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Where to invest 10k leveraged from CC cash advance (5% fee)?

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PARA analyst uogrades

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Received little over $4k for WF settlement. What should I buy?

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Would you go long on me if I was a stock?

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Is Wells Fargo a good broker?

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Wealthfront HYSA to Brokerage $BIL

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Investing with Wells Fargo & WMPXX (5.19%)

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Investing with Wells Fargo & WMPXX

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Yellen's all but gives away who will and who won't be rescued...

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Puts on WF

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Vanguard CD, do I need to do anything at maturity? Will it roll over?

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Whay are CD? How do i buy the

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Okay, okay, bulls I can't tell if this is a rally or bulls***

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Boom! WF no mortgage for you

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This is a weird whale play…🐋

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Bank stocks a good buy?

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Detailed comparison of the (M)AANG stocks performance through the years...

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LEAPS on Bank stocks

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Is it illegal to purposely not paying back credit card debts in order for the banks to lose money, while shorting the banks?

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Is SONY undervalued?

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Why are bank stocks down when we expect rate hikes?

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Dividend ETF for 30s investor?

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Tried Fidelity brokerage, underwhelmed, anything wrong with staying with Wells Fargo?

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Shorting banks.

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Why dont markets offer sub-stocks?

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Why dont markets offer sub-stocks?

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$AMAT to the moon

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$AMAT to the Moon

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Etsy - Detailed Model - Free to Download!

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$WISH upon a star

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Buy $XLF before Thursday's momentum fund rebalancing

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What happened to SDOW?

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Moving investments to new Brokerage

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I have about $2k sitting on the sidelines. What should I do?

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Apes face the greatest Marshmallow Test in history. Will you pass? [Psychological DD] 💎🙌

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Journey to $1 Million - March 18th, 2021


they addressed the WF analyst portion size social media post in the first 5 minutes 👀


they addressed the WF analyst portion size social media post in the first 5 minutes 👀


they addressed the WF analyst portion size social media post in the first 5 minutes 👀


Use Acorns! It rounds up your purchases and invests it, we honestly don’t even notice it! My acorns account is at almost 3k already! Here’s a start up link for anyone to use and we both get a free $5 investment from the company! Hey! Acorns makes it easy to save and invest. Join me and you’ll get a free $5 investment! As a perk of referring users, I can get a reward too. Learn more and see terms here.


I do like WF too. Learn a lot more. They're on Tubi now. It's all episodes I saw on YT already but beware the CrabCat


I remember this point in time because it's when I bought the stock and never sold. Only regret was not buying more. As a long time member I remember being dumbfounded at the WF reaction. They have one of the biggest moats of any company and do well in any economic environment.


How do we feel about the bank ERs tomorrow? JPM, WF and CITI?


Ultra conservative WF is at 3.1, you’re good.


Not Chase, but Wells Fargo. Been using it for like a decade. The most I ever got in interest was maybe $0.10 in a month. If WF came out with a $25/mo fee, it would take 25 years of interest to make one of those payments. I would immediately transfer everything to my credit union and close that account too. I already barely use it as is. Mostly just because my credit union does not have Zelle (at least to my knowledge), so I use it as a way to Zelle family members for bills and such.


Some 15-20 years ago I ditched wells fargo because they were going to charge a fee everytime customers used their ATM cards anywhere not a WF ATM. At first I was just going to write a ton of checks which would still be free out of spite, but I just bailed. I think they changed the plan to not do it after I and probably a lot of other people left.


Might wire all my money to WF and sit on cash


That’s just billing it to your 100 WF accounts you totally remember signing up for. 


This is a WF “analyst”


Wait! I've heard this one... "Portion control" is code for the number of unauthroized accounts a WF staffer opens in a customer's name to secure a bonus, amaright?!? 75 "Burrito Bowls". That's a lotta hookers and blow!


WF analyst has $120 target on TSLA - just look at this stupid bears face.

r/stocksSee Comment

If I was to buy an underperforming major bank, it would be C before WF. Higher P/E, but way better price/book. Way more upside with C.

r/stocksSee Comment

For sure, I’d just rather own JPM at the same multiple, believe they’re at low 12 too. WF just always seems to shoot them selves in the foot- rent credit card or mouse giggling being the last examples… those aren’t as major as the mortgage fiasco but just continues the long history of minimal positive wf news reports. On top of that their commercial and corporate banking practices have shit the bed over the last 5 years. But yes they will always have a base of depositors to fuel their consumer lending. I would just rather own another bank

r/stocksSee Comment

I own Wells Fargo. The way I think of it is, I have a WF account. I hate the company and don't trust them with my money.... but I still have the account. They are going nowhere and will continue to take in the money. It's a money printing machine. Their P/E is 12.31 as well. I assume it will keep climbing while paying a div which should make it pretty appealing for a lot of people barring a recession.


Half a million dollars in a WF brokerage account is wild



No fan of WF but they did pay back the bail out in a year.

r/stocksSee Comment

I have a. 4 month CD with WF (I know. But my family has been banking with them for 20+ years) and I use CapitalOne’s 360 Performance Savings (HYSA) because I already have a credit card with them, I really like their app interface and it was so quick and easy to open it.


Yeah totally true, how is anti afk bot unethical. It’s on WF if they are actually considering active screen time a performance metric, they created the situation where not only is the metric not tied to actual delivery, but easily game-able to boot.


Especially WF. They are the poster child of unethical behavior.


WF been "mouse jiggling" my fraud issue for months and im still out money. How do I fire them


"we fired a dozen employees not due to any substantive performance issues or complaints, but because they're fake key jigglers" Glad to see WF so tough on the issues that really matter


I think most lowered target for CRM - Deutsche went from $350 to $300, WF from $300 to $250, Raymond James from $380 to $325, JPM from $310 to $300 etc etc


Remember when JPM and WF were forced to buy failed banks by the government in some sort of a bailout, the government should be encouraging Nvidia to buy the shitshow that is Intel before the "Engineers" drive farther into earth's core!

r/investingSee Comment

[June of 2020 - February of 2021](, SP500 has a CAGR of 37%. [June 2016 - February 2017](, SP500 has a CAGR of 20%. [June 2012 - February 2013](, SP500 has a CAGR of 28%. I'm [linking to 2008 too](, but that one might need a trigger warning.

r/stocksSee Comment

Walmart is going to eat their lunch if they can find a way to make it appealing to higher earners. W+ is a good service. Free 2 hour grocery delivery is a game changer for us. We used to have Whole Foods $9.99 delivery but it’s expensive and WF is expensive. Free delivery on Walmart priced groceries is great. If I’m getting groceries, I may as well order pens, light bulbs, etc.

r/stocksSee Comment

Ever since WF linked zelle straight to bank accounts (and many other major consumer banks have introduced a similar system) PayPal has become useless. Who wants to deal with a second party where you have to deal with transfer fees and long wait times when you can send money in an instant from your checking acc?

r/stocksSee Comment

I love using them more than Chase (JPM), BoA, Citi, PNC, BBVA, and of course WF. Their app UI is slick, transfers are quick with my other accts, and have competitive interest rates. They also have fun little things in the app that keep you engaged. Will that be enough? Idk.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Big banks don't care if they are successful. JPM and WF don't notice or care if Sofi even exists

r/investingSee Comment

This was almost fifty years ago, but a good friend worked at a bank that started doing dirty things to try to keep people from closing accounts. I can't even remember the name of the bank, but it was a small one here in Seattle and ended up having to stop allowing withdrawals because of the run that caused. Sounds like Vanguard is in trouble just like the banks that do this since they are making customers angry and losing business in an attempt to keep deposits. Also, I think Schwab will pay the fee if you ask when doing the ACATS. They did for me, but they didn't pay all of the $2k in closing fees that Wells Fargo required. The absolutely stupid thing for WF is that I left three accounts open with a $0 balance because I didn't want to pay the fee so they're wasting money sending me mail. I emptied one of the accounts almost ten years ago. Also, I have two very old accounts over fifty years old that have a 1 cent balance that they couldn't transfer out so they keep spending money on those accounts, and I keep getting annoyed seeing that 1 cent remaining. The first one happened in 2008, so I'm beyond annoyed.

r/investingSee Comment

I have my taxable accounts in both Wealthfront and fidelity. There’s nothing you can’t do by yourself on fidelity that robo does. What I like most about robo is that it really forces you to stay the course, and for me personally my WF account actually does better than my self directed account as a result of this.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol I’m forced to use WF for my brokerage needs because of licensing![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

r/investingSee Comment

Similar situation with WF. Recently made offer on home and agent said WF was very competitive in our area (never got to the point I needed to apply as housing market is very hot here and offer not accepted). Maybe Jumbo loan or a regional thing? I also have a Morgan Stanley brokerage and they have private banking services. Older posts on reddit (in past) indicate MS was competitive, too. I suppose it pays to pre-shop a bit and to consider your banks. The only source I knocked off my list was Rocket.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Wells Fargo also on list but that one is a step up in a sense of being a larger bank so I think they can find it for longer. WF also has a higher reserve for CRE issues.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I don't see WF on this list. I just started working for them. Hopefully they'll be ok!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I do too. But soon I’ll probably move it to RH bc WF didn’t approve me for lvl 3 options

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I didn’t know anyone else traded on WF

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Not defending Tesla (I don't like them) but EV sales are stagnant/slumping all around and falling way under expectations not just Tesla but other manufacturers too. I think people are butting up against the realities that america does not invest in it's infrastructure in any way, shape, or form (unless it's adding one more lane bro, just one more lane i promise) and trying to make an EV work for a significant portion of the population is no-go. Right now it's pretty much exclusively for home-owners out in the suburbs with a 3-car garage and only commuting a relatively short distance to their boring office job and back. It's just not feasible for people who rent or live in row-housing with street-parking only, or those with long commutes. Most offices don't have chargers so it's basically hoping its small enough that you can charge at home, which again, not everyone has. Public chargers are also getting vandalized writ large right now, there's been tons of people trying to strip out the wire or just fucking them up for funsies. Ones installed at like WF or whatever are constantly broken or there's only like 2. The sad reality is gas is just too convenient for the average American. Teslas have their own major issues too because insuring them is higher because any damage is basically a total and having QA issues. Resale value is plummeting. Much like VR, the novelty has died once reality set in and the cart came before the horse. I wish it weren't so and didn't have to be this way but was predictably going to be this way.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Not defending Tesla (I don't like them) but EV sales are stagnant/slumping all around and falling way under expectations not just Tesla but other manufacturers too. I think people are butting up against the realities that america does not invest in it's infrastructure in any way, shape, or form (unless it's adding one more lane bro, just one more lane i promise) and trying to make an EV work for a significant portion of the population is no-go. Right now it's pretty much exclusively for home-owners out in the suburbs with a 3-car garage and only commuting a relatively short distance to their boring office job and back. It's just not feasible for people who rent or live in row-housing with street-parking only, or those with long commutes. Most offices don't have chargers so it's basically hoping its small enough that you can charge at home, which again, not everyone has. Public chargers are also getting vandalized writ large right now, there's been tons of people trying to strip out the wire or just fucking them up for funsies. Ones installed at like WF or whatever are constantly broken or there's only like 2. The sad reality is gas is just too convenient for the average American. Teslas have their own major issues too because insuring them is higher because any damage is basically a total and having QA issues. Resale value is plummeting. Much like VR, the novelty has died once reality set in. I wish it weren't so and didn't have to be this way but was predictably going to be this way.

r/stocksSee Comment

I get his question though. WF put something like ten grand into this, which even if it 10x's is $100k. A ton of money for any of us but for WF is it even worth it to dedicate the resources to analyzing and tracking it?

r/stocksSee Comment

It's no bother at all, when WF is using robots for most of its trades.

r/stocksSee Comment

They probably bought it for a client. Look up beneficial ownership. WF runs a brokerage that will buy stocks for clients. It’s a small cap stock so it’s not like they could have bought all that much to begin with.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Any idea with wellsfargo brokerage account? I don’t want miss rubrik ipo. I talked to WF customer service but it seemed the person I spoke didn’t had much idea answering what I asked.

r/investingSee Comment

Investing Roth IRA with Wells Fargo I have 3 Roth IRAs through Wells Fargo. On one of them, I can see the portfolio and how the assets are allocated. When I click on the other two though, it only shows me transactions. (deposits/withdrawals) I cannot figure out how to invest these two so they’re just sitting there. Does anyone know if there is a way to do so through the WF app?

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Even with 10% of WF getting laid off

r/stocksSee Comment

I have discover, but removed most to go to capital one. Discover reduced interest from 4.35 to 4.25% whine capital one is still 4.35% and also got capital one checking since no minimum and get .01% interest in checking while most banks require a big minimum. Capital one add cash at CVS, haven't done yet since just got and think it's a code on phone while discover add cash to debit at Walmart. Capital one sounds better when I get debit I'll prob use that. Not sure if capital one minimum cash add, but discover is $20. Traditional was no reason to have since I only went to withdraw money or add cash and both have many free ATM, WF sucked with various things and fees.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Exactly. Very basic things need to be happening for the rate to get cut. What these guys say is such an insult. Well damn, if Goldman, UBS, Barklays and WF say so.....I'm going to put my order right in! Jobs market needs to cool out for a organically lower inflation which then dictates a cut...and this is not being rushed.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WF "Look Criminals!"

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Nah, JPM and WF earnings are gonna shoot it up.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What do you guys think would be the best bank play that isn't announcing earnings tomorrow? Trying to catch a bank without the IV in case JPM and BLK do well tomorrow. BAC, WF?

r/investingSee Comment

I just found out that WellsTrade account from WF let you invest in FRSXX with no minimum (normally a $10mil minimum buy in). If you're in a state with state tax, this can be a good option as it's exempt from state tax. Current yield is 5.24% too. Way better than other tax exempt mutual funds. But in all, your best bet would be to chase bank bonuses if you're willing to put in the work. It usually works out to be 8-10% APY, all while being insured by FDIC or NCUA.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Positions in Citi. DD: HSBC PT 70, buy rating (12% upside), Wells Fargo PT 80, overweight (28% upside), Oppenheimer PT 88, outperform (41% upside), Goldman Sachs PT 68, buy rating (9% upside); average PT 76.5 with average upside of 22.7% (all upsides based on stock price of $62.32 earlier today). wells Fargo has also had a good run like Citigroup but upside potential is less. Citigroup undervalued compared to its peers: WF, JPM Chase, BoA per Morningstar report March 26. Goldman Sachs just released a report yesterday citing Q1 upside highest for Wells Fargo and JPMorgan. however just 2-3 weeks ago GMS had upgraded citi to buy; and wells fargo was downgraded in the same time period by KBW. Wells Fargo doesn’t have as much an upside. I’ve already bought in. I’m not sure given the macroeconomic input today when the next time to buy would be.

r/investingSee Comment

WF blocked my account for "suspicious activity" that's literally just me. I was done with them. I switched to other broker.

r/investingSee Comment

Whatever you do OP do not do business with SoFi, they are even worse than WF. In-existent customer service, delayed bill pays and they change their interest rates all the time. Any other HYSA is better or just a MMF that's also state tax free. Thank me later.

r/investingSee Comment

Exactly, so surprising they still have shit for service. Run away, don't walk. It's a personal choice to do business with a shit company like WF, it's just a shitty choice

r/investingSee Comment

I don’t have any advice regarding WF since I don’t bank with them. However, some advice for the future, if you open a high yield savings account with SoFi, you get 4.60% annual with payouts every month. This is roughly $3.83 per $1000. Multiply that by 250 and you get $957.50 per month. Multiply that by 3 and you’re looking at $2872.50 for 3 months. You can also use SoFi as a brokerage too but I don’t have experience with that. There are also other HYSA besides SoFi that are good.

r/investingSee Comment

I just can't understand why anyone would do business with WF. After all the shenanigans they have done in the past I would not trust them with a single dime.

r/investingSee Comment

So, you get a 1% bonus. You probably missed out on more than that alone playing their stupid games rather than putting it in one of your real brokerages and investing it. Seriously, just leave WF . You literally would have made more money keeping your $250k in a HYSA than trying to chase their $2500.

r/investingSee Comment

I already have all those. I just need to keep the money with WF for three months. Sigh.

r/investingSee Comment

What kind of “bonus” are you talking about here? And, how much do you have to have in WF to get it? Like the other poster said…get set up with Fidelity or Schwab. Hate to say it, but only $100k at these big banks means nothing to them. You aren’t a big investor and WF is pretty much the worst.

r/investingSee Comment

I don’t even know why they’d think that way as soon as I opened the brokerage account. All I did was putting in an initial deposit. I have to use WF brokerage for three more months to keep my funds with WF for a banking bonus.

r/investingSee Comment

I have to use WF brokerage for three more months to keep my funds with WF for a banking bonus. And they definitely want my business as my premier checking account is still open.

r/investingSee Comment

This happens in banking and you'll never find out why. They either think something suspicious is going on or your relationship is risky and it's not worth it to them. Why do you have to stick with WF? Even so, why not open a brokerage account at one of the big 3 (Fidelity, Vanguard, Schwab) and link your WF account to that account?

r/investingSee Comment

Why do you have to use WF for brokerage? I’d just open a Fidelity brokerage account and transfer the funds there. It sounds to me like they don’t want your business, so go somewhere else.

r/stocksSee Comment

I am a SOFI believer. Buying the company and holding long term. I genuinely believe they have the best banking product e2e. All of the hype is going into HOOD but I think SOFI is the better long term play. I refuse to believe that they won’t disrupt big banks like WF, BAC, etc.

r/investingSee Comment

+1 for WF - Check their sub for a referral link to grab yourself a bonus

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Thank you! I’ll check those out! I’m eyeing CYBN rn. I like to use a small, Small portion of my investments for play and gut instinct, i leave all the official words to my WF guy, lol.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Yeah i think I’ll definitely keep it simple. Lol I might steal a small portion away from the WF account and fund a few more picks of my own.10% or less :) I believe in the potential of psychedelic treatment for PTSD, anxiety and depression. My broker will tell me not to but he also told me not to buy NVDA at 125 and i did anyway. One of us was super right and one of us was super wrong.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol thank you for responding! Idk what most of those words are yet but I’m learning!! (Trying anyway). I have pretty good gut instincts but very little applicable knowledge. Lol Even so my portfolio is up 17.5% Over 5 years and 15% ytd. Both WF accounts i have only averaged 9.5% over 5 years and 3 fucking percent ytd. Lol

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I’m up 17.5% over 5 years and 15% ytd. My WF chosen portfolio is only up 9.5% (both accounts too which is sus). Dudes are so mean about it like…oh you can’t judge your success on past performance… Yes? Let me be a winner dang it. Someone tell me I did good! Lmao.

r/investingSee Comment

I wouldn't necessarily call the 5 in your boring solid bet stocks conservative. They all come with a heap of volatility. I guess it would just be your personal aversion to risk. Your WF account is probably being more conservative then you are with your own picks. The lifetime ROI is probably skewed pretty good by your current success if you've only been at it 4 years. Compare specific time frames, when the market was down did you still outperform you WF accounts? Its real tempting to go your own when your winning, but a more level headed conservative investment process that you aren't in charge of can balance out some of that risk taking.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Check out Carrie tolsted. She was one of the originators of the WF fake account scandals. She payed her way out of jail time and only had a slap on the wrist in terms of a fine. Truly shit justice. Wells Fargo is the devil. Source - worked at wells from 2008-2018. Was leading salesperson for So Cal many of these years. Was paid to cheat customers. And don’t even ask about identify theft protection to be able to get an internal partner referral. We signed up 100’s of unknowing customers for $14.99 a month ( first month was free and that’s when we as employees were incentivized ) Wells is a dumpster fire. Carrie tolsted js the devil.,120%20hours%20of%20community%20service.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Same. Hate WF however I’ve banked with them for over 15 years. 🤤

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Welp I use WF for business and personal, so that's at least 7 for me.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Of course he's fking WF...

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Hahahaha. WF sucks even more than TSLA

r/optionsSee Comment

All that matters in this nonsensical market is that profit margins go up. If TSLA reports that profit margins per car bottomed out last year and are rising again this year you'll see a rally as investors pour in. The WF valuation (the guy with a -5% ROI lmao) is useless mid and long term, I can point you to hundreds if not thousands of stocks that have analyst valuations 20%+ higher than current trading price, doesn't mean anyone's going to buy them.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

I also agree it's dog shit, but nothing new bad news wise has come to light. The same bad news was headlines when it was at $250. The fact WF announces this downgrade now is sus.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

TSLA ber bought puts because of a WF analyst ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Lol - it can’t be priced in until it comes out (which was yday or the day before). Before that announcement from WF it wasn’t priced in at all and hence the price dropping further. Otherwise your point would mean that everything is priced in before it happens lol

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

He's headed for the Board Room at this rate...WF loves this guy

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Bro, WF has an industry high exposure to CRE. Might wanna reconsider.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Zero actual content specific to WF. Absolute garbage.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WF is a trash company.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WF only knows how to steal money from their customers and lack the ability to cover up their crimes. Take your money and invest elsewhere.

r/stocksSee Comment

LOL for real? what the hell was that.... weren't you concerned depositing any money into that auto-created savings account? I would go full panic wondering if this account actually belongs to someone but WF is IT team fucked up so much that it appears on my online banking. You've got balls to keep that savings account for years without no issue. haha

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Too bad WF is a straight garage company!

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

What will be the catalyst to get it there? Historically, WF get in the headlines for fucking over their customers and it looks like they are due for more bad news.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WF dropped the sell rating, expects 30% downside

r/stocksSee Comment

I guess Tesla could open fake accounts under its customers' names to meet their sales goals but that's a WF move.

r/stocksSee Comment

I had a WF checking account only. Then suddenly I saw a savings account appear. It’s what I needed anyway so I kept it all these years. I guess they did me a favor by saving me the hassle of opening one myself.

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

WF downgrading Tesla to 125 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

He got out of WF when the news broke and sugar kills you slowly but NVDA creates the chips for missiles and bombe that destroy cities so…🤷‍♂️

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

>Oh wow yeah there’s the WF reflect with 21 months of 0% interest and no rewards. That sounds like the one

r/wallstreetbetsSee Comment

Oh wow yeah there’s the WF reflect with 21 months of 0% interest and no rewards

r/stocksSee Comment

Exactly. My point is that WF gained a bad rep due to a scandal that happened 8 years ago but from what I've heard from people who actually use it, it's one of the better larger banks. This is contradictory to "most people don't really care about what happened 3 years ago." I mention the apples-to-oranges thing because he mentioned brokerages specifically.
