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Do NOT get into pumps and dumps. They are bad and damaging not only to idiots like me, but to the community in general. They are not OK, please do not support them.

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

24,4% of ICO projects are dead for good

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

24,4% of ICO projects are dead for good

r/BitcoinSee Post

Title was disallowed i think

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

How do you fund your FIAT to Crypto?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Free monies

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

When trading, learn to manage your expectations

r/SatoshiStreetBetsSee Post

I like this Altcoin, OK?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Vast Bank- A Tulsa, OK bank that lets people manage their traditional bank accounts and cryptocurrency side by side. Pretty cool. Sounds like adoption to me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Security : An easy guide on how to remain secure from theft/scam as you trade crypto.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Let's discuss the BTC cycle.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Can we stop making fun of People who used their Crypto to buy something? Like the Pizza Guy? It's OK to take Profits!


This is what I don't get. I do know rich people borrow against assets, so I know it must work. But I just don't know how. In my head, this is the conversation in this thread: "Don't sell Bitcoin, just borrow against it" "OK, done. Now how do I repay the loan?" "Just sell some Bitcoin bruh" "But you told me not to sell Bitcoin, just borrow against it?" I'm obviously missing something.


> What scam? Look at the their listings pages. As well, Jesse Powell was a founding member of the rhymes with "nipple" board. > -Provide a source for their lie about reserves They are the source. They call it proof of reserves but it's an attestation, an audit. Proof of reserves is a set of signed inputs. there are no signed inputs, just the signed attestations of the auditor. Described as "An advanced cryptographic accounting procedure conducted regularly by trusted accountants" Real proof of reserves (like what river is currently doing) are specified in the original repository for the term: "For every proof-of-reserves, a Bitcoin transaction will be generated. This transaction will be invalidated so that it cannot be broadcast to the Bitcoin network. This is done by adding an input that refers to a non-existing UTXO. The remainder of the transaction consists of UTXOs owned by the proving party and a single output with the sum of the values of all the UTXOs in the inputs. The prover signs this transaction to prove that it can spend the UTXOs." See the difference? One is not proof of anything, it's a testimonial. The other is a bitcoin proof that the exchange can spend the reserves. > -Enabling....OK, so where you get your coins from? Let me guess OTC...because people dont lie or steal. I typically use bisq, bullbitcoin, bitcoinwell, or other bitcoin only and ideally non-custodial exchanges. In America I can only recommend cashapp, strike, and river as all custody their own coins even if they aren't non-custodial, are bitcoin only, and in rivers case they have an actual proof of their reserves. > -Casino - again with the rhetoric....but no proof. How is Kraken a casino, again? You never explained, just recited the mantra... They actively promote people to engage in scams for their own profit. This is evident in all the scams they list and their market materials. Do you remember when they hired dan held and he was posting shitcoin nonsense to usher people to kraken daily? look it up. Have you never received a kraken new token marketing email? They push these scams harder than the dealer on the corner slings coke. > -Assumptions? Well, you said it, not me... I am accusing you of being roundly misinformed and making egregious assumptions about me and it seems Kraken as well, yes. >-Pretending BTC is an what about all those people whos investment didnt go down as much as stocks, fiat or other "investment vehicles"....sources please. You want a source that Bitcoin is more than an investment? How about all the people like me using it as our daily and native currency? My first use cases was as a state machine for due dilligence data posting merkle tree roots as proofs to chain. You have projects liek opentimestamps, you have countries like el salvador adopting it as money, you have wallets like liana enabling complex programmable use cases like last wills and testaments and emergency recovery solutions - Bitcoin is more than an investment. People seeing only an investment are typically the most amateur users. > -Who said investors are blind to Bitcoins other valuable fact thast WHY THEY INVESTED. BECAUSE IT HAS VALUE. I did. If they weren't blind they'd run a node. Do you run a node? It's the only way to remain secure in your transactions. You can tell very obviously from the public [node count]( that most investors do not participate in the bitcoin protocol or verifying at all. >Id love to debate you all day on reddit but this is sufficient to show you the ignorance of your argument. You can take the win if you need. I'd love to debate you all day on reddit, but this is sufficient to show you the EXTREME IGNORANCE of your commentary and position. **STOP PROMOTING AND SUPPORTING SHITCOIN CASINOS**

-What scam? -Provide a source for their lie about reserves -Sounds like an emotional argument -Enabling....OK, so where you get your coins from? Let me guess OTC...because people dont lie or steal. -Casino - again with the rhetoric....but no proof. How is Kraken a casino, again? You never explained, just recited the mantra... -Objective - so ....the source? I mean ...sources...since its so obvious. -Assumptions? Well, you said it, not me... -You have to run a node to buy Bitcoin and not get ripped off? -Pretending BTC is an what about all those people whos investment didnt go down as much as stocks, fiat or other "investment vehicles"....sources please. Maybe all these financial institutions are retards thinking their billions are safe in BTC. Nailed it, bro...big brain move. Your so much smarter than every financial institution in the game. Maybe you should work for Blackrock and you woldnt need to shitpost on Reddit for a living. -Who said investors are blind to Bitcoins other valuable fact thast WHY THEY INVESTED. BECAUSE IT HAS VALUE. Id love to debate you all day on reddit but this is sufficient to show you the ignorance of your argument. You can take the win if you need.

I mean I dont know why your laughing. Its true Here are the speakers Here are a couple of the banks and there partnerships. There are more, but you should know this since your so up to date. [HSBC ]( [Standard Charter]( I mean even BNY Melon had there head of digital assets go work with ripple.


OK, than you, makes sense! :)


15 green days in a row then only two red days after? OK


I use BlueWallet it’s OK


You're not OK.


Folks have to take away their emotions and look at this globally. US is on edge due to powell and fed interest rates. He kept it neutral, which people don't like. The job report came out, which looked OK. Strike at the ports on the east coast. Iran and Israel tensions, no good. Japan market and china market. Once things calm down, it should go up. Then again, I am just a redditor.


Exactly. CZ is an industry pioneer. Finance platform was impossible to implement without breaking laws. Not possible - OK? Tremendous respect for CZ. Greed is not a big motivating factor for him, you can tell. Where is the jail for fed officials that keep running the USD ponzi? Plus all the handouts and ongoing gov frauds. Everyone should be thanking CZ


OK, that's easy, HODL and add some traditional investments for peace of mind.


OK, 7 figures. And a 2 year vacation. Not bad for pilfering billions.


OK, he's sold.  NOW PUMP IT. 🤣 Nah, congrats tho.


Adderall is a amphetamine you idiot, so are almost all ADD/ADHD medications. The fact that parents pop this shit into their kids and society thinks it is OK, and you are so stupid, is shocking.


Well have a beautiful day regardless. Um I'd say so but obviously one speculates good soul. How these things came into creation real madness. OK bitcoin and other ones that even stand a chance of purpose and possibly as a commodity (BTC itself yes). But your wise...clearly something is a miss when again without picking on the coin above £180 MILLION like madness.... Not £18000 on a Dodgy speculative investment.. it's a lot of money just waiting to fall. 🙏 On a non functioning currency...180 million.... And that's just ONE meme coin.... Have a peaceful evening.


" There is no winning this game, just surviving" - Remind yourself that everyday, and you'll be OK lol


Nuke 'em. Who needs Russians or Chinese? They have no right to monetary assets or liquidity! OK. Or, just wait patiently until they lay down and die. F'ing people like you.


OK I’ll message you there have you tried the direct message of the bot to activate?


OK I'm ready for the dip


Hey, it sounds like your tokens are locked in an LP NFT - if you're OK sharing your TX hash, I'll see if I can reach out to the Kaia Swap to get your issue expedited. You can DM your TX Hash if you like.


How is this relevant? OK, I can play this game too: G_ab = 8π T_ab.


I have large canceled orders at 10, 200, 1000, 10000, 30000 ...etc Would have been close to a billionaire today. It's OK. Life goes on. At least are no missiles raining down on you and destroying your entire family and life.


OK. Well, we have answered your question about whether Bitcoin gets lost on the Bitcoin blockchain and given you advice how to follow up with people who claimed not to receive it. It appears I can't help you anymore, so good luck. Perhaps police, a lawyer ... nothing more we can do.


So you're telling me that you can't see how ETH is constantly losing value against BTC? OK... Well keep investing in your garbage and lose money then.


Bitcoin 100k in 2021! OK, 2022? For real 2023! Def 2024 We get there sooner or later


There is not a direct 1:1 relationship between purchasing power of a currency and the amount of that currency outstanding, but there is a relationship. I'm not an economist but it seems as long as productivity is increasing greater than debasement everybody end up OK. I'm sure somebody will set me straight.


Neither of them are worthy of presidency. RE: plug incident: this shows that she has not yet caught up to technology existent now for over a century. OK. It's like not being able to use a key to open a door. It betrays ignorance on her part, that would render her completely hopeless if even slightly challenged. If she can't figure this out, how is she going to deal with the very complex issues of state that require a person to think on their feet effectively. She is nothing more than a puppet on strings. A token black woman wanna be nothing, with vaguely adequate social skills. Spineless.


The moon is in the second house and Jupiter is aligned with Mars. Peace and love will guide the planets and Bitcoin will go to the stars. This is the dawning of the age of Bitcoin. OK, so it doesn't rhyme.


??? OK, .... Don't forget to pull the ripcord. c ya!


OK fair it's an easy quick way to get those too. Though of those nutrients K2 is the only one that requires any real thought to replace with a vegan diet.


OK, thanks a lot for the information


OK Ill bite. How would hospital bills increase?


He's OK. His demographic work is pretty good but he allows his political bias to color his other work. He did predict Russia would invade Ukraine about seven years early and he predicted it damn near to the day.


I've read it several times. It's OK. The history part is pretty interesting but he leaves out the most important fact and that is demographics. A nation's demographics have more of an impact on its trajectory than any other factor. Dalio conveniently leaves this out of the book because he's a simp for the Chinese communist party and he needs capital to flow into his DOA Chinese investments to keep his fund relevant. China has some of the worst demographics on the planet and nothing they can do will prevent their eventual economic and social collapse - it is inevitable. Every single thing Ray Dalio says is full of confirmation bias. Meanwhile his hedge fund has been producing diminishing returns for years now. The classic 60/40 buy & hold portfolio has outperformed Bridgewater by a factor of nearly 2:1 over the last decade. I wouldn't take anything he says all that seriously. JMO.


OK then. What makes a wallet, a cold wallet, and what makes a hot wallet, a hot wallet?


When in 2 years - something comes up and you can’t pay that loan back.. you’re gonna be in a world of hurt with long lasting repercussions. The ones down voting me are the ones that believe cash is going away like in four years. Yeah OK.


Someone suggesting it's not a good idea to be a one issue voter is suspect? OK than... It's the comment itself you should be evaluating. I can care less about Moons and usually comment on r/bitcoin so my bad.


OK, can someone explain covered calls / options to me like I'm 5? Imagine I have a huge position on IBIT. How do I use it to generate yield with options?


wait what "my pastor DOES it,but he told me God does not approve of it." YEAH OK 👌




OK so if you look at that Id on the blockchain and the status is Confirmed, this means that the receiving address has it


Yea OK sure bud.


Selling 0.5 sounds OK to me but, relying on BTC going up to keep up future expenses don’t.


I have a problem OK!? (Roflmao)


I am OK for them to be wrong.


Look into [silent payments](, they're made for exactly this purpose. Sharing a public address directly is kind of OK, but it allows anyone to track the amounts that were sent to that address.


No he's not. His game depends on the rest loosing. He's beating his own drum here (and, OK, he made money, so I guess he can do that). If he could provide some bulletproof advice for the rest, the game would decay quickly. We can't all win.


Call me crazy, but I don’t believe anybody, even billionaires, should be taxed on money they did not make, so imagine if you decided to mine bitcoins a long time ago, it cost you nothing but now your bitcoins are worth a boatload of money, and all of a sudden you have this huge tax bill due, so you decide to sell that cryptocurrency, but oh no, it crashed, but you still owe tax money for something that you never actually got anything out of, that’s wrong that’s unethical. people may say that it’s OK because they’re billionaires or millionaires or whatever, but it is ridiculous to text somebody on something they never actually had the dollar value of. Imagine if somebody buys a trailer, and then the market shoots up and their tax many times, what they pay for the trailer because the value in that area went up, that simply should only be taxed on what you make on actual money.


Of course, leading with "OK brokies" was part of knowledgeable debate and not an attempt to bait people at all.


OK! Let’s do it.


>People and companies and governments will still need credit. That's OK. I certainly won't give any sats to people/companies/governments with an empty promise. >the 5000 years worth of lessons we have learned from it. Looking at the past 100 years of the dollar, what lesson have you learned?


Exactly, I didn't want to keep going on and on but either way, is it OK to keep small amount of crypto (relative) in exchanges? Oh sure, but majority of your crypto should always be within some other means of storage where you manage the keys.


Huh? I didn’t even bring up 2025. I brought up how Donald has persistently, consistently made it clear for decades that he suffers from clinical narcissism. And, now I’d showing many clear signs of dementia. He is literally a demented narcissist. This isn’t an insult. It’s a diagnosis. > ‘So, you have all these really rich people, and a man, about 80 years old – very wealthy man, a lot of people didn’t like him – he fell off the stage. So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. > ‘And you know what I did? I said, “Oh my God, that’s disgusting,” and I turned away. > ‘I couldn’t, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him. He’s bleeding all over the place, > ‘You know, beautiful marble floor, didn’t look like it. It changed colour. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away.’ > I was saying, “Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!” The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he’s OK. — The Man 70 Million Americans Elected to Represent Them. But, he surrounds himself with grifters who make excuses for [constant, wildly erratic behavior.]( That goes on [day in and day out.]( So, we’re all good, right??


OK great you are a reasoned person after all. I sort of agree with the secular society ethics vs moral explanation. I always like to ask atheists or people in favor of secular society to tell me if the Government strictly enforced the 10 commandments, would it create a more or less ethical society, and what harm would it cause? I'm not arguing any particular Bible verses, just the commandments themselves. I didn't make any threats against you, I was using an inflammatory example. I understand a lot of people get touchy about these things but the specific example you gave with gay marriage is actually easily refuted: Marriage is solely a religious institution, it is separate from the State. If there are tax benefits for people legally being partners, that is fine and should apply to same sex relationships. The State as it currently operates harms society by treating gay marriage the same as religious marriage because gay relationships cannot produce children and are useless to society in the long run, so encouraging gay marriage of any sort (not damning it to hell) provides no value to society. Then, you can delve into how the local/state/federal institutions are now encouraging all of this other nonsense about gender and sexuality to children, poisoning generations and reducing the birthrate, irreparably damaging the nation and society forever.


What is your argument, make a distinction between morals, ethics and illegalities please. You make zero sense. In a secular society you're saying it's OK to murder people if the majority vote on it because it would then be legal and ethical according to the group? Give an example, not sure why you're so insistent on nonsense.


Yeah its a scam for sure. I connected, then it asks to connect my wallet. OK fine. But then it asks me to sign a transaction. Why do you need to sign a transaction?


it's OK, we are a strong community after all. Will let you know once the badge is on.


OK yeah that's pretty annoying 😑


I’m so sorry about your husband… That sounds tragic – cancer is a real bitch… As far as what you have on your hands with bitcoin: I’d suggest checking out this “bitcoin for beginners“ video video by bitcoin university on YouTube - then continue to watch his other videos; you can even use a search function to type in specific keyword questions that you may have about bitcoin. It’s a great resource to gain more knowledge about bitcoin. I hope you’re doing OK, loss is really hard. I’m so sorry. Take care. 🧡 “Bitcoin for Beginners:”


If you are arguing for the literal justification for the destruction of children, your other points are fucking pointless. Hey, didn't you know that when most state educational boards/bureaus, the federal government and world health organizations say it's OK for your son to chop is penis off, that it sucks my friends got groped before? Who gives a shit. You're also a delusional racist so this will be pointless, but maybe others will see. Why would you be involved with Bitcoin if you're a racist who thinks first principals and the libertarian ethos is useless? Get out and go back to your federal government make-work white collar welfare job made possible by the enslavement of future generations of children which you think are irrelevant.


There are no established universal morals, only code of conducts that some groups agree with. Pretty much all cultures have defined contexts where lying, stealing, killing and injuring is perfectly OK. The groups you associate with, or even yourself, get to decide when it's time for these morals to be adapted. While there are some groups that rely entirely on tradition and do not accept any change, most do, in fact, allow for change, based on the current state of society, improved knowledge and other factors. Morals are really just a set of rules that people agree on after pondering on ethics. There is nothing preventing anyone from revisiting these rules other than mental rigidity. If this topic is interesting to you, I'd recommend taking a philosophy class, or even just starting with the Wikipedia article on morality.


OK but what I’m looking for is investing snd getting rewarded in btc?


OK. Note that you can receive funds without your seed, just not send.


The rich and their very good accountant would set up a CRT to legally avoid the taxes


This guy should have set up a Charitable Remainder Trust and avoid these taxes without risking prison time or tax fraud.


This guy should have set up a Charitable Remainder Trust and avoid these taxes without risking prison time or tax fraud.


OK, but think about the projects/tokens that are totally chinese, partially chinese or that have bounds/relationship with chinese banks or institutions (VET, CKB, NEO, ONTO, etc)

OK, so we're decades away from human centered solutions to extending life, which itself is a far cry from immortality. That was the question at hand, and it's still fiction. More or less what I thought.


So lie. The government is evil. Its OK to lie to evil people if it impinges on their evil. In fact, if you don't lie to evil people and that assists them with their evil, you kinda suck as a human.


Come on This is really bullshit. Stop it at last. Do you really think that govs will simply go with a "uh OK if it's like that I think it's fine"?!? In many eu countries i.e. You must go to the police and sign a specific declaration otherwise your "excuse" simply is not valid.


OK. Good. How long have you worked here?


Well, Gold is doing OK lately, but just take a look at what Bitcoin did meanwhile.


Have more coins than you need in both exchanges simultaneously. That way you can take related actions on both exchanges simultaneously and be OK with it taking a while to rebalance.


OK I guess that is the scam, anything you do in the DApps browser is not maintained or operated by []( it's basically the wild west. Scammers can do anything from fake smart contracts that ask for permission in your wallet to just making you think everything is on []( but really you are moving assets from the []( website to the scam site through the dapps browser.


OK, just curious, where do you suggest people store their seed phrase?


BTC and ETH OK, now Ripple... Grayscale are betting on the upcoming Bull big time.


OK Renter.


Everything will be OK. That's what the 25th pissphrase is for.


And that's OK too. If Bitcoin needed politicians, it would be dead already. The more hostile the environment, the stronger it will become.


It's OK we're safe. Mainly because we don't sell guns at Morrisons.


OK, I get it. Sell the benefit, not the feature. Do you have similar demos for the other value propositions, like being decentralized, best store of value, etc?


OK Renter. I don't remember what you're referring to, but I definitely get a kick out of living rent-free in your head.


If we could time warp through the rest of 2024 and into early 2025, I'd be OK with that. We live in insane times.


Lol. OK bud. Enjoy your minimal fiat gains


That's OK, you never had any real bitcoin to start with.


>I don’t even really understand this point of view. That's OK, you'll get there. >Currently, Bitcoin seems to be used as a means to store value (“money” in this case) and the amount fluctuates dramatically. How can you want to use this as a method of trade for goods in RL unless the price stabilizes? I'm using bitcoin for savings & spending. The volatility doesn't bother me as much as it used to. >Otherwise, you’ll be buying a pizza, today, for what you could get a lambo in 10 years (hypothetically). Any pizza (or whatever you're spending fiat on) can be worth of a Lambo in 10 years (hypothetically) if you buy bitcoin instead. >On top of that, now that the value of BTC seems to be (at least to me) tied to the stock market (due to ETFs) what’s really the real world difference anymore? Zoom out, tell me what you see.


Funny how people are OK with political donors pushing their agendas that they are good with but bent out of shape when it’s something they are against


OK captain obvious.


I mean you’ve come to the conclusion that most have come to although we’re not timing it. If you have money when the market shits then yea invest it BUT you need to understand it could be 1-3 years before you recoup. If you’re OK with that then “welcome to the hacking club” bro.


All-in BTC guys from 2012- amazing unbelievable profit All-in BTC guys from 2013- amazing profit All-in BTC guys from 2014- awesome profit All-in BTC guys from 2015- wonderful profit All-in BTC guys from 2016- super happy with profit All-in BTC guys from 2017- great profit All-in BTC guys from 2018- good profit The longer you hold your BTC, the more profit you make and the happier you will be. TRADERS dont get btc AND THATS OK. Eff them paper hands.


So this generation profits off the next generation. "OK Millennial".


Yes, you're right, but think for a moment about what you have to go through when you say you're a Bitcoiner. Joking a little is OK.


It's just numbers. It'll be OK. Not like I paid 20k btc for pizza....but maybe still sucks. Just life. Bitcoin is....never late.


OK, here's my attempt to steel man fiat: 1. Quantum computing is going to break pretty much all this shit, but it won't break fiat 2. Bitcoin is only secure if 51% of miners aren't held by one centralized party, and they probably are 3. Every few years someone comes along and figures out a bug that almost breaks the entire internet, and eventually something will probably happen with crypto That's all I got. I dunno, there's not much benefit to fiat except that it isn't built on technology that could have bugs.


Rising prominence... OK boss.


This is among the dumbest things I've ever read "In fact it's good for the people that don't buy bitcoin now" OK yes tell that to someone who could buy a tenth of a bitcoin for $6k right now who, at $1 million bitcoin, will never be able to buy a tenth of a bitcoin because they don't have $100k sitting around.


>How many of you share the same thoughts? I do. In my view (and household) Bitcoin achieved that already. Most of my savings are in bitcoin and I spend it on a daily basis. Other people might think differently and that's OK too, everyone gets bitcoin at the price they deserve.


I’d love to see a 2x or perhaps 3x leveraged FTSE All World. Ideally balanced monthly rather than daily but daily would be OK. They don’t seem to exist.


OK, never :)


OK, that sounds very interesting but I will need to do more reading on this. IMO anything that helps decentralize sequencers is a good thing but I’m no expert on the downsides.
