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Palantir Technologies Inc

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-50.00% Today

Reddit Posts

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Friendly reminder that $PLTR rises with how hard the US gets for war with Iran.

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

[DD] On $PLTR and $AI - It's over folks - Your AI Will Come From the Faucet - The Big 5 Have Spoken

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PLTR slideshow

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Some predictions for Microsoft, Palantir, AMD, Amazon, Spotify and Tesla.

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Robinhood Out Here on Their Bullshit Again

r/pennystocksSee Post

$CBDW News 1606 Corp. CEO Attends Consumer Electronics Show (CES) For Collaboration Meetings

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I’m long cocaine $PLTR

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

80% on the year for 2023, wonder if Buffet needs a new #2.

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80% on the year for 2023, wonder if buffet needs a new #2.

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$151,880 Total Gains and only 2 losing trades in 2023

r/StockMarketSee Post

What can I do different with my FHSA account

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PLTR Long Calls

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$AMD $PLTR $AMZN and $SPOT predictions

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The WSB standard progression

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I’m 18, Would like to be at 60k next year. Any advice?

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Thoughts on these tickers for bagholding throughout 2024? 💰

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Stoc(n)ks would moon in 2024

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Swing trading UBER puts and PLTR calls today because I’m actually insane. Hope to close most or all by end of day today.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir ($PLTR) down nearly 20% since large insider selling disclosures...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought COIN puts yesterday and sold them just now, +$25K. And wish I had gotten out of BABA and PLTR yesterday but I’m bad at cutting losses

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR Military use

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sold TSLA calls at the peak this morning, +$22K. Gains all due to me liking cyber truck videos on YouTube. Getting out of BABA and PLTR soon

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thank you cyber truck! Should try to close PLTR and BABA soon. And should I get COIN puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Early Morning Call On Defense Stocks As Warships Attacked In Middle East - PLTR (Palantir) - LHX - NOC - HWM - RTX

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought TSLA & PLTR calls on dips again today after I took 40% TSLA call profits last Friday. Anxiety is up, this move is a little more risky

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir $PLTR Large Insider Selling (CFO, CAO, CLO)

r/optionsSee Post

Can someone help me understand

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PLTR is so richly valued, S&P 500 inclusion must already be priced in just as the NHS contract was priced in

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

opinions on this stock? and also palentir

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

They called me a madman (YOLO on PLTR puts). And what I predicted came to pass (I got lucky this time). Closing now.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

They called me a madman (PLTR puts). And what I predicted came to pass (I got lucky this time).

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I will keep YOLOing PLTR puts every week until one of these prints. It’s not insanity, I’m totally going to be right this week

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR is too high. Got $15K in puts as soon as the casino opened today and I’m not scared, losing money is part of playing the game

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought PLTR $21.50 weekly puts, TSLA puts did well last week 🐻

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Palantir $PLTR gets NHS deal approval

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

5K Daily Gain on AMD, IWM, META, PLTR, and QQQ

r/optionsSee Post

Low liquidity benefits

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PLTR wins NHS contract(to be announced soon)

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

Betting BIG on Palantir AI stock PLTR!

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Betting BIG on Palantir AI stock PLTR!

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PLTR ppppuuuuuutss. Cramer kiss of death

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Regarded Portfolio update

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PLTR manipulation.

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r/StockMarketSee Post

$PLTR commercial client count grew +45% YoY

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Sold puts on Tesla as it tanked below $200. Bought PYPL and PLTR calls before earnings. Bought SPY calls before Thursday’s rally

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Papa Karp is bringing us back to Black. Post those PLTR gains

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PLTR Rallies 20% after Posting Fourth Consecutive GAAP Profit

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Ima short palantir $PLTR now

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Shorting this week’s rally. Today I bought PLTR, SOFI, and TSLA puts all expiring tomorrow

r/stocksSee Post

Palantir earnings show AI traction, while company hits a milestone on profits

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Consolidation Choices During Market Down Turn: What Are Your Picks?

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Palantir Ranked No. 1 Vendor in AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Might load up

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Review Stocks

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

So which boom boom stocks are you buying?

r/stocksSee Post

How many of you made the mistake of throwing all of your money into the stock market in 2021?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How fucked am I

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Palantir and War.

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Best stocks to invest in now?

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Question: Was this a good idea?

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Palantir $PLTR today

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🚀 DD on PLTR: Bullish Case for $40+ by Dec 1 🚀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir ($PLTR) is Never Going to be This Cheap Again

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Lets start working on Dumb Money's Sequel

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

PLTR genuine question

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Elon sitting next to Alex Karp (Palantir CEO) is bullish!!

r/stocksSee Post

In 5 Years, Who do You Think Comes out on Top in the AI wars?

r/stocksSee Post

The PLTR stock

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Took out student loans and went all in on $TSLA $PYPL $PLTR $TRIP after finding out my swimmers are active by my wife pixie stick.

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r/optionsSee Post

Illiquid options - did I screw myself?

r/StockMarketSee Post

QQQ vs SPY ratio rollover is happening

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QQQ vs SPY ratio: rollover happening

r/optionsSee Post

Selling expired ITM puts?

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Selling Expired ITM puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

NVDA DD/hopium/ramblings/thoughts/prayers/synopsis/bedtime reading

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wild week for PLTR.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

My thoughts on the recent dip, NVDA/Ai selling until earnings

r/optionsSee Post

Stocks for Selling Puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cathy Wood is not an investor, she is a swing trader who belongs here. Example here with $PLTR

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cathy buys the “dip” on $PLTR, she is not an investor , she is a swing trader and belongs here

r/optionsSee Post

PLTR Aug 11 $17 Put

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why is WSB so bullish PLTR?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The Bears are back!

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PLTR stock buyback…

r/stocksSee Post

A deep dive into $PLTR sentiment analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RIP in Peace PLTR Call Holders

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PLTR 🚀 🚀 🚀

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PLTR 🚀 🚀 🚀

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR Earnings Moves Recap

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Weekly PLTR YOLO Update. Down 40.8k unrealized from last week but added more 30Cs, earnings tonight, keeping 500 calls min.until 45$-100$.


Where the PLTR haters at? I need some info on why not to buy it right now.


Before I clicked I assumed it was PLTR. But nice trade


Foundry, the ontologies, LLM's. PLTR is going to make us all rich.


Pretty much PLTR I think. Maybe a couple others but not many lol


PLTR almost triple digit PE, and market cap. I own it but cmon it's very stretched now.


No 1 day. Look at May 5th through 7th on PLTR.


My parents are giving me $20,000 to manage an account for them. Would WSB say 50% NVDA, 10% in TSMC, 10% PLTR and 30% in VTI be a smart choice?

How to invest 2000 usd I have 2000 usd I want to invest. I don’t want to risk it all as this is my savings and I’m not planning of YOLO. I do not need this 2k for couple of years. I am planning to put 1k in SPY, 500 usd in nvda as I strongly believe they are safe investments. Remaining 500, I want to invest in some low cost stocks. I am thinking of PLTR, LUNR and RKLB. Any suggestions?

Me Too. Sold all my PLTR. Now sleeping better


Take profits!! Make money. Buy the next PLTR dip. Repeat.


I am the only one who can't figure out why people are still buying PLTR when its P/E is at 300 and it's earnings per share is a whopping 7 cents?


Primarily swing trading NVDA and I rode the PLTR hype since may


Sold all my PLTR - Palantir Now sleeping better


Sold all my PLTR - Palantir Now sleeping better


Sold all my PLTR - Palantir Now sleeping better


PLTR Palantir


Sold the stock Palintir PLTR Due to their role supporting Israeli Wars


!banbet PLTR 40 2W


PLTR fucking losers. Shit needs to go to $15


PLTR - dump it.


Lmao PLTR with a 226 P/E ratio. Hold on let me buy calls


When is PLTR going to ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


2 years ago my professor asked what stocks we were interested in, in a zero credit assignment, after the end of the term. I doubt anyone responded to him. I sent him a separate email instead of submitting the assignment. I told him one stock only. PLTR. It was like May of 22. I told him this stock is undervalued. My reasoning was the technology aspect and the amount of money it was getting in government contracts alone. He responded like yeah I had it before and sold it when it was like $20.


Can't talk for OP but got some input on this myself. AI does not generate even close to the revenue being projected from AI software and such. The only ones making money on it are the shovel sellers (NVDA and co). Companies such as Microsoft, anthropic and openAI are operating at massive losses per customer as the cost of all the compute going into these GAI models are way higher than what they bring in in subscription revenue. Companies such as Google, meta and ADBE have already stated that they are not seeing the revenue growth which was projected come from their AI initiatives, and have forecasted that out several years from now effectively delaying the projected AI revenue. Lack of groundbreaking innovation: yes making videos, music and memes, and using chatGPT as your personal psychologist with a single prompt is cool and all, but matter of fact is its a major money furnace as the demand just wouldn't be there for these services if they were priced at a level where the software provider would be making money. Also I don't believe GAI will ever turn into general AI as the largest models have already consumed the entire internet for training and there simply is almost no more data to pull from (and no using AI to generate data is not a solution here contrary to popular belief) Last but least we have asinine valuations in most things remotely related to AI. Companies such as AMD and PLTR trading at 50x+ FWD PEs with the 'AI growth' just never materializing. Whole thing smells like a bubble to me for these reasons to mention some.

MSTR up 55% in 1 month PLTR up 52% in 3 months Oh wow WSB too bullish.


3 years and $96B later and nobody can explain what PLTR really does


Everybody in WSB is bullish in $PLTR and $MSTR


Puts on $MSTR and $PLTR


Free Free PLTR From River To The Sea PLTR will be free


!banbet $PLTR -15% 4w


PLTR will be the first 4trillion$ company


Leather jacket man passed the batton to crazy hair guy. We went from picks and shovels to gold mine in hurry. PLTR 1000


Why the FUCK is PLTR still going up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


PLTR Forever. See you boys on the dark side of the moon.


I think it's smart to be looking past the chips -- of course people have been for awhile now, but what are the industries that will need to upscale to support all these AI things that are supposed to be coming? Clean(er) energy production, storage and infrastructure; hardware real estate and architecture, software and firmware applications. I'm looking at UUUU, VST, CEG, and maybe also PLTR, but that one seems to be targeted by short sellers -- getting TSLA vibes from it. Some of these might just be hype plays that never keep value.

According to Reddit: GME, PLTR, RKLB, ASTS, and of course, MoonSTR.

War is good for PLTR ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


PLTR as much as I hate to say it. Being evil makes you the big bucks.


Soooo. PLTR?


When a company gets added to the s&p 500 and suddenly shoots up to a price equal to 36× revenue. *cough* PLTR *cough*


I’d sell and buy PLTR


PLTR will be 10X in 2030. AI operating systems for modern enterprise ( ERP market not priced yet) Defense ( MAVEN, TITAN) . Buy all dips 💰


WOLF: Has been shorted to oblivion for poorly thought through reasons. Lithium batteries will be hot hot hot on the market in a few years. SOFI: Solid growth the last few years, undervalued as a bank, and is positioned to take a large portion of the fintech market as people realise their online banking solution is faster, easier, more accessable, and will always give better benefots over brick and mortar banks since they don't have to pay for overhead. PLTR- AI applications and military contracts. Ludacrious combination.

Same deal here… NVDA, CRWD, NFLX, PLTR, RKLB Up about 50%, I have a small position on ZScaler I may offload soon, but that’s about it atm.

A friend of mine from the Army pulled out of PLTR for ethical reasons


1. RKLB no brainer. SpaceX will be subject to anti trust legislation. 2. Sentinel - cybersecurity enough said 3. PLTR - wars are what humans do.. defense spending isn’t getting a rug pull.


Are you really comparing PLTR from 1-2 yrs ago to now, and then calling ME the moron?? 🤣🤣🤣. Let's see your positions dude


RBLX SMR PLTR We are all going to be living virtual lives in RBLX, SMR will power all the necessary infrastructure, while PLTR security robots police the toxic wasteland of the real world and provide security for said infrastructure.

500 on PLTR for 2 weeks


PLTR is one of few companies whose implementation of machine learning generates value and is not merely gimmicky. Even if the AI bubble bursts when all the buzzword companies go bust, PLTR will keep going strong. The stock might take a hit, but decreasing ai server demand will reduce cost for PLTR so in the long run, even the burst of the AI bubble won't hurt PLTR.


Tell me what PLTR's differentiators are, with specificity. They are the same as every other incumbent that completely missed generative AI. This company is IBM Watson with layers of secrecy around their boomer tech. It's garbage, just like you regards who invest in it. I'll keep this here so I can make fun of you in 24 months.


I would say PLTR or CLOV


PLTR go brrrr lol


Wow you really want PLTR to eat shit, don't ya...?


PLTR and ASTS are the two that I throw money into regardless of stock price. They have so much room to grow and could easily become two of the most valuable companies in the next 10-15 years.


Then if you like the process, pick stocks If you want safe returns, ETFs It also depends on how well would you sleep seeing a stock you picked go down 40% or something like that In my personal case, I've been down a lot in PLTR, META and VRTX. I didn't give a duck. I kept buying more and it paid out But you have to have the stomach to be down thousands of dollar and keep throwing money into a stock that feels like throwing it inside a fire


PLTR has a huge community of people that bought with no intention of selling this decade


I bought a ton of calls at the beginning of the year just because I work at a competitor and our industry is booming like crazy. Sold before the pop to buy some PLTR before the pop, so ig it all worked out but I wish I hadnt sold lol


because u can beat the SnP…. i caught TSLA and PLTR on their way up…. think abt those who got NVDA, Abercrombie, LULU, ASML, on their way up. SOFI could possibly be next

I’m invested in PLTR and hate Peter Thiel…I care about increasing equity, it’s not like my investment is large enough to have a say in what a company does.


I've currently got some good positions in NVDA, RKLB, & PLTR. I've been considering finding another company to take $5k and invest in. I believe that OKLO will be my next holdings. I like the strength of the company leadership, and I love the idea of nuclear advancements. Go team E=mc^2 !!

I found the guy who has been saying " PLTR IS OVER VALUE!" HE IS OVER HERE!


Yeah PLTR is at all times high now and will stay there…


PLTR. Even at the current price, it’s a buy. Their hands are in government and private sector. When AI takes off, they will be the market leading software and have a rise similar to NVDA.


PLTR, CEO also said it will 10x!


RYCEY, PLTR, Vertiv, etc.


PLTR and NVDA have took me from the trailer in WV to the Mirage in Vegas


I dumped my PLTR when I came to know they were assisting the genocide.


PLTR is a pile of doodoo. He just missed timing


PLTR the ~100bn market cap company? Yes, I agree.


I don’t know these feels like PLTR all over again …they keep saying AI boom bla bla bla . But I work in the industry, the AI Boom feels like a slog by the time this goes up and running everyone will be moving to something else ..


Wait are you up 300% on PLTR or 400%? 🤣


I will trade but not hold PLTR or META


There are a couple that I did not and will invest due to me viewing their CEO as slimy. In the past, I sold all my TYCO and GE positions before Kozlowski and Immelt tanked the stocks. Today, I will not invest in PLTR as I view Karp as very slimy and TLSA due to Elon constantly over promising. I wish everyone good luck but they are not for me.


I'm up 400% on my PLTR positions and you AI naysayers always expose yourself for doing little to no research. Keep being a skeptic, I will continue to make money.


PLTR, not even for the company itself, but Thiel has some really terrifying associates and ideas


I'd tell you to buy more PLTR, but you're kinda late fr


Just did that with PLTR. Ratio is ridiculous (sell) but it's a great future player (hold). Split the difference so I could sleep at night!


I'm another "5%'er" on fun money stocks. In one case, it's stock of a company I work with (not for) professionally, and they take kindly to their partners being shareholders. In some cases, they are a Lark just to see (I'm holding some PLTR with single digit cost basis), and in other cases it's just a swing trade (CRWD for example). That said, the bulk of my investments are in ETF's where I just buy and chill.


PLTR - They sell the maps 🚀📈


Also if you had bought over the course of 2021 and we were in 2022-2023 for that stock rn would your sentiment be different? You still lost a lot of money whether you DCA’ed or not, but luckily my advice of time in market panned out and your PLTR stock worked because you didn’t worry about the day and just bought and held. So again time in market triumphs all


Your PLTR example makes for a terrible argument. From May 2022-may 2023 the stock ranged between $7-11 at most and averaged sub 9 for a majority of that time. Your return would have next to no difference whether you bought all your shares at $7 or $11. And I see this sub has the inability to read. Original commenter is saying you should go out of your way to DCA. That is stupid. It is stupid to have a sum of money and DCA instead of just lump sum investing it into sensible investments.


I DCA on PLTR and I'm now up 246% in less than 2 years. Nearly everyone that invests in a 401k plan is DCA with every paycheck.


So when do we expect a "FOMO" run for PLTR will begin before earnings (or has it already happened?)


My biggest issue with using these metrics is they’re great for analyzing established companies and industries, but not so much for newer tech. It doesn’t account for growth focused companies so a few examples that have done really well lately but absolutely are or were abysmal on this rating scale would be: ASTS, LUNR, RKLB, HIMS, PLTR, anything fairly new that recently took off or restructured, and a lot of government contract type companies as well because profit reporting is different when you’re dealing with a large upfront contract vs many customers buying products or services. Nuclear is a big gamble, because the next gov administration will really set the tone on paving the way for reducing regulation, or adding to it in favor of renewables instead.

You regards thought PLTR would end up -5% or more for the week? Because pe too high? Sheesh


immediately after I bought puts on PLTR…


PLTR is actually making me money?! Is this the correct timeline?


Too poor for Netflix and McDonald’s but rich enough to own PLTR.


Cause you want to beat the market. I’m up around 50/60% this year from PLTR and Burberry. Just like to gamble really
