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Raytheon Technologies Corp

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122.22% Today

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CES 2024: AI field still have a large potential

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RTX 🚀🚀🚀

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LMT call options epic fail

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RTX Play

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Does it counts as treason to hold RTX shares as a Persian?

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Does it counts as treason to hold RTX shares as a Persian?

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Why is Raytheon (RTX) down 19% on the year when geopolitical tensions are the highest they’ve been in years?

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Chinese have a workaround for the US government's newly imposed export rules — modified NVIDIA RTX 4090 cards serve as great AI accelerators

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NVDA Blows Away Expectations, Offers Strong Outlook… Will it Be Enough?

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RTX Calls

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Nvidia Call and Outlook Notes

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RTX successes keep coming.

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Can RTX Squeeze?

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Why aren't defense stocks really taking off?

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How To Profit From War

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How To Profit From War

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Gaza invasion started

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Buy RTX Corporation $RTX

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RTX up 5.5% Should I sell

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Most Important Stock Market Earnings from Today - (10/24/2023)

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RTX buyback…

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Is Nvidia the future?

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RTX corp, will the increased military sales offset the PW1100G-JM engine issues?

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Why aren’t Lockheed and RTX up today?

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It's now illegal to sell 4090s to China

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RTX Stock Worth Buying?

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Placing bets in the stock market on the start of a multi-front proxy war in the Middle East.

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War Plays

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Calls on RTX

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Why would you not buy RTX right now?

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$37K+ RTX May 2024 80c yolo

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Thoughts on defense stocks I bought today

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Stocks buying advice/discussion

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$NOC $LMT $RTX gonna making a KILLING

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About the Israeli-Palestinian War

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Defense Stocks now - Lockheed, RTX?!

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Publically traded US and UK defense companies with operations in Israel

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Cheap Yolos for the Small Positions

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Lost half portfolio and I now understand the market.

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Thoughts on RTX?

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RTX - lost 10k today

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4 in a row! 💰💰💵💵

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Aerovironment $AVAV up 20% after monstrous revenue growth

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IVR, the long play you have been waiting for. Jean short and corvette money.

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IVR is the long play you have been waiting for. (jean shorts and corvettes play)

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NVIDIA to the Moon - Why This Stock is Set for Explosive Growth

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Best and Odd stocks to consider in case US goes to war in next 5 years

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Jim Cramer sent me into bankruptcy.

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$RTX - the only DD you need

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Should I join the RTX lawsuit

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u/poppy_harlo92 RTX post is real

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Tomahawk missile directly into my anus - $RTX

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My final YOLO to make back everything I lost (RTX)

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RTX Losses so far. Im told yall like this shit

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RTX is heavily undervalued. Buy the dip

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350% Account Gain 2 Weeks -> shill me your worst stonks to buy for growth

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RTX leaps (but I’m not the RTX double down syndrome dude)

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Are there any oversold stocks worth looking at?

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That damn RTX winner

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The Bear Case for Northrop Grumman ($NOC)

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RTX Technical Analysis

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Excellent Opportunity in RTX.

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I win more than I lose by cashing out early. Scalped 10k in profits

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I said I wanted to stop gambling. I can’t stop. 60k RTX YOLO

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Thoughts on $RTX CALLS/SHARES?

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Susquehanna analyst Charles P. Minervino reiterated a Positive rating on RTX Corporation (NYSE:RTX), price target to $110.

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FDs on RTX… LFG🚀🚀🚀

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I made nearly 100k in 2 days. Please help me stop gambling

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Over 40k in gains in 2 hours in RTX: GOD BLESS AMERICA

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I’ve doubled down on RTX calls, making this an over 100k yolo

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Me with my RTX gains

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Maybe made the luckiest buy of my life. 30k in a day ($RTX)

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Hundreds of RTX-made jet engines recalled over metal contamination – sending stock tumbling

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Guys RTX is way oversold I am all in calls at the bottom. (Not selling yet)

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Loss porn

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RTX YOLO earnings

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Insane risky RTX play

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RTX pattern again

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Bought calls at open spy


NKE seems like a decent gamble for a couple years. RTX is at an ATH but has been killing it. CRWD isn't going anywhere , BA another gamble but maybe if they go back down to 170s. GOOG just got a nice haircut. F same thing, GM another one that should bounce back given time. There's a good amount. personally if you don't see anything maybe hold a couple weeks and see what happens with Earnings.

I’ve been aggressively accumulating RTX for about a year. Even after yesterday’s earnings pop I think it’s a good play as it appears to be on a breakout. Just before earnings I was telling a buddy it was priced like Europe still spends less than 0.5% of gdp on defense.


RTX beat earnings and increased guidance significantly. Was up 9% yesterday


yes, there is a higher chance she has gamingin rig with an RTX 4090. That means you can play cyber punk at high settings with RTX enabled.


Imagine your tax money going towards killing civilians and the guy that's ordering the killing is laughing at you in Congress alongside people you didn't vote for. $RTX to da moon


Quick question for ya they won't let me post, but this seemed like and appropriate forum. I opened a RTX calendar spread last week, not realizing Earnings was upon us. I Sold a contract strike 108 Expires tomorrow, Bought a 107 strike Expiring Next week. I'm kicking myself because I had plenty of chances to buy out of it under $100, but I really didn't know about earnings,until the alert pooped up on my phone. I read lines and could see it was going to kiss 108 and drop back. Well earnings happened I tried like hell to buy out at 2 and 300 but couldn't get through. My question for you is, what are the chances who's ever on the other end of this option doesn't Excercise and I walk away clean to sell next week. I understand the risk of having them excercise and then it drops below $107, and I'll most likely buyout in the morning, but curious on some one elses take.


Volume and open interest looks super low. Premiums are higher than what I got into RTX for.




Long AIRI . Earnings soon. $AIRI LMT and RTX good earnings should tell you something about AIRI


Can any of you regards tell me why RTX is pumping today


113 8/16 call. I had a 111 and 114 8/16 call on RTX. Made about 400%


LMT & GE smashed earnings and rose in price. RTX calls were undervalued, they’re another defense contractor. Fear of global conflicts and the current proxy wars make these companies extremely profitable, investors love war.


How did you know RTX gonna skyrocket?


LMT RTX NOC 🇺🇸🦅 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


RTX and ITA are godsends


AMD is trash. their products dont hold up. they are second rate graphics processors. Their CPUs are actually great, but they arent great competitors for market share in CPU's. GPUs are their big money, and they are WAAAAAY behind in technology. Anyone buying AMD was just riding some euphoria around AI which AMD doesnt have hope of being competition any time soon. Otherwise the only reason people buy AMDs is because they cant afford a good RTX card


Aerospace is the play right now. NOC, LMT and RTX had earning beats. GD missed and still is up over 5 days. Expecting a beat from BAH, and if not, gov contracting is stupid stable.

RTX launches a rocket 🚀 in stock chart


RTX up 34% YTD. Many slept on that one


Nobody cared when I commented about RTX yesterday, easiest 5 bagger of my career.


MMM is free money tomorrow like RTX


Man my RTX and ABBV putting my port on their backs doing what they can to mitigate this tech meltdown.


Defense is pumping..Are we preparing for war ? $BA, $LMT, $NOC, $RTX, $GD they are all up and climbing Let the freedom ring ..I guess

RTX is saving me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


RTX confirmed that world war 3 is happening


The fact the RTX is bigly up makes me think that the powers that be know something


RTX had earnings I guess? nice.


Gonna fomo into RTX 110c at open. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)


RTX 🇺🇸🦅


> RTX delivers solid operational performance and 8% sales growth; Increases 2024 outlook for adjusted sales and adjusted EPS, revises free cash flow




Let me check my RTX .... up 4 percent this month. I do not advise buying unless bad news hits. Then buy the dip. Been holding since 78


Nobody is talking about RTX 😪


that shit gona die, like RTX much more


RTX gonna pump my calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


IBM lottos ? VKTX lottos? CMG lottos? KLAC lottos? $RTX lottos ?

What do y’all think about RTX?


RTX is fine. Even creeping up a bit. The Illuminsti will never short the military complex protecting them

Mentions:#RTX what are you doing RTX, last few days they have had huge drops


War is so hot rn, so I also went for $RTX You think $GD will also pull along?


Oh buddy. I'm curious what your basis is? It's flat out wrong. Current projections show that while US gdp may marginally increase we will continue to decrease defense relative to gdp for the foreseeable future as it's the easiest thing to cut to service the US debt...I was too nice to look for unbiased article you clearly didn't read. Furthermore, look at LM f35 program. That thing is a dumpster fire right now, projecting hitting 75% of their full rate production with 100 sitting on the flight line in FTW. They can't figure out their tech refresh. LM, NOC, RTX, are all losing primes. Anduril and Aeroviroment are swooping in, with other smaller companies. Shit, look at SpaceX compared to LM and Boeing. If you didn't take the time to read the article I'm not wasting more time to cite stuff your not interested in learning. Don't let how you feel things are going get in the way of how things are actually going.


So full send for call into anything not tech got it, RTX it is


RTX when some evil person inevitably does something evil. anti-Semitism and the Olympics have never been a very good pair


"are you happy to see me or that's the new RTX 5090 in your pocket?"


I love RTX


I own RTX and, lately, sell puts when it’s below $100 and calls when it’s over 105. But it’s been inside that band for most of the past quarter. I may just sit out the next week and then play post-earnings, whichever way she swings. Got any better ideas?


Pleaaasseee $RTX I need $105+ today


Sure, robotics market is forecasted CAGR 15% from 2024 to 2032. I like $HON for manufacturing and aerospace, $RTX and $PLTR for killer robots because that will be the future of war. Also $ISRG for robotics in heathcare. Also I view this as long term invest over the next decade. I do DCA

at least I have BA and RTX I guess.


My 3060ti is all I need. I can even make it have a personality now through RTX chat.


RTX moving today. Awesome... Except it means there's probably a new conflict coming...


I will admit I don't know the exact dealings in the US costs of shares, but is there not a brokerage fee even for buying and selling the shares? It's only my opinion as a keyboard warrior, most funds only hold smaller holdings across e.g. 10 stocks of 1% each due to pressure to look diversified. The majority of funds cannot beat alpha over time. Unless you have a perfect negative correlation, when the world ends every few years the majority of stocks fall in line with the market or worse and the whole portfolio takes a hit. Granted not all fall at the same level. Most major Exchanges rely on the top 9 stocks to push growth. Your sub 4% stocks add up to 14% in total so not a small proportion when netted together. But for example, of your independent stocks (Starbucks, Amazon, Costco, Lululemon and Intel) are already in your QQQM ETF and Kroger would be correlated to Amazon. XAR ETF looks interesting and I am in a few defense stocks stuff myself but would also expose your major holding in RTX as both defense related. Not criticising just being curious and its great to see something different then the penny stocks and general shite on other threads as this does look well taught out. There are a million ways to skin a cat and if it works, thats all that matters. My only thing is that you are not as diversified as you think except for the K-Pop one which is a super interesting find!!


No one in the US will be able to afford a house but everyone will have a 4090 RTX


Last year around this time, RTX calls ruined my life forever


Wonder if it’ll continue into tomorrow. I’m buying calls in RTX anyway


A sleeper this year, but I have made a ton of money on RTX ever since the wars started


If trump wins I suspect war stocks to go up, LMT, RTX, Northrop, etc. If Biden wins, I suspect Mag 7 to go up, Amazon, Google, apple, etc.


Time to YOLO into space options? Space force should be well funded under DJT2 GSAT, RTX, RKLB, ASTS?

I start my job @ RTX on the 5th.... I'm running out of time to get rich. 😭


What's the big 5? LMT NOC GD LHX RTX?

RTX. Good firm but slow growth.


Instructions unclear, bought RTX calls


So annoying... Quit my job. Boom. Profit consistency up bigly. Accepted an offer @ RTX. Was supposed to start this month, but pushed it back to next. Also now getting 80% disability soon to be 100%. And i could tap my GI Bill and just go to UofM full time for more $. Also applied for a Minnesota Cannabis Mezzobussines license cause i qualify as social equity, cause vet. Got a partner with 2 profitable retail locations and infrastructure to do a 5000sq/ft canopy to start. Just need the license now and it's 0 to 100. I REALLY don't want or need to do a regular job anymore, even without the Cannabis thing. # I NEED TO FINISH BREAKING THE PROGRAMMING!


Bought a couple of lotto RTX calls right before market close, let’s see what happens.


Oo I bought RTX at it's 52 week low as well ;\] still sitting on 100 shares of it hehe


NVDA RTX 5090 rumors starting up. just in time for everyone to lose their NVDA monies LOL


It’s a gamble, I bought RTX at its 52 week low of 70 and it’s around 100 now, but I also bought SNOW at its low at 170 at the time then it cratered even more to 126.


Mmmmm…. Hickory smoked RTX


Fear mongering on CNBC - defense companies got shills out here saying that if Russia defeats Ukraine, the rest of Europe is next, and we will have to put boots on the ground. Really? Weren't their tanks literally breaking down and running out of gas? Calls on RTX


RTX calls losing. Might sell😞


One bad quarter and they will get decimated. Also keep in mind there are 8 billion people on earth. For a company to be worth $3 trillion you need to make a product basically that every human on earth will buy. I dont see the entire earths population buying RTX 4090s anytime soon.


In the last decade United Technologies Corp, an aerospace defense contractor that also owned Carrier the refrigeration company, Otis the elevator company, another company that did helicopters and another company that did fire systems. Raytheon was a defense contractor. UTX and Raytheon merged and then part of a year later spun off Otis and Carrier into separate stocks while the core defense contractor business stayed as Raytheon Technologies Corp and I think they sold the other smaller businesses like the fire systems and tire companies. I owned shares of UTX and ended up with shares of RTX, Otis, and Carrier. It’s like how when companies merge, one actually buys another. The shareholders receive shares of the buyer at some favorable ratio or they get bought out at a higher than market price. Same sort of thing with spinning off. It’s sort of like an IPO, except as an established business you know what you’re getting for the most part, way less uncertainty than a startup company so the price is a lot less crazy. Heinz and Kraft are another example of mergers and spin-offs.


Nvidia's RTX featureset is full of AI capabilities, man. Copilot just launched and it'll improve over time. The rest is dev-side for the time being but it's going to grow and improve very quickly.


If anything I'm glad I jumped out of Intel very early at the time and threw it into Nvidia thinking for their RTX probably going to turn into a full AI hardware run, which it did :), jumped at 140. However still holding for AMD which has been somewhat stable around the same value I jumped in, no gains no losses, for some time now :(, lost all interest in Intel while I play with both speculation and real performance (as in future plans and current success), Intel seems to lack both heavily for quite some time at least for investing. I wish you all good luck and that I'm mistaken, I might not win or lose, but I'd be happy to see that there is still more potential for me to learn.


That's due to the Jensen's "RTX On!" style magic. He convinces people to pay more for less... and then they praise him for it! It's similar to how Apple gets praised for building M3 MacBooks that are obsolete a year later with 8GB ram and then they go buy another!


Jensen just announced the next RTX cards will be edible! [\_anyone\_know\_what\_software\_was\_used\_to\_make/](


More RTX Call expiring 07/26


Thanks everyone, it was RTX this morning jumped up on a 104c to 1.08 to 1.10 for 5 mins and then plummeted


RTX STONKS 4802 ti pr0n ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Turns out, it’s just an RTX 4090 hammered directly into your skull.

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They are subject to political pressures from European governments, especially with 1/4 of their shares owned directly by European countries. I prefer RTX (aka Raytheon). Through Pratt & Whitney, half of their business is civilian aerospace, while the other half is defense. This gives me exposure to expanding demand for commercial air travel, and a steadily increasing demand for defense systems.


American putting my 2 cents here. I like to think of $RYCEY as the UK’s $RTX/ $BA(without the complications)/ something else I can’t think at this time, but important nonetheless. Also, had I pulled the trigger at lows in 22’ I wouldn’t be writing this comment. Hope this helps.

Hopefully both of them, RTX, LMT options expiring tomorrow uwu


Is a fools error to believe the world is rules by reason. Right now Russia is invading Ukraine of all countries. Israel and Saudi Arabia are extremely close to finishing an alliance And you're wrong LMT,GD and RTX will jump the second the chinese set foot în Taiwan


RTX calls no cap

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The hell is wrong with RTX? Did the world get peaceful all of the sudden?

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RTX or Lockheed Martin? I wanna diversify into a defense contractor but I'm having a hard time choosing between these 2. Any ideas y'all?


So we mooning because Elon ordered 12 RTX 4090 for the gaming PCs for each of his kids except his transgender daughter, she got a brand new Rivian instead. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

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GOOG - Insane income, acceptable growth. Rich as fuck. YouTube, Search, Waymo, AI, Maps, Android, blah blah blah. RTX - Defense / Industrial. Missiles, drones, anti drone shit, radars, jet engines, Javelin, etc. Very diversified, slow, stable, and wars and conflict seem to be as busy as ever. TSM - Chip leaders. I’d consider Nvidia if it fell again but TSM has so much upside and is such a great company it’s hard to not be happy with them. I skipped Amazon but these are 3 of my largest holdings and have been since selling off Apple throughout the last year. I’m mostly just adding to VTI and small caps at these levels

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I own both. Both are good companies, but Lockheed has lagged a bit lately. I'm biased because I got RTX when it was tanking on the Pratt & Whitney issues so I have a 77 cost basis. At current prices, I'm not buying either, but Lockheed is closer to my buy price.


Ive been meaning to enter a position with a defense contractor. Really can't choose between RTX , Lockheed, GD Heart leans LMT. Thoughts?


boomers be like "RTX? isnt that an nvidia graphics card? better drop that one with the algo too!"


Buying more RTX calls 110c 07/26
