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Super Micro Computer Inc

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-39.02% Today

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SMCI to 500 you degenerates 🚀🚀🚀🚀

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Me going into earnings week with $5000 in SMCI, MSFT, & AMD calls

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Smci predictions

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Sold $SMCI puts

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SMCI. What’s Next?

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SMCI Earnings YOLO

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$3000 -> $60,000 🔥🔥

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KitKat Canada AI Ad? I’m Bullish on NVDA, AMD, & SMCI

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$SMCI price target for tomo?

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Why is SMCI so hyped?

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Why is SMCI so hyped? ....

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SMCI this week

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$4,000 -> $17,000 🔥🔥

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SMCI Saved My Account

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What happens to options expired ITM AH but not enough cash in margin account?

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Options expired ITM but not enough cash in margin account

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I feel like quitting stocks selling Nvdia and SMCI too early

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$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account

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$SMCI Options expired ITM but not enough cash in account

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From $26 to $6600 on SMCI

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From 26$ to $6600 on SMCI

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From $26 to $6600 on SMCI

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$SMCI picture you can hear

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Next plays after the 200% gain in SMCI calls.

r/optionsSee Post

Help me from falling back into old patterns

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Europoor SMCI gains (€13k entry on Nov 9th)

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Pssst….. $SMCI, UNDERVALUED AI PLAY. Going up huge tomorrow!! Calling it now

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$20k SMCI calls filled right before market close today. Hoping it holds the gains tomorrow morning.

r/optionsSee Post

Any 0DTE options for tomorrow gentlemen?

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What's the most recommended growth stock to buy?

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SMCI IV up, premium up. Looks good to sell a CPS or CSP.

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Cup And Handle On SMCI

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$610 -> $15,000. Happy Holidays WSB.

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Big insider sell off - when are they an issue?

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How to calm friends on SMCI

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Is there a name for this?

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SMCI puts

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How wide is SMCI's moat ?

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SMCI is rising very fast

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Is AI still worth the hype?

r/wallstreetbetsOGsSee Post

SMCI for NVDA earnings

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AMD a grossly under valued company

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Super micro computer

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Super micro computer

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Super Micro Computer $SMCI Earnings Release - Thriving AI and cloud computing

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Super Micro Computer $SMCI Earnings Release - Thriving AI and cloud computing

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Did I do Call Options right?

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This AI stock jumped 163% this year, and Wall Street thinks it can rise another 50%. is that realistic?

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At what point do you sell a stock?

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SMCI is what everybody wishes they were investing in when they buy NVDA

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Roughly $60,000 SOFI and SMCI Gainz in Two Weeks

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Thoughts on 5+ year hold on SMCI?

r/investingSee Post

Class action lawsuits (Super Micro Computer Inc - SMCI) and mutual funds

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Is it a good time to buy SMCI ? For a long term holding?

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There's a new FOMO bubble

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Any thoughts on SMCI?

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Why is SMCI going down, despite good YoY reportings?


Do we know when SMCI publishes preliminary earnings report?


Is SMCI still part of IWM ?


whoever sold me the SMCI 8/9 850c when it was at 830 well played ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


SMCI 0dte’s make my balls tingle every week


YOLO SMCI puts into earnings and watch your account jump


SMCI, more like Suck My Cock Idiot


It’s ok, I only need the SPX, QQQ and SMCI to all go up about 500bps pre market tomorrow


Regards do yourself a favor and don’t buy shit stocks like DELL, MU, SMCI, AMD.

I bought SMCI 720 calls at closing for tomorrow expiry. hoping to get it 3x


SMCI crashed for 10 days straight fml


SMCI just had like a twenty percent drop. Seems like a decent time to buy?


If you bought SMCI 20 weeks ago you’re up 1% lmao


Soo…SMCI is sinking just because they didn’t do a preannouncement?


Cut my SMCI puts at open this morning for 65%. Had a lot more room to run, but fuck it, I'll lock in any gains on in this meatgrinder.


Man I should have bought SMCI call instead of shares lmao. still green tho :D


SMCI is not the SMCI i used to know ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


SMCI can you be green plz, I got a family to feed


SMCI wtffffffff![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Cmon SMCI give it to me![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)


huh..... SMCI is down like 40% and NVDA down 20%+ from ATH..... maybe not the market as a whole but when you have these giants down this much, i suggest this is indeed a correction.


SMCI needs almost 100% move to make new ATH


Did the same for SMCI.


I’m not in SMCI but holy shit it’s at Feb 5th levels


i locked in (1) 538p and its up 74%... clown market, fuck UPS for yeeting my shares and fuck me for buying AVGO+ SMCI 2 days ago..

SMCI was 800 to start the week ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


SMCI is tempting here. It’s not “cheap” but not really “expensive” either


SMCI try not to be red for 3% everyday, also impossible


SMCI was one of the most shorted stocks in June lmao pump and dump


It’s time to have an adult conversation with regulators about SMCI.


I'm in the same boat with my SMCI call. Pray for a rip today and then sell a call at a higher strike to turn it into a debit spread.


I think m going to stay away semis trade until SMCI releases er ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


i swear whenever i buy SMCI it dies


Had the same experience with SMCI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Stupid me bought a August 16 debit spread. Bought back the short leg for nothing, but now the long leg is worth close to 0 too. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) Need AMD and SMCI to absolutely molest earnings and pray that Nvidia goes along for the ride.


Not selling NVDA at 140 was insanely dumb. But not half as dumb as the people not selling SMCI at 1250.


I’m shorting the fuck out of SMCI. Far out dated puts, but if we break and/or consolidate under $708, we still to earths core.


I’d suggest SMCI![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


U lost ur mind g SMCI ~550 by end of year


SMCI isn't an AI company...they provide the systems for AI...noob.


Bro I literally have no more money to put into SMCI after buying 3 more shares...I would liquidate more assets if I could but based on my swang theorem I'm tapped out...


I know the whole market is down but SMCI is at such a cheap price it's crazy...I just wish I had more money 😔


SMCI skips preannouncement. Semis fucked


You're having a bad day? I took my profits on SMCI at $26.


bought SMCI at 700$ today because i noticed everyone was being fearful so I thought why not get a little greedy


Wouldn't say predicted aha, just the [daily chart]( seems so clear. You can say that between ~708 and ~960 is the channel it's currently in. Weakness in the Nasdaq futures was a big indicator that tech was still going to struggle in the short term at least. Question is does it break back to 710 and hold? It's down to 699 in AH... There's like no support on the chart down there. 665? 575? Maybe. If the Nasdaq drops another 250 tomorrow, what's stopping SMCI dropping more


last week saw the SMCI 750p for 3 thought nah. today its worth around 4k. instead, i bought tesla calls.... FML


Pypl and SMCI today


Is anyone else thinking long SMCI


Days like today are always my fear with selling PUTs … I was considering SMCI 710 …. I remembered your 745s … but geez… just a tough day. So when that happens do you buy the PUT back or do you exercise?


ibm earnings good, SMCI been beaten down to fucking shit lately. like 5 gaps down


Why is everyone talking about SMCI, do they report earnings tomorrow or what?


Thinking of buying SMCI tomorrow.


Tempted to get in on SMCI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


SMCI at 681 is a good buy


SMCI dead in the water.


Am I crazy for wanting to buy SMCI 700C monthlies


Damn, SMCI below $700


SMCI announced preearnings on Aug 6. Market not reacting positively ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Thank fuck I gave up trying on SMCI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) shitty Chinese pump and dump


Wow haha you predicted SMCI😄


SMCI getting fooked ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8883)


Sure hope so. Averaged down on PYPL (lololol) and entered an SMCI position.


Lol, SMCI dipped $100 on NVDA earnings day, completely fucking my calls, but now only dips $70?


Tempted to purchase some SMCI or SQ. Am I insane?


SMCI blaming their sell off on TSLA Stupid fucking bitch


SMCI hasn’t closed under $700 since Feb 8th.


Yikes SMCI ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


Remember $SMCI started the year in the $200s and $NVDA started the year at $48


Insane, SMCI has lost nearly 25% in the last 10 days


SMCI weeklies are dirt cheap right now. Huge baggers if it recovers the next two days.


Buying $SMCI here $739 target


Same reason SMCI is down. Fear that datacenter server racks may see a slowdown in demand.


SMCI puts at open printed


SMCI going bankrupt ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258) SELL SELL SELL! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267) Save any wealth you have in SMCI!


I don’t invest in SMCI but I love this to them moan when it dips, like bro it drop to 700 and randomly rockets to 850 practically every week, how are you not seeing the pattern.


Damn, SMCI just won't stop. 😬


Anyone bag holding SMCI shares at $1000?


Good thing I sold my NVDA calls on Monday for a small $2000 profit. Still down 8k on SMCI shares though


remember that day in March when SMCI pulled NVDA down like 10% even though they're not actually correlated? I made money off that dip. now TSLA doing the same thing and I'm not so confident.

Me too, buddy. I got fucked with French fries ($LW and $SMCI).


Thinking about catching the SMCI knife.


People often say dont judge a book by its cover, until I saw the ticker of SMCI


Day who knows how many of SMCI down over 5% for absolutely no bloody reason


Nice red dat you have there. Considering entering SMCI for 10 shares here below $750. Thoughts?


full ported into SMCI at 840 a few weeks ago and it did not work out well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Broadcom, Dell, SMCI and so on all earn a good buck on the AI hype as well. But none of them have that Nvidia bonus. You get the impression that if Nvidia falls, the whole market will go down the drain. Like a REAL crash, not this pussyfootin' around.


SMCI holders blaming TSLA


VRT - 16.84% POWL - 26.10% THC - 12.83% EME - 35.08% I am in high school, so any advice is welcome, but my money is relatively limited. I have a 97.18% return over one year because I struck gold with SMCI, but have slowed down considerably since. VRT and THC both released earnings reports this morning and it is looking good. Is there any reason to get rid of VRT? Also, I am looking at LMAT as a potential buy. Opinions on that?

Looks like a good time for SMCI calls


Today is a generational buying opportunity type of day. Waiting until 330 to find a position, but I am liking SMCI right now.


I see the SMCI money laundering operation and winding down.


Do you capitalize on a huge dip like DIS or a small dip like SMCI…


so trump complains about Taiwan stealing their semi-conductor industry and now we SMCI tanks for consecutive days and takes QQQ with it?
