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Talking about real inflation !

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The Roaring '20s 2.0 - Get that FUD out of here


r/BitcoinSee Comment

***MINIMUM WAGE WAS $1 IN 1960.*** It went up to $1.40 in 1967.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I honestly agree. But wholeheartedly believe There isn't A single Morally good person uncorrupted y greed, money, and power left In politics. For fucks sake the Wealth Distribution is WORSE than the French Revolution... back then People lost their heads over it.. now days %8 tax on Billionaires is "too much"... I made 16k I'm 2021. And I still owed 2k after them taking 36% each paycheck. ( thanks Unemployment) that is like 4 months of EVERY dollar that isn't a Bill ( not including food) Meanwhile Congress gets a 26% raise . And I'm not allowed one Or Else it's the WAGE Price Spiral... This is contrast. Fuck them. Fuck all of them. Time.and Time again the Government has shown it's true colors.. There isn't a trust worthy institution left in this country. It's all been bought and Paid for. Letting these Paid For "Legislators" write legislation IS also giving up power and freedom, and privacy, and self autonomy... Crypto Can be A tool of Massive oppression, or a Tool of freedom... But yeah Let's leave it up to Government to.decide...

r/BitcoinSee Comment

**RAISE YOUR MINIMUM WAGE!** Sorry I normally come up with a long winded and tactful way of eventually getting around to that point, but at this stage I've given up on the subtle approach. The concept of a minimum wage exists for a reason! Because if you don't have one, or have one that is large enough, employers will push down wages as low as they can. Because when there's a limited supply of jobs, and having a job is non-optional unless you want to sleep under a bridge, there's always someone who is willing to work for less if it means having any kind of income at all. That's why you need a minimum wage, to act as a floor on how low employees are willing to barter. Typical fear scaremongering from the ones who want to keep you poor, and repeated by people who believe them, is that paying the guy working at McDonalds enough money to both pay rent *AND!* eat food each week, will destroy the economy and make the price of Big Macs sky rocket. Meanwhile your government is printing money like it's going out of style and you have corps with monopolies on markets just jacking up prices because they can and a corrupt manipulated stock market and a government that will bail out any major corporation the moment they get in financial strife with billions of dollars worth of tax payer money. But sure, giving the guy at McDonalds $15/hr, yeah **that's** what will destroy the economy..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Post is by: KAX1107 and the url/text [ ]( /r/australia/comments/slqiny/my_grocery_bill_is_skyrocketting_despite_buying/ My grocery bill is skyrocketting despite buying the exact same thing every week. In the last 1.5 years, after buying the EXACT same things every week, my total bill has risen at least 25%, closer to 40% for some products. I mention it to some people and no body knows what I'm talking about. And you know what hasn't gone up 30%? MY FUCKING WAGE. I am literally getting poorer for doing living the exact same way. I feel like I'm losing my mind. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Stocks also went up 25-40%. You know what didn't, YOUR WAGE. On average an S&P 500 or DJI portfolio rises 10%/yr with reinvested dividends. Your wage absolutely doesn't, even with professional advancement. You can buy more shares of a company when you're a 16 year old grocery store clerk than when you're a 60 year old doctor because the stock price will rise faster than your wage. This is doubly true for BTC. Buy now! No matter how little it seems, you'll only be able to buy less in the future.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If you're a day trader, you deserve a WAGE for you trading labor by hour you spend, not a % of the capital

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

"I don't want anyone trying to compete with me and my ultra rich buddies!!! WE have all the wealth and WE need to keep it, so our families can benefit off of your enslavement to debt and dead end jobs....STOP TRYING TO GET RICH AND ACCEPT YOUR FATE AS A WAGE SLAVE!! ....regards the Trump family....

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

> Lmao yes a president stepping in and demanding employers stop paying slave wages is why we dont have health care. Makes perfect sense of you don’t think about it at all. Are you really going to try and blame a president from almost 100 years ago for why we don’t have reasonable health care today? C’mon dude. FDR is dead and gone, move on You REALLY misread what I wrote. ***MAXIMUM*** wage. FDR implemented a ***MAXIMUM*** wage. Get your head out of your ass. ***FDR WANTED TO LIMIT HOW MUCH MONEY COMPANIES COULD PAY PEOPLE BECAUSE HE THOUGHT COMPANIES COULD THEN HIRE MORE PEOPLE, SO HE IMPLEMENTED A MAXIMUM WAGE*** You're either completely ignorant of a topic you act like you're a master of; a Chinese communist robot; or ... I don't even know what.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

**If moon hits 10$, I will quit being a WAGE SLAVE**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Love that people in 3rd world countries can make MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE just by talking with us here ❤️

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I build robots. YEAH!! JACK UP THAT MINIMUM WAGE. Then, that makes robots more economical, and a lot of those minimum wage jobs just disappear. The people that the minimum wage was supposed to help, they're all fucked. Don't say people should be paid what they're worth and then turn around and say, "we need a law that forces employers to pay more than those people are worth." Lesson: PRICE CONTROLS DON'T WORK.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

You are asking what MININUM WAGE millionaires would put there money and if you haven’t seen the news clip of the lady askin people what they’d do if they won the powerball you should look it up because it’s fantastic

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wait a min!!!! WHAT DID HE SAY???? 5 DOLLARS A DAY IS MIN WAGE... WTF IM BITCHING cause im nkt making 30 to start and you guys are talking about 5 a day like, " I got 5 on it?" Woooooow mind blown

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Comment

Can you rename it WAGE SLAVES COIN because that's what you will all be when the rug is pulled

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Absolutely. That’s how I started. It’s been over 20 years and the results are exactly what I hoped they were. I had peanuts. $2K a year in my IRA. I worked for LESS THAN MINIMUM WAGE. I made $11K one year. Saved $2k every year. No matter what. Paid myself first every month and I rarely even noticed the money was gone.
