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Deeper Network underappreciated project?

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Breaking Bad Meets Crypto: The Silk Road Story (P1)

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Breaking Bad Meets Crypto: The Silk Road Story (P1)

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The Silk Road Story (Part 1): Breaking Bad Meets Monty Python

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Deeper Network's crypto miner: a $130 "free VPN for life" that requires payment to use

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Cryptomining allows everyone to be a part of a network and profit from it

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If you don't use these, the Googles of the world will continue to win.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

If you don't use these, the Googles of the world will continue to win.

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If you don't use these, the Googles of the world will continue to win.

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What are you mining?

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What’s your favorite addition to cryptocurrency in terms of use case that’s been implemented in the last year or so?


r/BitcoinSee Comment

2014-2016 was the aftermath of the Mt. Gox blowup, Silk Road closure & DPR’s arrest, plus uncertainty from the blocksize war, plus rampant negative media coverage after the price declined 85% from the 2013 high of ~$1200. It was a brutal time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I say he wasn’t convicted for it and you proceed to present information which confirms that, so what exactly isn’t true about my statement? He wasn’t convicted of it. Yes there was evidence presented that DPR contacted a murder for hire, but it was never proven Ross was the only one using DPR, since someone logged into DPR weeks after Ross was already in custody.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

so the judge thinks there is less evidence for the hits than for him being DPR? why? weren't the hits ordered from DPR account?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Someone logged in as DPR 6 weeks after Ross was already in custody.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

except he was convicted of being DPR. I think that the president can consider whatever he wants when deciding whether or not to pardon someone. it's not like in court. that is the whole point of pardons.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

There is no evidence DPR was one person though. So maybe it was ross, maybe it wasn’t. However he was not put in jail for these charges so they should not be considered whether or not to pardon him or not.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They probably dropped those charges because the other charges alone would get him life. The minute anyone of his charges are reduced or commuted, the government should renew the attempted murder charges. Read DPR chat logs. He had a bunch of chances to back down and he didn't. He wanted a bunch of people dead because they threatened his empire. Let the drug king pin stay in jail.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Satoshi is likely not DPR. Do you mean Ross Ulbricht? The US government seized his BTC and sold it, making a huge profit. I think there was a post recently about the last of it being sold off.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think Satoshi is DPR, which means he moved on to create silkroad (silkroad opened a couple weeks after Satoshi said that and disappeared). Also explains why Satoshi's coin has never moved, since DPR was arrested for involvement in silkroad and in prison for life.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Ok so I did more digging... This guy also has 2.3 million sats from the infamous 10,000 BTC Pizza transaction and 322k sats from the DPR hitman transaction... Those Hitman ones are apparently going for $63 per sat??! Wtf. This is a whole new world to me I never knew people were tracking individual satoshis and assigning them more importance than average run of the mill satoshis.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

From what we know about the silk road bust, in terms of their "secret program" they don't want to talk about of which they use the 'CAPTCHA exploit' as a cover they wouldn't expand on in court, was just good old fashioned police work that centered in on a data centre in Iceland and they constructed a narrative around it later. There's also some speculation that some universities were involved in some Tor network wide exploits but personally I find that unlikely because those would still be unpacthed, and that would mean a tool the US itself uses for secure communications has been operating with known vulnerabilities for over a decade now; surely they would have come out by now and patched it under some pseudonym instead of letting Russia find it on an old PowerPoint From what I can remember, what the universities released publicly wasn't all that revolutionary either. Basically using old school DDoS and traffic analysis to try and locate a server you have a hint on already. That could have been what lead them to Iceland, who knows, but it's not really some super secret spy program. Rosses mistakes are well documented, and then the behind the scenes was rather tame. If you want to look for a real silk road conspiracy, where is Blake Blenthal? He took over Silk Road 2 weeks after it's inception, operated it for.months, got bust, disappeared in the prison system for a few months and then appeared on the outside, got married and again dropped off the radar... He's not mentioned in the cases of DPR2 etc really as a witness, not publicly anyway. Who is agent Blenthal really? Why was he allowed to cash out bitcoin for months on end on an already fully infiltrated platform (SR2 was infiltrated on all levels from day zero)?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

If DPR got life x2 this fuck twit can too

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> The 'other people had access to the messaging interface' argument is irrelevant once the money changes hands from a wallet that ross directly controls. Access to Silk Roads accounts would have gone along with access to the DPR account. What's the evidence that the addresses the payment was sent from were exclusively Ulbricht's? > Or could it be because what's the point? Why waste all that time and those resources to add some meaningless additional years to his already life sentence? If it happened the most egregious charges are the ones that should be pressed most urgently. They wanted to make an example of Ulbricht and a conviction on those charges should be much better for their purposes than having the charges dismissed, regardless of any practical change in the sentencing.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah. In Australia Coke was 75BTC a gram in 2011. No regrets, I had a great couple of party years, I spent 1000 odd BTC on various "experiences" from the Silk Road. What happened to DPR was not justice. If I hadn't had the foresight to save some in '13 & '16 I'd be kicking myself.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I saw your first point play out IRL. Little known fact: At its peak, 80% of all Bitcoin flowed thru the Silk Rd. I was a miner at the time and we sent all our points to DPR. Nobody was a hodler. Your goal was to move your points (BTC) as fast as possible. After all, the Feds were coming. Bitcoin didn't have legal status until 3/2013 when FinCen announced Bitcoin wasn't illegal. Now people could look to the future. Saving BTC for tomorrow became a thing. And it was at the 2013 San Jose conference when we saw the first Bitcoin evangelicals. They preached "digital gold" and didn't fear our boogey man. Hard-liners who opposed regulation and didn't care if BTC was legal or not, met one of 3 fates: 1. sold 2. had BTC confiscated during 10/31/13 justice dept seizures 3. eliminated by Mt Gox collapse I met with fate #3.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Are you talking about Variety Jones's comments regarding DPR's (aka Ross's) BTC? I don't think anyone ever heard from VJ again about that. There's a very high likelihood he was making it up, but some of us were trying to track the "spinners" (today we call these things "mixers") that were loading up on BTC and then distributing Bitcoin en masse behind the scenes for the Silk Road, basically to mask who was who. If you ever did a deposit or withdrawal into the Silk Road, you'd have run into those addresses. They were big, sometimes having like 30k or more BTC at a time before they'd start unwinding, basically becoming withdrawal sources. It's because everything was wrapped up into these processes that I think it was kind of easy in the early days to track the Silk Road coin. I tried looking up what happened to VJ (aka PluralMongoose), but I just saw an article about how he was being extradited to the US and then nothing after that, but [it appears he's been sentenced to 20 years for narcotics trafficking]( With regards to the early MtGox sale in June of 2011, I mean, it's not really a secret that Druid sold about $400k worth of BTC. The Silk Road 400k BTC story though, I'm not sure anyone ever really found out if that was real or not. It turns out, about 50k of the BTC that people thought was maybe Silk Road BTC [was actually "hacked" by James Zhong]( He was arrested in 2021, long afterwards. I think the coin we think might have been tied to Silk Road was actually his and the "Individual X" which is another Silk Road hacker that is supposedly in US Custody. I'm not entirely sure the rest of it is actually unaccounted for, but Ross did say that there was supposedly another DPK. If true, they probably have the US government still tracking their coins today. I don't know if anyone in the government has actually ever confirmed if this 400k number is actually true or not. As far as I know, the only real source was Variety Jones. There's more info here, too if you're interested in this stuff: There are some people that believe "Individual X" was probably a fed himself. It would explain why they'd want to keep the identity a secret, I imagine. There were two feds that intimidated and blackmailed him and got him to send them coin and they served time and are actually released now while Ross is still in jail:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR is still rotting is he not? Dude needs to get pardoned.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For some more backstory from the darknet side if we're sharing since I never get to talk about it and it's probably been long enough now :) The first darkweb markets (and the clearnet sites that predate it) used things like MoneyGram/WesternUnion then LibertyReserve then e-gold if I recall correctly. Clearnet sites started shifting underground starting after [Operation Webtryp]( in 2004. Then Operation Raw Deal, which was a major operation against steroid forums was made possible because Hushmail is handed over decrypted E-mails to the US government by the bucketload. After Raw Deal GPG started to be used by more people but it wasn't popular yet maybe 10% of people started to use it but the others just switched to safe-mail lol. Then DrugZoneForum came about which discouraged security for its members, encouraged poor security, and eventually went as far as to block Tor claiming that only scammers use Tor. It wasn't a big surprise to learn that DZF was operated by the FBI, and many of the vendors on it got busted. This wasn't a major operation, it didn't have a name that I am aware of and it didn't make the news, but a lot of vendors who operated on DZF got busted. When they got out of jail later we learned the obvious truth that DZF had been run by the FBI the entire time and it marked the first operation against the online forum scene (other than steroid scene). After that the first set of darknet forums were launched (Drugstor > A Figment Of Your Imagination (AFOYI) > Binary Blue Stars -> OVDB) Figureheads in this space (there was even a council at one point) were mostly libertarians/agorists/crypto-anarchists and just as I was becoming less involved in the scene Bitcoin started to be discussed and traded in a hidden service IRC. (Should've bought at 10c) DPR launched SilkRoad about the same time as OVDB (which was also public) but SR had a business model and the media blew it up and the rest of the space assimilated. We had a massive history and honestly were kind of miffed that some noob was trying to steal the glory (sorry DPR!) but we were on the same page/side (His book club was not bad!), and we were more of the thinking that the current model wasn't optimal anyway and we needed a globally distributed decentralized encrypted secured market. Had to wait a while for the tech to catch up though.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> Might be in other wallets controlled by him. Hope he didn’t spend em foolishly. Better question was what happened to all those coins for the update to BTC forum that never happened? That was quite a few coins that were raised by the community and according to *thermos* was always in a limbo state, but intended to be directed when ready... and to be honest the community never really forgot about it. Back then we would throw coins at a lot of crowdfunding things like Sean's Outpost, Ukraine etc... then that happened and the first wave of normies showed up when DPR/Ross got arrested and things were never the same and the community completely changed.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

“There were numerous DPR” is so incredibly ludicrous.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

90% of the Ross fan boys just don’t want to get it mate. It’s the same with his mother. Imo Ross would be better off just coming clean. All this “There were numerous DPR and Ross is a non violent offender is crazy. It’s like they just don’t want to face the facts. If Ross were a real man he’d telll his mother to stop what she’s doing because the facts are he did the things he was accused of. Imo it’s not right his mother does all that time with him which is essentially what he’s making her do by continuing to lie.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's not that many coins, we saw huge amounts sold by the US govt after DPR's coins were seized. Wave after wave of coins going into supply at the time and it did very little to the price.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BTC, ADA,IOTA,MATIC,DPR, YEILD NODES, MIDAS ( LOKUS) And scammed out of $200 by TOADS 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️😂

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, OP. You are missing something. Many of us believe our fiat will be debased and holding a portion in btc and other top shelf assets will preserve our buying power. Why is this so hard to comprehend? Go look into the old Silk Road case. At one point someone stole DPR petty cash for the Silk Road. 900 btc At the time this was around 4500. Back in 2011 you save $4500 and have no interest options. So as years go on your buying power eroded away. Or…you try to preserve your buying power.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I wouldn't say he stole it considering DPR reached out to ask him how he exploited the SR wallet system and once he explained how DPR sent him more money, more similar to a bug bounty program them theft.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

“The judge agreed with prosecutors that the attempted murder evidence is relevant to the offenses Ulbricht is charged with. The evidence about the attempts at violence are not only connected to the drug business, but it goes toward establishing that Ulbricht is, in fact, DPR, which he has denied since his arrest in October 2013. For instance, dates in conversations that DPR had with his desired hitman appear to correspond to log entries that were recovered from Ulbricht's laptop.”

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They lied, it could really be that simple. Have you followed some of these court cases recently 10 years on and read some of these Judges trying to understand crypto. I mean anyone that followed it when it happened knew it stank to high heaven. It's possible Ross let the money go to his head but to the people that were there the Forums did a 180 as soon as people suspected that DPR was no longer DPR. Yeah sure there were hard drugs on there but when the hitman, Guns, and human trafficking shit showed up we knew it was completely BS. I remember discussing it with people at the time that actually used SR the agents were creating those "extras" and everyone moved on to a different place.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Who did he try to have killed? Who did he hire? What was he sentenced for? There were six hits ordered in total. No.1 was for the hit taken out on Curtis Green, the former staff member whom Ross (wrongly) believed was stealing for him. It was in fact HSI agent Bridges who stole the Silk Road user funds via Curtis Green's account (which was why Ross thought Green had done it), outside his authority as a law enforcement officer. Hit no. 2 was vendor Lucydrops who was threatening that he would expose his (ie Lucydrop's own) customers' information - names and addresses - if DPR didn't pay him extortion money (500K or thereabouts, not looking it up now). The hitman he hired was a scammer, in fact Lucydrops using a different pseudonym. Hits 4-6 were taken out on Tony76, a vendor who had perpetrated a huge scam on Silk Road's customers, and his 3 roommates. However, these were also fictitious people, and DPR once again paid $500K to a scammer to kill people who didn't exist.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Also the guy he tried to kill by hiring a hitman wasn't someone who specifically did something wrong against him, but just a rival drug seller. Basically he wanted to murder the competition cartel style. This is not quite correct. There were six hits ordered in total. No.1 was for the hit taken out on Curtis Green, the former staff member whom Ross (wrongly) believed was stealing for him. It was in fact HSI agent Bridges who stole the Silk Road user funds via Curtis Green's account (which was why Ross thought Green had done it), outside his authority as a law enforcement officer. Hit nos. 2 was vendor Lucydrops who was threatening that he would expose his (ie Lucydrop's own) customers' information - names and addresses - if DPR didn't pay him extortion money (500K or thereabouts, not looking it up now). The hitman he hired was a scammer, in fact Lucydrops using a different pseudonym. Hits 4-6 were taken out on Tony76, a vendor who had perpetrated a huge scam on Silk Road's customers, and his 3 roommates. However, these were also fictitious people, and DPR once again paid $500K to a scammer to kill people who didn't exist.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And it relied completely on the DPR account which was in the hands of multiple people hence why they dropped the charges mate because they couldn't prove it

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It was also rumoured that multiple people had access and managed the DPR account, but it was just easier to pin everything on one person

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm surprised they gave DPR internet access

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They were also making tons of money selling drugs worldwide, if he was to be prosecuted anywhere else around the world he’d get a life sentence and potentially death. His partner got caught with 10Keys of coke and then DPR started throwing out hits, yes he was trapped into believing his life/freedom was in danger, but he still approved multiple hits from hit men which was actually the feds

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One of the craziest Legacy stories. I wonder how far into the future people will talk about DPR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

At the time several people had direct access to the DPR account on Silk road. I was in the forums at the time and everyone knew it had become a Honeypot. The murder for hire shit was BS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Free DPR!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The Silk Rd is crypto's most fascinating episode. Its stories within stories. I also hold out hope that Ross is soon released. A few Silk Rd highlights. Officer Sean Bridges (Silk Rd Task Force) 🔸Stole 20,000 Bitcoins from Silk Rd 🔸Formed [Quantum Investments]( in his own name; funded it with stolen BTC 🔸After his first indictment, he stole BTC from US Marshals 🔸Sentenced to 8 years for crimes committed while investigating Silk Rd Officer Mark Force wouldn't be outshined 🔸Stole 1600 Bitcoins from Silk Rd 🔸Invested in CoinMKT, a start-up 🔸[Hired by CoinMKT as their new Anti-Money Laundering Officer]( In court, Force declared he wasn't driven by greed. He expected book & movie deals. Yet none of this was permitted to be heard by jurors! **Gary Alford** (Accountant) Using nothing but Google Search and his smarts, IRS Investigator Gary Alford identified DPR as Ross Ulbricht and solved the Silk Rd case. The number of irregularities in the investigation and case were stunning. Still, everything was stacked against Ross. If your 2 lead investigators end up in prison for 6 & 8 years respectively, the case has to be tossed & retried. BTW, that was a TLDR of what those cops did. They were straight out of Monty Python. The things they did were insane.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR had a conversation with Variety Jones, his 2nd. And Variety told him just that. Urged him to stop behaving like an amateur and told him to realize and accept that he was a criminal. Not only that, Variety showed him pictures of FBI's most wanted cartel bosses. and said, "Your operation is on par with theirs. That means when they come after you, they'll slap the Kingpin Designation on you, no matter if you're American."

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The similarities are funny, but not. I'm convinced this has to be a feature film one day. The things DPR dealt with were just insane. I can't include everything but one of the stranger episodes is how he dealt with vendors. He had to draw the line sometimes and it became difficult. One of his more troublesome vendors was The Black Death Group out of Eastern Europe. He had to suspend their account because they wanted to sell fresh human organs. They threatened to kill him if they weren't allowed to sell. He finally worked it out with them, but that's the sort of stuff he dealt with.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

He committed a number of blunders. DPR followed the Walter White path. He started The Silk Road as a place to buy and sell mushrooms. He didn't expect to create a market. That, and he had no tech background. What's incredible is for most of the Silk Road's time, he ran it solo.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Google search! That, and incredible logic. Nick Bilton breaks down how Alford identified DPR in "American Kingpin." A lot of what I'll share comes from that. Also, Red&White - that guy was a Jedi level scammer. What he did is mind-blowing. Will feature that in part 2.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

/kinda unrelated but/ I was about to make an obvious pun about Silk Road, but first decided to google what DPR is doing now and omg, he has a twitter.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR ran the server that hosted the marketplace. These people published open source code and provided no platform.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Source that DPR tried to hire hitmen to kill James?

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Thank you for considering the evidence presented. That the DEA agents who had administrator access to the DPR username and chat logs were later indicted and convicted of faking the death of the man allegedly targeted by Ross - I'd say that's pretty strong evidence to suggest that Ross is innocent - which the government itself essentially acknowledged by dismissing all of the hitman evidence with prejudice. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but the evidence has been thrown out as invalid by the courts because of the clear falsification of evidence by those who were attempting to gather dirt on Ross. Check out this quote from DEA Carl Force's trial: ''When the judge made reference to the "murder" of the Silk Road moderator Curtis Clark Green, faked for the benefit of DPR, he paused to ask, "Which didn't actually happen?" "Which didn't actually happen," the AUSA responded as fast as she could. They moved on quickly.'' Source: [DEA Agent Who Faked a Murder and Took Bitcoins from Silk Road Explains Himself](

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I don't believe the fake ID's are what lead them to him though. Allegedly, at the time they hadn't connected the two. They claim they found his old job listings looking for someone to help him build/run the website, posted under his old username altoid- which they were able to connect to the real person, Ross. Many people are skeptical about that though, seems like it could have been parallel construction - they could have "hacked" him or something, then found that connection later and said that was how they found him. It's not easy to find someone through Tor but it is possible given the right circumstances. Look up that story of the[guy who was extorting young]( girls for nudes on facebook using Tails OS - facebook paid six figures for a Tails exploit that looked like a video file (perfect for such a circumstance) which actually opened the "insecure browser" in the background and phoned home through the clearnet, revealing the assholes IP. The FBI did something similar but much less fancy when they infiltrated alphabay and kept it running for a few days, they told all their vendors to download their timelock transaction backup in case the website went down. But it was a word file (I believe) with a hidden pixel attack in it - a single pixel embedded image file hosted on an FBI server, the intention being that you open it outside of Tor browser and reveal your IP which obviously doesn't work if you're using Tails, Whonix, Qubes, an isolation proxy, etc. I know they caught one of the silk roads admins and then took over his account, at which point they were "inside" the tor hidden service, which I believe gives them a much more direct route to tracing DRP's connections to his real IP - especially given that the FBI runs a shitload of Tor nodes. (not saying that tor is insecure, but it is vulnerable if you are a big target they really want to spend resources catching). Funny enough DPR thought he was a step ahead of this since he was anonymously/pseudonymously purchasing VPS's to spin up TOR nodes for his own connections to ensure that none of the nodes in his connection were malicious - which is both smart and silly at the same time since it creates new problems you have to address.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It is entirely possible to be anonymous on the Internet. It's just a lot harder than most people understand. See Ross Ulbricht, DPR of Silk Road.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yeah good point, it began in February 2014 when the DPR voted for sovereignty and were attacked by Ukr forces. For the transaction markings to start so soon before the involvement of Russia directly indicates a level of knowledge that an ordinary person would not have and leans further towards 3 letter agency action.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes correct, Ukraine was bombing the DPR from Adveeka to Donetsk.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR. Which I then staked to get a device I won’t ROI on probsvly ever.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Was this the guy that DPR paid off and accounted for in his ledger?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I mean like there are numbers available when you look at the DPR example and other cases. They used specific amounts in the court cases. Not going to look it up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ya i was just reading a wired mag article about this on the shitter it seems like the defense presented a story that Ulbricht wasn't even the real DPR , just a fall guy, but never presented hard evidence like the stuff they used to put him away.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hits were ordered, there are transcripts. If he didn't do it (big if) he should have burn it all down and walk away the moment he lost control over it and was aware the shits that were being carried. He continued to represent himself as DPR even after that and was caught with access to admin panel. He can only blame himself for that. He was caught with a "murder weapon" and he knew for a while what he has in his possession is a "murder weapon". I'm confident correct guy was caught and sentenced properly, with I agree draconic sentence. If sentence was lower allowing him to spend some time as free man in his late years I would not object honestly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Corrupt cops don't make him innocent. didn't say they did. > The fake hits were not "fake" for DPR. but they were still fake, and they were based on fake stories from those corrupt feds, right?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Corrupt cups don't make him innocent. The fake hits were not "fake" for DPR. There are transcripts DRP ordering them and paying for them. I'm fully aware what those cops did. Just check podcast I linked, their involvement is covered in great detail. In my opinion they are worse than Ross, abusing their positions and zero moral guidelines.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Considering he created DPR I consider him to be the person that to order hits on other people. Could it be that he shared access with other people in his enterprise? Maybe, but he's was a leader and culprit. However you are absolutely correct, he was never sentenced for conspiracy to commit murder. Hits were ordered through DPR, it just happens that people who claimed to be hitmen were scammers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That last part isn't true, they never convicted him for murder for hire. By that point there were multiple people who had access to DPR handle and the admin panel of the silk road.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The DPR you only get when you stake. When you stake you only get DPR if you increase bandwidth. I don’t recall breakout but a % of DPR was withheld for staking rewards.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And [somebody else lost told me you get DPR as rewards when you offer your bandwidth]( I'm guessing, based on your deletion of your last comment, you had a similar realization? So if one side pays nothing send the other side still gets paid, is it safe to assume there's money coming from a different source, like the centralized Deeper network itself?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I took a look at the documentation (again). One page from your link, [it *currently* implies - if not says outright - that mining = bandwidth sharing, and doing this will get you cryptocurrency token]( and not just credit scores. > ...You have completed the basic mining staking and **ready to receive $DPR** mining rewards! Please be sure to keep your device connected to the internet and **share bandwidth** with the network.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

In the present you pay nothing. No they don’t get paid. They get credit score for sharing their bandwidth which increases staking returns for staked DPR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, you don’t connect to their computer, you connect to their node. In the future you pay DPR which you gained from sharing your own bandwidth from others who are paying you DPR for your bandwidth. Stakers of DPR are the ones who are also using the network and gain DPR by staking. They also gain DPR by sharing their network. They are the ones supporting the shrimps who don’t stake and only share. But in theory you could share and earn up a stash of DPR and never use the DPN and earn and stake a bunch of DPR and make a bunch of money, or, just use the DPR from your sharing to pay for the DPN. It’s not a hard concept. Money came from initial crowdfunding. I don’t recall the ongoing initiatives to get more money into the system but I recall advertising, stablecoins, and creating value for DPR such as a stablecoin using DPR iirc.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Let's go back to my questions and you can answer them. I noticed that the Deeper representative I spoke to also refused to answer questions directly. # Claim 1: Deeper was describing a product that doesn't exist to customers for a product that does exist Your claim: "You pay DPR if you connect with your phone... for their new DPN app they are developing." My response: **bullshit**. Which one of the two people I quoted were talking about the phone app? If you were going to claim they were talking about the phone app, **prove it**. # Claim 2: Somehow, shelling over $100 for a device guarantees it will remain free Your claim: "The point of the Deeper Network was to **make it free forever if you buy the device**" My response: **back that up**. *How* does the purchase of a device guarantee the network will be free forever? # Claim 3: "the project is legit" Your claim: "I’ve met their entire team. The project is legit." So you're saying the CMO was not lying? If you trust him, you shouldn't have a problem with what he said.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good reply after all you do is spam big text and claim im clueless when you’re the one who really doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I have the device, use the DPN, and pay $0 at the moment. They could change it tomorrow if they wanted to. Then I’d stop using it, and I’m out of money. Then they’d sell no more devices, and stop getting me to use their services, and I’d sell all my DPR. They have no incentive to do that. How does me buying an iPhone guarantee Apple won’t introduce spyware in the future? How does me opening a free checking account guarantee the bank won’t start charging me fees in the future? If you have a problem with the company, or find it fishy, don’t buy the device. I don’t get the point of your post. You’re talking about a project that’s been FUD’d forever (which keeps delivering new products and good updates). I don’t need to prove anything to some yuppie who found some random project on CoinMarketCap and thinks they’re an expert after reading 3 posts by googling “deeper network reddit”.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Again, clueless. > Deeper promises you this network of other nodes that will be available to you for free and forever, and in exchange for sharing your internet connection, you will get paid. But wait a minute. How will you get paid by other people who are using your node, if they don’t have to pay to use it? >“Payments of DPR to use” >Deeper’s customer support goes even deeper into depth, explaining how users must forfeit some of their cryptocurrency to use it. There is zero fee to use the DPN via the hardware, if you own the hardware yourself, and you are connected locally to the hardware via wifi/ethernet. The phone app is not released yet. Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. You don’t pay DPR to use the DPN at the moment, and never heard anything of that. The point of the Deeper Network was to make it free forever if you buy the device. Black box/infrastructure/security aside, it does that, for free.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>You pay DPR if you connect with your phone... for their new DPN app they are developing. Which one of the two people I quoted were talking about the phone app? It doesn't even exist. But please, tell me more about the app that will require extra payment, versus the $130 to $200 hardware deal...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

You pay DPR if you connect with your phone to the network for their new DPN app they are developing. If you have the device you connect for free using that. It’s for when you are away from home. You don’t pay if you have a node to use and connect to it. 0 research post with no clue of the product.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I think DPR would disagree.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EFX, DPR . Both small caps that are looking up.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EFX and DPR. Both 50x moonshots.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EFX (Effect Network) DPR (Deeper Network) Both have potential if the wind moves the right way.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My moonshots are Deeper (DPR) and Effect Network (EFX). Both low caps with, hopefully, potential.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Disagree with you on the blockchain part. A blockchain is just a inefficient database and rarely makes sense apart from bitcoin. This is an awesome podcast about the topic:

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR. Deeper Network. Tiny marketcap. Looks like its ready to pop off. It's a decentralized VPN / mining unit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

DPR. Deeper Network. If they gain traction, easy 50x. It's a decentralized VPN which also mines the DPR token. No yearly VPN fees. IDK if they'll gain traction. But if they do...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anybody heard of DPR network? It's a decentralized VPN network or something like that. It hasn't really moved yet. Dead? I'm still on the hunt for my next moonshot.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>This is the dude who paid to have multiple people killed? No. Not at all. They didn't even charge him with that, not even with an attempt to solicit it, as they did *not* have sufficient evidence. More than 1 person used the DPR moniker and there were undercover agents who were doing things worse than Ross & barely got punished. If they had any solid evidence of him hiring anyone for killing they would have absolutely charged him with it, but they couldn't. Ross got a terrible deal though, because in sentencing the judge referred to those accusations even though he hadn't been charged with it so didn't have an opportunity to defend himself against the accusation.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

damn, if only DPR had a much better lawyer

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I request SBF to voluntary swap places with DPR! Thats the least, they could do.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You just edited it you fraud. Who's the dunce? You literally just proved yourself to be a fraud. It said "murders that were done" and now you changed it to "thought they were done" 😂😂😂😂😂. You really thought you would get away with that? How dumb are you? Here's some facts for you since you are obviously new (and a fraud): 1. There were multiple people using the DPR account. You probably didn't know this since you just googled it. 2. Those charges were dropped. Why would they be dropped if they had him dead to rights? Because they know they couldn't prove it. 3. You can't convict someone on theoretical charges. You get your day in court . That's how it works. Ross got a disproportionate amount of time. 4. You're a complete fraud for editing and changing your comment when you got caught in a lie.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

None of this is proven. There is a reason he was never charged with anything of the sort. The court wouldn’t even hear the evidence because of how flimsy it was and the governments inability to prove Ross was responsible for the text files ordering the hit. Multiple people had access to the DPR account, including rogue government employees who were later imprisoned

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Caroline,SBF,UltimateBet Lawyer all need too get Ross Ulbricht numbers’ give ‘em double Life in jail like they did DPR.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Propaganda works so well, it’s depressing to see this as a popular opinion on reddit. DPR, was fucked over politically, slandered, and libeled. This was so similar to what putin did to Navalny, and most people can’t see it. There is absolutely no proof of this.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

DPR : Kept all chat logs and backups. 2x life + 40 yrs. SBF: Kept no records, instructed all communication go through log wiping apps. Will never face court, mocks plebs for the lols.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

SBF needs too be given the same if not more ‘Football Numbers’ in terms of jail time the same way Ross Ulbricht/DPR got done by the Government.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I'm not sure that's fair. DPR might have done a lot of things, but was stealing user funds ever one of them? Silk Road 2.0 admins even compensated users for a hack out of their own pockets.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yet these supposedly honorable agents are also some of the ones that protected their corrupt buddies for so long from the crypto journalists researching Silk Road. As the journalists uncovered fbi and gov agents with access to the DPR account, these fbi heroes covered for them. An agent not Ross was sending messages with the account. So I don't care. They let Ruja threaten and attack journalists and crypto executives physically in the US on top of it. They can go promote their bullshit elsewhere. They are corrupt.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Some interesting ones from earlier days: April 5th, 1975 — Satoshi Nakamoto is allegedly born in Japan 9/19/1999 — An anonymous post describes a very Bitcoin-like solution on the Cypherpunk mailing list 10 years before Satoshi, citing the same sources August 15th, 2010 — Someone erroneously minted themselves 184 billion Bitcoin (and Satoshi + devs patched the code and completed a soft fork of the chain in about 5 hours.) December 10, 2010 — PC world publishes an article about Bitcoin, and Wikileaks "kicks the hornets nest" February 9. 2011 — Bitcoin hits $1 April 1, 2012 — Miners stuck at block height 170,060 October 1, 2013 — Silk Road / DPR downfall December 18, 2013 — GameKyuubi misspells the word "HOLD", changing the world forever Mar 6, 2014 — Dorian Nakamoto earns his free lunch August 28, 2014 — Hal Finney enters cryostasis October 6, 2014 — The slaying of the Bearwhale July 30, 2015 — Ethereum's initial release date Jan 14, 2016 — Mike Hearn rage quits the ecosystem July 12, 2017 — Buy Bitcoin sign / Janet Yellen August 1, 2017 — The block size debate ends in a fork

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment So are these court transcripts completely fake? Are they the other DPR and not Ulbricht? Are they the FBI framing him? Let me know man, seems to me he is organizing multiple murders for hire here, but feel free to go on with your whataboutisms

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I only know of the one fictional person, and this is the only instance of DPR trying to hire a hitman that is mentioned in any of the court proceedings, the (ostensibly complete) chat logs or any other publicly available media I have ever seen in regards to this. If there are any add. instances, I'd appreciate if you could let me know your sources so I can educate myself. Thank you!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Free DPR

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ah yes the incredibly unbiased site "freeross" where people pretend the DPR handle was actually a dread pirate situation and not just Ross.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anything Token is very likely a scam. Very few tokens are not a scam. I would flip the mattress researching the project and learning how it doesn't make sense. I wrote about helium around this time last year. I warned people that these mining devices cost no less than $40 and that it's very likely a ponzi scheme unless they have real clients and lots of them. The cost of using data as a client is extremely cheap and it would take thousands of clients to see money. DPR is another scam. Does helium have potential? No. We already have other technology using the LoRaWan for same purpose. You don't need 90% of current hnt hotspot to offer the same coverage. We even have tested Dogecoin Nodes doing transactions over the LoRaWan network for free.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ive learned...if I had a time machine Don't invest in planetwatch Time wonderland Animal farm Klima DAO Splassive Nodle cash Any of the "matic" defi Any binance chain defi Power nodes Thor node DPR vpn Don't listen to YouTubers Maybe bad investments into drip and hex but jury still out Wasn't into NFTs thank god. Keep to bitcoin, eth some alts, gold, stocks n shares. Beans and guns good buy...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yes. I never bought btc back in the SR days. Thought it was a scam. But when DPR was busted the price crashed to like $100. I was one of those redditers back then who looked at btc as a scam. I thought they were all stupid buying some fake coin for even $50. SR was intriguing…what was weird is that the Bitcoin angle was what was odd to me. And when I finally jumped in in Dec, 2017 a 16k btc looked to me back then like a $500k Bitcoin would look and feel like right now. Then it started crashing like a month later. (16,328.19) Dec 8, 2017. I jumped in finally and it was almost the top.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I take it pretty serious. Although i only own btc and then a bunch of altcoin miners. I am keeping the mined tokens in the respective altcoins until the next bullrun. Tokens i am mining: MXC, HNS, STC, DPR and unfortunately HNT.