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ELF Beauty Inc

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Need new stock idea

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$TWOH One to own in 2024

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$TWOH Recent Announcement!

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Roblox DD - Bullish regrettably…

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Bullish on Roblox (RBLX) regrettably...

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What's an example of a stock you regret selling too soon?

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Veteran Trader Spotted $ELF in the $30s, Surging 294% — Now Targets $MGRX!

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ELF stock is SMOKING!!

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Buy ELF for 2 days?

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$ELF is my favorite stock. I am betting it will go up 25% AH on earnings tomorrow.

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Google Trends Chart of Elf Beauty $ELF

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How do you cope with selling a stock right before it rallies another 50% or more?

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My lotto play for ULTA's earnings tonight

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Elf Cosmetics

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Thoughts on ELF Beauty?

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ULTA Stock Drops Late, Despite Big Beat; Revenue Tops $10 Billion

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Chinese owner of $1B+ ELF BAR HALTED by court; infringing on “ELF” TM of micro cap $VPRB. Stock doubled Friday, valued only at $18M.

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$1B+ “ELFBAR” shutdown by US Fed court for infringing on $VPRB “ELF” trademark; stock explodes, still only valued at $15M!

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FL federal Judge ruled today INJUNCTION of ELF BAR for violating $VPRB ELF trademark. Stock valued at only $8M just shut down largest vape player. Buckle up!!

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~$1B “ELFBAR” vape doesn’t own TM. Denied “ELF” back in ‘21; immediate injunction ruling by judge soon; sued by $VPRB

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ElfBar facing lawsuit it stole elf trademark! $VPRB

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Options spread for week of 11/7 $ATVI $CVNA $CLOV $WMT $AMZN $ELF

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Market Outlook 08/15/2022

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Sally Beauty Holdings ($SBH) DD, Value Re-opening Play

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Tendieman, give me a sign if I should buy more ELF calls...


That Europe thing is real. Was watching ELF last week. Everything right until the US market opened and it fell like 10% immediately. Euro time literally doesn’t matter for a lot of stocks.


ELF team just sayin


ELF upgraded!


ELF is aug 7th. Why comment on this thread?


ELF is the NVDA of make up only short it if you wanna lose your rent money


ELF down 20% this week. Catalyst for the sell off was that high taxes on china imports are expected under Trumps leadership, and a TikTok ban is expected under Demokrat leadership. So it would be a lose-lose situation. I doubled down on my position and bought around 170$ / 155€. I am not concerned about a TikTok ban. ELF is strong on Social Media, they will be where their audience is, TikTok or one of the others (Instagram, Twitch, Roblox, whatever). And there are still many open questions about the potential ban. The China tax situation would be a bigger concern, that could really impact ELF in a big way as they produce most of their products in China, and make most of their revenue in USA. At the moment I think this fear is overrated. First, we don’t know if Trump will really win. Second, we don’t know how exactly the result of his China politics will be. Third, this will not be effective for at least another year. This gives management time to react to this potential threat, and also to continue diversify revenue streams and accelerate international expansion. Still, the worst case scenario could completely break ELFs business model. For me at the moment to many IFs - meanwhile brand awareness is rising and revenue and market share is still expected to grow massively. At the moment this is a „be greedy when others are fearful“ moment for me. Let’s see how this unfolds over the coming months.


CAVA was/is heavily shorted and imo a lot of the move has been a short squeeze. BROS I have no idea. CELH concerns over slowing growth. Broadly, concern over a slowing consumer. ELF down again despite upgrade.

ELF. Gotta put on that makeup~


Yeah baby!! ELF is a solid company and still a relatively low market cap, with many years of growth ahead.


If ELF is red again tomorrow 🤞🏼 I will reload my position. Makeup will always sell, even during a recession.




ELF casually having a -7% day ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Why doesn’t the market like ELF anymore? Do they think women stop buying makeup when Trump wins? Wtf.


Trying to find any news on ELF I guess it’s just market sentiment…


what's going on with ELF? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


ELF has been pumping


Well you just never know crazy things happen I owned 1,000 shares of ELF stock and sold at a loss because it didn’t do shit for 4 years had I held it’d be worth well over 200K.


I normally don't touch the food sector. A friend told me about cava. Never seen one in person 9 till a few months ago. It was crowded. That's when I checked online and saw the price around $60. I cut other positions like ELF for it. Starlink is going to rip if it ever goes public. 2x gain in the first year


7 positions. QQQ, NVDA, GOOG, META, ELF, SN, DKNG. +46.89% over the last year. SPY is at +26.1%

1. NVDA - core holding 2. AZO - core holding 3. HCA - recently traded into a core holding 4. AMZN - recent trade 5. ELF - core holding 6. NFLX - trade since last fib 68.1% drop 7. CRM - recent trade up 2% 8. ROKU - recent trade cost average of 52 9. DVN - recent hedged trade on energy markets It's a lot of tech. But tech is the tape until it is not. I'm up on every trade. I'll likely swap DVN, ROKU and another tech trade out for NOVO or ELI very soon. 🤷 Hedge Every Morning With (market dynamics determine how much is heged and when liquidated for the trading session) 1. QID 2. SQQ

what do you guys think of ELF?


similar thoughts for me - META PLTR along with AMZN GOOG maybe TSLA and some ELF as well.

20 yr old ROTH IRA thoughts. Any portfolio thoughts as an agro investor looking at combo of small/mid/mega caps . AMZN GOOG TSLA META + combo of PLTR or ELF are intial thoughts. Avoiding MSFT AAPL due to heavy holdings already. Thoughts, or any other companies to look into? Only want a 3-6 stocks in ROTH. Will rotate into ETFs/Mutuals as time goes on.

As a 20 year old and an aggressive strategy for my Roth IRA any thoughts on portfolio constructions . Combo of small cap , mid and mega for high risk reward. Trying to figure out what could be the next rotation of mega caps , whether it be take META to 2.2T or TSLA back up to 1T-1.5T Thinking combo of GOOG AMZN META TSLA PLTR? ELF? Thoughts and any YOLO ideas thx

If WBA pulls an ELF I’m going to cream


WBA finna pull an ELF


ELF looks great at the moment but I am a bit worried about them getting more and more involved in the culture wars. I hope they know what they doing, a lot of companies suffered from the culture wars, but ELF could be different as they are doing it from the beginning.


They sell ELF dipshit


ELF is eating their lunch.


ELF has more room to grow and is available in Walmart so all the poors can buy it even after the wheels fall off of the economy

r/stocksSee Comment

People are buying ELF, it's cheaper and people can't afford Ulta right now.

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🤷🏼‍♂️ women are loyal to makeup brands, not the store they buy from. Can get ELF at target

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One thing about Ulta (in my own experience) is their stores just don't make most people want to go back. I took a very deep look at ELF vs ULTA, as well as luxury and foreign tickers that all kind of get lumped together. If you're not a person who wears makeup, follows all the influencers on youtube, and all the rest you're definitely going to struggle when it comes to picking a winner here. ULTA could turn this around and you're smart to be holding, or they just keep sliding until you give up on it. You're the only one who can decide what you do, but I declined to buy it and only didn't go big on ELF at 160 or so because it was lower down on my plays and I noped out for other options. In my eyes it was a sure fire buy and hold, and ULTA was a hard pass. To answer your question its basically because ULTA is losing low income / price conscious customers to bigger retailers who undercut their prices, and they're losing higher end value customers to Sephora. You can find most UTLA-level product at places like T J Maxx and Kohls for a fraction of the price, and going with people who are shopping at ULTA comparatively - in my personal experience alone - sucks. That helped me say no to ULTA because I'm not a woman, and I don't like makeup. Brands like Urban decay and Fenti are at Sephora too, and ULTA sells a lot of ELF stuff. But what about Rare by Celina Gomez as just one example? L'Oreal or Revlon or whatever else just aren't going to bridge that gap for the majority of makeup consumers. May as well just go to Rite Aid for Physicians Formula bronzer at that point, which again, most people seem to love a lot more than what they sell at ULTA. If none of that made sense you're definitely in over your head on understanding beauty brands as an investment. I'd buy ELF because it has knock off brushes at a fraction of the price of high end studio brand stuff, and whatever the putty primer stuff they sell is beyond nuts. They started selling product next to the charity candy in plastic tubs at places like CVS and are now a massive industry powerhouse. They print money on the average American. Sephora can't be bought, but charges $150 for glitter in colored chalk, honey smear for your face, and the staff loves taking the clueless bf's and husbands down a peg when they go to buy gifts, yet people buy that stuff so fast it sells out like Taylor Swift concerts. They're an aspirational brand to a lot of people, but "I pay more to guarantee I look good" is their moat and ULTA just doesn't have that. Literally every other cosmetic vendor has a leg up on them with the exception of "ULTA has a lot of brands". Have never had a good experience at ULTA, and no one I know who is serious about makeup shops there.

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Ulta is not in China and ELF growth would benefit them. Are you confusing them with another company?

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Simple to many US stores and same stores sales are well-below there 10% average growth. They are getting beaten by Sephora and ELF. They really need China to boom but I suspect the majors like L'Oreal / Shesido / Olay brand will still dominant in China.

r/stocksSee Comment

Should have bought ELF instead. Ulta sells all the makeup good or bad they’re like an ETF of makeup. ELF is leading the industry in makeup kick assery

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Why are you putting ELF over OR

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ELF went up $18 today 


bro retail sales less than expected and ELF goes up by 9% wtf

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Chipotle, ELF makeup, $URA, Costco, Visa and AmEx


With ya on this one. Going to drop my schizo "dd" here as well for anyone who's researching this company. I'm curious to hear what others have gathered as well. - 80% gross margins. 50% of revenue spent on marketing to further increase recurring revenue. If they decided to switch off the marketing machine this company would suddenly be extremely profitable. - Marketing is working. [Search interest](,%2Fg%2F11c3krgywp&hl=en) in the Hims brand has been steadily rising over the past 5 years, while interest in competing companies (Teladoc for example) have stagnated. - Marketing is working really well. +60% revenue increase yoy. - Low debt to equity ratio. $105 mil in cash and equiv., $103 mil in total liabilities. There's no risk on the balance sheet, they could pay off all their debts any time they want with cash and equiv. - ~14% short float. Not enormous, but significant. Maybe shorts will keep doubling down and price will keep sliding up. - Small $5 bill market cap. Price could move a lot from just a handful of buyers. - The CEO believes in his company. [Andrew Dudum is a 10% owner]( with a $264 million stake. His recent sales have been tiny compared to his overall stake. - Compared to other companies, the valuation of Hims is cheap. The price to sales ratio on a lot of big high-growth tech companies (MSFT, AAPL, NVDA, etc.) is >10. Hims is only at ~5, so 2x in price isn't unreasonable. Compared to another small $10 bil cap company (ELF) with similar sales of $1 bil, similar gross margin of 70%, higher debt-to-equity ratio, and IMO less stable revenue, Hims should be 2x current price. - Biggest downside risk I've read so far is "no moat". [85% subscriber retention rate]( is the moat. Moats are bs anyways imo, every new growth company could face competition from a larger competitor. TSLA still ate the lunch of established auto manufacturers. AMD still ate the lunch of the biggest chip fab in the country, INTC.

my gf does this. she bought A&F before they popped, bought TSM during Covid when it was like $50 , bought ELF when it was $9 .


Dude seriously. The women in my life made me $ with $ELF stock! They are better than all the MMs


AVGO didn't dump, NVDA didn't dump, ELF didn't dump, QCOM did't dump, MSFT didn't dump, AAPL didn't dump.... Buying calls at open should print.

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Mostly just keeping track of my portfolio with this. Selling $V soon. Maybe $AMZN as well. [PREVIOUS]( CURRENT Ticker | Allocation | Gain | Entry Date ---|---|----|---- QQQ | 20.59% | 26.00% | 8/31/23 NVDA | 116.86% | 17.22% | 1/23/24 GOOG | 11.41% | 7.72% | 4/30/24 AMZN | 11.00% | 3.94% | 4/30/24 V | 9.62% | 20.14% | 5/14/23 SN | 8.66% | 63.69% | 12/1/23 ELF | 8.09% | 64.13% | 12/1/23 GME | 7.67% | CCs | 6/7/24 DKNG | 6.81% | 28.62% | 9/6/23

ELF casually went up 22% this last month. Whoever held after that 220 to 170 drop, you deserve the recovery 😂

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I agree I think it will stay in the penalty box until earnings to start trending up.  At least ELF has been doing well for me


Will rate cuts affect ELF? Asking for a friend

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This is what makes it a bit difficult with companies of this size, that sometimes it's hard to get news quickly, or at all. Same issue with ELF and CELH. Sometimes these companies are going up and down like 10% in minutes and I can't find any news. I know that there is a lot of volatility in this market cap segment, but still 10% in one day is not a "it's just volatility" movement..


Does your portfolio contain $ELF, $DDOG, and $RKLB?

Buy ELF while it’s cheap ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)


I was hoping ELF gets to join SPY got some lotto calls


Elf’s not going down any time soon, and even if it does it’s temporary. They’re affordable, innovative and are pretty much duping every single popular/viral beauty and skincare product its competitors release. Even with the potential tiktok ban, I’ve seen an upswing in Instagram marketing. I’m not worried about ELF….puts to the moon 🚀

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Not as much as NVIDIA but ELF beauty is worth around $10,5 billion with around 450 employees which gets them to around $23M per employee which is more than the other big Techs. Fun fact.

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I think it's way oversold, but I also thought the same of ULTA. If they beat and have decent guidance, I'd expect an ELF-like rise of 15-20%. If they don't, I'd expect flat.


wow, that ELF beauty has been killing it.

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Portfolio Update 4th June. 30 y/o. 1. 26.07% Alphabet 2. 25.12% Amazon 3. 22.27% Disney 4. 14.69% E.L.F. Beauty 5. 11.85% Lululemon I recently trimmed my long term Disney position from 32% down to 22%. With the free money I opened a position in Lululemon. Don't know if the stock has found it's floor, or if it goes down further after earnings. But I think this is a great entry point for a long term hold. Very happy with my ELF position that I opened just before the earnings in May. Will also keep it for a long term hold. I plan to also keep the other positions long term, as long nothing big changes my opinion and outlook for the companies. Plans for the future includes to buy further shares on dips for all 5 companies. I also plan to go to 6-8 companies long term. Within the next 12-18 months I am trying to build 1 or 2 additional positions.


I'm thinking this might run tomorrow morning and early trading day. Just like ELF did recently. If not, well... "this is a casino" for real.


Well OP... you seem like a nice guy so I'm hoping this bounces back tomorrow like ELF did last week. The earning call seems good overall. They even beat guidance estimates so idk what's going on here.

r/stocksSee Comment

$ELF looking strong again. Back over $200 after being in the $150s before earnings. 


Just like ELF. But $100 yoga pants isn’t $10 lipstick.

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Only ever took long positions, never any options. I invested big into a turnaround story (ELF beauty) and very heavily into a graphics card and software company (Nvidia) but I took profits on the way up so I’m just letting the profits ride the escalator up, trimming more along the way occasionally. The only time I ever bought stocks on margin was when the federal reserve came out and signaled it was going to prop up the market in March/April of 2020. Lost a little money speculating on cloud companies like Twilio and Snowflake. Lost money investing in stocks of companies whose businesses I didn’t understand. Proud to say I never lost any money on shitcoins and meme stocks.


Call ideas: NVDA(duh) The Gap $GPS $CROX $ELF Right now, tech is on the naughty chair in the corner, big brand names and boring boomer stocks seem to be leading the market. Also, I think $LULU reports this theory that in this market, euphoric stocks tank on earnings(dell) and beaten down stonks surge(Ulta). So calls on LULU

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This can be a good opportunity though as ELF gaining 20% on earnings because other beauty stocks were holding it down

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Last week NVDA was in the spotlight and I made a list minute investment in ELF Beauty which turned out great. This week DELL was in the spotlight and I made a last minute investment in ULTA Beauty and it seems to turn out great as well. I love Becky stocks!

It works when it works. I just made $30,000 on ELF. How are your trades?


congrats on ELF bro, huge W. I rounded up, I spent a little bit more than 3k and gain is about 800%. Hoping this holds through premarket and I'm dumping all but 1 contract as soon as the market opens can't be too greedy lol


very nice. I just made $26k on ELF but used shares with margin

r/stocksSee Comment

To be honest. This is very strange from ULTA. Lowering guidance and making some strange comments about the economy, meanwhile buying back millions of dollars in stock and beating guidance. To be fair, ELF also had a very conservative guidance, seems like they are all very cautious about the coming quarters.

r/stocksSee Comment

Now it’s up AH 8%. Seems like investors feared the worst. No wonder after CEOs comments about slowing down of the economy. I think he should talk less and just focus on their international expansion. What stocks do you also have? ULTA, LULU? I have LULU on the watchlist and have ULTA and ELF from the „Becky index“.

Shoulda known with ELF


Need DELL to pull an ELF and CAVA

Bought shares. Big hopes to inverse like ELF…

r/stocksSee Comment

I get that, but I also know that consumer discretionary stocks have been absolutely ripping with earnings. And with how ELF performed, I think ULTA follows suit. SAAS companies like MDB, ZS and S on the other hand, will get crushed today

i did lotto call on ELF and it worked out but that's becky lite then again ULTA isnt exactly a high end too. hmm. not sure how far it can drill. implied move is at 8%.. gonna wait till a bit later and do a coin toss :D


Agree with your girlfriend! ULTA's biggest competitor is Sephora, which typically stocks more high-end/luxury brands. ULTA has a much more diversified brand portfolio with both affordable (ELF, NYX, etc.) and luxury (YSL, Charlotte Tilbury, etc.) brands. I'm assuming (or hoping) this helps ULTA as discretionary spending tightens.


ELF is sold at ULTA (and other retailers)- they're not competitors. Target has been partnering with ULTA for a while. From last week's TGT earnings call : 'Amidst the pressure, beauty continues to be a standout category, delivering growth in the low single digits in the quarter. This growth was led by continued strength in Ulta Beauty at Target as well as strong performance in personal care and skin care categories.'


You ever consider that maybe ELF and target are getting better sales because women aren't buying at Ulta?


Hopefully it ELF’s


ELF Puts tomorrow going to double my portfolio in three hours 💅

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Abercrombie, Dicks and Chewy all beat just today and Deckers or ELF just a couple days ago. It’s really differs from company.


It will go up, just like ELF and CELH. Lately there has been a trend of AH negative reaction followed by the stock ripping the day after the report.


Smells a bit like ELF earnings tbh. Good earnings but still initial drop, bought back overnight, next day bullish. Have to see tomorrow.

r/stocksSee Comment

Have no interest in INTC. I don't know about LULU fundamentally - some people trying to make the case that other brands starting to gain - but really does feel overhated/oversold so would be surprised if it didn't bounce. In terms of a name that probably shares customers with LULU, Ulta imo is an instance of overhated/oversold where you can make a fundamental case (Elf earnings positive the other day, TGT calling out beauty as one of the few bright spots, etc) I don't own LULU, ULTA or TGT but am long ELF.

You should just edit your first comment and replace ELF with CELH. xD


Anyone else doing ELF puts


Ulta is one of the major retailers where ELF sells their product (it's not sold at Sephora, and people are reluctant to buy skincare/makeup from Amazon). Elf is taking away market share from other cosmetics companies, not retailers like Ulta.

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> I’m just looking for large cap companies in a long term up trend with healthy fundamentals. I don't disagree with this at all. I also look at 5 year charts and look for companies where I think there's been an uptrend but where I think the fundamentals are present for that uptrend to continue. "What has done well and can continue to do well?" And for me that's looking at the businesses themselves, researching and trying to determine if fundamentals can continue to be sustained/if something has gotten ahead of itself. Personally, I think lately a lot of what I've looked at that has done well increasingly goes in the "ahead of itself" bucket. On the flipside, I do have an issue with the view that I often see that everything down a lot is worthwhile and should bounce I definitely don't agree with either. A lot of things that are down a lot have headwinds that aren't going away any time soon/are cheap for a reason/are value traps. A fraction of what hasn't done well this year is worthwhile and there are some quality companies well off highs. I think MPC is an example of that. Trucking is going through a rough time - ODFL well off highs - not cheap but rarely has been. ULTA is a volatile name any time there's worries about demand/consumer but I think - especially with Target calling out beauty as a rare bright spot right now and ELF up about 25% after earnings - concerns became overdone. WSC is a smaller name that imo is a high quality business/great management/dominant market share where the selling is overdone. I don't find all that much compelling right now, but am looking at some things well off highs. The things that are doing well have done so well that I am either not interesting in owning more things associated with that theme or considering trimming.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

ELF making moves

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I thought I saw ELF down 9% in AH on earnings reports?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

All in ELF??

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Earnings whispers posts the options implied moves. Some are around 20%+. I just cashed in on ELF moving 23% after earnings.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m pretty sure I saw ELF hit 139 on earnings day. 190 today

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These are slightly different types of companies. ULTA is not necessarily competing directly with ELF, ELF products are sold in ULTA stores. I feel like majority of comments I see on here do not understand this.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yep. Look at ELF. It drop 10%. I was just home from work and got busy next thing I new it recovered. Up 20% in a week.

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Seems like ELF is taking market share from ULTA. ULTA looks primed for a pop based on technicals but I believe fundamentals will keep it flat
