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iShares Russell 2000 ETF

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-34.83% Today

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Soo , Russell .. what’s up man ? 🫨

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Mother switched brokerage and gave me her mature rira in May... Tax free loss here we go!

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Turned profitable on 1y chart

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IWM has some gaps

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Wash sale rule on 24 hour ETFs like SPY QQQ IWM DIA ETC

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Major Technical Levels on SPY QQQ IWM for 2024

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Need advice about index option and option on future.

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The Case for Small caps

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Someone close to me made an interesting bet against ES NQ IWM TSLA, the semiconductors, but is long on PSNY, China, oil, cereals, wheat pall

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401K & IRA lump sum rebalance

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Everything I'm watching in premarket 27/12, Including my analysis on DXY, IWM and more.

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2024 Market Forecast by Tom Lee

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Is it worth it to sell your now ITM options to buy OTM options?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

So are we buying meme stocks again or what?

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ITM sell put was not assigned. Was I this "lucky"?

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2023 Year in Review

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2023 Year Review

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Expected Moves this Week - GDP, a low VIX, IWM and earnings from Nike, FedEx and Micron

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Time To ReShort Long Duration Bonds

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Some notes from FSR price action today-

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

My best month ever

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Expected Moves this Week: SPX/SPY, QQQ, IWM, Broadcom, Docusign and more.

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Are SPY and IWM the only stock with multiple expirations during a one week period?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thanks papa Powell

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IWM is About to Pull a QQQ

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Spy short and long term plays and more

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My plan of trading until the end of the year SPY

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24% profit, Day 1 of 30 - $1k to $1M challenge

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Join me on my journey ... $1,000 to $1,000,000 ... I'll be documenting here. (Trade 1/30)

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Join me on my journey ... $1,000 to $1,000,000 ... I'll be documenting here. (Trade 0/30)

r/optionsSee Post

Is this stupid?- Selling put on IWM getting assigned and then selling covered call?.

r/stocksSee Post

Pretty wild stats on market positioning - crash coming in the new year?

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IWM Iron condor hedge saves the day!

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IWM Credit Spread hedge saves the day!

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IWM Credit Spread hedge saves the day!

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

5K Daily Gain on AMD, IWM, META, PLTR, and QQQ

r/StockMarketSee Post

Shorts Once Again Concentrated in Hated Index/Sector

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Non-Headline Numbers Point to Good Macro

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Peter Lynch is bullish on $IWM

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This will help you make money TODAY

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Funds were waiting for earnings to justify EOY rally. Taking bullish hedges.

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Mid-Month Technical Analysis Review of SPY QQQ IWM

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Question regarding IWM-

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SPY 418p -- Evaluating value after experiencing loss.

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Margin clock on getting assigned

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Small Caps are now at a five year low, in nominal terms

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Trade Journal & Technical Review of September + Look Ahead for October

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Technical Analysis Snapshot so far of September 2023

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Expected moves: SPY, QQQ, IWM, FedEx, KB Home and more

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Buying AND Selling

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Large-cap tech once again

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Expected Moves this week, Oracle, Adobe, SPY, QQQ, IWM and more.

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On IWM/Russell 2000.

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The Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal for August 2023

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The Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal for August 2023

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Options and ideas for hedging a short

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ETF to Pair with S&P500 with 10+ year outlook

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Can someone explain this for me?

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A mid-Month Review: Technical Snapshots & Trade Journal so far for August 2023

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Awesome Options Trading Tool

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It's Nearly GUARANTEED to fail

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Butterflies & Iron Condors: Assignment Risk vs. Duration & Stock Selection

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Safely investing a large portion of my income

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Safely investing a large portion of my income

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small cap/med cap stock that pay a consistent/decent dividends

r/optionsSee Post

Comparing option premium?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thoughts on IWM and $TNA - will small caps follow large caps?

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I am the Bull Flag

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Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning July 17th, 2023

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General Market Overview / Indexes Action (11th July)

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From CAPM To Hedging

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LOST 11k in four days and blew my account.

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Lost 11k THIS WEEK and blew my account.

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Weekly Recap - Week ended Jun 9 2023 - Market rotation might be happening

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Two Videos, Larry Williams: Inflation Peak Means big bull move and Carter Worth: Rotation Big to Small Cap

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IWM I believe is just getting started!

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Market Recap - 6/7/23 - Bargain hunting

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IWM Calls Grand Slam! 1717 9/15, 210 strike calls! Closed out at 1.05 and 1.10 (1.075 average), purchase price .25. Net proceeds $181,227.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

~25k gain in 2 days via $iwm

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Had to take it.. 256% in 4 days $IWM.. or should I have held?

r/stocksSee Post

We are just 8 SP500 points from official new Bull Market, Sentiment Indicators indicate we will go 10% higher.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Market Recap - 5/20/23 - everything is over bought

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Wednesday morning brief from a Certified Market Technician 5/24 9:05am

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Morning Brief from a Certified Market Technician 5/23/23 9:05 am EST

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Market data subscriptions on Interactive Brokers

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My top pair trade idea for this month: Russell 2000 vs Nasdaq using Options

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Market Recap - 5/17/23 - the worst is behind us, maybe

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Market Recap - 5/15/23 - everything is high risk if you're a pussy

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Week Ended May 12 - Recap and thoughts for next week - tread carefully

r/optionsSee Post

Mistakes and Growth

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Market Recap - 5/1/23 - 700 million dollars per AI

r/StockMarketSee Post

Key FIB levels to watch for SPY, QQQ, DIA, IWM

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Key fib levels you want to watch for SPY,QQQ ,DIA, IWM

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Tactical call option trade, small cap (IWM) 9/15 EXP 210 strike calls 687 contracts, 27 cents entry🔥

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Tactical call option trade, small cap (IWM) 9/15 EXP 210 strike calls 687 contracts, 27 cents entry.

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Russell 2000 index composition

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Market Recap - 5/5/23 - going nowhere

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Market Recap - 5/3/23 - sell the news

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Market Recap - 5/2/23 - a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!


1. STOP TRADING OPTIONS!! 2. Start buying IWM, there is a rotation in play away from growth


My strategy has gone from long calls on big tech to 0dte IWM and SPY… every day I’m richer or poorer but at least I feel something


Full port IWM at 9:40. Sell by 10. Source: I’m a janitor at the Rothschild family office.


Would suggest rotating your long QQQ shares into IWM for the next year. Keep the bull run in your portfolio going


Did you ever consider my spreads are 20 spreads each. I don’t know a person’s finances. Maybe your point is you don’t like that IWM crept up to 224.50 at the end of the day. If you are using spreads, you can choose to adjust, say 225-240…


COWZ is the large cap value version..they both perform pretty in line with each other and have been outperforming the IWM in both directions.


The IWM puts expire the 31st


IWM calls saved the day today


good for my IWM calls when those outs expire


Unusual options activity- a lot of puts bought for SPY/QQQ/IWM for Monday


Yeah its a less and less useful indicator. I think if you want to compare to US GDP it should be IWM which is probably 85-90% US sales. IWM seems like it follows the 'main street' economy much more. SPY is the best companies on Earth for the most part, not many are great that aren't listed in US. (a few in Europe/Japan)


IWM looks like it’s afraid of 224.


Rate cuts incoming ..small caps benefit from that..don't know what to do..get into IWM.


IWM P/E is like 14. Still has way to go. Position : IWM 260c, Oct/Nov/Dec, 30/100,100 contract each. Built these June/July when IWM was around 200. Target : 1st profit taking at 280, 2nd at 300, will leave runner after till expiry or election.


The great rotation of my balls into IWM's mouth ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I tried day trading IWM once this week and got whipsawed, what's the deal with this thing are we rotating or not lol


Never buy calls for IWM at open. This sack of shit always pumps then dumps immediately afterwards


Holding and rolling IWM calls ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


IWM calls checking in whats up fellas?


hell yeah! I played a little bigger on IWM and came out +9k for the day on IWM and +50k from TSLA earnings


Hell yes! Made 5k buying 222 IWM puts at 225 selling at 2x, then bought 224 Calls and made another 4k selling at close


IWM didn't dump into close ayyy


The relative strength of IWM is wild right now


The only people selling their IWM to keep it down are MMs who collected premiums. This is horseshit.


Next week is 0dte and swing trading heaven. So many earnings that will move indexes, FOMC, IWM it’s going to be crazy


IWM needs to finish strong for once


IWM consolidating nicely..


September 230c IWM


IWM 8/16 calls baby


RSI divergence on KRE and IWM is insane. This shit may dump hard next week


Try a 222-237 IWM October call spread.


IWM please die for a few minutes so I can get back in?


apparently, coconut is good for SPY and mango (somehow) is good for IWM I prefer SPY, IWM is oversold shit, sorry


chasers getting bodied on IWM been sideways for 3 hours ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


NQ/ES too cold, IWM too hot, DIA - just right? Anyone look at voo doo lines & shit?


It's been a while since I read about it - but VIX is calculated from SPY rather than IWM. So I don't think IWM will really reflect movements in the VIX.


IWM? This is WSB my youngins. I bought UWM in 2020 before the rip. Bought a few TNAs that got BTFO in 2021. Doubled down on both since 2022/23. Still adding in 24. The mistake most folks on WSB make is that they believe stocks always go up or mean revert: Did PYPL ever go back up to 2021 levels? How many of those 9999 SPACS did? Would TWTR be +$80 today if Elon didn't buy it? INTC was >$70 in 1999 and has never reached back to that price. How many folks really believe GME will go back to $500? But market indexes do eventually revert and do constantly go up (even giga-bubbles like Japan that took 40 years eventually hit new highs. China's SSE peaked in 2007 and only gone down since. Have fun baggies.) The Russell has been in a long underperformance against the SPY and will eventually balance out even if it could be years. Main thing it has going for it is that the SPY/QQQ have already gone beyond their 2021 ATHs meanwhile R2K is still below it. Safer bet to bet R2K in the long run since it is more likely it hits new ATHs than it is to hit new ATLs.

Yes please will help my IWM PUTs


Rotate out of IWM rotate into QQQ


boomer dow jones outperforming they scammed us with IWM while they scooped up DJ30


big move here IWM come on now!


IWM at a stand still. This is incredible.


I need QQQ to suck all the life force out of IWM please


I bought IWM earlier this week because of this.


IWM calls seem like the move here 🤔


s&p flat in august, IWM up 15% [\_EYabA](


Cup and handle on IWM


Just bought $25,000 worth of IWM shares ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


IWM just close over 225 bruv


IWM just die ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


No liquidity in IWM. Just one short seller


Definitely rotation. LMT, RTX UNH Banks like JPM and GS All up today. IWM near 52 week high.

IWM up 1% in a day "is IWM dead?" Classic wsb![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Waiting for IWM to pop 20% so I can exit these heavy calls


I bought the August 2nd $120 on NVDA, and I simply sold my Calls on IWM so far, and waiting for support to break in that Diamond Top IWM seems to be forming....


IWM said no for today Pack it in boys


IWM has been banned by the rich overlords from the moneymaker list of the poor


Fucking IWM better V now


IWM 0Dte or 1DTE 30 mins before close?


IWM is such a fuckiny disappointment


I just need a 5% rally in IWM! Is that so much to ask for?!


Someone check on the IWM 225C guy


Russell 2000 IWM ATHs and NVDA - 20 Percent. Easy play here. IWM puts and NVDA calls. Easy peasy..... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


bro.. how the fuck do you even lose money on the money printer that IWM is?


Taking a big LOSS on IWM Calls, 62 percent. Moving to big TECH. Before I was last in on the IWM, now I am first in the QQQ, NVDA, AMD, etc.!

Okay Baby. Sold ALL MY IWM CALLS at 60 percent LOSS! ......... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)And now I am ALL IN NVDA Aug 2 2024 $120 CALLS!


IWM all in at $225 today. ALL IN. I have lost it all......... Wendy's on line 2....... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Puts on IWM... hmm...


IWM Baby! Can't lose! IWM IWM $225 ODTE Load the Boat! Back up the Truck! ............... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Will IWM swing back to 226 today? 👀


I’m not fully drinking the Tom Lee koolaid on this one but I think people like you are so I bought 250C on IWM.


I have been holding IWM calls for weeks waiting for it to hit 226 again so I can get out around breakeven and I am going ducking nuts


Taking that bounce to get the fuck out of IWM for the rest of the day.


IWM is so frustrating aarrgghh


caught that IWM drop. counting my blessings and throwing my phone in the river to prevent further trading


IWM sayonara ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Is IWM on sale or just dying rest of day


Oh shit even IWM is heading down that's like quadruple fucked


If you bought IWM 225c before today, weren't you already up at 10 am? 


In Tom Lee we trust IWM get bears fuks


if IWM isn't over $230 in 7 days then I'm pulling out of my lotto tickets


IWM pisses me off because it rips out of the gate and then bleeds all day and it does this shit every single day.


I listened to Wall Street Bets and I lost it all I think on 0DTE IWM Calls today. If WSBs was a McDonalds, I would spray the place end to end with bullets ;) Postal Situation up in this mofo....... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)This place is evil and has destroyed my life.


If IWM doesn't close above $225 today, I have lost it all and I will need the number for the suicide hot line please..... ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


How can IWM almost at the same level with QQQ YTD![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


No IWM, please go back up............ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)I am losing everything. My life savings is gone. I need a $225 close or it is all over. Please IWM............ ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


IWM will never know the taste of $240 and beyond ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


This board says I must buy IWM! There fore I buy, I sell my house and I buy, I sell my car and I buy! Thank you Wall Street Bets! I can't lose! ALL IN IWM....


IWM is such a garbage etf I swear they won't let it die thougj


had a 218c IWM weekly i bought last friday... sold it by tuesday. Punchin air rn.


IWM $225 Printing Baby! Quitting my JOB AT WENDYS!


IWM Get your CALLS Here Baby! Going like HOTCAKES! 0DTE $225 IWM FREE MONEY!


top ticked the IWM for puts. stupid market makers. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)
