Reddit Posts
Bitcoin Genesis Block - Lehman, Blackrock, and Iceland?
SEC re-issues FOMO Warning from Jan 2021
If you are in the green, just take your profits.
Stocks And Crypto: An Analysis of four portfolios
Is An XRP Short Squeeze Possible?
Satoshi Street Memes | WallStreetBest + Satoshi Nakamoto | Don't miss out on this potential moonshot gem!
Be careful what you read on this sub and any others pertaining to money. Not only are most upvoted/best and even what shows up is compromised.
I've been noticing more BTC memes on WSB. It used to be a taboo to even mention BTC an year ago!
ETFs are the New Stablecoins - Next Level Shovels to Sell the Upcoming Bull Run Miners - The Attack of the Smart Money
Project $WSB launched on 28th August @ 10 PM UTC l 0% Buy tax | Contract Renounced | LP Burned l 0.25% Burn LP Mechanism l CMC CG Applied
PSA : Coinbase STOCK is way down compared to previous bullrun. Get your IRA's going!
Introducing the revamped RCAX, the ultimate tool for tracking Reddit Collectible Avatars! (Also on iOS and Android now)
Do you actually think Reddit-wide Moons analog is good for Reddit?
WSB and WSB - Two Different Cryptos, One Launched and rugged by Wall Street Bet Mods and the other by the WSB Founder both sit at practically zero as the hype bled out.
From crypto millionaire last year to broke today
RUMOR: Rumor Going Around that Gary Gensler Has a $2.5m BTC Short Position
Wall Street Baby ($WSB) Endorsed by Wallstreetbets founder Jaime! Based Dev team (Fullly doxxed!)
WSB mods back at it again. WSB Coin is rugged, lasting less than 2 weeks. Now mod shilling another token for round 2 of bagholders
Bitboy self reports himself as someone who doesn't not know how to swap on uniswap. Why does this guy have 1.5M YouTube subscribers but doesn't even know how to swap tokens
That WSB mod really showed his/her true dirty colours. At the height of the drama of rugpulling the WSBCoin, they allegedly created/participated in a new token "Wall Street Wars" that appears to be a further cash grab off/rugpulling of traders and sub members
WSB scamcoin drama is over, but only kind of authorities may still get involved. The mods had instituted an aggressive banning campaign on users who speak out. Later, the mods were pressured and agreed to return the funds amounting to $1M after being doxxed
A few tips to identify whether a seemingly 'genuine' project is a scam in disguise.
WSB rallies over 200% after suspect offers refund option
WSB Token Team Member Allegedly Dumps Coins
Following the rugpull of WallStreetBet's WSB for $635K (334 ETH), the moderators involved in the project are fighting it out: WBSMod is going to the authorities while ZJZ argues that he dumped the tokens because WSBMod was giving himself secret airdrops
Beware: Memecoin Wallstreetbets Coin has been rug pulled by WSB Mods for $635k (334 ETH)
The WSB Token got rugged by one or more of its team members for $635k of the teams supply!!
top two mods of wsb launch a coin and take it all a couple days later
Wallstreetbets Founders Rug "WSB Coin"
Five tips to check if a seemingly genuine coin/token is actually a scam.
Too much greed in this Meme token season: a case study of Wallstreetbetsbaby and Wallstreetbets coin
Buttcoin and WSB user calls for shorting MicroStrategy due to price of BTC. BTC and MSTR pump immediately after post.
The mods over at /cc are insider trading moons, manipulating its price, and silencing free speech
BRRRRR (not a deep fake. At least that's what WSB says)
My first close call with (what I believe was) a scam
Not your keys, not your Crypto - Join me in doing what I should have done years ago - Deactivate Your Robinhood Account!
Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto! This was long overdue. Join me!
You should listen to experts not random people. Your friends, family members, celebrities or 80 year old bilionaires have no qualifications to talk about tech or investing in crypto.
WSB mod sold his exclusive avatar for 14 ETH...and there's no conspiracy here
WSB Mod Sold Exclusive Free Reddit Avatar for 14 ETH and He Doesn't Want You To Know
The Reddit IPO will be an important moment for Moons and Crypto
The Reddit IPO is gonna be an important moment for moons and crypto in general
What if there is a SuperBowl ad for Reddit Collectible Avatars?
PoS is less secure, less decentralized, easily censorable, has no interest in trust minimization, and is actually more harmful to the environment (when compared to PoW, of course)....
Moons are getting scarce! Scarcity and 2 other important points ! HOPIUM MEETS REALITY AND BULLISH ANALYSIS!
WSB did it, why not us ? Let's gather and ask every online shop to accept bitcoin as payment (amazon, eBay...)
The CryptoCurrency Avatar collection needs to add utility to Moons
When WSB meets Crypto - Arbitrum project with 1000x leverage on-chain
Reddit Recap Distribution: What Other Collections Were Created?
[SERIOUS] Reddit did a HUGE work with NFTs
Reddit Recap NFT Distribution: What Other Collections Were Created?
Wallstreetbets Avatars and Price Movement Explained
r/WSB Avatar Drop and Price Movement Explained
I was a part of so called "insider group" that received the new WSB avatar from Reddit. A post that's trending on this sub is extremely manipulative and causes nothing but drama and bad reputation to Reddit and WSB crowd [SERIOUS]
I was a part of so called "insider group". This post is extremely manipulative and causes nothing but drama and bad reputation to Reddit and WSB crowd. Full story and clarification in the comments. [SERIOUS]
r/WSB Avatar Drop and Price Movement Explained
Reddit gifted a small insider group the most exclusive and valuable Reddit Avatars [Serious]
WSB, an anti-crypto sub is going nuts for their Reddit NFTs
WSB received it’s own sub based avatars. It’s highly possible that this sub is the next.
“New Reddit Collectibles Avatars will be called Memetic Traders x Reddit Collectibles Avatars. The description of the collection : Bear, bull, or theta gang—it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that we all come here to lose money together. This is confirmed to be WSB collection.”
WallStreetBets NFTs just got leaked. 13 millions normies are about to get onboarded into crypto. This is great news for Polygon and mainstream adoption!
Look at the image below. I bought LINK at an average price of 8.71. I panic sold the local bottom. My order market filled at 7.888. I literally sold the bottom. You cannot make this up ( I belong on WSB). Dont trade with emotions.
NFT twitter coming to reddit with the mindset that they are expanding to a new platform is like European explorers claiming to "Discover America" despite natives populating the region for 20,000 years. I've lived both sides for a decade.
Reddit NFT boom - Is this fair?
Reddit NFTs - Thoughts and opinions - Is this fair?
why doesn’t r/CC get a prediction tournament like r/WSB?
Watching Eattherich and those WSB jabronies misappropriated HODL as their own
Trip down memory lane: r/CryptoCurrency threads from 8-10 years ago
For Moons growth and addition, Wallstreetbets should adopt it.
Sold crypto and got onto WSB instead
Dr. EthEvil takes over Bitcoin in 2069
Why are crypto investors obsessed with using ATH as a measurement?
Rate hikes are just a red-herring from Fed to retail
Wall Street Bets Coin-Combining the Thrill of Losing Money With Stocks AND Crypto
Is this r/WallStreetBets ? Starting To Seem Like It
Crypto is WSB and Bogleheads all in one
This was taken from WSB but it rings true here. Stay safe everyone and try and look at the bigger picture.
Fantom is down 40% in five days, and 80% since ATH. But I'm considering an entry point now and here's why.
welp, the guys at WSB are already posting the suicide prevention hotline, are things that rough?
I'm not hating on stock trading, I'm hating on WSB in particular.
WSB is a dumpster fire of epic loss porn
Shit is so bad people are saying to go to WSB to MAKE money. AND with options
Folks on this sub looking for 'life changing gainz' should start migrating to WSB and try their luck on options trading.
The brain geniuses on Reddit are so consistently wrong its unbelievable. It’s genuinely a good bellwether to go short if people on WSB or here are too bullish and long if people are too bearish.
I remember when I went full time remote in March 2020, I got into WSB. I got blasted for suggesting 5% at 3k. Back then, any bitcoin mention was censored in that sub
Ill give you a bar of bullion or its equivalent dollars worth today in bitcoin. What would you prefer? Fuck it what am I saying... I know what you lunatics would prefer. You'd take bitcoin right before you post your devastating losses to WSB.
I saw someone mention a conference on WSB but I can’t find anything in google about it. The person mentioned 2:30 EST
Sorry for asking but what stocks/trading subreddits are there besides WSB?
WSB talking smack, these orders are more insane the lower we go.
WSB crying about Tesla adopting new accounting rules, no-one is ready for the new world but it’s here just not evenly understood. Fair Value Accounting: Like other financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, or certain derivatives, Bitcoin under the new accounting rules is now measured at fair value. This means changes in value are recognized in net income, similar to how unrealized gains or losses on marketable securities are handled. This is nothing new for assets.
Hey, WSB is... a thing. You have a solid point there. And I can see your argument about buying bitcoin and the term "investing" not matching up too. It's along the same kind of lines I think, and very valid to point out. The murkeyness of profit/currency/appreciation is also very real. Like, if I change Euro to Dollars at the airport exchange, that we probably would not argue is "profit" but I did it overnight and then changed it back, I could make a profit, but that also requires that I trade in currencies. Solid points that raise additional solid questions.
You're broke and concerned about other people's reasons for doing what they do. Don't worry about it, make your own bag, then you can report on how boring and meaningless your life is. And this is the wrong sub for becoming rich anyway. Try this wine & cheese in WSB or AI subs or random other places where people talk about investing into things to make money.
No one cares, get back to your WSB sub.
Arbitrary boxes and colors don't lie. Solid DD that would make WSB proud.
That was dis proven on WSB, and Called out. He admitted to making the two fake accounts.
Imagine being 5 year old thinking stuff on WSB is real, and using it as proof. Rotllmaobbq
Seriously, how does one invest in Bitcoin with a liquidation threshold of like 5%? That's WSB-tier regardation.
Oh yeah, I forgot WSB exists lol I wonder what those guys are up to now
You're talking about the main WSB sub or WSB crypto sub
Anyone ever go on the WSB crypto sub, they only ever recommend utility dino coins and it's frustrating lmao
So you’re one of the handful on this site that know how to play options. Don’t tell WSB your secrets.
Man. It's like all the stupidest analysts at WSB decided to focus their retardation at the MSTR stock and the stupidity couldn't be contained so it's spilling out here.
Pfft this would be a screenshot for WSB not here. I ain't selling shit.
Uh huh, that’s why you only started posting about crypto after seeing it all over WSB this past week
WSB pulls one trick out of a hat and everyone thinks they’re some Gurus now lol
Just looks like a standard WSB post
Tell you something, I invest both regular stock and crypto. Lost money in stock, by broker fu...ry, but never lost money in crypto. Speak for yourself, protect yourself from WS, I will protect myself from crypto crooks. If I have to choose the most dishonest system is WS. Any day I will choose to invest and trade BTC instead of WS crockery. I hope it will be taken over by bitcoin. It is the most corrupt and fraudulent place on earth, with the SEC blessing. Whatever they do, they get a fine they write of as a business expense. Nobody goes to jail. What world are you living in? WSB saying anything to you? That fraud It's not over yet. So take a chill pill!
What a smug response.. It's not worth your time, but it's worth it enough that you want others to spoon feed you information to help you justify what you see as a risk. I'd say go visit WSB, but you're too confident in your ability to trade.. I trade options daily, but I invest only in web3 (crypto). Today is comparable to when credit cards first started to land in retail hands or when AOL was released onto the internet we know today.. we're still very early.
WSB has some of the best takes on even crypto, example: > MARA has acquired $1.53 BILLION in Bitcoin (15,574) raising its total to 44,394 BTC - 10% of MicroStrategy’s holdings response > MARA is like gold mining company buying gold. response > If there was only 21 million gold bars to ever exist, you'd see gold mining companies do the same as well.
Stole this from WSB: On 4th day of Red-Mas, J. Powell gave to me, 3 red candles, 2 unfaithful GFs, and a dumpster behind Wendy’s! 😂😂😂
It was stupid. It was a huge gamble that paid off. Just like WSB makes both millionaires and (far more often) broke mofos
How are our bros at WSB doing?
Love the attitude in this sub - WSB is freaking out lmao
I think we are going to retrace to 60/70k but other than that - you are absolutely right. Unless everything crashes hard and burns, there's no stopping it. And this isn't some GME thing that WSB could feasibly cause. I could be wrong of course, but their risk is extremely low, but still there.
Something like what WSB has on their daily discussions would be cool
It's funny to have a lecture by one of those gamblers from WSB.
WSB is a joke now that it’s overrun by a bunch of conspiracy theory incels.
WSB Bitcoin posts are so strange, sometimes it seems there is decent support for BTC there then you'll see another post and all the pro BTC comments are getting downvoted.
Idk mane I would start to get real worried when everyone in WSB is agreeing with you……. The only 100% play is to inverse WSB sentiment.
Am I wrong for assuming this was posted in Buttcoin not WSB? 😂
All regarded but there's a spectrum at WSB
The comments on that post are pretty against what he said lol it’s good sign not everyone in WSB is regarded
He is right btw. I wrote this in the WSB subreddit, In my opinion, Bitcoin is not money. It is a hard digital asset. The blockchain Bitcoin is on is an invention that enables value transfer effortlessly. If it was money, the daily purchases of things would be denominated in BTC. People tried it and realized it is actually an asset that rises and drops in fiat denomination. How much is 1 BTC? It is x amount in USD/EUR/AUD/Pound etc. USD, EUR, CAD, Yen etc is money, used as a medium to exchange for goods. People need to understand this. For commerce to function, you need fluid money ie an authority can increase/decrease its issuance according to an economies needs. If BTC was money, there would be no denomination in currency, you would just sat this cup here costs 1 BTC, that isn't the case obviously. People/visionaries may want Bitcoin to become what it isn't meant for, that is money. Bitcoin is a hard capped digital asset that preserves value in a fiat monetary system where currency/money is fluid relative to each other. It doesn't matter what currency, it will hold its value over time. A life's work is not saved in money, it is saved in assets. Money is used to exchange for stuff, assets are used to increase/protect ones wealth. Wealth that can't be debased. Finally, money can and should be able to be debased. If there are not enough sea shells back in the days, maybe the leaders would go to the beach to get more and include it into the local supply. If the Romans thought 100%backed gold and silver coins was to costly, they debased it to 40% or 30% with other metals in it. Money can and has been controlled for it to function as exchange medium. Assets however, aren't the same things, I exchange my car for your house, but how does one know what is the value of the two for an equal exchange? You need that money currency. If I wanted to swap a digital asset to another digital asset? How will you know a Bitcoin is more expensive than an Ether? You look at the price of it right? The price of money. This may not make sense to people that have only lived a 100 years or so, just think about it. The blockchain is a technology that transfers stuff, Bitcoin is the digital hard asset that exists on it. And money is the currency used everywhere that prices it in relation to the fiat monetary system we currently use on Earth. Obviously my IQ is only around 50, and rises to a 100 on a good day. Just my opinion. 🗺📈⏳
Really? Every time someone loses their life savings (distressingly often in WSB) everyone jokes about them having to either go work at Wendy's or, um, engage in sex work behind the store.
I haven’t used twitter in a minute but I do miss them. I don’t frequent WSB enough to know what the gag is? But some tweets were pure savage.
Wendy's is always shitposting on twitter and is a running gag on WSB. They would be the next meme stock if this happened. You are right!!
Definitely a top indicator when even retail WSB is aping in.
It's because the sub got infected with WSB types. It used to be very grounded, thoughtful, and knowledgeable. Sad how it's deteriorated.
I think he’s looking for WSB.
For anyone interested, come join us at r/MSTR \- we'd love some more members that aren't your typical WSB apes. The sub was formed by a group of BTC maxi's who love Saylor for his Bitcoin advocacy and who have been interested in the company for many years.
I've been trading meme coins since 2019. This is my favorite one yet Feels like going WSB/GME at under 20$ before the short squeeze. THIS COIN FUCKS AND IS GOING TO 100 MIL MC. $ANARCHY
You must not be on the WSB subreddit. It’s mostly people who risked thousands and left with nothing.
Well this thread was in WSB so that dude probably has no money to buy BTC after gambling with 0dte's anyway.
WSB by a mile because they have the self-awareness to realize how dumb they are, which makes them relatively smarter then people here who are sort of just smug idiots.
You sir belong in WSB, you are a new Regard 🫡
Who is smarter? Cryptocurrency or WSB? Hard question, I know.
Anyone else noticing the script yet? This is going to be like the MBS collapse, but harder. No lube. Or bailouts. (Or maybe we can go to a 200% debt to GDP ratio? Wouldn't that be fun!) Our "leaders" are allowing shit coin rug pulls, fraud ICOs, and insane leveraged bets by retail. (How TF is "" a thing? It ain't just WSB... The masses have become fully regarded.) 14:1 ratio to the upside. Record high #s, record high enthusiasm. (Whole market) BTC being leveraged by companies (msft, amzn, etc) 3x Single stock ETFs.. Retirement accounts, Pension funds, etc can be involved with BTC now. Record level inflows when it launched. If MSTR gets into an index, it will have pull on the entire market. While being leveraged to the tits. Did we forget the dot-com bubble? How did Saylor's stock fare then? History doesn't repeat... but it rhymes. Same ol' names. But "We learn from history that we do not learn from history." Keep in mind, THAT was "The Internet." Kinda useful off the bat... still crashed our world. 10 years deep into Crypto... dafuq are you using it for? Where are the ACTUAL use cases? Not shoehorned in? (I am wondering when they'll try shilling AI socks 🙄) (Other than NFTs and minting shtcoins?) As a CBDC the ledger will allow The Leviathan to view and regulate complex societal energy flows... despite your protests. (Money/Time = Energy = The Ability to "Do") Leaching you like a real world Colin Robinson. THIS is their goal. Cash can move silently. Crypto is forever under their Eye. And their control. When they "rug pull" Bitcoin/Tether---> This is the actual "Generational Wealth Transfer" the media keeps mentioning. (Tether and The US Gold Reserve have 1 thing in common. Good luck auditing them! Suckers!) Retail geniuses are maxing credit cards to buy BTC/Altcoins/Equities... WallStreetBets has showcased "loss p@rn" ever since the GME shenanigans. Randos seemingly rushing to throw away generational wealth on 0DTE options YOLOs. (I really hope this is just bot-produced propaganda designed to influence others, and not actual McD's workers making $1M in 2 weeks and losing it in 1.) US debt is unsustainable... until the entire world economy collapses in synchrony. EXACTLY like WTC7. Somehow The Bankers always make it out on top. Always "neutral" during armed conflict; Willing to lend to both sides... winning regardless of outcome. (Even Grandpappy Bush lent to Nazis until Congress stopped him in the '40s) Cryptocurrency is controlled by the same Leviathan who brought us fractional reserve banking. The top 1% of wallets controls 80%. "Highly Regarded" retail traders are the "exit liquidity." As usual. The idea of BTC is good in theory. In practice: "They" gained control of the lion's share early. Peanuts for piles of digital dubloons. Now they have "ShtCoin Army" propagandists and bots shilling their tokens to the masses. And its working. "Hawk Tuah" yanked $2M just in exchange fees. And she didn't even have to pull out her usual moves. C'mon: DOGE as a government consulting grp AND as the name of a shtcoin with 51%+ of the supply controlled by less than 100 wallets. I wonder what % is in Elon's hands alone. What % of the crypto market is controlled by a16z, hmm? Did Epstein kill himself? How about JFK? Balenciaga still around, eh? Even after the BDSM bear toddler campaign? Boeing killed 2 whistleblowers as their planes fall apart mid flight... their stock went up? After both murders? Pffttt... Perhaps this is what we get... because this is what we deserve. Good luck to us all 🤷♂️ (At least Tulips were pretty 🤣) Satoshi's Wallet has what? 2 million BTC? That is a kill switch. If Tether being backed by used condoms doesn't kill it first...
This wasn’t so bad Just imagine if you were a WSB degenerate losing your entire stash after a bad options play. Now THATS bad
WSB is waiting for you with open pockets.
Degens and their play money. WSB make and lose 6 digit accounts without even twitching.
A guy that got kicked out of WSB 5y ago, nothing to do with Reddit WSB
WSB doesn’t have an official X account.
Hackers just turned WSB into their personal meme coin piggy bank. Smooth brain investing meets smooth criminal moves! 💸🤪
They don't, this guy isn't affiliated any more. It's hard to get a good source because nobody cared except people with skin in the game. From my memory: He was once the mod of WSB. He was inactive for a while, and then popped up again. There was a power struggle that ended in him getting removed. There were lots of stories, but I think the real reason is he was trying to monetize being a WSB mod, including I think pushing his own scams. So, he still has the WSB twitter handle, and is still out there pushing scams.
r/cryptocurrency feels like the weenie hut jr’s version of WSB to me
It is always the sheep followers of WSB that got slaughtered.☹️
More loss porn for WSB
Rookie numbers for WSB 😂
WSB has memetokens on X?? ...what??
Damn I thought I was on WSB after reading this comment 😂
Surprised WSB didn’t short this stock
*Fuck this crypto shit, I'm going back to stonks* \-liquidated WSB degens
BTC at / near all-time highs ✔️ WSB-isms coming back to r CC ✔️ Random alts pumping everyday ✔️ Overall sense of euphoria in the market ✔️ Yep, the bullmarket is here. Make sure to stay safe out there kids
Was this article written by a 6 year old, or is it like halfway satire? >> “I am a huge fan of Hawk Tuah but you took my life savings,” they penned to Haliey on the social media platform. “I purchased your coin $Hawk that you were so excited about with my life savings and children’s college education fund as well.” Like this is just straight up regarded WSB material. It’s a joke, right? Right?