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Options Trading Question about strike prices

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Long ITM Call Options?

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MSFT earnings discussion

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Everything there is to know in premarket 29.01. Including positioning analysis of GOOGL NVDA and AAPL

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Oxy is the most undervalued company based on FCF yield on EV in the market right now.

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Question about DCA and biweekly investing?

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Earnings & economic calendar

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AAPL: earning this week. Can it make 200+ before that?

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AAPL will print

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200 calls for AAPL exp 2/16

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What do you think about my portfolio.

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$AAPL earnings??

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Full YOLO Worst Timing

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Full YOLO Worst Timing

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MSFT Earnings call

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One common mistake of a novice trader

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When to sell my AAPL and GOOGL

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Should I hold onto TSLA or cut my losses and diversify?

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AAPL Options

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CSP for 10-11 Months Total Return ?

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Niche ETF Option Arb Strategy

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Filthy poor AAPL yolo

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$PYPL Ad: Six innovations that will revolutionize commerce

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XR products launched in CES 2024, technology IP innovation is expected to achieve a value leap

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Choose your AAPL play wisely, glasshole 🦧.

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Came here to find my dumpster for the week.

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Wall Street Newsletter S03E06: All-time highs are here. What's next?

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Vision Pro’s coming. What are your AAPL moves??

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Where is the love for VUG ?

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Thanks AMD, AAPL, & PYPL

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Calls on $PLNT & Puts on $AAPL

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MSFT has now overtaken AAPL in market cap.

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Conflicting info for AAPL shares outstanding

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Turned 2 AAPL shares to $2k in 2 days

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what did they say about "An AAPL a day" again

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Will Value ever out do Growth again?

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What stocks(s) did y’all buy recently and when was it?

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Apple’s MR headset mass production started, Meta creates XR + AI innovative virtual office experience

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Apple’s MR headset mass production started, Meta creates XR + AI innovative virtual office experience

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Small 50k YOLO

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Offsetting Previous Losses While Continuing to Invest for the Future

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Everything to watch and expect for the trading week ahead, including expectations and analysis around AAPL, TSLA, and RETAIL SALES data.

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Everything I'm Watching going into the trading week, including expectations around TESLA, AAPL and SPX Call Resistance at 4800.

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AAPL, TSLA, NVDA: What positioning looks like for the short term. Analysis of the option market

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AAPL, TSLA, NVDA: What positioning data tells us to expect for price action in Short term.

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An Exploration of Analyst Ratings and Stock Market Bias

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An Exploration of Analyst Ratings and Stock Market Bias

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Is it normal for the index funds to be weighted this heavily by mega caps?

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Google, Amazon, and Unity are among the tech companies implementing layoffs to start 2024

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Small Caps, Magnificent7: Would 2023 repeat itself?

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Can anyone help me explain NVDA?

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AAPL downgrades are irrelevant

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What Company Do You Think Is Least Likely to be Doing “Insider Trading”?

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TSMC posts flat Q4 revenue but beats expectations

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Magnificent Seven fact.

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Generative AI drives innovation:There will be more emerging growth opportunities in 2024

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Generative AI drives innovation:There will be more emerging growth opportunities in 2024

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So… suicide?

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Calls on $AAPL 📈

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Apple releases a multimodal LLM model, WIMI AI tech became the AGI mainstream trend

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Apple releases a multimodal LLM model, WIMI AI tech became the AGI mainstream trend

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Rebalancing Portfolio Suggestions

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AAPL calls?

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AAPL bet. I need a strategy.

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Calls on AAPL

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Somebody’s iPhone survived a 16000-foot fall completely undamaged. Calls on AAPL

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Calls on AAPL ✈️📱

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Calls on AAPL ✈️ 📱

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Trading rules AAPL

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AAPL Shorting plans…?

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AAPL lags again in premarket after another downgrade in the week. Note: I am holding AAPL and bought more on Tuesday after the 1st downgrade.

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AAPL lags again in premarket after another downgrade in the week. Note: I am holding AAPL and bought more on Tuesday after the 1st downgrade

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Are my investments smart?

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[News] A January "rout" in megacap tech stocks this month is now the Wall Street consensus, according to the BofA equity team.

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[NEWS] A January "rout" in megacap tech stocks this month is now the Wall Street consensus, according to the BofA equity team.

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The Efficient market theory; Points, counterpoints, discussion.

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Okay Portfolio Going Into 2024? [23 YOLD Looking for long term investments]

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Prop Trader Series -- a thing I wrote

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Short-Term Bottom for $AAPL/Apple?

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Deciding REITS for my portfolio. But lack the confidence in knowing how to valuate each choice.

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Still time to join me in AAPL Puts

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[News] Apple downgraded to underweight by Barclays. This comes as they warn of cooling iPhone demand. Price target at 160, 17% below Spot.

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Everything I'm watching in premarket 02/01. Keep an eye on AAPL for intraday trading (if you trade actively), down 2% in premarket at time of writing.

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A complete summary of everything I'm watching/Expecting in premarket today 02/01. Keep an eye on AAPL.

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If you had $40k to invest right now, what would you do with it?

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Buying AAPL $125 Put since it obviously rejected $200

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Anyone know anything about TXRH?

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Even Though QQQ works, it pisses me off

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2024 Three Stock/Ticker Bet

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Seeking Advice on Reallocating Tech Stock Profits to IRA: Long-Term Gains vs. Retirement Planning

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I am an ex-prop trader and these are the stocks on my watchlist (12/28)

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Airpods pro has futuristic sound quality. #AAPL calls

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$INTC Israels : 3.2Billion for a Western Worlds TSM. And that ASML NM Machine. 5nm, 3nm, 2nm coming. No More Taiwan TSM China Fear.

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The global communications industry has ushered in a new technological revolution

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Roth IRA vs Cash vs Margin

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Roth IRA vs Cash vs Margin Accounts

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I love AAPL❤️


Most tech stocks MSFT, META, AAPL etc


I just bought a new Lexus off TXRH, AAPL and UBER. And after selling, I basically recovered everything I sold with the rest of my portfolio 🤗

I'm thinking the same, but for AAPL. I think their guidance will disappoint.


I think AAPL will go up. Check this article out:


AAPL, Amazon, PayPal, walmart, qcom, pg. I bought them Friday close to closing and they went up a few bucks after market


Nice writeup. I think we really have to see if META, MSFT, AAPL, or AMZN can justify AI capex to their investors. If they give the big boys something to salivate over, I think we rocket into earnings, which I believe NVDA will crush. I can see 140-150 range post earnings if both scenarios occur. If they don’t alleviate AI bubble fears, we may be seeing new lows until earnings. I think INTC and AMD are going to tank on earnings, and fear NVDA may follow.

Meta calls, AAPL puts and retire ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


AAPL gonna be the best performing Mag 7 stock. Everyone gonna buy a new AI phone.


It very well could have been. But it's gonna take NVDA, GOOG, AAPL, and AMZN to be on board to make that happen

AAPL delivering will carry everyone.


Compare their YTD. With AI hype NVDA, AAPL, and GOOGL have performed the best. Google beat and still dropped more this week than AAPL and NVDA. These are really the last two standing this quarter and if there is a positive response to their ER it’s going to dramatically boost them more than AMD, GOOGL, and MSFT. If they dump as well then we’re all fucked.

They really should follow AAPL strat and get on the A.I. bandwagon. A.I. chips are the future.


I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m bearish but I’m definitely not bullish. If they do manage to grow I’m certain it won’t be at the same rate as NVDA or AAPL. Google could be an outlier but personally my two winners I’m really holding on to are Apple and Nvidia. Primarily just with the way the current sentiment has affected them. If that changes I think it’ll be targeted on a select few - not including them.


SWPPX 25% QQQ 15% AVUV 25% NVDA 15% ASTS 10% everything else ABBV GE GOOGL CRM AAPL

I have an iPhone 15. Do I think AAPL going up 17% on integrating AI into the phone is justified? No. I think it’s overvalued, and I think puts will pay out. Does that mean I think AAPL is going bankrupt tomorrow? No. You’re a regard


Yeah I think selling calls/puts should really be done hoping they strike. I actually made quite a lot of money selling puts on AAPL without ever owning the stock.


Upcoming earnings calls: Tuesday 30th: MSFT, AMD Wednesday 31st: META, QCOM, ARM Thursday 1st: AAPL, AMZN, INTC Now where's my popcorn

No $AAPL?![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Next week AMZN will beat, AAPL will beat, MSFT will beat, INTC will miss We'll pump to $565

AAPL looks like it wants to puke


I don't understand leveraged etfs... AAPL is up 0.44% today while AAPB is up only 0.49%


More than half of my stocks are in tech, long time holder of AAPL and MSFT, and bought several NVDA shares a while back. I continue to be bullish on NVDA for the long run, in my non-expert opinion we just entered the AI boom. I am sure there will be many boom and bust cycles, and believe that other corporations and even nations will expand their AI development. At least for now, when they do so, they will use NVDA chips, I think it was in 1Q24 earnings statement that Elon went out and stated that Tesla would be bulk ordering NVDA chips and Jensen Huang mentioned something about state level buyers in his conference call as well. Aside from the components, NVDA also owns the CUDA architecture which I come to understand is the big leg up vs their competition. All that to say, during a gold rush, sell supplies. With a long term buy and hold mentality, these small dips are just temporary and no where near enough to offset my gains.

place your bets! META call, MSFT call, AMZN puts, AAPL puts, AMD puts

I use that same argument for AAPL. It’s 4x my normal position size, and I‘m not selling.


It doesn’t seem like AAPL makes that big of a price move on earnings history but I could be wrong for the upcoming one. Imma just focus prob on the ones I’ve listed. Every time I seem to get in those heavily traded stocks, they seem to go flat or go the opposite direction. Especially the overvalued tech stocks


I was thinking AAPL puts


AAPL earning expectations are stupidly low.


Tim AAPL if you're listening....


why did you ever leave AAPL?


Time to jump back in NVDA and AAPL?


AAPL making moves 👀![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Get ready for market de-leveraging 2.0 next week when AAPL and other MAG7 shit. Another -3.5% day on QQQ coming right up.. These types of moves are multi sigma moves that don’t happen in bull markets, but at the start of BEAR markets Don’t say you weren’t warned baggies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


The Aug call will be a great barometer for where and how much big tech is spending right now. If they beat consensus yet again, it will likely be a rising tide that lifts a lot of boats. What I appreciate about NVDA is that its real valuation is not obfuscated by brand loyalty like TSLA and to a lesser extent AAPL. They will move with the fundamentals and projected real spending on AI, not black magic. The AI hype cycle is winding down, and we're getting to where the financial rubber meets the road. Just be aware that YoY changes for NVDA will not be as profound at this upcoming call, given their already spiking financials from 12 months ago. EPS in 2023 *tripled* between May and Aug reports, so the relative increase won't be as insane as we've seen. Fairly warned be thee, says I.

But you will miss out on the opportunity to capture upside movements on MSFT, AAPL, META, AMZN who haven't reported yet. GOOGL jumped 10% after April earnings. If you deployed your capital after the first company who reported went down, you would miss out. The other thing you will miss out on is possible bigger dips on the other big tech. GOOGL dipped 5% on earnings, and now down 9% since pre-earnings however the NQ100 has dropped 4%. Therefore, half of the dip is because the entire tech sector has dipped. 5% dip is good but not spectacular. You may see even bigger dips on the other tech companies next week. What if MSFT/META/AMZN goes down 10%? You miss out on that.

AAPL and MSFT ready to put tech on its back


AAPL gyna data is trash. Down negative end of day. Upvote if you agree.


!babet AAPL 220 15d


META Calls, AAPL Puts, MSFT no change


Honestly, Theta gang feastin' today kinda makes sense. Macro came in as expected and there are just too many catalysts next week (AAPL, MSFT earnings + FOMC) to have some serious price action today. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


AAPL the only red I see in tech, what’s the play?? 8/2 $230 C’s?


I guess we are using different tools / timeframes - there is not just one single answer. Correlation according to Macroaxis: * $MSFT 0.92 * $TTD 0.91 * $VOO 0.91 * $AAPL 0.86 * $AMZN 0.78 * $META 0.72

9 days of just AAPL going down nonstop. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


AAPL, GOOG, TSLA all down but QQQs are still pumping. Interesting.

Looks like everyone on Wall Street has short term memory loss. We've already forgot about Mango man's words or kinda meh GOOG earnings. It's time to pump this bitch for AAPL and MSFT earnings ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

Kamala a baddie. SPY $700 2025 AAPL $350 2025 NVDA $225 2025 GME $14 2025

AAPL calls just gaped me


This bounce is due to short-covering; traders lock some profit before weekend. Next week is ER for MSFT, META, AMZN and AAPL. If I had puts, I would have closed them too.

AAPL weather forecast is the most inaccurate shit ever I could randomly guess the weather better than their app


Apple dropped out of the top five in China’s 🇨🇳 smartphone market in Q2’24 for the first time in four years, with shipments down 3.1% YoY. $AAPL now holds a 14% market share, down 2% from the previous year. Meanwhile, China’s smartphone market grew 10% YoY, with shipments exceeding 70M units. Huawei surged ahead despite US trade restrictions. Vivo led with 13.1M units, followed by OPPO and HONOR. Xiaomi re-entered the top five with a 17% increase. Source: IDC


The reason NVDA and tech in general sold off has more to do with economic data than manipulating the stock price to buy back at low prices. If you pay attention to how the market fluctuates and watch the sectors to see what goes up or down given certain economic conditions there is a pattern. As rates held steady and inflation remained stubbornly elevated the MAG7 was considered a flight to safety because they are mostly immune to inflation and the borrowing cost that goes along with that, unlike mid to small cap stocks that require leverage to keep the business going. NVDA is such a rare occurrence where a new tech creates a brand new industry as AI has done. The hyperscalers with massive cash pumped money into NVDA (except for AAPL). That created a massive run up on NVDA and the chip sector. With NVDA putting up massive real numbers was the real deal in terms of fundamentals. That kicked off a nice rally in large cap tech while the rest of the 493 stocks in the SP500 fluctuated around their 200 day moving averages and underperformed. Then the Russell 2000 small caps get beaten up because many of those companies need to borrow capital and with rates high it makes them unattractive investments. So when PCE prints started to show inflation trending lower you begin to get a dovish Fed hinting at rate cuts. Remember the market is always forward looking. As the Fed hints at rate cuts it kicks off institutional profit taking. These profits are reallocated into areas of the market that were beaten up and have upside. Otherwise called a “rotation.” Where was the profit being taken? That would be the MAG7 large cap tech. Which is why you saw the RUT rally recently. Again in a move to make money the reverse will happen when stocks like NVDA come down to attractive levels. Profit is taken out of other areas and allocated to areas that have potential upside. In the case of NVDA, there is little news to drive the stock since the split. Come earning season you start to get clues if CAPEX spend is going towards building out NVDA GPU’s for LLM training with data from large cap tech earnings reports. This is a catalyst for NVDA to go up or down. Now every month before PCE is reported you can see sector rotations in the SP500. Money pulled out of high fliers and allocated to “safe” areas of the market for higher inflation like utilities and energy. Once the PCE print is released the market adjusts to the news. (Which by the way you can see an estimate on of the PCE and CPI on the Cleveland Fed Nowcasting site.) A print that shows inflation trending lower has been setting off a market wide rally. However rate cuts aren’t exactly friendly to large cap in the short term because of the rotation I mentioned above. In the macro picture companies with strong fundamentals like NVDA will do well. But as the market broadens and CAPEX slows on building out NVDA servers that will be a headwind for NVDA. At some point in the end of 2025 or 2026 two things may happen. Competition in the chip space and a return to a cyclical environment for chips. Eventually the training servers will not be built out at such a frenzy as training reaches a significant level and data is moved to the “edge”. Eyes will be shifted to software that is actually profiting from AI. One of the best places for that is selling AI to the consumer which will access it primarily on handsets (phones). Which puts AAPL in a unique position to be the aggregate location for AI apps and having not spent billions of CAPEX on building out NVDA servers.

Been doing this with AAPL. Acquired my 50th “call premium” share recently.


What exp are people buying for big tech calls? AAPL / AMZN etc.


Nevermind your AAPL calls, thats the whole market red for another day


There go my AAPL calls [Apple loses top 5 spot in China smartphone market as domestic brands dominate (](


AAPL going to shit the bed and take the market down woth it today on bad China news.


This is just a pullback. But when real sell starts post US election, it will get scary. Big boys dumping all their cash on big mega cap AAPL MSFT NVDA GOOG. These havent buzzed much. Interesting AAPL holding way above 200.

Agree with most of your comments. It's important that I clarify, I don't think MU or AMD are bad companies. I just think they are wildly overvalued in the short-term. AMDs case is complicated, but it comes down to ecosystem. The simplest way to explain it is to say that NVDA's CUDA is the equivalent of MSFT's Windows or Apple's Appstore. AMD does not have an equivalent. They will be forced to compete as the value proposition. Nothing wrong with that. But companies spending 100s of Billions on AI are trying to outdo each other. They aren't looking for the budget option. The ones that are looking to save money, will expect to do so - AMDs profit margins will be rubbish. MU is less complicated - They are literally a part of a low profit margin, highly commoditized industry with numerous competitors, which have over the decades engaged in multiple races to the bottom. Their business model is literally the opposite of AAPL's. They will sacrifice margins in an instant when a competitor arises. They've done it before. They will do it again. I would be scared to go long. But that does not mean they won't profit in the short term.

AAPL stock just started taking off around May of this year. Prior to this date , it was the 2nd worst performing MAG 7 stock this year with Tesla being the worst .


23 YO aimless investor. Looking for advice/feedback to improving it. 7/25/2024 - VTI (76.9%) - AMZN (7.2%) - GOOGL (7.0%) - MSFT (6.6%) - AAPL (2.3%)

Checked for funzies -- google has better correlation with MSFT (0.44) than with VOO (0.42). It does not with AAPL (0.26) or AMZN (0.36) or META (0.29) Honestly kind of remarkable it's been so similar relative to MSFT (monthly returns over the last decade)

I think he/she was referring to the period when AAPL was trading between 160-175 for a long period


The opposite is also true. The media hype up $TSLA and $GOOG earnings so much that it was clear big money was using the pump as an exit strategy on some unfortunate souls buying the peak of their rally. Long 0DTE $AAPL calls for the bounce tomorrow.

I've made 550% the last 2 weeks playing sbux swings. Them and SPG are the only 2 I'm doing good on tbh. I would be up much higher if I didn't play AAPL and QQQ this week


Huh? AAPL is like one the least shorted stocks on the market...


It was a short covering rally from the tech bears, and the market was efficient to give them another exit eod. But as always bears will get greedy and see a big green dildo bar tomorrow and a rally from $AAPL, $AMZ and $NVDA.


Yeah the problem with NVDA at this valuation is that if AAPL, META, MSFT, etc. decide they have their own "good enough" alternative, their high margin revenue drops off massively. This is before we take into account the potential for TSM to eat into their margins by asking for a larger cut in production due to their increased CapEx ramp as well. NVDA is priced as if this demand won't go down and will only increase in the next 10 years, but all semis are cyclical.

I mean if next week AAPL, MSFT, META and AMZN all deliver great earnings, the bull market is back.

Calls that have and are expiring worthless NVDA, GOOGL, AAPL, SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

!Banbet AAPL 225 1d


My 2025 GOOG calls will come back.  My Nov 2024 AAPL calls will come back.  I have to stay strong dammit. 


Add Googl & AAPL. 


Thinking about playing Arista and Sryker on Tuesday. I'm too scared to touch AMD / MSFT / AAPL... bad memories.

Too many doomers here. Y'all know this snap backs pretty quickly. All this selling before fomc, Meta, AAPL, msft, amzn means everything is getting priced in...


**MSFT AAPL META etc. etc., but ALSO, FOMC on WED... next week decides the future of the next 3 months...**


Well AAPL isn't some small cap company with a single USP. I'd agree if it was some small thing but the apple brand isn't going to disappear overnight, nor do they show lack of innovation. 


MSFT, META, AAPL, AMZN all next week. Yikes.

I like []( as they also adjust for dividends in the historical price.


Big week. If MSFT/META and AAPL fail to deliver then the market is completely fucked.


I think AAPL may be the best of the bunch. Why? They're not spending a shit ton on AI with nothing to show for it like the other majors and This regarded AI phone... regards gonna buy it to keep up with their regarded friends.


All of the big three (AAPL, MSFT, NVDA) will be worth $4tril minimum this time next year. You'll be happy you held. My mantra nowadays: "the trend is your friend, see it through till the end"

When are AAPL and AMZN reporting


Should've just bought long calls on SPY, AAPL, and TSLA back in 2020. 😂 Hindsights 20/20

!banbet AAPL 200 7d


!banbet AAPL 200 7days


AAPL MSFT and AMZN please don’t fuck up next week 🙏

AAPL & AMZN gunna pump SPY back to 550 tmrw

DOW means nothing. They will remove the bottom feeders and add the winners over time. Remove MSFT, AAPL, and AMZN and what do you have? Nothing. Clown World!

Somehow AAPL is pretty unscathed


How are we feeling about SKX earnings today? I'm old and wear them now, so I'm going to say it goes up. Next week is gonna be insane...AMZN, AAPL, BA... Might buy some BA calls, I can see that shit riding it's way up until earnings due to some weird fuckery.

AAPL just shit your pants already


AAPL just shit your pants already


I'm seeing a lot of very large trades opening puts exiring tomorrow on several stocks (AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, META, AVGO) at strike prices far above where they're trading now. These have to be sell to open that they'll buy back tomorrow, right?

Next week we have AAPL and AMZN to bleed all over the market can't wait!


THESE BISHES DON'T UNDERSTAND... IN 2 YEARS NVDA WILL GENERATE MORE REVENUE THAN MSFT AND AAPL... COMBINED. NVDA $1K ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

This is the most AAPL thing ever: “We will give them less and charge even more” -Tim Apple probably


go AAPL go let's do 225 by tomorrow


Oh AAPL you're so good to me
