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The ETH 2024 road map is a silent cry for help. Vitalik has an eating disorder: He is having emotional surges, which lead to splurging and purging, and then he scourges himself from the guilt and shame. He is on the verge of breaking down, the burden of scaling Ethereum is too much.

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Why Hasn't Bitcoin Gone Up Yet? A Beginners Guide to Bitcoin Price Analysis.

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Coinbase is joining the Chainlink SCALE program


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>nobody wants to develop on cardano False. There are dozens of projects and products being developed and launched. How do you say that there's no development when Defilama lists 30 of them? >nobody uses hydra That's because hydra is something that needs to be run by a project to use it. It's not a L1 solution that can just be added. Projects need to launched and run a hydra head. It's not happening. >eUTXO is notable bad It's simply not because it allows you to do nuanced things that other chains do not to. Transaction splitting, with multiple inputs and outputs for example. Recently a marketplace launched that lets you both loan against an NFT while also listing the NFT for sale simultaneously. Sounds like you just have a poor understanding >Scaling You suddenly changed from Inability to scale to "maybe those will do some difference". Newsflash. NO CHAIN CAN SCALE. ETH gets too expensive, Solana crashes, other chains get drug down and lag, or stop minting blocks. Cardano has been scaling, it continues to scale, and there are L2 solutions coming this year. >Still without a usable product for defi Again, a flat out lie. Easily the most provably false point you've made so far Can you not go to Liqwid, Lenfi, and Levvy to get Loans? Can you not mint and burn stablecoins with COTI? Can you not take on collateralized debt positions with Indigo, minting and burning synthetics? Can you not engage private transactions with Encoins? Can you not yield farm on like 7 different Dexs? Can you not get liquidity bonds on Optim? (and then you can take those bonds and lend against them on liqwid) Can you not Implement automated trading strategies like a box spread on AXO? Can you not DCA and split transactions on Dexhunter (as well as aggregate all cardano DEXs)? Can you not rent NFTs, loan against NFTS, against tokens, borrow staking delegation on fluid? I could keep going. The bottom line is you're full of shit and have no idea what you're talking about.

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

I currently hold all the ones listed above. 31% GPU 25.4% PAAL 17.9% AIT 10.3% SCALE 9.8% DGI I then have 3.3% in NEURA. It launched a couple days ago and I like it and entered at 0.022 I finally have 1.6% in SCANS. I bought at 0.24 but it dumped a lot. I staked for 4 months so J hope when I unstake I’ll be in profit

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The thing is that it doesn’t matter if Lightning doesn’t catch on because we can still create other L2s over time. [In fact we have dozens of new L2s being developed right now]( But none of the scaling matters if nobody considers Bitcoin itself valuable. If people think it’s worthless they’ll never accept it for payment no matter how well it scales. So becoming a strong store of value must occur first. I don’t know why you guys think Bitcoin has “failed” because it isn’t already scaled today. For something to achieve real adoption and scale it doesn’t just need scaling technology, it also needs to: 1)SURVIVE-nobody wants a money someone invented yesterday-so the longer Bitcoin survived and proves it’s here for the long term the more desirable it is as money 2)BECOME VALUABLE-to replace the trillions in fiat currency your money needs to be worth trillions too. Nobody is going to replace trillions in currency with some shitcoin that has a $20 million market cap. 3)SCALE-when it’s proven that it’ll be around today, tomorrow, and ten years from now people start to think of it as something they can really store value in and then you’ll need the scaling to accommodate everyone who wants to use it. And as you can see there are [literally dozens of L2 scaling projects for Bitcoin.]( But they have years of time to scale it correctly.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Invest in the currently hyped altcoins. Which is mostly AI / De-Pin projects like PAAL, GPU, 0x0, OPSEC, SCALE, .... The trend is your friend, these coins are all sub Billy market cap and will all most likely hit several Billies if the promised alt season comes to us.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

No idea, all i know is there paying a pretty penny to be a part of chainlinks SCALE program. I think the end goal is for all the protocols to have CCIP integrated when CCIP goes live with swift.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yeah but when will a consumer benefit from moonbeam being part of SCALE?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Theyre doing something behind the scenes. Theyre literally paying chainlink to join their SCALE program which aims to sustainably accelerate the the growth of layer-1 and layer-2 blockchains. Other protocols that have joined scale are Avalanche, Metis, Moonbeam, Moonriver, Starknet and Base. USDC also integrated CCIP a week or so ago. What reddit doesnt know could fill a warehouse.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>The bottom rung of the crypto matrix is occupied by what I call cryptocreeps, the despicable online criminals, hackers, terrorists and sexual deviants that swim in the sludge of cyberspace and perpetrate every possible kind of evil, on a scale never before imagined. Fucking LMAO! In this guy's imagination we've unleashed a wave of evil ON A SCALE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. What a take

r/BitcoinSee Comment

genius isn't just someone smarter than you. by your definition, the second dumbest person to ever exist is a genius. A term that is used in a relative context, but is 'relative' to then entire possible set of subjects, is not a relative term. the second shortest person is TALLER than the shortest person, but is not TALL in the absolute sense, even if the absolute sense is "relative to every person on the planet". that is no longer a relative scale, it is an absolute scale of human height. Genius is not used to simply differentiate two arbitrary people, it is to distinguish one person in absolute terms of the entire population. and clearly you aren't a genius if this needs explaining to you so i wouldn't worry about it if i were you anyways. You referencing general relativity is hilarious because it shows you dont know what you are talking about. just because his theory of relativity and your use of a relative term use the same language does not make physicas and semantics the same subject lol. the IQ SCALE is adjusted every generation, but moving the scale around does not change the underlying measurements. you are still measuring intelligence and measuring against the entire population. which number you chose to represent the average person doesnt change how the scale is used or how it measures things FFS. that would be like if decided to invent a new measure temperature scale and it was just Fahrenheit minus 10 degrees. that wouldnt make the world a colder place just because your 80f sunny afternoon was now 70f in my new Fahrenheit 2.0 scale.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

[]( So this is why they joined SCALE.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

The problem is not even the education, it’s the debt burden and opportunity costs. If you could cut out the fluff “core” graduation requirements, a university degree would be 2 years instead of 4 years. Also, we currently have the technology to make it substantially cheaper but their is ZERO INCENTIVES for this, so they continue to jack up the prices per credit hours. The average American seems fine with becoming a normie debt slave though… if the our country truely cared about education, they would haven restructured the education system to make it affordable and accessible ON A MASSIVE SCALE leveraging technology.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>IF Solana is one of the dominant layer 1 dapp chains the current usage is probably 1/1000000th of potential. Ah yes the big IF, yeah the world will follow Solana foundation plan and help it become the dominant layer 1, it just needs to grow its [TVL like maybe like 41x from current $574mil to catch up to ETH $24bil right?]( Or wait, [maybe actually get more developer first to create actually useful applications]( before talking about attracting more users? ​ >One word you probaby never heard of. SCALE. You think this is it? Ah yes, then maybe before Solana did all that Ethereum already scaled to a more cost efficient level and the risk of moving to a low TVL chain or develop app on low TVL chain become more risky and less rewarding. I also wonder which serious business would develop mission critical high availability application on a chain with multiple down times, and before you tell me that's been fix, [it's not even long ago since last issue came up](, imagine a decentralized financial application that can't even catch up with SLA 99.9% requirements. But I guess it doesn't matter to dumb Solana blind supporters, the foundation just tell their believer that they scale without telling how to scale, and they believe immediately without thinking about it lmao. ​ >Second. Where do you get the 50m from? Is that the current validator compensation? The Solana foundation expenditures? What do you even mean with that. > >Printing Solana? Holy shet, please go back to your cave and dyor some more. Dude you invest in Solana and you need me to provide you the publicly available information? Maybe keep the "dyor" advise to yourself.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

One word you probaby never heard of. SCALE. You think this is it? IF Solana is one of the dominant layer 1 dapp chains the current usage is probably 1/1000000th of potential. Second. Where do you get the 50m from? Is that the current validator compensation? The Solana foundation expenditures? What do you even mean with that. Printing Solana? Holy shet, please go back to your cave and dyor some more.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

My Brothers & Sisters, Please Understand that Crypto(BTC,FCC, FBI or CIA ) its NOT Money Ok it has none of the Amazing Qualities GODS Money has and the Track Record that Amazes . If You would Like to Know what Gives Money it's Intrinsic Value Just ask or Find Out. XoLD Storage or Not if You can't LOG On It's worthless. Again it's NOT Money. YoU Must understand Just Weights & Measires fair trade with thy neighbor here and abroad. IT WILL BE BIBLICAL IN SCALE THIS WEALTH TRANSFER . IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE BIBLE EVERYTHING BASE2 BELONGS TO ✝️ IT WONT HAPPEN EVERYTHING Y'ALL THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN ITS NOT LOL INCREDIBLE THINGS MANS TOIL .

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is why you need to pay attention to who is joining chainlinks SCALE and BUILD program, and who is refusing it. Dont trust synthetix.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

**\*NOT TO SCALE** By these numbers the Bitcoin should be < 1/1000 the size of the planet.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Most people will tell you to hold on to it and be patient. Let me be real with you. What you’re going to want to do is get a solid vpn, and sign up for a low kyc exchange that offers leverage like KUCoin. Move your 1 eth to this exchange. Now you need to be patient - at some point in this bull market, there will be serious FUD that results in a 30-40% retrace off the local high. It might happen at 40k, 50k, who knows, but it will materialize over the period of 4-8 weeks. Think China fud, block size debate, exchange failure - something tangible and actually scary. This is when you want to SCALE into a 10x long. Don’t try to time it perfectly - set your orders in a spread range between 30–40% off the local high and do not pull them when price is falling - some may not hit. You can always jam all in with unfilled cash once you’re comfortable the bottom is in, but don’t be too quick - make sure the recovery has spanned multiple days before shoving. If you time it right you can ride this 10x safely to the end of the bull market. Don’t get too greedy - eventually you need to close your position. Think fall 2025. Good luck.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

tldr; Chainlink Price Feeds are live on Base testnet, a new Ethereum L2 incubated by Coinbase. Base will also participate in the Chainlink SCALE program to offer developers lower-cost access to critical data and oracle services. Chainlink enables developers to build feature-rich Web3 applications. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR. Get more of today's trending news [here](*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

That's right. Technologies can add additional sophistication, or reliability, or create abstractions, or add features in higher layers, but they don't SCALE in layers. * You don't need to think about the sophistication of a nuclear power station when you flick your light switch at home. But you can't make the nuclear power station generate more power with the simplicity of your light switch at home. * You can use more-reliable applications on error-correcting TCP/IP which runs on top of the error-uncorrected IP (Internet Protocol). But you cannot transfer more data per second with TCP/IP than with IP - you can only transfer less. The Internet scaled not because of its layers, but because it scaled its base, physical layer. We tore out slow single copper twisted pair, and replaced it with fast multiplexed optical fibres. We scale cryptocurrency by dumping slow single blockchains, and replacing them with fast multiplexed Block Lattice Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs).
