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🚀 Infinitecoin Surges: Soars by an Astounding 248.21% in Just 30 Days! 📈

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Register to enjoy 600IFC Newcomer gift Package Hurry up .Invition code : ( fy7g ) click here

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Gemini Lending Partner, Genesis Global Capital, Paused Withdrawals- Another One About to Bite the Dust

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ULTIMO - The missing piece of the puzzle that the crypto world has been waiting for.

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What Happened in my Third Congressional Crypto Briefing Yesterday

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World Bank's IFC taps blockchain for carbon offsets

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

The Node-Omni-Innovation Foundation aims to support legal entities and companies that believe in the vision and want to contribute to it through exceptional concepts and projects.


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The only IFC shiller ive seen, wonder why

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You can take a look at Infinitecoin (IFC). It's one of the older but still alive decentralized coins that has been rising the last few weeks.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I keep stacking Infinitecoin (IFC). Already up 626% in 30 days!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So glad I bought more Infinitecoin (IFC) last month. Already up 626% this last 30 days!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

IFC and Doge I Don't know about IFC. When was it launched

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Infintecoin (IFC) and Dogecoin way way way back...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I keep on DCAing Infinitecoin (IFC) since 2013 next to my BTC and DOGE stack.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Infinitecoin IFC! Still hodling

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think the IFC might disagree

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; The International Finance Corp (IFC) launched the Carbon Opportunities Fund to provide emissions offsets through the blockchain. The fund will buy carbon credits from projects previously chosen by Aspiration and Cultivo. Only 10% of carbon credit projects currently meet the fund’s criteria. By the end of this year, the IFC fund could buy up to 300,000 tons of credits. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

that sounds like me, y waste time:\_\_nzQ

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Infinitecoin (IFC)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good ol’ InfiniteCoin IFC since 2013

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I know IFC in 2018 and start to invest it from then. It is currently one of the currencies with the fastest transaction confirmation speed and the largest number of coins. With its global distribution, super fast transaction confirmation time and excellent circulation , IFC can beat some of the top 5 currencies. IFC has broad development space!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Holding IFC since 2013 and started mining from July 2019.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I participated in BTC mining in 2011 I came into contact with LTC in 2012 I met IFC and DOGE in 2014 I’m still a fan of IFC. Although he is behind, I think he has great potential.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I typed IFC CMC in Google and got Inmate Family Council California Men's Colony as the top result 😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Guys what is IFC? (Infinitecoin) market cap rank #961 my landlord just said he’s gonna go heavy into it🤦🏻 Highly doubt there’s any hodlers here but have you ever heard of this?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Still have some IFC, old times...

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Infinitecoin IFC

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One of the creators of WKUK, now an older comedy skit show on IFC. Used to have some pretty big videos with the grapeist and a few others

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Give it 5 years. They'll all hop on board and I'm buying some the very first day it's offered. Soon I'll be HODLing PrimeCoin (BEZOS), GoogleCoin (GOOG) and InstaFacebookCoin (IFC)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

1) i wasn't trying to be inspirational i was being realistic. BUT If you want to GET REALLY TECHNICAL, LETS GET TECHNICAL. on February 23, 2014 (around the time I bought DOGE) look historical snapshot of coin marketcap data. []( It turns out most of crypto is a crapshoot. Lets look at the top 15 coins on that Day only 5/15 coins there are worth more today than they are then. out of the other 10, one no longer even exists. So lets look at the five who are still here with us BTC, LTC, XRP, DOGE, and infinite coin. BTC: 605 > 33,941 (5510.08% increase) LTC: 15.5 > 158.84 (924.774% increase) XRP: 0.0154 > 0.8085 (5150% increase) DOGE: 0.001185 > 0.291 (24457% increase) IFC: 0.0000885> 0.0002578 (191.299% increase) However in EACH AND EVERY one of these instance buying and hodling for for 7 years is what maximizes profit. And every single one of them had pumps sometime inbetween 2014 and today that one would have had to hold through in order make the exponential gains one would make today. Almost every single one of them saw \~1000% increase in value. SO yes MY POINT WAS to make it BIIIGGG, you gotta buy and HODL. THE SPECIFIC COIN that you BUY and HODL is inconsequential.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Had 5000 IFC on cryptopia, small change :)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

On Crex24 exchange you can get also free crypto's in the Faucet menu - there is a time interval of 4 to 15 hours Currently BTCZ, DATP, CHEESE, CYMT, IFC, SHND, VIPS, CREX, SDGO, INNBC, INNBCL

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'll give you one. made this post earlier but think everyone was sleeping. Hey crypto crew, just wanted to share my research on a new coin soon to drop. The company is called World Mobile and I've compiled a fair bit of info from their telegram group chat over the last few weeks. Hope you enjoy the read. Here we go! World Mobile are a first of their kind telco operator using the sharing economy to share the revenue of the network and are working to solve a real world problem. World Mobile's aim is to connect the unconnected. Existing telcos deem it unprofitable to build costly infrastructure in rural areas just to reach those last few people. But World Mobile has the team, the means and the tech and are launching in Africa (Check out this link to hear Charles Hoskinson talk about World Mobile ) with the rest of the world to follow in the near future. Currently, almost half the global population don't have internet access. So the minimum total addressable market is around 3.7B people. That's not even counting the other half of the population who may subscribe to WM for better coverage and cheaper plans. So this means 3.7 billion people MUST join the World Mobile network if they want to access things that the connected take for granted such as healthcare, education and financial services. And as the network runs on blockchain, and all data being sent across will translate into "transactions" it is likley to be one of the most used blockchains in existence. Imagine if they can capture only 20% of the unconnected. That will translate into tens of millions of transactions daily, inherently causing explosive price action with the crypto. Coming from a traditional equities investment background (stock market) I am comfortable investing in World Mobile because it feels like I'm investing in a company rather than a coin. WM's success doesn't depend on the adoption of its crypto to make money and grow but instead it has a complementary layer of block chain integrated into the business model. And having invested in a fair few companies on the stock market, I do believe this is a unicorn of a company and of an investment, which is why I will be going all in, diversification be damned. I know how risky this is to go all in and am not encouraging others to do the same but I just want to express my level of conviction. They did a proof of concept in a small village in Africa ( and that village has flourished since. Their telegram has constant updates of the network roll out in Zanzibar and their team is like nothing else I have seen before, boasting people from the IFC which is a private arm of the World Bank. When I dug into the management team and their advisors, it was akin to having the 1992 USA Mens Basketball Dream Team on your side. Not even exaggerating here, I was low key blown away. At the forefront of the business model is keeping users data private. They do no sell the data of the end user. They will how ever give the choice to the end user if they do want to sell their data and let the end user be rewarded by the sale of their data. They have a website ( and a bunch of videos in their telegram group. I feel very confident that having a tangible business not relying on the adoption of their crypto but rather a rapidly expanding business will drive this crypto minimum 10x. If someone like me who just recently dabbled in crypto is attracted to this business I can only imagine how the crypto community feels about it. Ontop of all of this, someone needs to address this problem the world is facing (#digitaldivide) and I want to get behind people I think can actually do this because it absolutely is critical to bridge the gap between the have and the have-nots. I've already made this point above but I want to hammer this home again. Roughly 3.7b people remain unconnected which means they are unable to communicate with the rest of us, so in this era of rapid technological advancement, they may as well be blind, deaf and mute. OK maybe a slight overexagerration but you get what I mean. And for those who just want gains... imagine how big the crypto market will be when the other half of the world is connected and money flows in from those who metaphorically (and maybe even literally) kept their money under their mattresses. Hope this all made sense and hope I didn't sound too pumpy. I just believe this will change not just my life but the lives of people World Mobile connect.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

WMT I'm relatively new to crypto but come from a traditional equities background, but since the crypto space is booming, I wanted to capitalise on the market sentiment and have started diversifying my portfolio. However I really wanted find a project that does something and has a tangible business behind it (I couldn't flick the switch from being a traditional investor completley off) and I finally found one. It doesn't depend on the adoption of its crypto to make money and grow but instead it has a complementary layer of block chain intigrated into the business model. Basically, I feel like I'm investing in a unicorn of a company instead of a coin. I came across a project called World Mobile while scrolling through twitter. World Mobile are a first of their kind telco operator using the sharing economy to share the revenue of the network. It's has blown me away. They are working to solve a real world problem where almost 4 billion people have no internet access and therefore limited opportunities to access what we take for granted such as education, healthcare, finances etc. Their mission is to connect the unconnected. I know how cliche this sounds but they did a proof of concept in a small village in Africa and their telegram has constant updates of the network roll out in Zanzibar, the team is like nothing else I have seen before, boasting people from the IFC which a private arm of the World Bank. When I dug into the management team and their advisors, it was akin to having the 1992 USA Mens Basketball Dream Team on your side. Not even exaggerating here. I want to tell everyone I know about it. I've shown my family members and they all see what I see albeit they are not investors they do see why I am so enthusiastic. I think they have a real chance of blowing up to the point where I am seriously considering going all in (wouldn't reccomend others do this as diversification is the safer play but my personal conviction is extremely high). They have a website and a bunch of videos in their telegram group. I feel very confident that having a tangible business not relying on the adoption of their crypto but a rapidly expanding business will drive this crypto minimum 10x. If someone like me is attracted to this business I can only imagine how the crypto community feels about it!! Ontop of all of this someone needs to address this problem the world is facing and I want to get behind people I think can actually do this... Imagine how big the crypto market will be when the other half of the world is connected.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Comment
