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Oh, the mistakes I’ve made!

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Expect More Bank Failures as BTFP Expires

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If you have an account with certain brokers you can access wall street analyst research reports

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Election year. Trump stocks and Biden stocks

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Election year. Trump stocks and Biden stocks

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Election year. Trump stocks and Biden stocks

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$JPM JPMorgan Chase 2023 Q4 earnings call summary by ai

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$JPM 1,500% earnings play

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CPI Forecasts from Wall Street and Potential Market Reaction

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Economic Events and Notable Earnings for the week starting 01-08

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Could a big bank fail this year?

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The Current State of JPMorgan Chase and the banking sector

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JPM call ATM exp 2/2. would be my first ever call bought.

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Think the Bitcoin ETF Won’t Get Approved?

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Altimmune and Viking are the last two companies left for Pharma to FOMO into the Obesity market

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Altimmune and Viking are the last two companies left for Pharma to FOMO into the Obesity market

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How is no one talking about $FSR here!?

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Lmao! JPM's Top Chartist. Bwahahahaha. False Information is released on purpose or No one knows shit. The Top chartist. Top Bank in the U.S

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$ACGX Thinly traded, Low Float Runner!

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Another financial institution crash incoming?

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Yet another financial institution getting saved?

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The Big One

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Banks look good at this point, and EWBC in particular

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We are at the top: “Now is an attractive entry point for long-term investors, says JPMorgan strategist.”

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Jamie Dimon to reduce his JPM stake in first stock sale since taking over as boss in 2005

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A Few Financials Rise Above The Rest

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JPM believes Bitcoin ETF will be approved before Jan. 10th.

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JP Morgan Earnings Beat is a Red Flag

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JP Morgan Earnings Beat is a Red Flag

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JPM has another quarter of record profits as net income surges 35% from last year.

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10/12/2023 - Put credit spreads to sell with highest return sorted by %OTM (DTE<21)

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Anyone has an explanation on this spike with JPM on Monday (oct 9) after hours?

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Upcoming Earnings Plays and Their Priced Move

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+233k destroying algos

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Goodbye Q3... JPM's GIANT collar trade dwarfed by.. the RETURN OF OUR WHALE 🐳

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JPM Collar

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Which Bank Is Fukt?

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Burry the Bear is right. Another Bank crisis incoming.

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Ryan Cohen investigated by securities regulator for pumping and dumping towel company

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S&P September Stats: headed for doom or potential for a rally?

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JPMorgan Chase Analysis and Financial Statements

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Why you should invest in J.P. Morgan ($JPM)

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I followed the “ if it’s good to screenshot, it’s good to sell” rule

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Moody’s ratings

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SPUS down $60 coming from 9% realized vols? Uh oh... 💥 Recapping our SPX Whales + a 🔮into flows / positioning

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SPUS down $60 coming from 9% realized vols? Uh oh... 💥 Recapping our SPX Whales + a 🔮into flows / positioning

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25-year-old seeking feedback on long-term ETF portfolio

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Why are big banks immune to bank run?

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$JPM sell-off coming?

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S&P 500 rally is showing signs of a bubble, selloff is coming - JPM By

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PACW - Pacific West Bank

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$BAC dd (comparable company analysis)

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JP Morgan Chase earnings report

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The Q2 earnings season for banks is not looking good:

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JPM Net Income Surge 67% YoY to $14.5 Billion

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JPM, C, WFC & BLK Earnings Moves

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Wash-sale rule confusion?

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College Fuds for Niece | Questions

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FOMC Minutes are upon us… 7-3-23 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ and VIX Daily Market Analysis

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tracking abnormal order trade volume for 'improved' return's

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Should JPMorgan buy Robinhood?

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My 10 leg Wallstreet Parlay (NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE)

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So… full port puts on $JPM ?

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Thoughts on JPM and Bank of america

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Market Recap - 6/8/23 -

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The VIX just had its lowest close since Pre-Covid … 6-2-23 SPY/ ES futures, QQQ and VIX Daily Market Analysis

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What should I focus on when evaluating a stock if I want to be somewhat conservative?

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Market Recap - 5/20/23 - everything is over bought

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The road to 430 continues… 5-26-23 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ, VIX, DXY and 10YR YIELD Weekly Market Analysis

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The road to 430 continues… 5-26-23 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ, VIX, DXY and 10YR YIELD Weekly Market Analysis

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JPM says this time it's different!

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Market Recap - 5/25/23 - the age of AI

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PROFIT Update: NVDA YOLO will it pay off

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Let's talk about DEBT baby!

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Another LEAPS Call Post: BAC

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JPM trading interface blows

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How is the Fed injecting liquidity into the stock market for dummies like me

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The Road to $430 SPY… 5-19-23 SPY/ ES Futures, QQQ, VIX, DXY and 10Yr Yield Weekly Analysis

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Market Recap - 5/18/23 - I know shits crazy but oof

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Market Recap - 5/17/23 - the worst is behind us, maybe

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Small Banks vs JPM Chase; who will be the next savory morsel?

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Why do some companies not have liquidity until 9:00 am?

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PACW: Screwed or Not? A look at the numbers with help from Security Analysis (1934) (tldr $3.7 lots of risk)

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Banks, when is it safe to buy in?

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SOFI Series, Scene Cinco: I’m Flying, Jack!

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Futures muted, key inflation data on tap

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The return of the bronotosaurus… the run up to CPI… 5-5-23 SPY/ ES Futures and VIX Daily Market Analysis

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LEAPs on banking/financial services stocks

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LEAPs on banking/financial services stocks


Dude I literally said JPM calls the other day


Next you're going to tell me that JPM adding a chatbot to there work flow doesn't make them suddenly an AI company


Definitely rotation. LMT, RTX UNH Banks like JPM and GS All up today. IWM near 52 week high.

JPM is now an AI company ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Also NFLX, and JPM before that. All 3 of these stocks are trading in such narrow ranges after earnings that central banks of managed currencies would have been proud.


Actually I don’t think it will drop that low. The reason for the drop yesterday is covered well by JPM downgrade. Essentially the near term outlook is not good because of the design changes but long term still an overweight rating with a 330 price target.


Sir I have 100 shares of JPM. Why aren’t you in


It's not boring if it works. That's actually what made me start asking this question. Every dip I would just buy NVDA AAPL AMZN and maybe some LLY or JPM.

I’m in JPM CALLS ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


No matter how 🌈 you feel: BRK, JPM >>>>> cash


couldn't agree more, JPM


Got a put on XLF and two on JPM, but since I'm low on cash, couldn't go out as far as I wanted. Would like to go out as far as October at least, but I expect a rate-cut-announce-bounce sometime in the coming weeks. Not going to take a huge position yet.


>WhY Is eVeRyThInG so EXPeNsIvE *Whilst typing on a $1000 $AAPL iPhone 15 Pro Max and slurping down a $7 $SBUX drink in a brand new $TSLA Model X funded by a 8-year loan from $JPM or $BAC*

Brokerage account advice on portfolio I am new to investing and wanted to come and ask there is anything I should change to this portfolio. My goal was to have a percentage in each sector to maximize growth. I would have the same percentage in each investment, and I have a S&P 500 fund in my Roth IRA. The ones I am looking into are VGT-Vanguard Information Technology ETF MDY-SPDR S&P MidCap 400 ETF V-Visa Inc JPM-JPMorgan Chase & Co CVX-Chevron Corp XLV-Health Care Select Sector ETF PPA- Invesco Aerospace & Defense ETF AVUV-Avantis US Small Cap Value ETF

JPM calls![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Dividends do not give you an edge in the long term in total return, but may be useful for the cash flow. That’s why people in retirement could benefit more from it. That said, you can take a look at VIG, which balances dividends and growth. Too holdings include AAPL, MSFT, AVGO, XOM, V, JPM, UNH. But honestly with rates going down soon probably not the perfect timing. I’d bet on growth.

I randomly noticed that JPM was at its 52 week low ($100.00-ish at the time). I dumped a couple thousand into it and it immediately turned around. Best trade I’ve ever made because at that point I didn’t know what to do. How closely do I watch this? When do I sell? Do I ever sell? Etc., etc. It was at that point that I realized that I didn’t have the head or stomach for any of it…sold it off at nearly 2X and stuck with buy and hold index funds. JPM continues to climb and I have absolutely no regrets about selling. I learned some very important things about myself (and made some money). A win-win as far as I’m concerned.


Airlines still cancelling flights. JPM brokerage services still partially fukt. Lotsa stuff still going on tryna bring systems back up to full throttle.


Absolutely nothing. This was always going to happen, hell even JPM told their clients back in January in their 2024 outlook ( that Biden would drop out due to health reasons before the convention. (page 39) That was 6 months ago. The market has been expecting this to happen, so it is already mostly priced in. It was always going to happen, we just didn't know exactly how. Every election people like to claim the market will crash if the other guy wins... while claiming the market will soar if their guy wins... it's all bullshit. Just DCA and chill everything will be alright.


Just to be clear, you expect JPM - trading near its 52 wk high of 217, and one of the most expensive big banks to rise \~7% and cross over its all-time high in 4 days?


JPM 225c exp 7/26


AMD is kicking my butt too. I'm waiting to get back into CRWD. My 1st buy in was at $189. Sold & made some cash. I'm watching the dip to slide back in. It's a good stock. Just hit a road bump. Also bought JPM at $112. It's trading at $211 today. Holding until the Fed announces interest rate cut in September. Hoping to get a bump and take my profits. Good stock.


That's why I have leveraged SPXL, NVDA, AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, NFLX, GOOGL, WMT, COST, JPM as well. All are going to print for a long ass time. But you are pretty pathetically lost it seems so I'll help you with this: >Amazon founder Jeff Bezos asked Warren Buffett, "Your investment thesis is so simple. Why don't more people copy you?" Buffet replied, "Because nobody wants to get rich slow." Now please stop stalking me. This will again be my last response. Feel free to express your triggered state into the void. You need to seek help.

That's why I have leveraged SPXL, NVDA, AAPL, MSFT, AMZN, NFLX, GOOGL, WMT, COST, JPM as well. All are going to print for a long ass time. But you are pretty pathetically lost it seems so I'll help you with this: >Amazon founder Jeff Bezos asked Warren Buffett, "Your investment thesis is so simple. Why don't more people copy you?" Buffet replied, "Because nobody wants to get rich slow." Now please stop stalking me. This will again be my last response. Feel free to express your triggered state into the void. You need to seek help.

Could Fintels reporting of current asset values be effected by a “manual 1 at a time” reset as you described? Multiple assets have allegedly plummeted on a Saturday as per fintel: Hyatt, macys, Home Depot, JPM, Goldman Sachs, GameStop have all seen massive drops in price. It’s to my understanding fintel gets its data directly from exchanges and regulatory agencies. So would this data be coming from them or fintel if that is the case.


>Donald Trump is considering JP Morgan, [$JPM](, CEO Jamie Dimon for US Treasury Secretary, per NYP.


I bought calls on JPM and made a little money a week or so ago


bro, CFAs dont post on WSB, no one is mistaking wsb with financial advice. but yeah, everyone is up on the mega caps, and real investors have been eyeing their favorite non-megas for a while. everyone (on cnbc) is talking about how expensive semis got - the amd pe.. and trump getting shot was the catalyst needed for the herd to change direction. being too early to buy undervalued stocks means buying stock that gets no investor love. right now, an incredible amount of money is leaving a handful of tickers and being so much, it cant just all go into JPM and UNH. as that semi money does flow into the other 1993 stocks people care about, some of the owners of those other stocks are also taking gains. SPY set new ath more times in the last 2 weeks than many 2-year periods. the market was boring - vix was low, and there were only a few companies worth investing in: why take chances when the mega caps are delivering solid dividends and growth with such low risk? i was trying to think of an analogy.. imagine 20000 puppies rushing a massive feeding trough. ya know the chaos when they first reach it, trying to find their spot, before they settle and start eating? we're in that frenzy. but its not puppies, its money managers and market makers legally responsible for about 20T on the table, and if you just blindly stick your hand in, it may get bitten off.


Take a look at banks JPM and BAC


JPM to 250 by September


JPM, thank you for giving us the financial crisis, a hopelessly corrupt financial system and federal reserve, and Epstein's crimes, and for opportunities to buy puts today, and btw jpm, f.y.


Hahaha nah I’m not in IT. I used to be an IT nerd a long time ago but taught myself how to code and build software years ago, and now I’m on a quant trading desk as a software engineer. Pay is good. Not gonna lie. I just dump half of paycheck every two weeks into QQQ and other ETFs. Very boring but also very easy. I own some blue chips too like AAPL MSFT AMZN JPM and also hold HOOD and CAVA. If I buy a stock I have to hold for 6 months so I can’t be trading in an out. I kinda don’t mind. I used to be so glued to charts and swing trading and it took up a lot of my time. I enjoy just buying good companies now and holding.

Not on OPEX. The big boys use the monthly AM expiration for their strategies. That’s why the market sold off this week, we had to get under the JPM collar. No one wants to pay out 33,000 SPX calls.


Boeing is literally too big to fail. They’re so entangled with the DoD and commercial airlines they would have to go bankrupt, which will never happen because of the first reason. Also, half of all airport personnel, from technicians to pilots are trained in Boeings, have fun retraining. It’s the equivalent of expecting JPM to fail.


Lmao my bank perfectly fine through this crisis JPM bigly green today ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


Lmaooo Ima 20 year old college student and you guys suck @ trading (OP included). JPM and the banker stocks have been killing it this yr, but yall 😵‍💫😴💤🐑


when JPM make me pay for holding my money? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


felt real smart yesterday with JPM 7/26 207.5C... today i felt real dumb so i bought more to make myself feel better


Ehhh tech will pretty much begin when MSFT reports end of this month right... Right now the TV personalities are baiting to buy into JPM and Megabanks because Mango will ask Dimon to be Treasury/Fed. Which to me does not make sense, Dimon will be hawkish and just as internationalist as any plausible mainstream Fed candidate from either hawk/dove camp.


So, check it out—you’ve got some interesting stuff to say, guys. but let’s cut to the chase: are we going for puts or calls on JPM?


I mean everybody knows WBD - game of thrones, Harry Potter and a whole host of insane IPs.. and they were at the same market cap of DJT!!! Clearly seemed like something is off what with the olympics, election year and other ad streams coming up, was a no brainer and I think JPM and Bank of America analysts downgraded it to strong sell at 7$.. That was my cue


It will again when the bank runs start and great depression 2.0 takes hold and your JPM Coins you get for your bank deposits (because ATMs and bank windows will close) aren't worth jack


Still Waiting for the dip on JPM


when dimon hinted at retiring the stock tanked. i dont think him running the fed is bullish for JPM, whos waiting in the wings Erdoes (we putting a chick in charge of not making me dinner)


serious question why did JPM rocket again today if the whole market got cunt punched?


Imagine buying 50 contracts of JPM 210 Calls for 0.37 and selling them three days later for 1.49 and feeling like a genius, but then you go to check and they're trading for $8 (And of course I used most of the profits to buy NVDA Calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883))


JPM only goes up


JPM goes up 🤷‍♂️


JPM don’t care it only goes up


I was approved for Options within my IRAS but I never thought to actually use it.. My Ira’s hold ETFS such as VOO, VTI, JPM, BLK, and SPLG. Could be more diversified but it’s also less than $1.5k in value so my plan is to diversify as it grows.

It's tricky, because when he was president the market was chaos. Stocks would rise and fall based on the inane things tweeted on the toilet at 5 am. The stocks of the companies that belong to his friends and sycophants will probably do well, generally, until they annoy him or dont kiss his feet sufficiently - Tesla, JPM, Lockheed.


I know I was commenting like last week about trimming META. But the move today is getting a bit out of hand imo. Not that I'm buying, just seems a bit odd. What does potential weakness in semis have to do with META? If anything that could signal them easing up on capex finally. I don't even think it's that expensive given the growth compared to the other big tech companies (ex-NVDA). I have been selling down many of my positions recently, mostly because I'm not finding the time to keep up with news on them + want to derisk. In the past 3 months have exited DAKT, RCM, LOW, trimmed UI by 25%, exited a recent volatile microcap pick (Creeme/Cosmic/Aluminum, you know which one) for minor loss, cut my AMD position in half (now that was well-timed...), cut JPM by 30%, etc. But to keep my market exposure the same, will start DCAing heavier into indices. Dropped $1K into VTI/VXUS today. Still keeping my coal of course!

AMZN, JPM, and BRK.B for the 2H catch up trade. B. Graham would be proud of my portfolio.


Yeah but he'd had that money + influence no matter what is job is. But the regulation monkey would always be on his back, permanent tug of war depending on who is in power. So why not take over that fortress too. I assume he'd leave somebody at JPM that will do exactly as he says, so its only an increase in power. And maybe a chance to shrink down the govt which helps all Wall St not just him, so they'd support him.


I don't really think he'd actually have more power at the Fed than he would at JPM. The FOMC has a bunch of voters and then he would also have to deal with the political drama. At JPM he has massive global power and domestically he pretty much bails out the government any time other banks fail and go into receivership.


In the show Billions, Axe does a great monologue on this. Why play in the casino, even as a high roller, when you can own the casino. Running the govt is more power than just $JPM


I'm kind of torn on the idea of Jamie Dimon being appointed to lead the Fed if Trump were re-elected. He is undoubtedly capable and very qualified, but it would be hard to see why he'd actually leave JPM and there would always be a sense that whatever he is doing is going to be more in JPM's best interests than that of the American public.


Incredible that JPM is holding


I made 40% on JPM puts this morning then it immediately went up right after I sold. Dodged a bullet today.


At this point it's all about prestige. Being central banker of the USA and influencing global finance with the smallest of gestures is far far more prestigious and exciting than just being CEO of JPM


JPM casually hitting ATHs week after week


JPM is right again. All about the retail sales.


Like someone mentioned, due to conflict of interest, he can dump his $2billion JPM stock at all time high plus.. tax free if appointed as fed chair. IRS1043. When he leaves the fed, he can always rejoin JPM. He has got nothing to lose but everything to gain


Agreed. Getting rid of GS for JPM change little.  What he should do is an Austrian economist in charge of the Fed.  Next is to downsize the federal government and get ride of unnecessary and over reaching regulations/laws. Hand those back to the state.  Then cut spendings. The debt as of Q1 is 122% of GDP. If the debt keeps going up the same pace for the next few years, hyperinflation will happened. There is no way the interest rate will be high as it will increase debt interest. 0% or negative interest rate and then print a lot. 


Probably yes, but isn’t prob of profit usually lower? Maybe it’s a better choice for low volatile stocks such as JPM or WFC as you mention. Would you mind elaborating a bit more on your calendars? When do you trade them (e.g. close to earnings, with low or rather mid IV stocks…)?


The only banks larger are state owned so people often refer to JPM as the largest.


He owns around $2B of JPM stock, and being appointed as treasury secretary allows him to diversify tax free (IRS rule 1043). It’s exactly what happened when Henry Paulson was appointed.


My JPM calls are printing and NVDIA down, who would’ve thought


I found Calendars to pay me more than Double diagonal. Did that with JPM, WFC, Have one open with TSLA and going to open one with EnPH


I guess I need to buy some JPM now!


Bullish. Calls on JPM. They will be come the fed reserve and get money printing rights


For a guy like Dimon he’s, for all intents and purposes, as rich as he’ll ever be and ever needs to be.  Going into politics like this gives you a kind of power and notoriety that being a banker just can’t give.   No normal person can name the CEO of JPM in the 80s but lots of people know Vollcker was chairman of the fed 


JPM is genuinely special. It's obvious when you listen to a lot of different bank earnings and compare with them. Dimon gets a lot of credit but really it's the entire culture. They are truly run with "fortress principles" as they put it. They consider all risks and haven't made the same stupid mistakes their competitors do. Everyone seems to row in the same direction and they just execute a little bit better. I expect it to do well through all conditions, even after Jamie leaves. Anyways, I'll stop before these knee pads get too worn out. This is a buy and hold.


JPM is genuinely special. Dimon gets a lot of credit but really it's the entire culture. They are truly run with "fortress principles" as they put it. They consider all risks and haven't made the same stupid mistakes their competitors do. Everyone seems to row in the same direction and they just execute a little bit better. I expect it to do well through all conditions, even after Jamie leaves. Anyways, I'll stop before these knee pads get too worn out. This is a buy and hold forever.


Nooooooo. JPM. Criminal enterprise. Google it.


Doesn't he make a shit-load more as CEO of JPM than he would as treasury sec? Officially anyway.


There's zero chance he's going to retire from being a legendary CEO at JPM to take a thankless job working for a president he doesn't like.


JPM - someone has to create financial loop holes


Fuckin putting the CEO of JPM in the position that controls the world economy. The world is well and thoroughly fucked. If you are not financially literate, this will mean you are going back into the lower classes for generations.


I'd pick MSFT, AVGO, FICO, AMZN, and JPM if I had to pick 5 diverse blue chips. You dont really want to have too many positions, 1 to 5 really high quality stocks is better than 10 to 20 decent stocks.

anyone play FBK earnings? I did puts after JPM and Citi posted great earnings and the stock hardly moved in 1 day. figure if earnings are flat or missed the stock will come pulling back


No offence but JPM GS was such a juicy trade today


Sold ~25% of my UI position (44%) gain. There's definitely still upside since inventories are normalized and networking hardware should have an upcycle. But am also worried about tariffs hitting their margins due to production in China. Thinking of selling part or all of my $JPM holdings... It's at pretty much the most expensive it's been on a forward P/E or Price / Tangible Book Value basis in recent history beside 2021. CEO himself is saying stock is expensive so they aren't doing buybacks. Rate cuts will hit their net income margins since they've been benefiting from a 5% spread until now. Then add onto that the possibility of a mild recession in the near future. Cost basis is $126 as I've held for longer than a year. (I would rotate those funds into general index funds, not just build up a huge cash position)


oh look at that JPM. right on time after the ER drop.


Oof. I need to consider alternatives to JPM.


I wish JPM was flat Friday. My 207.50c went to $0.02 at open Monday


yep ! Well Fargo and Citi went down and JPM stayed flat so I say not too far OTM puts


I want to see the banks pump. Particularly JPM. Is that too much to ask?


I hold sofi because I do actually bank with them and had a personal loan thru them i figure if I use them and like them for the most part I'm sure there are others and while I don't see them as the next JPM I think it could bear fruit long term. It's not a huge position, but I'm in at about 6, though, so there's that. But yea, I always tell people I don't really know what I'm doing so don't do what I do


I think Goldman Sachs as president with JPM as vice president would be a pretty solid setup


I have bags. They are not too heavy. The only hope I see to offload is if rate cuts spur stock price. Happy to move on after making a few bucks. No momentum, premiums suck ass. Should have bought more $JPM.


JPM already reported?


Blackrock and JPM can report astronomical losses on Monday and no one will give a shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Also it’s bank week. Expect a lot of red. JPM citi and wells just went through it on Friday


Just ask the chief strategist for JPM. Oh wait nevermind he just got canned for being bearish.


Call me a smooth brain but i just opened up Put leaps on BX, and KKR. Corporate defaults are rising exponentially and 40% of all corporate will be refinanced at the higher rates by end of next year, as per the FRED debt service capacity analysis and recent stress tests.  With the boom in private credit and private equity over the last decade and particularly in the last several years, it is my belief that, as seen the rise of defaults a lot of these business's will not be able to service their debt. Compounding with a weakening consumer, and signaling from the big banks like JPM that they are setting aside more and more capital for upcoming loan losses.  Do I think BX, and KKR will be the next Lehman? No, and with the lack of transparency into private corp financials its hard to know for sure how bad it is, until something happens. However, the increasing defaults will indefinitely lead to reduced margins and loss of assets on book, and reduced earnings.  I have a smooth brain so you should buy calls!


I am always a fan of taking profit. If you believe that the stock will increase more in the next few months then keep the options open. I just wouldn't count that an earnings beat would= more profit. For instance JPM last week was on a tear before earnings then beat estimates yesterday and dropped $5... Think it eventually settled at down $2. Does that make any sense? Never has to me. My humble opinion is if you have multiple contracts and you see an increase before earnings sell one or two. Let the other two run, maybe you see a pop maybe not. I just would definitely sell regardless before 20-15 before expiration that's when you really start loosing option value. 5-10% a day. Trade smart and never be afraid to take a profit!
