Reddit Posts
Homes, I ONLY RESPONDED TO ANY OF THIS BECAUSE PEOPLE SAY HES A FUCK, FOR HIS BTC BELIEFS. I don't care that you were mistakenly responding to the wrong thread. Personally I find that if you're willing to trash randomly, seemingly now without purpose, then it is you who is spreading bs. Like how did you say earlier, that I didn't even listen to your comments. YOU DIDNT KNOW WHAT OR WHO YOU WERE TALKING TO. but, you want people to take vague comments like yours seriously in this 'public space'. People say the internet is the new town square. BULL SHIT. AI is advancing to the point where I'm honestly wondering how many of these vague UNTHOUGHTFUL comments are simply running an evolving protocol meant to dismantle the last remnants of public discourse in order to usher in totalitarian control. And if you're real, and you're adding to that, thinking you're doing some kind of misguided good, by showing your bias but not explaining where you derived it from. Then YOU, are misguiding others into a hellish totalitarian rule, I find it disgusting. All I asked is why rfk's opinion on btc is bad. If you can't answer that, after claiming hes a fuck, then you need to learn how to think, or at least express your thoughts.
HES BACK. I hear you, I've been wanting to buy cartesi.
Lmao so again this is just a conspiracy from some armchair redditor with a net worth of under $30,000 who was unable to provide a single source when asked. Your critical thinking skills are so fucking bad that you don't realize that 1) The Bahamas has nothing concrete to charge him with at the moment as Crypto is unregulated and this is the Bahamas. 2) He has personally donated a metric fuck ton of money to politicians and media outlets who run stories for him. Bye bye you dumb ass, have fun with your stupid conspiracy that a 2 year old can come up with. Legit your logic is based off of stupid movie logic and straight out of a five year olds head..."DOOD THERE IS MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE, JUST BECAUSE HES THE FACE DOESNT MAKE HIM THE MASTER MIND WHO CONTROLLED EVERYTHING" And you type that up as a 100% complete guess with not a single ounce of proof. Some of you kids are just so stupid it's hilarious.
Let me see if I understand this: Dude comes up with a crypto scam (basically, unless I’m missing a few important facts), makes billions, loses billions, doesn’t protect his customers who end up losing it all, and dude ends up with (a paltry) ~$900 million, and HES the loser? How is it he’s not in prison? (Rhetorical) Please correct me so I can sleep better at night.
he’s not scared to engage - algorand fanboys are just too underwater to think clearly or make good faith arguments. It doesn’t matter how many different ways we tell you ‘algorand is a dog. A private company’s ceo giving himself 20% of the supply is the antithesis of decentralization. It’s a blatant, for profit, no volume, insider pump and dump’ - you’ll still pop back with some shit about “OHHH BUT HE WENT TO MIT HES A CRYPTOGRAPHY EXPERT” Follow the money. Following the money will prevent you from wasting money on projects like algo. If you were that interested in the tech - icp is unironically faster and smoother than algo in practice. (I also won’t buy icp tho because the money isn’t going there)
WE GET IT, HES USED IT FOR YEARS AND YOU HAVE A SCREENSHOT. ​ Its a scam dude, tell buddy to shut it down or lose more money. Starting to feel like you're the true scammer here.
Syas the guy that sold all of his coins for some shitty used car. Yes. HES the one we should all be looking to for guidance.
Had to be a calculated attack - Crypto is basically wwe at this point. BY GAWD HES LIQUIDATED - Jim Ross /s
> In a resurfaced interview from February 2021, the billionaire Microsoft co-founder told Bloomberg Technology that he was wary of the frenzy over Bitcoin, particularly because the value of the cryptocurrency could be swayed by something as simple as a tweet from Tesla CEO Elon Musk. and he was 100% right. for how many people are in the red due to following musk tweets? seriously wtf is up with this sub's knee jerk reaction and seeing everything anyone says as "HES ANTI CRYPTO HURR DURR"
I don’t buy that at all. John is as crooked as the rest of them, but safemooners with daddy issues need someone to latch on to. If not “papa” then John, or Ryan “arms” Arriaga. Don’t forget John has been saying how Safemoon is such an evolution despite producing nothing of material value. He’s refused to address $1m donated to covid relief for India, HES refused to address $1m donated to fund an exchange from almost a year ago. He’s overhyped the wallet, he’s refused to refund people caught out on the V1 transition. He’s not a good guy who makes mistakes. He has a pattern of disingenuous behaviour, right down to repeatedly fostering cult language by calling safemooners family. After all, you can’t *really* hate your own family, right?
“Blockchain won’t change the world” HES PART OF A MURDEROUS REGIME
tell him to stop driving since the U.S gets 8% of all imported oil from Russia. HES FUNDING THE “ENEMY”!!!!!
Remember that there is a reason he bought sol in the first place. I don't like shilling either. But you got to remember this: WHY THE FUQ SHOULD HE HAVE BOUGHT SOL IN THE FIRST PLACE IF HES NOT REALLY BULLISH ON IT.
Ya to hell with marriage. AS A WISE MAN SAID; GET PAPER AND GET BIT*HES....
Yeah don’t expect him to hold this view for long. Celebrities getting into NFTs is like them getting into fashion. They do it because it’s almost guaranteed to make them a shitload of money because the people are morons. Kanye is known for his knee jerk reactions to things he doesn’t understand, kinda like a regular person (OMG HES JUST LIKE US). Once he sees one of his million rivals making bank off them he will join in, and because of who he is, he will be successful.
Wow people on reddit are insane. The poor dudes yesterday who were legit saying they got hacked and everyone was telling them to fuck off. Some guy were saying he doesnt EVEN KNOW WHAT HES TALKING about because the guy who got hacked was interchanging the word "lending" and "earn" for the staking option on CDC APP. Man redditors are fucking crazy and this is why you should take every.single.thing. on here with a mountain of salt
Everyone was dick riding Mr Mallers then to find out HES USING ERC20!!
some friend just told me about white whale protocol, idk if its a rugpull/scam but it looks promising. Just didnt do enough research, maybe someone already knows this "coin" and could tell me more about it. AND NO, IM NOT A BOT. I JUST GOT TOLD BY A FRIEND AND IDK IF HES ABOUT TO GET RIPPED OR??
Im gonna start to troll people if they still keep with the "Satoshi Tajiri is dead"... HES ALIVE MORONS!...
Im not listening to him, even if there's a fire. HES NOT MY REAL DAD!
HES (Hero Essence) NIFTY (Nifty League) Play&Earn Games!! Get in, be an early bird!!
HES (Hero Essence) Hero Essence (HES) is the in-game currency that player can earn while playing and can spend on almost HeroVerse features. It is developed by HiKer Game Studio, which has produced many successful games in the Southeast Asian market. HeroVerse makes use play-and-earn instead of play-to-earn mechanisms; it will be focused more on the gameplay and increase the player’s experiences. The game is the first match-3 Puzzle and RPG Strategy NFT Game, allows players to collect materials in the game that can be used for updating and minting NFTs using HER tokens.
HES (HeroEssence). Token for Play&Earn Game!! 🚀 Hero Essence (HES) is the in-game currency that player can earn while playing and can spend on almost HeroVerse features. It is developed by HiKer Game Studio, which has produced many successful games in the Southeast Asian market. HeroVerse makes use play-and-earn instead of play-to-earn mechanisms; it will be focused more on the gameplay and increase the player’s experiences. The game is the first match-3 Puzzle and RPG Strategy NFT Game, allows players to collect materials in the game that can be used for updating and minting NFTs using HER tokens.