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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I'm a china stock bag holder BABA and NIO to the moon. I already lost half my retirement here it can only go up from here 🌙 🌚

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

First week of my trading life and I am YOLOing SOFI calls. Guys I think I really belong here.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I called my wife an idiot when she told me to sell BABA at $220 for a small loss. What do I do now?

r/investingSee Post

Time to look at $BABA as a contrarian

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA calls?

r/investingSee Post

Is China set for "finally" bottom and an epic rally?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA 1000% gain 1800 to 18K

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA 1000% gain.

r/StockMarketSee Post

In Need Of Some Advice

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BABA thoughts?? Is 100 in the cards?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BABA thoughts?? Is 100 in the cards?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Is Ryan Cohen (RC Ventures) still invested in $BABA?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA Investors today

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Is Ali Baba (BABA) a buy today?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA is cheap

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA Loss Porn

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Massive divergence between BABA share price and EPS. Could be a setup for a massive rally.

r/stocksSee Post

What is everyone's sentiment on BABA?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thoughts on BABA?

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r/StockMarketSee Post

Histogram Insights on 1-15 Day Returns Across Various Assets

r/optionsSee Post

Could I get some opinions on some options ideas I have?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Kramer says sell 🇨🇳 China stocks. Buy Buy Buy #BABA

r/optionsSee Post

Probability of profit from below calls? Expiring on 26 Jan

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Shitibank gave me a quarter million to buy shiti-Chinese company $C $BABA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Any Alibaba (BABA) holders in this community?

r/investingSee Post

Down to 6.5k from 20k. Is there a point in selling?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Will #BABA become #1 MEME of ‘24 by July

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sentiment check - BABA mini yolo

r/stocksSee Post

Not selling in last couple days of year because of taxes

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/stocksSee Post

BABA. Is it time to reinvest?

r/investingSee Post

Sell at a loss for tax purposes?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

GAINZ - $QQQ/$BABA Calls, $TQQQ, and $BABA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA Calls?

r/investingSee Post

BABA is very undervalued.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Note to Softbank: don’t F with Wall Street, WallStreetBets will F with you.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Did I buy the Chinese Bottom?

r/optionsSee Post

Plays for Monday

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Trying to recoup my loss: Day 1

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

TKVR Financials look like a dream, exciting business. Research (DD) *MUST READ*

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought COIN puts yesterday and sold them just now, +$25K. And wish I had gotten out of BABA and PLTR yesterday but I’m bad at cutting losses

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BABA, Chy-Nah or Chy-Yah? Jack ma scrapping together $1.4 mil to sell street food for his retirement? will Baba be handed back to Chyna control? Xi New End Game Goal? Will they assign another CEO from a Chinese owned American Enterprise to run said Baba?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sold TSLA calls at the peak this morning, +$22K. Gains all due to me liking cyber truck videos on YouTube. Getting out of BABA and PLTR soon

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thank you cyber truck! Should try to close PLTR and BABA soon. And should I get COIN puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wdf u doing BABA, Be a nice calitalist company and make me profit.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA today hit a new 52-week low. This is ridiculous.

r/stocksSee Post

Alibaba dips on MS downgrade as PDD grabs spot of most valuable Chinese e-commerce firm

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Farfetch (FTCH) 50/50 play set for the coming weeks

r/pennystocksSee Post

TKVR (DD) *Must Read* Financials look like a dream

r/StockMarketSee Post

Sold 1/3 of my TSLA shares so I could feed baby his BABA. TSLA has made me 10x on my money at the moment. I'm set to buy about 70 more shares of BABA on Monday with other funds. Tell me why I'm wrong.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

This was two years ago... JOIN ME! Lets GET BABA SQUEEZE!!

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Two years ago boys... this one hurt... JOIN ME!!! LETS GET BABA TO SQUEEZE!!!!! Calls ON BABA!!!

r/stocksSee Post

What are the downsides of Alibaba?

r/investingSee Post

NYFANG Index buy and hold strategy

r/stocksSee Post

BABA drop overdone?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

After losing it all on BABA, Walmart bringing me back from the depths.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

China stocks

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Looking to 100x or even 1000x my income

r/stocksSee Post

Charlie Munger times the market

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA to run Jan 1st

r/investingSee Post

Should I keep average down BABA?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What do you guys think of CHINA names?

r/pennystocksSee Post

As GPT-4 coming, Tech companies Promote the AIGC + 5000 IP content ecology

r/stocksSee Post

Suggestions on how to recover losses if I am not selling my winners

r/stocksSee Post

Tax Rules for International Stocks on NYSE

r/pennystocksSee Post

Most tech companies rapidly develop a new era of intelligent man-machine

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA YOLO Call me Xi

r/optionsSee Post

Options Volume and OI

r/pennystocksSee Post

WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI) focuses on the development of the AI industry

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA - U.S. & China Agree to Ease Trade Tensions

r/pennystocksSee Post

Digital Industry To Revitalize: WIMI takes” AI+ AR” as the core to expand new paradigms and new scenarios

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

China's Financial Landscape: A Dance of Decline, Distrust, and Desperation

r/StockMarketSee Post

Why BABA is sinking? Any thoughts?

r/StockMarketSee Post

Why BABA is drowing? Any suggestions?

r/pennystocksSee Post

AI big model industry: WIMI Focuses on AIGC into the AGI high growth space

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Don’t roll the dice on Alibaba

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Don’t roll the dice on Alibaba

r/stocksSee Post

Don’t roll the dice with Alibaba

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Buy before FOMO update BABA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Buy before FOMO sets in (update) : BABA

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What are you bagholding and how long?

r/StockMarketSee Post

BABA Calls?

r/StockMarketSee Post

For those who were telling BABA is the one.. thoughts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Up $55K in one trade, pay for college or back into options?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Gave out $BABA last week went 2X - NEW YOLO - $DIS $89 Calls / Aug 18 2023 Expiration / ~$58k cost basis - wish me luck regards

r/stocksSee Post

Grab (GRAB) DCF Analysis: Southeast Asia's Uber

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

YOLO - 200 contracts / $BABA $98 Calls / Aug 04 2023 Expiration / ~$48k cost basis - wish me luck fellow regards

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/pennystocksSee Post

$WIMI stimulates new drivers of commercial realization of AI high-value scenarios

r/pennystocksSee Post

$WIMI stimulates new drivers of commercial realization of AI high-value scenarios

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Loss porn & yolo on life saving / IRA / 401k

r/stocksSee Post

Why not invest heavily in Chinese stocks right now?

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

BABA and JD Gains

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Where was this AI when I appropriated double my net worth to secure prodigious amounts of BABA puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$BABA Future in Wallstreet?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Im going to buy BABA


Yea BABA and Intel both positions held for a week or 2 don't remember time frame yes you got it. I didn't want to risk not more than 50%, which was already down before I figured out I was on the wrong side...


Yes and my dumbass didn't sell for profit thinking it could keep a little momentum instead it went down and it continues it's mediocrity. Good luck as I need it to with $BABA.


I am a $BABA bull and I'm here to tell you, You're probably fucked. The stock mainly trades sideways. It should have already hit $140 but it's at $75. My calls are lead weight around my portfolio


Tradingview has BABA earnings on 8/22. Might want to check that. Would be funny as fuck OP bought for earnings and didn't get the fucking date right :4271:. .70c for only $5 OTM for earnings doesn't even look right in the first place, god speed.


VFC, BABA, PYPL, INTC, CPS, GOOS and my speculative pick ASTS. Looking to add some DIS soon. I started investing 3 months ago and have 15% returns so far. Rotated from tech (sp500 IT sector) to these individual smaller caps before the mag7 crashed. Avoided huge losses and gained small profits meanwhile

Where are my BABA holders at?!?!?


He also holds a little bit of JD. BABA is safer bet for sure but for me personally if I had to take a risk on ADR I'd want potential for a higher return.


Wait till you see BABA ER.


Amazon is is CPGN (South Korea marketplace) so is BABA ( chinese marketplace)...$200 was not a resistance point, $200 was a delusional number that idiots bought in. Amazon is trash


David Tepper also bought $890 million worth of BABA in Q1. It’s his largest holding at almost 13%.


Lol BABA is a beta stock now


BABA you were supposed 76 on 7/19 not now


what would you rather hold for 3 years? BABA or INTC![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Why is BABA only down less than a percent but JD is over 2.5 percent. Make it make sense. 


Anybody else holding BABA bags?


The only asian index that matters is the Nikkei, as we know softbank and BOJ are options whales. The Hang Seng does not matter unless you buy crap like BABA


Would never touch China stock after what has happened to BABA and many high profile people just disappear from the face of the earth. Like they have never existed. No one talk about them. Poof, gone. 


CSP is a great strat for buy and hold. For option trading not so much. For 10k there are many stocks you can sell Strangles on putting up 2-4k Buying Power in a margin account. A Strangle is selling a call and put, is usually the same as just selling a put. Here are some IBM,DIS,BABA,CSCO,AMZN,PYPL What happens if you are assigned. It should not happen if you roll/close before 14dte, it does not change your position. Just close out the stock, for whatever the loss is. Who is going to give you Selling Options, with 10k I think you may be stuck with Tastytrade

My only Chinese holding was PDD genius. Just a small amount of reading on my profile would show you that. But because you’re on Reddit all day you instantly assume Chinese stocks are limited to JD and BABA? You’re right, my 15000 @ 33 of PDD isn’t doing too well! Wish I listened to Reddit on that one! Too bad I sold at multi year lows! Not sure where you get the idea that Rocket Lab is continuously underperforming any metrics, again just a small amount of reading would show otherwise. The company is still in its early phases and the stock reflects that, but it’s been the easiest swing trade of my life. Don’t worry we’ll reconvene in a few years and see who was right. I’m not saying I’m able to time the market nor do I think I’m close to Warren buffet. I pick companies that underperform too. I just find it hilarious how consistently wrong Reddit threads are when it comes to valuing a company. And they’ll die on that hill just like you are now. I’m glad OP didn’t listen to you about CAT because anyone with half a brain saw that the company was undervalued. Good for OP. Like I’m sorry but the huge government push for infrastructure in China and US (2 main CAT markers) coupled with huge contracts and solid fundamentals and balance sheet made it so unbelievably obvious the company was bound to perform. Just don’t post in the comments giving your two cents about things you know nothing about, that’s quite damaging when it comes to impressionable Reddit investors. Not sure why you think I’m a troll account either? Maybe it’s cause only one of us logs 10 hours of Reddit a day? Sorry I don’t use Reddit as much as you man, wish I had the time


Great conversation here everyone. My experience for the past 4 months has generally revolved around selling .25-.4 Delta puts 30-60 DTE on red days for MSTR, SMCI, NVDA, ARM, AMD, NFLX, BABA, COIN, AVGO and others (I'd love suggestions on other volatile names with large premiums). I'm learning a ton and also learning about the personality of some of these violentstocks. Sometimes I will also add the long put at the same time, or wait until I'm really needing it from a buying power perspective. This is a WIP. My general target for spreads is 3:1 Risk to Reward or worse case 6:1. Also a WIP. My next test will be trying for smaller premiums with a put debit ratio spread (1 short put, 2 long puts). to take the edge off a stock that really drops. My one question for all is closing CSPs, is there any rule of thumb here on the DELTA? I recall 21 DTE is most optimal, but couldnt recall what I had read on best practice for closing at a certain delta. At any given time I have positions up and down, but feel there is an optimal zone I'm missing and that \~ 21 days and .20 delta is probably OK as a general rule.. The strategy I'm going to try and incorporate is on big green days, start buying low puts 45-60 days out in anticipation of pull backs where I can then sell the short put. Maybe it is just better to do both legs of the spread at once. I have been more nervous selling calls uncovered, but also, have been succesful in creating really wide ranges on stocks like SMCI, ie. sell a put spread at $800 strike, and then once it rockets to $900, sell a $1000C for the same date, so that there is a strike zone that is $200 wide, ie. $800-$1000, then the premiums can add another $50-$75 net on each side for a wider range of ways to earn theta. This is also a WIP but appreciate any inputs. I changed my strategy up after getting totally crushed trying to buy and sell calls, vs. selling premium.

Selling a CSP at strike price that equals the book value of a company does not guarantee that you will not be assigned. How many times a company’s share price has gone below its book value because the company has no fundamentals so as to speak. A good example is BABA. You should only sell CSP on fundamentally good companies that you would not mind owning them if assigned. Setting strike price using book value as a yardstick does not make sense at all.


shorting is being banned in china, is time to buy BABA?


🍻for BABA sorry mate


I fell asleep for BABA puts and hit green for the 1st time in months


There are non-standard options. BABA announced on May 24 a special dividend of $0.66, so you should see a strike with, and a strike without, a claim to the special dividend. The one with the special dividend should be about $0.66 higher.


I agree, it’s so useless. I saw one recently that was like, “had you gone long NVDA, and short BABA…this is how much money you would have made!”. Like no shit, thanks


The only reason why BABA is not down 5% is because I would become fabulously wealthy. I am single handily saving the Chinese tech sector


Amazing how BABA is out outperforming during this weeks sell off


BABA pump fake


RDDT Calls for August or Puts on BABA until 4:30?


BABA losing its top AI engineer. No way this POS is over 75 EOD


Banbet! BABA 75.75 to 74.53 EOD


Hang Seng down 2% BABA only down 1.58% fake and get


And here I sit with over 200 contracts of BABA Tesla puts


BABA to $65 tomorrow


BABA puts regardless. AMZN to start selling direct from China distributors to compete with them and temu.


LMT calls and BABA puts for Trump talk?


Puts on BBY, MSTR, BABA. Calls on PFE. I am I boomer?

Puts on BABA and every other Chinese stock.... Everything else major is probably going to the moon tomorrow. Don't be like the dude who shorted DJT and had the would-be assassin fuck up his day.


BABA calls, got it!


When you try to buy companies falling you have to know why you are buying. For example with META, yeah their VR and other META investments seemed like a long shot and I know people say that FB is "dead" but they own other apps. Their core family of apps were always extremely profitable. Their earnings dipped some, but not nearly enough to justify that ludicrous selloff so I was happy to buy more, and it has paid off. Similar case for BABA. I started buying sub 200 and am averaging 115 now which is higher than I'd like of course with it sitting in the high 70s, but they just keep growing their top and bottom line numbers every year and we are sitting at single digit P/FCF while they keep buying back shares.


There’s no way in a China Hawk world that BABA should have only been down 1.7% today. I expect HK to dump it overnight, pos are 200x $74p 7/19


You misspelled BABA


$BABA puts if you want to make money. China rhetoric gonna heat up over next 3 days


!banbet BABA $75 3D


Who the fuck is buying BABA with trump taking office. China ADR’s should be heading to 0


BABA puts... return the fire bulls


BABA with the fakeout. 🥭 isn’t stopping this train ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

r/stocksSee Comment

One of the most amazing lessons I had in trading was holding a loss for too long...and then selling to buy another stock that made up and exceeded the loss. Youre at the bus station and new busses come by all the time! Keep $PYPL someone might buy them out. Sell 50% $BABA and find a small cap with a forward PE ratio < 18


Been holding them for two years. Aside from BABA and who have other reasons (China is a special case), they all have turnaround potential. Biontech may come out with a promising cancer vaccine, YSN is a german cybersecurity company either government contracts and you'd think with the war in Ukraine and a potential Trump presidency this would pick up again - but it's done nothing but go down. I might hold, but what I've done with this post is to try and think out loud. As I've commented earlier, sometimes its the fear of losing out elsewhere which gives you a sense of urgency

r/stocksSee Comment

At some point, whether it be in 2-3 months or 2-3 years, BABA will have its run similar to META in 2022-2023


Given the current buybacks + dividend, something has to give. I’ve recently started looking into BABA and can’t figure out how much bad stuff is priced in atm. It’s a high quality business in a high growth country trading at low single digit multiples on ev/fcf. US counterparties trades at close to ten times the multiple, how can this be justified, even with the geopolitical risk? Sure it is competitive in China, but it is not in the US as well? China is going through some rough times atm but has started stimulating the economy. Are investors betting against the future if China as an economic powerhouse? Sounds like a risky bet to me. Again, something has to give, either the company operations or the stock price.


so BABA puts in November?... or now... any idea how much a 60% tarriff would do, or on what goods it applies to?


>the sentiment around Chinese stocks is so bad that it actually makes it a more enticing opportunity I had this same thought back in 2022 and then proceeded to lose almost $10k on BABA. It can always go lower.


unless theyre on BABA no


serious question- acan someone teach djt buyers to short oh idk BABA




As the user and someone who lives in China and may know much more than majority of ppl here about Chinese stocks, BABA is not worth investing atm as domestic political unassureness, all the other analyzing would not be necessary


Didn’t read any of this because it’s irrelevant You buy the BABA ticker but you don’t receive any ownership of Alibaba, you literally own nothing. Don’t buy Chinese stocks.


I have made a lot of money selling options on BABA and just got the $1.66 dividend on the 1,435 shares that I own. I will not trade most Chinese stocks but BABA is not like most.


BABA - about 30% weighting


BABA bagholders are possibly the worst, even compared to INTCells


I'm long BABA. I've never thought it was bad. Companies that are buying back shares are growing and healthy.


I have a small position in BABA and it sucks and has not performed. You are spreading misinformation


What foes this even mean "the risk will escalate"? BABA bears have so many layers of fantasies stacked on top of each other I dom't even get it anymore


That's why you buy 9988.HK instead of BABA.


BABA is still down about 74%. Yes, it is a horrible long-term investment.


Wrong. Anyone taking this bet is taking the gambled that things will CONTINUE to be the same or better, not worse. Correct me if I'm wrong, but BABA is a successful biz as of right now. Nothing has to change for that to continue. However for BABA to stop operating successfully as it is rn, there has to be some pretty major catastrophe in the future. That sounds like FUD to me.

r/stocksSee Comment

speaking of geopolitical risk…… nypost reporting it was a chinese sniper  though haven’t seen it confirmed anywhere else….the excitement of BABA

r/stocksSee Comment

I have lost every time I invested in Chinese stocks including BABA.

r/stocksSee Comment

For me personally it is sub 1%, only looking to add more once we see a definitive change in sentiment as this is what has kept it down for a while already. Don't get me wrong, I think it is ridiculously undervalued. But, not willing to endure the potential significant opportunity cost if it takes another 2 years. Anyway, good luck, may BABA give us a truck load of money!

r/stocksSee Comment

I personally like MercadoLibre a lot. The MercadoPago is what will drive the growth for years to come. $MELI is a larger position compared to Alibaba in my portfolio. Also hold AMZN, but sold a decent chunk recently. Still larger than my BABA position though.

I think that is a pretty sound strategy in the case of $BABA. Best of luck!


I'm lucky enough that I bought in relatively low and due to options strategies and active management my cost base sits around $65 per share. $BABA stock is pretty range bound for the most part. Anyways, hope this one works out for the both of us.


I’m just tired of bagholding BABA so I swapped to something else. Do I think it’s undervalued? Absolutely. Do I think it’ll go up? Probably not due to how bad macroeconomic conditions in China are and CCP showing that they will slash all sorts of economic growth in pursuit of total political control.


Lol BABA is certainly not the only stock that is going to be affected. The whole market is dumping in that worst case scenario.


First, I put my money where my mouth is and have been accumulating BABA during all the big dips in the last couple of years. Was lucky enough to get some at the ATL. Bottom line, you don't make big gains by buying stocks when they are liked. Who bought META below $100 here? If you did, you may recall the sky was falling. Eventually the sentiment on China will improve and BABA will come roaring back. Bottom line: BABA is a ticking money bomb. Patient longs will be rewarded massively and now we're getting paid to wait with the divvy.


china is not going to invade taiwan but what you say makes a lot of sense  and it’s something that any major investor of BABA should be aware of  and it doesn’t even take real war really the us gov doesn’t care about your BABA losses when it comes to delist chinese stocks are absolutely trash for investing. your time horizon is gotta be on the minutes to weeks range


I would have to say that geopolitics has changed a megaton since BABA. pre Xi china was a different animal. a rising start and spirit of new frontier and limitless opportunities. Things were corrupt under Hu but people made money and everyone was rich, the west in some ways envied China. Since Xi it has steadily retrenched. that has accelerated with Covid and Biden administration which is basically on warpath with China. Now everyone is gtfo china that’s only gonna get worse no matter who wins the next presidency.   China of today is nothing like the golden 2010s when BABA had decent prices and it will almost certainly never go back to that state again as disengagement/china derisk/reshooting continue.   oh btw do you remember the threats of ADR delisting just remember that before putting any real money in any chinese stock.  look at what happened to those russian stocks.  maybe a trade here or there with BABA is fine but any large scale investment is foolish.  better to buy btc honestly


So you think a day will come when BABA will start a dividend and send billions to the shareholders? I have my doubts


I'm not in BABA specifically, but I did buy the MSCI China iShares ETF recently. Won't hold forever, but I do expect better than market returns in the next 5 to 10 years from it.


I mean, $BABA could double in 7 years, but then again, I would rather just buy… big tech mag 7 (-1 TSLA). Why would I ever jump at something like $BABA when other companies are growing so much faster and in a better ownership environment.


BABA is a deadbeat. Give it up, cut your losses and move on. It’s not about the value or what a great company it is, it’s about China.


The PRC is literally currently allowing that. BABA has spent billions on buying back the same ADRs that western investors buy on European/American exchanges.


People have been pessimistic about Chinese stocks for many years so you must have a fuck load of Chinese stocks at this point based on that buy signal lmao. BABA is up 17.5% over 10 years since ipo during the greatest bull market of all time - truly a buy signal


Is BABA like PYPL. Investors just don’t like it.


After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US exchanges set a precedent of delisting foreign adversary companies. YNDX, OZON all got delisted. So when China invades Taiwan what do you think will happen to BABA based on that? The risk is obvious.


BABA has many segments to their business, not just ecommerce(which they still have #1 market share at 53%). Baba is the #1 cloud provider in china and #4 globally right behind Google Cloud. This part of their business is extremely underrated and undervalued.


BABA is ridiculously undervalued trading at 9 times earnings with $84.39 billion in cash on hand. It’s a joke how cheap it is relative to its balance sheet and potential AI / cloud growth. They are still the #1 e-commerce platform at 53% market share AND the #1 cloud provider in China, #4 globally right behind Google Cloud. Basically the Amazon of China. I think the Third Plenum meeting this week will be a catalyst to encourage trade back into China. The geopolitical fears have ALWAYS been a risk being that China is a communist country. It’s nothing new and I think the peak of delisting possibility has already passed. The valuation and potential cloud growth are worth it. I’m greedy when others are fearful. BABA is also David Tepper’s largest holding at $815 billion worth. Michael Burry’s #3 biggest holding. Not that their holdings matter but it just gives a little more encouragement. I have 1,000 shares at $75.


BABA is one of the most painfully obvious investments I've ever seen. The stock could double from here and it would still be cheap.


Quick 5k on BABA overnight


Think BABA FD's today....


BABA 70-80 this week. Next week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


BABA having a great week. Today could be really good on those Ghyna export numbers. Tried to tell ya Peeps.


I think this is probably it. After slowly bleeding my balance this month, I had some BABA calls 10x on me. Funny thing, if I held them a half hour longer, it would have gone 20x. Maybe they want to tell me how much of a paper handed bitch i am?
