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Mitigating risk and taking losses in top movers

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

GUYS LOOK AT THIS. THIS IS BEING HIDDEN FROM THE WORLD. You can not find it online anywhere. We have to band together and buy up and become rich together. EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!

r/CryptoMoonShotsSee Post

PepeDao ($PEPED) | This is True Defi Gem | Crypto Trading Bots | NFTs Marketplace | Metaverse game | Digital Visa card functionality | Low Cap 40k

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Tips for newcomers

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

In order to bring more awareness about inflation, the FED partners up with Coinbase to show what currency devaluation looks like by slashing 10% of USDC's value.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

7 Golden Rules to become a Crypto Millionaire

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Discord has a lot of scammers, BE CAREFUL! [Starter Pack]

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Trading groups uncovered - part 1 - the big boys

r/BitcoinSee Post


r/BitcoinSee Post

Need to relocate machines?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

This week in crypto (2022-08-21)

r/CryptoCurrencySee Post

Ethereum Founder Vitalik Buterin Mocks Bored Apes, Which Are Built on Ethereum. "‘HEY, LOOK, IT'S A MONKEY!’"


Must be so many new people every time we start moving up and this becomes the normal port. We are barely even started. No one ever zooms out at all. Look at the daily... LOOK AT IT!!!


Ye I think that's so funny as well hahahaha. hmmmm Bitcoin more than tripled in value and reached a new ATH in record time, naaaaaahhh THATS NOT A BULL MARKET LOOK I DONT EVEN HAVE A LAMBO YET

best investments that can do is to buy and DON'T LOOK AT IT FOR 6m.


Coordinated whale effort to drive down sales and liquidate and so others can buy up. No need to man the battle stations. Either buy more or relax. We are a year away from this bull run’s ATH—LOOK AT THE CHARTS FROM 4/8 YEARS AGO. The patterns are there and have been posted time and time again. There’s not a whole lot of macro deviation from the patterns.


>Understanding XRP: The Digital Asset of Ripple XRP is not "ripples" >XRP, the digital asset created by Ripple Labs Wrong. Guys this ISNT complicated. its an open source code base. You can SIMPLY LOOK AT THE CODE and see when XRP was created It's original name was XNS. it was later changed to XRP in Nov 2012 with this code push. The creation date of the "XNS" later named XRP was before ripple was a company. XRP does not belong to Ripple, they are not the creator, owner, father, controller of XRP. Its 2024. When you make a post OP which starts off with just flat out incorrect information. I dont even need to bother reading the rest as Im almost positive you've made more mistakes

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I’m not a crypto bro but I’m in. All I did was educate myself on YouTube, telegram, joining community for weeks- months. But never dared to invest properly until now. Why? THIS COMMUNITY IS INSANELY GOOD. Do your due diligence, make an educated choice. Analyze the data of the projects before investing, watch the socials, and the community, the dev. This community has all that and more. NO DEV ALL DONE BY THE COMMUNITY TAKING ACTION LOOK AT THE NUMBERS 💻🧨🤝🧍🏻‍♀️💅🏼 SWIFTIES TAKE OVER MAKING MONEY

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>Comparing L1 performance, without discussing the centralization of consensus, centralization of development, and overall security model is entirely useless. Of course, 100% agree, no brainer. But how would you pack that week long discussion into less than 60 seconds?? The ad was a funny poke at the fact that Algorand provably and demonstrably runs circles around the depicted competitors ranked in the top 10 by MC. By the way, ALGO consensus is 100% decentralized and that's irrefutable and not argued by anyone in honest conversation. Centralization aspect lies solely with the relays and original tokenomics. And yeah, there should be serious honest & objective compare and contrast discussion about tech, top to bottom. You probably don't realize how overlooked or purposely excluded Algorand is by competitors or "journalists" with their cherry picked misleading data. Algorand is effectively saying HEY LOOK OVER HERE, and rightly so. It has some of the very best tech in the game but gets ignored or dogged in favor of shit that doesn't work well but has a shit ton more liquidity. >L1 scaling, which is complete nonsense. Fine, harp on scaling, but guess what? Algorand has proven to not break a sweat with more valid sustained tps than all three of those chains. It's not speculation or theoretical, it's proven. (And that proof/load testing was initiated entirely by a community member/dev using donated ALGO for the tx fees.) I'm not sure why you can't applaud advancement in blockchain. We should exhaust the L1 before relying on L2s, and ALGO is certainly one of the strongest L1s and undeniably more solid than BTC/ETH/SOL. At any rate, please satisfy your skepticism by researching Algorand yourself. Start with Silvio Micali and work forward to today and the 2024 road map.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Man picks shit coin he and everyone else expects to fail. It fails. People of Reddit: LOL LOOK AT THIS GUY WOW HHAHAHA WHAT A STOOPID ............great post!.......

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Don’t care. Just keep DCA stacking and it’ll LOOK LIKE THIS: 🧈

r/BitcoinSee Comment

"While the increase in assets during Biden's administration is substantial, it's important to note that less than $2 trillion has been added during his term" "[Treasury Department]( data shows the gross federal debt rose by about $7.8 trillion on Trump’s watch." GEE LOOK AT THOSE FACTS BITE YOU IN THE ASS stupid fucking bot.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

even fiat is a ponzi scheme beware !! LOOK governments printing a lot of paper money lol

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This is really petty but I dated this woman for about 3 months. She started doing a lot of criticizing me on how I spend my money. Here is a woman with her whole life in debit. Bad credit. Car she can’t afford. & i have none of those! I spent my hard earned paychecks on DCA to 1.5 and I am so proud of myself. I don’t give a rats behind what the haters say… But anyway… i know that ex girlfriend has been spying on my social media and I cant help but to steal all bitcoin memes, pictures of bitcoin related thumbnails or AI created bitcoin art. Then I post daily stuff about how my DCA is $32k and “Oh LOOK at what the price is NOW! Hot damn!” I love trolling the haters… If i had over $100k in a savings account & people knew, they’d nod approvingly or want some. If I have $100k in my 401k, they’d say what a great guy that I am.. but oh no not the bad orange bitcoin?!? Who was it that said “bitcoin derangement syndrome” haha ! It’s real! Enjoy your fiat $$ plummeting in value! Enjoy your 401k and stocks going down down… I’m oranged pilled and I am not going to let some clown who never spent even 1 hour reading on bitcoin, has no clue what it is control MY behavior! Bitcoin is the way to go! The haters will be asking you more as it climbs… it’s gone from $60k to $67k just in past few days…. I will tell you: I am proud of you. I am happy for you. 2 bitcoin is really commendable! Good job!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

No. BTC is not a hedge against inflation any more than gold is. Between 2013 and 2022 prices in the USA doubled but gold stayed almost the same exact price. Between 2003-2013, gold went up 500% even though inflation averaged only 3% per year. If you actually LOOK at how gold moves, it has never correlated to inflation. It correlated to people's CONFIDENCE in their money. And that is a very different thing. The ultimate proof of this is Weimar Germany. When hyperinflation was at its peak, the actual supply of currency DEFLATED 90%, yet gold went up millions of percent in that period. This is very important to understand.... gold is related to a people's confidence in their money. Inflation, deflation, it does not matter. Bitcoin responds the same. Hope this helps.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I want you to LOOK AT IT!!!

r/CryptoMarketsSee Comment

Simple to say this but the top signals were all there if you were looking. Don't listen to moonboys or crypto twitter when everyone is hyper bullish - SELL AND DONT LOOK BACK. Nobody goes broke taking profits. I'm using profits to start spot positions now - if we see any further dips give me more :)

r/BitcoinSee Comment

You could argue that's what they blamed him for, realistically speaking any fed could of set up a shop for black tar heroin and said OHH LOOK HE ALSO SOLD THE WORST THING POSSIBLE LOCK HIM UP.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

For the new folks: - Develop a buy/sell plan ahead of time, e.g. "I sell 10% every time BTC goes up $3k" etc etc. It's called Dynamic DCA-in/out you can google it. STICK TO YOUR PLAN. - 0.1-10% (depending on your age) of your portfolio in degen memecoins is fun and recommended. I'm 32. I have 1% in BONK. Realistically I should probably go 2%. I consider it gambling money. I don't go to casinos. This 1-2% is my casino money. -Detecting local peaks is relatively easy with more time in the market. Detecting bottoms is harder. Detecting cycle tops/bottoms is impossible. This is why dynamic DCA is so crucial. - I never look at my portfolio and think "Ok I have $X." Let's say you invest $20k, and it shot up to $100k. Awesome, but you don't have $100k unless you sell. I look at that $100k as a function of the potential average of my dynamic DCA. For example, if I start selling 20% each week, I might cash out at 78k-132k. Try and see your portfolio $ amount as a range of numbers - I've been through three major cycles since 2016. I lost 1 million Dogecoin to Cryptopia going under. I lost $3k in my first cycle not taking profits and riding everything to the bottom. I sold Moons for 33 cents each only to see them hit 70 cents recently. I sold all of my initial investment at the absolute top last cycle. I've looked at coins and thought "I should buy this but I'm lazy" only to see them 100x within a month. I've missed airdrops worth $10k USD and received airdrops worth $100k USD that I rode all the way to $100 USD. - The pain I have from FOMO doesn't compare at all to the pain of not taking profits. I lost $3k in my first cycle, and it still fucks with me despite my portfolio fluctuating 2x that amount every day now. Meanwhile, I think about the 1 million DOGE lost to cryptopia approximately 2-3 times a year and I laugh about it. The FOMO pain is intangible. The pain of losing real money by not taking profits and selling will fuck with you until you die. - SELL. SELL. SELL. You don't have to sell everything. Seriously, LOOK UP DYNAMIC DCA

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HAHAHAHAHA why the bears still try?????? LOOK AT BITCOIN!!! WE PUMP!!!! WE KEEP PUMP!!!!! NO MORE DUMP!!!!!! hahahahah poor bears!!! yes poor bears.... ITS A BULL MARKET!!!! there is no more half dump. Sorry. Only pump. Halving pump only!!!!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Gold has outperformed traditional stocks during major market crashes, and is also negatively correlated with BTC. Not sure why people don’t simply LOOK at the readily available data online for 2008 & 2022. It’s been a wildly successful stock market hedge.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

It's not Bitcoin risk here, it's people risk. I have no doubt in Bitcoin, the rules are simple. People are more complex. We would vote ourselves constant stimulus checks from the government AND then unironically Pikachu face when prices skyrocket. "NEED MORE STIMMY CHECKS PLEASE LOOK AT THESE PRICESSSSSS!"

r/BitcoinSee Comment

NEVER LOOK BACK with any type of investing including Bitcoin. Look forward. There will always be ups and downs and missed opportunities. Plenty of opportunity in the future. Volatile investments might also have gone down and you would be feeling differently. My long term thesis on crypto is bullish.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

EVERYONE LOOK! This guy lives in a cave and never spends money on ANYTHING. Applaud this man! I’m surprised you even bother to invest in BTC, with such a condescending and arrogant attitude.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Expected??? huh??? Normal? HUH????? Are you fucking serious???? LOOK AT THE BULL MARKET. Where will u see a 10%? 3% yes probably. But 10? LMAO. Bears.... your tears are VERY VERY delicious HAAHAHAH just stop. Bitcoin will be at 100k before you see your cute little correction. Poor bear...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

BAHAHAAHAH SLOW DOWN????? are you for real? LIKE NO WAY LMAO. You must be a bear..... FOR SURE you are... sigh...... LOOK AT THE MARKET. ITS A BULL MARKET. LOOK at it. PLEASE. Just look. ONCE. Why are u just.... sigh....

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HAHAHAHAA 68-72k?!?!?!? ARE U for real?!?!? Just stop bear. 100k IS THE pull back for 5%. THEN we pump TO 200k!! Poor bear... THIS IS A BULL MARKET. PLEASE wake up. I'm telling you. Wake. Up. LOOK AT BITCOIN BEAR. ITS 62k. LOOK? Can you look PLEASE?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Crypto anymore is a game of...."LOOK SQUIRREL!" Now what was I talking about? Oh well on to the next thing. "LOOK SQUIRREL!"

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I have warned you before about pointing things out, sir. DO NOT LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Its 1999 and random bs companies are adding ".com" to their names hoping to drive up valuations. These companies have no intention on doing anything with this newfangled "world wide web" that will surely just be a flash in the pan. But hot dog, if they LOOK like theyre part of the action, they can cash in Welcome to "AI tokens."

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>When setting up an account at a regular bank or credit union, their KYC procedures involve me telling them my name, home address, and social security number, and the bank teller takes a photo copy of my driver's license. But I've NEVER been asked to take a selfie photo, nor has the bank teller ever asked me to look at a camera for a photo. They don't need you to provide a photo. They can use this thing called eyes instead. As part of KYC, someone has to LOOK at you, and LOOK at your id, and compare the two. Online, how do you think they are going to LOOK at you if you don't provide them something to LOOK AT??

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

My thought is it might outpace BTC starting later this year but not crazy gains like last cycle. The flippening is BS. ETH has to worry more about getting flipped itself as other L1s eat it’s lunch. While old timers remain ETH maxis, new ppl are switching to lower fee L1s and don’t want the extra steps involved with L2s. I know maxis will 👇 vote this to hell but take off the blinders and really LOOK at what’s going on.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HAAHHAAH the bears are so SAD RIGHT NOW!!! YO BEARS!!!! YO!!!!! yo yo yo!!!! LOOK AT BITCOIN RIGHT NOW. Read it. Fucking read it. What does it say? YUP 43k LMAOOOOOOOOOOO poor sad bears. Yall need to STOP SELLING HAHAAHAHAH WE WONT DIP EVER!! Its a bull market!!!!! HAHAAHAAHA love it. Love bear tears yum. Drink bear tears yum. So yummu!!!!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Jesus Christ what happened to this place? We used to be bitcoiners trying to subvert the dollar and talked about game theory all day long... NOW JUST LOOK AT US...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

*Gensler throws the papers up into the air, they were paper air planes all along. They fly in every direction, poking people in the eyes and getting lodged in HVAC. Gary pulls a propellor hat from his breast pocket, no wonder his coat looked weird all day* “LOOK AT ME NOW, PEASANTS! I DEFY GRAVITY!” Everyone stares in disbelief as Gary begins to float above the podium upon his own will. He was a shape shifting multi dimensional being this whole time. “I AM ThE FaTHEr of 3 BeAUTIfUl DaUGHters!!! BOW BE4 me BIATCHes!!! Everyone begins to panic and scream as lasers shoot from his eyes. No one was expecting this.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I feel like this is some sort of attempt at FUD for people who don’t understand BTC so the media can say SEE LOOK AT THE ACTIVITY ON SATOSHI’S WALLET HES GOING TO DUMP IT ALL!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

HAAHHAHAH these bears really tried to make us dip!?!?!?!? IN A BULL MARKET?!?!!? HAHAHA please just fuck off already. I cant contain my laughter anymore. LOOK AT BITCOIN RIGHT NOW. ITs 44k. LOOK AT IT. These sad bears dont realize its a bull market. Fucking crazy. ANYWAYS PUMP IT TO 100k!!!!!!!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Wrong because they just buy a call on a rival ETF and say LOOK WE HAVE 100 BITCOIN OUR NET EXPOSURE IS 0

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

did you read the part where I said "LOOK INTO IT"

r/BitcoinSee Comment

> you will find plenty of cases You can always find cases of people being idiots and getting burned. That doesn't mean hardware wallets are unsafe. You of course need to properly use them. > they are still text based, and can be stored just the same. Yes they are text, but storing text is not anywhere near the only thing you need to do with keys. Private keys are static and are only PART of your HD wallet (which is the best practice kind of wallet these days and has been for years). If you generate a wallet with a seed, you should NEVER deal directly with private keys unless you're an expert who knows what they're doing, which anyone reading your comment is almost definitely not. > From one single seed you cannot generate an infinite number of keys, otherwise there would be private key collision from everyone else. You are wrong. Your confidence in your knowledge is misplaced. Please stop now and do some goddamn research. Your simultaneous confidence and ignorance is pissing me off. Have some fucking humility and read more. YOU ARE WRONG. A. Yes an infinite list of keys is generated by all HD wallet seeds B. No there are no collisions because the keyspace is so unimaginably vast that you wouldn't be likely to generate two of the same keys from different seeds even if you tried for the lifetime of the universe! LOOK IT UP. Your intuition is not sufficient to learn this stuff. > You do not realize Fuck your misplaced confidence. You have no fucking idea what I realize. You don't know me. And you know MUCH less than you seem to think. The fact that the blockchain uses private keys is IRRELEVANT to my point. > You only use your seedphrase to recover your private keys This is only possible BECAUSE private keys are generated using the seedphrase. You CAN generate bare private keys and use them, but this is NOT best practice and is NOT how most bitcoin software does it these days. Please read: your information is shit and you are not qualified to give information and advice to others in this area. STOP FUCKING DOING IT. Do you really want to be indirectly responsible for other people losing their bitcoin because you gave shit advice? No you don't. So do A LOT more reading before you start feeling confident in giving advice. Its infuriating to see people like you confidently tell newbs idiotic bullshit that will likely cause them immense pain in the future. Shut the fuck up if you don't know what you're talking about.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lol, new batch of saga phones set to hit shelves in a few weeks... Took 10K payday @125 but I put half of it back in 😆 then yolod the rest into my silent gem $XYO. 😆 I'm a xyo billionaire 😆 LFG🚀🚀🚀 CHARTS LOOK RIPE FOR THE TAKING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Yet… it will be. They haven’t taken the traditional *LOOK AT ME* method a lot of cryptos have done. They’ve developed sooooo many real world uses, that once the real institutional dollars start coming in, the big boys in finance will take notice.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We’re from the same crypto graduating class so ima give u a tip that helped me sell btc $55k and eth $4k.. THE CYCLE ENDS EVERY FOURTH WINTER‼️ JUST SELL BEFORE HALLOWEEN 2025‼️ LOOK AT THE CHART IT LITERALLY TOPS EVERY 4th NOVEMBER/DECEMBER‼️ K sorry for yellin lol but people seem to think im dumb for believing this even tho it works 100% of the time. Literally. Make a tradingview account and pull up btc and look. It may not follow every candle of every day, but for macro stuff like sellin tops n buyin bottoms u can literally just copy trade the btc chart. I bought btc $18k and eth $1k a year ago and i did it by following the past cycle. _I sold the top and bought the bottom by COPYTRADING the btc chart from 4yr ago_ Just follow the cycle bro i swear it works lol im following it til it fails me 🤷‍♂️

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

"Cashing in", eh? You will be shocked how fast your world view changes the first time you actually LOOK, SEE, and COMPREHEND a Dollar vs Bitcoin price chart.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So bears still denying we are in a bull market? Lmao look at Bitcoins price you dumb bears. LOOK AT IT. WE ARE NOT IN A BEAR MARKET

r/BitcoinSee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

TAKE a good LOOK at this guy , He is already living overtime he is old school and the unused Innovation part of his brain has collected to many spiderwebs it would be impossible for him to understand or even try to visualize BTC’s potential so is much easier to blame the stupidity on BitCoin let’s give him a break and try to understand his perspective , now back to reality imo the next 4 months starting now are extremely crucial for not only BTC but all top alt coins as well we are about to finally see the GATE OPEN UP and this time with the participation of smart money keep you eyes open

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This is the correct answer. Minor, constant updates are necessary during the bear market for the project to stay, and moreover, LOOK alive. Major, game-changer updates are necessary during the bull market to really up the odds for massive skyrocketing. Why use all the bigger impact updates during bear market and lose their market move efficiency? Would make no sense.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

There is so much wrong with that statement. First. Bitcoin isn't fluctuating, the market is. Bitcoin will always LOOK like it's fluctuating because you are denominating it against the dollar. Which, while the most "stable" fiat, is still wildy unstable as it never maintains its value year over year. The fed have a literal target of devaluing the dollar by 2% every year. Bitcoin does A LOT of things that fiat doesn't. Like, for instance, it's 1/21 million. NOT 1/infinity. So, that right there ETERNALLY differentiates it from fiat. No laws can ever make bitcoin NOT owned by the owner. If you own your own keys, the government CANNOT take your Bitcoin or freeze your assets assuming they are in bitcoin. That also ETERNALLY separates bitcoing from fiat. Bitcoin is deflationary while fiat is inflationary. No amount of regulation can change these things. And these are just like, tha abc's of bitcoin. There are so many more things that separate fiat from bitcoin.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I had a friend in college. We used to carpool. Sometimes we'd hang out on the weekend, drinking beer, watching really poorly made "horror" movies on rented VHS tapes. His younger brother died. He asked me to go with him to the funeral. He didn't seem to be in the kind of mind to be able to drive safely, so I said, "okay." We left at about 2:30 am. He drove most of the way there. I didn't know what to say, so I stayed kind of quiet. Every once in a while, he'd start yelling, "I KNEW HE WAS GOING TO DIE. I KNEW IT." Then, quietly, "I just knew it... I knew it..." We got there a little ahead of time and just stood around, leaning against the car. Strangely, I was thinking I wanted a cigar, but I just kept quiet. Other cars arrived. People dressed in nice clothes got out and quietly went inside. I had known his brother, but not that well. Still, the service made me cry -- probably it was the look on his mother's face that made me cry. It was not a happy occasion. My friend was in really bad shape afterwards. Even though we'd planned to stay the night, my friend insisted we drive straight back, so we got some food at a place called, "Don's", then we got started. It got dark, I was driving, I was getting tired. He was in the passenger seat nodding off and waking up then nodding off... He head jerked and his eyes opened. I said, "We need to find a place to sleep. I don't want to crash and die..." I got off the interstate and we headed down some country road. After what seemed like 400 miles there was something ahead which looked like a motel. I pulled in. The light was on in the "office" but nobody was there. We could hear a couple fighting in another room behind a closed door. We heard something break and then we heard something like punches or slaps. We looked at each other. My friend motioned his head and eyes towards the car, like, "Let's get out of here." We stepped outside. I was amazed at how foggy it had gotten in such a short time. I slowly, carefully walked towards where I remembered the car to be. I had my hands in front of me, waiting to feel the car in the darkness. It wasn't there. I said to my friend, "Can you find the car?" He wasn't there. I turned around to go back to the motel. It wasn't there. I was on a trail in a wooded area - mostly pine trees. A moonless night. The fog was lifting quickly. I started thinking about a TV program called, "The Twilight Zone." I kept telling myself, "That's just made up fiction. This can't really be happening to me." It was so unreal. Then I figured, "Ah! It must be a dream, I just need to wake up." I tried to open my eyes, but they were already wide open. In my mind I could hear my father's Johnny Cash record, "I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep my eyes wide open all the time. I keep my eyes wide open all the time..." as if the record was skipping. But it was all in my head. It didn't make sense to just stand there, so I kept walking, trying to stay on the trail. There was a very faint starlight through the trees. In one ear, I imagined I was hearing Johnny Cash. In the other ear I was listening to The Who, Live at Leeds - backwards! After a while, I clicked an imaginary switch and listened to the Who in normal mode while simultaneously listening to Johnny Cash in reverse. I just wanted to be home and wake up in my bed and have everything be all normal again. The trail led to an opening - the shore of a big pond or small lake. There was a rising moon I could not yet see, and it lit the tops of some gigantic white, fluffy clouds. The cloud-glow reflected off the surface of the small lake. In places, the trail was mushy, almost mud. About one-third of the way around the lake, the trail turned to re-enter the woods. That's where I saw the ghost of my friend's brother, about 11 feet tall, just standing there, looking out over the small lake. He was blocking the trail. I heard my friend's voice, behind his brother's tall ghost, very distressed and high pitched: "DON'T LOOK AT HIM! DON'T LOOK!! DON'T!!! Oh, stop LOOKING at him!!" In my left ear, Johnny Cash was singing about a burning ring of fire. In my right ear, The Who was playing "Magic Bus," in reverse. My friend kept screaming, "DON'T LOOK AT HIM!!" as his voice began to crack and fail. I stood there, looking at the soft moonlit clouds.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yes, the supply is always greater. But GO BACK AND LOOK AT THE CONTEXT. I was saying, the supply is lowered as if a full Microstrategy EFFING TREASURY was purchased annually. As in, the supply is always, from the halving onwards, lower on a per-day EFFING BASIS, than it had been before. Jesus Christ.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I realize I'm an outsider and this comment could very well get me in trouble, but... **MOONS. LOOK. ASTROTURFED.** And not even the subtle kind of astroturfing. Something you guys would like to tell us?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I feel like it’s worth pointing out that things like Zelle LOOK like they settle instantly, but they do not. These things still take the same 2-5 days to settle between banks, just like a regular transfer. Banks enjoy holding onto funds for a few extra days. They’re not eager to have rapid removal of funds made possible.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

if it's true, if he's not a scammer himself who's been playing the long game [because, he might have fans/a following/defenders but how was it confirmed he really lost 50k worth of crypto?? because that is a COMMON scam as well because grifters know there's always a segment of the community who will believevthem..ALWAYS.. and many grifters are *very* convincing over the long term & they also know how to create convincing files to make it LOOK like funds went out so their defenders can have 'proof.' some of them have also done this repeatedly, even without changing their public name..but definitely there are name changers, too but who don't actually always change their appearance! and that guy, he's supposed to be an *experienced* crypto influencer?? and no doubt he DOES have defenders, believers who will donate to his cause which scammers count on. because there are always such people who are not careful, are susceptible to the cult mentality and they will always *lose their minds* whenever there are even reasonable concerns about their favorite coin or influencer.😐 but otherwise?? that kind of cautionary tale is EXACTLY WHY the SECURITY STANDARD IS to NEVER STORE YOUR SEEDS, PRIVATE KEYS in DIGITAL/ELECTRONIC FORM ever!!🙄 but this guy did exactly that?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I mean, moons to 100 dollar is basicly guaranteed too at this point. JUST LOOK AT THE SHIB AND DOGES MARKET CAPS!

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yea but if you set the inflation rate to 5% and expected return to 2% LOOK HOW LITTLE MONEY YOU HAVE...

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Good point why we shouldnt always call every coin a shtcoin when smth like that happens. I remember the days when this happened and everybody said '' LOOK AT ETH THE SHTCOIN..''. Look at it now, if u would invested into it. Thats why we shouldnt call every coin that has issues a shtcoin ladies and gentles

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

well, they do, but on VERY minimal because they have the resources to LOOK poor in the eyes of the IRS.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Not only have I unfollowed them but I blocked them. Also, it keeps showing me a bedbug subreddit. I blocked it multiple times and every day I'll see a post asking if some bug is a bedbug. I DON'T WANT TO LOOK AT BEDBUGS!!! They're gross. It feels like the algorithm is against me.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Would you tell him what it is or just hand him a piece of paper and shout "DON'T LOOK AT IT" lol

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

They've dropped some major charges. The court case is just a show for us plebs "see he's on trial" he's in trouble. OH LOOK ALIENS!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

**LOOK** out, Radioactive **MAN**

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I am shocked, but not surprised that it has a name. Now when the wife askes what I'm doing up at 3AM on reddit I'm going to yell DON'T LOOK. I'M JARMING

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Lose money on a CEX : Too bad , its unregulated! LOOK AT THE TOS!!!!! Unregulated CEX sends money to someone else by mistake: The courts now see that laws matter and user must return funds!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

you know the risk with monero etc is ​ a. nonzero b. non trivial c. and on a long enough timeline significant enough to be catsastrophic and therfore significant. ​ ​ just because there are idiots in memecoins which area a giant unknowing gexpression of what you and i through experience see as acceptable risk traded for total idiotic risk does not change the fact that maybe monero and some of all these worthy projects as OP dubs them 100% will fail we just do not know which ones. i hope none fail and we all go into bright futire of emncipation and liberation. ​ LOOK AT WHA TTHEY DID TO FREE SOFTWARE IN 60 YEARS. first it had be defined as open source and now thigs like android are barely open source or free to use without malware. they changed the entire culture of copyright and scientific endeavour just cause they could. this is money and the future real estate of the coming virtualised , tokenised information age. what do you think the class of people who own everything and hire the best minds ot do evil shit have got planned for crypto, smart contracts etc etc?

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Their discord is a laugh. I mentioned something in passing about how stablecoins are useful and some idiot jumped on me demanding I explain what's good about them and wouldn't leave me alone lmao. I'm 100% only in it for the money, and don't care about crypto either way. I tried to explain this, but he was having none of it, and demanded I explain in great detail about why stablecoins are good. WHY WOULD SOMEONE IN CRYPTO FOR THE MONEY EVEN LOOK INTO STABLECOINS? THEIR PRICES DON'T MOVE, THERE'S NO PROFIT IN THEM! I JUST KNOW THEY'RE BACKED BY A FIAT CURRENCY AND PEOPLE ACTUALLY USE THEM! He knows best about these things though, he's doing a DOUBLE degree in economics and something else. Imagine that, not even a qualified economist and thinks he is an expert! Hopefully he' still in his first year and hasn't grown out of his "I'M DOING A DEGREE I'M THE SMARTEST" phase. He has a bright future writing for The Guardian, I'm sure. Needless to say, I got banned. Apparently disagreeing with them makes your personality "abrasive".

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Btc to rest of the market : LOOK HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Imagine if you would have put all that money into BTC instead of ALGO in November of last year you would be up 80% instead of down 40%. REMEMBER IT! LOOK AT THE NUMBERS!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Anyone who “invested” deserves to lose every penny and then have their noses rubbed in this excrement while Satoshi himself tells you “look what you did. LOOK AT IT”

r/BitcoinSee Comment

Yep im a programmer and a bitcoiner and I DO LOOK AT THE CODE..

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

We are in an alt season right now u slow buddy? ITS A BULL MARKET. LOOK AT BITCOIN TOO ITS 28k

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Part 8/10 Community Crypto Forums 🌐 Join in-depth discussions on platforms like: 🔹 Reddit (r/cryptocurrency, r/bitcoin, r/ethereum) *LOOK MOM, WE MADE IT*

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I posted about a scam I uncovered a little under two weeks ago: [\_type\_of\_microcapmeme\_coin\_scam/]( It wasn't a single scam, but rather a pattern I've noticed with microcaps where it would LOOK like you could sell (which means things like tokensniffer didn't flag them), but you actually couldn't. It's super devious.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

> Which is why you always hear of the bustling NFT/token economy on Bitcoin right? C'mon man it's a bad argument... THAT'S a bad argument. If there was no Ethereum NFTs would be dominant on Bitcoin. Not that I care. I think they're a gimmick and mostly a scam. >Did you even LOOK at my link??? It's Vitalik responding to this EXACT video. Saying, yes It's still an issue, yes they are working on it. His statement is consistent. It should cost $0.05 then and it shouldn't now. We just still aren't there yet The truth is fees on ETH are a lot higher than with Bitcoin. So one of his excuses for creating ETH is bogus.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>And yet it's been done since pretty much with Liquid, Lightning, Ordinals, Taro, Rootstock etc. Which is why you always hear of the bustling NFT/token economy on Bitcoin right? C'mon man it's a bad argument... >You take it from the horse's mouth, on video: Did you even LOOK at my link??? It's Vitalik responding to this EXACT video. Saying, yes It's still an issue, yes they are working on it. His statement is consistent. It should cost $0.05 then and it shouldn't now. We just still aren't there yet

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I would totally buy a Pulp Fiction coin xD “DOES MARCELLUS WALLACE LOOK LIKE A BITCH!?” “SAY WHAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU, I DOUBLE DARE YOU MUTHSUCKA, SAY WHAT ONE MORE GODDAMN TIME!” That’s one of those movies that will never get old kind of like watching the charts xD

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/BitcoinSee Comment

No idea what show, don't care. The only decent person on the panel is the former fiancee who returns the ring to the man. But just LOOK at the faces of the rest of these c*nts including comments from the men. That's what that man was surrounded with. That's what modern women are all about. The thought of returning the ring would NEVER occur to them because engagement rings are like consolation prizes for c*nts. 

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment


r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Ok, so not just me. Oof, I got a stark reminder of the worthless NFTs I own. Put them in my hidden folder so I didn’t have to see them. Pro.opensea is like LOOK at all your NFTs! 🤦🏻‍♂️

r/BitcoinSee Comment

That’s true, but it wasn’t “HEY LOOK AT ME, I’m gonna jam this hypocrisy down your throat”. It was subtle.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

>they can make it illegal and pressure other countries to do it GOOD LOOK WITH **THAT**.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

So 31 tomorrow is a done deal. JUST DON'T LOOK PAST THAT!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

“On February 20, Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission unveiled a proposal for a cryptocurrency exchange regime, which will come into effect in June.” OH LOOK THE HK VERSION OF THE SEC ARE DOING THEIR JOBS

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

This was my original draft, i had to use AI to try and restructure it: All those who say "Crypto has no utility" are wrong ⚠️. I will share a short story of how i got into Crypto. I did not get into Crypto to make money or lose money. This tech is probably the best thing that happened to people who live in countries considered as "Third World". 👇 On a certain day during the year 2021, i was on google searching "The Top 10 ways to make money online" because at that time i was broke and had no income. I was still in university then, but we were all at home that year because of the Global Covid-19 Lockdown. I managed to discover a site where you could earn money by doing micro tasks that supports AI research. The name of that site is "Yandex Toloka" I have not checked the site recently but at that time i was making less than $20 monthly using one account Making $20 on Toloka was very hard, frustrating and ridiculous. Most tasks payed <$0.01 and on a good day >$0.1. I had no choice but to scale up, i probably broke their ToC by creating multiple accounts to increase my income from the site. If i remember correctly, there were three primary ways to receive your payment. You could receive it through Paypal, Payoneer & Skrill. I chose Skrill because PayPal was not supported in my country and Payoneer was having some verification issues. My first payment was around $14 or so. I was happy that this thing was actually paying because most internet sites similar to Toloka were either frauds or scams. OK, i have my first $14, time to cashout. I went to the withdraw tab and saw that withdrawing straight to your bank account was possible, Yay! finally some real internet money. But all that excitement soon turned into frustration and anger when i realized that withdrawing to a bank in my country was not possible. I did not give up. I quickly went to Google after days of depression thinking that my hard earned money was stuck on Skrill. The first idea that came to my mind was "Betting". I told myself what if i could transfer this money to a local betting site and use that to cash out. Boom! Another frustrating venture, i quickly found out that few international sites supported this and absolutely no local site did. I started to look for a better solution to my problem again. Went back to google, googling. After what seemed to be years of googling, i managed to discover another site. It was a Crypto p2p site and its name was "Paxful" By that time i had made more $$$ on Toloka. I discovered that you could buy Bitcoin using a peer to peer system on Paxful and fortunately Skrill was an accepted form of payment on the site. Yay! i found a better solution. I made my first trade on the 21st April 2021. Those were the good days haha, when BTC was at $65k and people really thought we could hit $100k EOY😂, right now we are at like $26k with BTC, holy shit what a drop. By the way i managed to swap the BTC into my local currency. Fast forward to today and i have experienced a lot of shit in the Crypto space. I joined CEXs like Binance, i invested in shitcoins and scam tokens, got into NFTs (no utility btw) & read about trading (bullshit technical analysis, more like astrology if you ask me). So what's my point? My point is that many centralized financial institutions do not provide the same level of financial access/opportunities to third world countries that Crypto has consistently provided. DeFi IS PROBABLY THE FUTURE OF FINANCE AND YOU SHOULD LOOK INTO IT.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

>2. DO NOT LOOK AT YOUTUBER VIDEOS This is the most important one. Don't listen to any youtubers who are shilling you what to buy.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

This. Even if i but silver dollars at $31. How the fuck am i just going to buy a can of soup? With a $25.00 silver coin in a back alley in a shady part of town? Even worse with gold. Also, If i want to leave the country with my gold i cant just shove it up my ass now because they caught that guy and NOW THEY KNOW TO LOOK IN YOUR ASS FOR ASSETS.

r/BitcoinSee Comment

But whatever you do, DO NOT LOOK UP M4

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Looking at the Credit Suisse Chart, then looking at my portfolio! LOOK WHO IS LAUGHING NOW!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I see AI can be threat to everything at this point. It surely is a double edged sword. Also, I just want to use your post to say this: **TAKE A LOOK AT THE PRICE OF MOONS, DAMN!**

r/BitcoinSee Comment

I agree. You could have warned the rest of us! Anyone else reading this, DO NOT LOOK AT OP PROFILE.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I hope that for once coins with an actual usecase become popular. The ones that are not screaming "LOOK AT US USING CRYPTO!!", but the ones who actually solve problems or offer a service, using blockchain tech without being so smug about using the tech. To me that would be real maturity in the market.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

How to farm moons 1. Make an AI say something about crypto 2. GUYS LOOK AT THIS SO CRAZY

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

The ultimate shitcoin. It’s an overthought project that claims to be better than ETH and has failed at doing what ETH does… it’s run by a narcissistic person who people listen to because he LOOK like he would be a smart professor type.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Look what i have brought every body LOOK LOOK It’s POO!!!!!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Well, it's a start! At least it's not "everything but BTC" anymore. Maybe the next step would be to actually LOOK at some other projects instead of throwing them all on one pile.

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

I used voice to text. LOOK MOM, NO HANDS!

r/CryptoCurrencySee Comment

Do not wear jewelry that says “LOOK AT ME, I INVEST IN CRYPTO” that’s a good way to become a target.