Super Micro Computer Inc
Mentions (24Hr)
250.00% Today
Reddit Posts
Me going into earnings week with $5000 in SMCI, MSFT, & AMD calls
KitKat Canada AI Ad? I’m Bullish on NVDA, AMD, & SMCI
What happens to options expired ITM AH but not enough cash in margin account?
Options expired ITM but not enough cash in margin account
I feel like quitting stocks selling Nvdia and SMCI too early
$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account
$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account
Next plays after the 200% gain in SMCI calls.
Pssst….. $SMCI, UNDERVALUED AI PLAY. Going up huge tomorrow!! Calling it now
$20k SMCI calls filled right before market close today. Hoping it holds the gains tomorrow morning.
SMCI IV up, premium up. Looks good to sell a CPS or CSP.
$610 -> $15,000. Happy Holidays WSB.
Super Micro Computer $SMCI Earnings Release - Thriving AI and cloud computing
Super Micro Computer $SMCI Earnings Release - Thriving AI and cloud computing
This AI stock jumped 163% this year, and Wall Street thinks it can rise another 50%. is that realistic?
SMCI is what everybody wishes they were investing in when they buy NVDA
Roughly $60,000 SOFI and SMCI Gainz in Two Weeks
Class action lawsuits (Super Micro Computer Inc - SMCI) and mutual funds
Is it a good time to buy SMCI ? For a long term holding?
too much people on SMCI calls lol
Wen SMCI $100 
Fuck it, 20k into SMCI puts at 37 Enjoy the rocket ride people with calls, you’re welcome
Throw SMCI on that list. Other than that, this is a solid lineup. Best of luck brother.
Someone told me SMCI will be announcing stock dilution during earnings, since they already had this run up.
Impressive, lets see Paul Allen's SMCI calls
SMCI obviously hitting $44 before earnings my wife’s boyfriend told me so
Guess I’ll trim and hold a couple runners for SMCI earnings
Why would you buy SMCI puts lol do you see this momentum
The crystal ball says SMCI beat earnings
Why are there so many SMCI ber
Some dude on here on Friday told me SMCI would kiss $40 sometime this week. I didn't realize that meant it would go to third base with $40 by 1PM on Monday... 
This SMCI pump seems very sus as fuk Lmao 
Think about it, if you had full ported into SMCI last thursday or friday, you'd have already doubled your entire net worth without even touching options.
SMCI is unstoppable holy shit
SMCI really might hit $75 by EOW lol
It takes shorts 1.5 days to cover on SMCI. There’s less than 1.5 days until SMCI earnings. If the run up on smci today is from shorts closing, then it means it will up more. If it is not the shorts closing, then it will mean it will run up more.
# **TLDR** --- **Ticker:** SMCI **Direction:** Up (Long-Term) **Prognosis:** Buy the dip, but be patient. Author believes SMCI is undervalued. **Recommendation:** Author sent a detailed open letter to SMCI's Investor Relations department outlining numerous suggestions for improvement in financial reporting, transparency, executive leadership, and communication to restore investor confidence and unlock the company's full potential. This includes better financial reporting, addressing margin concerns, clarifying liquidity, expanding leadership, and improving investor communication. The author believes SMCI is significantly undervalued and has the potential to reach a $200B market cap within three years. **Bonus:** Author wants SMCI to "Beat and Raise" earnings expectations, similar to NVDA's strategy. **Meme Potential:** SMCI needs a Jensen Huang figure (CEO) to catapult it to the next level. Is Charles (CEO) up to the challenge?
Jesus the IV on SMCI. Not touching that shit.
Just tell your broker you are up $20,000 instead and sell it. They’ll believe you, it’s SMCI
Are we witnessing a gme but her name is SMCI
Zooming out to the 5yr view, SMCI charts \*exactly\* like a shitcoin. Do with that information what you will. I just thought it was interesting. TA is bullshit.
I'm up $200 on my SMCI call $43 with exp date of 2/21/25 should I just sell it?
We don’t need SMCI buy APLD. 
Hedge fund buying puts and retail buying calls on SMCI 
You! Yes you! BUY fuckin SMCI 
Do I buy more SMCI?? Have a pretty penny invested here wondering 🤔
SMCI well nice to meet you kind sir
$SMCI about to be like… $120
Blackrock and pension funds are getting into SMCI. $60 soon
SMCI is cooking…….. their books
i was gonna go long SMCI and ASTS this morning but woke up 30 minutes to late.
bruh I got in SMCI late, like an hour ago, and i'm up fucking 38% this is crazy 
SMCI just keeps going 
Alright lads, Im loving what Im seeing with SMCI... but will it hold after today.
Crazy all SMCI has to say is business update and goes up 50%
SMCI pahmping like Enron in '86
SMCI crash tomorrow is gonna be mental. SMCI positions going crazy
Are you guys shorting SMCI for earnings tomorrow?
Holding SMCI til it hits $100 in 2 months
Here's hoping SMCI doesn't fuck it up tomorrow evening. I am tired of seeing it in the red in my portfolio lol.
Puts on SMCI is only logical
Wonder if SMCI will run all tomorrow too
I just have this feeling like SMCI is still cooking the books
I bought calls 40$ for SMCI when it was at 28. I also bought nvidia calls and achr. They all did well today
To be fair you should have been scared of SMCI based on what was going on The Nvidia thing you are on your own for that one
Wish I bought SMCI shares at 18 but I was too scared I was also too scared to buy NVDA after deepseek  Pussy
what's the best case scenario for SMCI's "business update" tomorrow after hours? They announce they'll be releasing the 10k soon and have everything in order for earnings? How about worst case? they don't mention the 10k at all?
Watch SMCI get majorly rewarded for doing the bare minimum 
full port SMCI earnings. You're welcome.
a lot of people on WSB has calls on SMCI i think lol
Just kidding bro Im no ber. Im balls deep in SMCI no condom
All these idiots going in on SMCI for their “earnings” which is really a business update because nobody will sign off on their fraud
Watch SMCI come out with bad news 
Tu utilises un effet de levier ? Si oui comment as tu fais ? Félicitation je viens juste d’entrer en position sur ASTS, j’étais sur BBAI la semaine dernière. Pour infos je surveille SMCI, ACHR de près
SMCI just keeps mooning, tomorrow it could reach the actual moon 
SMCI premiums back to bananas level. Buying at the money strikes need 10% move LOL. Stock price isn’t high enough to make money on that turd.
What we thinking for SMCI tomorrow? Puts? Been on a 30% heater
imagine not having SMCI shares
Alright I closed my last few SMCI calls, we can have a market crash now
Bro my SMCI call is up 566% 💀
SMCI went up 50% during the last 5 trading days, trade accordingly 
Haven't seen much negative sentiment around SMCI lately so I'm not sure what you're talking about
Does anyone think with all the negative emotions around SMCI going into earnings that calls are the play? I like losing money if that helps.
Should have bought SMCI calls last week. 
SMCI: “books were cooked but not as bad as to be delisted” Lmao 
Every short seller / puts buyer wants to GTFO of SMCI before earnings
SMCI hasn’t reported financials facing delisting and shit bed previously … sentiment way bullish so imma take puts … it 2AM where I’m at wish me luck regards
Will SMCI cross 40 tomorrow or crater my account ?
Heidenberg closing after SMCI is indicative they overstretched themselves. Guy wanted to just cover his tracks and leave with his gains
Someone knows something. SMCI 🚀 🆙
Yolo! SMCI SMCI gang just getting started! 🚀
This is just the start. When it’s established that the accounting issue doesn’t impact bottom line SMCI doubles or triples
SMCI going straight vertical 🚀 💰
SMCI and NBIS hitting 40 today what is going on
SMCI was at $26 one week ago… 
I'm so close to FOMOing into SMCI  Someone hold me back 
SMCI just whipped its cock out. And it’s green af 
SMCI volume is wild over the last minutes, 50 mil in buy orders. Wonder if someone knows they are listing compliant.