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Palantir Technologies Inc

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-64.29% Today

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Friendly reminder that $PLTR rises with how hard the US gets for war with Iran.

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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

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[DD] On $PLTR and $AI - It's over folks - Your AI Will Come From the Faucet - The Big 5 Have Spoken

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PLTR slideshow

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Some predictions for Microsoft, Palantir, AMD, Amazon, Spotify and Tesla.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Robinhood Out Here on Their Bullshit Again

r/pennystocksSee Post

$CBDW News 1606 Corp. CEO Attends Consumer Electronics Show (CES) For Collaboration Meetings

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I’m long cocaine $PLTR

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

80% on the year for 2023, wonder if Buffet needs a new #2.

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80% on the year for 2023, wonder if buffet needs a new #2.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$151,880 Total Gains and only 2 losing trades in 2023

r/StockMarketSee Post

What can I do different with my FHSA account

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PLTR Long Calls

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$AMD $PLTR $AMZN and $SPOT predictions

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The WSB standard progression

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I’m 18, Would like to be at 60k next year. Any advice?

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Thoughts on these tickers for bagholding throughout 2024? 💰

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Stoc(n)ks would moon in 2024

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Swing trading UBER puts and PLTR calls today because I’m actually insane. Hope to close most or all by end of day today.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir ($PLTR) down nearly 20% since large insider selling disclosures...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought COIN puts yesterday and sold them just now, +$25K. And wish I had gotten out of BABA and PLTR yesterday but I’m bad at cutting losses

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR Military use

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sold TSLA calls at the peak this morning, +$22K. Gains all due to me liking cyber truck videos on YouTube. Getting out of BABA and PLTR soon

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thank you cyber truck! Should try to close PLTR and BABA soon. And should I get COIN puts?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Early Morning Call On Defense Stocks As Warships Attacked In Middle East - PLTR (Palantir) - LHX - NOC - HWM - RTX

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought TSLA & PLTR calls on dips again today after I took 40% TSLA call profits last Friday. Anxiety is up, this move is a little more risky

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir $PLTR Large Insider Selling (CFO, CAO, CLO)

r/optionsSee Post

Can someone help me understand

r/stocksSee Post

PLTR is so richly valued, S&P 500 inclusion must already be priced in just as the NHS contract was priced in

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

opinions on this stock? and also palentir

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

They called me a madman (YOLO on PLTR puts). And what I predicted came to pass (I got lucky this time). Closing now.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

They called me a madman (PLTR puts). And what I predicted came to pass (I got lucky this time).

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I will keep YOLOing PLTR puts every week until one of these prints. It’s not insanity, I’m totally going to be right this week

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR is too high. Got $15K in puts as soon as the casino opened today and I’m not scared, losing money is part of playing the game

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought PLTR $21.50 weekly puts, TSLA puts did well last week 🐻

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir $PLTR gets NHS deal approval

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

5K Daily Gain on AMD, IWM, META, PLTR, and QQQ

r/optionsSee Post

Low liquidity benefits

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PLTR wins NHS contract(to be announced soon)

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

Betting BIG on Palantir AI stock PLTR!

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Betting BIG on Palantir AI stock PLTR!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR ppppuuuuuutss. Cramer kiss of death

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Regarded Portfolio update

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PLTR manipulation.

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r/StockMarketSee Post

$PLTR commercial client count grew +45% YoY

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Sold puts on Tesla as it tanked below $200. Bought PYPL and PLTR calls before earnings. Bought SPY calls before Thursday’s rally

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Papa Karp is bringing us back to Black. Post those PLTR gains

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PLTR Rallies 20% after Posting Fourth Consecutive GAAP Profit

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Ima short palantir $PLTR now

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Shorting this week’s rally. Today I bought PLTR, SOFI, and TSLA puts all expiring tomorrow

r/stocksSee Post

Palantir earnings show AI traction, while company hits a milestone on profits

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Consolidation Choices During Market Down Turn: What Are Your Picks?

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Palantir Ranked No. 1 Vendor in AI, Data Science, and Machine Learning

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Might load up

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Review Stocks

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So which boom boom stocks are you buying?

r/stocksSee Post

How many of you made the mistake of throwing all of your money into the stock market in 2021?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How fucked am I

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Palantir and War.

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Best stocks to invest in now?

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Question: Was this a good idea?

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Palantir $PLTR today

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🚀 DD on PLTR: Bullish Case for $40+ by Dec 1 🚀

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Palantir ($PLTR) is Never Going to be This Cheap Again

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r/wallstreetbetsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Lets start working on Dumb Money's Sequel

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

PLTR genuine question

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Elon sitting next to Alex Karp (Palantir CEO) is bullish!!

r/stocksSee Post

In 5 Years, Who do You Think Comes out on Top in the AI wars?

r/stocksSee Post

The PLTR stock

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Took out student loans and went all in on $TSLA $PYPL $PLTR $TRIP after finding out my swimmers are active by my wife pixie stick.

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r/optionsSee Post

Illiquid options - did I screw myself?

r/StockMarketSee Post

QQQ vs SPY ratio rollover is happening

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QQQ vs SPY ratio: rollover happening

r/optionsSee Post

Selling expired ITM puts?

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Selling Expired ITM puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

NVDA DD/hopium/ramblings/thoughts/prayers/synopsis/bedtime reading

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wild week for PLTR.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

My thoughts on the recent dip, NVDA/Ai selling until earnings

r/optionsSee Post

Stocks for Selling Puts

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cathy Wood is not an investor, she is a swing trader who belongs here. Example here with $PLTR

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Cathy buys the “dip” on $PLTR, she is not an investor , she is a swing trader and belongs here

r/optionsSee Post

PLTR Aug 11 $17 Put

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why is WSB so bullish PLTR?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The Bears are back!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR stock buyback…

r/stocksSee Post

A deep dive into $PLTR sentiment analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

RIP in Peace PLTR Call Holders

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PLTR 🚀 🚀 🚀

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PLTR 🚀 🚀 🚀

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

PLTR Earnings Moves Recap

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Weekly PLTR YOLO Update. Down 40.8k unrealized from last week but added more 30Cs, earnings tonight, keeping 500 calls min.until 45$-100$.


What you guys think of PLTR shares long term


Always remember what the CEO of PLTR said about short sellers. Tis True.


2018 through 2023: >The companies identified in the [criminal indictment]( as ones Left allegedly traded on in ways contrary to his public stances on their stock prices included [Nvidia](, [Tesla](, the social media company X, formerly known as Twitter, [Meta](, [Roku](, [Beyond Meat](, [American Airlines](, [Palantir](, XL Fleet, [Invitae](, [General Electric](, Namaste Technologies, and India Globalization Capital.

PLTR breakout back to 28?


PLTR will hang at 25ish still for years more, torturing its holders….


Im back after 2 years of not trading and all im buying is PLTR, all hail Alex Karp


PLTR 1DTE calls anyone??


PLTR is not a small cap lol


My love of small cap tech stonks such as PLTR and ASTS is the reason why my port is green af today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


PLTR’s P/E is 223 now. Is it a good time to buy? Somebody here wrote that P/E less than 300 is a good signal to buy. 


AI King - PLTR


Chose the wrong day to buy PLTR calls for earnings. Rip in penis


its incredible how PLTR always makes wsb bag holders, ever since 2020.


PLTR still has room to come down to low 20s


Many people are all in TSLA, PLTR, ARM, etc. Not only that, they bought in late so they saw all their profit evaporated.

I am doing options , a newbie to trading so just buy call and buy put, and see others comments, reading news to know what's going. I am still a chicken lol , like crow-stride news, tesla ER and PLTR others. I missed those opportunities to but puts 🤦🏻‍♀️


Bought a bunch of PLTR calls, the darkness cannot last forever.


rotated my PLTR calls (40%) into TQQQ puts at like 8 45 for a gain on the day lol


We'll try dropping examples in the comments - read other articles with these in mind and see if you spot the patterns: > Identifying high-potential stocks is more **critical** than ever to gain an edge on the volatility of the second half of the year. **Here**, the focus is on three standout companies making waves with solid fundamentals and impressive growth metrics.**Indeed**, these stocks hold the potential to maximize returns in today’s adverse conditions and fluctuating markets. The first company has sustained profitability with an expanding customer base, which highlights its strong unit economics and operational edge. **Meanwhile**, the second one has rapid member growth and solid financial standing, which points to its market appeal and scalability. **Finally**, the third company has significantly increased subscribers and focuses on personalized healthcare solutions.  Straight out of an SEC filing/presser, spit back out by AI. Another major tell for AI is constant use of passive voice, and this guy's articles are all passive as shit, too. Add awkward phrasing, etc and I could bold the entire thing but some specific examples: >Palantir Technologies (NYSE:[**~PLTR~**]( specializes in data analytics. The company reported first-quarter net income of [$106 million](, representing a 17% margin. It is the sixth consecutive quarter of profitability. **This reflects** the company’s strong unit economics and efficient cost management. >Palantir’s customer base and engagement metrics demonstrate significant growth and customer retention. Total customers [grew 42% ]( and 11% sequentially, reaching 554. **Specifically**, the U.S. commercial customer count increased 69% annually and 19% sequentially to 262. >**Moreover**, net dollar retention increased 111%, up 3% sequentially. **This reflects** substantial customer expansion and the continued success of Palantir’s solutions in driving additional value for existing customers. Palantir’s deal momentum and revenue metrics **underscore its growth trajectory**. >The **first quarter saw** a remarkable $904 million in total contract value (TCV) booked, a [128% increase annually](, reflecting the strong demand for Palantir’s solutions across its customer base. U.S. commercial TCV was $286 million, up 131% annually, highlighting the significant uptake of the Artificial Intelligence Platform (AIP). >**Overall**, Palantir’s strong profitability, expanding customer base, and significant contract values make it a top pick among the high-potential stocks. >


mr Alex Karp please dump some PLTR and resurrect my puts ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Any reason PLTR is down other than just being a tech stock?


NVDA - 17.4% MGNI - 19.7% KTOS - 25.9% AAPL - 15.9% PLTR - 15.5% IWM - 5.6%  I’m newer to this and been lurking for a bit. As I post this with the tech sell off I am down 3.5% today so far. I know I’m not diversified enough however I do believe in these. Debating injecting (opposed to moving) into VONG or SPYG or another growth ETF and maybe one more shifted from tech/defense. Kinda don’t know where to go from here…admittedly. NVDA - I believe it is on sale as far as a 12 month plus investment goes. MGNI - supply side advertising for CTV and OTT is growing and not going away. Magnite is a one stop integrated shop. Lower volume / volatility. Watching on a quarterly basis KTOS - smaller defense UAS supplier. Feel pretty strongly that these guys are undervalued in the short/mid term AAPL - well…apple.  PLTR - the uncertainty around AI is foolish. PLTR is tip of the spear in two aspects 1) using a nimble/agile approach to defense contracts and 2) they are close to monetization in AI IWM - hedging tech belief with this ETF

The reason why Google is down is because the CEO sandbagged the question about AI monetization. If you were listening to earnings, the answer to that question started the slide down. They are spending billions on AI with no clear way to substantially monetize it. They also have the attitude that it's better to overspend than underspend. It's becoming more and more clear that everyone has the same mindset and that in a couple years, there will be way too much AI chatbots and the like. The markets are starting to price this in now. I foresaw all of this, shorted PLTR heavily yesterday expecting AI stuff to crash today, and covered as soon as the crash started to happen and peanuts relative to what I should have made if I followed my own plan. I feel like a jackass.


PLTR nice dippy tippy


Down $2000 on the day DAME AAPL 100 🪑 @ 215 NVDA 75 🪑 NVDA 3 short put spreads 120/110 9/20 expy PLTR 201 🪑 22.83 STWD 1178 🪑 19.08

PLTR’s P/E is 231 now. Is it a good time to buy?


Down $2000 on the day AAPL 100 🪑 @ 215 NVDA 75 🪑 NVDA 3 short put spreads 120/110 9/20 expy PLTR 201 🪑 22.83 STWD 1178 🪑 19.08

If P/E meant anything CMG, PLTR, CRWD, wouldn't trade at like 200x.

Why did Elmo crash his own company. He’s starting to sound like the PLTR ceo


My brothers… can we for the love of god get PLTR to $30 today?! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)


It's mental to me that people are still able to come out of the woodwork every time palantir is mentioned and say they bought at 35. Data shows that over 90% of any share ever purchased is in the green now, and it blows my mind that people that looked at that stock in 2021 and liked it were not willing to buy it at 7 in 2022/early 2023. I had thousands of shares in the 20 range in 2021 and sold calls and those allllll the way down, but bought thousands and thousands more shares in the single digits and I'm up +200k right now. Why the fuck would someone want PLTR at 35 but not at 10? It's fucking mindblowing how stupid these people are.


Why is PLTR being pushed hard on X.


PLTR has been absolutely crushing it for like months now. How'd you lose on shares with them?


Any bets on PLTR? JD Vance is a bitch.


PLTR chart seems strong


How did you find 3x PLTR? What is the symbol?


It’s my understanding that PLTR is heavily involved in government so maybe that’s why you aren’t familiar. . anything Peter Thiel is a no brainer. Palantir Gotham is an intelligence and defense tool used by militaries and counter-terrorism analysts. Its customers included the United States Intelligence Community and United States Department of Defense. Their software as a service is one of five offerings authorized for Mission Critical National Security Systems by the U.S. Department of Defense. Palantir Foundry is used for data integration and analysis by corporate clients such as Morgan Stanley, Merck KGaA, Airbus, Wejo, Lilium, PG&E and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.


Yeah that confused me too. Although I see that this transaction is apparently a wash sale? If that's the case, he probably sold PLTR shares prior to this at a loss, then bought back in at around $20 before or after 30 days.


I must be regarded - is this from 2020 or something? you have a 20$ base on 25000 shares and PLTR is at 28. What am i missing? I can understand getting destroyed in CRWD recently, but PLTR? On the positive side, you will not be paying any capital gains tax for a while.


What’s the thought on PLTR currently, does it have future potential?


PLTR? I hardly know her!


Anyone still in PLTR here?


PLTR is pretty much within spitting distance of its 52W high. How?


I disagree. SNOW has had hacking issues and not just once. They need to prove themselves. PLTR is no comparison


Why is PLTR dropping????


Just applied to $PLTR and $PANW Wish me luck kings 💅


Microprocessors are down. INTC AMD ARM and PLTR is hot!!!

Contrarian AI position: 10% PLTR, 90% small cap index


$PLTR calls at all time high lfg


So PLTR puts?


Thick resistence at 29 for PLTR ay


PLTR wants to pass $30 so bad


Calls on AVGO, AMZN and PLTR for this Friday

Aww PLTR thinks he's people


PLTR needs to cross 30


AMZN 192c and PLTR 30c for this friday


PLTR finally above 30 would be nice.


# First Market Hour Puts Under My Radar | 23 Jul 2024 SMCI $700.0 (3.50) 0.50% 07-26 PLTR $27.5 (0.16) 0.58% 07-26 NVDA $119.0 (0.67) 0.56% 07-26 FCX $42.5 (0.29) 0.68% 07-26 UPS $124.0 (0.61) 0.49% 07-26 Context: I sell weekly options (cash-secured puts and covered calls) to earn premium on companies I believe in and understand. Objective: average results over an above-average period of time - no quick-money schemes or shiny objects, just boring and profitable. Not financial advice - just sharing my watchlist for the first market hour.

Pick stocks you understand and want to own. With $10k id probably choose 2. I personally like and currently sell options on HOOD HIMS PLTR RIVN DKNG

I wouldn't bother my dude. The IV on the July 26 options is very high right now and climbing. Could easily be at 150% by tomorrow if you haven't bought already. If you did already buy, up to you but I'd consider selling those puts away and then either using TSLT or TSL to go leveraged long or short, whichever you so choose. That gives you a multiplier without having to worry about dreaded IV crush...the very thing thats driving me to recommend you think about not buying those short dated options. I assume you're familiar with IV crush but in case you are is the deflation of value in BOTH calls and puts after earnings come out because the spike in volume and demand for those options is dropping like a fly. This makes even directionally correct option plays an uphill climb to be profitable. You could also consider SELLING calls on TSLA if you feel the stock will go down...then that IV crush goes to work FOR you versus against you. i.e. PLTR last quarter...i sold 10% or so OTM puts on it right before earnings. I was wrong....stock went down, almost to my strike price. I STILL made money because IV was insane at like 160% or more when i sold them. Up to you of course how you do things, just food for thought. Best of luck out there!

My legs are chaffing from the wet excrement and urine saturating my pant leg PLTR


Peter Thiel has been inside JD Vance and no one will convince me otherwise. Anyway, calls on PLTR


im surprised PLTR isn't up AH, but it's been on a massive run lately which I ended when I bought back in on Friday AH 🤣 I bought some at .80 but have limit orders from .69-.77


Yea that’s how that goes but u already know once people hear PLTR is partnered with LIFW that’s where their moneys gonna go. Plus it’s close to all time lows I picked up 2500 shares for .8$ so we’ll see how this goes


im surprised PLTR isn't up AH, but it's been on a massive run lately which I ended when I bought back in on Friday AH 🤣


Told ya all to play PLTR calls. Was down 1.6%. 📈


PLTR 0DTE sounds made up


PLTR options has aids


PLTR going Green today. If I played 0dte calls. , which I don't. I'd play PLTR


I like PLTR. But no article from the Motley Fool deserves to be here.


I could use AAPL 240 NVDA 140 PLTR 40 I’d be a very happy camper

Not bad until a huge swing in price. Do it if you don’t mind bag holding PLTR.


PLTR to $30+ tomorrow finally !! 😎 I would make a bet, but I’m too emotional.




Moderately bullish for most stocks, bearish for the alt-right complex: DJT, TSLA, PLTR, etc as Trumpy is no longer guaranteed a win.

I have a smaller account (19k) but I have been selling options for over 2 years now. Here’s my strategy that has helped me over the last 2 years. 200 and 50 SMMA for critical supports and to define bullish or bearish outlooks Fibonacci Retracements for key price levels Selling calls and puts around key round price levels, an example is PLTR, where a key price level is 30, I then sold a call for Aug 9 expiration at 31 and 32 strikes. Then for confirmation I like using the maximum pain from open interest and sell around those strikes.[Maximum Pain Link I Use]( Hope this helps!


If you wanna see a big brain move check my last post and look at my PLTR strangle which I held for a month all the way up til expiration and let it get exercised  Now I’m sitting on 1k shares @25 exactly before it as even jumped over 30 this is my single largest stock holding and I fully expect it to double over the next couple years 


>With PLTR I'm doing calls for Aug 2/Aug 9 at both the 30 and 32 strikes. You'd write cals then instead of calls, got confused that makes more sense


With PLTR I'm doing calls for Aug 2/Aug 9 at both the 30 and 32 strikes. Aug 9th is the earnings week and so my thinking was that both short legs would expire out of the money and I would likely see a rise in the stock price and in Vol the week of earnings, which would accrue to my benefit. And so far this is working out as both positions are ahead. But I'm real curious to see how this goes during earnings week just because there's so much hype around PLTR right now. With PLTR I'm also looking at playing the Vol drop from Aug 9 to Aug 16, though I haven't decided what my strikes will be. I have another trade, on SHOP, that's working really well at the moment. This one uses puts for Aug 2/Aug 9 on the 60 strike. The trade was purely directional. I just kind of looked at where SHOP was trading (above 68) and figured it was more likely to ease downwards over the next few weeks, which is what it's doing. But I didn't think it would crash. I just thought it was trading a little bit high. And right now the trade is working really well with the underlying sort of settling in at 63-64. I have a few others on as well. These are small trades for the most part and I'm looking at them as essentially experimental. I'd like to get better at this strategy though, which is why I appreciate posts like yours.


On the 1 year performance. If your portfolio was 15% PLTR and 85% SPY




mea culpa. i worked mainly with Russell & MSCI, which are the main index providers in the institutional capital world. I knew S&P was alwasy more idiosyncratic, but didn't realize they made so many individual changes throughout the year...and so strict about keeping the SP500 at exactly 500 names. So, yeah, maybe PLTR gets the nod...


I got these when PLTR was under 20 vaporware lol k bud


Lost most of my PLTR, RUN and SLG shares as they were called away. Too bad about SLG... bought that in the depths of Covid. Think I was getting almost 10% divvy.


I’ve been shoveling concrete and asphalt putting every dollar into PLTR $40 leaps


Michael Burry drinking a ghost pepper choccy milk at the bus stop yelling PLTR PLTR PLTR IS BAD JUJU Not financial advice


Sold PLTR at $25 and wanna kms


I always sell the week of earning's and buy the following week. I forgot the post but there's extensive math on why this works more effectively for earning's than buying a longer time frame. If am buying longer time frames I'd rather buy LEAPs. I rather play the event or buy a lot of time. Not ever not play an event or buy medium amount of time. With that said, I did this recently buy with medium amount of time on PLTR. 8/16 - 9/20 $32 strike, spread is up like 70% currently bought back on 6/20 - Looking back the price was $26, expected earning's to push through $30 but this is too much gambling for me. Too far out in time to effectively control the outcome, not far out enough in time to effectively control the outcome. It's worked well this play but not my forte buying few months. I rather trade short time frame using an event to get idea what'll happen or invest long time frame but not few months and try to guess where price will go it's not controlled enough for me.


As a PLTR perma bull....too risky


PLTR is not bricking customer devices the last time I've checked.


They rebalance each quarter, SMCI was included back in Feb. over PLTR, no need to use your crystal ball and try to tell me what'll happen. When rebalancing comes, PLTR will see a catalyst and price will uptick LIKE IT'S DONE EVERY REBALANCING SINCE THE HYPE FOR INCLUSION BEGAN MONTHS AND MONTHS AGO.

Well, you might want to check your assumptions because the S&P500 only reconstitutes once per year (in June). They ***rebalance*** within existing constituents quarterly. And, yeah, the banks publish lists of stocks most likely to be included / dropped, but those aren't definitive and S&P has always been more cagey than Russell about which names make the cut, or are being cut. But I don't think PLTR will be added in September.


So that week in June the price was $21 and ran to $26 by the Friday when inclusion details released, revealing PLTR was not included and price tanked again. Ppl absolutely do not have heads up on what's being included, there's no widely expected pricing readily available. Hence, why that DD was so solid and what you're saying irrelevant. It'll happen again first week of Sept., the price will run on expectations which won't be released until the Friday of the first week of Sept.


PLTR calls if you want to see some green today


Lol still a lot cheaper than PLTR at 65bil valuation.


PLTR to 30. Cmon bulls lets cum green.


wtf is this PLTR 29.6 ceiling?


PLTR about to bust past 30 like my wifes boyfriend busts inside
