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The True Problem with Bitcoin!!!

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Peace Giga next 100x Gem

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How to Mint Lifetime reward based NFTs with AquaTank - 2% reward in USDT - Lifetime reward based NFTs - Earn $162/DAY - Double Audit - Bitmart listing Confirmed

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

5 Reasons to participate in $AquaTank Fairlaunch - RFI 2% USDT - SC 99 BNB - bitmart listing confirmed - Double audit

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post — Marine-Pet NFTs and its Life time reward utility on BSC - Earn passive income - 160$ per day - Stake NFTs - SolidProof/Safuaudit

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

AquaTank Introducing Island NFTs - Staking Pools - 2% Reward USDT - Play2Earn - Double Audit

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post laying Marine-Pet NFTs with lifetime reward utility! - Stake NFTs - 2% reward USDT - Double Audit

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post laying Marine-Pet NFTs with lifetime reward utility! - Stake NFTs - 2% reward USDT - Double Audit

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Pet Floki is a decentralized and peer-to-peer marketplace for metaverse services to provide more value to the ecosystem by connecting metaverse invertors and hosts with its platform | Stealth Launch Very Soon |

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Elons Pet is an integrated project based on community operation, encompassing Defi, NFT copyright, online games, etc. | Fair Launch In 15 Minutes |

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Pet Cheebs is a Decentralized Social Media Platform that aims to develop a “Smartway Decentralized” communication | Stealth Launch Soon |KYC and Audit In Progress |

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Pet Cheebs is a Decentralized Social Media Platform that aims to develop a “Smartway Decentralized” communication | Stealth Launch Soon |KYC and Audit In Progress |

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Launching soon: $DUCKY, Giving back to the truckers.

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Digi Dogs Metaverse 🐕

Mentions $PET 🔥


$PET is going to melt faces this bullrun. By far the fastest and cheapest swap I have used. Already better than all the rest, and still various additional utilities to be implemented. 🔥🔥🚀👌

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Came here for this take. I think it's a combination of A, B and C. A is probably caused by his surrounding himself with unintelligent boot lickers. B is probably caused by him not understanding an angle on Bitcoin that could earn him money. But I think there's one more thing going on. C: He is so self-assured that he "understands" the technology well enough that nobody who remotely understands how wrong he is, gets to speak more than two words to him before he interrupts them and says "SEE? YOU CAN'T PROVE ANYTHING. ITS A PET ROCK". His head is so far up his own ass, he only listens and believes his own shit.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I found a few of these by using []( . I had small amounts of PET and AN (Absolutely Nothing). Time for a new wallet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No, mine was 0.1 PET

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My BAT earnings have been so crap, I don't even look at them anymore. I like that it blocks youtube and that it looks neat, but the whole earing system is so low, I could just find 2 PET bottles and make more money

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

'No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public'' PET ROCK and Chia Pets are proof we will BUY ANYTHING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

False. Crude Oil production reached a peak at the end of Trump's term. It steadily decreased after Biden took office. It only recently increased again in the last couple months after heavy pressure from the public (unfavorable polling.)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> I’d like to sell you my pet rock *TELL US MORE ABOUT THIS PET ROCK* 🤔 💰

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well explain it to me then. Insulin tests, cholesterol tests, t-cell tests for people with immune problems, thyroid tests, liver and kidney function tests, leaps and bounds in the last 20 years in all these areas. Still no seratonin tests after well over 20 years of Prozac marketing. It’s a Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitor. But there’s no test before or after to determine if the levels changed or were affected at all. It’s “how do you feel it’s working?” And if you’re still sad they just up the dose. Still not working? Let’s mix in this other drug that we “think” might help. Lol. No blood tests except for Lithium and that’s even a maybe. No MRI’s, no PET scans, no blood work. 5 smiley faces to describe your mood today. 😂 But they collect payment at the psychiatrist for medication management AND at the therapy office weekly, biweekly, or monthly. It’s a genius business model. If only the tarot card readers could have gotten prescription privileges. Cuz that’s what it is. People listening to your story and then repeating back what you wanna hear for validation. They’ve even got the online “tele-health” counselors where you can pay a subscription fee to text a psychologist 24/7. 20 years ago it was .99 per minute to talk to madame cleo.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Biden’s and Dem’s energy agenda was easy to see that gas prices would get this high How is that? Biden has done nothing but raise production from when Trump lowered it.

r/BitcoinSee Comment This is r/bitcoin, not some shitty political sub. This is A: unnecessarily political and B: easily disproven by anyone with an internet connection and 15 seconds to spare. Keep that shit in whatever circle jerk political sub you want but not here.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I remember chia PET. That shit is great

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The good things of lifes are in the small things that we have as granted. Remember that words. ​ * PET YOUR ANIMALS * GO FOR A WALK AROUND YOUR HOUSE * EAT GOOD AND DELICIOUS FOOD. * etc

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The folks that weathered the 2017 bear market are all riding tigers in Mongolia with pet eagles on their shoulders. That one was (how long?) but they got through it. So, what I’m asking you MFers is WHO WANTS A PET TIGER?!!? Me personally, I want to ride twin dolphins in the ocean like Aqua man! So, the best way for me to do that is read up on the readily available recent history for making it through this lousy moment.. THAT WILL ULTIMATELY PASS. now go get it brother.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> Her job is to solve the problem Why do you expect this sound bite about inflation numbers to be a solution to ***anything***? This whole thread seems like a strawman argument about ... something? I can't even really tell what the goal is. > She's crap even at making up the excuse; inflation and energy crisis existed before "the conflict" anyway. Wait... are you putting "the conflict" in quotes because you're denying the impact on fuel prices? Because if you are, I think you need to [look at reality.]( While it's certainly true that between Nov 2020 and Nov 2021, fuel prices went up from a low we hadn't seen since 2016 to a point just below the previous highs in 2015, that simply doesn't compare to the rise in fuel prices precipitated by the destabilization of European fuel, beginning with the pushback against the Nord Stream 2 (mostly because of the clear effect it was having on Russia's stance toward Ukraine) and then the invasion. That rise is from a recent high to a new *historic high*! That's not run of the mill inflation. What are you trying to suggest that that was caused by?!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

More BS narrative. The powerful of the world want it gone and this is their best attempt by attacking PoW. Waste to energy plants would be a good approach. This would drastically reduce landfill waste, produce energy (power/LNG), reclaim plastic waste (PET), fertilizer from digestate, provide jobs and mine BTC using bio-fuel generators which are low-hazard air emission, yielding 93% more energy and displace 41% less greenhouse gases.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Pardon? That‘s nuts.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Effing A man, that's what crypto is all about. Anyone can get in, age or where you are in the world doesn't matter. Best of luck with the PET!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good luck with your PET scan. I wish you nothing but a clear result.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Had a dr appointment to get some results of my last PET scan today and while im sitting here in the waiting room there are 3 men probably in their 50s talking about crypto and what they are invested in. Its funny because they hold a lot of the sameones that i do and are very informed about what they are. Crypto is spreading!!! FYI im in Kentucky so this is kinda wild.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I have asked my family member this, and here is the general consensus. The common, less (formal) educated, countryside people love the guy. So does a lot of the young generation (25 and under). He can inspire crowds, gets everyone worked up, a true showman. While they agree that he has done great things like build hospitals, the older formally educated group and the artistic group (very strange for these two groups to agree) distrust him and see him more like ego maniac, con man, and show off. For example, he took BTC profits to build 20 schools (yay!) and a pet hospital…a fucking PET hospital!! Anyone who has ever been to El Salvador knows the last thing it needs is a pet hospital. He also has total disregard for the constitution because he is so popular with the masses that no one can put him in check because he has full support of the people. So one one hand he does great things for the country (schools, hospitals, BTC, breaking the US control). On the other, he disrespects the law and is builds some things just for show/propaganda (pet hospital, empty testing center, useless bridges and overpasses on road to airport).

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Only 2 more after this and i get to take a break. Hopefully the PET scan is better. I dont think I wanna do this again. I honestly only did it for my family to not lose me

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Hi kids, this year you get to experience an amazing Christmas from when I was a kid. You get a PET ROCK this year, you can choose any that you’d like from out morning walk at the public park and we can paint them later. To be clear, you’ll be painting, Daddy has “work” to do. Walks kids to park Christmas morning whilst checking the charts the entire walk.
