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r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What does 'Have a Plan' look like?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

What Does 'Have a Plan' look like?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Paid FUD?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

You wonder where we are currently? Well we are in a HANGOVER stage, and yes! We are all confused!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Do you ever invest into obvious Ponzi schemes or scams?

r/BitcoinSee Post

Canada's martial law disaster is the best thing that has happened to this community in years!


Correlation != causation I expected a much better argument, BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

Altering the protocol is always a concern. There need to be two slogans: 1. MAKE FINANCE BORING AGAIN! Don't change bitcoin because it's boring. 2. You chose to use bitcoin. If you change it then it won't be bitcoin.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I can only imagine how utterly BORING that would be, based on his YT Channel.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Just put up my 2 apartments on a combined mortgage and took out a 110k$ loan. YOLO'd into DOT, NEAR, FANTOM, AZERO! FUCK THIS SLOW AND BORING LIFE!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And you can't shitpost and talk freely about cryptos there. Most of the talks there are '' hello, how are you'' , TA and stuff like that. BORING. But I'll contribute, we have no choice, do we?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

**BORING** is the word you're looking for.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Probably because its an extremely boring thing to talk about unless you have a vested interest. Its like talking to someone about a horse race that they had a small bet on, terribly BORING!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Same haha it’s been SO BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I played Spliterlands for months. It was SO BORING! Couldn't get my 10$ back

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

As someone who's been around here a LONG time, like probably since close to this sub's inception, this sub fucking SUCKS. I keep subscribed to it mostly because its an interesting indicator of the current market cycle. It was bad before moons, now it's a dumpster fire that makes me roll my eyes every time a post rolls through my feed. It would not surprise me at all if the ratio of actually active accounts here in relation to the total subbed was 10% that of other subs. This sub's whole purpose has become to pump bags and farm moons and it's SO GODDAMN BORING. idk why anyone would stay if they don't have significant money in crypto, because there's no fucking actual content on this forum.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

**BORING!** 10% chances of winning and 100% of lossing. Time to get a long and leverage into this.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> *Oh, you think porn is your ally, hacker man? You merely adopted the porn scam; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see non-porn until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BORING!*

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Wait a minute. That's the slogan: BITCOIN. MAKE FINANCE BORING AGAIN!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Are they already pushing this narrative of theirs? God they are so transparent and most of all, BORING AF

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Variety is the spice of life. If there was only one crypto, BORING, yawn. I like a big mac, couldn't live with just that forever. You need a BK or Carls to mix it up, brings new ideas, innovation like a flame grilled burger. ETH is a flame grilled burger.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

It is a tough problem but a very big market. This is why we had such big stablecoin wars recently. Everyone knows how big the demand is. Everyone knows which ever blockchain perfects it will see the fastest mainstream adoption. I think a good stablecoin needs to be BORING. Keep lots of it in cash and diversify away in multiple banks, not just the ones that are crypto friendly. The Fed’s job includes financial stability so they can’t let every major bank to fail. So if you diversify and most of them fails, the chances are the Fed will start QE again. That way the stablecoin is hedged correctly. Right now, Circle put major holdings in both Silvergate and SVB. Both banks are too connected the crypto industry.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That’s what we call going wild these days? BORING!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto isn’t doomed. But crypto will be VERY BORING for a long long time.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I honestly wont be surprised if most of the answers you see are "ignored it". That was certainly the case for me. came into crypto in 2017, rode the pump, didn't let go and continued to hold to the bottom. Checked it briefly in Jan. 2019 and my balance was so bad, i logged off and didn't check for a year and a half. When COVID hit, i saved my unemployment, paid my debts and spent the rest on crypto. Next thing i knew, i was back to bull haha. If i can describe the feeling, it would be... BORING. But somehow exciting haha

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I low-key miss watching all the crypto yt shows though. They are highly entertaining during bull markets. BORING dca is the way

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Help out your family and friends, get a new hobby, go travelling, start a business??? This man ain't bored, he's BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Graham Stephan’s video is getting SO BORING anyways. The guy made his videos so templated and repetitive. You can see from his dead eyes that he’s not even enjoying what he’s doing. Just retire and find a new hobby.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Traditional traders think that volatility is their ally. But they merely adopted the volatility; We were born in it, moulded by it. We didn't see stability until we were already men, by then it was nothing to us but BORING!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, maybe they shouldn't. And maybe the sub shouldn't pander and pussyfoot all day to newbies like yourself. Listen. the reason why you are getting comic, sarcastic replies is because you have been lazy in contributing to this sub, and (believe it or not) your question has been asked a hundred times before. 'How do i store my seed phrase' 'How do you store your seed phrase' 'what's the best way to store your seed phrase' ''how do you guys keep your seed phrase secure' [Over]( and [over]( and [over]( a-fucking-gain, ad nauseum. Did you think to scroll back down to the hundreds of posts, prior to yours to find one of these myriad of similar posts that might answer your question? Do you think readers of this sub who have been here 9 years+ might be perhaps... a little tired of this question? maybe even a little bored? Did you think your question is radically game-changingly new? Nobody thought to ask this question in a 5.7million readership sub before? Most pertinently - did you actually do your research, or expect people to regurgitate the same answers they've been giving for the past 9+ years? Your post is up there with: 'What do you think the price of bitcoin will be in \_\_\_\_\_XXXX years' Answers typically: 'EOY DEC2021' or 'Let me get out my crystal ball' Let me spell it out so it is absolutely clear: YOUR QUESTION IS FUCKING BORING. WE HAVE HEARD IT ALL BEFORE HUNDREDS OF TIMES. That is why you are recieving comic and sarcastic answers necaise we are bored. And that is the reason there is so much life in this subreddit - the cheekiness and randomness of answers from people who are bored shitless by your samey posts and just want to inject some life and humour into what would otherwise be a fucking dead boring subreedit. This is a forum, not an FAQ/Pinned post site. It is the biggest cryptocurrency forum on the entire planet. A quick search would have found your answer. No, because if the answer to your question is not going to be here, it's not going to be anywhere! Posting a question like yours on this sub only serves to show you haven't bothered to do any research, and that's kinda disrespectful for all the people who put in time to answer your question years back. So. No, we should NOT start a sub called "cryptocurrencyvets". YOU should do your fucking research, or start your own sub, with boring self-samey copy-pasted answers.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Couldn’t agree more. One of the most BORING projects I’ve bought into.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

**BORING REPETITIVE PRICE SPECULATION** adds nothing, in fact it detracts from this community.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

BORING AND REPETITIVE Please cease these repetitive speculative posts- they clog the sub and undermine the sharing of useful information and ideas. Only buy Bitcoin if you want to be part of the revolution and understand that there is NO GUARANTEE of fiat denominated gains.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

EVRY MAKET SO BORING - UP down up down up flat

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

People just don't understand what day trading is when you want to be successful. It's very very quick trades. You bet like $90k and make 500 in a trade. Then you go back to watching for those signs. You make like a few trades a day. It's tedious as shit and you NEVER gamble and you are playing with lots of money and making very little chunks. The reason people almost always lose is that they start gambling, they change the strategy, and they get greedy. Winning at day trading is BORING as shit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

ZzzzZZZZZZ A merge that solves zero problems, and a network that still requires coins to be locked to be staked. While ETh has been working out its nonsense, creating fruit rollups and XYZ solutions for gas fees, and causing 7 million dollars worth of failed transactions at the cost of ETH holders in gas just this year alone, other chains have been solving the trillemma and finding real world utility. You can't tell an ETH maxi that the dream is over, these people are so used to paying 1,000s of dollars a year to mint meaningless NFTs and "use" the ETH network, but it is clear to anyone who has been in this space for long enough, crypto is evolving. Eth is antiquated, untrustworthy, and a first mover. Being a first mover was great in 2017, but it is just OLD tech at this point. Sandbox and Decentraland are straight up BORING, uniswap and 60 dollar swap fees are old news, and ERC20 tokens are redundant. The bets thing that has come from ETH in years is matic/polygon. I hold ETH, but it isn't the future of crypto, and solidity devs know that at this point. When the miners jump ship, and are forced to mine something else, when the sunshine fades from the bloated overppriced ETH NFT space, when NO world utility has been brought by the network aside from the umpteenth dexes and yield protocols, people will realize. "second to last merge" give me a break.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No voluma at market open. Unusual. huh BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

These sideways movements are BORING!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Like the phases of the moon, we went from "ALTCOIN SEASON!" to "CRYPTO CRASHING TO 0!" to "BORING CRAB MARKET / BTC IS A STABLECOIN" Next up is....?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Accountants are the most BORING people in the world but often the most useful and well off people out there.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Exactly. People who feel fine don’t post hysterically on reddit. So drawing a conclusion from only the hysteria you see on reddit just confirms the bias you already have that “nobody” follows the rule you refer to. But it makes a compelling post I guess and drums up some moons. So good for you. Maybe I’ll make a post called “Why do SO MANY PEOPLE follow the “Dont invest more than you can afford to lose rule?” The majority of savvy crypto investors are so BORING and RESPONSIBLE. And NEVER post on Reddit. UGH YOU GUYSSSS ZZZZ. “

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I spent 20 minutes in Decentraland when I was considering maybe to purchase some ‘land’ in there! It was 20 of the most BORING minutes of my life. I will NEVER invest in that garbage. It’s a utterly horrible user experience .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Falling upon access to someone's funds and taking it is BORING. I never wanna ruin someone's life that's why I can't bring myself to scam. I do think that the whole operation of (some of the) scams and thief-malwares is somewhat fascinating, and tempting, I've had some creative ideas but I'm too empathic and couldn't possibly carry on with something like that, I'd emotionally collapse before I'm done setting something like that up. Bug bounties are the white hat way to go, but for the most part it's far harder then just scamming people or infecting machines. Anyway, stealing is Evil. But if some poor Indian guy who can't get a chance in his country happens to steal how can we who grew in (actual) 1st world countries judge someone like that?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

And whats the need to say "BORING NEIGHBORHOOD"? like c'mon , just move on and stop trying to figure out other peoples lives.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto is so mainstream nowdays...BORING. Fuck this shit

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Bitcoin has been BORING price-wise for quite a bit now. These are definitely the times to stay focused and stack.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

But it's BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

i bought the dip with both hands, ive waited patiently and silently, BUT FOR REAL COULD A BOUNCE HAPPEN??? THIS IS GETTING BORING AS FUK

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

• Market pumps +6%: BORING crab! • Market dumps -6%: WE ARE GOING TO DIE! 👀✌

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

TLDR: Report as long term gain on form 8949 if you have support for the transfer between Binance and Coinbase. It’s always about what you can prove. BORING ACCOUNTING STUFF: Per the Coinbase tax guide “For the 2021 US tax season, Coinbase will issue the IRS Form 1099-MISC for rewards and/or fees through, Coinbase Pro, and Coinbase Prime.” Disposal (read “sale”) of property (IRS’ treatment of Bitcoin) does not fall into this. So I would not expect to see a 1099-MISC reported to the IRS and you. Unless prior to sale you participated in one of the fore mentioned activities. You may receive a 1099-K which would show what was paid to you, however it would not say anything about what you owe in taxes on the receipt of funds. Coinbase also does not issue a 1099-B, which is a broker statement and basically the only way the IRS get third party info on short or long term gains and losses. Downloading a transaction history from Binance and one from Coinbase to show ins and outs that match timing and quantity. Save for your records. This should be enough proof in case of IRS communication. If they do reach out, it will 99.9% be a paper letter in the mail saying you owe $XXX amount more. At that point contact an accountant or call the IRS and fax (I still can’t fucking believe faxing is still a thing) over your support from Binance and Coinbase. Use the free version of CoinTracker or related crypto software to calculate the gain if you don’t feel comfortable self calculating. Don’t forget to reduce the gain by transaction and transfer fees! Good luck!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

hes not lying, thats why you have to build something tangible, living off Defi and Nodes etc will get BORING AF..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Since October the market has been BORING (Don’t reply with some long winded explanation on why to be patient, I know) Still, the point remains this shit is dragging along, and at least when it drops low cap coins skyrocket so money still can be made

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah, let’s all talk about Zuckerberg’s crazy new idea now! Instead of that thing we were talking about last week… You know! That thing about how how Facebook is literally using predatory addiction inducing tactics to manipulate and psychologically fuck up an entire generation of kids. Meta what? Ohhh. That’s what we’re talking about. Some science fiction shit that doesn’t even exist and no one actually fucking cares about. Cool cool cool… The media is probably right. Addressing mental health and our children’s futures is SO BORING.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Thank you for compliment. I am not looking for get rich quick scheme, but rather to "slow and steady win the race". While am invested in ETF and dividend stocks, crypto is something that should not be avoided - i think it belongs to every investing portfolio for non-retired person. I am aware that I have jumped the train late, but I am also convinced that it is not too late :-) ...and so far it seems to me that basic stock investment principles which are 100% valid and proven can be also applied here. One of the better stock investing quote that I have heard is that investing in ETF is BORING. Because you just buy 2-3 ETFs and balance them annually. And that's it - you have optimal portfolio, 5 minutes of work yearly. This is probably the most difficult part to comprehend and accept - that in fact, it is so simple. I am inclined to believe that in crypto it is similar. All this flashy crypto news and screenshots of +100000% daily returns - this all seduces younger folks to not do anything and not stay the course. Thanks for the tip to lock in profits from crypto. I will definitely do that.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My coins aren’t pumping today BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

China tries to un-FUD and FUD again sometime in the near future. BORING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I just keep hoping some whale decide….”fuck it, let’s just drop a bil in this bitch”. ————-BORING
