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1 Month Update/Retrospective on broken wing butterfly/condor strategy.

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Histogram Insights on 1-15 Day Returns Across Various Assets

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GLD move after Bitcoin ETF approval

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Deciding REITS for my portfolio. But lack the confidence in knowing how to valuate each choice.

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GLD (Gold ETF) Jan 2026 OTM Long Call. Good idea or not?

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Lower Cost ETFs: SPY vs VOO, QQQ vs QQQM, GLD vs GLDM, etc

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Calls on $GLD?

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Commodity investing in Canada

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Value ETFs vs. S&P (or both)

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US and Venezuela agree to prisoner swap because US knows Venezuela is about to invade Guyana and the US will have to intervene. Long oil

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I built a website to backtest investment portfolios

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GLd Options expired

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Thoughts on gold and silver as a trade

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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Tomorrow's moves

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Market Memories 11/5/23

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only the skilled survive

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Gold Rally Starting?

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What makes a good trader?

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Doubled account. What next?

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Trading progress 943

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Trade ideas for 10/25/23

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🚀 How GLD Could Literally Go To The Moon 🚀

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Chat GTP Says: Buy Gold

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Investing in ETFs daily, good strategy?

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Alternatives to brokerage money market?

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Starting my investing journey. Gonna put 40% each in VOO and QQQM and 20% into GLD so what is everyone’s opinions on these?

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Starting my investing journey. Gonna put 40% each in VOO and QQQM and 20% into GLD so what is everyone’s opinions on these?

r/optionsSee Post

Diversifying a portfolio that is heavily correlated with SPY

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GLD briefly pulled back to the 180 head and shoulders neckline this morning.

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Grid Metals Announces Final Drill Results from Donner Lake Supporting a Maiden Resource Estimate by the End of June

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Options selling and risk management

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Stock suggestions for quick gains and long term holding

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Stock suggestion

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Stock suggestions

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Gold has broken out of its corridor

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Thought of holding physical metal ETFs in IRA?

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GLD Trade Analysis: Are You Too Dumb To Predict Stock Prices? Me Too.

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Inflation To Moon On Supply Side Risk

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Best option to play a US default crisis?

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The Advantages of Futures Options Trading over Stock Options: I Increased My Profits 4X

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The Advantages of Futures Options Trading over Stock Options: I Increased My Profits 4X

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Rate my strat :)

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Gold and Gold Miners are about to RIP FACES!

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GLD call options??

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Thoughts on this? Could this lead to a GLD gamma squeeze?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Precious metals, miners give up recent gains as banking fears ease (NYSEARCA:GLD)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Gold shines through the chaos as investors seek safe haven (NYSEARCA:GLD)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Banks are a melting pot and SAfe heavens are back.

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Can the Fed really dare not raise rates next week? Who would have thought that gold could rise 6% in a week?

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Can the Fed really dare not raise rates next week? Who would have thought that gold could rise 6% in a week?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Miners rise with gold and silver prices on bank sector worries, jobs data (NYSEARCA:GLD)

r/investingSee Post

Anyone invested in a gold or other commodity ETF?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Gold books best week since mid-January as dollar, Treasury yields pull back (NYSEARCA:GLD)

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Q3-Q4 Blood Bath? How to play stock Armageddon?

r/StockMarketSee Post

My thoughts on GLD, GLTR, and DBB

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My thoughts on GLD, GLTR, and DBB

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Gold slides below $1,900 after stronger than expected U.S. jobs report (NYSEARCA:GLD)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Gold and silver prices seen rising this year, analyst survey says (NYSEARCA:GLD)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

1.1 million people are dead from covid-19. What's next for the economy, stonk prices, interest rates and gold prices?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Gold climbs to best level since April as greenback, Treasury yields slide (NYSEARCA:GLD)

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GDXU, JNUG, GLD going to the moon!!!!! I am up 108% in 3 months!!!!!!!

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Looking for alternatives to GLD ETF for European investors

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Study finds that COVID was the leading cause of death globally in 2021

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BREAKING NEWS: Study finds that COVID was the leading cause of death globally in 2021

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difference between gold ETF's

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r/StockMarketSee Post

Was September a Major Bottom for Gold?

r/investingSee Post

How does this EMP look in terms of stability and viability?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The progress on inflation using pairs trades

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Stop pushing $SPY and $VOO as the answer to everything.

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2022-11-09 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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Best 5 positions right now?

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Rate my Portfolio for long term growth

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2022-10-10 Better Tasting Crayons (Mathematically derived options plays)

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GLD Pegged?

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2022-10-04 Better Tasting Crayons (Mathematically derived options plays)

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$80k long in GLD

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$80k long in GLD

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How to Fight Russia with Gold and Oil

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I derive pleasure from market pain🌈🌈🌈🐻🧸📉=📈🕺

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

no one can tell me this isnt peak diversification

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

Central bank net purchasers rise for third consecutive month $GOLD $GLD More Net Buyers Of Gold Then Sellers

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about to lose everything

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Now is the time for Silver to shine

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This is the time for Silver to shine

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The time for Silver to shine has come

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Why Gold is The Best Play | Hint: Not Because of A Recession

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Trinary Event Horizon - The Fed Has to Choose - Bet The Farm on Tech or Revive Volcker

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Unsolicited Technicals post FOMC Update

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Technical Indicator Says Sell vs. Stop Loss level

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Gold Is Holding Up as Stocks, Bonds, and Crypto Plunge $GLD, $GDX, $GOLD

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Both bonds and gold have been resisting the last few days of selling, and if March 2020 is anything to go by, that is a very good sign for the market.

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Week of 6-13-22: Most Important Charts #004

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Week of 6-13-22: Most Important Charts #004

r/optionsSee Post

Most efficient use of capital to long gold?


UGL is a 3x leveraged ETF for gold (instead of GLD).


Why are you buying gold? If you’re hoping to profit from the spikes or as a portfolio hedge, you can just buy the ETF GLD through a standard investment account. If you are an advanced investor, you can speculate on gold futures (GCxxx on the CMX), but this is better left to the pros (you don’t want to end up accidentally having to take physical custody of 100 ounces of gold or losing your shirt because you traded on thin margin and it went against you). If you’re envisioning a doomsday scenario or your currency going worthless, you want buy physical gold (buy it as unadulterated as possible - gold that has already been fashioned into jewelry can lose a significant amount of value when trying to sell it) and store it somewhere secure. Keep in mind that, in this scenario, someone is more likely to rob you of your gold than trade you what you want for it). Attempting to buy and sell physical gold for profit will result in you getting killed on the spreads unless you are a certified gold dealer.


Tomorrow gonna be insanely bullish. SPY, QQQ, IWM, BTC, GLD, OIL everything’s up.

IWM, GLD, SLV everything down


I've been selling GLD putz for the last couple weeks. Its honest work.


Confused between IWM vs GLD calls what to buy ?


Rotate into GLD, SLV


Same. Made $100 on GLD option. Lost 2k on QQQ calls


Any bought GLD 224C 0dte ?


Guys buy GLD


Guys buy GLD


Should I buy GLD calls at open? 🤔


!banbet GLD $215 4w


This is the second junior miner related post I've read on this forum - are metalgang finally going mainstream :)? I know GDX still lags GLD significantly. GDXJ perhaps even more so. I think a lot of the conservative investors in this space lived through the crash in 2011 and are waiting for a serious GLD breakout to dip back in. Maybe the first rate cut would do it. I'm more of a GDX person, but GDXJ moves would be higher in a bull market. I don't understand the short bear argument? It had a quick run so it needs to go back down? But it's rising from ridiculously low levels. Miners have gone nowhere for years.


> My question is if I’m limited to only selling 1 cash secured put or covered call at a time? No. For risk-management reasons you shouldn't yolo your entire net worth and take out a second mortgage on your house to write NVDA puts, but apart from that, there's no upper limit. If you want to go with 5 contracts, you can go with 5 contracts. It might make sense to diversify, though. Rather than concentrating all your money on 69 NVDA short puts, you might go for some TLT, GLD, and EMXC as well.

The fuck's going on with GLD?


I know the market was running too hot, AI, semi hypes I took profit and put in safer places. That was last Friday. Guess what? SPY YTD: +15.21% vs GLS: +12.6%. I thought GLD was going to be beat SPY until lately.


I like SMH, GLD, TLT, XBI for some diversification. IWM and DIA are similar to SPY but they do have different holdings than SPY

Don't forget GLD..![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


GLD calls easy money?


GLD/GDX finally poppin' like a zit at a teen choice awards.


I’ve been saying GLD for weeks. You had lots of chances


GLD looks like a breakout


TSLA puts GLD calls


JNJ calls, BAC puts, IWM puts, GLD calls

I wonder what GLD gonna open at. My calls are even more curiouser


My account is just 2 lines: Nvidia and GLD calls. When one of these drops the other one mostly pulls up.


Woulda gone with SPY or QQQ and GLD as the other.


Only made money with GLD all rest down alot


Turned $2 into $98. Put that back into PEP calls and a GLD put. Let's see where that takes me next week.


Holding GLD and SLV calls going into today along with SPY and Tesla puts. Been rock hard all day


Yeah, GLD is just the biggest one. You could go for either GLDM (0,1%) or IAUM (0,09%)

You could buy $GLD or something, that is one way.


Been banging the GLD gavel for weeks now. Paying off big. Still has room to run



r/stocksSee Comment

So you are ultimately saying to hedge with GLD


Crude short, China imports slowing, stock increasing As per todays report. Peak demand season and demand is low.  Long bonds, inflation is falling cause papa pow is a G and he crushed consumers, short end will anticipate the fed put with fed fund futures showing sept. Rate cut. Likely not going to change, if anything odds will increase  Long gold, yields falling is bullish for gold. Historically gold gets bid up into rate cuts before a recession when correlations rise and everything falls Long nat gas, cheap energy, on a calorie basis 6x cheaper than oil. At historic lows and will likely get bid up over the next 3-5 years Long XLV, healthcare has some of the best y/y earnings and revenue increases aside from com services and tech. Long XLU, rate cuts and lower yields are bullish for utilities, I also suspect rotation into defensives in the coming months. This also applies to XLV, GLD, and bonds. 


Not really. Friday XLV saw a good inflow, as is gold but one day doesnt make a trend. Watch XLV,XLU,GLD, and TLT. If you see big volume days with price rising and simultaneously sp500 and nasdaq showing flat or down days that is your sign. It typically plays out over 3-6 months leading into the sell off. 

My first investment Hello everybody. I'm a 20-year-old man, I'm at university and I still live with my parents in Europe, so I have no expenses but I also have no income other than my savings which are around €750. I put €500 in savings certificates in case I have an emergency with school fees or something like that. The rest I want to invest in Xtb. I believe that we will become a more technological world and that artificial intelligence will grow, but I recognize the risks and I am trying to diversify my portfolio with bonds, REITs and Gold. But I don't know if I'm on the right path and I also don't know how to allocate assets, I have some doubts. I want to learn and I accept criticism. Thanks Nvidia- 20€ QDVE- 20€ TESLA- 10€ 4GLD.DE- 5€ SXR8.DE- 35€ VWCE- 20€ Realty Income- 15€ EUNA.DE- 2,50€


GLD was finally the play


Mining costs also go up which affects GDX and not GLD. If the gold price outpaces mining costs, GDX should beat GLD. But, GDX can go down with a rising gold price if mining costs increase faster than the gold price.


Why does GLD have an options chain, but IBIT doesn't?


Wow GLD up big


Dunno man. I doubled my position of BRK.B earlier this week.. Is it boring? Yes. I treat more of a hedge like GLD, to balance out the more volatile positions.


BTG is a gold mining stock, not gold. in late 2022, inflation had already peaked 6 months earlier and was coming down, so everything about your original idea is wrong. mining stocks, are primarily interest rate trades (and to a lesser degree cost of refined fuel trades), not the underlying commodity that they dig out of the ground. they have to finance op-ex with debt, and debt famously, is at 40y highs. further-more like most wildcat miners this is basically a penny stock, and no one should ever buy it. just dump it and move on with life. if you want to own gold, buy GLD.

r/optionsSee Comment

I haven't seen any news, which in itself is remarkable. It's almost as if the funds are trying to lie low. When they first came out, I predicted that we'd see options on at least IBIT within 3 months. That time has come and gone and no options. So what does that tell us? It's not lack of demand. The average daily volume on IBIT is 24 million. Compare that to GLD, which is closr to 9 million. Market cap for IBIT is 119 billion vs. 62 billion for GLD. And yet GLD has options but IBIT doesn't. If it's not demand, what might be the hold-up? I have two guesses: * Regulatory anxiety. Exchanges don't want to risk offering options until they are more confident that they aren't going to be hit with some kind of "derivatives go to far" ban hammer. Since it was an uphill battle getting the spot funds approved in the first place, it might be even more so for derivatives. * Infighting amongst the fund managers. If one fund, like IBIT, gets options, all the other funds are going to want them too or else cry about unfair advantage. Since the exchanges might already be dubious about the market for these derivatives in the first place, I doubt that they would offer options on all of them just to appease the cryers. So presented with an all-or-nothing ultimatum, they are choosing nothing.


Weekly automatically-recurring $100 purchases of VUG and GLD. Set it and forget it. Buy and hold and aim for steady growth, don't speculate or day trade, and by god stay the heck away from options and futures.


My 15 puts on $215 GLD payed off *

r/optionsSee Comment

Be careful about how the underlying equity is structured. You may not be avoiding futures as much as you think. Commodity equity funds fall into two basic types (with a handful of, often exotic, exceptions, like MLPs): 1. Commodity trusts that hold the actual commodity somehow/somewhere. GLD and SLV are examples of this type. 1. ETPs that trade baskets of commodity futures or track an index of commodity futures. UNG and WEAT are examples of this type.

GLD = Good Luck Dipshit


Wtf is GLD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


The IV and Delta don’t look like it’s gonna get you to that GLD 220 strike. Hope you sold that call instead of bought

r/stocksSee Comment

GLD and SLV on the rise. SLV is cheaper.


In terms of inflation, then any asset period. But if you want to account for other macroeconomic variables such as interest rates, one option could be $GLD. You could also argue that housing is an asset as well, but because of the interest rates my opinion is GLD could outperform housing over the next couple years. You could also have the belief NVDA will go up 400% this year. But what if it explodes like $CSCO, or something like that. Whereas if there was a dot-com like event, gold could likely take a hit, but minimal. You could also argue that if there is really severe inflation, higher interest rates, etc. the odds of a hard landing could be higher. So, you may want to take into account your other macroeconomic views, but hopefully that at least gives you some ideas.

I d say GLD


I'd divide your money into two piles: A. Serious or Core money, and B. Fun money. Pile A goes into the soundest diversified portfolio you can come up with, the stocks in it being boring, dividend-paying blue chips yielding (for now) over 2%, or a Vanguard-type ETF, and 10% to 15% in gold or $GLD, all to leave alone. Pile B is where you demonstrate that you're smarter than everyone else by taking risks with brilliant stock-picking, brilliant market-timing, high-dividend-chasing (like over-10% yields), options, etc. Just don't ever transfer money later from pile A to pile B. If pile B diminishes, you just make smaller moves with it. Both piles will rise and fall, sometimes drastically, but only *look* at the fun pile, B. Just collect dividend income from pile A forever; once your dividend income gets high, market declines get less fearsome.


I just bought GLD dear god. Is this what it means to be old?

r/stocksSee Comment

1 GLD ounce equals 0.1 ounces of gold. You’ve noticed that it trades at a discount to the gold price. This is because an ounce of gold in your hand is worth more than an ounce of gold in a bank 1000 miles away. 


This week the runner meets the road on whether my GLD puts are going to be a winning strategy or not


$GLD, $GDX, $GDXJ, $URA, $SIL, $SLV most are longer term plays buying the dip.

r/optionsSee Comment

I also have a lot of physical gold, sitting in a safe-deposit box, but of course it's not producing income. I don't wheel GLD because it's gold. It's just an asset that's convenient for wheeling to produce income, and that I won't freak out if I end up holding a lot of it. Every time I go to a restaurant I'm reminded about how bad inflation is becoming, so it's important to generate income.

r/optionsSee Comment

GLD is compromised- captured by major players and price controlled. If I were in your shoes, I’d diversify options. I would not mess with GLD (I currently own some and am looking to cycle out soon). SPY options, MSFT options, GOOG, AMZN, etc. I’m a freak, so I would put about half my portfolio towards options and the rest I’d plow into BTC. You can’t trade BTC ETF options yet, but that’s ok. I would buy and hold BTC ETFs (or the actual asset if you’re savvy) with a target of selling around 12-16 months from now as the crypto cycle peaks. This should give you a very comfortable retirement position in approx 1 year - nothing to sneeze at. Good luck, let’s go!

r/optionsSee Comment

Is My prediction of 15% to 20% annual is not enough to growth wealth ? Or those return are unrealistic for GLD ?

r/optionsSee Comment

Well option pricing gives a high premium for volatility. So the more stable the underlying the less you will be able to sell your options for. GLD is pretty stable, that's kind of the point. Additionally if you get assigned and have to sell GLD the taxes are at the collectibles rate (higher than LTCG). I would think the income you'd be able to generate all things considered would be quite low.

r/optionsSee Comment

It’s not my retirement fund that fund is on the bank deposit that I use for daily living with the interest rate Just wanna know if compounding with GLD is make sense or not

r/optionsSee Comment

Put the $500K in 3 mo. T-bills and make a safe 5.3% as a baseline. 90% of that is available for margin for shorting options. So you can use $450K for wheels. You can probably make another 5-9% annually wheeling GLD. I trade weeklies for several reasons. They have the highest annualized return. The ETF isn't going to go as far in a week as in a longer period, so if you're holding a bag, it's a smaller bag, and you can adjust your strike more easily. I'm doing this with several ETFs and stocks, one of which is GLD. I pick ones each week with 100%Buy technical rating from Bar Chart. I try to keep each one's assignment price to 5% of my portfolio. The down side of that is I'm pretty busy every weekend updating my positions.


Puts on GLD

r/optionsSee Comment

is there even enough volume in GLD option chains to wheel 500k

r/optionsSee Comment

Its same risk buy 2 contracts of gold or 500k of GLD

r/optionsSee Comment

GLD can be a hedge, but consider diversifying beyond just one ETF


GLD chart showing weakness. Tempted to buy puts here


Far better than a single stock but even that's not going to do it. I made the point elsewhere: BTW GLD's inflation adjusted return is roughly 0%. That won't keep up with increases in standard of living.


Beginner investor here, so take this with a grain of salt. I'm curious to see anyone challenge my answer because I want to know what might be better. The answer is not a stock, but an index: SPY. Whether now is the best time to buy SPY is questionable, but if you're planning on holding it FOREVER then timing the market isn't super critical because it will unquestionably be worth more 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years in the future. SPY has a small expense ratio and pays dividends that you can reinvest. There are stocks you could buy that have no fees, but there is more volatility and risk if you're just buying one stock, and it sounds like you want to leave it for a long time without actively trading. The only situation in which SPY is not profitable would be if the entire US economy fails, in which case, you would have bigger problems. Another option is a Gold ETF like or GLD or GLDM. The return over short periods might not be the same as an index but it has low volatility and is a very safe investment that will appreciate over time. You will have a steeper management fee with an ETF, and it doesn't pay dividends like an index but its a good backup option and you should be at least somewhat diversified.


4% swing in GLD since last night goddamn


Choose the biggest asset suppression today A) GLD/SLV B) GME C) VIX


Why is GLD down so much?


70 VOO, 15 VXUS ,10 GLD or precious material etf, 5 XlK


Buying up the GLD dip…it’s dipping more ☠️

r/optionsSee Comment

As they told you out there, it is an asset without major liquidity. I made the same rookie mistake in my early days. Some recommendations, prefer to look for opportunities in 1) $SPY, $SPX 2) Spiders (spdr sector ETFs) 3) $GLD 4) Companies that are part of the SP500, With that you have about 520 liquid places to look for spread opportunities.


Miners just suck apparently, $GOLD is down about 8% YTD while $GLD is up about 13%


Thank you for your precious feedback and kind words. I took MSFT and SLV out of mix. I now have in my portfolio: VOO: 43% VEU: 31% QQQ: 8.5% XLK: 8.5% GLD: 8.5% I kept GLD because I think it will make me feel better (mentally). After reading what you said it seems that XLK and QQQ might overlap each other. So I might replace XLK with something else (maybe some crypto like other recommended). Thank you again!!

Hi, thanks for the feedback :) I don't have a straightforward reasoning behind any of those. My main objective was to diversify since its a word I hear a lot in terms of investing. From a previous comment I removed MSFT from my portfolio and increase my VEU and now only follow these: || || |S&P500 (VOO)|43.10%| |GLD|8.62%| |SLV|8.62%| |VEU|31.03%| |XLK|8.62%| Why wouldn't a 23 y/o hold onto metals aswell?

I'm done with options. Throwing everything into NVDA MSFT LLY GLD and BTC

Considering getting hammered off the interest from my short term treasuries while I patiently wait for my leveraged TLT and GLD positions to print in the upcoming apocalypse

r/optionsSee Comment

GLD, XLE, IWM, TLT, IYR etc. is where i sell my strangles in addition to PMCC on spy since put credit spreads just dont work for me with the premiums this low

215 was the entry for GLD. Calls printing

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Looks like the bottom for GLD. August 225 calls to get that sweet summer uncertainty

r/optionsSee Comment

Yep, you're absolutely right. That's why I didn't hedge with the underlying since I'd be overcompensating. I see your point though on using ETFs or stock like GLD, etc. Your margin requirements are lower with futures but it makes it impossible to hedge with the underlying. Thanks for the advice.

r/optionsSee Comment

yes, but take care.. generally, to hedge an option you take the Position Delta of the option (or combo), say 25, and neutralise it by selling 25 stock.. generally, I avoid futures so double-check this, but I think one GC futures contract has a lot size of 100 so it's impossible to sell 25, as you can only sell in lot size multiples of 100.. unless you could fudge it using micro-contracts.. I personally prefer to trade the ETFS or stock, e.g. GLD, GDX, NEM etc..

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

GLD weeklies are fun to play with these days.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Looking to get into GLD calls around 215. This summer will be wild and uncertainty markers gonna soar

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

taking advantage of that sweet lower margin interest me bearish af, but GLD,TLT,SCHP is my play until I pay this baby off with the sweat from my brow

r/investingSee Comment

Going "all in" on ETFs is like going "all in" on automobiles: Do you mean Toyota? Honda? Chevrolet? BMW? There are thousands of ETFs across a wide variety of asset classes, sectors, style weight, active vs index, etc. Going "all in" on a low-cost, broadly diversified total market index fund like VT or VTI and VXUS? Great choice. Going "all in" on HODL and GLD? You know the adage about a fool and his money... Suggested reading: * *The Simple Path to Wealth*, by J.L. Collins * *A Random Walk Down Wall Street*, by Burton Malkiel * *All About Asset Allocation*, by Rick Ferri

r/optionsSee Comment

i‘m selling 15delta strangles on GLD, XLE with adding a really wide otm put (usually 5-10% of the price of the short put) to cap downside - they are a really good trade off to turn down risk and still maintain a good chunk of the edge selling options

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

The game is easy this year. I have calls on GLD since January and keep rolling. I m ignoring all the rest, just GLD

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

No GLD, SLV, GDX traders in here?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Strange GLD is only up so little after what happened in Iran. I m getting more calls strike 230
