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Any predictions on SPY by 2/9?

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Soo , Russell .. what’s up man ? 🫨

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12 Stocks to Hold in 2024 to Beat QQQ, SPY and SMH (or SOXX)

r/StockMarketSee Post

I found the catalyst for the 2024 crash

r/optionsSee Post

Delta hedge strategy for SPY CSP

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

FOMC Week… 1-26-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, DXY/ US Dollar and Cl/ Oil Futures Weekly Market Analysis

r/StockMarketSee Post

[Discussion] How will AI and Large Language Models affect retail trading and investing?

r/StockMarketSee Post

[Discussion] How will AI and Large Language Models Impact Trading and Investing?

r/optionsSee Post

Made 15k this week scalping 0DTE SPY options. 3k > 22.5k in the past two weeks.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Am I doing it right?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Should I put $40 in a SPY put??? Looking at that expires at the 6th of February???

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SPY $340 by March 2025? This a signal?

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r/investingSee Post

Is it ok to never have bonds if you start investing early?

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Managed account vs. Indexing

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SPY -> 500 end of month

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Make your own TSLA-free S&P!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thoughts? (SPY call)

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

PCE Tomorrow… 1-25-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

PCE Tomorrow… 1-25-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

PCE Tomorrow… 1-25-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Before I found you guys I just had a bunch of SPY for years, but with your help I've diversified my portfolio.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Wanted to post my gains scalping SPY 0DTEs before I lost my ban bet

r/investingSee Post

The market is efficiently priced

r/optionsSee Post

I learn options are fairly priced

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FLEX Options for tax-efficient hedging

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

First time trying SPY 0DTE

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

VIX is spiking every 2 weeks like clockwork right now. Will it continue or will tech earnings break the cycle?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I'm the $2k to $50k Options Account Challenge Guy and I Have Some Gains to Share From My Larger Account

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Today was rough :/

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I should have sold earlier when I was up 100%

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SPX / SPY Credit Spreads

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Beware of Money Managers who Talk Like This

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US GDP data dump tomorrow at 8:30 AM eastern

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

US GDP data release on January 25 8:30 AM eastern

r/stocksSee Post

Investing in usd stocks/taxation canada

r/optionsSee Post

Intraday Traders, Which DTE Do you Prefer?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Why stress about market movement everyday? Just go long guts with SPY options

r/WallstreetbetsnewSee Post

Retrace Inbound? 1-24-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis (Tesla Earnings)

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Retrace Inbound? 1-24-24 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ/ NQ Futures, 10YR Yield, and DXY/ US Dollar Daily Market Analysis (Tesla Earnings)

r/StockMarketSee Post

Why am I bullish on SFY instead of SPY?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Anyone buy 0DE Spy Puts to hedge their weekly NVDA calls?

r/optionsSee Post

Immediately profitable calls- am I missing something?

r/optionsSee Post

I'm 100% certain that if I buy SPY calls expiring 02/15/23, the market will reverse direction.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Am I doing options right?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Some SPY gains

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Trading SPY + QQQ off /ES and /NQ chart anybody else do this?

r/investingSee Post

Question about ETFs: What happens if the provider goes under as a business?

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Mobile options trading EU

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In Need Of Some Advice

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This Might Interest $SPY Bulls

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Legitimately asking

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 2 +$519.03 Net Realized)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Me checking my 0DTE SPY options

r/stocksSee Post

Best stocks for long-term growth?

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Rosenblatt analyst Hans Mosesmann reiterates Intel (NASDAQ:) with a Sell and maintains $17 price target

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On the topics of imposter syndrome, trading groups and online/remote support

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 1 +$250 Unrealized)

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$2K to $50K in 90 Days - Options Trading Challenge (Day 1 +$250 Unrealized)

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Am i lucky?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Fed rate decision Jan 31

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SPY 0DTEs have treated me well the past few days 📈 despite some 📄 ✋ sells...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Bought 555 SPY calls 4/19 - 83 cobtracts couple weeks back. Down 53% mere ($750) WSB do ur thing!!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

10K SPY PUT YOLO | 480 P 1/31/2024 Expiration | 54 Contracts @ 1.98 Each

r/optionsSee Post

Options Volume

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What are some good SPY options?

r/investingSee Post

Should I invest half of what I own into SPY?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Alien Technology is about to be unveiled

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

CALLS or PUTS tomorrow??

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Where to Open Account?

r/stocksSee Post

This Isn’t Your Father’s S&P 500. Don’t Worry About Valuations.

r/optionsSee Post

Don’t trade against the market

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

4,000 -> $17000

r/StockMarketSee Post


r/optionsSee Post


r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$527 to $73k in 2.5 months. The journey to $100k and beyond

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

This is the price action for SPY today.....Crazy pump...But I could never tell what is shortsqueeze or not. Can someone tell me.

r/stocksSee Post

SPY will go back to 410.80...

r/stocksSee Post

Why are people buying SPY at 480 and not 417?

r/investingSee Post

Should I Get out of Mainstay Fund?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I'm going to get downvoted by you regards

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Equities don’t care about rate cuts anymore

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

What happens to options expired ITM AH but not enough cash in margin account?

r/optionsSee Post

Good idea buy Feb 2nd SPY calls with a strike of $485?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

AI boom

r/optionsSee Post

Options expired ITM but not enough cash in margin account

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

SPY ATH and no gain p0rn? Bears in disguise!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

The Tale of the Options Scalper

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Thank You $AMD (and some $SPY) - $4k > $25k in 1 Week

r/stocksSee Post

$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account

r/smallstreetbetsSee Post

$SPY 50 bucks to $325

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

So either the market continues higher SPY and NVDA go crazy green next week..or we looking at a blood bath?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

How does Schwab risk management know when to call me?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

NVDA, The Gift That Keeps On Giving

r/optionsSee Post

Big Win Scenerio (Thought Exercise)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

$7,312 gain in 16 minutes on 3DTE SPY calls


Actual advice: - Number one is identifying your own bad habits and cognitive biases. Mastering emotions like fear and greed, hope and pessimism to view things clearly. This takes a lot of inner work. Other stuff I’ve found useful: - Set a stop loss at 20% for whatever option you bought. If you get stopped out, go home for the day. If your account is $1,000 and you put 20% ($200) of capital in play, your risk is $40. That’s recoverable. - Set a target to lock in gains. Move your stop up as you keep winning. Don’t chase if you get stopped out, thinking you can buy back in. Just take your win. - Best intraday indicator for trading SPY is watching the vol ETFs (UVXY, SVXY). Compare the price action in those to the price action in SPY. You’ll notice patterns in the behavior. What you want to look for is if vol is holding a firm level even as SPY is rising — this means a surprise is probably lurking. If SPY is declining (like on a midday dip) and vol isn’t really spiking or breaking new highs, it’s more likely a buyable dip. - I prefer OTM options with two week’s duration. Anything shorter gives me a heart attack. They’ll retain enough value if spot price moves against you that you can at least roll into something else. - Options around 20-delta will have the most explosive potential. This is because *speed* (the second derivative of delta) tends to peak around this level. - Know the market trend. Right now the market is not strong. Even up days are marked by weak closes. It might be better to trade after FOMC.

So, it doesn't really matter what OP is buying as the vix denotes the volatility of the entire market and its components. The rapid surge in volatility is due to rapid unpredictable price movements. As such, it's possible to see a volatility spike on a rapid sudden drop in sp500. The reason the volatility drops is because a trend has been established... so sharp crash and then steady downtrend would also see ... a sharp spike in volatility followed by a steady decline in volatility. It's just that the inherent nature of the sp500 and its annualised return of 10.2% (i.e., perpetual bull market) leads many to come to the erroneous conclusion that low volatility and a bull trend are co-related as an absolute truth. When in truth, it's actually low volatility is related to any stable trend (could be up or down).you can probably see it in the 2008/2009 charts. That being said, if you're investing into SPY, it would be better to dca into your position to average out the effect of volatility.


Congrats! Smart move. You won the options lottery ticket and you can just sail. I’d diversify 70% SPY, 20% small caps, 5% gold, 5% bitcoin


Risking 200-400 for 20-50 profit? are you setting stop losses so you don't actually risk anywhere near that amount? I have way less experience but have found more success daytrading SPY 0dte options for 20-40 per con (SL set so only really risking half that as well) This was my first week live trading, 60% wr ended today @$144P&L. Same kind of strategy though, but maybe look into cheaper contracts or better setups that allow you to +50-100% that 200/400 risk


Do you realize SPY and VOO are identical and VTI is 80% the same as them? If you want to ‘diversify’ you should drop SPY and VOO and buy VTI. You can further diversify by adding VXUS for international. If you want to just go with US large cap and not the small/mid caps VTI adds then just pick one of them, there is no reason to have both as they both track the S&P 500.

can you imagine paying $200 to have someone tell you to invest in SPY and hold forever and then also being told you’ll get higher than 10% a year by recruiting more people lmfao


Bears need to do more fearmongering so people sell off and I can spam more SPY calls.


OGs, the french fuck! feels like they represent american values 10x harder than americans. these lil puss ass bitches cry about everything. the french straight burn that shit down and throw a party on its ashes. america aint worth a fuck; how SPY has any value is beyond me. as always, get rekt! 🫡🖍️


SPY 530, QQQ 450 likely. Either way, I’m sitting on LEAPS bought this week. Gunna double down should they go significantly lower from current levels.


They are all the same, well, except shit like RYSYX. Yes stick with whatever ETF that is. If it's not SPY or VOO, I guess it's IVV or SPLG.

Short the SPY Buy the Russ


Buy Spot & Hold. ETFS I.E. SPY QQQ Play long game


My uncle works for SPY and he says they're going bankrupt over the weekend


You didn't specify a time frame, half a percent a week is a lot, and "moderately" aggressive, but .5% a month is so conservative, just barely doubling inflation - you'd be better in SPY or an ETF. What he means, i think, about being so far OTM and gonna fail is that; lets say you make 100 trades, 99 go great, you get 20 x 99 but one OTM put you sell crashed, dropped 10 bucks a share, you'd be down 1,000 while having made 2000. Is that really worth all the time you put into it? Etc. Cause, eventually, you're only going to be assigned real losers by going so far OTM.


SPY to 560 by next week.


Compound interest/passive income is how you make money easily. If you ride the SPY (VOO or something) and throw 100k into it, the following year it’ll be 110k, then 121k, etc. If you wait 30 years it’s worth $1.7MM.


I was actually looking at some past earning reports % change to find the historical changes when the stock would move the most and at which percentage to place my strike price on. I got lucky with Tesla doing Strangle on the recent run up, hedged it with some puts so sold my puts on the way down. I haven’t really tried Straddle before though, ao basically you have the same strike for both call and put right? From what I’ve noticed so fae though, most insane stock movements on earnings have been around 15-20% up/down. There were some outliers yesterday like DXCM coming down 40% or COUR up 45%. Wouldn’t a strangle at 10/15% both ways work out better for maximising the outcome seeing that earnings play are quite unpredictable so basically maximum $100/$1000 (just to limit exposure to amount that can be lost)? I’m planning to do 0DTE SPY and QQQ scalp for daily then just putting a bit into earnings on companies I think that options are still cheap and expect them to move a lot. Ford was around $0.38 when I bought in.

Hey everyone I’m brand new to investing and was curious which S&P index is best. From what I’ve read for the most part it sounds like they’re are basically the same, but I’ve read some things that say different, which made me feel not as good as I most likely should right now. I currently have the one thru Charles Schwab which is an ETF. Should I stick with that? Or go to SPY, VOO, etc? Thank you in advance any insight is greatly appreciated


SPY EOY target is 731 on tipranks![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


If you still want to trade options, do 0dte SPY calls on only what you are willing to lose in case things go south. Otherwise, holding VZ and ASTS may add up. I also advise buying into CRWD before earnings and selling immediately after since the whole situation has them undervalued and their last quarter was likely strong. Or don’t listen to me, because I sometimes ramble on things I don’t really understand.

If you still want to trade options, do 0dte SPY calls on only what you are willing to lose in case things go south. Otherwise, holding VZ and ASTS may add up. I also advise buying into CRWD before earnings and selling immediately after since the whole situation has them undervalued and their last quarter was likely strong. Or don’t listen to me, because I sometimes ramble on things I don’t really understand.

Wash sales are irrelevant unless carried over to the next tax year. I start shifting gears Nov 1st, phasing out of wash sale positions and into new ones. For example, you have SPY was sales. Stop trading them for 31 days and trade another index such as SPY, DIA, etc. Unless you have Trader Tax Status with mark to market accounting, you can only deduct $3k of losses a year: [Trader Tax Status: How To Qualify | Green Trader Tax]( An expensive CPA isn't going to save you a hunk of money on wash sales. Your broker is going to calculate them and report them to the IRS on Form 8949. If you have doubts about your broker or you want to track your wash sales during the year, spring for $350 or so for the tax reporting software from [](


Let so much money slip through my fingers this week, the NFLX run yesterday and SPY dump today could’ve quadrupled & tripled my portfolio ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


id fuck SPY anytime, anyplace


Unusual options activity- a lot of puts bought for SPY/QQQ/IWM for Monday


I suppose he means the percentage by which SPY price fallen (i.e. the percentage amount that was withdrawn by people). But then the chart should be upside down since negative % drawdown actually means depositing money (it's like saying e.g. I lost -5%, which is a double negative and pedantically it means I gained 5%)


Yeah its a less and less useful indicator. I think if you want to compare to US GDP it should be IWM which is probably 85-90% US sales. IWM seems like it follows the 'main street' economy much more. SPY is the best companies on Earth for the most part, not many are great that aren't listed in US. (a few in Europe/Japan)


Comparing to money supply makes a lot more sense, but its still USD supply vs the whole market. The world is MUCH more global than in 2000 with regards to investing. More western countries investors have a large piece of SPY or similar, so I think that will continue to inflate these ratios. It says what we already know, valuations are high especially in Mag 7 and have little room for error.


I put 10k each on QQQ and SPY \~3months ago, got to about $400 profit on each, and then the pullback happened... I sold for even and made $0 on that in 3 months. This morning I bought 5k in QQQ puts and made 3k in an hour ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I believe there is a falling wedge for SPY in 5 mins chart, so it should be increasing next week. So we should have got it at the bottom already, unless we have bad news in the weekend.


What is support on SPY right now?


How will SPY on Wednesday be with MSFT and AMD's earnings playing into the morning and then Jpow talking at 2pm EST 🤔


I don't know yet if this is the bottom, the signals are close to a bottom, give or take a few days. I would've liked to see the $SPY fill the gap below at $536.9, it came within half a dollar but did not fill the gap. It means one of two things for me, either we fill that gap early next week, or we've already bottomed and we're going to get a rally in the next couple of weeks, followed by another major wave of selling to fill that gap and go even lower. I don't like it when the market leaves business unfinished. Right now I'm leaning toward we've already bottomed and a couple of weeks of rally are about to start next week, followed by another corrective wave down.


Probably blew up another account...back to the SPY 1DTE trenches ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Today, I made the two best trades I’ve made in the last 2 weeks. The hilarious thing about this is I got an oral biopsy at 10:30 AM, and put under with IV sedation. Was still high when I got home at 11:30 AM, but conscious. Then I opened up the trading app at 12 PM, called SPY on its way up and made 30%. Then on the last hour I bought a put and made upwards to 65%. Also accidentally broke the law because I had to sign an agreement at the surgical office not to enter into any contracts 24 hours after sedation. Oops ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Yeah it was a withdraw for an outside investment. I wish I was that cool to say it was one SPY 0dte or something chronically regarded.


Welp, now I know that the PCE data ain't shit in terms of volatility to the market. Just lost 30% of my account expecting a volatile day for SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


On behalf of me and money I would like to thank you for the contribution and I hope you will continue to buy options. Best regards CEO of SPY *


> but drawdown less than if you were in the SPY for example. You don't know that. Those high income funds can also reduce their dividends during a drawdown.


Loving the volatility on SPY lately


Majority of the sub trading SPY/QQQ this week WSB is healing….


Long term go for broad market funds like VTI/VTSAX/SPY. If you have stomach for risk you can allocate a portion to something more aggressive like QQQ

September Put positions QQQ $450, SPY $545, MMM $115


This exact same shit happened in April and last October too. SPY dips for a few days, bears get all excited, then there is a huge V shape recovering erasing all losses at once and we pump and make new ATHs for the next 6 months.


it's so over for SPY and semiconductor calls. ✌🏾


My escalation of force in investments: 401K match > Roth IRA > 401K > Robinhood fun money (VTI/VOO/SPY mostly)


You think we're going lower? I held my SPY puts thru the rally bc I'm not sure we're outta the woods yet


Wow today was incredible. Made 400$ off SPY calls within the first 30 minutes of open. At about an hour after open I stupidly FOMOD into SPY puts… find myself -2,500$ on those puts by one hour after open… furious I refused to give up. Volatile ass market rewarded my stupidity. I closed those positions 5 minutes later for +700$ so… I made 1,100$ today BOYS![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


Buying a few SPY calls at 4:14 at these prices


Next week companies making up about 60% of SPY's total weight report earnings. LMAO


Funny that SPY is just down -3% from ATH yet 90% of this sub wiped out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Imagine what will happen if SPY continues to drop -10-20%


Gotta love/hate fib levels on SPY... on a Friday


I did it. I took my $12 and I stayed the fuck away from more SPY puts. We will see what next week brings.


I can’t believe you assholes propped SPY this high up


5450 defended so I was forced to buy some SPY and QQQ ATM calls for next Friday to ride the wave up, hopefully we can get to 550-555 early in the week and I can go back to building out my 3x inverse ETFs


Next week big tech will beat earnings and SPY will head to $560+


Drill to close, SPY. You can do it.


Bro when is SPY reporting?


MMs uncaging all the big weights that stayed down to let them fly and carry SPY/Qs to valhalla ahead of FOMC. anyone hedging is gonna get anoose drilled.


If SPY can close at 1% I’ll be happy anything over is a cherry on top.


Not everyone is putting every dollar in their name in either stocks or options. Also if you buy SPY and lose 99% of your money than the world is over as we know it and it doesn’t matter.


It makes all the price action on indices like SPY fraudulent and erratic


SPY to finish at 542.5.


SPY closes at 542.73. MSFT beats earnings but goes down anyway. Trump wins 2024 election. ASTS rocket delayed Sept 17th. Heard it here first.

You just had to buy the market (SPY) ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


At this point we could have an actual full blown recession like 2008 and SPY would still find a way to pump through it


Do you regarded bears wanna downvote me now? SPY 546 is not a meme ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


What the fuck is everyone talking about bears Do you not see the market!? Like only SPY is up every single option I hold would be profitable if it was a put instead of a call


!remindme 1w SPY call buyers will be rewarded next week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


I had no fun with NVDA when it was pumping but it’s ruining my fun with SPY. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


More dip is more cheap SPY calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


SPY going up or down last 30 min?


SPY calls printing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Bought weekly SPY calls lets see what happens


lmao SPY dip almost at the same time yesterday


People downvoting you but it’s gonna be hilarious when SPY is at 400 in a few weeks/months


here we go. Sentiment is turning very quickly in here. I havent seen the "SPY 400" crew in a while wow. Must be the bottom soon


It turns out that Biden was the only thing holding SPY together


thanks for the spending money SPY


Please don't tell me the SPY pump was fake


People have been buying stocks with borrowed money, in the hope of making a fast buck in a booming market. Margin debt had already risen 15% this year through the end of June. Doug Ramsey, chief investment officer at the Leuthold Group, a Minneapolis- based financial-planning company, notes that bullish speculation in the two most popular stock-market exchange-traded funds used for that purpose, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY and the Nasdaq 100 index fund Invesco QQQ Trust QQQ, recently reached extreme measures. "The speculation in these two ETFs, the bullish speculation, the call buying, exceeds anything that we saw at the peaks of 2018, pre-COVID, in 2020 and late '21-early '22," he said in a podcast this week. To give you an illustration: Margin debt at the end of June, when the S&P 500 was around 5,500, was 27% higher than it was at the lows in October last year, when the S&P 500 was at 4,200. Logically, if we're going to buy stocks aggressively on margin, we should be doing it more when they are down and less when they are up. Be fearful, record levels of greed.


The market tops 6 months before a recession isolates officially declared. Market topped 2 weeks ago. Looks like Mr. SPY is telling us recession in Q4 of this year. See you at SPY 270 next year 👋


SPY drawing a dog dick


Yeah I agree with that. I think options get a bad rep because people honestly are just gambling with it, can't even call this shit trading. I always buy calls 3 months out or more and this might sound ironic but options are good for poor people because it gives you the same power as if you were holding 100 shares, I'd never be able to buy 100 shares of SPY but I can still get the same gains if I were from a contract, so as long you're smart and buying long term, it's a no brainer way to make easy gains in my opinion but I still tell people to avoid options because they're so complex and there is a lot to learn about them. Also it's so obvious OP did not research options and gambled because he had so much money that he could sell puts and even if he understood what that does he could farm premiums non stop, usually the premiums from selling puts are low unless you can buy many contracts.


How we feeling for SPY next week?


SPY lasts less than I do


Imagine being a shitty trader and holding $NVDA or $SPY options because you can't think of any other way to trade


SPY $536 is in play be careful


Holy bullshit in the last week. MSFT down 15$ in one day? SPY down 3% (first time in years??) CrotchStrike blows out their servers all across the world??? Tesla over performs by the billions and it goes down 3%?? What the actual f happened this week? Puts making no sense just gobbling up premium only to be dumped a minute later by calls?? When is the right time to jump in? The wonderful 7 really sucked this half of the month


SPY ending red would be the ultimate cuck


weds SPY puts and ASTS calls saved my week.


Holy shit SPY. How do I simultaneously end on a loss with puts and calls at the same time ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


#There’s a movie SPY, released in 2015, once you watch it there is possibility to become pro trader.
