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10k Dollars to my name and nothing else (26M)

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10k Dollars to my name and nothing else (26M)

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Poops on Tesla: You’ll Have to Wipe Dead Bugs and Bird Poop off Your Angular Tesla Vehicle ASAP to Avoid Corrosion

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fisker Could Double or Triple with positive news - I think we are at or near the bottom.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

FSR - Fisker Could Double or Triple with positive news - I think we are at or near the bottom.

r/pennystocksSee Post

Is it worth anymore investing into these stocks?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Newbie entered Market during 2021 growth frenzy and holding bag.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

NFA, I'm damn near ⛽ WGMI 🚀 : Gambling on Appproval of Spot Bitcoin ETFs end of Jan24; WGMI being a front runner and posing ~25-50% upside

r/weedstocksSee Post

Arizona, Maryland, California, Massachusetts - Why Big Cannabis MSOs Are Closing Up Shop ASAP in Major States!

r/RobinHoodSee Post

Need Help ASAP Robinhoods Login Screen Am I Being Redirected?

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Speculation on $TSLA

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$ABVC, 2.3M float, 43% short, good news just released

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About to turn 18, need some investment ideas to get my money up ASAP before I move out of home for university.

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Tips on saving/investing for a 16 year old in high school?

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IShares Lifepath Target Date Funds

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Investing vs Paying Student Loans in US

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Should people pay off a mortgage ASAP when fixed rates mortgages equal the average annual stock market returns since it's a guaranteed rate of return?

r/pennystocksSee Post

Penny stocks to purge from your portfolio ASAP

r/StockMarketSee Post

What would you do if you were me?

r/investingSee Post

CC debt vs investing, figuring out optimal route

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Why do businessmen waste diddy daddlying around with fun stuff when they meet people they want to have a business deal with instead of getting straight to the point? Why spend so much time say playing golf or exploring a museum instead of just negotiating in a private office or meeting room ASAP?

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Unity's going down faster than the Hindenburg being attacked by 10,000 angry game devs with ground to air missiles and flame throwers.

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Should I exit Intel as soon as it reaches my break even price?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Unity,competitor to Unreal Engine, just broke many laws including anti trust as they piss off their dev base charging em money.

r/investingSee Post

It’s a constant back and forth for me on this.

r/investingSee Post

Anyone held custody of private investments in IRA/Roth?

r/stocksSee Post

Shouldn't Nvidia dilute its shareholders?

r/investingSee Post

What to do with existing IRA funds before I start doing backdoor conversions in the future

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why the market will crash

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Huge cyberattacks lately, can Tego Cyber solve this or who can???

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Need some insight on Stack Capital

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

There is a possibility that room temperature superconductor was invented, containing Lead metal (among others)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

(NASDAQ: WISA) pending accretive, AI-enabled acquisition. 3.6M float and volume is increasing w/stock starting to move now.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Have y’all tried just betting (sorry, investing) against your best judgements? (Compulsory LOL)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Anyone ever have some travel planning mishaps?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Are all large companies trading at 2 times to 3 times their intrinsic value rn?

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[M25] International Student in the US - How to prepare to move assets overseas

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

MSFT hearing

r/StockMarketSee Post

We need an emergency rate hike ASAP

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RKLB Holders—You’re Welcome

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Solution to Naked Short Selling: Treat Proceeds from Naked Shorts as Trust Funds (Under the tax definition)

r/StockMarketSee Post

**An Exciting Opportunity: Why NOW Is the Time to Buy Magellan Midstream Partners (MMP)**

r/pennystocksSee Post

Massive IDEX pump

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Where is the HCDI love today??

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

IMGN short squeezing on news. 25 million shorts

r/optionsSee Post

First Republic Bank - Put Options

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Personal loans

r/pennystocksSee Post

$SMFL Smart for Life Launches Proprietary New Line of High Protein Ice Cream

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Natural Gas prices set to rise up from here. Bottom is in

r/StockMarketSee Post

$ATLX ( Atlas Lithium Corp) is a shameless pump and dump scam!

r/investingSee Post

Pay Car Loan Early vs Brokerage Index Funds

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[DD] 😱 Google Panicking Puts itself in Catastrophic Position 📉💥

r/investingSee Post

Suggestions on Rare Earth Metals investing plz

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$HUBC: Folks get in on this ASAP. Massive short squeeze brewing here.

r/stocksSee Post

Looking for an exit price: When will you sell Alphabet?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$HUBC has massive potential and management is signaling a path to multi $

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wall Street Newsletter S02E08: No one saw it coming ( Season Finale )

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Now I am even more worried. Congress needs to show leadership and raise the debt ceiling.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$KAL Will squeeze this week! already in motion

r/investingSee Post

Question about Financial Advisor Advice

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The delightful professionals of r/wallstreetbets posted a loss of $6.6M in Jan 2023


$NVAX It don’t think anyone understands yet the implications of the DOJ bringing CRIMINAL charges against Andrew Left / Citron. The charges include direct Novavax involvement. Now threatened with jail time, they are going to squeal like pigs. Shorters would be wise to cover ASAP.


Feels to me like every NVDA bag holder is just hoping to get out at 135 ASAP.


There isn’t necessarily a claim for the damages. If your a passenger (delta) you likely have to sue Delta who in turn have to sue Crowdstrike and have to prove that that passenger was affected due to crowdstrike. Timeline: Yeah, i already think preemptive Filings by Q2 EA is likely. Chapter 11 is there to help CRWD so it would be foolish not use it ASAP.


If you are writing covered calls on a week to week basis you can crush the S&P 500. I make about .7% to .8% every week, sometimes close to 1%. If you are reinvesting your premium back into more shares to be able to write more contracts that can start to compound very quickly. Find a stock that of course isn't going anywhere, what I mean is the company isn't going to go bankrupt any time soon, which should be easy enough to do. Second, once you've identified that stock you want to write calls on just stick with it and learn everything you can about it. A mental hurdle I had to get over was not worrying about the share price. I had to start thinking about shares as nothing more than units. The more units the better. The faster I can get to adding the next 100 block of shares the better so I can write more contracts. At the end of the day I want to make my money on premium, the share price is going to be what it's going to be. The options chain moves accordingly. If you bought into the stock high and it drops if you are reinvesting your premium you're going to slowly start to average down and if the stock price goes up then great it goes up. Yea, you're slowly averaging up but your average cost per share is still going to be lower than your initial investment. I typically write calls in two stages. I write Monday morning calls that are far out of the money, about 10% above Monday mornings share price. If the stock runs 10% that week and it gets exercised before or at Friday's end of day expiry then oh well, the shares gets exercised and I would buy back ASAP to hopefully get the shares back at more or less the price where they got exercised. I say this only hypothetically because this has never happened to me yet. Never underestimate the number of people out there who are degenerate gamblers, they just do it from a brokerage account behind a screen and not in a casino or a convenience store scratching lottery tickets. If you sell your calls at market price they are going to get bought. My second stage is buying to close on Friday and again selling calls that are as close to expiring out of the money when I write them. So Im looking at things like max pain and seeing if the share price is close to or below max pain and getting as close to the line as I think I can get without actually putting myself in a position to get exercised in the last 4 hours or so of the trading day. At this point any extra money is good money. That being said I make sure I have enough cash in my account to be able to buy back and close the contracts. So I usually keep 25% or so of the earned premium from Monday's sale in cash to allow for this. The other 75% or so I typically just buy more shares after I get my premium from writing the calls. Remember, as the options writer, Theta is your friend. Go back to the top figures and you can figure out what the annual rate of return is so if you're reinvesting and buying more and more shares you can figure out easy enough how large your position can increase over time and soon enough just reinvesting your premium alone will get you way more shares than whatever your initial investment was thus why I don't care to much about the share price, way I look at it is all shares bought with premium are basically free since I didn't have to work to buy them. Anyway, that's my basic strategy make of it what you will. Its not sexy and no, Im not going to hit the stock lottery and be that guy posting a 1000%+ return on a call/put option I bought but this will one day make me very rich.


TSLA needs to get to 200 ASAP


alright so i'm stuck overnight holding 7/26 542p's for SPY that i bought when it was hovering just over 543 earlier bought some 7/29 IWM 224c's to hedge overnight. selling all this shit ASAP. was this extra regarded


Invest as long as possible. The longer money is invested, the longer it can grow. When I was working, I bought a portfolio of total-market index-based low-cost stock and bond funds allocated according to my need, ability, and willingness to take risks. I usually bought a bit with each paycheck. When I got a lump sum, I bought ASAP. Now that I'm retired, Vanguard sells a tiny portion of each of my funds each month & sends it to my checking account. I rebalance periodically


Japan bros, テスラは詐欺です。売ってください! London bros, Tesla Is A Scam, Sell ASAP! German bros, Tesla ist ein Betrug, verkauft!


So here's the thing. This is bad, but we couldn't have picked a shittier duo for the first round of reporting this earnings season. Tesla is a hoax. Elon is running this thing into the ground, and we all knew the numbers would be horrible. It was set up to spectacularly fail because of the run-up prior to earnings on hype. Elon can only come up with so many more excuses, and this drop is a reflection of everyone getting tired of his bullshit. now just an online ad company. They are losing ground rapidly to AWS and MSFT in the cloud space, and they really, really need a strategy refresh ASAP. They have struggled for years with product development, so it's no surprise they are struggling now with AI conversion. We have MSFT and Amazon coming up in short order. I'm not guaranteeing their earnings will be good, but I think they will be much more indicative of where tech is at right now. This "softening" may just be the result two companies that are underperforming being first up for this season.


Yeah looks like I'm going to need to make around 5k in options ASAP. Bad thing is I have only $500


I posted last week about what I thought about TSLA- my feeling was drop it all ASAP. Politics aside, Elon backing Trump makes no sense for TSLA stock since Trump hates EVs with a passion. Now Elon trying to get into bed with China, who clearly prefer to see their own EVs succeed. I honestly think he's tanking the price so he can buy back later


Sell those ASAP. Unlike OP, IV is gonna crush you hard


I started off selling Covered Calls and now primarily sell Cash Secured Puts. The money to cover assignment sits in a Money Market fund collecting over 5% for the time being. If assigned then I immediately sell a covered call on the shares with the aim of getting it off the books ASAP.


Unless TSLA announces a share buyback, this puppy is going sub 200 ASAP


I think your take is the correct one. The moment the news broke about CrowdStrike's fuckup and the global impact it was having, the smartest play would've been, first thing Friday, buy puts at a few pretty high strike prices, being willing to pay a fat premium just to get in on those positions ASAP before their stock price tanked. No matter how optimistic you are about CrowdStrike's future, an idiot could've predicted that causing the worst internet outage in history would cause a substantial decline in their stock price. I missed the boat on this Friday because I just wasn't ready to capitalize on the opportunity as the news broke, and I was too slow to move Monday morning, so I just missed out on the good positions given the cash I had to spend on this. Definitely a learning experience for me, but next time a golden opportunity like this strikes, I'll be ready to move a LOT faster.


need TSM to pump $10 ASAP


I certainly hope not because that would mean it will happen again. We need regulation ASAP


He needs to offload 16.5M more shares but the guy is taking his sweet time because he absolutely refuses to sell a single share below $200 lmao (see below, he's only sold at $200.00 to $200.36 range): I guess this indirectly tells us Q2 earnings report has no bearish reason to cause $AMZN to dip, because if he knew anything bad he'd be selling the shares ASAP to get the $5B selling plan over with and get out first before everyone else does. But he clearly believes it has no reason to be below $200 and should float above it real soon and is willing to wait for it to happen


Can someone give me advice? I need some ASAP! Please DM me and ill explain.


Etoro has a time limit . If selling limit you can't sell on market or limit again for 2 hours. Etoros program isn't great. But I've used it to learn my way to 400k. It's time for A switch, im just waiting for QQQ. To recover then I'll probably attempt dividend trading large amounts. I've heard this is a good technique if done right. (While Keeping my 200% up trades ) I don't even think that moneys insuranced that's why I need to move it ASAP.


Also, FYI u/scroto_gaggins , I want to be clear that I'm not bullish on ULTA *right now*. I think they will go higher in early to mid-winter. Please be mindful of that if you're considering options or if you need the money ASAP. The stock probably won't move much right now. It would not shock me if they missed earnings in late August - this is a bad season for them, they're forecasting lower sales than Q2 of last year, and I'm getting all sorts of sale notifications. I think they've got serious potential between December and February - options call premiums reflect that. Good luck!


this markets cock is limp and pathetic - we need some dick pills ASAP someone call up HIMS


After the meeting with terror squad et al. She said we need to legalize it. This was in March. I expect campaign mode to be activated ASAP


Could be a serious issue with your liver. See a doctor ASAP.




Need the 10 year to drop below 3% ASAP for my TLT CALLS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Checking whether an update crashes computers doesn't seem super subtle. I know the update was definition files that need to be pushed out fast, but checking whether an update crashes computers seems like something Microsoft could have been verifying automatically in just a few minutes. Some companies might need the updates ASAP,  but I think most could wait a few minutes.


One of the cybersecurity guys at my company was just getting ready to go to sleep at around midnight after being up and working a full day Thursday when he saw an article about the Crowdstrike issue. He hopped up and started setting the wheels in motion for our company to start addressing it ASAP from his house, and headed into the office at around 2am. He was still there working on it at 11am when I talked to him, and he looked fucking WIPED. I'm not sure when he left and was finally able to go to sleep, but I'm guessing he was up for at least 30 hours. Crowdstrike's fuck-up caused a bunch of mad scrambling and lost sleep for countless people all over the world, so I feel little sympathy for this CEO not getting any. That's why he gets paid the big bucks, right?


Will other brokers automatically exercise the long put in a situation like this where their short put is exercised and it puts you in a deficit like this? If not and he needs to exercise his long put manually for any broker, I assume he should do it ASAP as margin interest is accruing on his deficit? However he never signed up for margin though so I'm not sure how brokers treat this amount with regards to margin interest.


New to this sub and just wondering if everyone agrees we will be seeing final rule on rescheduling sometime in August. I read the rule proposal and understand the regulatory process. It is an agency action that will help the democrats in an election year. So why wouldn’t they finalize the rule ASAP? Am I missing something? And of course, I’m also assuming msos pumps up on this news, also a reasonable expectation, right? Full disclosure I already bought calls for Aug and September on this theory, thinking about getting more


I need to learn how to trade options ASAP so I can get tf out of the military 🤦‍♂️


Turned 19 myself last month and did the same thing you’re doing. I went with primarily r/JustBuyXEQT and VFV. They’re both down a bit, so it’s a great time to buy ASAP next Monday.


Fuckin better be I needa full port qqq 0dte ASAP


Someone get the always sunny in Philadelphia meme of Charlie explaining something ASAP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


I understand. I also understand this is a huuge loss to take, but you need to take it or it will get bigger. You are eating theta and delta losses both. If the first hour on monday isn't green, sell ASAP. You need a 25% gain to make it back. Its not that hard. Wait for the markets to rebound, buy some sane, sensible calls and do not revenge trade/over trade.


There is certainly nothing of corporate espionage value on my computer, The network access, maybe, but that would be revoked ASAP and they'd need to get logged in to access it, at which point bitlocker is moot.


I don't get the feeling that Powell "loves Trump". But once Trump decides to put him in the crosshairs and go full blast there will be a LOT of pressure to delay cuts until after the election. Whether he does or not depends on how much he likes the job and doesn't want to get fired ASAP by Trump, and how much he's worried about the safety of himself and his family as Trump raises the ire of so many cultists.


SPY green by power hour close or stock up on canned foods and drinking water ASAP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Vanguard research showed that lump sum investing beat DCA about 2/3 of the time. I tried to 1. Invest as much as possible as soon as possible. & 2. Put as much as possible in tax-advantaged accounts as soon as possible. I invest because I expect my investments to generate returns over time. The sooner I invest, the more time they have to generate more returns. The sooner I put them in tax-advantaged accounts, the more time they have to generate tax-advantaged returns. Markets, especially stock markets, will always be volatile. Investing ASAP won't work every time. No one knows when it will work & when it won't. Over an investing career, it will probably work a lot more than it doesn't. If you don't believe that, why invest at all?


Y’all, I get that 90% of us are smooth-brained bulls (me included) and 100% are degen gamblers who wanna ride the lightning. I’m telling you, at the risk of Chicken Little-ing: do **not** write this off as a RH overnight blip Crowdstrike just knee-capped every single country and industry in the world. Basically all US airlines are grounding flights, 911 is down, the Aussie government is calling a fuckin emergency meeting. This is BIG Even if the nerds get everything back up and running ASAP, sentiment is king. And one company’s glitch tanking a plurality of computers worldwide is the type of shit that freaks out the stability-loving market. Be CAREFUL dudes, don’t be surprised to see Big Money turn tail and sprint out of tech for the near future


Sell ASAP. Company is a complete mess and their profit margin is pathetic.


Dear 8lbs 6 oz, newborn infant Jesus……who doesn’t even know a word yet. Little infant, so cuddly but still omnipotent……please take NVDA to 130 ASAP


LGVN new information has come to lite. look at the charts ASAP


Hello Robinhood, Can you add $1000 strike EOW NVDA calls ASAP? Thanks ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


It'll be back ASAP. People will be hugging Jensen, saying, "I'm sorry I ever left, daddy!" 🥲


High yield money marketing acc or pnc or start a Roth ira ASAP Put 3000 in a Roth donate weekly Put 7000 in pnc or high yield If it’s 10000 to spare I’d put 5 k in the Roth and the rest in a high yield and treat that as your savings


It’s way too close to expiration to do anything…theta will be around $1000 for the next 2 days. Even a miracle will not save you. Sell it ASAP.


Read “A Random Walk Down Wall Street”. ASAP.


Call up your remaining grandparents and tell them to switch to bonds ASAP


Someone bring Jensen a pair of tits and a sharpie ASAP!


APL, and Lilly need to take Viagra ASAP.


Lately I been tiyad a feelin sick and tiyad ASAP


If retail sales gonna fuck me up today, I'm calling JPOW ASAP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


Same experience here albeit years ago. Quick and easy transaction. Took less than 15 mins work on my part, but easier than any other avenue. I expect millions of people to use this service either as first timers or repeat customers. I just wanted to get rid of an extra car ASAP.


Please buy 1 million NVDA puts ASAP


JENSEN, I NEED A PROOF OF LIFE PICTURE WITH TODAY’S PAPER ASAP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

r/stocksSee Comment

I work for a company that works with IBM, they're a sinking ship, if you have any shares in IBM get them out ASAP.


Your original question wasn't asking what would happen if you placed the order during hours the market is closed. Regardless, though, your account can not go into debt unless it's a margin account with debt authorisation. You'd then need to deposit money ASAP. Otherwise, Fidelity could sell your shares to recoup the debt.


I need to get money ASAP so I can go on a quest to marry a woman like that - and lose half my shit in the inevitable divorce.


As a life long Nike Consumer, I'll weigh in. 1. The brand got too big, and started putting out way too much subpar products for the price. Example: The shoes I've gotten in the last few years, have been much worse quality materials and didn't last nearly as long. Running shoes, falling apart a few months after using. Midsoles getting hard as rocks after a few months, or just disintegrating for Jordans. All of this was due to "newer materials" which are "higher performance" etc. In the Jordan market, It got to the point to where knockoffs were equal or even better quality than real ones. I returned a pair for the first time in recent memory due to a defect. They would flood the market, then a few months later, you would see the shoe at their outlet, or at Ross, etc. High Price + High inventory meant that the people who would buy, would see the shoe on sale a few months later at a significant discount. So why buy new ASAP? (similar to phones, without "new tech" to make it a must get) I tried a pair of Hoka Cliftons for the first time ever, and it was much better than my Invincible or Pegasus. they have never ever made work shoes. Not hard to enter the non slip market, yet never made an attempt. Even retro jordans, the Basic holy grail of Nike, is shit now. I wondered why my Jordan 7's were never nearly as comfortable as the OG ones I had in high school and after they fell apart, I realized that they didn't even have full sole air , just in the heel. The only thing that Nike has, IMHO is that their sizing is pretty much consistent and it's still the only brand that I buy online without trying on, that will always fit. Needless to say, it has now been a few years since I bought a pair. As for clothing...... yeah.... shit quality now, when other brands are making better options at a cheaper price. Pretty much, you can sell anything, nike, but they tarnished the checkmark so bad, that it's no longer the symbol of quality that it used to be.


Your scenario is completely worthless without knowing how much interest you pay for the mortgage. Is it like 1-5%? In this case it could be considered to stay invested. Is it like 6-10% definitely pay back ASAP. There is no clear answer for 1-5% but I personally would not sell stocks if it’s below 3%.


DJT going to the moon!!BUY ASAP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) (I’m going to be selling you all 100c![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637))


I’m not sure the soundest mindset is for investing to be “about accumulating money.” I mean, yes, that’s what we want to do, but think carefully about what the purpose of your money is. Do you want to retire by 65? Do you want to be able to have enough money down the line for a down payment on a good home? Do you want to have a family and need to plan for your future kids’ college? You need to figure out what your financial goals are and what is a reasonable timeline for achieving them. Your work income, not this $10K in borrowed money (which I honestly recommend paying back ASAP), is going to be the most important component to that because most of your savings and investments are going to come from long term planning and budgeting.


Dude I’d safeguard that win ASAP in something boring like VOO and let it ride while I collect more income, slowly pay off debt and continue to add to the portfolio. Pretty soon that’ll compound fast


I think the most important consideration as a senior is secure housing. You don't want to end up evicted b/c you cannot afford your rent, and I have seen that happen with seniors in market rental buildings. If you don't own the place you're living in (and I'm assuming you don't because you said $20K is all you have), I would start applying for senior's social housing in your area (or the area you want to live in) ASAP.


Cut your losses ASAP pronto, hombre.


Joe needs an *ice water* break ASAP dudes eyes are closing more and more every minute


Grab my burner and call Corn Pop. Get him here ASAP.


Remember when we were told that millions had to lose their jobs in order to slow inflation? Well that wasn’t the case after all, was it? Inflation is slowing. Job growth is positive. There’s no reason for the Fed to drive unemployment through more interest rate increases. Powell CUT .50% ASAP!!


We need a new pay package approved for Elon, ASAP! Also: I'm back to ordering from the McDonald's $1 menu


Last two years alone I'm up 50% lol. Fire that leech ASAP and invest in the sp500.


If we've been frothing at the mouth for rate cuts, we still have what $5.5 trillion sitting in MMFs and we just got another good piece of data, maybe the best one indicating rate cuts will be coming (not ASAP but we can now see data to support them) why are markets not ripping this morning? If I'm a long term investor it seems like a good idea to dump a bunch of cash in and not wait for a dip, no? I've been dumping plenty in at lows and on the way up, I didn't wait until continued ATHs to dump money in. I was just assuming as we get more confirmation rate cuts will be happening, the more the market goes up. I know we're often living in Opposite Day the last few years and the market has already been roaring.....


BERS GET A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY ASAP, AT LEAST THEY’LL PAY UR FAMILY WHEN WE HUNT U AT OPEN ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

Cut your losses ASAP Ferg 💯


You literally said a whole lot of nothing. You are also comparing Nike to adobe which are obviously completely different industries. Adobe has minimal competition, while newer athletic brands are taking market share from NKE. During the last conference call, NKE already stated they will be down 10% on the quarter that just ended and mid single digits for the rest of their 2025 year. If you look at volume alone since earning release, this is NOT retail selling. This is institutions selling off ASAP and remember NKE p/e was valued as a growth stock prior to earnings release. It is just coming back to reality now. Macro headwinds on top of sky high prices for necessities are causing consumer discretionary stocks to fall. Buying at 52 week low doesn’t mean it’s the bottom.

r/stocksSee Comment

Wow that's genius, I'll get to that ASAP. Thanks.


Got it, get it ASAP.


Interesting point. I know too many people who die or get bad cancer within months of retiring. I will probably do mine ASAP as well.


OMG I KNEW IT. Market corrects instantly from whatever price surge was overnight. So fucking glad I sold my calls ASAP


Yes pay ASAP


Please sell ASAP


Diversify ASAP. Just be grateful your grandpa was lucky, and diversify. And even if for some reason he was a very good investor with good eye for stocks I doubt you have inherit that, so I'd diversify ASAP.


Hope you can come around ASAP.


If we’re going to have a dictator, I’d prefer it was an AI, they need to up their game ASAP


Washington Mutual was my first ever bank account nearly 20 years ago and has remained my main bank account since... I have another USAA checking that I don't really use but it will not hesitate to make it my primary account ASAP if they start charging.


Forget about the election. Aren't people worried about this man being in power right now? It's very worrisome that that man has access to the nuclear codes. The bright side is that he likely doesn't remember them. Priority one should be for the people to demand that Biden step down as Pres ASAP and let clowntown Harris drive for a bit.


but, guessing on the sub we're in, you probably don't keep much in your checking account, so that $10k monthly is probably only like $3k average on any given day after bills and saving and gambling. you might be in the bucket of "non-profitable" customers just based on what you do with your money after it hits your account. i know i cost my bank more than they make off of me, since my average balance is probably sub $3k, since everything else goes to Fidelity ~5% money market account ASAP. take your money to a community bank or credit union if you want to avoid biggers ones on bailout principle, or go Fidelity/SoFi if you just want internet banking. practically no one needs nationwide branches anymore. banks rely on having a relationship with their customers that is inertia heavy. it's annoying to change all of your bill pay, direct deposit, apps, personal finance managers.


Yes. I will pay it back ASAP. In like 18 mrhs


You are thinking about this the right way. Here are my notes: 1. Your IRR was probably higher earlier, but the more equity you build in the house, the lower the IRR gets. There is no universe in which I would take a $14k illiquid return on a $400k investment when I could average $40k liquid returns with zero phone calls or property manager. 2. The folks saying your 2.5% mortgage matters are dead wrong. It matters, but only as it affects your bottom line, and you've already done the math on that. Even with the low rate, you're still only getting a sub-4% return. 3. Have you rented it for over 3 years now? If not, consider selling ASAP because you would still meet the window for capital gains tax exemption, which would be a huge benefit if you qualify.


I've been trying to highlight this too but you just get shouted down. The jobs that are being added aren't high value either they are in things like hospitality and govt. Losing well paid jobs and adding poorly paid ones instead. Rates are too high and need to come down ASAP


Today, ASAP, I'd dump it all in a HYSA. Then I'd look at setting things up with a Bogleheads 3-fund portfolio of some sort. This will take a few days/weeks of research, so that's why I'd dump it into the HYSA right away. Every day you earn interest, even though it's only paid once a month.


AI right now is overinvested hype, and NVIDIA is inflated because of that. This is retirement level money. You should move somewhere with less taxes, then take your profits ASAP. Dump most of it into dividend producing investments or index funds and just live a good life. You won't, though. You'll probably lose 50%+ of it when NVIDIA inevitably drops heavily over the next 3-5 years. Still good. At worst, NVIDIA tanks worse due to some other issue with the company or competition beating them out, at best you'll probably go up 10-25% from here at peak before things drop.


I am getting a loan just to invest more ASAP only going to be at 130 for a couple more weeks. if Nancy buys more then who knows maybe another 5-10 percent gain before earnings. This is THE STOCK to own.


I knew from the title this would be a SPWR post. Because Of the institutional ownership and insiders. The audit thing is tricky because apparently, SPWR had already started the process of looking for another auditor, due to Blackrock acquiring a company that had ties back to EY, making it a conflict of interest. So it would seem that EY would have to be replaced anyways and EY announced they were leaving beforehand. It’s just a question of how messy their past numbers were, but the good news is that they have new management and processes going forward. Everyone’s betting on the financials here but the one thing that remains is that regardless of what earnings they reported in the past. They definitely know their cash position, their debt, and their budget going forward. With Total Energies making the investment while knowing their financials needed to be re-filed, they clearly still thought the company would succeed. Now they just need to clarify their financials ASAP.


Well China has to make a move soon, otherwise the spread on AI chips gets further with ASMLs move to Intel. If China invades 2029+= very bullish for Intel and the rest of the world will be ok. At that point we could let them take it. If China invades in the next 2-3 years, ya we are screwed. But Intel will def get close to 500+ billion in funding ASAP


Someone recommend me a standing desk ASAP please


The fact that this post was even made to try and convince people to use BTC kinda proves the point. It has something like 2.46% utilization in the world economy. Try bringing this shit to my small Midwest town. They would laugh you right out of it. "You want me to give you actual money for a "digital" version of it that is harder to spend?" Is about how it would go. Maybe if it simple and weren't laden with so many fees sure but as it stands right now, crypto just feels like a massive scam. If someone were to give me BTC I'd cash it out ASAP because I just don't see it replacing the entire world economy.


Jerome Powell needs to read this ASAP!


it just doesn't make sense...I'd sell ASAP before Elmo dumps all the stock he can sell (not locked up)


OP should certainly withdraw all funds and move to Canada ASAP.
