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Historical Data: CoinMarketCap Vs CoinGecko - what is better for tax documents?

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The Bitcoin car qualified for the front row of this year's INDY500. For those that don't know, this is the largest single-day sporting event in the world.


ADA ADA ecosystem tokens (MILK, LENFI, INDY, SNEK, AXO)

In simple terms, yes. Indigo (INDY) is very useful for creating leveraged positions. But check out all the DeFi projects on Cardano using Axo, Minswap, muesliswap, dex hunter, lenfi, fluid tokens etc

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I should have added Lenfi, Book, etc.. lots of potential. Im not entirely sure how the synthetics will do, like INDY, if USDC comes..but have a small stack. Rather the algos win the war but a shot in the ass of USDC is what's needed right now. I'll still push for algos to win the war of stables.

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I wouldn’t consider any of the tokens “mainstream” as of right now, but I get what you’re saying. I think majority of tokens are well known to the community so it has equal value but I’d say, Hunt and Optim for now. My top picks are Lenfi, Milk, IAG, WMT, and I’d throw INDY in there as well.

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EMP, ENCS, HUNT, FREN, LENFI, INDY, BOOK, GENS, OPTIM and a few others All promising projects imo doing a wide variety of things from decentralized real-estate, to novel liquidity provision and even e-book/audiobook ownership and trading platform

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Cardano has a lot of native tokens with sub 25 mil market cap. When the bull market hits these will likely pump pretty hard consider their low market cap. Take a look at $IAG $INDY $ENC $OPT $OPTIM $LIFI $FLAC and $AXO when it launches soon

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I was up as much as 62x from first buying at .05 going to 3.10. still have most of it though because it will reach new ath. and now collecting native tokens that have also given me mad gains such as LENFI (AADA). and i believe XRAY will do the same as well as INDY to name a few.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

there's plenty of good projects on cardano that are running and updating and others that are close to launch. I've made a ton by holding my Lenfi tokens (previously called AADA). INDY is doing well, XRAY is about to do some good stuff. spectrum finance just started its ISPO, just to name afew. and if Teddy can get going finally that could be another one to earn from. people also doing well with VYFI. I didn't get into that one.

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INDY Synthetics market, APYs have remained sustainable and high. Very low market cap compared to other synthetic protocols. Part of an emerging defi market (cardano) so the potential growth is absolutely massive

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You should, it's been a pretty heavy bull in cardano defi, so there could be a cooling off, but TVL is rising, despite it being sideways on most chains. I'd suggest looking into world mobile token(WMT)...very ambitious project with alot of great people behind it!, Goal is to provide internet access and banking to underserved areas through a decentralized network of airnodes operated by a "sharing economy" where people providing earn WMT tokens) Matter of fact they just received approval to begin operations in the United States. One of my favorite crypto projects. And if your into favorite dex potential- Muesliswap (milk token) my favorite lending protocol- Lenfi protocol (formally AADA token...recent name change) My favorite synthetic asset project- Indigo with the INDY token IAG token for secure storage. SNEK and Ashib are great meme token communities... These are just some of my much more going on. Good luck with your venture into the ADA community. If you need any advice(not financial 😁) or have any questions feel free to send me a message!

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Look into these projects for DeFi, MILK, LENFI, INDY, VYFI

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I concur with this assessment...may grab me a "crypto loan" this summer and stack Cardano native tokens....😁...not as secure as BTC but a couple moons there may be life changing...WMT AADA INDY MILK

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Stripper coin is trash, you did research on trash coins for Cardano. Look into these Cardano Projects if you seriously are looking for Gems, \- MILK, AADA, INDY, VYFI, INDY, MIN.

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I'm a fan of AADA (Lending/borrowing platform uses NFT bond to trade the debt). If you go to [](, there will be charts and metrics. I was bullish on MELD about a year and a half ago when I staked for their ISPO, but they've continued to be a let down so I'd avoid them. Minswap is a great platform for LP/Farming, min token has been doing well, but it's more of a payment token with a 5B supply and only currently 15% circulating so not sure what drove the price up; as much as I like min, it's not a long term hold. Haven't looked into what WMT has been up to (worth a look though) Started messing around with Indigo Protocol with staking iBTC; INDY is also a low total supply coin and a payment/reward coin. I haven't dug into it's whitepaper for tokenomics yet, but their platform is interesting.

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Minswap, Muesliswap, AADA, WMT, INDY,