to how easy they were able to get off from the Jan 21-June 21 event (mostly Citadel and other big players, not smaller funds like Melvin). So now they no longer trust anyone to act in their best financial interests and want to act on their own without a 3rd party potentially acting against their investments (sound familiar?). So now like 30% of the available shares to be traded are directly registered to individuals on the superstonk subreddit (thats fucking batshit btw thats like 2 billion dollars worth on a single sub). Part of the idea is also that if they ever hit 100%, they will prove that there is still naked shorting and other illegal mechanics fucking with the price. Another part is just the idea that if almost 100% of the shares are locked, suddenly even 20% short interest is enough to MOASS if the business suddenly has a catalyst to move the price up. Getting 100% of the float is extremely slow and would take years of buying without them selling (they are still on pace), but the goal does have the benefit in that, if the price of gamestop goes down, they do speed up the progress towards their goal. (BIG NOTE: all of this does rely on gamestop doing well enough as a business, so that they do not offer any more shares to raise capital, which would increase the size of the float and require more shares to be DRS'd) The sub has also actually done a decent job in making comments/protesting certain market mechanics that were extremely anti retail in the time since. just wanted to include that cuz it usually gets lost in the DRS cult. TLDR: Gamestop is now in a surprisingly ok spot as a business as it attempts to pivot to Web3 gaming. (it is very fair to say overvalued at its current state, but both insiders and institutional investors have started to buy in at the current price due to its future potential). And redditors have continued to buy/hold in their movement because of the aforementioned, and they're pissed at how they got fucked over and kinda wanna force the squeeze themselves by owning the entire public-ally tradable company/force change in wall street.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just one stock. Berkshire Hathaway. Nah, just playing...$GME-- DRS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

'everything is rigged' unless actually OWNED which is a super small percentage due to it's inherent 'difficulty'. Not your keys; not your crypto. Not DRS'ed; not your stock.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DRS your crypto

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is gonna be spicy for a lot of people, but if the SEC can successfully kill or even kneecap coinbase and the industry is dead for Americans anyway. This idea of "get your coins off exchanges" is the same as "DRS your shares" in that all you're doing is adding a step to cashing out. Without a trusted marketplace that is also a fiat offramp, what's the point?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So should people that hold crypto in the form of a stock should DRS??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>and whole incident with trading against customers. > >We cant verify a lot of it, and since its crypto space, we like to keep some doubt. Boy I say Boy... They all do it. They are all the Citadels and Goldman Sucks or JP demons of the world. Your name could be Ken griffin or Steven cohen or JP Diamon or Winklevoss They all play the SAME freaking game. 2 ledgers making fake IOU ponzi crypto or stocks and trading against the user possibly even bare reading people into selling. It's quite obvious The worst part the crypto or stocks on the platform aren't yours... NOT your keys not your crypto. Not your shares if you aren't DRS not your Stonk. It's 100% clear finance bros got into crypto and are naked shorting it playing the same games on the stock market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m just going to keep my ledger, sooooo tired of having to keep switching devices, services and apps because of Tom foolery. BRB need to go DRS my GME and make sure it’s Book not plan!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> 2) 2% inflation which, we all lived with a majority of our lives, isn't a bad thing. Anyone who is smart doesn't hold their net worth in cash and should invest in bonds, stocks (or BTC), real estate or so on. People like to pull up the 40 year chart of USD losing value, but again, who is dumb enough to hold onto a pile of cash for 40 years. I agree, but for most this is not straightforward. Saving up for a deposit is tough, especially with the cost of things currently. For those on mortgages already the cost of living crisis along with increased interest rates has a lot of people cornered. Salaries just are not keeping up with current inflation rates. Just look at NHS staff in the UK effectively taking a pay cut every year due to salary increases not matching inflation. You are right that if you have cash, stocks and bonds are a good idea. But let's say you have £15k. Where do you go? When I looked into this previously the only options seemed to be retail trading platforms. Serious platforms expected me to have more money to open an account (put simply). Could well be that I am missing some pathways towards buying stocks, etc here though. I've heard of DRS for instance, perhaps that would be the best approach for a long-term holder?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Feels like DRS for stocks

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Those numbers represent the company. So no you're not just betting on numbers. That's ridiculous. You pick the company based on company financials and outlook. And if you want, you can DRS your shares in your name if "owning" means that much to you.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exchanges could sell more BTC than they actually have if you dont take them off. In a way its "proof of reserves" A similar thing happened with the GME saga, they "borrowed" shares from people's accounts because it's basically defaulted that way unless you fill out a form not to (DRS). Then they short the company with those shares, pushing it into bankruptcy, and the shares you have drop in value. They use your own investment against you

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would „invest“ €20 in GME and the work (3h~) to DRS it ( via Superstonk sub). Their floor per share is the counter at - the apes have been serious about it for over two years.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yup. All the big subs have been infiltrated. Even superstonk. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

This is a huge scam. Buy the stock itself GME not this BS. Direct Register through GameStops transfer agent Computershare. You want pure DRS or book, not plan. No fractionals or DRIP. Hold or hodl. Shop at GameStop or GameStop NFT. Avoid this scam and own the real thing with a huge community of like minded investors. Also check out and GameStop is a once in a forever opportunity and will not happen again. Don’t buy a fake GME token and make some nerd rich with your hard earned money. Own your stock through DRS instead of being a beneficial owner through a broker, and that goes for all stocks. Always register any stock through their transfer agent as the insiders do. DM me with any questions. ❤️

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Someone didn't DRS their shares

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Over and over and ... All those "overs" link to the same thing, which is that the SEC is not regulating mutual fund fees *enough*. That's not a good argument why the SEC shouldn't be able to regulate things like crypto staking services *at all*. > again and again and ... Also one link to an article about the SEC taking enforcement action to force public companies to fix internal control failures. This is the SEC's job, and it is exactly what the SEC is doing to crypto brokers now. > ... and again None of that lawbreaking involves the SEC, which isn't in charge of protecting depositors from overdraft fees and inappropriate government orders, protecting depositors' personal data, ensuring commercial banks follow fair lending practices, or ensuring that credit card issuers doesn't overcharge for interest. > and again This is criticizing the SEC for not regulating stock brokers' short selling enough. It is not a good argument for why the SEC shouldn't be able to regulate crypto brokers' short selling *at all*. > and again... That article makes the same argument about short selling. > it means your shares (individually held or in a retirement fund) are very (very, very, very) likely being used against you unless you use the Direct Registration System (DRS) to put them in your own name. The Cede doesn't short sell though. Brokers aren't allowed to lend your stocks unless you are borrowing against the stocks in a margin account. > Godspeed to Coinbase. How do you know Coinbase isn't lending out its users' crypto? Other crypto brokers have been proven to do this.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can keep copy and pasting huge walls of text if you'd like, but maybe you can summarize your viewpoint by explaining why owning the shares in your own name is better than the guarantees of the contract 99% of investors use without fail. It's not to prevent borrowing, since you can also do that contractually. It isn't to own the float, since you won't ever be able to buy the section market makers are required to hold. It isn't to profit from a short squeeze, since you won't be able to resell DRS'd sales fast enough to participate. What's the upside to your foolish expenditure?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The SEC has proven itself to be underfunded and unfit for duty at very, very, very best, if not totally and utterly, 100% corrupted and captured, at worst. The SEC and associated governmental functionaries have made a mockery of anything resembling basic good-will and good-nature and good-conscience. [Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over]( again and again and [again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again...]( ... and [again]( and [again]( and [again]( People **need** to take a look at to learn about some of the lobbied-for loopholes and other bullshittery going on in the broader stock market where the SEC is seemingly not acting or acting in bad-faith. One key takeaway is that "not your keys, not your crypto" is ALSO applicable to owning shares in the stock market / with a company. It could be put as *"not DRSed, not your shares."* >**Cede technically owns all of the publicly issued stock in the United States.[3] Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede.** As such, it means your shares (individually held or in a retirement fund) are very (very, very, very) likely being used against you unless you use the Direct Registration System (DRS) to put them in your own name. >It would be as if you bought a car in full, paid in cash, but the dealership keeps the title, and then, at night, they take your car and use it for joyriding, taxiing, rentals, and more (akin to derivative shenanigans, Failure-to-Delivers (FTDs), 2008 housing meltdown, and more) - putting miles on your car and even damaging it - while you have very little say in the matter. [Godspeed to Coinbase.]( The larger Wall Street Bro Cult and Don't Tax Me! network and regime will be looked back upon in 20 and 50 and 100 years as something like a genocidal and despotic amalgamation of psychopaths - deservedly and rightfully. Damn them to agnostic hell.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For what it's worth, the SEC was repeatedly told about Bernie Madoff for ***years*** and, essentially did absolutely nothing about it/him. See [here]( and [here]( I think it would be fair to say that the SEC is, if not outright corrupted, then under [regulatory capture.]( People need to take a look at to learn about some of the lobbied-for loopholes and other bullshittery going on in the broader stock market where the SEC is seemingly not acting or acting in bad-faith. One key takeaway is that "not your keys, not your crypto" is ALSO applicable to owning shares in the stock market / with a company. It could be put as *"not DRSed, not your shares."* >**Cede technically owns all of the publicly issued stock in the United States.[3] Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede.** As such, it means your shares (individually held or in a retirement fund) are very likely being used against you unless you use the Direct Registration System (DRS) to put them in your own name. >It would be as if you bought a car in full, paid in cash, but the dealership keeps the title, and then, at night, they take your car and use it for joyriding, taxiing, rentals, and more (akin to derivative shenanigans, Failure-to-Delivers (FTDs), 208 housing meltdown, and more) - putting miles on your car and even damaging it - while you have very little say in the matter. Glad to see Coinbase suing the SEC and bringing some of the non-sense to light.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Post was deleted asking what you've learned in three years... said the post is only good for Daily Discussion. As such, this was my comment/reply: I've learned that *"not your keys not your crypto"* is an important facet of "being your own bank." I'm all for it and think it's a needed evolution for society and banking, generally speaking. Likewise, the stock market and owning shares of a company *has the same dynamic* - contrary to popular belief and education. In the same vein, it could be put as *"not DRSed, not your shares."* >**Cede technically owns all of the publicly issued stock in the United States.[3] Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede.** Stocks/shares held in CEXs (e.g. TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Robinhood, etc...) are NOT in your name and are NOT technically owned by you. >It would be as if you bought a car in full, paid in cash, but the dealership keeps the title, and then, at night, they take your car and use it for joyriding, taxiing, rentals, and more (akin to derivative shenanigans, Failure-to-Delivers (FTDs), 208 housing meltdown, and more) - putting miles on your car and even damaging it - while you have very little say in the matter. See more at the Wikipedia entry [here]( and You can use the official [Direct Registration System (DRS)]( to insure your shares to be in the safest place, outside of possible fraudsters' and grifters' hands and their associated bullshittery - and, most importantly - with the title/certificate in your name. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the interest of financial literacy and education, it's important to realize just how gamified much of the "stock market" and larger financial system actually is. I really, really, *really* recommend people take a look at ****** to learn some more of the less-known market mechanics which are at play in the stock market and just how manipulate-able it is. There's often talk about crypto being "wild west" this and that - which I don't disagree with, necessarily, BUT the "regular stock market" is much more "wild west" than what it's marketed and accepted as.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I've learned that *"not your keys not your crypto"* is an important facet of "being your own bank." I'm all for it and think it's a needed evolution for society and banking, generally speaking. Likewise, the stock market and owning shares of a company *has the same dynamic* - contrary to popular belief and education. In the same vein, it could be put as *"not DRSed, not your shares."* >**Cede technically owns all of the publicly issued stock in the United States.[3] Thus, investors do not themselves hold direct property rights in stock, but rather have contractual rights that are part of a chain of contractual rights involving Cede.** Stocks/shares held in CEXs (e.g. TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Robinhood, etc...) are NOT in your name and are NOT technically owned by you. >It would be as if you bought a car in full, paid in cash, but the dealership keeps the title, and then, at night, they take your car and use it for joyriding, taxiing, rentals, and more (akin to derivative shenanigans, Failure-to-Delivers (FTDs), and more) - putting miles on it and even damaging it - while you have very little say in the matter. See more at the Wikipedia entry [here]( and You can use the official [Direct Registration System (DRS)]( to insure your shares to be in the safest place, outside of possible fraudsters' and grifters' hands and their associated bullshittery - and, most importantly - with the title/certificate in your name. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the interest of financial literacy and education, it's important to realize just how gamified much of the "stock market" and larger financial system actually is. I really, really, *really* recommend people take a look at ** to learn some more of the less-known market mechanics which are at play in the stock market and just how manipulate-able it is. There's often talk about crypto being "wild west" this and that - which I don't disagree with, necessarily, BUT the "regular stock market" is much more "wild west" than what it's marketed and accepted as.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Take a look at the GameStop stock story and what GameStop is doing right now. Take a look at the DRS - direct registration system. Tldr: in the end it matters where the **ledger** is stored and who trusts what the ledger says. In tradfi banks store it and most ppl trust banks. In DeFi Blockchains store it decentralised and everyone has verifiable trust. In stocks, it's usually the stock exchange who stored this ledger. There is no decentralised Blockchain based ledger to stocks atm. The best you can get is with DRS and have the stock owned under *your* name. But there the ledger is stored at the company giving out the shares and not the Blockchain. There is indeed room for development here. I encourage you to look at the discussion here where I asked a similar question just weeks ago: [Self-custody of ETFs?](

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Take a look at the GameStop stock story and what GameStop is doing right now. Take a look at the DRS - direct registration system. Tldr: in the end it matters where the **ledger** is stored and who trusts what the ledger says. In tradfi banks store it and most ppl trust banks. In DeFi Blockchains store it decentralised and everyone has verifiable trust. In stocks, it's usually the stock exchange who stored this ledger. There is no decentralised Blockchain based ledger to stocks atm. The best you can get is with DRS and have the stock owned under *your* name. But there the ledger is stored at the company giving out the shares and not the Blockchain. There is indeed room for development here. I encourage you to look at the discussion here where I asked a similar question just weeks ago:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Where are my apes at ? GME …DRS ..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Depending on the transfer agent, it's just as easy to buy and sell as a brokerage. The point is, if you keep your shares in a brokerage, your investment is being used against you in all likelihood. If you're a day-trader then maybe you don't want to move them, but if you're holding for a month or more, than moving them over via the Direct Registration System (DRS) is the wisest thing to do. No doubt about it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Its never been easier for the poors to win. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DRS them shits !

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You should hedge your crypto with GameStop $GME and DRS those babies to Computershare. and r/Superstonk

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DRS is the way…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So NFTs are good now? Always has been. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NFTs are the future. Those who see the potential will profit. Those who don't will wish they did. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Haha GME degen, yup. DRS'd and waiting patiently

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I just buy and DRS a game store stock

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DRS your crypto apes. Get a cold wallet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would put $60,000 towards my mortgage. Then invest $100,000 in to fixing my house and getting the basement set up as a separate rental apartment. Then move my son and I in the basement and rent out the upstairs. My mortgage would be covered by the rental without refinancing. Also my house would be worth more. Then buy a new or slightly used truck or SUV and pay cash for half $15-20k. The remaining 70 k I would split 3 ways between boomer forever divided stocks, GME DRS-Ed at ComputerShare, and BTC and ETH with a grand each towards LRC and Moons.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can come to r/superstonk there are posts to DRS depending on your broker and where you live

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's very interesting. How can one guy DRS stocks? I have some GameStop stocks but I bought them via Revolut stock marketplace. I'm guessing those aren't DRS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly the government is just getting their cut. Thats why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS. In a nutshell: The entire stock market is a ponzi scheme. Citadel securities and other hedge funds and market makers control the price of every single stock and profit from shorting and illegally naked shorting companies into bankruptcy. Theyve been doing this for decades now. Usually they can scare investors away from a company with fake news and price suppression. For gamestop they tried to do the same but no matter what the true gamestop believers never sold. As for DRS, it allows you to have a stock certificate in your own name instead of through proxy through brokers. DRS also takes the certificate out of the DTCCs hands which allowed the hedge funds to find locates to shares they want to short. Gamestop shareholders already have 60% of the free float put of the DTCCs hands and in their own names. This has never been done before. Eventually we will DRS the entire free float and the shorts will not have enough shares to close their positions by buying back the real shares not to mention fake shares (estimated to be in the billions) that they printed. Then all that buying pressure and gamestop shareholders refusing to sell for anything under phone number prices or even selling at all will ultimately lead gamestops share price to millions potentially billions or even infinity dollars. Effectively exposing the ponzi and taking back all the trillions these corrupt elite stole from the working class. All this and i havent even mentioned how gamestop has set itself up to the biggest player in the future of DeFi and web 3 gaming and NFTs.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Very true. Then we need money. Take back the trillions they stole from us with DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS and change the world for the better

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Take back your money that these crooks stole from you. Take away their money you take away their power. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

CEX is for dummies. DEX all the way. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I hope your brother DRS'd those GME shares

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*Not your DRS, not your share*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm huffing and puffing, not your keys not your coins and DRS or not your shares

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The same thing is going on in the stock market LMAYO DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The same thing is going on in the stock market LMAYO DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The same thing is going on in the stock market LMAYO DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto will win in the near future. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Now what if theres both? DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is straight fud LMAYO. crypto is freedom from the greedy rich who continue to siphon wealth from the poor. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly. Global economic implosion here we come. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Engage DRS already!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah that's because we are in a cryptocurrency sub. Besides, ever heard of DRS?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The irony is those ppl at that subreddit kept believing they’ll repeat their collective ability to MOASS GME success story in a clearly rigged environment by the big hedgies. Dont get me wrong i also DRS’d some GME just in case, bought 100$ now valued 75~

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The best thing to do is DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Be your own bank, not your keys not your coin. Fukem. Hold your shit to your chest, DRS your shit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fuck cex. Dex is the way. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Here is the answer. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

SIVB. Look it up and educate yourself. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The dominos are falling. Don’t forget to DRS your GME and AMC. r/superstonk has you covered 👍🏼

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They fight you. Crypto is the future. Anything gamestop is doing will be the future. Mark my words. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anything gamestop is working with like imx and lrc. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yup decentralized is the future. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly. Just the decentralized math like exactly what GAMESTOP is doing. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Facts. That's why LRC IMX are the future. Along with anything gamestop works with. DRS BOOK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same as holding your stocks with a stock broker is not safe, they will lend them out and profit without your permission. DRS is the way!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Very true. That's why you DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS while everyone is bashing it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Investing into some stock, mostly GME. DRS of course.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Unless they start doing, what they do in stock market, infinite liquidity fairy. IOU. I owe you a bitcoin. When you transfer it to cold wallet, only then you will get your bitcoin. Until then its just an IOU. Cold wallet is like DRS for stocks.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Nah we tired of getting legally robbed by the ponzi scheme. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Because gamestop is where it's at. LRC BYOB. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

it is but only when done right like what gamestop is doing with web3 and nfts. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Literally what gamestop is doing right now. True ownership over NFTs. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yup that's why if you truly want to not be a slave to CEX. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Computershare & DRS / Not your keys, not your crypto! That is what should be advertised. One can dream, right?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wow you guys are actually in the know. DRS BOOK GAMESTOP MOASS
