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50.00% Today

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Soo , Russell .. what’s up man ? 🫨

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Mother switched brokerage and gave me her mature rira in May... Tax free loss here we go!

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Turned profitable on 1y chart

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IWM has some gaps

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Wash sale rule on 24 hour ETFs like SPY QQQ IWM DIA ETC

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Major Technical Levels on SPY QQQ IWM for 2024

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Need advice about index option and option on future.

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The Case for Small caps

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Someone close to me made an interesting bet against ES NQ IWM TSLA, the semiconductors, but is long on PSNY, China, oil, cereals, wheat pall

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401K & IRA lump sum rebalance

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2024 Market Forecast by Tom Lee

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Is it worth it to sell your now ITM options to buy OTM options?

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So are we buying meme stocks again or what?

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ITM sell put was not assigned. Was I this "lucky"?

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2023 Year in Review

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2023 Year Review

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Expected Moves this Week - GDP, a low VIX, IWM and earnings from Nike, FedEx and Micron

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Time To ReShort Long Duration Bonds

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My best month ever

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Expected Moves this Week: SPX/SPY, QQQ, IWM, Broadcom, Docusign and more.

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Are SPY and IWM the only stock with multiple expirations during a one week period?

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Thanks papa Powell

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IWM is About to Pull a QQQ

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Spy short and long term plays and more

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My plan of trading until the end of the year SPY

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24% profit, Day 1 of 30 - $1k to $1M challenge

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Join me on my journey ... $1,000 to $1,000,000 ... I'll be documenting here. (Trade 1/30)

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Join me on my journey ... $1,000 to $1,000,000 ... I'll be documenting here. (Trade 0/30)

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Is this stupid?- Selling put on IWM getting assigned and then selling covered call?.

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Pretty wild stats on market positioning - crash coming in the new year?

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IWM Iron condor hedge saves the day!

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IWM Credit Spread hedge saves the day!

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IWM Credit Spread hedge saves the day!

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5K Daily Gain on AMD, IWM, META, PLTR, and QQQ

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Shorts Once Again Concentrated in Hated Index/Sector

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Non-Headline Numbers Point to Good Macro

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Peter Lynch is bullish on $IWM

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This will help you make money TODAY

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Funds were waiting for earnings to justify EOY rally. Taking bullish hedges.

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Mid-Month Technical Analysis Review of SPY QQQ IWM

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Question regarding IWM-

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SPY 418p -- Evaluating value after experiencing loss.

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Margin clock on getting assigned

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Small Caps are now at a five year low, in nominal terms

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Trade Journal & Technical Review of September + Look Ahead for October

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Technical Analysis Snapshot so far of September 2023

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Expected moves: SPY, QQQ, IWM, FedEx, KB Home and more

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Buying AND Selling

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Large-cap tech once again

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Expected Moves this week, Oracle, Adobe, SPY, QQQ, IWM and more.

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On IWM/Russell 2000.

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The Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal for August 2023

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The Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal for August 2023

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Options and ideas for hedging a short

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ETF to Pair with S&P500 with 10+ year outlook

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Can someone explain this for me?

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A mid-Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal so far for August 2023

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Awesome Options Trading Tool

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It's Nearly GUARANTEED to fail

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Butterflies & Iron Condors: Assignment Risk vs. Duration & Stock Selection

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Safely investing a large portion of my income

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Safely investing a large portion of my income

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small cap/med cap stock that pay a consistent/decent dividends

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Comparing option premium?

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Thoughts on IWM and $TNA - will small caps follow large caps?

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I am the Bull Flag

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Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning July 17th, 2023

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General Market Overview / Indexes Action (11th July)

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From CAPM To Hedging

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LOST 11k in four days and blew my account.

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Lost 11k THIS WEEK and blew my account.

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Weekly Recap - Week ended Jun 9 2023 - Market rotation might be happening

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Two Videos, Larry Williams: Inflation Peak Means big bull move and Carter Worth: Rotation Big to Small Cap

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IWM I believe is just getting started!

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Market Recap - 6/7/23 - Bargain hunting

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IWM Calls Grand Slam! 1717 9/15, 210 strike calls! Closed out at 1.05 and 1.10 (1.075 average), purchase price .25. Net proceeds $181,227.

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~25k gain in 2 days via $iwm

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Had to take it.. 256% in 4 days $IWM.. or should I have held?

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We are just 8 SP500 points from official new Bull Market, Sentiment Indicators indicate we will go 10% higher.

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Market Recap - 5/20/23 - everything is over bought

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Wednesday morning brief from a Certified Market Technician 5/24 9:05am

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Morning Brief from a Certified Market Technician 5/23/23 9:05 am EST

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Market data subscriptions on Interactive Brokers

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My top pair trade idea for this month: Russell 2000 vs Nasdaq using Options

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Market Recap - 5/17/23 - the worst is behind us, maybe

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Market Recap - 5/15/23 - everything is high risk if you're a pussy

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Week Ended May 12 - Recap and thoughts for next week - tread carefully

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Mistakes and Growth

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Market Recap - 5/1/23 - 700 million dollars per AI

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Key FIB levels to watch for SPY, QQQ, DIA, IWM

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Key fib levels you want to watch for SPY,QQQ ,DIA, IWM

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Tactical call option trade, small cap (IWM) 9/15 EXP 210 strike calls 687 contracts, 27 cents entry🔥

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Tactical call option trade, small cap (IWM) 9/15 EXP 210 strike calls 687 contracts, 27 cents entry.

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Russell 2000 index composition

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Market Recap - 5/5/23 - going nowhere

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Market Recap - 5/3/23 - sell the news

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Market Recap - 5/2/23 - a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!


So like 60k of this was 18k from rgti shares then put the entire thing basically on IWM 1 DTE puts and made 42k in a single trade. Then lost some amount on the next one for 12/20 calls on something. Just get further out dates man you have the capital now to not be playing so close to expiration.


Sell everything. You can keep BRKB if you really want to and believe in the company doing good long after buffet is gone. Otherwise I would keep it simple and really take on high risk high reward investing considering you are young and can definitely afford to. I say this considering you are in what looks like a great position to make money in life. You probably won’t be needing this money on a rainy day allowing it to just set and accumulate growth. With that being said I would boil it down to some sort of ETF combination of IWM or some alternative that would allow cheaper expense fees? Lol I know some people really care about that. QQQ or some other alternative, VOO or VTI ( I know there is some good amount of overlap but o well. If you are really interested in some foreign also you can go with I think it’s VXUS or other crap. But I would strictly keep it US based investments unless it’s TSM or some other fantastic company.

I try to not lose all the previous week(s) prems when I roll up and out, so I only roll for a debit when dividend's coming up. (Fear of early assignment) A quick example, if I can roll up and out from $100 strike price to $102, and it costs me $0.25, I'll pay that, in case of early assignment, I'm getting $200 (more), but only cost me $25 But otherwise I'd roll up and out, even if it's a $0.10 credit, and even if strike price is ITM. When IWM was blowing through strike prices in Nov and through early Dec, I've rolled up and out every week, collecting (small) credit. The strike price got to $240+ and then it came back down, so I just let the last one expire OTM. Sold more CCs this Monday


Fwiw nvda calls have about 80-90% success rate 1month or longer, and nearly a 100% success rate to be up within the 1 month frame. $IWM is a cheaper stock to play and is a great learning stock as it can be divergent from the trend/masses so its much better to learn on.


In the least bearish case I think this is bullish IWM / DOW rate sensitive stuff


Buying RUT/IWM here. Bonds are near their bottom and the russel is sniffing it out. Missed my entry on SPX thinking it wouldn't see a big move this week but it looks like equity risk is back on the table into year end.


Roland, those backtests look rosy, but relying solely on past performance for options trading is risky. Those support levels seem arbitrary - how did you determine them? IWM's higher IV definitely reflects higher risk, not necessarily "more premium potential." Consider a tighter stop-loss to manage risk. 45 DTE is fine. Check out [TastyTrade]( for options education and [Option Alpha]( for backtesting tools. Also, Prospero, a free investing newsletter (, might give you some alternative insights.


Based on your results what have you discovered? I personally trade 2 tickets a day maximum; one being futures of either YM or RTY. The other for options being IWM or TSLA When swing trading options I branch out with stocks I’ve traded in the past that I’m familiar with how they move


I could post it on a quarterly if there is interest. But my initial plan is to first trade SPY only then the more I increase my capital I’ll get into QQQ and IWM. Until I get to a point where the size are too big then I will play earnings.


What do you advice for me with the stocks i have right now: **(VOO)**: 40% **(QQQM + Individual Stocks)**: 40% QQQM: 25% Amazon: 13.89% Palantir: 13.89% NVIDIA: 13.89% Microsoft: 8.33% Google: 8.33% Tesla: 8.33% Netflix: 8.33% **DIVIDENDS (SCHD)**: 10% **(IWM)**: 10%

Do the wheel strategy on IWM for example. Should give you more than enough. Greetings from Austria


Read somebody write about waiting for Cathy to sell, waiting for new interim lows and investing. Thesis was she does the work, cuts losers, but sometimes the story hasn't changed, just the price. If you think IWM is going up, research her sells over the past year for potential ideas. Pick a few.


I'm not a chart nerd by any means, but are those bear flags on the monthly IWM and TSLA charts?


Seeking Alpha article: “Santa to IWM small cap ETF: I have nothing for you”  😂 


IWM is the most garbage ETF to ever exist lmao this thing is red on up days and craters on down days


IWM 0dte calls might be a better play than SPY or QQQ here


At this point it’s safer to just assume IWM rallies just get faded.


On December 12th, I sold 7 Dec 20 $234 calls on IWM for $2.93. On December 19th, I bought to close at $0.04. I think I got lucky. 😏


Just fucking die IWM


If IWM finishes 2% down tomorrow I’ll never play with my PP again


All you really need for long term holds are the SPY. You'll get heavy exposure to all of those stocks you just listed with SPY. For more diversity you can also buy and hold the QQQ and IWM etf's. What's your investing timeline? Because... Long term buying and holding could be for decades and no individual stock is fit to be held for decades. Most of today's leading stocks will be gone in 40 years, which is about when you'd be looking to retire. Most if not all of the individual stocks you listed won't be worth nearly as much as they are today. They'll be replaced by other leaders and those new leaders will be included in the QQQ, SPY, and IWM, while today's leaders will eventually be removed. Some may even go completely belly up and be absolutely worthless.


WARNING TO NOVICE INVESTORS Please do not enable options trading or margin trading until you have the proper experience and are able to endure higher risk. Also, indexes like SPY, QQQ, and IWM are great starts for respectable gains (average 7%-10%).


Hoping IWM pumping means ENVX rockets tomorrow. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Just Buy, SPY, QQQ, IWM and DIA

Is this ‘Tom Fat Cuck Lee IWM summer and year end rally’ still in the room with us![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


You can make it back. Stay positive and double check your assumptions before investing. If you find you’re not investing well, try SPY or QQQ or IWM and let it ride for a few years…


Why not trade RUT over IWM for the far better tax treatment?


You do you. All good. But sometimes I want to understand why people are so against margin. Just curious. I was wrong some times already. This week I was wrong and had to buy 100 shares of IWM. Currently 17K USD in debit. Still have like 250K buying power left. I could pay in the 17K but see no sense in that since I will get out of the IWM probably within next week. If I would have bought 10 contracts, the unresponaible amount of margin, I might would have a problem now.


Tome Lee, in late July, said IWM would be 300+ by the end of this year...


Yes, IWM, give it back, you POS


Please let my IWM 221 puts hit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


IWM rocketing is setting up ENVX for a squeeze. 23% up today.


im not sure why i continue to play IWM. its such a dogshit ETF that barely acts right and you have to catch the 2-3 stretch for longs, and then watch paint dry if youre short.


Holy balls ENVX up a casual 15% dragging IWM up


sold IWM too early, ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Is that the sound of IWM finally not scamming?


sold IWM around 219 and took profit. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)


Government shutdown is deflationary, should be good news for IWM. Bought IWM around 217.6; heard rumor that institutions have been accumulating russell 2k recently.


10x $TSLA $480p Mar exp. 425x $IWM $200p Mar exp. Bring the ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)


Short IWM, long IJR.


It contains some of the shittiest public companies in the US. It doesn't contain the mag 7 while the mag 7 has carried SPY on its back all year, yet everyone talked about how much $IWM could go up due to underperforming the SPY! Bitch please, two of the top companies in $IWM is Carvana and SCMI.


IWM chart looks like a strung out, late stage cancer patient with MS that got hit by a truck then mauled by coyotes, then chewed on by rats. 


Watched $250k in $IWM $200p evaporate to $50k after Trump won the election. Held the entire time during the bullshit euphoria that took place, and now back up to $180k. Not selling. We break $200 and I'll be fucking set.


remember when Tom Lee said IWM was gonna double by year end


10 year rocketing. DXY highest it's been since 2022 correction. IWM continues to get pummeled. No Santa rally this year


RSP and IWM are complete dudes today, which is foreboding as they were expected to rally after being in oversold territory for so long. But most of the inflows are going into mega-cap tech.


Gonna be impressive when IWM closes red for the year within a 3 week dump


IWM up 1% in 15 minutes what is happening 💀💀


Mag 7 just holding this bag of bones together IWM from +1% to -0.5% after a -5% day Everything is fine


Bought IWM puts at open. Up 318%. Sold. Thank you very much.


IWM is such a scammy POS lol, literally dumped more than 1% in half an hour


IWM kinda the canary in the coal mine, right?


Surely IWM catches bid roday


Gotcha, any advice on something nice that could be sold daily and potentially safe to own long term? I was thinking IWM since it dipped $10 rn right into my buying range.


IWM down 4-5%, my small cap down 10-12%, port down 20%


I was big in among other things MU, EWZ, MSTR, IWM and I use leverage. Spreadbet mainly and some options. Lots of commons in MU and EWZ.

What names are you checking out for this dip? I am looking at leaps for these Vrt, oracle, IWM, KRE, Spy, coin, adobe


!banbet IWM 210 7d


> There's a decent chance that this was a finishing blow to the downside outside of tech stocks for the next couple weeks. I somewhat doubt it. QQQ and SPY finished the day at election day support; RSP and IWM crashed below it and have lost all their gains since September. They're floating in the void between the 100 and 200-day MAs. > BTW: I'd already say Trump v2.0 is disappointing in comparison to v1.0. XLF is losing the gains from the election gap up quickly already, while it held up pretty well in late 2016-early 2017. Very different scenarios. Trump's first term came at the end of a two-year bear market. This one's at the peak of an overstretched bull market that needed to calibrate.

I think IWM puts would’ve profited even more.


IWM just straight down, garbageeeeeeee


You seem it have the most experience and seem more grounded. Can you do CC with 0 DTE contracts like SPY, Qs, IWM? I read about it but don't fully understand why it wasn't doable or bad? Idk. If you know more about it, can you please explain why not? Or why it's possible. Thanks!!!


IWM has further to drop IMO, 200 by end of week potentially. Puts on Tom Lee ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


My dumb ass bought more puts for tomorrow on IWM. I can already feel the dick the anoos![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Been a great week for me: $200k gains on QBTS $101K (so far) gains on IWM and TSLA puts. Bring on the main course: BoJ decision tonight.

IWM put printed in the last 15 min


Tom 'fat cuck' Lee told everyone SPX 6300 and IWM 300 by EOY. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Holy shit IWM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


tbh Im not that sophisticated in that, I wouldnt advice trading bonds; it's easier to predict stock market sectors based on Bond market (or yield trend in general). Im not sure what 10y does next. Will it rally? stay balanced? If yields rally, small caps (IWM) and usually BTC falls. (BTC in theory trades opposite of dollar DXY and/or TNX; which would seem counter intuitive to some ppl lol; rising inflation is bad for bitcoin; strong growth economy is bullish; money printing is bullish for BTC). Faang benefits in every scenario, rising and falling yields. If TLT falls - smart money buys faang (aapl etc). If yields rally (meaning "rising inflation", everything other than 2% (goldilocks economy)) and no future recession, faang goes up (all the AI tech etc). I trade FNGU. sometimes you can time the reversals and VIX rallies (UVXY), you got to be sophisticated though. //"longterm" falling high yields, longterm high falling vix --> IWM (small caps). Bitcoin. (Depends how much economic growth) //Low VIX, rising yields --> Faang. some ppl trade Value vs growth, Im not that sophisticated. I think value is good when yields (long term) fall (ie think interest rate cuts). Growth does good at all times (u just lose time waiting @ value). //in short- valuations matter. markets are efficient, predictable.

At one point IWM -5% Good lord


IWM Jesus Christ


IWM going to take like 5 years for me to breakeven on with how slow it rises after i get assigned


3 months of IWM gains gone in like 2 hours lmao wonder who Powell got the word out to ahead of time


$50k gain so far today. Thanks IWM and TSLA puts!


My IWM and NVDA bags are getting heavier…


get wrecked IWM, you had no business being pumped anyways. no cheap debt for you. bye bye now


Damn IWM ![img](emote|t5_2th52|53057)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


IWM getting smoked


Been holding IWM puts from before the election. Slowly coming back to life.


Sold IWM calls at 1:59, thank baby Jesus ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


IWM ripping


Patiently waiting for Jpow to bless my IWM calls


rotation to IWM incoming


Guess what? It’s a day that ends in Y so IWM sucks


I’ll probably be shorting IWM. It’s already been looking weak the past month.


any long term srocks yall reccomend i have VOO IWM V PLTR COST and QUBT need one more

Not sure what you're talking about specifically.  I definitely think tech is the place to be, but right now it's really overextended and every other sector is a way better buy. Industrials, insurance, materials, banks, energy etc.   Personally I think XLF and IWM are the best buys atm.  I would stick diversification in sectors.  


Is tomorrow finally the day to buy IWM calls?
