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12 Stocks to Hold in 2024 to Beat QQQ, SPY and SMH (or SOXX)

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Niche ETF Option Arb Strategy

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AI Investments

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Why VOO and chill over other ETFs that outperform VOO over 1/3/5/10 yrs?

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I am a ex-prop trader trading US equities and these are the stocks on my watchlist (1/8).

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Recommendations on a 4th ETF to round out my portfolio?

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$KO outperforms half of the Mag 7 in 2024 because of $NVO and $LLY

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Optimize Portfolio into Fidelity

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Stoc(n)ks would moon in 2024

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Fidelity, brokerage link and NAV funds vrs ETFs

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Good month. Fidelity sucks and hasn't updated 178k at end of day Friday though from their glitch. SMH

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When you can tell which way a stock will go but don't know the time frame, should have just Shorted this ish instead of a PUT. SMH.

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20k gain. Haven't sold the rest in my other brokerages yet

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portfolio advice

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SAVE is a BUY... changed to discussion post. SMH

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Seeking Advice on My Investment Plan

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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0.75% per week – WEEK 45 UPDATE

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Obsessed with Chip Makers

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Thoughts on defense stocks I bought today

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Macro Long Options Ideas

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Best ETFs for long term performance?

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How to get rid of my trading habit to invest properly! Fear of losing the money!!

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Wall Street Week Ahead for the trading week beginning August 14th, 2023

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[M25] International Student in the US - How to prepare to move assets overseas

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What are your thoughts on SMH?

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How to consolidate portfolio

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A detailed DD for AMD in AI (Instinct MI300 breakdown)

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(5/25) Thursday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

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Does this mean Robinhood is short selling SMH?

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(3/31) Friday's Pre-Market Stock Movers & News

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Too much NVDA OR Am I diversified?

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ETF and Market Evaluation for week of 02/27/2023

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ETF and Market Evaluation for week of 02/21/2023

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ETF and Market Evaluation for week of 02/21/2023

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ETF and Market Evaluation for week of 02/21/2023

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What's going on with Ttulieve?

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semiconductor ETF for the long term (SMH)

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Covered Calls Margin (Question)

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Wasn't Elon hurting to make cash with Twitter? He hosts Tate's DOA comeback match and didn't even think to charge PPV. SMH

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All Hail US President Musk! What has this world come to (SMH)

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is this a good time to buy SMH?

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The SMH ETF Indicates Why The Markets Are Showing More Strength.

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

This has got to be one of the most funniest subs I've been on. Hilarious

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Powell did exactly as i thought yesterday which makes me even more bullish now

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Double standards. SMH Feds

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So tired of these scams, SMH 🙄

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Semiconductor Sector and profitable Large Caps is where i would be putting my money

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Awww man, I set up my 401K earlier this year.. they got me in all the wrong stocks SMH

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SMH at the 🧻🙌‘s in this sub lately

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Let's talk about the semiconductor industry

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Let's talk about the semiconductor industry

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

BBIG Options trap totally manipulated by market makers. This will close below a dollar so options expire worthless. This is legal mind you. SMH

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Let's talk about the semiconductor industry

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spread trade with long options

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Is it too late to short the market? I still feel the market is going to break the June lowest point

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Long-Term Investment: Semiconductors vs. Energy

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Long-Term Investment: Semiconductors vs. Energy

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Buying 10 stocks in one industry verse investing in an ETF?

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Nancy Pelosi’s husband buys millions in computer-chip stocks before big subsidy vote

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Biden travels to Ohio to highlight $86 billion for troubled retirement plans.. SMH

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Long term stocks/ETF's to pick up in times like this

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$CEAD called it at .95 enjoy the gains.I got banned on this sub on my original account(sammy2607)for saying buy puts on ater SMH

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Something fishy with DTC anyone else confirm

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

Rug pull of the week.. 🕳🚶🏼‍♂️ SMH 🤦‍♂️ this was being blasted so hard in here, was “THE squeeze” “BEST setup” “ yadda yadda, what the hell happened? Why is no one talking about it now? $BBAl

r/pennystocksSee Post

$GFAI called it in the short squeeze sub at .39 since you guys banned me here,SMH but get in this play NFA

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War for Fun and Profit: Discuss Best Plays for China’s Looming Invasion of Taiwan?

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War for Fun and Profit: Discuss Best Plays for China’s Looming Invasion of Taiwan?

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May Update To The Largest Bet In WSB's History!!!

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SMH trading at a discount?

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How should I adjust?

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Critique my ROTH IRA Portfolio Plan

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I'm not strong like you guys. Go ahead and make this play for me - Intuit Calls for Friday.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

I heard you guys want to see loss porn. I touched 300K and didn’t sell. SMH

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Looking to expand my portfolio with ETFs

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Hedgies played the uno reverse ladder attack card. SMH

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Undervalued Territory

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Oddly comforting

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Thoughts on Semi-ETF SMH moving forward ?

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My starter growth portfolio is 10 shares of MSFT, 4 shares of SMH and 1 share of GOOGL. What do you think?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

Remember the guy that called the breakout on $COVID? Should have bought calls SMH.

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Buy just buy

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Your top ETF picks for 2022

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Y’all hated on me when I posted this last week. SMH true apes woulda followed me to the moon 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧

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SAVA Entering Orbit January 19th

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SAVA Entering Orbit January 19th!!!

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Cash in on Pelosi and the CHIPS and FABS Acts

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Cash in on Pelosi and the CHIPS and FABS Acts

r/SPACsSee Post

Keeping the $FATH

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CDC manipulating the stock market SMH

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What do you think of my basic ETF portfolio?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Post

ETF Question

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Would you take profits on Nvidia in favor of SMH?

r/ShortsqueezeSee Post

$KTTA Killer Call Here , Entry Price Posted .30 BEFORE The Move 🚨 Some Haters Gonna Say A $2 Move Isn’t A Squeeze SMH , You Guys Focus Too Heavily On Supernovas In Here 😂

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Inovio Pharmaceutical ($INO)


Half FBTC and half SMH.


Autocorrect changed net worth to network. SMH


Im reading this as I was about to dump my network into SMH


An aggressive position in SMH?


I did the exact same thing. Bought SMH at 273. The next day it dropped 20 per share. Since then it's been a consistent drop. Down 40 per share now 🤦🏼‍♀️


S&P tech is in correction territory and SMH is down 16%. I know correlations haven’t quite gone to 1 and I am not sure the S&P has even dropped as much as it did in April although both have gotten close, but this is nasty. It was nasty in September of 2020 and at points in early 2021 where the Nasdaq was struggling some, even if other parts of the market were relatively untouched in the latter case and it’s nasty here. Then again (although it definitely doesn’t in the other indexes) 2022 tops the COVID crash for the Nasdaq for me. It was that bad.


!banbet SMH $220 3d


AMD, “the second best for AI” down on a year where the SMH is up 40% AFTER a 20% drawdown 🤣


Semis as a whole. SMH is up 300% the past 5 years with lots of darlings like NVDA and AVGO being priced for perfection. Not saying it cant keep going up ofcourse but these are not crazy cheap prices like some people are saying.

SMH, QQQ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Why would I pick Sunday as a expiration date. SMH.


**Tech Bulls, where you at? SMH, QQQ**


**Tech dip buying in progress SMH, QQQ**


**Tech is on Sale SMH, QQQ**


Green shoots in Tech SMH, QQQ


You're young enough you can do well with more risky tech heavy ETFs. With the recent pull backs, QQQM (cheaper fee QQQ) is a good choice. I'd put most in VOO or similar SP500 ETF and a good chunk in QQQM or similar tech heavy ETF. Now's a good time with the recent pullbacks, especially in tech stocks. SMH and other semi-conductor ETFs or stocks could potentially net more gains but higher risk. I have a small position in those.

Similar. Bought more SCHG and SMH yesterday, 2:1, my usual blend. Here's to a quick rebound 🍻


Bought SMH, the industry has the same fundamentals it did 1 weeks ago. Just the price is 15% lower


My large nvdl position turned into a small nvdl position today SMH.


SMH bottom this is EXACTLY what was needed. A good fucking flush. Bollinger bands, RSI, all that at multi year lows and at a point where we always see a good turn around.


Amd and NVDA both down. SMH.


I agree with everything you said. BUT. Google bro? lol really Google and Tesla the 2 wonkers of the Mag 7. SMH


Entire tech market is pulling back, SPY, QQQ, SMH- think it might be driven by GOOG saying they aren't going to have any material benefit from AI till 2025/2026, but not sure.

Yea I bought the near top at 90 awhile back was feeling good as it topped 100 but may just cash out and sit on the sidelines. My QQQ and SMH have decent positions but I didn’t look at VRT until buddy gave me a tip Oh well


My Roth IRA has $80k and split up like this: $20,000 FZROX which I won't touch. $20,000 FBTC $20,000 SMH $10,000 QQQM $10,000 XLK All of these have 2% daily swings regularly, especially the FBTC (Bitcoin ETF). Is it wise to rebalance my portfolio maybe even weekly when two funds travel 2% in opposite directions? So if FBTC is up 2% and SMH down 2% in one day, should I immediately rebalance $800 from BTC to SMH (sell high and buy low) or should I let it all work itself out and let the winners eat?

…or buy SMH? AVGO has that nice dividend, but NVDA has a lot of goodies in the pipeline. Both have a lot of upside.

Didn't get them.. Might do SMH calls tomorrow if good.


SMH is a great etf. Highly recommend.


When BA kills people it’s bullish but when CRWD does it it’s bearish? SMH ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


SMH gained 100ish% with Trump as president. The thing that you're going to need to be worried about with him presuming no recession and his election is that he's unpredictable. Other than the inflation hysteria year, we've kind of done what we did with Obama as president market wise in that you've had a low vol uptrend (just turned up a bit), but with Trump, there's going to be volatility involved like what we saw with trade war comments.


They don't match NVDA, so your claim is invalid. But look for ETFs that include it and you'll get much of the benefit. (I use SMH, for satisfactory results.. 42% vs 16% ytd - compared to S&P 500) Just spread investments out among well balanced funds . Even BRK would do well enough


Son, that wasn't a refinery. SMH.


A simple smoke test would have found the problem. SMH We release to a small environment and let the build run for a week prior to blasting it to the world. Others do this too. Crowdstrike is special. Oh, well. Good luck!


This may be a good time to get into VGT and SMH as they have recently dropped a bit. Probably put some or most if your money into VOO or VTI as well.

My QQQM and SMH stop losses have already kicked in. ..interesting times for tech.


Draw the candles and it looks a lot worse, also if you look at $SMH or $SOXX: [](


I think we see one more big shake out and it goes to $111, I'm in a bit lower than some folks here, think average is around $125, but also hold a lot of SMH, and getting my arse handed to me right now. To me it feels like the momentum is changing, like semis and AI are becoming old news. Not sure how much hedge funds and institutions are holding or buying this dip. Something tells me even if it recovers the growth is going to slow. This is may be the last time it dips 20% or so and rips right back up, it may even take months to recover this time.


Thanks for sharing! I put 70% in VOO, 20% in VGT, 5% in SMH and 5% in QQQM. I know VGT and QQQM overlap, so I would like to put more in VGT. But not sure if I am making a good allocation in my portfolio.

Applied materials (AMAT) looking good, also the ETF's SOXX/XCHP and SMH.

Lmao you should feel bad about this position cause it’s fucked, true blind entry on a Thursday. SMH. You could get some back for sure but man I hope you’re rich to just throw around money like this. If this 80k is your full portfolio then you are the highest regard and belong here m


Yeah sell for loss and stop gambling. SMH lol


Poor man's covered call, I use YouTube everyday so it's def a company Peter Lynch would want me to invest in lol. I'm going to go all in on SMH, margin and all, and hold. TSM is undervalued right now, AVGO, and NVDA's not done with Blackwell's sold out + huge R&D news supposedly coming soon. Getting the semi ETF to hold long term is better option than Google imo. I like ETF's like SMH, XLK, QQQ and QLD mixed for 1.5 returns, In this case, rather hold shares instead of a LEAP. Google's premiums kinda tame as well. I have LEAPs on Robinhood, HIMS and Palantir. HIMS is a shit company will leave if next earning's are weak but their weight loss meds safer than what NVO and LLY were touting.

I mean its probably useful to treat this as a dip at least $SMH semiconductor ETF, since it will rotate out the underperformers anyway


I sold my entire portfolio earlier this week on concerns about TSMC’s earnings affecting the broader market. I bought TSM back after earnings that morning at 177, but I didn’t start getting back into the rest of my positions until today at market close. I think the market is rotating out of semis as shown by bearish sentiment on calls/puts ratio of SMH (semi ETF), but I imagine the rest of tech is probably going to be a good buy.


$SMH $AMD $TQQQ if feeling spicy


I literally started investing two weeks ago lol. Decided to make 20% of my portfolio MAGS, IBB, XNTK and SMH. I’m down 20$ 😩

Oops. Yup other way around. Forgot I had changed SMH to SOXX.


SMH is more Nvidia heavy ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Invest in SMH instead? Lower returns but more secure. I also like how they divided equally between all semiconductor stocks. As opposed to SOXX that’s more Nvidia heavy.


Just go with SMH. It is the worst time ever to make an individual bet on a semi stock. Especially if you're betting against the market leader in a specific function.


Just go with SMH


It’s genuinely hilarious to see trades barely squeak through the outage to show up on robinhood Check SMH. Literally nothing from 4:00 to 4:50, then 100 volume and a $0.00 candle, then nothing again. CRWD fucked **EVERYTHING**


Luck af, I bought a 2% OTM strangle on SMH seconds before close on a whim. That put is gonna fuckin print more $$$ than Zimbabwe inflation


SPY? Down. QQQ? Down. SMH? WAY fuckin down. Our boy IWM?? That mf is rock-fuckin sold. Crowdstrike who???

SMH (semiconductor ETF) dropped a full 1.5% in the last 30 minutes, presumably due to the Crowdstrike thing. Tech is gonna get fuckin NUKED today, be careful out there bull bros


Overnight is usually fake as fuck but it’s def notable that literally EVERYTHING is dropping at the exact same second I’ve got 4 ETFs in my watchlist. QQQ and SMH for tech-centric, IWM for small caps, and SPY for the broad strokes. Every single one of them took a sharp turn south on their 2:50-3:00 am candles. Could be another interesting day, fellas



SMH indeed


Went all in Aug 16 SMH 250 calls. Plz rebound stonks market


(I would not be surprised if SMH has bottomed, and even if not, you're seeing some key names still see bullish long term option flow right now)


I like SMH, GLD, TLT, XBI for some diversification. IWM and DIA are similar to SPY but they do have different holdings than SPY

Yeah, it appears that we’ve learned nothing from April. The Nasdaq can drop 10-12% and recover when it’s in its bull trends. It’s not going to be moves like two of the last 10 trading days that will tell the tale. It’s going to be more like stuff like this: It’s going to drop a bit (would be a little more here), then the S&P and Dow will set multiple ATHs while it struggles and chops around under its record. Or maybe the Nasdaq will hit new records without SMH/SOXX joining in.


I bought SMH on dip, should've went TSM directly. Smh.


I bought SMH! Happy with the price. Very close to bottom price.


SMH is solid


$SMH got me Shaking My Head. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


You’d have to have balls of steel to buy SMH puts at the close today


SMH is down essentially 10% from an all-time high. I know I'm insane, but semiconductor stocks have pushed me to near puking on much less than this a few years back in 2021. They move so freaking much and that's why you just can't buy them after they've ran up. At least I can't.


I’ve got a blown account like that also. It’s still bag holding a shitload of SOS. SMH


Oh man, the top is near. I overheard three guys at an old person restaurant I eat breakfast at today, all say “the stock market is crazy I can get 3-5 times my initial investment” SMH The music is getting quieter.


SMH is up 50% YTD A 7% drop is nothing


More SMH


I actually bought more NVDA and SMH today, almost bought more VUG as well but decided it didn't dip that much. I could be wrong and this is the start of a bigger down trend. We'll see where it is one month out and by end of year


Weak hands. Just buy more. Sale going on for SMH, NVDA. Buy.


After their last earnings, which was all very positive, the stock tanked. There’s no rationale but I’ve been burned on this stock too many times in the past. Instead, I hold it in SMH.


10/18 and 11/15 SMH


I bought some SMH, started a small position of CRWD, and 1 share of ASML..

XLK or SMH leaps?


Bought SMH3 because I'm a degenerate, currently down 18%


I put my money in VOO as my portfolio foundation, and invested some to QQQM. However, I would like to put more in VGT instead of QQQM because I want to invest the etf which focused in the technology sector. I also consider to add SMH (semiconductor ETF) but I am not sure am I put too much in the technology sector.

SMH is a little top heavy on NVDA and it shows. Might be a good time to pick some shares up if you like a good spread of tech stocks.


SMH volume is legit


That’s because SMH is currently down 3% and the comments were about a segment that everyone has their eyes on.


Who said bottom was in? SMH was a dead cat bounce.


Who said the bottom was in? SMH was a dead cat bounce.


Damn, reddest premarket for my portfolio in a while. SMH -3.27%, XDEM -1.43%, XDEQ -1.15%


Leaning towards SMH


Went short SPY, QQQ, SMH and long VIX at close ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Load the boat with SMH puts


7/19 SMH 265/260 put vertical   Just buy 1 contract. Asusming price stays the same buy open its 65$ max risk and 435$ max profit


Those holding NVDA / SMH / Literally any semis, I pray for your calls safety. May ASML not choke their Earnings.

I think the cyclical nature of semis is returning and SMH will probably be underweight moving forward. I'm holding SOXL, but may sell today


Are you guys still DCAing into SMH and QQQM or feel like it has topped out?


Wow you bought all those different options and they were all winners? SMH….my luck they would all wind up losers.


TSM 165C, 170C, 180C all 7/19, hoping to close the 180C before expiry. then Hoping into Weekly QQQ/SPY/SMH options.

Right now probably Amazon, Costco, SMH, LLY, maybe sbux


Help a Noob: Which Semiconductor ETF to buy? so there is SMH, there is SOXX, but I also found this one: []( which seems to be the "Europe"-Version of the SMH. At first glance, I like it because it is capped at 10%, so it's not as heavy on Nvidia as the SMH, but at the same time it has less positions than the SOXX, so it maintains it's bet on the giants, as the SMH, plus, it keeps the higher share of TSMC, as in the SMH, which I like. I am somewhat of a beginner so my question is: Do you see any major red flags with this ETF or would you say it's pretty much as good as SMH or SOXX, just a matter of preference? Appreciate your time for replying <3


SMH back in my day out indexes worked hard Now you have spy and qqq putting in a half day and then leaving for their mani/Pedi
