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Will Somebody PLEASE Manufacture Some New Bitcoin FUD News...


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are millions of gun owners in the Usa, then there are the handful of hard-core NRA nuts that go to the conventions and get Second Amendment tattoos. Ledger owners are the crypto-equivalent of that second group. Ledger seems to have not understood this simple fact.. The absolute inability of anyone else to access the seed is the very reason people purchase a hardware wallet....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There are millions of gun owners in the USA, then there are the handful of hard-core NRA nuts that go to the conventions and get Second Amendment tattoos. Ledger owners are the crypto-equivalent of that second group. Ledger seems to have not understood this simple fact. The absolute inability of anyone else to access the seed is the very reason people purchase a hardware wallet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol, the NRA? What are you talking about?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Give them 0% and just donate it all to the NRA, everybody wins.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I think you owe it to yourself to question why members of a political ideology would CHANGE the definition of the man who literally invented and named the political movement. How many of the experts, historians and academics, have a vested interest in making sure their support of fascism is obscured by their ability to change the definition when they "explain" fascism or Nazism to the general public? For instance, consider how many of those experts love, Love, LOVE FDR. He is, according to them, the greatest President EVAH. But, what did FDR's contemporaries say? Well, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) first charged Roosevelt with being fascist less than two months after he took office. On May Day, 1933, the CPUSA ran a series of newspaper advertisements denouncing "the whole Roosevelt program of preparation for fascism and war" and calling Roosevelt a "fascist dictator". On May 7, 1933, just two months after the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the New York Times reporter Anne O’Hare McCormick wrote that the atmosphere in Washington was “strangely reminiscent of Rome in the first weeks after the march of the Blackshirts, of Moscow at the beginning of the Five‐​Year Plan.… America today literally asks for orders.” The Roosevelt administration, she added, “envisages a federation of industry, labor and government after the fashion of the corporative State as it exists in Italy.” Lorena Hickok, a close confidante of Eleanor Roosevelt who lived in the White House for a spell, wrote approvingly of a local official who had said, “If \[President\] Roosevelt were actually a dictator, we might get somewhere.” She added that if she were younger, she’d like to lead “the Fascist Movement in the United States.” At the National Recovery Administration (NRA), the cartel‐​creating agency at the heart of the early New Deal, one report declared forthrightly, “The Fascist Principles are very similar to those we have been evolving here in America.” Roosevelt himself called Mussolini “admirable” and professed that he was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.” The admiration was mutual. In a laudatory review of Roosevelt’s 1933 book Looking Forward, Mussolini wrote, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.… Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.” The chief Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, repeatedly praised “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” and “the development toward an authoritarian state” based on the “demand that collective good be put before individual self‐​interest.” Now, why haven't you ever heard any of this from the experts? They certainly know about it. Yet they claim FDR is (1) greatest president ever and (2) NOT fascist even though (3) EVERY ONE of FDR's contemporaries considered him a fascist, and praised him for it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Add some pro NRA agenda to it then I’m sure it’ll pass

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Someone needs to talk to her about guns and the NRA lol

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Blame game, in order. 1. Republican Politicians 2. Irresponsible Parents 3. NRA 4. All Politicians

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If only crypto had something like the NRA lobbying for it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

the 1981 Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) and the 1986 Tax Reform Act (TRA) arguably led to the creation of the Silicon Valley mindset (as argued in [this paper)]( not to mention the effects it had on investment, banking, etc. The War on Drugs. The first national political endorsement of the NRA (no matter how you land on the issue, the endorsement itself had impact). The former celebrity becoming president. Globalization (good and bad). Federalist Society was created in 1982. Etc. etc. etc. How we live in 2023 is 100% because of what was put in place in the 80s.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That crowd likes it when other peoples’ guns are taken away, just not theirs. See how the NRA supported gun control as soon as the Black Panther movement armed themselves. As long as they believe they’re safe, they won’t care.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We can get the rednecks on our side, since one of the plans is to not allow CBDC to be used to purchase firearms/ammo for 'undesireables'. The NRA gun lovin' community should really be up in arms as this is literally their "take mah guns" moment.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Thank you NRA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Money, where is the crypto lobby? The NRA is a huge fucking lobby and will destroy you in a primary if you even waiver a second. All these politicians are spineless cowards.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well do you think they can reasonably expect more money from SBF in the future? They definitely can from the NRA. In US politics you're as good as the next cheque you might write, or how many videos you have or Trump being peed on in a Russian hotel.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don’t forget the NRA and FDA. Totally unrelated but I’m sure they can weasel their way into some gains

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That's kinda neat, if not also just a bit silly. Good job though! If I had the dough to blow I'd get a set of Nixie tubes and build one, they are so freaking cool. I wish I still had the modem I used as a kid, it was honestly pretty slick, the case was made out of a single piece of hollow/ribbed aluminum extrusion, for heat dissipation purposes I'm guessing. My dad's a bit of a redneck so we used "Outdoors Unlimited" a dial-up ISP that supports the second amendment, by donating to the NRA or something. We also had some kind of voicemail service that received calls we got while using our single phone line for dial up, and we could listen to the messages via a program on the computer.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I find it fucking hilarious how some people make the argument that Russia has no hand in our politics and makes no effort to exert it's influence in our country, and make this argument with a straight face. You have absolutely no idea wtf you're talking about if you believe this. It's well known Russia has been funneling money to politicians through the NRA, for example. Just one of many ways that they do it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He's just a sub-mediocre, charisma-less Republican grifter (but I repeat myself) who sees a small but uncritical, "libertarian" leaning single-issue voter bloc to court, just like DeSantis. The same reason they pander so heavily to the NRA and Christian nationalists.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So wherever SBF's mom swings her moneyed weight around must be the bad guys. But hey let's not look at who funds the NRA or the Federalist Society.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Madoff ($20b scan) wasn't offered bail. And he was elderly. Allen Stamford wasn't either. He scammed $7 billion. But this guy runs a $33 billion scam get's bail. Also this guy donated $40m to Congress. (for comparison, the NRA donated $6m)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

International money laundering. A household could only buy just under what would automatically be reported to the IRS, I’m sure that was just a strange coincidence, right?!? They funneled money through the NRA back in 2016, but that’s being watched now, they needed a new path.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The NRA of the blockchain industry

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

NRA says it’s not the guns.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It really has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with a lack of willingness to educate themselves. As a point of reference, a buddy of mine is a certified NRA and ATF firearms instructor. We live in a state with many draconian gun laws that make absolutely no sense. He sent letters to every Congress person and Senator both at the state and federal level. Inviting them to join him at a range of their choosing within a 30 minute drive of their home for free firearms training and instruction. Not a single one of them took him up on the offer. But they have no issue writing laws on a subject they know absolutely nothing about.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's not unprecedented at all. Every industry has lobbyists that secure donations to politicians. Congress overseas tons of legislation on all of those industries and the companies involved in those industries. Just look at oil, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, NRA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That bothers me a lot less than the $ Republicans took from Russia laundered through the NRA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

NRA is modern day Illuminati…definitely had a hand in it.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That’ll never happen. Unrelated to crypto but essentially similar in terms of lack of learning. I live in a state with some of the strictest gun regs in the country. A buddy of mine is a retired military sniper, with 20+ years of shooting experience and is an ATF/NRA certified handgun safety and shooting instructor. He wrote letters to every congress person and senator offering to give them a free, private lesson, at the range of their choosing within 30 minutes drive of their home. All so they could understand how guns operate and be trained on proper handling and other gun safety etc… That way, when they go to write legislation they have at least a baseline understanding of what they’re writing laws for. He heard back from only one senator, who was already a gun owner and expert marksman and just wanted to shoot with him for fun… These people couldn’t be bothered to take an hour to learn anything that might actually make them better at their jobs. If they’re not getting ~~bribed~~ lobbied to further someone’s adgenda, it’s not for them.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It worked for Harvey “I’m donating $1 million to fight the NRA” Weinstein, didn’t it?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Who cares, NRA funds Republicans. Both parties take dirty money

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If the crypto industry starts giving the GOP billions to stonewall meaningful gun legislation like the NRA does, you might have a point

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

What's wrong with the NRA?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Don't forget the NRA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We can be stronger than the fucking NRA, and the Banking lobbyists we have the headcount and the money

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thats the great thing. You don't even need donations. The NRA isn't powerful because of donations, but simply because they have a lot of regular people looking at this information. Most politicians barely get noticed by the general public. If you can get their name in front of people on a specific issue(like crypto or guns), it can have a big impact.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Its also a very effective way to shift the stances of politicians. The NRA does something similar with guns and has had great success.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

was just talking to a friend about this and we both agree its like an NRA rating... would be interesting to see how this plays out. I remember reading about the Engage Raise startup back in May/June.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's almost the NRA members count. But something tells me that most of users here hate the idea of organizations.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's all slippery slope fallacy. Sometimes specific regulations have a place (don't dump chemicals in the water), but in this case I much prefer a carbon tax as a corrective measure. This gets you out of trying to granularity police specific usages and lets economics course correct you. A carbon tax should be acceptable to both sides because it is fixing a problem with the free market, namely the externality of pollution. This was implemented in Canada and most people profited from it Here's some copypasta with more info: As the IPCC report made clear, [pricing carbon is **necessary** if we want to meet our 1.5 ºC target]( The consensus among [scientists]( and [economists]( on [carbon pricing](^§ to mitigate climate change is similar to [the consensus among climatologists]( that human activity is responsible for global warming. Putting the price [upstream]( where the fossil fuels enter the market makes it simple, easily enforceable, and bureaucratically lean. Returning the revenue as an equitable dividend [offsets the regressive effects of the tax]( (in fact, [~60% of the public would receive more in dividend than they paid in taxes]( Enacting a [border tax]( would protect domestic businesses from foreign producers not saddled with similar pollution taxes, and also [incentivize those countries]( to enact their own. [Conservative estimates]( are that failing to mitigate climate change will cost us 10% of GDP over 50 years, [starting about now]( In contrast, carbon taxes may actually *boost* GDP, if the revenue is [returned as an equitable dividend to households]( (the [poor tend to spend money when they've got it](, which [boosts economic growth]( Taxing carbon [is in each nation's own best interest](, and [many nations have already started]( We [won’t wean ourselves off fossil fuels without a carbon tax](, the [longer we wait to take action the more expensive it will be]( Each year we delay costs [~$900 billion]( [It's the smart thing to do]( The U.S. [could induce other nations to enact mitigation policies if we would enact one of our own]( [Contrary to popular belief]( the main barrier isn't lack of public support; in fact, a majority in [every congressional district]( and [each political party]( supports a carbon tax, which [does actually help our chances of passing meaningful legislation]( But [we can't keep hoping others will solve this problem for us]( *[We](* need to take the necessary steps to make this dream a reality: 1. [**Vote**]( People who prioritize climate change and the environment [have historically not been very good at voting, which explains much of the lackadaisical response of lawmakers in recent years](, and many Americans don't realize there are (on average) likely [3-4 elections per year they should be voting in]( In 2018 in the U.S., [the percentage of voters prioritizing the environment more than tripled](, and now [climate change is a priority issue for lawmakers]( Even if you don't like any of the candidates or live in a 'safe' district, [**whether or not you vote is a matter of public record**](, and [**it's fairly easy to figure out if you care about the environment or climate change**]( Politicians [use this information to decide what's important]( Voting in every election, even the minor ones you may not know are happening, [will raise the profile and power of environmentalism]( If you don't vote, you and your values can safely be ignored. 2. [**Lobby**]( [Lobbying works](, and [you don't need a lot of money to be effective]( (though it does help to [educate yourself on effective tactics]( If you're too busy to go through the [free training](, sign up for [text alerts]( to join coordinated call-in days ([it works]( or set yourself a monthly reminder to [write a letter to your elected officials]( 3. [**Recruit**]( Most people are [either alarmed or concerned about climate change](, yet most aren't taking [the necessary steps]( to solve the problem -- [the most common reason is that no one asked them to]( [29% of Americans are alarmed about climate change](, and if we all organized we would be 17x more powerful than the NRA. According to [Yale data](, many of your friends and family would welcome the opportunity to get involved if you just asked. So please [volunteer]( or [donate]( to turn out environmental voters, and [invite your friends and family to lobby Congress with you](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> None of that matters You have no idea about statistics then. If the NRA did a survey on the danger of guns their survey would find that guns have not been responsible for a single homicide. If the most anti-gun groups did the exact same survey, they would conclude that a large proportion of US deaths are due to gun violence. It’s the exact same question but holy shit will their answers differ accordingly due to bias, cherrypicking and methodology. So, if this survey was done by someone similar to Michael Saylor, then it is likely vastly overstated, and if it is done by someone agnostic of crypto, it may be understated. Also, you have *assumed* how to interpret the y-axis. Is it % of people with internet access that are using bitcoin, is it overall for all Americans? is it a particular state? It’s untrue that 95% of US citizens play videogames…so why does the graph suggest that? Maybe it’s only looking at a certain age range and gender? So many questions…so little information…

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"technology is neutral" Isn't this the same thing the NRA says about guns?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Jefferson also believed people should be informed, rational, empathic, practical, highly private with their religion.. And would be appalled by the NRA as the point of the second Amendment was to avoid a standing army.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I call it the NRA, they sure got the dedication.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's like the NRA.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The goal is to cripple these crypto projects and exchange with huge legal costs in order to hurt them. The XRP and Ripple team has spent something like $1xx MILLION so far in legal costs and expected to spend even more as its not over yet with their fight w the SEC. It's the same tactics gun control groups use to tie up groups like the NRA or websites like Armslist. Force them to spend millions in legal costs over lawsuits and issues they already know the outcome of or know they will lose.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Didn’t think anything of it beyond “what else is new” until the last half of the title… to ICE? Is Coinbase the NRA of crypto now? ^/s

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> School shootings - unrelated to religion I'll give you this one, though it wouldn't be surprising at all if a majority of the shooters came from whacked out religious families > Parents feeling unsafe - mental illness, the media hyping up things to make people feel scared Religion is the cornerstone of most fear mongering. > Corruption within the NRA - not related to religion, this is just regular old criminal activity. [Shall not be infringed: how the NRA used religious language to transform the meaning of the Second Amendment]( > BLM riots - Russian propaganda and racist ideology Just to be clear here, the russian propaganda and racist ideology were concentrated on the right-side, and the BLM *protests* were against the racial injustice in this country. That propaganda and racist ideology is concentrated among *religious people*. > Standard of living in "the hood" areas - Crime and gang culture related No, it's institutional racism related, because "the hood" only exists due to historically racist laws, which again were often closely tied with religion. Christianity itself is severely racist and white supremacist, depicting god and jesus as white men, angels as white people wearing white clothing. Religious holidays appropriated with white fictional characters, like Santa. Denial of evolution and denying that the first humans were African.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's really not. Of the list of things: * School shootings - unrelated to religion * Parents feeling unsafe - mental illness, the media hyping up things to make people feel scared * Corruption within the NRA - not related to religion, this is just regular old criminal activity. * The abortion stuff - Actually related to religion * BLM riots - Russian propaganda and racist ideology * Standard of living in "the hood" areas - Crime and gang culture related So really of that entire list, only one of them is related to religion. Anyone who tells you that all of your problems have a single source is a liar trying to sell you something.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As an Australian, the US is bizarre, 1st-world in a lot of areas and 3rd-world in others, and it's all self-inflicted. All the school shootings; parents unable to feel safe sending their children to school, the corruption with the NRA, the abortion stuff, the recent blm riots, the standard in "the hood" areas. The US is a strange country. Extremely advanced in most aspects and then straight-up like an ISIS-controlled region in other aspects

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah arguing on Reddit is as futile as trying to go-to an NRA convention to tell them to give up guns. I suggest you find another hobby.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

or NRA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Meanwhile the NRA are free to lobby for guns that kill kids.. the rediculous contradictions of the US justice system.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"Texas even believes" is what is wrong. Anyone looking to Texas for wisdom is a fool. Texas, the land of Senator Cruz, who believes that school shootings are caused by schools having too many doors. Texas, the land of Governor Abbot, who is so far up the NRA's ass that after the Uvalde school shooting, he praised the law enforcement response, and said we should thank them, because it could have been worse. Texas, the land of corrupt AG Ken Paxton, who is under indictment, and of all people, should understand the Constitution, which allows States to run their own elections. Didn't stop him from filing a lawsuit against other State's elections, because those states did not vote Republican. Texas, the land of the unregulated energy marketplace - see last winter when people were freezing to death and energy prices skyrocketed. Texas, where the GOP claims to be "Pro Life"...which really means "Pro fetus"...once you are born, good luck! You are on your own. Just yesterday a Federal Judge said he will issue substantial fines to Texas, because for 11 years, Texas has failed to follow court orders to fix its awful foster care system, where children have been sexually abused, and Texas has not addressed the issue. Texas, the land of Louie Gohmert (Member of Congress), who recently said: "If you're a Republican, you can't even lie to Congress or lie to an FBI agent or they're coming after you"

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Tina from NY is cosponsoring? I knew her and her family when we were kids. She used to have an A+ NRA rating. She's kind of a weathervane.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Recently saw part of a US 60 minutes segment about the NRA. The boot-licking was unreal.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Fair. I don’t disagree. I guess from a talking points perspective you often hear Ds (as opposed to Rs) saying, “but the environment.” But you’re right about influence from companies determining how politicians vote. There’s a reason so many folks post Uvalde or Sandy Hook have rallied against the NRA or why folks complain about the influence of oil company money in regulations against EVs, for example, in Mississippi you’re taxed *more* if you own an EV because their R led state government doesn’t want to take money away from oil companies based in the area.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are these the same scumbags who take money from the NRA, while the funerals of dead children of Texas voters are going on in the same state, at the same time. Do not get excited about these despicable humans.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I meant buy them for other things like gun control. Ted Cruz has been an NRA show for decades and it only cost them about 3 million dollars. So give him 4 million on the condition that he now takes the exact opposite stance.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I read the entire article did you? Did you read about the numerous other organizations utilizing BLM in their charter? Did you also read about the part wherein a group who decides to use a name for something does not make that thing the "official" thing... BLM is a movement, not a matter how outraged and unctuous you may find that fact... The NRA is not the "official" organization for 2nd Amendment rights.... ​ Planned Parenthood and NOW are the "official" organizations for reproductive rights... Try to use a bit of lateral thinking...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think I would put an NRA or Come and Take It bumper sticker on just for deterrence.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I feel many of the arguments in favor of PoW sound a lot like that that fossil fuel companies use to highlight how awesome they are. For example, fossil fuels have allowed for accessible transportation. Or fossil fuels allow poor nations to build cheap plants that will stimulate their economy. Or fossil fuels have created lots of jobs, etc etc. The problem with fossil fuels is the same as that of PoW. Long term damaging impact with lots and lots of bandaid solutions that are simply not sustainable, \*especially\* when it comes to crypto where the industry has only barely begun to grow. For example, saying that PoW miners often use green energy is silly when other solutions use next to no energy at all. If you require X energy, 1/2 X of which is dirty, then invariably a solution that uses 1/1000 X is just simply better for the environment. I don't know see how you could possibly argue against that. Likewise, saying you want to move to an impoverished nation and are incentivizing building a power plant, well nothing says that power plant will be green. You might want it to be green, really hope it's green, but unless miners are willing to give these nations a truly massive advance, they are likely to build the cheapest and faster power plant they can build. And remember that we're talking continuous energy here, which solar and wind are not. I highly doubt miners want to move their operations to somewhere that can only give them power during the day. Plus not all locations are sunny all the time. Or even most of the time. That leaves nuclear as a green energy solution. Building nuclear plants is not only really really expensive (even if it pays off long term), but most nations in the world don't have the tech for it. And of course, let's not mention issues with semi-conductor shortages because of ever more complex and intense mining gear. The cost of chips of all sorts has gone through the roof, at least in part, probably a large part, because of miners. And finally, all these altruistic moves are absolutely no guarantee. There are a lot of greedy miners out there who care not an iota about doing the right thing. They will move their operation to wherever they can make the most profit. If that means moving their operation to somewhere powered entirely by coal and gas, so be it. PoW activists, for lack of a better word, reject environmental or power consumption regulation tooth and nail the same way the NRA reject any form of common sense gun laws. Sorry, but PoW has to die. It's not sustainable. It's the dirty coal of the crypto world and there's no amount of PR that can fix that in the long term. Not saying PoS is the final answer, but \*something\* has to change.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Americans have been directly targeted by their enemies for years now, or did you forget about the whole Cambridge Analytica UK thing, along with Russian infiltration into orgs like the NRA?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*NRA enters the chat*

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Written while Republicans controlled the Senate: And here’s a list of Senators that have taken money: Cruz is on there. I don’t care about your “whataboutisms”. Ted Cruz is a stupid bitch.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

LOL Russian money through NRA What about all his arguments in front of the supreme court? There's no legitimacy to him? _please_

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ahh yes. Ted Cruz, the Canadian son of an illegal Cuban immigrant and recipient of Russian money laundered through the NRA. A man who let another man insult his wife. A man who ran away from his area of responsibility when things got hard. Ted Cruz is a bitch. And that is before you even consider his political leanings.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Source the “temporary” portion of the amendment. Most of the world calls it “marketing”. Like how in the 1990s the NRA marketed CCW as a murder - deterrent, but that’s not how it has worked out. Or how the DJT tax cuts actually increased taxes on middle income people, or how Bush 2 needed to time the 2nd Iraq invasion so as the troops would not be in the desert during the sweltering summer (it lasted much longer than a year), or how cable television was not going to have commercials, or how the history channel was to be about history and documentaries but has turned into a garbage dump of alien conspiracies and proto-unscripted tv. But **I’m ready to read all about a conspiracy hypothesis that I completely consumed 30 years ago on the John Birch Society BBS**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Others saying "this will be bad for crypto image". Some are even worried it will be used as excuse to ban cryptocurrencies I am one of those people, and let me explain my side. I do agree with personal freedom, and the fact that these people must be able to use crypto freely. The problems is not that they are using it, the problem is that we are hailing it as a victory. It would be akin to NRA gloating at how great guns are, and how effective they are after a school shooting. It would be downright stupid. The use of crypto by these truckers represents a shady side of the tech and we shouldn't be celebrating it. Let them use it, and let the Canadian government figure out whether they are domestic terrorists or not -- just keep your mouth shut and look the other way.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I actually believed him when he said he was going to give one hell of a fight to the NRA, and get those assault rifles off the streets etc.... he did jack shit ofc, lol.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

So what part of: > ENDING GUN VIOLENCE > We need to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. > Every day in America teachers stop their lessons to run active shooter drills. Instead of focusing on their education, students focus on how to stay alive if someone walks into school with a gun. This has become an unacceptable “new normal.” Students deserve to feel safe and protected at schools. Parents deserve to know that when they drop their kids off they will be safe until pick up. Everyone deserves to be able to go to a movie theater or a music festival without being afraid of a mass shooting. Sensible gun reforms are not a threat to the millions of responsible gun owning Americans. We need universal background checks which would close the gun show loophole and we need national standards around disqualifications for gun ownership. People convicted of violent crimes, domestic abuse, and those with a history of mental illness connected with violence or thoughts of self harm should not own guns. Together we can create a safer America. We need to partner with groups such as Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety to stop the crisis of gun violence. > Aarika will work to: > Stand up to the NRA > Implement universal background checks > Create national standards that disqualify those with a history of domestic violence or other violent crimes, and those with mental illness coupled with thoughts of self harm or harm of others from gun ownership > Support Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety > Make our communities safer while protecting the rights of responsible gun owners Translates to: > A good example of an authoritarian is someone who believes **an individual must rely on the State for protection because they have no natural right to self defense**. You can read as much on Rhodes’ website. ?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

“I was telling these huge CEO guys that Bitcoin was like a bag of chips yo. They were all like ‘your sweet bro’ and I was like, ‘no way!’ That’s how I orange pilled the NRA.”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's a bit of a reach. For starters it's not their money to distribute in the same way if you deposit money into an escrow account it is not the banks money to transfer to whomever they choose; only to the contracted recipient or back to you. Moreover, historically GoFundMe has always refunded money to the donor when there were issues (for example when the recipient proved to be blatantly fraudulent). This was different for two reasons. 1. It was a politically motivated decision. It wasn't a fraudulent or illegal recipient (as of right now protesting is still a legal practice in Canada). They simply let their politics interfere with their normal course of business 2. They initially explored donating the funds to causes that aligned with the political left (planned parenthood, BLM, etc.) Politics aside, you need to flip the script to decide if their actions were fair. Say you attempted to donate to a BLM cause and they unilaterally decided to donate your funds to the NRA instead. You would, understandably, be upset. In my view this devalues their platform since trust is destroyed. Trust is one of the most critical elements when it comes to holding/transferring money. I agree with OP that crypto/blockchain offer a nice workaround

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is realistically the only way crypto has an easy run at adoption in America. Look at how much control the Lobby’s have. The NRA don’t exist in most countries because the rules around political donations for influence are (mostly) strictly monitored.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Make that your local NRA branch.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No one is holding a gun to their heads (except maybe the NRA lol)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The US cryptocurrency market really needs a powerful lobbies group. The NRA can do it with 219M worth of expenses in a year. That’s like a low cap shit coin for us.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It's because the NRA is an even bigger lobby group then the banks are.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Oh yeah for sure... I trust they are never going to solve the gas issue. Who owns the most natural gas to power it? Russia. What is Vitalek? Half Russian. What are Russia know for? Laundering money. See the NRA for an example. What is NFT, memes made on? ETH Blockchain. NFT have been used as means to launder money lately. Who gave ETH and Bitcoin a free pass? The SEC

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

hahahah, that’s cute. This is America. Greed and immorality is the key ingredient to our culture. You have big pharma execs robbing and looting hard working Americans while they make millions. You have the NRA and gun lobby watching children being murdered in their school while they drive around in Lamborghinis. Greed and immorality is the backbone of our culture. Nancy Pelosi and politicians in general owning stocks is comical quite frankly, compared to the other unbelievable corruption we have that’s pretty low on the totem poll of concerns I have.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I hope the NRA uses the USD. They are protecting out Constitutional rights.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Cynthia alumnus (R-WY) Platform, from [her website]( >Build the wall on our southern border and defund sanctuary cities >Uphold the Constitution and defend the Second Amendment >Fight for religious freedom and the rights of the unborn >Confirm conservative judges and President Trump’s appointees >Stop the socialist agenda and the “Green New Deal” >Put America First while ensuring our national defense is the strongest in the world > Championed Wyoming’s mineral and energy resources & fought off attacks from the environmental left >A+ rating from the NRA 100% voting record with Right to Life >Signed & delivered on the ‘No New Tax Pledge’ >Founding member of the Freedom Caucus >Opposed President Obama’s radical agenda more often than any other member of Congress No fucking thanks. I won’t need BTC in Lummis’ proposed alt right christian theocracy.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

First off, I'm pro cryptocurrency. Ive been involved in crypto for a long time. My point was that a significant portion of the crypto community is tinfoil hat, anti government, tax is theft, complete and utter morons. Because of that, people still see crypto as a joke. On to your post. First of all, we have some of Trumps tax records, and the rest are being fought over in courts. Its not a simple matter. We know hes a crook who didnt pay taxes, we know he had Russian money moved through the NRA into his PACs, we know quite a bit. Its not opaque, its just complicated. There are plenty of ways to transfer wealth, and a lot of them are very complicated, leave trails that can be found, and overall are not convenient... as it should be. My point is that having something like Monero as a primary currency would be the end of democracy, just like the article implies. I **do** know what you mean by lobbying, the issue is **you** dont know what you mean by lobbying. Lobbying isnt negative. You are talking about bribery, which is **exactly** what I think an opaque monetary system would make 1000x easier and 1000x worse. Decentralization is only useful in a fantasy economy where everyone starts with the same wealth. Decentralization today would mean Jeff Bezos instantly has 20% of the money and you become a slave. Regulations are in place to protect you, central banks stabilize economies, and transparent monetary systems prevent you from living in a nightmare oligarchy.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

With all the money floating around this space, why doesn’t the US have a powerful lobby like the NRA?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>Or use it to protect yourself. Problem is some people use weapons actively to kill people. It's a huge problem in 'Murica. NRA has a big lobby to manipulate / buy politicians to prevent stricter gun laws. ​ >See kyle rittenhouse. LOL, he's a good example how poeople claim "self defence" while it's instead aggressive murder. Very likely he will get a harsh punishment for his wrongdoing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

@everyone We have $NRA token farm/stake live on CropperFinnace with insane APR% It's all for NORA community so hurry up
