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DOW could hit 100k by 2034

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Tracking and comparing stock-portfolio performance

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DOW JONES Daily Frame

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I'm a professional money manager and this is what I'm watching/Expecting for the week ahead.

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I'm a professional money manager and this is what I'm watching/ Expecting for the Week Ahead

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Hate to PISS on your parade

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NEGG is Strong, when Market is weak. That’s a great sign 💪✊🚀😎 stay calm and soldier on!!

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Why does a stock/fund not change when market goes up

r/pennystocksSee Post

BULLISH: Seastar Medical Holding Corp ($ICU) Has Serious Potential

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Do you guys think that the DOW is likely to be back at over 34k levels, even if just for a couple days, before the end of November?

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Why do exchange indices jump by massive amounts after the close when futures are indicated?

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Cash Secured Leaps 10/01/2023

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Pullback Buy In The US100? Neel Kashkari Speaks

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Double Top Pattern?

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Why is September and September 30th a bad month for stocks to dip?

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Does the DOW and S&P always crash on September 30th?

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Bit of magic Fibonacci levels

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Broader market redux , Month End July 23

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Coup in Russia: How does this affect US equities in the coming week?

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Coup in Russia: How does this affect US equities in the coming week?

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Steak (Live Cattle) hits an all time high.

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Stocks to watch for Monday May 15th

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How long can we range for? 5-11-23 SPY/ ES Futures, VIX, 10Yr Yield and DXY Daily Market Analysis

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Morning Briefing 🌞 May 1st 2023

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What were good & bad decades for the economy?

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Phone Apps with Stock Chart Widgets

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This market is doomed

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Im thinking of doing 50% SCHD 50%SPTM

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Home Depot to $300+

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In 1950, retail investors owned over 90% of the stock of U.S. corporations. Today, retail investors own less than 30%.

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Deciphering the direction of the stock market after the confusing Powell speech

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Sources of upcoming market-moving events?

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prosperous decades for the US economically?

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prosperous decades for the US economically?

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What were some prosperous / good decades for the economy on a global scale?

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BLOOD ON WALL ST! Why My Bearish Case Proven & Others Missed. DOUBLE TOP showed itself within ASCENDING TRIANGLE! SPY & DOW TA WEEKLY RECAP 03/10/23

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BLOOD ON WALL ST! Why My Bearish Case Proven & Others Missed. DOUBLE TOP showed itself within ASCENDING TRIANGLE! SPY & DOW TA WEEKLY RECAP 03/10/23

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Most were Bullish, While I was Bearish. Why Buyers LOST AGAIN & Sellers PREVAILED! SPY & DOW TA 03/09/23

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Stop Following Bad Traders w/NO INSIGHT! Why I beat the Market more than 70% of the time! SPY & DOW TA 03/08/23

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I’m Interested in Investing in Corporate Bonds. Where to Start?

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The Truth shall set you FREE Mr. Powell! Why Data mattered more than the Lies! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 03/07/23

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All Eyes on J.Powell!! Two Patterns in 1?! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 03/06/23

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Right Ascending Triangle?! BUT WAIT?! Consider the OPPOSITE TOO! SPY & DOW Weekly TA For 03/06/23

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FED BOOST! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 03/02/23

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Waiting For The Pullback, Patience Prevails! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 03/01/23

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THE TREND IS THE TREND UNTIL IT'S NOT! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/28/23

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Nothing Has Changed! Don't be fooled! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/27/23

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Rising Wedges and Double Tops?! Why I'm Bearish! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis for Week of 02/27/23

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Bearish Case: Why I predicted more downside while everyone else was Bullish? Yikes. SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/22/23

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SHORT WEEK! MORE RISING WEDGES, BEARISH CASE. SPY & DOW Technical Analysis for the Week of 02/21/23

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THE TREND IS THE TREND UNTIL IT'S NOT! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/15/23

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U-TURN! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/14/23

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The market is gearing up to tank

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Beginning of End or New Beginning? DOW & SPY Technical Analysis 02/13/23

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SOUND THE ALARMS?! OR NOT. SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/20/23

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JUST AS I PROMISED! MORE DOWNSIDE. SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/08/23

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MMs WON'T GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/08/23

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WTF? THIS MARKET DID WHAT?! DOW & SPY Technical Analysis 02/07/23

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SPY & DOW Technical Analysis 02/06/23

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TREND BREAKER ALERT! SPY & DOW Technical Analysis For Week of 02/06/23

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why is Cathie Wood still relevant?

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WHAT A DAY! JPOW DID WHAT?! SPY BEAT THE DOW?! WHAT GAVE? Let's discuss the matter

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SPY Ascending above DOW Rising Wedge? Earnings and FOMC?! SOMETHING IS AMIDST! WHAT? Let me help you figure that out.

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DOW in a Rising Wedge while SPY in a Ascending Triangle? WHAT GAVE?! Here is how and what happened!

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Index Analysis for the Trading Week of 01/30/23. DOW in Rising Wedge but SPY in Ascending Triangle? WHAT GIVES?! Let me help you

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Rockwell’s Blowout Earnings Show U.S. Manufacturing Is Strong

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Why am I never beating the market?

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How does the Stock Market work?

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"long" awaited bull market?

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Something a little different, SMRs for industrialized use..Ares Acquisition Corp (X-energy) Warrants - NOT THE CLASS A SHARES

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Tips for absolute beginners.

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25 Y/O What class of equities to invest in?

r/WallStreetbetsELITESee Post

Happy New years everyone! Do not be to hard on yourself for 2022. DOW down 10% SP 20% and Nasdaq 33% A recap of the year, what we can do going forward, some of my errors. This may be to long to read, but this is a long game, a learning process. Any thoughts, feel free to share

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Admitted novice, but if my lines are correct, could we be seeing a possible upward trend?

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S&P500 down another 10% in 2023. Nasdaq probably closer to another 20% loss. Agree?

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401K Company Match Time

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DOW vs NASDAQ - are we witnessing the burst of the tech bubble ?

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Macro Trends on Gold during instability

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WOOOHOOOO!!! Look at the 4-cent rally!!

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NASDAQ, S&P500, DOW JONES from Webull

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CPI Eve to my Regards

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Missed the rally?

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Missed the rally?

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Stocks climbed after Fed Chair Powell speech: DOW +1.71%, Nasdaq +3.84%, S&P 500 +2.68%

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Fauci Admits Sars-Cov-2 May Be From A Lab Leak - 1:36s Mark

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Shorting the DOW at open YOLO

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2022-11-15 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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everyone talking SPY, and I'm here buying long x15 leveraged Nasdaq, because it's scraping lows and far behind SPY and DOW

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Dow futures surge more than 800 points after October inflation report is lighter than expected, time to be bullish again

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2022-11-08 Wrinkle-brain Plays (Mathematically derived options plays)

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How did the stock market do so well in 2020 when it was the worst year for economic growth since WWII?

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Trading SPY and FOMC Meeting

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Has the recession been cancelled?

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Just me or is there a larger than normal discrepancy between futures and SPY?

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Expect Further Downside


What is driving the rebound in DOW vs big tech? Sector rotation? You would think tech would be positioned to go up next week for earnings.


DOW means nothing. They will remove the bottom feeders and add the winners over time. Remove MSFT, AAPL, and AMZN and what do you have? Nothing. Clown World!

CNBC reporting. 11 am: Dow jumps 400 points 1 pm: DOW falls 400 points


I play the DOW, I'll show you how...Stock market on a cow, I condone it (wow)...


GDP gonna print negative. DOW down 1k by the bell.


I just got used to wearing my DOW 40,000 hat ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


You still have exponential growth even in the last 30 years. The rate just speeds up. The DOW could hit 100k in the next decade or two if we don't get a large correction. But you're right. Dramatic movements in either direction hit you short term, and this is a betting sub.


Your grandpa wearing his “40k DOW” bag holding hat rn: ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)


Defense calls looking like the play if DOW decides to chad out today


>Yet here we are, January 2021 was the insurrection and look at the market given to Biden. The DOW fell to like 19,000 during 2020


He appointed Rex Tillerson as sec of state for a reason. In 2015 Exxon signed a lease option for 63 million acres in Siberia, about the size of Oregon, to partner with Gazprom to exploit those nat gas fields. When it became clear the Senate wasn't going to lift sanctions, Tillerson left and Exxon cancelled the lease. If they can start that up again, the project is worth about $500 billion and would get Exxon back on the DOW. That is why the conservatives are wanting to leave NATO. I only mention this because political policy presents opportunities to make money.


Ready for 4 more years of the 🥭 pump! DOW 50k here we come!


QQQ down 2.3% , DOW 1.1% , IWM up 3.2%


I'm off to go swimming ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)Someone check the weekend DOW and only tell me if it's green


The market will crash within 2 months and the DOW will crater to 10k.


Who do you think tech is stealing the revenue from ? The market is a zero sum game, if tech is the winner why isn’t the DOW lower ? Because it’s FAKE.


DOW popped like a bubble ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) 150 to go and gates are open ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Tltw(20+ year US treasuries), JEPI(DOW), JEPQ(Nasdaq) for dividends. All covered call funds

Theta day tomorrow and monday, tuesday morning will be a bell weather for DOW, and everything but tech in sp500. Showing the current state of consumer spending.  Tuesday night will be the bell weather for tech earnings and general risk on stocks in nasdaq and mag7.  To play these next few days, I will be looking to derisk into this weekend, and freeing up capital to make some moves on monday. Monday afternoon before the close I will be opening up wednesday and friday put/call debit verticals slightly otm playing for a vol expansion to either side. Wednesday morning Will close the losing side and double down on the winning side for Friday. 


Isn’t it obvious? NVDA and TSLA up today while the DOW, the Boomer’s favorite is down huge

SPY - A surveillance tech related stock is crashing because a 20 year old incel managed to bypass intel agencies and take a shot at a former president. QQQ - Conspiracy group Q-anon is crashing because intel agencies looking incompetent breaks the believability of their deep state theories. Losing subs fast. DOW - some boomer dividends shit stock. Down because both of our Boomer party leaders have had hard reminders of their mortality this week. Market finally pricing in that boomers will be forced to release some of their power soon. That's my Thursday stock review.


DOW puts also printing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) hopefully enough to recover from my genius calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


The DOW is up 50% since 2020 while average Americans are living paycheck to paycheck…probably a pretty good reason.


SPY up, tech up, DOW and Russell eating dirt. Yep, it's going to be a good day.


Imagine not taking profit in your stupid boomer DOW rotation


TSM can’t outpump IV, tech tanking, IWM and DOW red and energy up big.  Setup for repeat of yesterday, the mass booltards extinction


Why does DOW still exist man


The DOW is not the market. The DOW is worthless and should not exist


They aren't even taking profits. The DOW is up today and the Russel is up 10% in just July. The market saw the inflation numbers and are expecting rate cuts soon (by September). So they are selling tech and buying companies like small caps and financials. Basically, this is volatility from institutional investors rebalancing their portfolios to prepare for rate cuts. They are now more willing to bet on riskier companies like small caps.


No, it is a rotation. The DOW is up. People are selling tech to buy other assets to preempt the rate cuts. Very normal when rate cuts are expected. The Russel is up 10% in July alone as people rush to small caps to take advantage.


It isn't even a correction, but a rotation. The DOW was up 0.55% today. The market is selling tech to buy other assets. Volatility is to be expected when people sell 1 asset to buy another. If you want to see the rotation in action, look at the small cap Russel index. That is index of small caps and it is up 10% in just July alone. The market is predicting rate cuts, which means the risk of small caps will go down. The market is now willing to take on the risk of these smaller companies, so they are selling tech to buy smaller companies. Small caps are historically very volatile, but provide excellent returns in the long run. US small caps have beat the S&P 500 by like 3% annually (on average) for as long as we have data. But small caps (as an asset class), are the higher risk higher return assets that institutions are currently looking to get into when rates drop. Most will fail, but those that succeed will eventually become wildly successful and outweigh the losses.


You traded wrong. DOW is up. 


meanwhile the DOW is undergoing a face ripping rally. where my boomers at?


The DOW hit some 60% loss from its peak in late 2007 to its bottom in early 2009. The housing collapse probably did the most damage. It's geographical, but a ~30% decline happened on average in home values from peak. Many people at the time had balloon mortgages that became out of control when they had to refinance, making their mortgage double or triple the cost in some cases. They of course had to sell (but more likely foreclosed).  I myself bought in 2006 (oops lol) and even today my home is not worth what I purchased it for. It's almost paid off and I have a low ass rate so I kind of look back and laugh but it still caused years of headaches when I had to work abroad and find a renter for a net -$800 loss a month. It caused irreversible damage to most people, many of whom who lost their jobs and had to liquidate at the bottom. A lot of incomes were never regained and quality of life as a whole took a permanent decline. Many people simply never got back in the market as they saw the system as a proverbial can being kicked down the road towards a cliff through excessive borrowing, wreckless policy... ...and they're probably right. All we did to solve the crisis was delay the inevitable by bottoming out interest rates for an irrational amount of time, which COVID then exaggerated further. Now the economy is more or less propped up on the "promise" that the dollar is a valuable currency. However, the world is quickly losing faith by the day as other countries, mostly the competitors of the US, push away from the dollar towards BTC, Gold, etc.  So hey you'll probably get to live it yourself! 😀 


1000% Now is the time the DOW builds what the US wants Tech made domestic. The whole world will buy in I hope.


This is the rise of the DOW it is now time to build to allow big tech to prosper! Calls on DIA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


He's more of a DOW guy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)


guys.... is DOW the new SPY?


My boomer aunt just posted about the DOW hitting a new high with no idea how the broader markets look, these people exist lmfao


DOW mooning, no one cares about those boomer stocks


Trump is a DOW guy


Investing is very simple Biden win = elitist = liberal Sodom and Gomorrah word = tech stocks up because those people love gender neutral toilets Trump win = the poorly educated win = high moral standards such as pumping oil and cutting down the amazon rainforest win = buy the DOW


DOW straight back to ATH


Looks like DOW dropped 3.5% next trading day


Yea, after Trump had his take on Taiwan and Biden said even more about stopping tech falling into the hands of the Chinese that semis are effectively toast. So the Nasdaq is going to continue its free fall. Tech in general is likely screwed short term, possibly longer. I guess the play is still pile into DOW and Russell 2k.


DOW and IWM recovering, gonna be more rotations happening at open


Well, thd DOW deals in God Damn American Patriotic Fucking Dollar$ and not Quid. Whatever the fuck that's supposed to be.


Tell me how the DOW pumps and I’m down 200 quid


DOW: 69,000 Nasdaq: 42,000 S&P 500: 10,000 Russel 2000: 4,200 these are my conservative estimates for end of Q3. Follow me for more golden era of gambling on stocks tips. Will be releasing my best case forecast after SPY goes above 575 this week.


Usually when DOW and IWM rally, there will be a rotation out of big tech. So let's see what happens this time.


DOW moves and weighting on points is so dramatic and only used for boomers "Rips 750 points in best move in over a year!" bro it's up 1.85%, Nasdaq does that in its sleep


DOW is +2% today... banks and industrials in SPY propping it


good to see the DOW leap up, at least trying to everything out for a broader rally


Gentle Reminder that the rotation out of small tech and boomer DOW stonks begins tomorrow


Pretty crazy to see DOW up 733. Those UNH calls that I was going to buy last week would of been money.


DOW on pace for best day this year, AMZN, APPL, MSFT asking themselves are they the baddie.

The DOW is up almost 700 points. If you HAVE not made money today you have some thinking to do...


DOW at ATH just pumps another 1.5-2 percent


Imma say DOW ends 800+ SPY .6% and QQQ .35%¥


600 point pump on the DOW wasn't on my bingo card for today


DOW pushing 41K on a 550+ point day and somehow my ROTH is in the red.


Praying on the DOW have a 1000 point swing and end down 1%


What is this DOW thing that’s heavily green? I knew tech sector? 😂


Going to need the DOW SPY AND NASDAQ to tank 2% at this point.

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I have an interesting story about the Dot com bubble. I rode the market down 40% DOW from 13500 down to 8k. Luckily, I didn't have a ton of money then (maybe 200k). I had about 150k in a managed brokerage account and 50k in my 401k (maybe less in 401k). I got so frustrated that in my brokerage account, I pulled all money to cash. Manager told me that 6800 was going to be the low. I went back to the market but the Dow was over 13k. I rode the market down and didn't ride it back up. The 50k-70k I actually lost is probably $500k in today's dollars after compounding and the compounding loss. I didn't touch or look at the 401k. Today - Managed Brokerage Account = 300k 401k - a LOT more than 300k. Bottom line - Time in the market beats timing the market.


I swear the days where DOW gains the most are the most boring shit ever ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


It would have said DOW drops 300 points as Donald Trump survives assassination attempt


Made up narrative that assassination attempt and DOW are causative factors. What would the news of said if Trump survived and it went down?![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


"DOW jumps 300 points as Donald Trump survives assassination attempt" holy shit explain that headline to someone from 2010 lmao


DOW 40,000,000


In Jan 2020 Iran launches missiles at an Iraqi base during pre market. DOW fell like 500 points and 10 min later they reported no casualties and DOW recovered all losses lmao


I hold about 20 dividend payers. Some are C, DOW, MO, OKE, PRU to name a few. My most recent adds are OGN (5.3% yield), TGNA (3.3%) and EVC (9.6%). I think all 3 of these have 50% upside in next year IMO. With OGN, I like their growth in women’s health and bio similarities. The other two will benefit hugely due to ad spending on the presidential year election cycle in the US.

They almost took away the DOW 40k close


DOW just blew through ATH and just continued


Wait we forgot to make DOW 40k jokes, go back below it now so we can try again DOW


Who’s got a DOW 40K hat?


this is how fuked ur in this matrix, media is not even saying how low DOW, nasdaq and SandP...a whopping 400 points negative is huge headliner![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why does the DOW never have red days


I'd assume that this is a hen and egg problem. Large market cap stocks drive the indecies as they have high weight, such as AAPL, MSFT or AMZN which are all in SPY, DOW and Nasdaq. If you take only these 3 out there must be a noticable difference. Small stocks also may just float in overall market conditions and are hidden in large indicies by those with big market cap.

This is now **officially** the strongest, most patriotic, most autistic market rally of all time. And, still, NDX is up 26% YTD while the DOW is up only 6%. The DOW can rally 20% more just to catch up. You know what to do.


Even the dow today.  EVEN THE DOW.


You sound like a trigged asshat who’s desperately trying to justify today’s valuations. All you did was describe the next .com bubble. How about the DOW, kinda difficult to explain why that’s 10x higher when you can’t use some tech voodoo witchcraft as justification.


Time for DOW rotation


Im up roughly 5k from NVDA sofar. I read news on it or watch videos for an hour a day or so. Plan to keep for atleast the next couple quarters. Plus earnings is coming up in August. But I have a weekly buy on monday for 50$ in VOO and 25$ in QQQM for long term. This account is something to try and maximize profits. I max out a Roth IRA thats 60% in S&P and 40% in DOW Jones. Also I have a retirement through my Job that I put roughly 3k a year into.

I don't know the specifics on these 2 ETFs, but SPY is a product sold by S&P and it only has companies that are in the S&P 500. Vanguard is selling VTI consisting of the entire stock market, S&P/NASDAQ/DOW possibly more, I did not look at the holdings. They are fundamentally different products. But if they were identical in the companies that made them, each one is being sold by a different business that will manage them differently. Meaning they will put different weights on the companies making up the ETF. So one ETF could perform better than the other. Also each business that is managing these ETFs will be charging you to do so, and that may vary and impact profit.


Then DOW will go up and SPY and QQQ down? It’s been a long time since there has been such a disparity between SPY and DOW.


There's plenty of pullback. It's on DOW. SPY up means DOW down. All people do here is move their money around between stocks and bet on different stocks. We re not getting new money in this market much.


seeing Harry Dent called a 'top world economist' is probably the silliest joke that most of us will read this week. some of that joker's greatest hits: * launched the AIM Dent Demographics Fund in June 1999. Over the 6 years that it existed, it lost \~80% of its $2B in assets. * Both his 1999 & 2006 books predicted both that the DOW would hit 40,000 and that the NASDAQ would hit 20,000 before 2010. * In September 2009 he launched the [DENT]( Tactical ETF. The fund lasted less than 3 years--it was liquidated in August 2012. During its very short run, it lost 12.9% while VTI gained over 40%. * He won an [Ultimate Charlatan]( for his 2009 book, The Great Depression Ahead You're better off taking stock picks from a gaggle of pet rats than listening to anything this "top world economist" says about the market.


Only wrong twice, eh? 1999, in a published book: [DOW would hit 35,000 in the years 2000-2010]( While he did predict the financial crisis, [he also predicted that the U.S. would subsequently tumble into a Great Depression-like economy.]( This did not happen. Dec- 16: [DOW to hit 3-5,000 in a couple of years]( December -20: [''Crash coming in 2-3 years; Economy already dead'']( March -21: [''Biggest crash ever likely by end of June \[2021\]'']( December -20: [''Crash coming in 2-3 years; Economy already dead'']( Just read the link that some of these predictions are from to see other things he got wrong. No, he hasn't **only** been wrong twice, there's like 7 or 8 quite major predictions that he has gotten wrong.


IMO DOW blue chip dividend stocks for those so you don’t end up a bag holder. The premiums aren’t near as sexy.


it really is a dumb index lmao, oh okay the top 100 market cap companies that registered on the nasdaq exchange... that's it. Every other indice popularly tracked (such as the S&P and DOW) has various quality screening criteria. Literal declining garbage will often be silently delisted and replaced before everything gives at once. This quality is why you're probably only going to witness a 50% drawdown when the nasdaq index goes down by 80%, because bad companies are hit much harder by hard times.


SeCtOr RoTaTiOn Nah son, we pump the DAQ one day and DOW the next


Head and shoulder on the DOW. Not good. Bonds>Dow>Spy>qqq


DOW 30 usually rebound.

r/stocksSee Comment

I have also been accumulating shares the past 60 days. Valuation is obviously still high, but if you're buying this stock it's based on future growth potential and TAM, not on P/E like your average DOW stock.  I remember 18 months ago when everyone on here was freaking out about Crowdstrike's valuation until the company executed and valuation came down. 


NKE had its worst day in history and it’s part of the DOW 30. Yet none of you bought. 🫵


Nah bruv, this is the great rotation OUT of Nvidia's growth story for beaten up software players and boomer stonks on the DOW that are still at fair valuations and haven't been part of the MAG7 for last 2 years. $120 support is broken, be flexible if you can and make money on both sides, the trend is now clearly to the downside. -Position: 16K shares in NVDA (GraniteShares 2x Short NVDA Daily ETF)


Who else remembers Trump having a 3 minute press conference solely to announce the DOW hitting 30k? We’re in for another fun 4 years boys, where the economy and stock market are gonna be ripping and hitting all time highs left and right. 


both DOW and NQ are higher than SPY. Make it make sense


NASDAQ and DOW JONES up. MU did well on the earnings report, yet down $11. TSLA gets a $853m contract with NASA yet is down, NVDA is down yet will probably crush the earnings report. Seems like they are trying to shake off the weak hands for the next leg up.